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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 4


Chapter 4
Khushi drove her car towards Gupta Mansion. The back to back meetings at office and then the urgent visit to the hospital exhausted her. Her phone battery was dead and she knew her father would be mad that she was out without his knowledge. Suddenly her car started bumping and smoke expelled from the Bonnet.

“Damn” she pulled the car at the corner of the road and got down. Out of all other worries already looming inside her head, she didn’t wish to take another one. The road was deserted with hardly any vehicle passing by. After waiting for almost 20 minutes, she saw a motorbike heading her way. She instantly waved at the two men on the motorbike, hoping they would help her out. Soon enough she realized that the two were drunk and didn’t look sober to help a woman in distress.

“Hello baby” the man parked the motorbike. “It’s our pleasure to help you”
“No thanks” Khushi stepped behind.

“But you stopped us” the two men got down scaring her wits.

“I don’t need your help. Please leave” she headed back to her car and prayed silently for help.

“No one will help you here, baby” one of them grinned. “It’s just us”

Khushi realized she was in trouble.

“Help..” she cried as the two men surrounded her. Blood drained from her face as they gazed her from top to bottom. She threw her purse at them in defense and ran in the opposite direction. She didn’t care a posh White SUV was heading in her direction and could even dash her. The car came to a shrieking halt, the front lights blurring her vision but she realized a man had got down. The moment she met his eyes, it shone with relief.

“Arnav” she reached his side and clutched his forearm tight. “These men.. they are… help me.. please”

The men came forward yelling at Arnav Singh Raizada to back off. He analyzed the situation and unbuttoning his cuffs, rolled his white shirt sleeves till his elbow. Khushi breathed nervously seeing them advancing towards them.

“Want the girl?” Arnav snapped at the men. “come and get her”

Khushi frowned at his overconfidence but that’s how he was. Always eager for challenges. She leaned back at his car watching one of them stretching his arm to drag her. Before he could, Arnav Singh Raizada punched the man’s chest, so hard that he fell on the ground. The other man jumped on Arnav but he quickly kicked his stomach. The fight continued for few more minutes until the goons saw few more cars advancing towards them. They ran away in the fear of being caught. Khushi took a sigh of relief seeing them flee.

Arnav turned around. Now this was new. She had mastered in self-defense and he couldn’t believe she needed help in just handling two men. She could have easily defeated them in few minutes. The day hadnt been interesting for Arnav Singh Raizada either, too much work and his son’s disinterest in conversing with him from past one week had hit him really hard. However hard he tried to find excuses so that Aarav speaks with him, it all went in vain. And amidst all this, tonight, he came face to face again with this woman!!

“Thank you” she smiled. “I.. I was …”

“I know” his rough voice made her jerk. “Just like every other time you might be partying hard and even boozed beyond limits to stop the car at such a deserted place. Only you.. could do that”

“Excuse me?” she shouted. “You have no rights to judge me”

“Hell, I do” he stormed towards her.

“Seriously?” she snapped. “Do I look drunk? And does this Salwar Kameez look like a party dress to you”

Arnav then realized she as in a simple Pink Salwar kameez. He had never seen her in such simple outfits.

“You know what?” Khushi asked in a dangerous evenness in her tone. “I don’t understand what your problem is? I do realize you hate me but to this extent that you don’t even like me speaking to your son?”

“Don’t..” Arnav shouted.

“Don’t what?” she yelled. “Don’t meet him? Don’t talk to him? Don’t cross his paths? Don’t what Arnav Singh Raizada?”

Arnav gritted his teeth. If only, he could give her a fitting reply to her questions.

“Is this how you pushed his mother away too? If yes, then God will never forgive you. Do you know how much he misses his mother? How much he loves her?”

The moment she said this, Arnav fisted his fingers and punched it on the car door behind her.

“Don’t you ever talk to me like that” he commanded.

Khushi could feel it. He hated her like she had ruined his life. All she recalled was that she had got him suspended from college for 15 days. Was that it? Did they meet again ever after that incident?

“Aarav is MY son. If you ever talk or think about him, I will destroy you Khushi Sing..” he paused realizing he was addressing her wrongly. “Gupta.” He corrected and opened the car door to get inside.

Was it a slip of tongue? Khushi was confused. He started the engine but didn’t leave. He wanted her to get in.

“I am not going to wait for lifetime” he shouted. “Get inside, I am dropping you home”

“Why? Are there any more threats remaining to give me on the way?”

She watched him swallow his anger. Probably he was right. She cannot hold him here for long. She needed a ride and if he was willing to give, she was more than ready. She quickly picked her purse which had fallen on the road and got in his car. Arnav drove speedily.

None of the two spoke to each other on the way. The songs on his music player were hardly audible. She could feel a difference in the boy he used to be in the college and the man he had become today. He wasn’t this tough like a rock before. He was easy to handle. Why did he change so much? Was it because of his wife? She suddenly remembered something important and removed a visiting card from her purse. She then pushed it towards him.

“This is Dr. Lata’s card. She is one of the best pediatrician in this country and expert in sleepwalking sickness. She can help Aarav’s problem of sleepwalking”

Arnav was startled and she read his query as he gripped the wheel hard.

“Aarav sleepwalked during his school trip. And fortunately, I noticed it and made him sleep in my room. I…”

She saw him clenching his jaw.

“I know how this sounds but… your son really needs some extra attention here. I have been through his problem and only by persistent visits to the doctors, medicines and love I was healed.”

Arnav pulled the brakes hard. They had reached Gupta Mansion. He snatched the card from her and tore it into pieces. Khushi frowned.

“I don’t need your counselling in handling my son. I have taken care of him last 7 years and I will continue to do so. Just stay out of my family.. And this is my last warning”

Khushi was enraged.

“I don’t care a bit about you Arnav, but I feel for that little boy. Wish he had got a better parent”

She got down from his car and rushed in the house. Arnav wanted to follow her, drag her out and pin her to some rough wall, forcing her to take her words back. What the hell did she know how he took care of his son all these years? How could she even advise him something so huge when she had no clue of the struggles and hardships he had to undergo.?


“Khushi” Shashi Gupta stopped her daughter in the living room. “I was worried, where were you? Why were you late?”

Khushi didn’t want to converse at this hour with anyone but since her father was worried, she decided to give him details.

“Maria’s sister needed blood. She met with an accident today. I had to go to hospital and donate some blood”

“Oh God, why didn’t you tell me, I would have taken you myself”

“It was an emergency Dad and I couldn’t inform you as my phone battery was dead”

“I see.. Lets eat something”

“I am not hungry Dad. Thanks. But you please eat your meals. I don’t want you to skip them”

She was about to leave but Shashi stopped her.

“Something is not right. Why is your mood so upset?”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“That man.. .I seriously hate him. In fact I was right to hate him from the very beginning. He is so full of himself. He is… he is a devil”

“Wait wait wait. Whom are you talking about?”

“Arnav Singh Raizada. Who else?”

Shashi froze. Khushi told him how her car failed and then the goons tried to chase her. She added the dramatic entry of Arnav and the way he fought to save her.

“He dropped you home?”


“Then you should be thankful to him. Why are you so angry?”

“Because he is so damn arrogant. He asked me to stay away from his family can you believe that, Dad? As if I am dying to be around them”

Shashi swallowed nervously.

“Okay, relax. Its not nice to poke in other’s life Khushi.”

“I have no interest in that man but his son. Aarav is… he is such a lonely boy. All he wants is his mother back and I wonder what made that woman get away from his life?”

Shashi remained quiet.

“Dad.. do you know who Arnav married to? I mean.. who was she? Where is she now? Is she alive or.. is Arnav divorced?”

“Khushi.. darling you don’t have to bother about any of this. Right now you should focus on Tanmay and your meeting with him in 2 days.”

Khushi rolled her eyes. Out of all, she thought her father would understand her attraction towards Aarav but looked like she had to investigate things quietly instead of involving anyone else.

“I am sleepy Dad. Good night” she kissed his cheek and rushed back to her room.


“We made a baby that night?” she gasped in horror looking at the pregnancy kit which showed her two strong lines confirming she was pregnant.

“Yes” he answered sitting on the bed, looking down in despair.

“No ways” she freaked. “I am going to the doctor. I am sure this is a mistake. This kit is fake. I.. I am going right away.”

She fetched for her jeans and top when she felt a pull on her right elbow.

“you have tried this on 5 kits of different companies. All are positive. This is serious and definitely true” he shouted.

“So what now?”

“We should see a doctor. I am coming with you”

“Nope” she pushed him away. “I don’t need you anywhere around me. For God’s sake. All this happened because of you..”

“Me?” he scowled. “You are putting the blame on me Khushi?”

“Who else? Couldn’t you control yourself?”

“I could say the same to you” he growled. “And by the way, why are you freaking out? We can handle this situation”

“Yes we can” she yelled. “And I exactly know how. I don’t want this baby Arnav. And that’s final”
Khushi jerked on the bed, turning the lights of her room On. What the hell was that?? Her body was sweating as whatever she saw was no less than a nightmare. She saw Arnav and her fighting over her unplanned pregnancy? Why the hell him? She could have dreamt of any other man, why him? And … why would she not want a baby? Not that she loved babies but she could handle them if given a chance. What was she thinking? Khushi wanted some water to soothe her body. It was just half past one at night and the jug in her room was empty. She decided to go down and get it refilled.

When she came down, she saw a dim light in the study room where her father usually worked late. But she heard him talking. Probably, over phone. She thought of asking him if this was important and needed her help and strode to the room.

“Make the legal papers ready, Viren. I want my daughter out of this mess as soon as possible. Don’t worry about her signatures. I will get it from her”

“Dad” Khushi barged in. Shashi was shocked to see her in this room and it was clear from khushi’s expressions that she had heard his last few words.

“Let me call you back Viren”

Shashi hung up.

“Khushi, didn’t you sleep?” he tried to hide his nervousness.

“Viren is our lawyer, isn’t it?” she queried.

“We were just talking business” he lied.

“Viren is not our company lawyer dad. He handles our personal legal matters. What’s wrong? And which papers you were talking about that needs my signatures?”

Shashi fetched for the right excuse.

“Some land issue” he lied again.

“Land issue? Which land?”

“Oh, you don’t remember we buying it. That’s okay. Tomorrow I will give you the details. I am just planning to sell that land. It’s barren and of no use to us”

Khushi knew her father was lying. It was written all over his face. She didn’t argue further because even if she did, her father would give her the excuse of her partial amnesia. She was tired to living in dark. She wanted to know every bits and parts of her life which she had forgotten and tonight she swore she would dig it. Doesn’t matter if her father or anyone else supported her decision or not.

To be Continued.



INR 145 - INR 99




Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Mr & Mrs. Sehgal

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back?

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy, and a happily-ever-after.


  1. Arnav's anger & hatred towards Khushi indicates that something big has occured in their past & somewhere Khushi is responsible for all the mishaps which she has forgotten due to her memory loss but Arnav couldn't & Khushi coming in front of him & then advising him regarding his son only triggered his anger on her... Arnav was about to address her as Khushi Singh Raizada, so does that mean that they aren't divorced yet & she is still his legally wedded wife??

    Eager for the revelations... Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  2. Awesome Update. Is Shashi Gupta preparing for Arshi's divorce papers. Arnav became Khushi's saviour and his heroism is too good. Khushi knew self defense but probably due to memory loss has forgotten about it. It seems Khushi was a rich girl who liked party and drinks. Arnav still think the same and is unaware of her change. Khushi probably was not interested in this marriage and her pregnancy was unplanned. Khushi probably demanded her freedom from Arnav and she was ready to give the baby to Arnav. Arnav almost called her by her original name. Khushi will soon join the dots and know her real identity. Glad that Arnav rescue her. Khushi is getting quite involved with Aarav. Khushi has already changed to a good person. Shashi Gupta came to know about Arshi meet. Khushi though is going to meet Tanmay her focus is on Aarav. Khushi's dream gave a clue about her past. Khushi didn't wanted Aarav. Is Shashi preparing for Arshi's divorce Khushi has come to know about his lie. Will she find the truth. Thanks for the Update 😍😘

  3. Was waiting for aarav and arnav' conversation..very short update madhu🙄🙄

  4. Arnav and Khushi are married . Probably Khushi's nature forced Arnav to separate from her. I hope Arnav give a chance to Khushi. She may have done some mistakes. But one should be given a chance to rectify it. Atleast for Aarav who doesn't understand the complications of relationship. Arshi are still married that's the only ray of hope. Arnav should not take any impulsive decision in anger to separate Aarav and Khushi.

  5. Arnav saved khushi like a hero 😉 but he was surprised that she know self defence and could'nt fight with two mens .... The way arnav said that he knows from were is come soo khushi was party person and was always in drink and doing stupid things but arnav does'nt know that she is not the same person is a changed person now and the way arnav threated her to stay away from aarav she got an hint that how much he hated her and the dream which got tells us that she did't want to baby and she herself left aarav and arnav for her freedom and something very big has happened that y arnav hurt khushi soo much 😠 ... And from shashi gupta we get to know that they r not divorced too But khushi got the hint from arnav and from her dad that something very Big they r hidding from her and she is going find it now .... post it soon

    1. Its hate khushi not hurt.. sorry for the typo 😅

  6. Interesting update . Eagerly waiting for the next update .

  7. Looks like khushi dint want the baby hence Arnav hates her. But if they were married then why did khushi not want a baby?

  8. Awesome update. Arnav must have gone through a lot in the past.

  9. Yes they are husband n wife... Please do find the secrets Khushi dear....

  10. So they are still not divorced. May be they got married at a very young age. Probably that's why Khushi behaved so immature and irresponsible. Want to know the full pregnancy story. What made her continue her pregnancy? When she decided against it. Arnav's anger is justified if Khushi left the baby to live her own life. Were they ever in love? Or it was forced marriage?

  11. Seems like arnav and khushi were not in love. Otherwise khushi wouldn’t be so annoyed about having a baby. However she kept the baby and gave birth to him. So why arnav hate her so much?Did he take the baby soon after khushi gave birth to him? As a woman khushi is really bad to deny having that baby. She must be heartless and this is her punishment from the god. But everyone deserves a second chance. Plus they are not divorced yet. Why arnav didn’t divorce her if he hate khushi so much? So much confusions. Nice update!!

  12. Interesting.
    So kkg was such in the past.
    Looking forward

  13. I think khushi was so childish in past, she did something in past which hurt arnav aloot that's why he can't stand with khushi
    Finally khushi planned to know past, let's see
    Waiting for next update dear

  14. They were married? probably she was reckless and Shashi used Arshi for money!

    an accident or something has led to Khushi's patial memory loss?

    This is going to be interesting! and she's getting back her memories gradually! especially with the baby!


  15. Guys this is not a place to post, but I am posting Sanaya Irani joined with to help covid , please donate any amount you want from 1rs to any any amount you want, please support

  16. Waiting to read arshi & aarav scene together.

  17. This is getting interesting day by day.Hope Arnav will realise it soon that Khushi is a not the same woman at all.

  18. Interesting looking forward for upcoming secrets unfold...

  19. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  20. This is turning out to be a mix of Teri ore and Tere bin.. from Shashi's interactions, doesn't look like he has bad intentions.. more like by hiding her past, he is trying to save Khushi from heartbreak..
    and looks like Arnav is justified too.. she is coming off as this spoiler brat and wild party goer, who hooked up with Arnav due to some like and attraction (atleast from Khushi's side, it could be love from Arnav's side, looking at the amount of hurt he is bearing at present).. it's good that she is changed now, but we can't fault Arnav for still thinking her the same and trying to separate her from Aarav..
    just imagine the situation in reverse, had it been Arnav in Khushi's place, we wouldnt feel so bad for Khushi trying to separate Aarav from Arnav, since we would catalogue it under a mother worried about her child and trying to save the said child from further heartbreak if there is a chance that Arnav may choose to go out of their lives again like in past.. hence I fully support Arnav and hope Khushi realises past soon and atones for her mistakes to come back to her husband and son..
    Also, Madhu one request.. I understand that this FF is going to concentrate heavily on Aarav and Khushi's bond atleast for first few parts.. however I hope Arnav too gains equal if not more preference in Khushi's life and priorities by the end..

  21. Madhu... plz love 💕 this concept amazing story interesting FF ... plz continue to long U can as chapter don’t until 30 chapter omg 😮 so quick to finish.. thank goodness arshi married ... what happened past destroyed arshi relationship 😭

  22. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  23. This is very interesting story

  24. What blunder khushi has done that arnav is soo angry with her that he don't want to see her?

  25. Looks like Khushi was forced to give birth to her child. Which might have make a deal with Arnav. Story going very interestingly.

  26. I think Arnav is unaware of Khushi's partial amnesia, that's why he still hate her...
    Arnav doesn't know that Khushi is totally changed after accident and this change in her will only bring Arav and Arnav to her.

  27. I got goosebumps reading this update.
    Very intriguing.

  28. Something messup between arshi that's why arnav hates khushi..

    Hope khushi dig now as her dad is jot telling her

  29. This means that they are still legally bound to each other. Tgts the reason arnav called her khushisingh... So her father wants her divorce to get finalised. What had happened exactly. Was khushi the partying hard types with alcohol issues

  30. Waiting for Khushi to find out her memory

  31. Ok 👌 from what I could gather from this chapter. Khushi was a party animal and mess around. She fell pregnant and didn’t want the baby. She was a selfish person and probably wanted to abort it. Feel sorry for Arnav. That he had to raise Aarav singlehandedly. Great chapter
