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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 43


Chapter 43

“Sorry” Anamika collected the fallen flowers, her hands were still shaking. She picked the Thali and returned back to the kitchen. Her heart raced. The past 2 years of her life had been the most difficult ones. She had cried for months after his death, even tried to end her life. She had cursed Arnav Singh Raizada for saving her that day and even vowed to ruin his Royal family for snatching her love. But today after seeing Aman alive, she couldn’t thank God enough to keep him safe all these years. That’s it. She removed her veil covering her head. No more pretense, no more hiding. Aman was here and she couldn’t wait to be in his arms again. But will he remember her? When he couldn’t recall his own family, how will he recognize her?

“Anamika” Payal called out and before anyone could notice her face, she covered her head with the Veil again.

“Jee” she turned around.
“Go and inform the other maids to clean Aman’s room” Payal commanded.

She plainly nodded and slipped out of the room with a heavy heart.


“I… I don’t want to stay here” Aman resisted when Khushi walked him towards his room in the house. It had been an hour since they were here. The Priests were sent back home and the ritual was cancelled. Though Shyam, Akash and Arnav tried to talk to Aman, he maintained some distance from everyone and chose to only be with Khushi. She didn’t leave his side either. If Aman had really lost his memories, she realized how much out of place he felt at this moment.

“Aman, it’s hardly a matter of one day. My family won’t eat you out”

He shrugged.

“Your family!!! Bunch of ..”

“Excuse me?” she scoffed. “Don’t even think of disrespecting them”

Aman let out a chuckle.

“I was going to say they are bunch of dysfunctional heads”

That’s true. Khushi smiled back and kept walking.

“How did a woman like you end up in this place?” he asked.

“Destiny” she mumbled and stopped at the door of another lavish room which belonged to Aman Singh Raizada. “That’s your room. Please be comfortable and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to give me a shout”

“Shout?” he laughed again. “I don’t think the soundproof walls of this Palace will let my voice reach you”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“That’s my room” she pointed at the left. “Knock it if you need anything”

Anamika came there with a tray of fruits and water.

“Why are you doing this?” Khushi stopped her. “Where are the other servants?”

Anamika hesitated to reply at first but since her silence would make them suspicious, she changed her tone a bit while responding.

“Daadiji asked me to look after his needs. Others are busy winding up the havan’s arrangements”

“Okay. Go ahead”

Anamika nodded and entered the room.

“All your servants cover their faces?” he asked.

“Not all. Just her. She is newly appointed. Anyways, I will check with Arnav when we are going for the test tomorrow”

The mention of Arnav wiped off the smile from Aman’s face. He plainly nodded and slipped inside his room.


Khushi showered and when she came out, she saw Daadi inside, waiting for her.


“I had knocked. Arnav opened the door and let me in”

Khushi scanned around.

“He has gone down now” Daadi added coming forward. “I came here to apologize for what I said”

Daadi joined her palms and met Khushi’s eyes with tears in her own.

“I always misjudged you and your decision to continue working. But today, that same profession of yours has got Aman back in this house. I will always be in your debt”

Khushi clutched Daadi’s wrists and moved them away.

“You don’t have to thank me for anything. I am just a medium to bring Aman back in the family”

Daadi wiped her tears. Arnav Singh Raizada stepped in the room. Daadi decided to leave them alone. She strode to Arnav, patted his arm gently and walked out. Khushi’s gaze met Arnav’s.

“I am the center of attraction today” she exclaimed. “Everyone is just coming to me and thanking. First Akash, Payal then Daadi… now you”

Before she could even complete the statement, he grabbed Khushi in a fierce hug. Khushi sucked in a deep breath at his sudden action. He didn’t speak a word. He wanted to thank her for what she did. She could read that from his gestures. He hugged her harder. His chest heaved deep as he fought for air. Her slender arms automatically wrapped around him and she soothed the back of his head. Her throat closed tight, preventing her from saying anything. Their relationship hadn’t been regular types but she couldn’t push him away at this instance. Past 2 years he considered himself responsible for Aman’s death. Today she had relieved him from this guilt. How else was he supposed to thank her? After few minutes he pulled away and met her eyes. She could see tears in them. It was unusual for Khushi to notice a powerful man like him falling so weak, looking so fragile.

“Whatever you did today for me.. for this family… shows your commitment Khushi. Destiny might have led you to Aman but you brought him here. You have no idea what you have given me today.. what you have given this family today”

Khushi swallowed. So much of appreciation from this man? Wow!!

“And I thought you were a man of few words” she interjected with a teasing smile.

He recollected something.

“You had auditions today, didn’t you?”

“Auditions postponed” she sighed. “Because their assistant director fell ill” she bit her lip to hold her laugh.

Arnav didn’t understand anything.

“Aman is that assistant director. I made him lie to the Production so that he gets a day or two off to come here and meet you all”

Arnav was shocked.

“Aman is directing a web series?” he queried.

“Yep. Your brother is a genius in direction. His debut web series last year was a huge hit. You should watch it someday”

That was too much for Arnav to process. He always thought Aman would be handling their business.

“Don’t cut his wings this time” Khushi urged studying his face.

Arnav frowned.

“When I didn’t touch yours… how can I cut his?”

“You didn’t touch my wings? Really?” she argued. “You brainwashed my Producers, almost got my contracts to an end”

“Sshhhh” he placed his finger on her lips. Her heart quickened at his touch. “You shouldn’t stress so much. It will affect your performance in the auditions whenever it is”

Khushi’s eyebrows twitched high. She pushed his finger away.

“You don’t have to worry about my performance”

Looking over his shoulder, she found Aman watching them from the door.


Arnav turned behind.

“Sorry… I …” Aman cleared his throat finding excuses. “I didn’t mean to intervene”

“You didn’t. We were just… talking” Khushi replied.

Arnav watched his brother get inside the room. What hurt him was that Aman never even looked at him. He was clearly ignoring Arnav ever since he came here.

“I am suffocating here” Aman mentioned. “Need some fresh air”

“You can stroll in the lawn outside” Arnav suggested.

Aman didn’t like that idea.

“I will drive around this place, that should work for me”

“Drive?” Arnav snapped. “Where?”

“I don’t deem it necessary to tell you” Aman scowled.

“Tone, Aman. Watch your tone” Arnav reminded.

“Oh Sorry” Aman replied sarcastically. “I forgot I am talking to a Royal. The eldest one in that case and I have no rights to share my opinions here”

“Aman?” Khushi came ahead. “That’s not what he meant”

“Oh please..” Aman ignored. “Don’t hide your husband’s faults. He is responsible for my present state”

Now that was interesting!

“How do you know I was responsible? You have lost your memories, don’t you?” Arnav queried suspiciously.

“Google” Aman replied. “I am smart enough to do my own research Arnav Singh Raizada. Before coming here, I had found out why I met that accident”

“Guys, please” Khushi intervened again. “Aman… you should take things one at a time. If you are going to judge everything with what people say, then…”

“I am driving out” Aman scorned. “And despite I wish to run away from this place, I am not. I just need some fresh air”

He walked out of the room. Arnav clenched his fists.

“Shit” Khushi turned to him. “I don’t understand when he got time to google around?”

“He is lying” Arnav muttered.


She stared at her husband, confused. How can he be so sure?

“There is nothing on Internet which can give him an insight of that accident” he added.

Khushi recalled during her marriage to Arnav, she herself had tried to find details on Akash and Aman’s absence but couldn’t find anything on the Internet. Then how could Aman get the details?

“He remembers everything Khushi”

Khushi sighed in disbelief.

“I felt the same when I met him first but.. why is he hiding it?” she asked. “Anyways. He is hurt. Probably that’s why he never came back in this family in the last two years. You need to handle him patiently. That’s the only way you can win him back”

She had a point. Arnav dialed someone on his phone.

“Aman is out.. Follow him and ensure he returns safe”

He disconnected the call. This time he wouldn’t take any chances. He would protect each and everyone from this family..


The DNA test came out as expected the next day. Though none of the family members had any confusion, they still did it on Shyam Singh Raizada’s persistence. Aman didn’t even look at the report. He simply put the papers away and turned back to his brothers who were all waiting for his decision.

“This changes nothing..” Aman exclaimed.

“What do you mean Aman?” Akash asked. “You are one of us”

“I am but I don’t belong here. I have a career in Mumbai and I am returning there tonight”

“Fair enough” Shyam replied and then stared at Arnav who was unhappy. “If he is not interested in staying with us, I don’t think we should force”

“Aman” Daadi intruded. “Don’t say that. You are a son of this house. We all need you. After such a long time this family has got its peace back. Its unity back. Please don’t break it and walk away”

Khushi, Anjali and Payal didn’t intervene. Though all the three hoped Aman would agree to stay.

“No one is going him” Arnav declared coming forward.

“What are you saying Arnav? You will let him go?” Daadi questioned.

“If my brothers don’t wish to stay under the same roof, I have already made it clear they are free to leave” he replied.

Shyam knew the taunt was for him.

“I am no more going to bind them at this place. They are free enough to take their own decisions”

Aman was surprised.

“If they want to settle independently, they are always welcome to do so”

He then met Aman’s gaze.

“Distances won’t change our blood” he muttered.

Daadi helplessly looked away.

“Everyone has gone insane here… every one of you” she screamed. “Shyam wants to leave.. and Aman is not even ready to accept his identity. And Arnav.. the eldest one who had to control the reins of this family, our traditions, is freely letting you all take separate ways. I don’t have any say in your decisions. I don’t have place in your hearts..” she sobbed clutching her heart. “I don’t want to see you all breaking away from each other.. I ..”

Her head spun and she collapsed on the floor, almost lifeless. Her grandsons immediately surrounded her. Whilst Arnav and Shyam carried Daadi to her room, Aman followed them and Akash dialed for the Doctor. Khushi had witnessed Daadi collapsing like that before but it was all a sham earlier. Today, it wasn’t. That time to stop Khushi from leaving the house, Daadi had fooled her but today…. Today the old woman had really taken things to her heart and the only thing that could save her was seeing her grandsons living in unity.

To be Continued.


Note: Very very delayed for this update :( 

And for all those who asked me if I watched the Live Chat of Barun and Sanaya with Gul on the occasion of 9th Anniversary of IPKKND.. YES. I watched that video. Sharing the same link here for those who didnt :)


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Hmmm why is Aman mad with arnav due to fact that he is unable to trace Anamika??

  3. That means Aman is pretending memory loss... He just don't want to live with Arnav under the same roof as he thinks he is still that dominating brother.. But good that Arnav cleared his misunderstanding by agreeing to his demands of staying in Mumbai & pursuing his career outside their family business... I guess Anamika revealed herself to Aman & both did unite...

    Now dadi's illness will compel all the four brothers to stay under the same roof & that might bring them closer...

    Thanks for the update Madhu & that's absolutely fine if u get delayed in updating... U aren't compelled to update daily... Update at ur convenience dear...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Awesome update....i really want to know why Aman doesn't like Arnav now....

  5. Madhu I am requesting you again can you please let us know which story you will update next ? Atleast give some synopsis regarding new story or tell us from when you will update new story..

    1. I will put a note on this tomorrow..for sure.

    2. Please update lawful sins tomorrow and keep a lil more intimacy (more than it was in badtameez)

      Please ��������

  6. Awesome Update. Anamika is not that bad . She just love Aman. Why is Aman still pretending the reason is yet to be revealed. I liked Khushi's concern for Aman. Aman seems to be disinterested and disrespectful towards the family. Khushi scolded Aman for disrespecting her family proves how much she values the family now. Aman may have some misunderstanding with Arnav due to Anamika. Daadi finally apologized to Khushi and now she knows her worth. Khushi has done so much for the family but still there is some hesitation in her. Arnav is not so good in words but sometimes action speaks louder. Arshi's hug was awesome and was much needed . Glad that Khushi lend her support in that sensitive moment to Arnav.Arnav became vulnerable and this side is new to Khushi. Arnav has finally shed his ego and expressed his gratitude to Khushi. Hope whatever issue Aman has he can sort out by talking. His actions are clearly hurting Arnav . Aman is clearly pretending and blaming Arnav due to his misconceptions. Is Shyam or Anamika the reason for the rift. Glad that Arnav finally gave Aman his freedom. Hope Daadi's attack opens Aman's eyes and he stays with the family. Thanks for the Update 😍

  7. Awesome what happened with Anamika does everyone going to her real identity

  8. Aman hasn't seen Arnav's transformation yet he still think of Arnav as the dominative brother. Glad that Arnav gave Aman the much needed independence. Daadi's sudden attack will probably make Aman stay with the Royal family and also in this way his misunderstanding will get clear.

  9. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. Arnav is too clever .. Awesome

  11. Love it!
    So aman was faking it!
    But how come he stayed away from his love?

  12. Great update.. Was wishing it to be a little longer. Please if possible please try and update regularly. It's a request. Love ur writing and wanna read once daily.

  13. Awesone update , aman acting but he can't fool our arnav. Dadi also start like khushi 😃. Poor dadi suffering bcz of his grandsons stubbornness.

  14. Awesome fabulous update dear

  15. Arnav letting him go? Is there any strategy behind it?

  16. Fabulous update. Dadi is taking things to her heart. Arnav is changing himself for good to please his wife and family.

  17. Daadi should understand the time and way people have changed along with it. You can live seperately still be a family than staying under a roof having no actual bond.


  18. Wonderful update
    So Aman really was faking about his memory loss
    But why didn't he look for Anamika as he love her and everything happen only for her
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Awesome update. Arnav's way of tackling situations have changed due to his wife. He now believes in togetherness from heart and not by compulsion. It's a great change. Daadi is finally changing her perception towards her. Aman probably has some misconceptions. Daadi should not force the entire family to stay together and she should be giving liberality to each of the family members and let them to know about their happiness and choices.

  21. I think there must be big misunderstanding that's why aman is pretending memory loss ..

    Like arnav's stand this time.

    Khushi too good.

    Hope dadi is ok

  22. Arnav got it that aman have not lost his memory.. good to hear that he is not gonna force anyone to stay back if they don't want but dadi is breaking with all going on their own ways.. lovely update..

  23. Good one. I would like to see an amazing friendship between khushi and Aman. They are both alike. Khushi will be the one who helps to reconnect the two brothers. I feel bad for arnav. Everyone he loves tend to leave him. Aman and khushi. Poor guy. One thing is confirmed, Avni didn’t know about Amans whereabouts, seemed like he didn’t want to contact her even. He must have needed a big time away from everyone. Nice update!! Thank you for the update sis!

  24. Awesome update.. can't wait for more

  25. Arnav is getting the burnt from all sides
