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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 45


Chapter 45

“Date?” Suhani screamed in joy.

“Sshh” Khushi glanced at the door to ensure it was locked and their voices didn’t go out. “No need to be so happy. I have denied going”


“What’s so surprising, Suhani? You know we don’t get along with each other well”

“Really? Don’t say we.. Its just you who are adamant. He is already changing a lot for you”

“Is he?” Khushi asked with sarcasm. “Only by ordering my meals, arranging a charter flight to take me to work?”

Suhani rolled her eyes.
“Come on khushi, don’t go blind on his efforts. He is trying to win you back”

“I was never his. Whats there to win me back then?”

“God help you” Suhani snapped. “What do you want him to do? Beg? Plead?”

Khushi frowned.

“I cannot imagine him doing any of this which can hurt his royal ego”

“He is a changed man, Khushi. And for whom did he change? For you, idiot”

“I am not going on a date with him, that’s final. What will we do there? Just eat and come back home? What is so special about it? We can do that even here. Why do we need to go out?”

Suhani rubbed her forehead in dismay.

“Don’t audition for that romantic Web series” Suhani mentioned. “You don’t have a tinge of romance in you”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. The door knocked. Khushi immediately composed as the door opened and Angad and Arnav came inside.

“Suhani, lets go home. Its late” Angad mentioned.

“Yup” she got up and hugged Khushi whispering in her ears. “Think its your audition. Practice being romantic with your husband on the date. And who knows, the contract of the web series would be yours”

Khushi frowned and hit her gently.

“I am not going to use my husband for my selfish reasons”

Arnav overheard that.

“Did you just say something?” he asked.

“No” Khushi straightened.

“I heard something” he argued.

“She said something” Suhani confirmed.

Khushi bit her lip. What the hell? Suhani was taking Arnav’s side?

“I asked her to rehearse with you some romantic scenes which can help her pass the audition”

“Suhani.. Stop… I am going to kill you” Khushi blabbered.

“My husband won’t let me die and your husband won’t let you kill” she said winking and hurried to Angad. “bye Arnav”

“Bye” he replied holding a smile on the corner of his lips. As they left, Arnav locked the bedroom door and turned around.

“Don’t take her seriously” Khushi snapped.

“She has a point” he argued coming forward.

“I am prepared for my auditions” she defended.

Arnav had reached her side.

“But you need to learn some romance” he whispered in her ears.

Khushi jolted back.

“Romance? And from you? What do you know about romance Mr. Royal Raizada?”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“Only because I have never dated a woman doesn’t mean I don’t know to romance. Try me”

Khushi frowned.

“No thanks. I will practice it with my co-star. I don’t need you”

She was about to get away when he gripped her wrist and brought her closer. His movement was rough, his eyes painful.

“Your co-star!!” he hissed. His palms gently slide along her arms upward, stroking her skin. “He is going to touch you… the way I am doing now..”

Khushi choked. What was he doing?

“He would have his eyes on you.. but you wouldn’t sense his burning gaze on your skin like you are feeling now”

Khushi was clueless where was this leading to. Arnav held her chin and pulled it closer to his lips.

“You would be this close to him” he paused to gulp the pain in his voice. “And yet your lips will never quiver with desire the way they are now”

Are they? Her lips are quivering? Why?

“Arnav..” she gasped.

“Because he won’t be ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA” he mentioned. “Because he wont be me.. Khushi..”

Probably!! She swallowed the ache formed in her throat. These intense feelings come out of her.. only around him. She had realized that by now.

“You have no idea how difficult it is for me to see you this close to someone else… even though it’s just acting. Anyone even glancing at you more than once, I have a problem Khushi Singh Raizada. And even after that… I am letting you work. Never take this lightly. Never”

He left her chin and made his way to the bathroom. Khushi sighed in relief. What the hell was that?


Next Morning

Aman rubbed his eyes when he heard the door of his room opening. Anamika stepped in with a tray of his morning coffee.

“How.. how did you.. come inside?” he shouted.

“You didn’t lock the room” she replied keeping the tray over the table.

He didn’t? How can he skip that? Anamika started pouring his coffee in the mug and even put sugar in it without asking how much. Aman noticed all of that.

“How do you know I take two and half spoons of sugar in my coffee?” he asked.

Anamika froze.

“I…I will come back later”

She almost ran to the door and that’s when Aman saw the anklets she was wearing.

“Stop” he groaned.

She stopped at the door and felt him walking towards her.

“Your voice… I know this voice..”

Anamika’s toe curled. He had lost his memories, hadnt he? Then how did he recollect her voice?

“And the anklets.. These are …” he paused. “Who the hell are you?”

He tried to remove her Veil but she stopped him.

“You can’t see my face”

“Dare me”

With his suspicions growing, Aman took off the Veil from Anamika’s face and that’s when he saw her.. His eyes sparkled with love and more love..


Yes.. that’s who she was.. Avni!! Aman’s girlfriend.. his lover.

“You remember?” she stuttered.

He cupped her face and drew her closer.

“How could I forget you stupid?” he pulled her for a hug. The cold and strong Avni who had been grieving her lover’s death found solace in his arms again. She hugged him back.

“I looked for you everywhere .. where the hell were you? And. What are you doing here? In this house?” Aman queried.

Avni wiped the tears formed in his eyes.

“Royals don’t cry”

“Stop calling me a Royal. I am not!! I don’t want to be one of them”

Avni nodded.

“I came here for you.. to revenge your death from Arnav Singh Raizada. I am so glad that you are alive..”

Aman was shocked.

“Oh Avni..” he kissed her forehead.

“And you are faking all this?” she queried. “the memory loss? Why? And where were you all this time? I .. I need to know everything” she demanded.

Aman locked the door and dragged her to the couch. They sat together; their fingers entwined.

“After that accident when I opened my eyes in a charity hospital, I recalled everything. My fight with Arnav.. his denial in getting us married.. everything. I hated him for being so mean and selfish.. so.. heartless. And that’s when I decided never to turn up here. Already the news of my death was doing rounds in the media. I fled to Mumbai. I tried to contact you Avni.. so many times. God knows how much I have wanted to come back here and look for you. Where had you been?”

“My father sent me abroad after I tried committing suicide”

“What? Suicide?” he growled.

“Yes Aman. I was really unable to think anything straight. I was grieving. I wanted you back and I knew that was next to impossible. So I decided to end my life. But your brother… Arnav saved my life. I had even written a suicide note mentioning him as the reason of my death. But then he came and saved me and even warned my father to send me away from this place, so that I don’t repeat this mistake again”

Aman exhaled.

“He saved you.. that gives him a plus point”

Avni nodded.

“Despite being abroad, I didn’t forget what this family did with us. That’s why without anybody’s knowledge, I kept traveling around to ensure I get some clues through which I could destroy Arnav Singh Raizada. And one such clue was his sudden wedding to Khushi Gupta”

“Yea.. that…” Aman sighed. “I read it in the newspapers and I was equally shocked. I knew he was wasting a woman’s life.”

“That was my assumption too. That’s why I followed them to Bali on their alleged honeymoon. I met Khushi there as Vani and.. spiked her drink”

“What? You shouldn’t have done that”

“I am sorry Aman. I just wanted to revenge Arnav Singh Raizada somehow. And besides Khushi told me she wasn’t happy in this marriage. It was evident in her gestures. So to give him a taste of his own medicine, I spiked her drink. Took their photograph in the pool and got it publicly posted”

Aman had seen that photograph.

“Damn!! It was you?”

“Yes. But he deleted it from the media as soon as he got to know”

“What else do you expect? Obviously that picture was very intense and.. not for sharing”

“I regret doing that” she pouted. “I went overboard. That’s when I decided to play something big and came here.. Took entry in this house as your Daadi’s caretaker”

“But why?”

“To get some healthy proofs against your brothers. To expose them, their brutality”

“Found anything?” he queried.

“Nothing that could prove them guilty or wrong. Shyam is in his own world of power and money. He even coaxed Arnav to split the Royal property and you know what Arnav did? He agreed and split it equally between you 4 brothers. That was the first time I saw how much he missed you Aman”

Aman choked.

“He is pretending to be good” Aman argued though he knew that was a lie. He had seen kindness in his brother’s eyes this time.

“Khushi has probably changed him. He is even mellowing down. Taking her side, giving her all the respect, she deserves in this house. I have seen him doing all of this and I regretted plotting against him again. He even took a bullet for Akash who was abducted. He is not heartless Aman. I do realize that now”

Aman was baffled. His brother had really changed then.

“When I saw you back, alive and loss of memories, I decided to stay quiet and wait for your memories to come. Glad you didn’t make me wait for long”

Aman cupped her face and smiled.

“Had I knew you were here… all the time? I would have come back much sooner. God knows Avni, I even tried to come back in this city and look for you but if I had, Arnav’s men would have traced me in no time. I didn’t want that to happen. That’s why I never returned. I didn’t even know Arnav would allow Khushi to continue with her profession and it was a coincidence that she happened to be working in my next project”

Avni smiled.

“I told you.. Arnav has changed”

“Maybe” he mumbled.

“Anamika?” someone called out for her and Avni became alert again.

“I should leave”

“wait” he dragged her back to him and kissed her forehead. “We cannot be hiding like this for long”

“I know.. Lets just think our next actions and take some decision over it. Until then… we should keep our hands off each other”

“That’s impossible” he tried to catch hold of her again but she opened the door and rushed out. Glad no one saw her coming out of Aman’s bedroom.


When Khushi woke up the next day, the first thing she saw was a red rose. Was she still dreaming? She opened her eyes to get a clear view of where she was when she saw the person holding the rose for her. Arnav Singh Raizadda.!! And this was not a dream. She was in her bedroom, on the bed, with her royal husband sitting next to her and watching her sleep.

“What do you think you are doing?” she snapped clutching the sheets to cover herself.

Arnav was bemused.

“Why are you hiding yourself despite being fully clothed?” he asked back.

Khushi wanted to laugh at her reactions. That’s right. She was in her night suit then why did she pull the sheets?

He stretched the rose towards her.

“Good morning”

Her brows twitched.

“Morning” she smelled the rose.

“We have a date tonight” he reminded again.

All the laziness from her eyes was gone. She put the rose down.

“Is this all to convince me for the date?”

Arnav smirked.

“I don’t think I need to convince you because you are going to run into my arms, exactly at the Date venue”

Now this, surely made her laugh uncontrollably.

“Arnav Singh Raizada.. Come out of your hallucinations. Because you are going to make others mock at you if you don’t stop”

Her words didn’t budge the smirk from his face which worried her. What was he planning to do?

“Are you going to spike my drink again? Because that’s the only way I can run into your arms.. Otherwise.. its impossible”

“I will never do anything which you aren’t ready for” he promised darkly.

The sound of his voice made her chest heave. At one instant she was desperate to see how he would plan out the Date without her approval whereas the next instant she feared if she would do exactly what he intended…. Run into his arms.. Seriously?

“No” she snapped shrugging those thoughts. “not happening. I am never going to run into your arms by my will and in conscious state of mind”

“What if you do?” he argued.

“Impossible..” she added sternly.

“WHAT…..IF….YOU….DO?” he asked in a dangerous tone.

She was blank.

“If you run into my arms willingly.. in your conscious state of mind.. will you accept me as your husband? Give me all the rights on you?”

Khushi’s heart fluttered. Can she just.. go to the washroom? Looked like he wasn’t going to let her get off the bed until she agreed to this. But why was she afraid to accept this challenge? She firmly believed herself and had manipulated all the possibilities. There was no chance she could run into his arms like that..

“Will you?” he asked desperately.

“I will” she instantly nodded. “But.. its not happening. I am sure of that”

She rolled on the other side of the bed and got down. Now that’s what he called a Win-Win situation. He could already see himself wining.

To be Continued.



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In dark blue denim, white T-Shirt and a black leather jacket, he stood at the opposite counter, sipping his freshly brewed coffee.

“Excuse me?” she snapped. “What did you just say?”

“It’s not waterproof” he came ahead.

She frowned.

“Do we know each other?”

He smirked.

“We are co-passengers”

He showed his boarding pass.

“We are on the same flight” he added.

“So? I don’t need a stranger’s opinions in buying a watch for myself”

“Stranger?” he chuckled. “Are you always so fiery or does air travel makes you so?”


  1. Thank you so much Madhu will be waiting to read lawful sins 2.

  2. Loved the update. Thankyou for considering about posting lawful sins. Waiting...

  3. Oh, i don't mind reading this one. Its getting interesting. What will Arnav do to get Khushi do his bidding? I hope his plan doesn’t backfires

  4. Awesome Update. Suhani's excitement for the date is too cute. Khushi is still ignoring Arnav's efforts but she will melt soon. Though Khushi is right about his ego and all but now that Arnav has changed Khushi must acknowledge him. Khushi is behaving very stubborn and unromantic. Khushi's feelings for Arnav are evident. Can't believe Arnav is talking about romance shedding his big ego . That's a nice change in him and his possessive side is too good. Arnav evoked Khushi's feelings and confessed about his possessiveness . Aman was acting and Anamika's identity is finally revealed. Hope now Avni will change since Aman is alive. Aman must know Arnav is not the same egoistic dominant person anymore. Both Avni and Aman suffered a lot and Avni genuinely regret her deeds. Arnav's new side is good and his gestures are unbelievable. Arnav looks quite determined regarding the date and Khushi will surely be in Arnav's arm. I liked Arnav's truthfulness that he won't force Khushi if she is not ready. Will be waiting for Lawful Sins 2. Thanks for the Update 😍😘.

  5. Wow I like this one too it's a cute love story ... slowly things seem to be better btw arshi
    I guess he will somehow woo her

  6. Wow I am waiting for next chapter already 😍😍😍

  7. So it's proved Aman is faking memory loss... Happy that he reconciled with his love Avni... Also glad that Avni doesn't hold any more grudges against Arnav after seeing the genuine, positive changes in him due to his wife Khushi... Hope Aman would also forgive his brother soon & restore their brotherly bond with him.

    I'm sure Arnav would win the challenge & Khushi would come running into his arms but she would accept him as her husband giving him all his husbandly rights so soon seems impossible...

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. Fabulous wonderful update dear

  9. Fantastic madhu....i will be waiting for lawful sins2 tonight ...please don't delay dear.

  10. Wow! I see Arnav already winning too and I'm grinning like an idiot :p

  11. I love everything you update...
    Unconditional love for your work...

  12. Wow, it's kind of a Deja Vu hitting me since I kind of replayed this very scene in the show... Khushi challenging that she would accept Arnav as her husband if she ran into his arms... In the show, she ultimately ran into his arms... Let's see what happens here... I am also awaiting for their date...

    I hope that Aman and Arnav reunite again because Arnav already shed his Royal ego... We couldn't tell it was not because of Khushi... It was because of her he was no more caging people's lives with a royal tag... Looking forward to see both romantic and bromantic sides of Arnav towards Khushi and Aman respectively😉😉

    Thanks for the wonderful update😊😊

  13. I hope Arnav is not overconfident and he must be planning something special to woo Khushi. Khushi is really hard nut to crack. Glad that Aman finds the Avani. Waiting to know how family will react after knowing that she is Avani.

  14. I loving this update alot and really enjoyed reading it specially the main points : I enjoyed sushani teasing khushi and making her understand that arnav is a changed arnav how and she should go with her and the supporting arnav for the date in front of khushi and teasing her it was fun to read thst part
    Most important part was Aman and Avni meeting and getting together get to know wat all happened wen there were not with eachother and anvi tell him arnav is a changed man now and what all he did ... And y she came here and now she don't have anything against arnav ....
    The most important thing Arnav challenged khushi that she will come running in this aram and will accept him her husband and will give him all his rights on her but for me its looks will take time .... Very excited for it llezs post it asap madhu

  15. Excited for lawful sins
    Thank youuuuuuuuu

  16. Awesome I get it why Aman doesn't go to Avni before.... And Arnav truly regretting Wat he had done

  17. chill hai! u gave one update that is also awesome considering how much time and effort is taken to write one chapter! thanks for writing !

  18. Madhu a quick questions.. by chance you update lawful sins today, will you update royal fling again tomorrow? Or there will be no update tomorrow? Because honestly waiting for lawful sins till tomorrow is easier than going a whole day without update. ����

  19. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav is trying to win back his wife's love. Aman and Avni reconciled and Avni is genuinely feeling sorry for her deeds towards Arnav. Awaiting for the next post eagerly.

  20. So now akash is back with payal. Aman is back though he pretends he forgot everything. Avni and Aman reconciled with each other. Is the story ending? Arshi are getting closer too. But I feel there are much more than this in the story. Love the update!

    1. -Aman and Arnav need to reconcile. It will take some time to keep his royal ego aside and seek forgiveness with his brother.
      -Mystery of who kidnapped Akash is still unsolved.
      -Shashi Gupta has to repent for his actions and reconcile with his daughters.
      -Shyaam has to accept the royal family whole heartedly.

      And i am sure Madhu will add other twists as well so I am sure we have quite a while before this story ends. And I hope I am right. This is one of my favourite stories on this page so far and I am not ready for it to end so soon :/

    2. Madhu waiting to read lawful sins 2.. please update soon.

  21. Awesome update. Good to see Aman and Avni together again. Hmmm Arnav challenge interesting ��

  22. I liked the changes in Avni, avni will change aman soon.
    Can't wait to know how arnav going to win the challenge and arshi date .
    Arnav posessiveness still let khushi to work as she like ... showing his seriousness about khushi and love

    Waiting for next update dear

  23. Khushi is mellowing down but she doesn't want to accept it

  24. At least Aman saw some positivity in Arnav.
    Excited to read Arshi challenge moments. 😊

  25. Slow n steady wins the race... Go Arnav... Khushi will be surprised...

  26. Awesome update. Can't wait for the next part

  27. Finally Avni and Aman meet and arshi moments lovely update

  28. I love this arshi and this ff I wait eagerly for it

  29. Superb...totally loved it..
    Like the way suhani spoke and arnav too ..he is going to do all to win khushi ..

    Wow aman remember everything..
    But he is hurting arnav so much by misunderstanding him..
    Hope avi is here and she told the change in arnav make aman to bond back..

    Wow beautiful Roses for khushi what arnav is planning?
