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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 16


Chapter 16

Prem Nivas 

“Khushi” Garima exclaimed as Khushi answered her call. “I have been trying to reach you since yesterday”

“Why?” Khushi snapped.

“What do you mean why? You fixed NK’s wedding and didn’t even inform us?”

“You both have nothing to do with this marriage” she trembled but didn’t back down.

“NK is still my son” Garima argued.
“Listen Mrs. Gupta” she snapped. “I am not interested in arguing with you. Just remember one thing. If you or your husband ever try to step here, I will sue you both”

She disconnected the call and threw her phone on the bed. This warning should keep them away but what if they don’t take it seriously? She knew her mother would keep nagging to see them, especially her son, Nandakishore because it was his wedding. She would definitely try to come and her father… that man will simply follow. The mere thought of facing the two people again made her skin crawl. Whilst Khushi was still lost in these thoughts, she didn’t realize how close she had got to the lit bonfire at the center of the room. The ends of the Dupatta hanging from her shoulder, caught fire.

“Dammit” she screamed trying to shrug off the Dupatta but failed to do so as it stuck to the beads of her Choli at the back.

Her scream was enough to alarm Arnav Singh Raizada. He reached the door separating them and knocked.

“Miss Gupta.? Are you okay?”

She was too busy saving herself that she didn’t hear his voice. Arnav sensed something wrong and the little smoke which came out from the gaps of the door was enough to alert him. What happened? Was she really in danger or was she pretending again? But there was nothing left for her to gain if she was acting. She had already got him under her commands. There was no chance she was faking any of this. She was in real danger.

“Miss Gupta?” he banged the door again, this time trying to break in. It took few seconds for him to break the door and enter inside. He saw Khushi struggling to get off the half-burnt Dupatta from her body. He instantly reached her, knelt down and tore the dupatta into halves. But it didn’t make much difference. The fire had touched the upper half of the cloth and if it didn’t come off her shoulder, it would soon catch on her dress. Analyzing where the Dupatta had been stuck, Arnav pulled the Dori of her top surprising her by his action. She pressed the top, to her body, which was now hanging loose on her shoulder. The rest half of the Dupatta fell on the ground. Arnav then rose to his feet and stamped the lit cloth to stop the fire from spreading further and took a sigh of relief once he succeeded.

The next minute, his eyes meet hers.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he snapped. “Marne ka itna hi shauk hai then do it once for all… not in installments like this.” (If you are so keen of dying, do it once for all.. not in installments)

Khushi’s knuckles turned white as she fisted her fingers.

“It was an accident” she pounced back.

“Accident?” he growled. “Or another way to self-harm?”

Khushi was raged by his suspicions.

“How dare you?”

Her raged movement was enough to slide one side of the Choli, exposing her shoulder blade. Arnav was taken aback whilst Khushi Gupta when realized it, instantly turned her back to him. Arnav’s eyes lingered on her back and then he looked away. Khushi immediately composed herself and tried to tie the Dori, her efforts went in vain as the dori was half cut in the process of breaking the Dupatta free. Seeing her struggling to tie up, Arnav decided to help. Whilst she was still fighting to tie, she felt his cold fingers on her back, pulling the strings from her fingers. Khushi choked. It was beyond her understanding why Arnav Singh Raizada was assisting her? He could have left the room but he didn’t. He chose to help her. She looked at him from the mirror. His eyes were glued on her back, making efforts to tie her dress somehow. But there was something in his expressions, in the way he looked at her skin which tingled her body. A painful ache rose deep in her body, which never happened before. This man!! Yes, this man was the only one who could give birth to those hormones within her.

Arnav finished tying the Dori and in seconds strode out. Khushi’s breath calmed as he shut the door after him. Just like always, she became a damsel in distress saved by a Prince Charming on time. Her control on her own life situations were slipping fast from her hands. She hated that feeling.

She came out in few minutes, dressed back in her previous attire. Arnav was standing at the window, looking out. His back and the body posture tickled her body again. He saw her shadow in the glass pane of the Window and turned to her. It was hard to meet her eyes but he still did and acted casual.

“What’s next?” he asked waiting patiently for her to command him.

“I need another Dupatta on that dress. I am calling the designer and..”

“Don’t” he interrupted.


“Don’t wear that dress again. EVER”

“And why is that?” she crossed her arms.

“A part of it burnt..”

“Just the Dupatta. The rest of the dress is absolutely fine”

“It’s inauspicious. Nani believes and so do I”

Khushi opened her mouth to defend at their orthodox views but she couldn’t argue. She thought of another opportunity here.

“Fine. Then buy me something decent to wear tonight. I don’t have much time for shopping”

Arnav frowned.

“Ask your designer” he suggested.

“It’s an order Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Follow it”

She picked her purse and left the house. Arnav groaned for ending up in another unwanted situation. Now he had to buy her a suitable dress for tonight. Damn!!



When Arnav got down his car, he opened the backseat door and took out a box.

“Mohan” he called for another Driver who rushed to him. “Drive to Gupta Villa and handover this box to Miss Gupta. Understood??”

“Yes Sir”

Mohan took the box and got in the vehicle to leave. Arnav took a sigh of relief. After Khushi dispersed from Prem Nivas, it took him an hour more to buy an outfit for her and get it packed. But he didn’t had her measurements so he bought something which didn’t need those and hoped Khushi Gupta wouldn’t make another fuss out of it.

Lavanya overheard his conversation with Mohan and even saw him giving that box for Khushi. As soon as Arnav turned to her, he froze. She was standing in his way back in the house.

“La? You aren’t ready yet? People will start coming”

He climbed the few stairs at the entrance and reached his sister.

“Where had you been ASR? And .. where did you send Mohan?”

Arnav was confused what to reply.

“To Gupta House” he answered. “Some gifts from our side were pending. So got them delivered. Don’t worry.. all is well”

He kissed her forehead and led her in the house. Lavanya was suspicious. First the puppy which ASR gifted to Khushi, then the lipstick mark and now… this special gift only for Khushi Gupta? Why? What was brewing between them?

“I will go freshen up and then heading straight to your friend for the dance practice. I hope she knows the steps and can teach me too”

“She is coming here. You don’t have to go anywhere again”

“Good” he was happy.

Lavanya smiled back and watched him hurry to his room. She had no clue why her brother was suddenly acting so nice to Khushi Gupta because as far as she knew, they both didn’t get along well in the beginning.


Arnav showered and fetched for a decent T shirt to wear when he saw the White Shirt, he wore last evening. He had forgot to put it for laundry. The lipstick stain on the collar reminded him how Khushi Gupta had clutched him tight, scared of the noises behind her on that busy road. She was too close… and so was he to cuddle her. Damn!! He shut his eyes to get a grip over himself. Khushi Gupta was a mystery he didn’t wish to solve. Ever!! He wore a T-Shirt and quickly made his way out for practicing the dance steps.


Gupta Villa
The box which Arnav Singh Raizada sent was lying on her bed. Khushi sat at the edge of the bed recalling the fresh memories of morning. The fire which caught on her dupatta had scared her off. This wasn’t the first instance when she had seen death so up close. And such incidents had always made her come out stronger than before. But there was something special about this moment which always made her weak whenever she thought about it. The way Arnav Singh Raizada broke the door and rushed inside… the way he untied the Dori.. the efforts he put in saving her and his struggles to tie her Dori again. She got goosebumps on her skin remembering each of those scenes. No man had ever been so desperate to save her.. to make her comfortable.. to make her feel wanted. Damn!! She shut her eyes to get a grip over herself. She cannot fall weak for him. She pulled the box and opened it to check the outfit he selected for her and her eyes darted out. Saree? No way!!

She pushed the box away and strode to get her mobile phone.

Arnav was dressing up for the Sangeet when her messaged buzzed on his mobile.

‘I asked you a suitable dress not a Saree. I have never wore a Saree before’

Arnav typed back a response. He knew she would blame him again for making the wrong choice.

‘You forgot to give me your measurements. That was the safest option to buy and avoid further exchanges. And there is always a first time for everything’

His reply should have offended her but it didn’t. Was she getting softer for him? When she turned around to the bed, she found Bella sitting on the box, licking it as if liking the choice Arnav Singh Raizada made for her.

“No wonder” Khushi snapped looking at Bella. “You will obviously like it because you too are HIS choice”

Bella wagged her tail.

“I am not wearing that.. Do you understand?” Khushi shouted at the puppy.

Bella licked the box again and pushed it by her head towards Khushi to pick it up.

“No” Khushi screamed again.

Bella whined softly and sat beside it, hoping her new owner will rethink on this.


Shantivan – Sangeet
The guests had started arriving and then came the Guptas. Nani and Arnav Singh Raizada were at the door to welcome the Guptas. NK got down from the car first and then his sister Khushi Gupta in a black dress. She was holding a bag in her hand though. Arnav wasn’t surprised that she didn’t wear the Saree he bought for her as a replacement for the Sangeet. He just put a smile on his face to greet them both. When Nani greeted Khushi, she leaned over her ears and whispered something to her. Nani saw the bag and nodded in approval.

“Come with me” Nani led Khushi inside the house whereas Arnav and NK followed them.

Arnav Singh Raizada had no clue why Nani took Khushi in the other room without saying anything to him? What was happening? Lavanya rushed to meet NK and hugged him.

“What a pretty Lehnga” NK praised.

“Thank you” she flaunted her dimples.

“I heard your sister is wearing a designer Lehnga too”

“She was.. but it didn’t fit her probably. So she changed her mind and is going to wear a Saree”

“Saree?” Lavanya was equally amused.

“Yes. A box came in for her today afternoon.. I think she ordered online”

When he said Box, Lavanya was reminded of the box which Arnav had sent to Gupta Villa today afternoon. Did he purchase a Saree for Khushi Gupta? Why? And the most surprising fact was that Khushi Gupta was even wearing it tonight. Now this cannot be a coincidence. Arnav who was also part of this conversation was shocked too on Khushi’s approval to the attire.

“Khushi has never wore a Saree before.. She doesn’t even know to wear it perfectly. So, she decided to ask your Nani’s help. That’s why they have gone inside”

“And wait.. is that Bella?” Lavanya asked looking at the door where the Gupta servant was holding a basket with Bella popping her head out and enjoying the function.

“Oh yes.. Since she is now an integral part of Gupta family, Khushi decided she would be attending each and every celebration of our marriage”

Arnav was speechless. He excused the two in the pretext of meeting the other guests. Khushi-Bella bonding seemed fine and he was happy if she could soften down a bit. It would ease his tension on Lavanya’s wellbeing in the Gupta family.

To be Continued



Precap for Part 17
“Now you have my measurements” she mumbled withdrawing herself from his body. 

Arnav’s hands still shivered as he moved them away from her waist. This was going too far.. .too damn far. When she realized she had softened too much in the whole process, she composed herself and faked the same old attitude on her face.

“Next time I ask you to buy an outfit, don’t complain” she growled and walked away.

There was no way she hadn’t felt anything. And there was no way Arnav could deny that tension either.

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)
Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?
A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Mrs. Singh. No one is going to cut your leg. It’s a hairline fracture. You will be alright in a week or two. But until then no walking”

“Oh” she sighed in relief.

He wrote some medicines which Durga immediately asked the servant to get.

“Complete bed rest, am I clear?” Durga warned her once the Doctors left. “I will check upon Jahaan”

“You don’t have to tell him this, Daayima”

“I already have. And he has started for home”

It sounded like an alarm. Jahaan Singh, leaving all his work aside and rushing home to check upon her injured leg? Is that a good sign? She hoped so. The sedatives started kicking and she preferred resting for a while before the real hurricane named Jahaan Singh returned and gave her an earful.


Hairline Fracture? The term was a combination of both relief and panic. Jahaan Singh analyzed the plaster of his wife’s leg while she snored peacefully on the bed under sedation. There was a bandage on her forehead too but just an inch longer. She really had a bad fall off Misty. He sipped his coffee which Daayima prepared the moment he reached home.

“What else did the Doctor’s say?” he asked Durga who was standing next to him.

“She can walk once the plaster is removed in 2 weeks”

“Diet restrictions?”


“Hmm” he sipped his coffee again, without moving his gaze from Niyati’s face. Even in a condition like this, she looked gorgeous. Damn! What was he thinking?

“You must be tired. I will sleep with her in this room and you can get your share of sleep in the other” Durga insisted.

“No, I will be fine here”

“But Jahaan?”

He didn’t argue and neither did she. There were streaks of worry all over his face for his wife which Durga knew would fade only when he stays in the same room and looks after her. She had always loved that quality in Jahaan. He had been a perfect gentleman in taking care of people he loved. She left the room quietly.

Also read His Destined Bride Sample Chapter 1

Read the Prequel "Bride: Lost & Found" HERE

You can Buy the Full Story "His Destined Bride" HERE @ INR 119 only. Offer limited.

Or Buy "The Bride Series Complete Edition" @ INR 149 only HERE 


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Wow...she is showing new sides of her... Khushi is getting attached to Bella...

  3. Madhu please update lawful sins 2 again tomorrow can't wait.. to read what happens next..
    Will arshi dance together ? So what is Khushi's next step ? Will Lavanya make arnav marry Khushi?

  4. Can’t wait for the next part

  5. Wwooow superb upadate.....

  6. Awesome Update. Khushi looks quite angry on her parents that she address her mother as Mrs Gupta. Waiting to know Khushi's past. Khushi's duppatta caught fire and Arnav though thought Khushi was acting still saved her. Arshi's moments of closeness and their chemistry is too good. Loved how Arnav helped Khushi and Khushi is also attracted towards Arnav. Khushi wants control over everything but is loosing control over her feelings and is unaware of it. Arnav behaved like a true gentleman. Even after this moments Khushi's attitude is still the same and she ordered Arnav. Arnav believes in those auspicious things. Poor Arnav bought an outfit for Khushi and coincidentally again Lavanya came to know about Arshi. Will she connect the dots and work on her suspicion. Arnav has also growing feelings for Khushi and seems like this incident left a huge impact on Khushi that she is lost in Arnav 's thought and can't control her feelings Khushi has faced such tragic incident before also. Arnav sent a saree for Khushi which again Lavanya noticed. Khushi is getting soft both for Bella and Arnav. She bought Bella to the function too . Their bonding is cute. Precap is too good. Both Arshi chemistry is crackling and how much Khushi will control her feelings it would be fun to read. Thanks for the Update and the lovely Precap.😍 Already Waiting for the next part.

  7. Please post next update eagerly waiting

  8. Mind blowing update and precape for next part. Can't wait to read it. Hope arnav solve the mystery soon

  9. She is falling very hard for arnav and i think soon will get obsessed and possessive for him which is not for good if nani finds someone for Arnav.

  10. Awesome written concept amazing story

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Awesome update. Arnav's way of saving her from the accident was commendable. He really bought a saree for her. Such a cute gesture, just loved it. She is bonding with Bella in such a lovely way and their interactions are superb. Finally she will wear saree with the help of Nani. I think Lavanya will get to know the truth as she's getting suspicious on both of them. I think Arshi will dance in sangeet. Let's see how the story unfolds. I'm eagerly awaiting for the next post.

  13. Amazing udpate. Khushi is starting for fall for Arnav. What will happen now? Will she withdraw the contract nit wanting to get attached to him or will she get more possessive?

  14. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  15. Wow.... It's getting interesting day by day. However she denies, she's still getting affected by Arnav. And Arnav too has some effect. Really loving the bond between Khushi and Bella too... She's softening towards the puppy and brought her to the function. That's a huge progress. And precap is interesting. Waiting eagerly.....

  16. Can never get enough of your updates,Greedy me. Plzzz update as soon as possible. ❤️

  17. Lovely to see asr getting attracted in precap

  18. Khushi is changing which is a good thing, but at the same time she is developing feelings for Arnav how is she going to handle those

  19. OMG precap is soooo promising can we have the next update also from this ff please please please please please please please please please please

  20. Superb update. Khushi is mellowing down. Looks good but her big fat ego is stopping her.
    Arnav is having a different kind of feelings now hmmm ��

  21. It’s getting interesting. It would better if we could read more about khushis past. That’s the reason she was changed. But khushi is slowly changing without her knowledge. Nice update!

  22. Woha! Did she trip and did he catch? The pre-cap looks like that! 🤣🤣

    Lovely update! Sane Khushi is any day better than than lame Khushi!


  23. So looks like parents are abusive physically and emotionally😭😠
    Waiting to see what happens next btw this atrangi couple

  24. Madhu Madhu Madhu
    Another update tomorrow please please
    And please put alot of romantic scenes in this story
    I love your writing of this story. Its of another level but please please keep alot of romance.
    I literally wait days for it
    Please another update tomorrow

  25. Next part tomorrow please ��������

  26. Update was amazing.....
    Loved it.

  27. Superb update

    Wow arnav once again saved her..
    Seems she is falling for him but way far to realise it..

    La will connect the dot soon

    Wow khushi is going to wear saree that too with nani's help...
    N got bella here too..

    Eagerly looking forward

  28. Bella is more ziddi than Khushi. I like how Bella convinces Khushi for everything with her cute antics. Next part please. Can't wait!

  29. I think she will let him take measurements of her by touching her body from his hands

  30. Bella is loving and cute.... beautiful update and getting interesting

  31. Wow 🤩 superb chapter. Khushi is bring Bella with her to all the rituals and now even asking Naniji to help drape her Saree. Interesting 🤔
