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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 19


Chapter 19

Arnav wanted to punch something hard. 50% of AR Shares? How could she ask that? It was late night, the Mehndi ceremony had ended hours ago and ever since he told Nani and Lavanya that Khushi Gupta had agreed to write his name on her palms, he was off that place. He drove to AR Group and was spending his time, thinking the best way to save his company – correction – save 50% of his Company from the clutches of that arrogant lady. How?

He paced in his cabin. He had to take this one step at a time. Think ASR!! He stopped at the huge glass wall which separated his cabin from the rest of the floor. What could she do with his shares? Co-own the company? Steal his clients? Or the worse, shut it down completely? He should not have promised her. He just played with the lives of all his staff. She was a heartless, wicked monstress. She only knew self-harm and destruction of her competitors. But did she really have that much power? There had to be some catch. Why 50% Shares of AR? Why would she ask that?
He got back on his chair and made a quick call to Shyam Jha. He spoke to him for an hour, later had few more back-to-back calls with his professional sources and legal advisors. It was midnight 3:00 when he got his reply. So, this is what she wanted. He checked the email on his laptop and then shut the screen.


Gupta Villa

It was midnight 03:00 and Khushi was lying on her bed, with Bella sleeping at the edge of the bed peacefully. Every time Khushi tossed, Bella would jump and change her sleeping position. This time when Khushi tossed again, Bella reached her and licked her fingers. Probably the fragrance of the Henna she had applied on her palm was enticing her. Though Khushi had completed the ritual, she didn’t let them draw Mehndi on her entire palm. She just wrote Arnav’s initial. And it had darkened on her fair skin to this extent that anyone would notice it if she moved her hand even an inch. Khushi opened her palm and showed it to the little puppy. Bella admired the big letter A at the center of Khushi’s palm and licked it. When her rough tongue brushed Khushi’s smooth palm, she flinched.

“Stop” she snapped pulling her palm away from Bella’s face. “Don’t get so excited. It was a ritual. I am least interested in that man apart from his company shares”

Bella whined. She had no clue what Khushi was trying to make her understand but she kept listening, wagging her tail in between.

“It’s a big day tomorrow, Bella. Very big day”

For the first time she softly stroked Bella’s head, the way Arnav Singh Raizada did every time he met Bella.


Lavanya couldn’t sleep well last night and the reason behind this was Khushi Gupta. When Khushi agreed to write Arnav’s name on her Palms and Arnav left the house, Lavanya knew something was wrong between the two. ASR was hiding something from her and she had to find it out. Her thoughts were intruded by NK’s phone call who was excited about their Haldi today. But when NK realized she wasn’t as anxious as him, he tried to calm her down.

“La. Why are you so much tensed? Everything is progressing well. Khush and ASR are in good terms with each other, our marriage is tomorrow. What else is bothering you?”

“Your sister bothers me NK” she said without any fear.

“You mean Khush?” he snapped. “What did she do?”

“I don’t know. Though she has agreed to get us married, I am still not convinced. She is definitely doing something which we are unaware of?”

“La” he became serious. “Khush is not like that. I know she is all tough at the outside but she loves me too much. She wouldn’t think to hurt anyone related to me. In fact, the way she is preparing for this wedding, I wonder if even my parents would take that much interest in this, had they been invited”

“You mean, they are not even invited for our wedding?” she queried.

“Khush don’t want their presence”


“La” he sighed. “Let’s not get into that”

“Why not NK? I am going to be your wife. I will be part of your family. I need to know what is so wrong between you both and them? You never talk about them”

“Let the marriage happen. I will tell you everything. Plus, I have to check on the arrangements here. Khushi is not home to look at them today”

Lavanya was surprised to know because even ASR was not home. He had informed Nani that he had something urgent work in AR office and would be back before Haldi. Was he with Khushi again?


AR Office

Khushi’s corporate lawyer handed the papers to Arnav’s company lawyer who verified it thoroughly. They were seated in a conference room at AR office with Khushi Gupta and Arnav Singh Raizada sitting opposite at the long table. Arnav never looked at her, not even glance. He was busy talking to his lawyers and the rest of the times, he was busy on his laptop.

“How much more time, Dikshit?” Khushi asked her lawyer.

“It’s almost done Miss Gupta. Just the Signatures of ASR is pending”

When Arnav’s legal advisor checked the papers and gave a go ahead to Arnav, he took a pen and signed. Khushi’s body flushed with relief.

“That’s it, Mr. Raizada” Dikshit took charge of the signed papers. “We will get them legalized and share a copy with both the parties”

Arnav rose up to his feet and shook hands with team.

“Thank you, gentlemen for making it happen within such a short span” he thanked.

Khushi rose to her feet.

“I need to speak to Miss Gupta alone” he further added glancing at others.

Khushi’s brows twitched in surprise. Alone?

As everyone else left the room, Arnav finally met her gaze.

“I must say” Khushi smiled. “You really have a strong heart Mr. Raizada. How easily you gave me half of your company without much ifs and buts. Lavanya is very lucky to have a brother like you”

“You could have just asked” he muttered.

“Excuse me?” she was confused what that meant?

“I said… you could have just asked this favor from me.. I wouldn’t have denied considering my sister is getting married to your brother. Why make it such a fuss?”

Khushi still didn’t get his point. Arnav circled the table to reach her side.

“But you are Miss Khushi Gupta, the CEO of Gupta Industries. How can you ask a favor from anyone, isn’t it?” he taunted.

“What the hell are you talking about?” she growled. “What favor?”

Arnav’s smile irked her.

“I think you have lost it” she replied. “It happens when you give half of your company’s responsibilities to someone else”

Arnav gripped her forearms and drew her closer. She didn’t flinch. Somehow the warmth of his body felt like a necessary aid.

“I haven’t given you the rights to run half of my Company, Miss Gupta. And as far as I know you, that’s not what you have in mind either”

Khushi swallowed. She still made no efforts in coming off his grip.

“I know how desperate you are to win the Singapore Deal with Chang’s company” he mentioned.

Khushi stiffened. How does he know?

“That contract can earn you triple profits for the next 10 years and you don’t want to lose it” he added. “But there was just one hurdle. The collateral” he smirked. “You have already taken huge amount from the market and couldn’t risk taking some more. You needed something to show the Company as a collateral so that they can entrust Gupta Industries can fulfil this long-term project without much risk”

Khushi clenched her jaw.

“Next month is the date of the bid and you had very less time to arrange that much funds. You just wanted to show your financial stability to that Company and hence you played this trick with me. You knew, having 50% AR Shares would not just let you grab this Contract but also help you clear your Company’s financial credibility in the market. Obviously 6 months are more than enough all for all this to happen and hence.. you approached me.”

Khushi shoved off his grip and turned around. She had no clue how he got to know all of this. How could she forget he too was in the same Industry, same competition and same field. He clutched her elbow and turned her around.

“You just had to ask, Miss Gupta. You just had to tell me you needed a little help in securing your company’s financial stability, I would have helped you”

Khushi let out a sarcastic smile.

“Help is what I don’t like asking..” she scowled. “from anyone… especially from you”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“I have told you this before and telling you again now” he met her sharp gaze. “I am not your enemy. Don’t take me like one”

Khushi felt her body burning again, this time not with anger but something else. Would he really have done this favor on her if she had just told him about her company needs? She too wanted to play fair but her wicked mind didn’t let her choose the easy way. She thought he would make fun of her, that he would think she is a weak businesswoman and instead of helping, he might ask her to withdraw his 6-month slave deal if she wanted his help. And she wasn’t prepared to do that. She couldn’t let him mock at her. She couldn’t let him GO…

“Anyway” he rubbed his jaw. “As mentioned in the agreement, we are not going to disclose it to any outside party that you own 50% shares of my Company, neither you will have any rights to make decisions for AR group without my approval. And once you bag the Singapore contract which will take around 6-months from now, the shares will be transferred back to my name. Fair enough”

He then stretched his hand towards her for a handshake.

“It was nice doing this business with you” he smiled.

Khushi wanted to break his jaw for grinning at her. She thought he would be enraged by her act, might hate her even more and she would get the best opportunity to tease him, make him run behind her for the sake of his company, but she was wrong. Now he was going to pity her as he knew her little secret. Despite of winning this round, she lost.

She pressed her hand with his to complete their handshake. Arnav raised her arm and turned to check her palm. His initial “A” sparkled in her white palm, sending an electric current throughout his body. She could feel a dull ache in her stomach when his eyes lingered more than longer on her palm.

“Looks good on you”

These words just slipped from his mouth; he didn’t know why? She should have been offended but instead goosebumps rose on her skin. The door knocked. It was Shyam Jha. Arnav stepped away from Khushi and allowed Shyam to get inside.

“Boss, Mr and Mrs. Gupta are here” he informed.

Khushi stumbled back. Her parents are here? At AR Office? Why?

“What they doing here?” Arnav was equally shocked. “Did you call them –” he paused watching the tension over Khushi’s face. She was unprepared for this. He turned back to Shyam. “Get them seated in my cabin. I am coming”

Shyam acknowledged and left the room. Khushi gripped the edge of the table to calm her raging nerves.

“You know why they are here?” he queried.

“Do I look like I know?” she snapped. “Just throw them out.. Do that .. now” she growled.

Arnav fisted his fingers. He wasn’t angry on her but the situation which was making her weak. She definitely shared a worse past with her parents.

“I just cannot throw them out. I don’t even know why they are here instead of coming to you. You said you didn’t want to invite them to this wedding so probably they are here to make me convince you”

“Shut up” she groaned. “I don’t want them around me and Kishu”

Arnav rolled his eyes and thought for few seconds.

“Let me handle this. If that’s what you want, they wont be attending the wedding”

He pressed her forearms gently and made his way out. This was enough to assure Khushi he would do as told.

Arnav strode to his cabin and when he stepped in, he saw the Gupta couple seated on the couch. He had never seen them before, not even in any magazines, social media or any news channel. Seemed like the two lived a private life. But weren’t they staying separate and not with each other? At least that’s what NK had told once. But what were they doing here, together?

“ASR” the man rose to his feet and smirked. “I am Shashi Gupta and she is Garima, my wife”

Arnav shook his hands with him and then smiled at the woman.

“What can I do for you?” he took a seat on the couch, before them.

“Your sister is getting married to our son” Garima stated. “And we are not even invited. What kind of family is yours who didn’t deem it necessary to invite the groom’s parents?”

“Mrs. Gupta” Arnav snapped. “I don’t like anyone pointing at my family for any reasons. Please ensure you don’t use such words henceforth”

Garima frowned. Shashi tried to intervene.

“She didn’t mean to hurt you ASR. Its just that we are so frustrated that we are not even informed about our Son’s wedding”

“That’s because your daughter and son wanted it that way. I don’t have any say over their invitees and I can do nothing about it.”

Garima clenched her teeth.

“Well” Shashi sighed. “I am sure it would be Khushi’s idea not to call us but we really cannot miss this wedding. We too want to be a part of it”

Arnav shrugged.

“I cannot help” he raised back on his feet. “Anything else you both want to talk?”

Shashi and Garima got a hint that he wanted them to leave. They got up.

“Tell that dumb girl” Shashi came ahead. “She cannot stop us from attending the wedding. We will be there and we will bless our son”

Arnav wanted to smack the man’s face.

“Your daughter is running a billion dollars company Mr. Gupta. She is surely not dumb. I don’t mind if you attend the wedding but only if you have proper invite from your children and if you try to do anything that can ruin our joy that day, you will have to face me before your daughter”

Shashi’s eyes darted in shock. Garima dragged her husband out. The door shut and Arnav took a sigh of relief. He could see why Khushi hated these two people. If parents were like them, she and NK better stayed aloof.

To be Continued.

Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 






NEW EXCERPT OF Mr & Mrs Sehgal (Romantic Novel)

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were behind me and I was speaking to my mother and the music. It’s so loud so I came here.. and .. I am leaving no. I was leaving and..”

She tried her best to explain, but the man kept on giving her angry glares. She paused.

“I can dry clean your suit” she offered.

Seemed like it offended him.

“Or else, I will buy you a new one”

“45000 USD” he replied.

Her eyes darted in shock.

“That’s the cost of my expensive suit which you didn’t care to spoil”

Aashi bit the insides of her cheeks. She hated men who flaunted prize tags.

“And I assume you cannot afford it” he added.

Now this definitely raged her. He had every right to be angry on her, but right now he attacked her dignity.

“I cannot afford to buy you such an expensive suit. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t spend so much money on a piece of cloth. Instead, I would donate it to some needy people who cannot even afford to buy onetime meals for their family”

Her statement seemed to have raged him again.

“Keep your Miss India speech with you Miss Sinha and get out of my way”

He pushed her away and strode to the washroom. He called her by her last name? Did he know her? Obviously, she was Miss India and he might have seen her on TV. She probably shouldn’t have given him that lecture that irked him more. She had spoiled his expensive suit, if not money, she should at least have apologized well. She followed him to the common washroom where he was wiping off the stains from his suit.

“Look, I am Sorry”

He stopped and looked at her in the mirror as she came and stood next to him.

“I can…”

“Don’t tell me what you can do” he snapped, turning at her. “In fact, let me tell you what I could have done so far if you had not ruined my suit. If you hadn’t crossed my way tonight, by now I would have signed a 200-crore deal with my clients. But I am here in the washroom taking care of the stain”

She zipped her lips. Another Price Tag!!

“Why is it that whenever you open your mouth, you only speak money?”

He fisted the tissue in his palms and stepped towards her without breaking his gaze. She stepped back in fear.

“I don’t deem it necessary to acquaint myself to a 6-month-old Model like you. But only so you stay in your limits and not cross my territory ever again, I will introduce myself. I am Kabier Sehgal. The clothes you wear, the products you endorse, the shows you work in.. I own them all… You are standing in this party because I am giving work to people like you.. Do you understand?”


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  2. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  3. Appreciated the way Arnav closed the issue both transfer of the shares and the guptas

  4. So Khushi has no plans to ruin Arnav's business but it's for her own business' profit... Good that Arnav added all the necessary, precautionary clauses in their deal & at the same time he tried to make Khushi beleive that he isn't her enemy but friend whom she can look upon during crises without being judgemental of his reactions.. He is such a darling that even after suffering so much of humiliation through her hands, he always understands her predicament & inhibitions & tries to help her out of it just like he handled her parents... I so so wish that Khushi should have heard whatever Arnav told her parents.. Atleast she would have cut some slack for him in their slavery deal...

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Only Arnav can change her....unknowingly both are affected by each other... Even after considering Arnav as her enemy...khushi is trusting him.... And In Arnav'S case he is devolping a kind of care for her unknowingly

  6. Awesome Update. Khushi is purely business minded and has no place for emotions. Bella and Khushi's bonding is too cute. She can only change Khushi. Khushi's conversation with Bella was amazing. Khushi already fulfilled the mehendi ritual before marriage and it indicates Khushi will fall madly in love with Arnav. Somehow Bella will bring Arshi together. Lavanya is very disturbed and I really don't want her to marry NK. NK is as usual dumb and living in his own bubble and think Khushi can't hurt anyone. What is Khushi's equation with her parents. I liked Lavanya's straightforward attitude. Khushi has no has no heart.Arnavlready a huge effect on Khushi and glad that he is one step ahead of her . He knew the reason already about Khushi's company is at risk. Never underestimate ASR. Khushi though was too arrogant still Arnav is willing to help. On the other side her feelings are growing for Arnav. She has some trust issues and think people will mock her. Both Arshi have some connection between them. Arnav compliment Khushi also . Finally Khushi's parents arrive. Shashi Gupta's behaviour is upsetting. Why is Shashi Gupta like this. Perhaps he and Garima is the reason why Khushi is like this. Circumstances forced her to Khushi become like this . Thanks for the Update 😍😘.

  7. Khushi just want to satisfy her ego and nothing more.She possess no threat to anyone.She is just a woman with her own insecurities and a woman who's ego gets hurt when something not happen according to her will.She would have upsured 50% shares of AR groups but she doesn't want that.So all khushi need is understanding and care just these things can melt khushi.I am just liking khushi more by each update.Arnav can be sweet but I am falling in love with Khushi and I don't know why.

  8. Loved how Arnav support Khushi. Perhaps some injustice has been done with Khushi since childhood. Shashi Gupta don't deserve to be a parent. I want to know Khushi's past . Hope Khushi can trust Arnav .

  9. Phew... Glad khushi dint be a monster in this case. She just needed help for her company. And loved the way Arnav defended khushi in front of her parents.

  10. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav handled his business matters with such cautiousness, tried to make her understand that he is not her enemy and finally supported her decision of not inviting the couple.

  11. May be Lavanya will get to know about this 50% shares and arnav will convince Lavanya .. may be something happens which make arnav hastly announce that he will marry Khushi so that he can protect Khushi from her parents ? Hope Khushi finds her peace in arnav..
    Want to read the past what happened with arnav and Khushi? Please disclose it.

  12. Every day this story going amazing I can't live peacefully with out reading your stories especially this one mathu you are great i am fell in love with your stories i love arshi...

  13. Superb 😎 update. Wow Arnav handle the problem awesomely. Now Khushi have to mellow down.

  14. I was shocked when everyone were saying they hated khusi after reading previous chapter. Even though nothing was mentioned whether she would ruin his business or not. Thank god everything is cleared. And she got no such intention. Pls pls make arnav like this only caring and supportive towards khusi. I think she never got love from her near one. Nk is busy in his own life. Her parents are out of question. So whatever she learnt is pure business. So she could only show what she faced and I think that is rudeness from everyone. Hope now she would get some support from arnav as a friend as a well wisher. And main thing pls don't separate arshi.
    And when will we get to see her past. I want to know what cause her to change so much .
    Wonderful update di

  15. Loved it .. Arnav will solve this puzzle named Khushi

  16. Hmm so khushi needed Arnav's help but she didn't want to ask him directly. What did Khushi's parents do to her that she don't even want to meet them

  17. What a roller-coster of episode. Such toxic Gupta parents! Is Khushi adopted? They seem to be concerned only about NK.That Garima is literally blackmailing. They are so manipulative. I always felt they will end up at the wedding since you mentioned Garima is nagging types. Good ASR understood their character and sided with Khushi. I hope they dont cosy up with Lavanya, brain wash her and enter the Gupta house, before nk tells her the real truth. Lav as it is seems to want to spend time with her in-laws. I hope that doesn't happen. Or else Khushi will breakdown. Love this Arnav! He is such a gentleman. Khushi realised but doesn't want to accept it.

  18. I guess slowly he will win her trust
    She is quite manipulative but her parents seem to freak her whatever it is must be bad

  19. He is soo understanding and caring. Khushi should trust him. Fabulous update.khushi parents are evil but why?

  20. Even though khushi shows to the world that she is strong she is not. But she has a strong ego which makes her cunning. Good arnav did a thorough search about everything and mocked khushi like that. She needed his help. Nice update!

  21. Simply superb update...
    Wow he is truly genius ASR the way he dig n figure out why khushi asked for 50%share..

    NK is dumb really he is khushi's brother.. La seems smart n sensible

    Loved the way Arnav spoke to khushi wow the physical attraction is growing between them..
    Loved the way arnav replied to guptas looking forward

  22. What kind off parents are they.. loved arnav supporting Khushi

  23. Can you update lawful sins 2 please mathu

  24. So Khushi used his shares to secure her business. That's not fair. She could have asked him. But like Arnav said, she is The KHUSHI GUPTA, CEO of ഗുപ്ത industries. How could she??? And what's the enmity between the gupts??? Waiting to know khushi's past....

  25. Kaise tum likhte ho itne achhe stories with different concepts . It's confirmed khushi has a horrible past with her parents . Waiting for that day when you disclose it . Kaash ipkknd 4 would come with this story and sarun would be main male and female protagonists

  26. Wow wonderful update
    Arnav is so understanding and caring here
    Hope Khushi will able to trust him and share her past with him soon
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  27. Arnav was really amazing. Finding out the truth of Khushi’s ulterior motive behind the shares. He also dealt so well with the Guptas. Superb chapter
