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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 15


Chapter 15
Lavanya didn’t speak anything yet during their onward journey to Shantivan. Her mind was still finding the possibilities of that lipstick marks on Arnav’s Shirt collar. When she couldn’t hold her curiosity, she decided to ask.

“Who is your common client with Guptas?”

Arnav was already lost in some other world. The way he speeded the car and scared Khushi Gupta was not something he liked doing. But how was he supposed to know what scared her off?

“ASR” Lavanya shook him.

“Uhh?” he gave her a quick glance.
“I asked where had you been with Khushi?”

Been? He was taken....
“Mr. Sharma is one of my old client and hers too. So, we decided to invite him together” he lied.

Lavanya nodded. She could clearly catch his lie because whenever Arnav lied, he never met her eyes. He was hiding something she desperately needed to know.


Gupta Villa
“Are you sure I wont look like a clown in this?” Nandakishore asked checking the Sherwani which was designed for his Sangeet.

“Kishu.. you are the most handsome man on this earth. And there is no outfit ever made yet which can make you look anything less than that”

Nandakishore blushed.

“Khush” he sat next to her. “You know I was thinking something today”

“Thinking is my job.. not yours”

“Well.. in this case… its mine” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “You see how Nani and Lavanya are looking for a prospective bride for ASR?”

Khushi’s heart fluttered.


“So, I was just thinking I should do the same for you. I am your only family and if I don’t look for a nice decent guy for you, who else would? Unless you tell me if you have already found a match”

Khushi frowned.

“You want me to marry?”

“I want you to settle down and feel loved”

She rolled her eyes.

“Nonsense. Love is a delusion Kishu”

“Its not”

“For me, it is. I am a practical woman. I don’t like falling for something and love makes you fall, beg, plead, yearn, cry and what not” she argued.

“Oh Khush” he snapped. “How am I supposed to convince you?”

“You cannot” she patted his cheek. “So, stop trying”

Nandakishore sighed disappointed.

“By the way Mom had called” he informed.

Khushi clenched her jaw. Mom?

“She… she said she wanted to speak to you”

Khushi didn’t speak a word but kept checking his other outfits.

“Khush..” he lifted her chin. “I know you don’t want them around us but.. this is such a huge occasion of our lives. I think we should..”

“I have an urgent email to send” she interrupted. “You try the other outfits and let the designer know if you have any issues”

She stood up and hurried out of the room. Nandakishore hated to admit there was sadness in his sister’s eyes and he could understand why. If she didn’t want to call their parents for the wedding, so be it. He will not force her.


Khushi was lying on the bed, her fingers playing with the table lamp button, switching it On and Off every second. Her eyes glued on the ceiling as she recalled the way Arnav Singh Raizada speeded the car. He defied her commands. He purposely did that to scare her off. How dare he!! But then he even soothed her.. comforted her and… saw her in the most vulnerable state. Would he link the dots? Would he..? No!! She had to keep him occupied to avoid doing it. She picked her phone and messaged him.

‘Pick my Sangeet dress from the designer tomorrow and bring it to Prem Nivas. Sharp by 11:00 am. No delays’

Arnav tossed on his bed to grab the phone which beeped for an incoming message. He read it with sleepy eyes. Damn this woman!! He wouldn’t let him work peacefully neither sleep. She was making him do things which any servant would do for her. And tomorrow evening was Sangeet ceremony arranged in Shantivan. He already had to handle the preps here. How could he fetch time for that? Fine!! He thought. If this was how she planned to keep him occupied, he will still find other ways to complete his own work at Shantivan.

It had started raining heavily, Khushi was instantly afraid of the intense lightening. It was around 01:00 am now and the water had started sprinkling inside her room from the French doors at the balcony. She had to close them. She got reached the doors and was about to close it when she heard Bella whining. She looked down and found Bella drenched in water, hiding herself under a bench. What was that puppy doing there? The lightning struck again which scared both Khushi and Bella equally. Damn!! She shut the door. Bella was under the custody of her servant. Where the hell were they? Sleeping probably as it was too late but why didn’t they tie Bella? Why was she out in the garden at this hour? The lightning struck again and Bella whining became frantic. Khushi clenched her fists and strode out. She reached the garden where Bella was hiding. She sympathized for Bella who was scared to death under that bench, hoping the rain to stop. It reminded Khushi of her past where she had faced a situation similar to Bella’s.

The rains poured like it would drown the whole planet. 7-year old Khushi all soaked in the rain, sat beside a bench on the roadside, all curled up and shivering. The vehicles moved from both the directions, honking speedily, intensifying her shivers. It was dark and she wanted to go home, cuddle her pillow and fall asleep. She wanted to feel safe. She wanted to be warm. Only if, someone from her family came and saved her from this tragic situation.

Bella’s barked softly to acknowledge her presence, bringing Khushi Gupta out of her stance. She instantly leaned down and picked Bella in her arms. Bella wagged her tail and coiled in Khushi’s arms, trying to draw some warmth. It was an unusual feeling for Khushi but equally filled with pride for saving this innocent soul from further torment. She took Bella inside the house, straight to her room where she was strictly denied before. Placing her on the couch, Khushi dried the puppy by a towel. Bella licked Khushi’s fingers as she kept rubbing the towel to soak the water from Bella’s body.

“Don’t do that” Khushi shouted at the puppy who gazed back at her with hopeful eyes. “Stay here” she ordered and got up to leave. The moment Khushi strode to her bed, Bella hopped down the couch and followed her.

“Don’t you understand?” she snapped again at the puppy who took a step back seeing her frustrated. “Just sleep there.. okay?”

Bella passed a protesting grunt. She was probably hungry. Khushi opened the side drawer and took out a chocolate. She tore the wrapper and placed it before the puppy. Bella sniffed it but didn’t eat. It was so difficult to pet her.!! Khushi grabbed her phone and messaged the man responsible for this present situation.

‘What does Bella eat?’

Arnav who had just fallen asleep a minute ago woke up at the message beep. He opened the inbox and read the message. A grin popped up on his face. What was Khushi Gupta and Bella doing together at this hour? As far as he knew, Lavanya had told him that Bella’s custody was handed over to the servants. He replied back.

‘How am I supposed to know? She is your pet now’

Khushi frowned reading his reply and was about to type a rude response when his next message buzzed.

‘Try milk’

He was right. All puppies needed milk. She placed Bella on the couch again and headed down in the kitchen. She returned with a bowl of milk. None of her servants were useful. Despite of having them at her service, she had to take care of Bella at this hour. Tomorrow she was going to fire them for being so irresponsible. When Khushi returned, Bella was on her bed, under the comforter, taking warmth in it. She put her down again and pushed the bowl of milk. Bella immersed her face inside the bowl and licked the milk. She liked it. Khushi was relieved. As soon as Bella finished the milk, she tongued her lips once and then hopped on the bed, beside Khushi to join her in the comforter.

“What the hell, get down” Khushi shouted.

Bella wagged her tail and gently squealed. Khushi rolled her eyes. Everyone was scared when she commanded but this puppy didn’t. Khushi melted when Bella settled at her feet over the comforter. Looked like she had found the spot to sleep tonight. Khushi’s phone buzzed again.

‘Don’t let Bella sleep hungry’
Khushi frowned. She is not a devil to do that. Arnav Singh Raizada should know how much efforts she took tonight to care the puppy he gifted. She clicked a picture of sleeping Bella at her feet and shared it with him along with a message.

‘She is full and asleep. Right at my feet… just where I want to see you someday… pleading and begging for a life free of my slavery’
She wanted to coax him hence she wrote all that she yearned for. But instead of a challenging reply from Arnav Singh Raizada, she got a response which fluttered her heart.

‘You had held me to your heart today and people who do that, don’t dream of enslaving that person. Good night Miss Gupta, your Sangeet Dress will be picked up as requested’

Khushi clutched her phone. She had held him to her heart today. Yes.. That was a reaction she couldn’t ignore in her distress. But if he thought she would be lenient on him, he was wrong. She gazed back at Bella who was asleep and snoring with a contended look on her little face. High time she got some sleep too.


“ASR, that’s not fair” Lavanya argued. “Why cant you drop me to the Parlor?”

“I have something else to finish La. I promise to be back soon. Maybe I can pick you up from the parlor once your work is done”

Lavanya frowned.

“You are getting busier than I thought”

“Please understand” he cupped her face. “I am doing this all for you, believe me”

Lavanya smiled.

“I know. Alright, go and finish your work. I will take Nani along”

Arnav hurried out to drive in his three-piece suit. He had a few business calls to make before he reached Prem Nivas where Khushi Gupta wanted him to show up with her Sangeet outfit. He ensured not to miss his work in the 6-month deal. He had to balance both.

Arnav picked the dress from the Designer and headed straight to Prem Nivas where Khushi Gupta had just arrived.

“You are late by 20 minutes” she said checking her watch.

“Your designer delayed” he placed the box on the table. “Now what?”

It was evident he waited for the next orders to come up. The sooner he finishes all that, the quicker he can reach home and take care of tonight’s arrangements.

“Very excited to work for me, aren’t you?” she teased.

“I am hurrying to get back home. Have a dance rehearsal”

Khushi was amused. Dance rehearsal?

“You don’t need to rehearse to dance on my tunes” she smirked.

“Apparently, you are not the one I am talking about. It is NK and La’s Sangeet tonight and Lavanya wants me to perform with her friend”

Khushi looked at his face, amused.

“You don’t look like a dance material to me”

“I am not” he shrugged. “But of course, anything for Lavanya. You must have known that by now, haven’t you?”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“You won’t dance with anyone Mr. Raizada. Because you need my permission for doing that”

“Excuse me??”

She didn’t care to explain but picked the box and strode to the room downstairs.

“I am trying this dress. If there are any alterations, I want you to take it back to my designer and get it fixed.”

Arnav clenched his jaw. She is crossing every limits of his patience. As she locked herself in the room to change, he sat on the couch checking his emails on the phone.

Khushi wore the Lehnga and was tying the knots of her Choli when her phone rang. It was her mother. AGAIN. Her mother had tried to call her many times since last evening which she blindly ignored but this time she was going to attend the call and make it very clear to her mother that she and her father had no invitation to Nandakishore’s wedding. If they even tried to sneak here, she would make them repent hard.

To be Continued.



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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing


“What a coincidence?”

She heard a familiar voice. She raised her head only to find Rehaan Malik standing next to her seat.

“We are not just co-passengers but also co-seaters” he dumped his laptop bag into the chamber above their heads and took his seat – 3B.

“Impossible” she mumbled. The thought of tolerating him for another 14 hours journey wasn’t so good.

“I think God wants to see us together” he commented seeing her displeased look.


  1. Thank you Madhu for the update. I think Khushi ll blackmail arnav to marry her may be contract marriage.
    But when you will update about the next new story. You promised to do it today.

    1. Please upload lawful sins again tomorrow

  2. Khushi has a bad past which is why she is rude. But that’s not an enough reason to take revenge like she is doing now. She is punishing everyone who comes in her way and it cannot be justified. I really Hope khushi will love Bella more than everyone including arnav. That will be interesting. Nice update! Thank you!

  3. She is not that bad.....she was kind in past but something changed her.....and she became like this

  4. Awesome Update. Khushi has a soft side which is hidden . She probably became like this because of her parents. She is afraid to trust anyone and hide her pain behind her anger. Khushi has her own fears first from speed and then from darkness. She is afraid that people will know her vulnerable side so she shows her egoistic side to the world. Khushi is showing her soft side to Bella. The way she nurtured Bella show her soft side. 7 year old Khushi has faced a tragic situation and she only appears rude. One on side Khushi humiliates Arnav and on other side show her possessiveness . Her parents are somewhere responsible for her current state. But that doesn't mean what she is doing with Arnav is right. Thanks for the Update 😍.

  5. Got a little bit glimpse of Khushi's childhood in this update.. Though couldn't decipher much but that still somewhat explained the reason behind her fear of loud noises & speedy cars...

    I so so wish Lavanya works on her doubts & gets to know about the deal between Arshi before her marriage & she refuses to marry NK at the cost of her brother's slavery to Khushi...

    I also have this hunch that NK might see those pics of the farmhouse Khushi used to blackmail Arnav & NK would misunderstand Arnav demanding his marriage with his sis along with his & Lav on the same day..

    Possibilities are many.. Lets see how u proceed this story further Madhu.. But must say it's getting damn interesting with every update...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  6. Awesome update. Khushi show some mercy on Arnav. Stop being so arrogant bossy.

  7. Why do I feel some romance coming up in the next update? Or am I thinking too much? Please reply if my intuition is right ;)

  8. Arnav come on now you should find out what is Khushi past...We are waiting for this part also we want to know Arnav past too...I guess both of them will heal each other soon...

  9. Please give us anotehr update tomorrow with lotsssss of romance

  10. Looks like parents were abusive and neglectful wonder she has so much trauma and mental issues

  11. Wonderful update loved it
    Loved the way Khushi took care of Bella what is Khushi's past
    I think Khushi will dance with Arnav
    Let's see what's coming

  12. I think arshi will bond over Bella. Gifting a dog named Bella. That's so romantic! I liked how Khushi treats Arnav as her 2 am friend for small things like dog's food and Arnav doesn't mind it at all. She could have woken up one of servants but she thought of arnav first. I know it's to annoy him but still :p

  13. That was something really great with Bella... Liked the way Khushi treated the puppy while taking Arnav's help...

  14. Seems there is a painful story with khushi and her parents yhats why she doesnt want them..

    Like the way finally she care of bella..which shows she has somewhere deep inside the kindness and love

    Arnsv too good love the way he is handling khushi and her tantrum..

    Looking forward

  15. Awesome wonderful update madhu

  16. Amazing update. Loved the way she took care of Bella while taking Arnav's help which shows she has kindness and love somewhere deep inside her heart. I think Khushi will dance with Arnav. Glad to see a glimpse of her past. Let's see how the story unfolds.

  17. Her parents played a huge role in her dark past that’s for sure. She is so rich. Why doesn’t she go for counseling.
