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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 17


Chapter 17

It was strange but unknowingly Arnav Singh Raizada kept turning to the room where Nani had taken Khushi Gupta. It had been 20 minutes now and they had still not come out. Was everything okay? Though NK had told him Khushi didn’t know to wear a Saree and hence needed assistance from Nani, but Arnav wasn’t really convinced. That woman was capable of anything. What if she told Nani about their deal? No way!! Why would she do that? He smiled at the conversation happening between his guests and then once again glanced at the door. It’s high time he should check. He strode to the guest room and knocked.

“Nani” he banged the door again.

After 2 knocks, Nani opened the door but not completely.

“What happened Chotte?”

“What are you doing here? All the guests are waiting for you..”
“I was helping Khushi bitiya wear a Saree. Give me a minute, I am coming”

She rushed inside to get something but didn’t shut the door. Arnav was relieved that nothing what he feared about, happened. He was about to turn and leave when he saw her.. Khushi Gupta was standing before the mirror in the plain Green Saree Saree, tying the back knot of her blouse. His gaze followed the moments of her fingers and then raised upwards. She was… beautiful. He had mostly seen her in business attires. He didn’t know the stern and arrogant Khushi Gupta can look so charming and adorable in a traditional wear. As his eyes fetched hers in the mirror, he realized she was already watching him. Shit!! Getting caught ogling at her wasn’t his intention.

“Khushi bitiya” Nani exclaimed. “I am going out. You finish your dressing and come soon. And I must say, you look very pretty in Sarees”

Khushi was taken back at Nani’s praise. She smiled and turned to the mirror again but Arnav Singh Raizada was gone.


The Sangeet ceremony begun. Lavanya and NK’s friends performed a group dance, depicting their love story right from how it bloomed so far. Whilst Lavanya was all shy and blushing, NK kept whistling at that performance. Khushi Gupta was too busy taking greetings from the guests. She was siting next to Nani in the front row. Her eyes kept searching for Arnav. After ogling at her earlier, he was mostly missing. She had seen glimpses of him with the guests but there was no face to face conversation between them. Lavanya noticed Khushi’s search for Arnav was highly suspicious again. The dances continued. Arnav came out of some room, looking not so happy about something.

“I think.. something is wrong” Khushi said to Nani who was siting next to her. “Your grandson looks worried”

Nani saw Arnav looking desperately for someone.

“Let me go and check”

“I will come along” Khushi insisted. “Maybe I could help”

“Why not? Please come”

Nani and Khushi both reached Arnav.

“Chotte? What happened? Whom are you searching?”

“I am searching for Dolly. I don’t see her anywhere. The next performance is ours.”

“Oh” Nani was equally confused. “Where can Dolly go? I will ask her other friends and be right back”

When Nani left and Arnav kept trying Dolly’s number, Khushi patted his arm gently.

“Stop calling her. She isn’t coming”


Khushi nodded.

“What did you do to her?” he snapped.

“Excuse me? Do I look like a Lady Don to you? I didn’t do anything. Just asked her to go as her boyfriend is sick”

“Boyfriend?” Arnav shouted again.

“Relax Mr. Raizada. Whats there to shout? She got a call from her boyfriend. And I overheard their conversation”

“When did this happen?”

“An hour ago,”

“And you are telling me now? At least I could have arranged some other friend of hers for the performance”

Khushi shrugged.

“That’s my whole point” she replied. “I don’t want you to dance”

Now Arnav was losing his mind.

“It’s my sister’s wedding with your brother. Why would you not let me dance? They both wanted this performance. Can’t you see them happy?”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“What happiness can they get seeing a mere dance? Happiness can be brought by other things as well. I am gifting Lavanya a diamond necklace today. She will be more than happy to receive it and obviously wouldn’t mind if her brother doesn’t fulfil her dance wish”

Arnav clenched his jaw. Whatever she wore.. western of traditional… she will still be that egoistic and heartless woman he knew she was.

“Don’t look at me like that” Khushi muttered. “If you had taken my permission, I would still let you dance with her. You know these 6 months you are not supposed to do anything without my will and yet… yet you forgot to ask me. So this is your punishment, you don’t get to dance..”

Nani returned.

“Chotte, seems Dolly got some urgent work. She wont be coming back”

“I know” Arnav groaned without taking his eyes off Khushi’s.

“So what will we do? The next performance is yours. Lavanya will be upset. She really wanted to see you performing”

“She will not be upset” Arnav replied. “Because I am performing”

Khushi’s brow twitched.

“How?” Nani queried.

“Miss Gupta has agreed to be my partner” Arnav replied.

“WHAT THE” Khushi snapped. “When did I…”

“It’s okay Miss Gupta. You don’t have to know the steps. Just do whatever I make you do.. It’s easy and I am sure your brother will like to see you perform too”

“That’s a great idea” Nani added. “It will be a surprise to both of them. I will be right back”

Nani rushed to the backstage, leaving them alone, to inform Ruby Khanna who was currently hosting this Sangeet.

“What the hell do you think of yourself?” Khushi scowled. “I am not dancing”

Arnav took a step forward, pinning Khushi to the pillar behind.

“You should have told me about Dolly’s absence prior. I won’t let you ruin this moment.. So with or without your wish Miss Gupta.. You have to perform with me tonight”

“Who are you to give me orders?”

Before Arnav could respond to that, Ruby announced coming on the stage.

“Ladies and gentleman. Now comes the last and the most awaited performance of his Sangeet. Please welcome on stage, the bride’s brother Arnav Singh Raizada and Groom’s sister Khushi Gupta”

Everyone clapped and cheered whereas both Lavanya and NK were shocked to hell.

“ASR and Khushi?” Lavanya repeated turning to NK. “But ASR was supposed to dance with my friend Dolly”

One of Lavanya’s friend came there and whispered something in her ears.

“What did she say?” NK asked after the girl left.

“Seems Dolly’s boyfriend fell sick and is hospitalized. So she left”

“That’s why” NK mumbled. “Never mind.. I have never seen my sister performing. I think this is my best chance to watch her dance on my wedding. Lets enjoy their performance” he pinched Lavanya’s cheek and looked at the stage where the lights had dimmed. Lavanya was clueless how to relate all of this? Even if this was a coincidence that Dolly had to leave, why would Khushi Gupta agree to dance with ASR?

The music began and the lights slowly glowed. The beats made Khushi’s heart thump. She recalled the times when she used to play such loud music in her room. During her parent’s fight. Yes, that was the only way not to let their screams and yells reach her ears as their rooms were close by. Despite crossing so many obstacles in life and reaching this far, these few crumbs of her past couldn’t be ignored. The bruises might have gone but the pain of these moments still lingered in her heart and might stay there forever. Suddenly the song they had to dance on, played in the background and she felt Arnav Singh Raizada’s warm hands over her shoulder blade. It was a popular Bollywood song she had seen while flipping the TV Channels. She never really had time to watch movies after her school age. People could ask her anything about business or finance management or politics but in entertainment industry, she lagged behind. As the song kept playing, Arnav Singh Raizada twirled her. At first she felt totally out of sync. All she had to do was meet his eyes and let him lead her. It worked. A part of her was delighted that Dolly couldn’t make it tonight to dance with Arnav Singh Raizada because whatever dance steps he grooved with her were intense… private and she wouldn’t have enjoyed seeing him doing that with any other girl. Why? He gripped her waist and raised her off her feet. Her head automatically leaned behind. He had taken her entire weight. She felt weightless. She was totally at his mercy and yet it didn’t terrify her. He put her down as the music changed, his lips whispered the song in her ears. It was a mere lip sync but the effect it gave her was beyond her control. And then.. something stirred within her… she decided to take the lead. She held his hands and made them slide over her slim arms. For the onlookers, it was another dance step, an intense one. She could feel his heart beating faster. Whenever they danced facing each other, none of the two looked anywhere else but in each other’s eyes. In the next step, when he twirled her again, his palm glided over her waist, giving goosebumps to both. And by the last few steps he had practically touched the sides of her curves while putting her down again. That’s when the song ended and they heard a loud cheer from the guests. None of the two broke their eye lock yet. They were still… inseparable.

“Neck, shoulder, arms, chest and waist..” she muttered recalling all the spots of her body where he touched her.

Arnav had no clue what she was talking.

“Now you have my measurements” she mumbled withdrawing herself from his body.

Arnav’s hands still shivered as he moved them away from her waist. This was going too far.. .too damn far. When she realized she had softened too much in the whole process, she composed herself and faked the same old attitude on her face.

“Next time I ask you to buy an outfit, don’t complain” she growled and walked away.

There was no way she hadn’t felt anything. And there was no way Arnav could deny that tension either.

Khushi wanted to ignore the cheers, the crowd and even the voices of Nandakishore and head straight to the other room. She wanted to ease her erratic breaths… she wanted to calm her shivering body.. She wanted to cool her burning desires. Dancing with Arnav Singh Raizada was not in her agenda but when Ruby announced their names on the stage, Arnav gripped her wrist and dragged her to the dance floor. Despite being the Boss in their secret deal, she felt like a puppet whose controls were in his hands during the entire dance. He would definitely pay for this. The list of his defies were increasing and she had to put a halt to them before he did something extraordinary and irreparable.

“Wow.. this was just wow..” NK blocked Khushi’s way. “You guys were like fire”

Fire!! Yes. That’s exactly what she felt between them when they danced. Her body was still burning and she was confident so was his case.

“I cannot believe Khushi danced on your Sangeet” Ruby joined them. “You surprised us all. Seriously”

Khushi smiled at NK.

“You are happy?” she asked.

“Of course, I am but hold on…” he turned around. “ASR.. La… come here”

Khushi’s insides clenched again as she saw Arnav Singh Raizada advancing towards her.

“Man.. you rocked” NK patted Arnav and hugged him as soon as they reached. “I want you both to dance again on our reception”

Arnav’s mouth curved when he saw Khushi. Dancing with her again? His body straightened unable to react any other way. Because Khushi purposely didn’t inform about Dolly’s absence to him, he forced her to take Dolly’s place as his dance partner and hence dragged Khushi on the stage. But that time he didn’t know the entire act would turn out so sensual. He was dancing.. but what was she doing? Giving her measurements? Or at least that’s what she believed in.

Suddenly Arnav felt something pushing his feet. He looked down and saw Bella trying to climb on his shoes.

“Hey sweetheart” he quickly bent down and picked Bella in his hands. “You look good..”

Bella had a red bow tied on her neck. Khushi noticed the way he kissed Bella’s nose and she in turn licking him. He was good with dogs!!

“I must say, Bella is a lucky charm for me” NK exclaimed to Arnav. “Ever since you gifted her to Khushi, my sister has softened. And not to forget, she even danced on my Sangeet. That’s incredible”

Arnav stroked Bella’s head and kissed her again. Nani joined them.

“The Sangeet went well. But Khushi and Ruby Bitiya, tomorrow you will have to come here for the Mehndi too”

“Sure Nani” Ruby happily agreed.

“Nani, what about me? You didn’t invite me” NK teased.

“That’s because you are not allowed” Khushi replied. “This is a strictly ladies function”

“Oh I see..” NK frowned. “But what will I do alone? And ASR? What about him? Even he is not allowed?”

“Arnav will have to look after the arrangements here” Nani replied. “So his presence is must.”

“That’s unfair” NK pouted. “But if that’s so, I need you to promise me something ASR”

“Anything..” Arnav replied stroking Bella’s body.

“Just like you made my sister dance tonight, you also convince her to apply Mehndi on her palms”

Khushi rolled her eyes. Being so traditional and following such rituals was not her forte.

“That’s a tough promise to make” Arnav answered.

“But its one of our tradition” NK informed. “Its been followed right from our ancestors. The bride’s brother has to convince the groom’s sister to write his name on her palm with the Mehndi. If not the entire name.. at least the initials. And if she agrees and completes that tradition, they believe the bride will face less difficulty in adjusting in her new family.. with her in-laws. I know it sounds funny, but its one of our tradition. Please fulfil it for me and Lavanya. I don’t want her to face any challenges coming to my family”

NK pulled Lavanya closer and kissed her cheeks.

Khushi recalled she had witnessed this tradition during one such wedding she had attended of her relatives. Good NK remembered but though it was fun to see Arnav Singh Raizada convincing her.. she would make it difficult for him. On the other hand, Arnav was skeptical how he would convince Khushi Gupta to write his name on her palms. She would surely play tantrums and try her best to ensure he loses.

“Now that’s going to be fun” Ruby screamed. “All the best ASR”

Arnav faked a smile. If it hadnt been for Lavanya, he would never even try anything like that. Now he would have to find ways to convince her and she was going to give him a very tough time, he was aware.

To be Continued.


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Kajal never imagined in her dreams that her cousin’s fiancee, the shrewd Arjun Raheja would marry her on a gunpoint and her life would take a 360-degree turn. Will she ever find the reasons behind it? His known motive turns out to be the most bitter event of her life. And only when she decides to part ways from their already broken ties, the heartbreaking truth of his unconditional love for a 5-year old baby surfaces. Who is this baby? What connection does she have with Arjun? Will Kajal ever find out the other side of the man she hates? Where will this Imposed Knot lead them to?

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  1. Thank you for the update.. I was waiting to read the full chapter of lawful sins 2 before I go to sleep..
    Also a request .. please update precap of all the 3 stories tomorrow if possible..

  2. Awesome Update. Arnav is quite afraid about the deal. Arnav is equally affected and charmed by Khushi. Now he finds her adorable. Nani also praise Khushi. Lavanya is already suspecting I think she will come to know about Arshi soon . Khushi is already getting possessive for Arnav. Lady Don seems like Khushi has great estimation about herself. Khushi believes in materialistic things and not in emotions. Now will Arnav have to ask for Khushi's permission for everything. Arnav himself made Khushi his partner for La and NK's Sangeet . Lavanya is getting clues after clues. Arshi's dance was sizzling. Seems like Khushi's parents disputes and fights affected her childhood and Khushi can't get over her past. Khushi is still carrying the pain and burden of it. Khushi has started feeling for Arnav. The chemistry was electrifying. I was imagining Teri Meri sequence. Arnav has started to have a huge impact on Khushi. How much Khushi will pretend and hide her feelings. Arnav will surely control her but with love. Arnav is equally affected. Arnav shared a cute moment with Bella. Now that NK has asked Arnav to convince Khushi I also have the same thought like Arnav. Khushi will surely throw tantrums to punish Arnav. Thanks for the awesome Update with lovely Arshi moments.😍

  3. Awesome!
    New writer
    Do visit my blog -

  4. Wow. Eager to read how Arnav will convince khushi

  5. Gupta's have quite unique traditions. Now how Arnav will convince Khushi. Now what else is waiting for Arnav . Though I have a feeling Khushi will accept but after a lot of drama and tantrums. Arshi this way will complete a ritual before marriage

  6. Wow... Arshi's dance here reminded of Arshi's teri meri dance from the show... What a sizzling, hot performance that was ❤️

    Even though the Gupta's mehndi tradition is quite bizarre but still its gonna b a hell of a task for Arnav as Khushi is definitely gonna throw tantrums...

    Btw Madhu.. Arshi dancing together on the sangeet, now Khushi would apply mehndi with Arnav's initial & I m sure haldi too would b intimate between Arshi then does all this indicate of Arshi's marriage as well with Nk-La??

    Anyways... Thanks for the awesome update...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  8. She turn the table so fast. Fabulous update

  9. Such a hot dance , I am loving the fight

  10. Nice one. I would like to see if someone else get to know khushi before arnav does. Nani is the best person for that. She is someone who can bring out the real khushi with a parental love. With arnav she is always playful. She likes to challenge him. So it will be difficult. But with Nani it’s different. Khushi won’t challenge Nani. It’s just my opinion plus wish. Thank you for the update!!

  11. Wonderful awesome update dear

  12. Awesome. Loved the way they danced together and her reply about the measurements were cool.

  13. Fab she is attracted to him .. waiting to see Past unravel

  14. Getting very interesting...reminded Ipk dance .

  15. It's getting really very interesting
    Lets see how Arnav will convince Khushi for mehndi
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  16. Like the way khushi got jealous .

    The way arnav made khushi dance with him too good..

    Both are going to have feelings for each other soon let see who realise it first
    Tough task infront of arnav now

  17. Superb update 😍 dance was superb and now arnav have a task to do

  18. Superb update. Very lovely dance �� Now NK given a difficult task. But Khushi going to give a tough time for Arnav.

  19. Incredible update....di not if Kushi us ruling Arnav or the other way. ASR is ASR whatever he signs...

  20. The intensity of their dance was incredible. She is slowly starting to feel something that’s for sure. Great chapter
