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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 14


Chapter 14

As they reached her car, Khushi stopped. Arnav had no clue why she didn’t get in the car.

“A driver’s duty is to open the car door for his Boss” she reminded.

Arnav clenched his jaw. She was not going to take this easy way, he knew. He came ahead and opened the front seat passenger door. Khushi still didn’t get inside.

“You got to learn a lot Mr. Raizada. A Boss never sits next to the driver but at the backseat. Open the backseat door for me”

Arnav composed his growing anger and obeyed her commands. During all this, he didn’t leave his gaze from her face. Before getting inside, she smirked hard again witnessing his pitiful state.
“And I don’t need to tell you to lower your eyes. Such intense eye locks with your Boss is a strict No”

Arnav rolled his eyes and shut the door as she got inside the car. This was going to be one hell of a ride and he would make sure she would remember this for her lifetime. He took the steering wheels in his control and drove them out.

“How’s Bella?” Arnav asked peeping at her from the rear mirror. “I hope you are not troubling her too much”

She frowned. It was the other way around. Today morning when she woke up, Bella was on her bed, licking her feet. Khushi resisted herself from kicking the puppy away and screamed at her maids who let the puppy loose in her room. Now they had strict orders not to let the puppy enter her room ever!!

“She is alive” Khushi mocked.

“And make sure she stays that way” Arnav warned. “Don’t harm an innocent life”

“If you love her so much, why don’t you take her back?” she asked.

“Because it’s a gift. You wanted me to gift you, how can I take my gift back? Bella is yours, now”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Stop talking and concentrate on driving. You drive like this is a bullock cart”

Arnav fisted his fingers around the steering wheel. She was making fun of his driving? How dare she? But he didn’t change the speed and continued driving in the same speed.

They reached her best friend Ruby’s residence which was her first stopover. Ruby came out to greet her but the moment she saw Arnav Singh Raizada getting down the car, that too from the driver’s seat, she frowned at Khushi.

“Thank God you are home” Khushi smiled giving her a hug.

“Why is he driving your car?” Ruby murmured.

“Oh” Khushi smirked. “Meet my temporary driver for today, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada” she stared at Arnav who ignored her taunt and smiled at Ruby.

“Hello Ruby, how are you doing?” he enquired.

“I am good” she smiled and her eyes darted into Khushi’s. “You actually made him drive for you?”

“Don’t be so surprised, he doesn’t drive out of the world. Anyways, I wont come in.. have a lot of work to do”

“I can see that” Ruby mumbled eyeing again at Arnav Singh Raizada who by now was busy on his phone. “I think I should call him inside. ASR is at my house for the first time” she said this loudly for Arnav to glance back at them.

Ruby Khanna’s excitement didn’t go well with Khushi Gupta though Arnav Singh Raizada had no qualms being welcomed.

“He is my driver today, not my guest or family whom you care to entertain” Khushi snapped.

Ruby rolled her eyes.

“As always… stop being a Boss” she replied giving Khushi a soft hug after taking the wedding card from her.

“Bye, be there on time” Khushi stated before making her way back to the car.

Arnav opened the door for her. She gave a winning smirk to Ruby to show her delight in making the great ASR work on her commands.

That woman will never change!! Ruby waved at the two and turned back to her house. Khushi gave the address of the next place she wanted to visit. Arnav made a mental note of the address and kept driving. His phone rang and he immediately answered it via his Bluetooth.

“Yea Shyam, whats the update?” he asked, keeping his eyes glued on the road. “No, that’s not feasible. I have already told you we won’t be compromising on the deadlines”

Khushi realized he was talking business and how would she allow him that?

“Turn the music on” she commanded loudly.

Arnav gave her a dark glare from the rear mirror. He knew she was purposely disturbing him.

“You are a driver; this is my car and I want you to turn the music on”

Shyam was confused when he heard this familiar voice.

“ASR? You there?”

“Hold on Shyam” he muted the call, put the music and slowed down the vehicle.

“Don’t even think of stopping the vehicle to continue your call. We don’t have the whole day to distribute these cards and besides.. I don’t give such liberties to my drivers to attend their personal calls. Be professional Mr. Raizada. Focus on your present task. Skip everything else”

Her demands had started annoying him. He unmuted the call.

“Shyam, I will call you back”

“But ASR, I need to update them now”

“I said I call you back”

He hung up and focused on driving. Khushi grinned again. She liked to annoy this man… make him lose!! The music didn’t really entertain her but the expressions on Arnav Singh Raizada’s face as he drove surely did. He was probably cursing her silently for not letting him take that official call. As they reached the place of one of her business associates, she got down. Arnav stayed in the car.

“I will be back in 10 minutes”

“Take 20, I don’t care” he blurted out.

Khushi enjoyed his state.

“Manners, Mr. Raizada. My drivers never speak to me that way”

“That’s because you pay them for this job. You don’t own me Khushi Gupta”

“Own?” she repeated. “I do own you for the next 6 months Mr. Raizada. And regarding the pay.. hmm…” she smirked. “I will keep that in mind.

He didn’t waste his time conversing because the earlier she goes inside; he would get some free time to call Shyam and discuss work.

“Mr. Sharma” Khushi made her way to the door where the 60-year old Sharma was waiting for her. Arnav Singh Raizada recognized him to be one of his old client. Glad the windows of the car were tainted and Sharma didn’t notice it was Arnav Singh Raizada driving Khushi Gupta’s car. He would like to keep it that way. He immediately dialed Shyam and finished discussing the rest of the details.


It was evening now. Khushi Gupta had taken Arnav to almost 15 different destinations and he didn’t complain, he had no rights to complain!!

“Kishu” Khushi answered the call while getting back in the car again. Arnav started the engine. “Yes, the cards are distributed. I have invited few of them personally. What about the Raizadas? Have they even started yet”

She placed the call on speaker mode purposely for Arnav to listen and though he had his ears on this specific conversation, he pretended not to show that on his face.

“Oh Khush, you are super quick. Not everyone is like you. Lavanya told me they haven’t started distributing the cards yet, seems ASR is busy at work”

“Work?” she queried. “What is more important to him than preparing for his sister’s wedding?”

Arnav gripped the wheel. What the hell did she want to prove? It was she who has kept him so busy that forget the wedding preps, he wasn’t able to focus on his Business either.

“Anyways. Let’s not get into that. I am coming home and we will decide on tomorrow’s schedule” she declared.

“Alright, bye”

Khushi hung up.

“Drive faster Mr. Raizada. I am really sick of your driving. We should have reached my mansion by now”

Arnav didn’t speak a word. But it was high time he shows her what he was capable of. He accelerated the speed. The road was fortunately not very crowded. He gripped the wheel and kept accelerating until the speed was 140 kmph.

Khushi skipped a beat. She clutched the hanger above the seat to suppress the rising anxiety in her body. Her stomach churned. He kept on increasing the speed.

“Is this better Miss Gupta?” he tauntingly asked.

She couldn’t speak. Words choked in her mouth. Arnav pressed the accelerator again.

“This seems much better, isn’t it? We will reach your mansion in just 10 minutes approx.”

“Slow down” she screamed.

“What?” he laughed. “Your demands are confusing me”

“I said slow the car down” she repeated in stuttering words.

“But just few minutes ago you wanted me to speed up. I think this is perfect”

“Stop” her eyes were closing, her body stiffened abnormally.

Arnav watched her from the rear mirror.

“Stop what? Talking? Or the car?” he faked not understanding the meaning behind her commands.

In every other circumstance, Khushi would have snapped harder at the person who didn’t acknowledge her commands, but she couldn’t move her body an inch and it was getting harder to keep her eyes open.

“Stop” she screamed one last time before fainting and collapsing on the seat. Arnav immediately slowed down and parked the car at the side.

“Miss. Gupta?” he shouted turning around but she didn’t move. “Damn!!” he unbuckled his seatbelt and got down the car. He hoped she was fine. How could she faint? Though he drove speedily, he was still very much in control of the vehicle. He opened the backseat door and leaning inside, he patted her cheeks. She had passed out. He looked for a water bottle which he found luckily and sprinkled some water on her face, gently patting her cheeks.

“Khushi… wake up… Khushi”

She didn’t open her eyes fully but started struggling.

“Get off me” she kicked his stomach. “Get off me.. HELP” she cried.

Arnav was totally confused. She sounded afraid.

“Khushi.. its me..”

“Get off me… HELP” she cried aloud again.

Arnav pulled her out of the car and pinned her to the door.

“Its me.. Arnav Singh Raizada.. And you are safe. Open your eyes and look at me” he demanded.

Khushi’s struggles eased and as she opened her eyes, she took a sigh of relief but the panic on her face was still there. She scanned the area and realized they had parked their vehicle at the corner of the road.

“You okay?” he painfully asked.

The moment she recalled what happened, she pushed him strongly. Getting noticed by someone when she was so vulnerable was never her choice.

“I asked you to slow down.. How dare you neglect my orders?”

She pushed him on his chest again. He took a step behind confused, raged and lost his own patience.

“How dare you defy me?” she was about to push him again when the loud horn of a truck passing from behind her, scared her again. She clutched his Shirt and hugged him tight, instead of pushing him away this time.

Arnav Singh Raizada who had almost lost his patience stiffened again. Khushi Gupta was not just afraid of speed but also loud unbearable sounds. His fisted fingers eased and he was about to comfort her when she pulled back. Her hair was messed up. She looked insanely out of place and sync. She hugged her own self, trying to compose and regain her lost control

“Drive me home” she barked her next order without meeting his eyes and got inside the car. Arnav took a minute to acknowledge it and then took control of the wheels again. None of the two spoke during the rest of their journey back to Gupta Mansion.

He parked the vehicle and the two got down. Arnav realized he had to take a cab to head back to Shantivan whilst Khushi was still thinking what next orders to give him for the next day when they both heard Lavanya’s voice.


They both were shocked to see Lavanya here, just like La and NK were to see them together.

“What are you doing here?” Arnav tried to act normal.

“I came here to see NK. And you? You both had been somewhere?” she queried. “Together?” she added almost immediately.

Khushi found the right words to give back.

“We have a common client to whom we thought of inviting together”

“Ohh” Nandakishore smiled. “That’s time saving”

Arnav’s lowered eyes, disinterested look and stressful expressions conveyed something else to Lavanya. And within no time, Lavanya saw the lipstick mark on Arnav’s white shirt, somewhere near the collar. It was so clear that anyone could guess it without looking closely. But why the hell was there a lipstick mark on ASR’s shirt collar and why did the color matched with Khushi Gupta’s gloss?

To be Continued.


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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing


“What a coincidence?”

She heard a familiar voice. She raised her head only to find Rehaan Malik standing next to her seat.

“We are not just co-passengers but also co-seaters” he dumped his laptop bag into the chamber above their heads and took his seat – 3B.

“Impossible” she mumbled. The thought of tolerating him for another 14 hours journey wasn’t so good.

“I think God wants to see us together” he commented seeing her displeased look.


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I hope khushi opens up

  2. Awesome. So AsR saw her vulnerability

  3. What is this mystery...What happened with Khushi in the past...Scared of speedy car,loud sound...Madhu when will we get to know her past...Is it after her marriage with Arnav...

  4. So they start doubting about arshi now ? What if nk or nani propose arshi marriage will they get married ?but why Khushi said get off is it some thing related to physical abuse in the past. Hope she is not raped at her young age .. please tell which is the next story you update.

  5. Awesome Update. The Update started with Khushi humiliating Arnav and ended in an emotional way. Khushi is treating Arnav badly but Arnav very calm and composedly handling the situation. Arnav enquired about Bella and as expected Khushi got irritated and taunted Arnav. Khushi is insulting Arnav every now and then and her attitude is too much. Again Khushi didn't like Ruby's interference and got jealous . Khushi looks arrogant and her ways of humiliating Arnav is too much. Really felt bad that Arnav has to work on Khushi's commands. I feel 6 months will change Khushi's life. Khushi purposely pressed the wrong nerve of Arnav which forced him to loose his patience and he drove the car in high speed. Khushi may have some memories attached she fears from speed Hope to know Khushi and Arnav past soon. Khushi's panic attack was unexpected. Her reaction suggest she had faced some tragic incident in the past. Khushi got weak and vulnerable for a moment but was quick enough to compose herself though her fears were still visible. Liked Arnav's concern for her. Her fears and her past are yet to be known. Khushi has faced some tragedy in the past. Arshi's hug was awesome. Now Arnav knows Khushi's fear though Khushi act rude I feel we are yet to know the real Khushi . Thanks for the Update 😍.

  6. Khushi is afraid of speed and loud noise. Please reveal more about Khushi past it's getting interesting. Will Khushi let go of her attitude and confess to Arnav.Lavanya noticed Khushi's lipstick mark . Will she reach a conclusion. How is Arnav going to react after noticing Khushi's vulnerable side. Waiting for the next part.

  7. The little glimpse of Khushi's past is scary.

    And yes Khushi has annoyed ASR as much as she the winner of this hatefull ride is Khushi Gupta.😉

  8. I was going to comment about khushis rudeness, that I hate her and I don’t care if she didn’t end up with arnav. But after seen her anxiety and the fear of speeding cars and loud noises I pity her. She needs therapy because she doesn’t share her pain with anyone. She locked herself in her own world. So I guess she needs to admitted in mental hospital and get a treatment. Because her mentality ruins her and others. I really don’t like the way she interrupted arnavs business call. I don’t even want to call it childish. My opinion is she needs a psychiatrist. Nice update!!

  9. This Khushi is the most irritating one I've read yet.. even her troubles in the past and her fears don't seem to make me like her..

  10. Oh dear lord its enough trouble for arnav..lets lot get everyone else doubting them to be a couple or try fixing as one..nooo

  11. OMG her past seems to be kind of horrible

  12. Seems Khushi faced some physical abuse in her childhood. Probably she couldn't get much help then. Will Khushi herself call of the deal after a while? Not wanting to show her vulnerable side to arnav.

  13. Even after seeing her fears still i don’t feel any pity for her. She needs help and I want Arnav to get out of her deal soon at least let him win sometimes.

  14. Looks like some horrible past connected to her or that incl her parents with whom she has no ties

  15. Omfggg, did Khushi get molested? Why do I feel that her father has something to do with this and her mom supported him instead og her daughter? Maybe that's why Khushi have trust issues 😭

  16. So Khushi has some past which made her like this. Hope Arnav will find out soon. It's only him who can change Khushi Gupta. And already their siblings started doubting them. How Arnav is going to handle these 6 months???

  17. I hope Arnav gets to know khushis past but i don't think khushi will let him be around after him trying to get to know what happened to her in the past and by then maybe Arnav will fall for her. I know this khushi is a bit rude and heartless but i won't judge her so soon

  18. Ps: Waiting for royal fling please udate today

  19. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  20. Madhu di please increase the pace of this story.

  21. Khushi has some dark past that is why she behave like this. Hope arnav solve the puzzle soon. Fabulous update

  22. Beautiful! So there's something in the past which has made her like this. Probably her dad. Cheers

  23. Arnav and Khushi both have a lot hidden from the world. There is pain in their past.

  24. Looks like Khushi is having lots of mysteries in her life. Khushi is in her top devil mood when coming to Arnav. But Arnav is being very patience. Superb update

  25. Wow.. Right now khushi wants Arnav close to her so she can trouble him and Arnav wants to get free from her but when the tables turn I hope Arnav holds her close not to rule her but to love her and khushi tries to move away. It'll be fun to watch

    1. Why should Arnav be the scale goat in both cases ? From what is observed till now, both have tragic pasta, we are just being shown Khushi's fears.. doesn't mean Arnav doesn't have any and definitely doesn't mean that Arnav alone would have to work hard on this relationship whenever it happens.. fun to watch will be actually fun only if it is believable

    2. You're seeing Arnav as the scapegoat because you're seeing khushi in a bad light here. I'm not saying she's doing any right but I'm sure if someone's like this it's not always just their ego or attitude.. There's a grave reason behind it in this case. Which I'm sure will be more bigger or At least more intense then Arnavs. When a girl or woman goes through physical abuse or molestation it makes her a living dead. I know that khushi so far is being portrayed a bad and domainating woman in this ff but there's more to this which I'm sure the author will reveal soon. And I'm sure your view will change about her after that. Just like in Ipkknd our views changed for Arnav. And I'm sure khushi will show even more effort here to love Arnav once she feels secure with him and falls for him.

    3. i guess you took my argument in a different direction. I was just talking about your this sentence :

      "when the tables turn I hope Arnav holds her close not to rule her but to love her and khushi tries to move away"

      Now Ok, Khushi has faced a lot , a life altering event even (lets say).. doesn't make it right to abuse others.. this was the same opinion i had of Arnav when he was abusing Khushi in ipk initially.. And this Khushi here and Arnav in ipk have a hell of differences.. first of all, Arnav was not pyscho, here there is seriosly something wrong with her mental health.. may be her past has made her so, but as of now, im not satisfied by her past fears to give her a free pass for her current behavior.. its just my opinion, no hard feelings bro..

    4. I get u and just like you I gave my opinion too. No hard feelings

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Awesome update. Both of them had tragic past and they have hidden it from the world.

  28. Madhu, it will be very kind of you to put a note when you're not going to upload
    People check blog multiple times in a day n it would be easy for us if you will put a note.
    Thank you

  29. Nice update ...
    I really enjoyed the update.

  30. Nice update..
    She is in full mission to make him frustrated

    Seems khushi has big Skelton of past in her closet..

    The way she got panic..

    La is smarter than NK..The way she notice her brother too good

  31. When you goimy to reveal the mystery of khushi and arnab's past? Anyway awesome update.

  32. When are you updating Royal fling Madhu? You have given us only 2 updates this entire week. ��

  33. Arnav is giving back to Khushi's absurdness in his own way..

    Seems Khushi has been abused & that incident has left a huge impact on her & is the reason of Khushi's arrogant attitude & rude behaviour as she wants to save herself from facing any such adversities again in her life..

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu & wish u A VERY HAPPY 9th ANNIVERSARY of IPKKND - The eternal saga that gave us the iconic & forever cherishable couple ARSHI ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  34. The more I think Arnav should harden his heart against her weaknesses and boy she has a truckload full of issues. The more he will fell compassion towards her. Which will be her downfall. Fabulous update
