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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 42


Chapter 42


“Aman? What about Aman?” Abhas asked Khushi who had specially taken his appointment today to get some information about Aman.

“Anything Abhas. Like how you met him or what his background is”

“Background” Abhas sighed. “Aman himself will not be able to tell you that”

“What do you mean?”

“Means he has lost his memory.”

Khushi was baffled.

“Lost his memory?”

“Yes. 2 years ago. He met an accident. He said he found himself in a hospital where the doctors treated him on charity. He doesn’t remember his past at all”
“Who told you this?”

“Aman himself” Abhas replied. “I met Aman first 5 months after he recovered from that accident. He needed some work and because he was good looking, I thought of offering him some side roles but he wasn’t interested. He wanted to do anything but behind the cameras. He said he was too shy to act. He had some interesting scripts and he was hard working plus a quick learner. He took some basic training on direction and I immediately signed him as an assistant director for my serial. He is really good”

Khushi had her own suspicions if Aman really had lost his memory or was pretending?

“Do you know anything about him?” Abhas asked. “He looks from a good family”

Khushi didn’t reply. She thanked Abhas for giving her the needed information and left his office.


Same Evening
Aman was playing chess with his roommates when the doorbell rang.

“I will check” he got up and opened the door.

“You? What are you doing here?” Aman scowled watching Khushi Singh Raizada at the doorstep of his apartment.

“Can I come inside?” she requested.

“No” he swallowed. “I mean.. I stay with my roomies and the boys are inside”

“Oh” she sighed. “Then why don’t you dress up? We will talk outside”

Aman then realized he was only in his T-Shirt and Shorts. Damn!! He tried to cover himself behind the door.

“But why do you want to talk? If this is about the audition then I am not the right person to speak with”

“This has nothing to do with the Auditions, Aman. Just dress up and come down. I am waiting at the lobby of your apartment”

She strode to the elevator again not without giving him a commanding glare. He had hidden enough; it was time he accepted his identity and reconcile with the Royals now.

Aman came at the lobby within 10 minutes.

“What is all this? Why are you here?” Aman shouted. That commanding tone was definitely one of the Royals.

“What is that scar about?” she asked.

Aman rolled his eyes.

“Oh God. Are you serious? You came here all the way to ask me about my Scar?”

“You met an accident 2 years ago, right?”

“Yes” he answered. “Everyone knows that by now. So what?”

“People also say you don’t remember your past”

Aman swallowed.

“I don’t”

“Are you sure?”

“What kind of question is that?” he snapped. “And why do you care if I recall my past or not?”

“Because you belong to a family, I am a part of”

Aman froze.

“Leave” he groaned. “I said leave before I ask the security to escort you to the exit”

Khushi crossed her arms.

“I thought you will be excited Aman. But seems like you are not even interested to know your past”

Aman didn’t reply.

“That’s right. I am not interested to know my past because I don’t want people to fool me. You think I will believe anyone who comes and tells me that they know about me?”

“Or maybe you are purposely hiding” she stated.

That irked him even more.

“What the hell” he scowled again. “you are crossing your limits. I am listening to you doesn’t mean you will blame me for anything”

“fine” she nodded. “Have you ever tried to contact the police or post any article in the newspaper for your family to show up and claim you back?”

Aman went quiet again.

“Why didn’t you try to connect to your past using these channels or any other? I am sure the Police would have found ways to link you to your real family”

Aman didn’t defend himself.

“And how is it that you know your name but nothing apart from that? What kind of amnesia is this?”

“What do you want to prove? Aman snapped. “What is your purpose of coming here all the way and blaming me?

“I am here to take you back, Aman”

“Back?” he gasped.

“Yes. You are Aman Singh Raizada. One of the Royals. I am married to your brother Arnav Singh Raizada.”

Aman looked away in disbelief.

“How can you be sure that its me? Maybe I just have the same face. And the name can be a coincidence”

Khushi rolled her eyes and took out a paper from her bag.

“this is a letter from your hospital which confirms the date you were admitted after your accident. It’s the same date my brother-in-law Aman Singh Raizada went missing. And if you still need proofs, you can come along with me to Shantivan. I am sure your brothers will have more proofs to prove you are one of them. And if even that doesn’t help, we can always do the DNA test”

“What crap” he muttered. “I am going nowhere. I belong here.. My work is here. I am not leaving this place”

Khushi shrugged.

“fine… if you don’t want to come, I will have to inform your existence to my husband and then let him take the charge. So far I haven’t told him anything”

Aman chewed his teeth.

“You are trying to scare me off?”

“Whats there to scare you about? I am not calling some goons to handle you but your own brother...”

“He is not my brother” he snapped and then realized he went overboard. “I am sure you are mistaken” he added.

“Aman” Khushi kept forcing. “I insist you come with me once to Shantivan, check things with your own eyes. If you still feel you are not among us, I promise to support you if you want to leave”

Aman looked away unable to decide.

“They have kept a Havan tomorrow on your 2nd death anniversary. Don’t let it happen, because you are alive”

“What if I am not the one you are looking for?” he asked.

“I am very sure you are the one. It’s either you have really lost your memories or you are pretending to stay away from your family”

Aman didn’t reply. She came forward.

“If you have really lost your memories, then this is the only way to get them back… to get back to the family who belongs to you..”

Aman fisted his fingers.

“Please come with me” she urged.

Aman exhaled.

“Fine. But if I still don’t get my memories back or I feel that I don’t belong there, I am coming here again. And no one from you or your family can stop me then”

“I promise” she nodded. “I will pick you up in the morning then”

“I will drive” he declared.

“I am afraid you don’t have those skills” she smiled. “Because we are not driving.. we are flying”

Aman frowned.


Khushi was happy that Aman agreed to join her back to Shantivan. She was pretty sure if had really lost his memories, staying with the Raizadas, he will regain them soon. And if he was purposely hiding, it was high time he united with the Royals who missed him so much.. especially Arnav Singh Raizada.



“Khushi is not coming” Arnav informed his Daadi when she asked him in the morning if Khushi had started back to Shantivan completing her shoots.

“She is not coming? Arnav, have you forgot everything? It’s the rule of this family to stay united on every rituals, functions and traditions. She is not just your wife but the eldest bahu of this family. How can she skip such an important Havan?”

Arnav knew Daadi was right. But he didn’t wish to force Khushi to skip her auditions.

“Daadiji, the Priest has arrived” Anamika interrupted.

Daadi was displeased by Arnav but not willing to argue more, she left with Anamika. Arnav groaned at himself for not being able to control the situations.

In the kitchen, Payal was arranging the sweets for distributing amongst the poor people after the Havan completes. She saw a few boxes in the kitchen which should have been placed in the vehicle to take away. Finding no servants available around, she decided to pick the box herself when Anjali stopped her.

“What are you doing?” Anjali shouted. “You should not lift anything heavy”

“I know” Payal sighed. “But these shouldn’t be very heavy, I can still carry a few”


Anjali immediately screamed for the maids who rushed at her call.

“Where are you wasting time? Take these boxes and place them in the vehicle” she instructed.

The maids quickly grabbed the boxes and hurried out.

“That’s how you need to command people” Anjali smirked. “You are a Bahu of this Palace. And we don’t do work, we order others to do”

Payal nodded.

“Thank you” she clutched Anjali’s arm. “Despite Khushi’s absence, I have someone who can look after me, guide me”

Anjali was thrilled.

“To be honest, Payal. I don’t have a good rapport with Khushi because she is very feisty and never has time for this family. But with you, I feel different.”

Payal smiled again.

“Khushi has always been like that since her childhood. She hardly stayed home and managed the household chores”

“I wonder how she would handle the responsibilities of this Palace” Anjali taunted. “Anyways, we should go out. The Priests have come and the Havan will begin any time now”

Payal nodded and both the women hurried to the Living room.


Arnav seated before the Havan with his Daadi beside and the rest of the family members behind. The priest was about to light up the fire and begin the ritual when they all heard a sharp noise of Khushi Singh Raizada.

“Stop this Havan at once” she shouted, glad to have reached on time.

Everyone was startled at her sudden intrusion. Arnav was elated to see her back to support him but why was she denying this ritual?

“Khushi?” he got up from his place and reached her.

“We don’t need to do this Havan, Arnav” she replied.

He swallowed his bubbling anger.

“You know what this Havan is for?” he snapped.

“I know and that’s why I am asking you to stop. Aman is not dead”

The moment she said this everyone got up from their respective seats and circled her.

“What are you saying? Have you lost your mind?” Shyam growled.

Daadi gripped Khushi’s arm and turned her around.

“Seeing you back home, I thought you are willing to support us on such a crucial day but seems like you have to create a drama every time.” Daadi shouted.

Khushi shoved her arm and met Arnav’s heated gaze. She knew the family wouldn’t believe her until she shows them the proof.

“Arnav” she clutched his arm. “Aman is alive. I have brought him here with me”

She turned to the door and everyone looked at that direction to know what she meant. Aman strode inside, looking straight in the eyes of Arnav Singh Raizada. Arnav froze just like all others. He was alive? Aman stopped at the huge photo of the four Raizada Royal Brothers, hung at the side wall and adored it with utter shock.

“I cannot believe this” Aman mumbled touching the photo with his palm.

Daadi’s eyes sprung with tears whereas Arnav Singh Raizada took baby steps to reach where Aman was standing. The moment he got closer, Arnav pulled him for a hug. Aman didn’t hug him back.

“You are alive” Arnav hugged him tight.. “Thank God… you are alive” he rubbed Aman’s back and was about to cup his face when Aman stepped back.

Arnav was surprised when he saw no tinge of recognition in his brothers eyes.


“I am sorry, I don’t .. I don’t recognize you all” he said staring back at the family behind Arnav.

Khushi swallowed her disappointment and came forward.

“He has lost his memory” she informed.

The family was again shocked by the revelation. Khushi started sharing with them how she met Aman and then also got the proofs of his accident from the hospital which treated him. She showed the papers to Arnav and then Shyam and Akash snatched it to read.

Aman rubbed the sweat beads formed on his forehead and turned to Khushi.

“I don’t think I remember them. And as you promised, I am free to leave”

He was about to leave when Arnav gripped his arm.

“You cannot leave” Arnav’s eyes took a dangerous gleam.

Aman’s brows shot up.

“You might have lost your memories Aman but that doesn’t change the fact that you are part of this family”

“Wait” Shyam intruded. “How can you be so sure he is really our Aman? I think we need to do the DNA test”

Arnav grit his teeth. He knew Shyam wouldn’t believe anything so easily.

“I know he is our Aman” Arnav scowled. “But for Shyam’s knowledge and Aman’s confirmation, we will do the DNA test and until then you are not supposed to leave”

Aman rolled his eyes and his mouth twisted ruefully.

“Your brother or not.. I am still not interested in staying here. I have my own life in Mumbai and I will return after this so-called Test”

Suddenly they all heard a sharp sound of a plate falling on the floor. When they turned in the direction of the noise, they saw Anamika standing there, deeply shocked seeing Aman Singh Raizada. Obviously, Aman’s presence here had shaken her and it was noticeable in her shivering form as she bent down to collect the flowers back in the Thali which fell from her hand.

To be Continued.



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  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Wow !!!
    Amazing yaar ....
    🥰👏👏👏👏 loved it so much

  3. Did anamika know that Aman was alive

  4. Finally khushi succeed bringing aman, i hate dadi's behaviour, always finding faults in khushi. Now arnav can be guilty free .
    Waiting for next update dear

  5. Awesome Update. Has Aman really lost his memory or is acting. His reaction after meeting Khushi was weird but it proves he knows everything about Arshi and their marriage. I am loving this Khushi who has finally became so responsible for her family and her commanding attitude is nice. Khushi enquired Aman nicely and finally she considers herself as a part of Royal family. Why Aman said people will fool him. Seems Aman has some misconceptions and has some hidden anger on Arnav. It's good that Khushi came prepared with proofs. It's sad that Aman didn't acknowledge Arnav as his brother whereas Arnav missed him badly. Anamika's agenda is still hidden and she was shocked seeing Aman. Anjali and Payal's new bond is good though didn't like Anjali's views on Khushi. Khushi made the perfect entry at the correct time. Arnav got emotional seeing Aman . Shyam always says wrong thing . Is he the reason of rift between the brothers. Anamika's behaviour is highly suspicious. Hope the brothers sort out everything and Khushi is going to play a pivotal role in this. Thanks for the Update 😍

  6. Hmmm so is Anamika his wife or gf???
    Waiting to see the story is at a interesting juncture

  7. Wow. Just wow. I thought getting Aman back home will take a few more updates but u made it possible in one update. Love the way it's going.. Keep up the good work loved it. Waiting to see Khushi and Arnav moments after what khushi has done for them

  8. Arnav didn't approve Anamika maybe that's why Aman is angry. Waiting for some Arshi moments 😍

  9. While reading this i was waiting for Anambika reactions and we got that at the end of the update...Not fair...i think she's the girl which Aman loved...But what about Anambika didnt she know Aman was alive...So many question...waiting for next update to get more clearance on this...

  10. Awesome fabulous update dear

  11. Awesome update.... I think Aman is acting because if a person lost his memory then he would be desperate to find his past and family... Here he is not at all interested....who wouldn't want to find their family?

  12. Each one thinks Khushi is incapable but, in all honesty that family needs a tutor to tell them each of them can live their life and yet stay as a family. I'm glad Khushi is who she is. And she will eventually change everyone.


  13. Looks like Aman is acting ��!!!
    So Anamika is Aman’s girlfriend?? Very interesting update.

  14. I guess either Aman us pretending of memory loss or he isn't the real Aman but his doppelganger who is planted by any of Arnav's enemy & that's y Anamika was shocked seeing him...

    I'm very eager for the revelations...

    Thanks for the awesome update as always Madhu & would love to read obe more update of this story if possible...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  15. He is definitely pretending his memory loss...Arnav will easily catch him...

  16. This is very interesting. Please update soon.

  17. First of all, I read all of your previous fan fictions and they were fantastic Madhu... Thanks for being such a good writer...😊😊 The characters you portray touch our hearts...

    When I was introduced to fan fictions through my friend, I came across your stories through facebook and by now, I completed reading them all... I used to wait for for your updates daily... especially during my exams😉

    I love almost all of the different characterizations of arshi in your different stories... Lawful sins, Stardom which I read through amazon and Publicist were my favourites among them... I enjoyed badtameez too which ended recently... but this Khushi in 'the royal fling' is the best Khushi I have come across of any arshi ff... I like everything about her in this story... a nice and independent woman... Very determined... She tells whatever is there in her mind... and Arnav is a perfect match to her... but I still feel she needs a proper apology from Arnav for forcing her into marriage through lies... I just feel that way but he is definitely a good husband that Khushi could ever get... Waiting to know the progress in their relationship... Once again, thanks for your beautiful stories which makes me feel arshi still alive through them... 😍😍

    1. You won't upload lawful sins???

    2. Madhu please update lawful sins 2

    3. Madhu, will you not update lawful sins today?

  18. lovely update and left again at a cliff hanger. Looking forward for the next update

  19. Aman was ready to accept that he is a royal as soon as he saw khushi at his apartment. But Khushi gave him a chance to hide for more time by asking him if he had memory loss. I think Aman wants to test the real motives of his brothers before committing to them. Anamika is the same girl who spiked khushi's drink.

  20. Awesome update. Avni, who's spiked her drink and Aman's girlfriend. Seems like Aman has grievances against Arnav and this royal family and as a result he is denying his relationship and identity also.

  21. I still can’t deduce whether Aman is truly lost his memories or pretending. And Avni seems unaware of amans presence. I mean that he lives. Looking forward to read how it will go. I have a feeling that Daadi will be okay with khushis career. If it’s not for her they wouldn’t have found Aman. It’s getting more interesting. And I can’t believe this story almost reached to 50 chapters. I mean it’s chapter 42.

  22. What's going to happen now? Really excited
    Please help me I'm a new writer

  23. I loved it how khushi hanlded it everything soo well 😍👌👌 ... How she was well prepared and planned to get aman to his house before havan and she got all the proofs from hospital i liked it the effort she took 😍😘 ... I think aman is pretending and he don't want to stay with his family but arnav was soo shocked happy and emotional at the same time to get his brother back 😍 and anamika is she avini she also don't know that aman is alive or she know aahh soo many misteries abt her plezs open it soon cannot wait to know it it soon plezs

  24. Woww... madhu... awesome... itwaa super... i thing this anamika is a mystery... she had a hand in amans death... may be she used him.

  25. What Khushi did was commendable....she is carrying out her responsibilities well as the eldest bahu of the Royals. She has Arnav's traits in her i would say!

  26. Wow... Too much drama and revelations... Good one

  27. Anamika is aman gf. Fabulous update

  28. Madhu, will you upload lawful sins?

  29. well its a mystery whether aman have lost his memory or he is lying but dna test will atleast prove something.. anamika is shocked to see aman.. good.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu

  30. Wow it was interesting
    So Aman really lost his memory
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  31. Nice update..lovef the way khushi hot Anan with her n stopped the havan..

    Anamika what's her story?

    Looking forward

  32. I have a theory on Aman-Arnav-Anamika relationship.
    As we know, Arnav did not like Aman-Anamika relationship, and i think Arnav was right. When Aman left house for Anamika, guess he also get to know the reality of Anamika and either confronted her or went missing.
    If he confronted her, may be Anamika is responsible for aman's accident, or simply Aman's accident happened and Anamika is feeling guilty.
    However, Anamika's intention is not clear. If anamika really loved Aman and came here for revenge against Arnav or she have another agenda!!!

    Fab update
    Aman lost his memory and anamika's intention is still not clear
    Loved it

  34. Please update. Eager to read both the ffs

  35. Wonderful update finally khushi made aman come back home

  36. Waiting for Lawful Sins 2 . Please Update🙏😧

  37. Plz leave a note when you cannot post. :(

  38. When will you update?
    Atleast tell us if you are not uploading

  39. What a mind blowing update. Madhu I cannot wait for the next update.
