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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 18


Chapter 18


The Sangeet was over and all guests had left back to their respective homes. Arnav Singh Raizada was standing in the garden, reminiscing his dance with Khushi Gupta. God knows what had gotten into her when he dragged her on the dance floor. He had no intentions of forcing her to dance but when she kept Dolly’s disappearance from the Sangeet a secret until the last moment, he couldn’t bear it. He wanted to cheer Lavanya and that dance performance was the only way. Who knew it would all fall back upon him? Their intensity and passion were on some other level.


Lavanya came and stood next to him.

“Hey..” he smiled. “All set for tomorrow’s Mehndi?”

“I am” she blushed. “you okay?”

He shrugged.

“What’s wrong with me? I am absolutely fine” he lied.

“Are you sure?”

Now Arnav was confused.

“I don’t want to beat the bush ASR. So, let me come straight to the point. We are siblings and I have always respected your decisions”

“What is this about?” his eyes darkened.

“Khushi Gupta” she replied. “I have been noticing it from few days”

“Noticing what?” he choked hoping she hadn’t got any clue about the 6-month deal they had signed.

“A lot ASR.. I have noticed a lot. You both were like enemies a few days ago and now? Now you look inseparable. You gift her puppies and sarees. You guys meet privately and not just that you even… even danced with her. Such an intense dance which even a blind could confirm that you both are…”

“Both are what?” Khushi Gupta snapped.

Arnav and Lavanya both were surprised of Khushi’s sudden entry to Shantivan again. Hardly an hour back she had left, what made her return? Lavanya stiffened.

“You were saying something Lavanya” Khushi poked again, reaching them.

“I was talking to my brother” Lavanya argued.

“About me and him” Khushi snapped. “Which gives me every right to know what that matter is”

“Khushi..” Arnav interrupted. He didn’t want the two to fight. “Lets not get into this..”

“Well” she smirked. “Your sister got me in this”

Arnav rolled her eyes.

“Fine” Lavanya sighed. “You want to know what we were talking? Then listen. I was asking my brother why he is suddenly showing so much of favor on you when we all know you and him were never in good terms.”

“Lavanya, we can talk later” Arnav resisted. He didn’t want Khushi to reply anything that could give Lavanya more suspicions.

“No ASR. I just need to know. I have a right to know. I am your sister”

“Sister” Khushi picked that word. “A sister who kept her own affair hidden for so many years?”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“A sister who didn’t even think the consequences of her pregnancy on her brother’s life?”

Lavanya’s eyes filled with tears. Why was she digging old graves?

“Enough” Arnav shouted. “You have no rights to talk to Lavanya like that”

“I didn’t want that rights ever Mr. Raizada. It was you and your sister who have forced those rights upon me and .. Kishu”

“Don’t” Arnav for one last time warned Khushi Gupta not to speak a word more. He had no idea what he might do if she continues this. But Khushi being Khushi Gupta, didn’t keep quiet.

“Don’t take me wrong Lavanya. I have no intentions to hurt you. I am just trying to explain you something. Just like your brother never interrupted in your personal life, you too shouldn’t poke in his. That’s true we don’t like each other much. But we are improvising” she added. “And we are doing this for you and Kishu. After all we are one family now, aren’t we?”

Lavanya was not convinced but she felt too weak to argue in Khushi Gupta’s presence.

“You shouldn’t stress so much” Khushi touched Lavanya’s cheeks. “It will affect your baby. Go to sleep now. Its very late. Hmm?”

Lavanya fisted her fingers and strode back in the house. Arnav turned back to Khushi, annoyed.

“Why the hell are you here again?” he scowled.

“Mr. Raizada” she smirked. “Where is the respect? I am your sister’s sister-in-law. Talk nicely to me”

Arnav sighed in frustration.

“You are testing my patience” he groaned.

“That’s exactly my motive” she grinned.

“Khushi bitiya” Nani called out. Arnav took a step away from Khushi to avoid Nani misunderstanding them now. Khushi held her smirk seeing him do that.

“Thanks for coming” Nani said reaching her. “You could have sent the Henna (Mehndi) through the driver”

“It’s Shagun’s Mehndi Naniji. How could I send it through anyone else. Anyways, I should take your leave now”

Arnav then realized she had come here to give the Mehndi for Lavanya which would be applied on her hands tomorrow. He shouldn’t have barked at her. Damn!!

“I will see you tomorrow” Khushi said to Nani who smiled lovingly.

“Chotte, drop her till the car” Nani instructed.

Arnav had no choice but to accept. As they walked back to her car, Arnav decided to convince her for tomorrow’s ritual.

“Your family rituals related to the Mehndi is very… unusual” he stated.

Khushi knew which ritual he was talking about.

“But if I were you, I would do it” he added.

“Come to the point Mr. Raizada” she stopped at the car.

Arnav knew she was purposely not acknowledging his words.

“Okay listen” Arnav straightened. “This is not about us anymore. Its about NK and La. I want them to be happy and I am sure you expect the same out of their marriage. That’s why I am here to request you to draw the Mehndi in your palms with my initials on it”

“Their marriage.. Their happiness..” She interrupted. “What am I getting in all this? Nothing?”

Arnav frowned. He thought she loved her brother selflessly and could do anything for him. Maybe she would have if he and his sister were not involved.

“What do you want for doing this?” he asked.

She let out a sarcastic chuckle.

“Mr. Raizada. You have already given yourself to me for the next 6 months, what else can you afford to give me?”

Arnav took a step closer. If she was going to make fun of his seriousness, he wouldn’t let her do it. He was pretty serious about this.

“Just ask” he said earnestly.

Khushi gave him a long, careful stare.

“Think again. What if I ask something you do not want to fulfil?”

“I would still do it. For my sister”

“That sister?” she teased. “The one who is suspecting your intentions for me?”

Arnav gulped.

“She is not wrong in thinking so. Don’t blame her” he snapped.

“Fine” she shrugged casually opening the car door. “You will soon know what I want from you to fulfill tomorrow’s ritual.”

She got inside the car and shut the door. Arnav waited till she ignited the engine and drove out. She was definitely onto something big. But whatever replies she gave a while ago to Lavanya were so surprising. She took his side, partially, trying to prove that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. After all it was only Khushi Gupta who knew what all sacrifices he was doing to get Lavanya and NK married.


Next Day

The Mehndi ceremony began after Khushi Gupta joined with her friend Ruby Khanna. Nani got them seated next to Lavanya who had started getting the Mehndi applied. All women had dressed in their best. Khushi chose to wear a simple Pink Chudidar. She generally never shopped for traditional outfits but for this wedding, she picked a few which wouldn’t be heavy on her neither make her look totally out of place. Nani introduced her to some of her friends who couldn’t make it for the Sangeet yesterday.

“Where is Arnav?” Khushi purposely asked Nani aloud so that Lavanya too could hear.

“ASR is busy in an important work” Lavanya instantly replied.

“I will be right back” Nani said before leaving to attend the other ladies.

“Busy? Isn’t he supposed to convince Khushi for the Mehndi?” Ruby asked.

Lavanya faked a smile. She didn’t want to tell Khushi or her friend Ruby what work ASR was busy at.

“I think he won’t convince. Because he knows Khushi would never agree. Why to even try?” Lavanya replied.

“But if ASR really tries hard, she might agree. Right Khushi?” Ruby giggled.

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“No chance” Lavanya answered. “If he was going to do this for me, then I would tell him not to. The woman whom he would marry in future will write his name on her palm, no one else has to do the honors” she taunted.

Khushi frowned. Lavanya’s dislike for her was so palpable.

“My throat is burning. I need a drink” Khushi rose to her feet.

“No hard drinks today” Lavanya mentioned.

“I know darling” Khushi smirked. “I was not talking about hard drinks either”

Ruby winked at Khushi for the apt reply and then continued praising Lavanya’s Mehndi designs.

Khushi made her way to the kitchen where the soft drinks were placed. She was about to pick one when she heard his voice. He was at the room adjacent to the kitchen. The voices confirmed he wasn’t alone. He was with a woman!! Khushi stiffened as she took steps towards that room whose door was half open.

Arnav Singh Raizada was sitting on a couch with a woman opposite to him. She couldn’t see his face but the woman was definitely beautiful and traditional types. Only on the outside. Khushi knew her. But what were they doing here alone?

“I love Music, cinemas and cooking is my favorite pastime. I know a variety of cuisines”

“That’s lovely” he replied.

Khushi connected the dots. So, this girl here was another prospective proposal for him. That’s the urgent work which he was busy at instead of convincing her to draw his name on her palms? Well!! If that’s so, she knew how to shatter their lovely moment.

“Hope I am not interrupting something” She said coming inside the room.

The girl fumed seeing Khushi but Arnav Singh Raizada looked enthralled at her intervention.

“We were discussing something very important” the girl snapped.

“When did you come here? Why didn’t Nani tell me?” Arnav asked.

“Probably she too didn’t wish to disturb you. But if that’s what you want, then I can always leave. As it is, I am little bored in these kind of events” Khushi teased.

Nope! Arnav couldn’t afford to let her go.

“You can’t leave” he urged.

The girl looked angrily at him whereas Khushi was overjoyed.

“I don’t have a good company outside and the one I thought would keep me entertained is busy” Khushi teased.

Arnav knew she was purposely making the girl jealous. It was so obvious he would not let her go without fulfilling the ritual. He tried to divert the topic.

“Geeta, she is Khushi Gupta. Lavanya is marrying her brother” Arnav introduced.

“Who doesn’t know her?” Geeta faked a smile.

“And who the hell is she?” Khushi asked staring at Arnav who shook his head in disapproval. She cannot talk like that when Geeta is still standing between them.

“She is Nani’s friend’s granddaughter, Geeta Seth”

“I see. Pleasure meeting you Geeta. Now if you don’t mind, I have to talk privately to Arnav. So, can you just leave?”

Geeta was highly upset.

“Arnav, this is not done” she shouted.

“Geeta, she doesn’t mean to..”

“Good bye” Geeta picked her phone and hurried out.

Arnav rubbed his temple as Geeta left.

“Why? Why did you do that?” he growled. “You have rights on me.. not the woman I choose to marry”

Khushi gave him a disapproving glance.

“That’s right. And Geeta cannot be your choice. I know that. You should be thankful I made her go away”

“What are you talking about?”

“Geeta is not what she told you she is”

Arnav was amused.

“She is a chain smoker and has double dated guys at one time. If you don’t believe me you can check with your own sources”

Arnav was speechless. Was Geeta really like what Khushi told him about? If so, she literally had saved his time and efforts.

“Thanks” he muttered. “If you can do such a big favor on me why not just agree to get my name written on your palm?”

Khushi smirked hard.

“I will Mr. Raizada. Whats the hurry. First hear out what I want from you in return”

“Ask me anything” he repeated the same statement he had said last night.

“50% share holdings of AR Group” she demanded.

Arnav was taken back. She wanted half of his company? Khushi studied him, saw the tension on his jaw.

“For the next 6 months, that’s it. You will get it back when our deal is over” she added.

“You know what you are asking from me?” he scowled.

“Nothing you didn’t expect from me, Arnav Singh Raizada. Our deal already mentions I have rights over you and everything you own for the next 6 months. What I am asking now is to just make it legal”

“AR is my Soul” he took a step closer. Rage shimmered on his face. “I am not going to let you play with it”

Khushi’s spine stiffened. He was denying? Well, he would have to accept the consequences too then.

“You have made your decision?” she asked. “Just few minutes ago you were ready to do anything for this ritual”

Arnav was speechless again. Yes, he had promised to do anything but he hadnt expected it to be so big.

“Alright then. I don’t need to be here if that’s what your decision is”

She was about to make a move out, when he gripped her arm and dragged her to the living room. People were too busy to notice them in the crowd but Nani did. He made Khushi sit on the couch and turned to his grandmother.

“She has agreed to do this” he tried to sound normal though his hands trembled. “I have convinced her” he added.

Lavanya’s friends cheered knowing the ritual was going to be fulfilled but Lavanya had no clue how did this happen. Neither Nani had any idea what conversation the two had. Khushi met Arnav’s eyes again before he left and it was enough to read that he was willing to share his company with her – for then next 6 months. She gave a wining smirk to Ruby and opened her palms for the Mehndi to be drawn with his initials at the center.

To be Continued.

Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 






  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I want arshi together get married

  2. Interesting ...
    I guessed she will ask it.

  3. I didn't thought that Khushi will ask the share .. but why ? She already have big empire then what she will do with ar ? Why didn't she ask arnav to marry her ? She is jealous and Lavanya is angry on Khushi .. in future whenever Khushi is changed her behaviour and fall in love with arnav and if the deal matter js disclosed to Lavanya then she will definitely try ask arnav to leave Khushi and get settled with another girl..
    Madhu in this story I want Khushi and arnav to get separated like imposed vows 1 and then again reunite.. Khushi should earn arnav's love and his forgiveness...
    Will you update yaadein tomorrow ? Can you give precap today ?

  4. Oh so Khushi wants have is the share of AR. That’s ridiculous of Khushi. But think of her egoistic character it’s nothing to her. Feels bad for Arnav. Awesome update

  5. Lavanya should find out the truth.

  6. Khushi is so cruel... Poor arnav suffering a lot... Hooe he will give her nice pay back soon...

  7. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  8. What Khushi is doing is wrong. Her parents should come for the wedding and Arnav should bring them to teach her a lesson. Lavanya and NK should know about the deal that Khushi made with Arnav regarding their marriage.

  9. Well this made the whole thing sick again..i was just starting to get a lil sympathy for psycho khushi..she must have known wht self made property could mean to someone as she did it herself..still she stooped so low asking it from this what revenge means to her? Hopeless is the word i feel i can call what lengths is she gonna go..i don't think i can hate her anymore than this

  10. Why she is asking the shares for this simple thing

  11. How can you turn every event so was a thrilling update....Arnav is agree to give his company share.... unbelievable...
    Thanks for the update...

  12. Khushi is taking advantage of Arnav's weakness n situation. I hope Arnav will retaliate n take the lead in this fight

  13. Nice update...

    Khushi's point was right la had hide her personal life from arnav and now showing concern for him..but khushi was rude as always..

    Arnav is very good person the love he has for his sister is important for him.

    Seriously 50%share oh no she is hell behind to destroy his company ? 6 month mein she can do that brutally

    Khushi was jealous to see arnav talking to a girl ..

    Looking forward

  14. I'm feeling a raging anger at Khushi right now.. Arnav's character is very optimistic here that he is trying to find good in Khushi's doings.. 50% share for a simple ritual seems toooo huge to me.. and again Khushi made sarcastic comment about how Lavanya is dumped on her and her Kishu.. inwas surprised that Lavanya didn't give any response to it, may be because Lavanya is already upset by then.. also Khushi's love for NK doesn't seem selfless like Arnav assumed.. Khushi is creating a huge number of people to make up to whenever she changes and realises her mistakes..

  15. Lavanya shouldn't marry NK. He is a weak character and needs to learn to take a stand. But he will learn at the expense of lavanya's sufferings and that's so sad.
    Idk why people willingly fall into such marriages.

  16. Khushi is being heartless now.

  17. Awesome Update. Khushi is typically business minded lady who has no value for emotions I guess she will ask something like this. Khushi wants only materialistic things. I hope Lavanya come to know about this soon. Lavanya is already so much concern for Arnav. Khushi still think Lavanya is responsible. I feel Khushi is little insensitive here. Lavanya is already angry on Khushi and came to a conclusion about Arshi relationship. Khushi accurately planned all this to make Arnav weak. I hope Arnav find a solution soon. Thanks for the Update 😍.

  18. I'm liking Lav & Khushi's cat fight... Both r fighting with each other but unknowingly have the same motive & that's to take a stand for Arnav against the other...

    Khushi did save Arnav from that double faced Geeta but somewhere she was jealous too to see her with Arnav...

    Khushi wants 50% partnership in Arnav's company so that she can rule over him on professional level as well... God knows still what all he will have to do for his sister's love & happiness...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  19. Starting to dislike the Khushi! Well who am I kidding I dislike her more now! I mean, yes, we all love a strong female character! But, strong not this! This is insanity! A child that cries if she doesn't get what she wants! Gets it by hook or crook. What is she? A 4 year old? I hope better sense prevails soon!


  20. I really hope Lavanya or NK finds the contract between Arnav and Khushi before their wedding. Arnav is sacrificing a lot for Lavanya and she needs to stop him from doing that. Khushi is simply playing with him and his love for his sister. Being a sister herself she should be a bit sensible but no the Khushi in this story is blinded by her ego.

  21. I don't know something is fishy. This khusi's behaviour show something I don't know what to say. May be she is not wrong and doing this on purpose. There should be some connecting dots.
    And since it's lawful sin there should be some legal matter right. Eagerly waiting for the story to unfold.

  22. Arnav is a very emotional person and the dance seemed to left a great effect on him. Lavanya is concerned for Arnav and I really like she noticed Arnav's turmoil . Lavanya's attitude was too good. Atleast Khushi couldn't dominate her. Khushi accused Lavanya very badly and still thing they have trapped Gupta siblings. Khushi is weird one one side she insult la and other side is concerned about her baby. Khushi is troubling Arnav too much. Khushi cares about the tradition that's why she herself took the initiative .Nani's love and affection can change Khushi. Khushi choose a traditional outfit. Ruby and Khushi are similar. Loved lavanya's feeling for her brother. Khushi is unknowingly becoming possessive as well as jealous and she did research on Geeta as well and saved Arnav. Khushi agreed to get Arnav's name written but at the cost of 50 percent AR share and will give it back after the deal get over make no sense . Does she wants to destroy Arnav this way. Arnav gave a huge sacrifice. Don't know what else is Arnav going to sacrifice for Lavanya.It will be good if Lavanya don't get married to NK and be a single mom. That's my point.

  23. Woah i like such strong characters

  24. I was starting to like khushi. But now I’m starting to hate her. Never thought she would ask for share. Why is she doing this? She has money, business and everything. Why is she lowering herself in front of Arnav. Sis when you make Arnav rude you never make him this cheap. I just hope khushi is not really taking his shares. If she did it would be so disgusting. I will really hate her. I don’t know. Khushi is so bad in this story. Circumstances make people change but that doesn’t give them the right to destroy or interrupt others life like khushi is doing right now. Nice update

    1. No no.. Madhu has actually shown Arnav similarly in some of the other fics.. like in new Boss season 1, he makes Khushi endure a lot of pain irrationally under his own assumptions..
      Now I guess most of the people are unable to see Khushi this way, who is more or less shown as typical Mary Sue or the Goddess herself in a majority of ffs

    2. He is more cheap I think.i know khusi is wrong but Just because khusi asked for 50%share she became cheap. If she make some loss or hamper his business then it can be termed as cheap. And also we are seeing only arnav's life nothing is being shown about khusi. We can wait till the story unfold I think.
      And also arnav is not weak character here. He knows to handle khusi ya sometimes she goes over the board. Have you read other story were arnav is way too cruel towards. This is nothing compared to that.

    3. Exactly.. this is not about being strong or weak or cheap.. it's about how some feel they are entitled to abusing others due to their so called strength.. both are strong in their own rights here, though Arnav is the more stable one overall whereas Khushi is just strong financially but weak emotionally and everywhere else.. we all love strong female characters, however being strong doesn't equate to abusing men.. for example, Khushi in jiya jale jaan jale is the strongest Khushi I've seen till now.. This Khushi in lawful sins is nothing when compared to the overall strength of character that Khushi in Jiya Jale shows..

  25. I don’t like this khushi at all and she blaming Lavanya is ridiculous as if her brother is any saint. She asked his shares is the most disgusting thing ever and i really want this marriage to stop and Lavanya finds the truth before the wedding.

  26. Don't know about others but I am loving this khushi and her manipulative nature .Some may think I am nuts but I'm really loving this khushi.Madhu in all your stories khushi has always been weak and always had to bend in front of Arnav.But now the case is different and I am loving this.

  27. Awesome update. Loved the way Lavanya is getting suspicious about her brother.

  28. The worst thing😤😡 how can she ask arnav's companys 50% shara for 6month how dare she😡😠 she is a devil😈 and just to fullfill a mere ritual 😠😈i am hating her the most for do this and she is taking alot of advantage of arnav's weakness and his helplessness i hate it wen people do like this to others 😤😠😈... I don't want past she has beczs of that she can do with people like this wen she have abig empire of her own than y she want arnav's and she want to rule him professionaly 😠 and ruin him 😢 i don't understand y r u showing him soo weak madhu 😰😥 and y arnav is fulfilling her nonsense demand just for a mere ritual its ok wen its not done too plezs madhu don't this happen 😰 post soon

  29. Awesome update.. love this Khushi and arnav 🥰

  30. What's wrong with Arnav? Why did he agree to give 50% stake for some baseless ritual? Sometimes he is so stupid. Lavanya also belongs to same high profile circle that Khushi belongs. But how come she did not know the characters of girls like Dolly, Geeta,etc. before. While Khushi did. She is busy pointing at Khushi but doesn't want to do background check of those girls before inviting them? if she is so concerned about Arnav.

  31. Khushi is going to repent a lot , she is going to the extremity

  32. Hope she don't loose arnav in her stupid revenge game.when you will show her past?

  33. Come on we all knew in the starting itself ki she wants to spoil his business.But we were suprised that she hasn't yet and thought probably she will never do it and started liking her. But finally she did what she wanted to do. So i dont understand why people here are suprised suddenly. She just took her own sweet time. That's it! But will she really spoil his business? I dont think so. She might end up helping him. The soft corner she has for him now a days.

  34. Liked the way Kushi spoke to Lavanya defending Arnav. About the 50/% shares... ASR is ASR might end up with something else

  35. I don't know why I like this khushi. This story is getting interesting with every chapter.
    Want to know her past.

  36. Hope Lavanya doesn't misunderstand and blame arnav in future. She is one of the reasons Arnav is helpless today.

  37. Awesome update. Loving this cat and mouse game of Arshi. What's her motive behind asking AR shares? I have a belief that Khushi wo t do anything to harm his business. Still it's confusing. Loved the way Khushi made Geetha ran away. When they are going to become a couple??? Eagerly waiting for that moment......
