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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 46


Chapter 46

Aman kept scanning the living room to see if Avni was around and in the process bumped with his brother Arnav.

“Careful” Arnav muttered. “Where are you lost?”

“Lost?” he shrugged. “Your house is no less than a maze. I look for someone and find someone else” he joked.

“Our house” Arnav reminded. “This is our house Aman” he placed his arm on Aman’s shoulder.

Aman flinched. His brother was being too generous now, wasn’t he?

“Good you met me here” Arnav stated. “I want to give you something. Come on”
Arnav led him to the Study room where his brothers most of the time did Business from home and removed a file from the drawer. He then handed it to Aman.

“Whats this?” Aman asked.

“Copy of the property Split”

Aman chewed his teeth.

“What I am supposed to do with this?”

“It mentions everything that now belongs to you. I have split the Royal property equally between we brothers. You can use your share the way you like”

Aman was skeptical about this but Avni had told him the same today morning which meant she wasn’t wrong. Arnav had really shared everything with his brothers unlike before.

“I don’t want this” he threw the file on the desk. “I don’t want any rights over the Royal property. I can earn for myself”

“You think I can’t?” Arnav snapped and came forward. “Each one of us is capable to sustain without our ancestral money” he picked the file. “This is not mere wealth.. this is their blessings and we will ensure to use it wisely”

Arnav’s words soothed Aman’s anger.

“You have a right on this, Aman” he insisted.

“Hey” Khushi interrupted theM. “You left your mobile in the room and you were getting calls”

She passed the phone to Arnav who immediately moved aside to dial.

“You good?” Khushi asked Aman who was still blank.

“I am fine”

Aman recalled what his brother Arnav had told how his marriage with Khushi was. It kind of made him pity her.

“You are really great” he murmured.

“Me? Great?” she laughed. “And what made you think that?”

“Your husband”

Khushi became serious.

“And what exactly did he tell you?”

“On what grounds you had to marry him”

Khushi’s breath caught.

“But despite that I am amazed how you still changed him into a better person”

Khushi wanted to take that pride but she couldn’t because she heard her husband shouting over the phone.

“Just follow him Angad. I don’t us to lose him this time. I am coming” Arnav barked and hung up.

“What.. what happened?” Aman queried.

“We have got a lead in Akash’s abduction. I have to go”

Before Aman or Khushi could stop him, he was off the room.


The whole day Khushi was in a panic state. She wanted to talk to somebody about her botheration but Payal was resting and it wasn’t good to disturb Payal in her pregnancy state. Aman was very much new to Khushi and she couldn’t share her worries with him either. Talking to Anjali wouldnt do any good and Daadi was out of question. The old woman was still recovering from her own health issues. Suhani was the only one Khushi could think of. Hence, she drove to Suhani’s home. If everything had been normal today, Arnav Singh Raizada would have been home convincing her for their Date.

Suhani noticed the concerns on Khushi’s face and realized she was here to talk. She immediately welcomed her inside and opened a packet of chips and bottle of soft drink.

“I haven’t seen him since morning” Khushi admitted nervously to Suhani who was busy eating the potato chips.

“Maybe he has gone to make the Date arrangements”

“I don’t know” Khushi sighed.

“Call him up and check” she suggested.

“That’s the last thing I would do Suhani. I don’t want to show him I am worried”

“That means you are worried?”

Khushi went blank. There was no point lying over this. She was heck worried. Because just in the morning she heard him speaking to Angad that they have a lead against the person who had abducted Akash Singh Raizada. Arnav was not in a good mood and the way he left without even informing her didn’t give her any good feeling either. He had taken a bullet for his brother already and the people who had abducted Akash were dangerous. What if all this was just a ploy to hurt Arnav? What if they targeted Arnav Singh Raizada this time?

Suhani’s phone rang which she answered almost immediately. She spoke to Angad for a minute and hung up.

“Angad and Arnav are in hospital. He didn’t tell me why but said he might be late or might not even return home tonight”

Khushi’s heart skipped a beat.

“Hospital? Which Hospital?”

The worry on her face changed to fear.

“Khushi relax. I am sure, they are fine”

“Then what are they doing in the hospital? I have to go there and check myself. Which hospital?”

“City hospital”

Suhani had not even mentioned it that Khushi ran out.


It was a 30-minute drive to City Hospital and she didn’t wait in the queue of the reception area to look for her husband. She headed straight to the counter and shouted.

“My husband… Arnav Singh Raizada.. where is he?”

The lady pointed to the Emergency area. Khushi’s eyes clogged with tears. Emergency? Why was he taken there? Having no patience to ask that, she rushed there to look for him personally. The place was crowded with guards. Khushi didn’t bother to cross them even though they tried to stop her.

“Ma’am, you cannot get in here.” one of the guard blocked her way but he was pulled back by the other one who mentioned she was ASR’s wife. The guard immediately apologized and allowed her to walk in.

Khushi had realized that these guards belonged to her husband and now her suspicions started turning true. Arnav was in danger.. injured probably and she didn’t know how serious. Her voice choked as she stopped a Doctor moving towards her.

“Dr… Arnav. My.. my husband” she managed to ask.

The doctor pointed out somewhere and when Khushi looked there, she saw her husband Arnav Singh Raizada standing and talking to Angad. His shirt was soaked in blood.. She took baby steps towards him, trying to analyze how serious this was. How could he still stand like that despite of losing so much blood? Why was he talking? Why were the Doctors not treating him? Her baby steps soon fastened their speed and she found herself almost running towards him. Arnav immediately tensed when he saw Khushi there but what surprised him the most was that she was running towards him and soon.. she landed into his arms.. coiling herself onto his body… clinging so tight that even air would wonder if it had any space left to pass between them. Her arms shivered as she rubbed his back, his neck and his hair.

“Oh God..!!” she cried thanking the almighty for at least saving his life.

Arnav was taken back by her actions. She just ran into his arms.. for what? What was she doing here? And most importantly, why the hell was she crying? He stroked her back to soothe her cries. Angad didn’t disturb them and moved away. He was equally surprised to see Khushi here. The guards were trying their best not to watch their Boss and his wife’s bone crushing hug. Arnav suddenly recalled what he had challenged her today morning. He didn’t knew it would fulfill so easily.

“Do you know what you just did?” he asked stroking her back again.

Her cries had soothed down but tears were still flowing.

“You ran into my arms Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada” he added.

Khushi’s throat burned. Yes. She just did that. He pulled away and cupped her face.

“So as per the deal… I have won” he smirked.

Khushi stared at him bewildered at his remark.

“So technically, you have accepted me as your husband and given me every right upon you”

Khushi finally could relate everything and the moment she did, she shoved his arms away.

“You aren’t hurt?” she snapped looking at the blood over his shirt.. “That means all this .. all this was a sham?”

Arnav didn’t catch her words. She pushed him on his chest.

“You did all this to fool me into running in your arms?” she groaned.

Arnav caught her wrists and pulled her closer. Tears sprung in her eyes again. Arnav’s heartbeat quickened at her allegations. He dragged her to the ICU and pointed her to the small glass window.

“That man inside… is the one I am here for” he stated. “This is his blood on my body.. Because I was present when he was shot.”

Khushi peeped through the glass and saw the team of Doctors and nurses treating a man inside.

“I definitely wouldn’t plan a murder to get you in my arms” he roared.

Khushi felt terrible at her own accusations. So, this is why Arnav and Angad are in this hospital? For this man?

“Who is he?” she softly asked.

“Our lead. The only one who can tell us who had abducted Akash. When we found this man today, he was shot before we could get any information. The shooter slipped from our hands but I cannot let his man die. I want him alive until he tells me that name”

Khushi looked at him again. That’s why his guards were here. Not to safeguard him from danger, but to ensure no one harms this lead who was presently being treated in the ICU.

“You shouldn’t be here” he muttered.

“I… I am sorry” she mumbled. “The way you left this morning.. without intimating me anything.. I was..”

“Worried?” he completed the sentence.

She bit her lip. Worried was not even close to what she went through.

“You thought I was injured and that’s why you came here?” he kept linking the dots.

“No.. I..”

“And you were so much bothered that you even ran into my arms without realizing the consequences?” he took a step towards her leaving Khushi no space to run away.


“Arnav” Angad interrupted them unwillingly. “The doctors don’t have hopes. He might not live”

Arnav clenched his jaw. His mood shifted. Khushi felt clueless standing there, watching her husband’s changing temperaments.

“Is he conscious?” Arnav asked.

“Not yet”

“He shouldn’t die without giving us that name, Angad. Tell the doctors to keep him alive.. I want that name”

There was cruelty in his words which Khushi didn’t want to measure. He didn’t care if that man lived or died anymore. All he wanted was that name of the abductor. And why should he really bother for this man’s life? After all this man also was involved in the abduction.

“Drop her back home” Arnav said to Angad.


“No” Khushi resisted. “I can go home myself. I got the car”

Arnav nodded. She took a step away to leave when he called her again.


She stopped and turned back.

“Don’t forget… I have won the deal.. And you know what that means”

Khushi swallowed. Yes, she foolishly connected the wrong dots and made him win. So now what? She had to accept him as her husband? Give him rights? Which rights? What type of rights? He didn’t seem to want any more argument over this. He had just declared it and then he walked away. Khushi’s body shivered thinking of the consequences which she would only know once he returns home sorting all this mess!!



When Khushi returned home, she saw Daadi was discussing something with Anjali and Payal. The moment they saw her, she asked Khushi to join them.

“Where had you been?” Daadi asked.

Khushi didn’t want to tell them she had been to see Arnav in the City Hospital. It would only add more questions from their end.

“I had gone to meet Suhani. Whats the discussion about?” she sat next to her sister.

“Payal’s baby shower” Daadi replied.

Anamika came out and stood next to them.

“I have spoken to the Priest” Daadi informed. “Next week is the best time to celebrate this occasion”

“Khushi, what about your schedules?” Payal asked. “I hope you don’t have to go to Mumbai.

“I will have to check that with my assistant Millie” she sighed. “But I can surely make some time for you”

Anamika seemed little disinterested in the talk which Khushi picked up easily. Since she was not a part of the family but only Daadi’s caretaker, her silence didn’t matter but Khushi was confused when she realized Anamika was admiring Aman Singh Raizada who was little away from them, sitting on the couch and busy on his phone. That wasn’t good. Aman though had lost his memories, Khushi knew his heart would beat only for Avni once he recalls everything. Anamika who was already a mystery for all of them, Khushi wouldn’t let her come between Aman and his love. Never. So she decided to keep an eye on her from hereon.


After the long discussion over Payal’s baby shower, Khushi had retired back to her room and flashes of everything that happened today in the City Hospital, tortured her. Arnav didn’t return home yet though it was almost midnight. She wondered if he had eaten? If he got the name of Akash’s abductor? The door cracked open and Khushi pretended to sleep. He was back. Arnav didn’t turn the lights On. He thought she was fast asleep and hence headed straight to shower. Khushi’s heart raced as she recalled his words.. She had lost the deal. She had run into his arms, very much consciously and without any pressure from him. She had to voluntarily give rights to him as her husband which she still didn’t know how she would cope up to do?

He came out in few minutes but instead of coming to bed, he left the room again. Khushi got up. Why didn’t he join her on bed to sleep? Or was he planning to sleep again in the living room drawing other’s attention? No ways! She wouldn’t let him do that. She wore her slippers and followed him down. He was in the kitchen and the sight touched her heart. He was fetching food in the refrigerator. She quickly turned the lights On which startled him. Their eyes met.

“I will heat your food” she tied her hair into a bun and took the food bowls from his hand.

“I thought you were Sleeping”

She didn’t reply.

“Neend nahi aa rahi thi mere bagair?” (Was it so difficult to sleep without me?) he teased.

As he tried to close the distance between the two, Khushi placed a spatula between them to stop him from advancing to her.

“Get to the dining table or else you will be served with cold food tonight” she threatened.

Arnav didn’t challenge her further. Wives like her could do what they promise. He smirked and made his way out to the table, waiting desperately for his wife to come and serve him hot food.

To be Continued




Combo of 2 Short Stories just @ INR 99



  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. I'm so so glad that it wasn't Arnav's fake drama of going to hospital & all just to win the bet against Khushi otherwise that would have widened the gap between them & Khushi would have lost whatever trust & softness she has developed for him in the last few days...

    I guess Khushi trying to keep Avantika away from Aman would lead to the revelations of Avantika being Avni & Aman faking memory loss...

    Unknown to Khushi herself she is just taking a step closer to Arnav as his wife with each passing day... By going berserk for him in the hospital & later volunteering to heat food for him are the proofs...

    Madhu just wanted to know, will there b any seperation between Arshi before they unite for ever??

    Thanks for the lengthy & awesome update...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. This question was raised some time ago and madhu answer that their will be no separations of arshi in this ff

  3. Ooooh Arnav won the challenge easily. Fabulous update.

  4. Hey It was awesome 😊 As expected Arnav won the there would be some lovey dovey moments for sure...

  5. Wonderful... Awaiting to see the feisty wifey side of Khushi when she finally accepts Arnav as her husband... Not to forget, the date is still pending and I hope Arnav's apology will change their relationship dynamics to good...

  6. Great update, loved arshi conversations

  7. Madhu will you update lawful sins 2 tomorrow ?

  8. Awesome Update . Aman is still disinterested in the family. Arnav is trying his best to convince him. Arnav is splitting the property and is finally giving equal shares to his brothers. Though Aman is still getting Arnav wrong . Glad that Arnav made Aman understand on the other hand Aman is acknowledging Khushi's efforts. Finally Arnav got hold of Akash's kidnapper. It's was so nice to see Khushi's concern and worries for Arnav.Khushi loves Arnav. This incident will make her realise her true feelings and she will surely acknowledge Arnav as her husband. Arnav won the deal fairly and Khushi hug him . Thank God Arnav is safe and Khushi's habit of not listening and keeps talking. Hope the man tells Arnav the name. Arnav teased Khushi now as per the deal Khushi has to give Arnav his rights and accept him. Daadi is arranging Payal's baby shower. Khushi will soon know Anamika's identity that she is Avni. Hope Khushi understand running away from her feelings is not a solution Khushi is fulfilling her wifely duties. Arnav is so romantic and teasing Khushi. Hope Arshi remain like this forever. Waiting for some lovely Arshi moments .😍 Thanks for the Update 😍 and no separation between Arshi.

  9. Awesome Update. Waiting for Lawful Sin 2. But hopefully Arnav will apologize for marrying Khushi forcibly. Arshi date is still pending. I'm waiting how Royal Raizada will behave with Khushi. Afterall it will be a Royal Date 😍

  10. This update was beautiful with Arshi moments, baby steps towards love.
    Loved it so much.

  11. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  12. It was so cute that arnav was clueless when khushi hugged him. It’s good to see khushi take care of her husband. Khushi might find who is Anamika. I feel out of other two khushi will get more closer to anamika. Because Avni seems to like khushi. Nice update sis. Thank you for updating ❤️

  13. Amazing update loved it
    Arnav had not done anything and Khushi already went in his arm that's saw how much she had fallen for him but not realise till now
    Want to know what they are going to do now

  14. Beautiful! So glad to see her genuine care and concern.

    What's with the name? I hope it's out soon!


  15. Glad he did not manipulate her into running into his arms 🥰

  16. Amazing update 😍 Arnav won the challenge yaaahhhh😁😃😃🎊🎉 now khushi has to accept him as her husband 😍❤ and right too 😍😘 khushi will accept it Beczs it have naturally arnav did'nt do anything wantedly to win the challenge 😍 ... Post it soon

  17. Loved the update... Arnav win the challenge without doing anything... Khushi is melting... Let's wait then what happens next...

  18. Awesome Arnav won the deal...... khushi is still not convinced to accept Arnav as her husband but what she didn't realize is that she already behaving like his wife only

  19. awesome update .now khushi is melting that s good . But Arnav has to apologize

  20. Beautiful update. Finally arnav won the challenge without any planning from him. Arnav's teasing side very cute . Now what khushi going to do ? Waiting
    What about arshi date? Hope arshi will go for date
    Waiting for next update dear

  21. Awesome update waiting for their date

  22. Isn't odd that the whole family hates Arnav who is the only one who is safe guarding the family. No one cares when he comes home or when he eats. Khushi atleast is trying to understand him and unknowingly helping him and changing him.

  23. Superb update.. hope aman can see changes in his brother..
    Totally loved the way khushi went to suhani's place then ran to hospital..
    Yes she loves him. It not ready to accept it

    Hope khushi finds out that girl is avni..

    Eagerly looking forward for arshi time now

  24. Superb. Waiting for next updates...

  25. Awesome. Arnav's way of teasing is superb.

  26. Oh My God!!!!
    No update of lawful sins ������

  27. Madhu please upload lawful sins. I love that story. Literally wait days for it. Please dont do this

  28. Im loving ths tit for tat story.... lion n lioness..... waiting for the melting ice moment btwn arshi....

  29. Beautiful... could recall the scene from the show....

  30. Lovely and amazing and beautiful and I don't know what to say more
