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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 55


Chapter 55

The drive to the Villa was not very long. Khushi dragged Arnav along and stopped once they reached the Living room.

“Now that we have reached..” Arnav pulled her closer. “Tell me what the surprise is”

Khushi paused him before he could kiss her. One kiss and she would melt in his arms. She wouldn’t let that happen because tonight was much more than what he had expected out of her. She pushed him on the couch.

“You got your phone?” she asked.

Arnav was dazed by her actions and question, both. When he didn’t respond, she started checking his shirt and denim pockets to find the mobile. Her playful hands burned his body once again. He pulled her on his lap and ensured she couldn’t get down.
“Here” she handed him the mobile. “I will call you in exactly 20 minutes, until then you will behave like a nice boy and stay here. Don’t even dare to come in the bedroom”

“bedroom” he repeated. “So that’s where my surprise is”

“Not yet” she giggled. “But it will soon be ready”

Arnav loved the efforts his wife was putting in to surprise. But what was it? He still had no clue.

“Did you buy some sexy outfits?”

Her eyes widened at his wild imaginations.

“I said no guess.. no hints”

She wriggled to get off his lap but when he didn’t let her go, she gave him an urgent kiss. It was enough to loosen his grip on her. She got down.

“Fruits of patience are always sweet” she winked and made her way to the stairs. “Promise me you won’t budge from the couch until I call you”

Arnav gave his reply in the form of a flying kiss and she didn’t need more assurances. She almost ran upstairs to make it happen.


The next 20 minutes were longer and felt like eternity to Arnav Singh Raizada. He couldn’t wait to know what his wife planned. All he did was check his phone to ensure it wasn’t on silent mode. A lot many ideas ran in his dark mind regarding the surprise and each one of them tortured him like never before. Finally, after 25 minutes his phone buzzed with her message.

“I am waiting”

Arnav lost the patience and hurried to their bedroom. He pushed the door open and was thrilled to find the room dark. The only light that glowed in the room was those of the candles burned exactly at the other corner. His eyes strained as she scanned the room and find where his wife was hiding. That’s when his gaze fell on the heavily decorated bed and his beautiful wife sitting on the center of it in a designer bridal lehnga. His heart skipped a beat. She was dressed like a bride and the whole room was prepared for their first night. When did she do this? There wasn’t any veil covering her face but she kept her gaze low. Her arms tickled with goosebumps as the surprise was finally revealed to her husband. Arnav took lazy steps to the bed, staring at her face without blinking even once.

“Wow” he managed to utter as he sat next to his heavily dressed wife.

She let out a soft giggle as he pulled her chin up with his fingers.

“I wouldn’t have guessed this even in my dreams” he added. “And though I love what I see, could you please care to explain what exactly does this mean?”

Khushi bit her lip. She had to explain this now? Couldn’t he just.. .guess?

“You know it..” she muttered clumsily.

“Words Mrs. Royal Singh Raizada” he stroked her lip with his thumb. “I need words”

Fine! If that’s what he wants, she would give him a beautiful confession.

“You know when I was a teen, my mother used to tell me stories about a Prince Charming coming to sweep me off my feet and take me away in his kingdom. I never believed her. Because I didn’t want a Prince. I had different kind of dreams. The ones which would gain me fame and prosperity.. the ones which would make me independent and keep me busy from my father’s uncaring role. But then… you happened”

She lifted their joined hands and kissed his fingers.

“You were the worst thing that happen to me then” she giggled recalling how she fought with her parents to stop the wedding. Arnav faked a frown but he knew she was coming to the good part.

“Worst thing, huhh?” he bit her cheek.

She cupped his face and nodded.

“It’s called destiny Arnav.. it played its part. I always belonged to this Prince Charming” she kissed his nose.

A warm smile spread on his face. Yes, she was His. No matter how much she ran away from him, she was always His.

“And though I hated you at the beginning of our marriage, you changed my mind. You made me believe not everything we saw from our open eyes is true. You made me sneak into your heart and see the goodness that lies within”

She palmed his chest, exactly where his heart thudded. Arnav was hard. He really would like to hear it from her all night but if she winded up the talking, it would only give his body the much-needed release.

“You are the purest soul I have ever met in this world. Anyone who knows the real you will love you like never before and that’s exactly what I feel for you now.. I love you Arnav.. I love you so much that it hurts every single time I am away from you”

Her entire confession was heartwarming but the last part was breathtaking. He scooped her in his arms again.

“Say it again” he demanded.

She bit her lip.

“I love you”

“Again” his voice turned darker than before.

“I … love … you Arnav Singh Raizada”

He gave her a scorching kiss to subside the urge of pouncing on his wife like a hungry animal. How could a woman have that kind of effect on him? To be precise, only Khushi could do that to his body and heart. She had put so much hard work in making this confession and give him a pleasurable night to remember for lifetime. Who would have thought a woman who hated even the sight of him had given her heart to the same man? When they pulled away for air, she kept staring in his eyes.

“Won’t you say you love me too?” she pouted.

Arnav wanted to bite every inch of that innocent face. His love for her was written on every inch of his body, couldn’t she read it? He took off the veil that covered her head.

“Instead… how about I show you how much I love you?” he huskily asked.

When he touched her again, she knew the battle had begun – battle between their bodies to be one. Arnav cherished his wife like she was the only living being for his survival. He devoured her body and hours later when she was spent completely, he confessed those three magical words she had been waiting to hear from his mouth. She wanted to respond to his confession but fatigue and sleep took over. Arnav kissed her hair and took her in his embrace. He stroked her back until he got his share of sleep. The hunger they felt for each other was deeper than physical. He rarely relinquished his control and from now on it would be only for her.


“Avni” Aman clutched her arm as they got out of the Pub. “You still didn’t tell me why Bhai and Khushi left early?”

Avni held her blush.

“You are such a bore Aman. Why would a couple skip every enjoyment and want some privacy?”

Aman feigned thinking. She knew he was acting. She hit his chest.

“You seriously think it’s their special night today?” he queried.

“I am confident” she replied. “Khushi actually brought a bridal dress and jewelry to surprise Arnav. And we even decorated their bedroom”

“How cute” Aman was impressed. “Bhai really needed a wife like her”

Avni smiled.

“They are a perfect couple”

“Like us” He pulled her closer. “And that reminds me.. when am I getting that opportunity to see you decked up in a beautiful bridal dress, waiting for me in my bedroom?”

Avni laughed.

“I didn’t joke” his voice was stern.

She became serious as he held her jaw.


“How about tonight?”


“You heard it sweetheart”

“No” she pushed him away and hurried out.

“Stop running from me Avni. You want the same.. I can see it in your eyes”

She increased her pace. She knew he would follow her and in no time, they would be kissing like rabbits. She crossed the road and turned back to face him.

“If you cross this road and get me, you might get lucky tonight” she challenged.

“Challenge to a Royal?” he shouted from the opposite side.

“Yes, your highness” she giggled.

“I can cross this road and reach you even with my eyes shut. Watch me win”

Aman shut his eyes and started crossing the road slowly. There wasn’t any vehicle on the dark road yet, but the moment he stepped ahead, a black sedan accelerated towards him.

“Aman..” she screamed. “Aman… A vehicle is coming your way… open your eyes and move back” she shouted.

“Don’t lie Avni. I know you want me to fail this challenge. I wont”

“Aman.. stop” she cried running towards him. Though he didn’t open his eyes neither believed her, she reached him on time and pushed him and herself off the road, saving his life.

When they hit the ground, the car speedily accelerated away, taking their breaths away.

“Damn… that was too close” Aman’s heat thudded.

“How could you risk this Aman? I asked you to move back” she hit his arm. “Understand one thing very clearly Aman Singh Raizada. I am not just your girlfriend; I am also your protector and next time you defy my orders I will kill you myself”

Aman’s brows twitched upwards.

“That’s one heck of a warning I ever got till date”

That was his problem, he hardly took her seriously. But not this time. She knew this wasn’t just a coincidence, someone really wanted to hurt him. In the attempt of saving him, she didn’t concentrate on the vehicle number.

“come on .. lets go home”

She dragged him back to the Pub and asked the Valet to get their car.

“Don’t tell this to Bhai, he will be simply worried”

“I am not hiding this from him. He has to know” she argued.

Aman sighed in disbelief.

“Alright. But not tonight. Let them have their special night, please”

Avni agreed to that. She too didn’t want to spoil Arnav and Khushi’s romance tonight.



Khushi tossed on the bed, spreading her arm to draw her husband closer but his side of the bed was unoccupied. She pulled the duvet to cover her body and scanned the room. It was a mess. Her bridal dress and jewels were lying all around the floor. Anyone would know what happened here last night. She had to clear it up and also clean herself and freshen up. Before Arnav could return, she quickly used the washroom and wearing a fresh night gown, started collecting the things from the floor. The doorknob clicked open and her Royal husband stepped in with two cups of coffee. A blush crept on her face as his gaze hit her face. He was shirtless and looked strikingly handsome.

“Need help?” he asked putting the coffee mugs on the table and returned to her.

He scooped her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

“Had a good sleep?”

She frowned.

“I don’t think so” she saw her lipstick marks on his neck and chest and her blush deepened.

“You went like this in the kitchen? God!! Who else saw you? What would they think about me?”

Arnav chuckled.

“No one saw me. It’s too early. Aman and Avni aren’t awake yet. And even if they were to see all this, I am sure they would be more than impressed”

“Shut up” she cocooned herself in his chest.

“Tum theek ho?”

There was so much concern in his voice.

“More than better” she stroked his neck and chest, rubbing the marks.

“They will go away when I shower” he moved her arms away and dragged her back to bed.

The warmth of his touch soaked into her. He made her sit on the bed and passed her the mug.

“Cheers” he said clinking his own mug with hers. “To a new beginning”

She giggled. This was indeed a new beginning. She put her coffee mug away and sipped some from his cup. Arnav liked what she did. They were going to share the coffee henceforth. The surprise she gave him last night was the best of his life. And when asked why she put that much efforts in making it happen, she told a Royal like him deserved it. They were a Royal couple and their consummation had to have the sparks of Royalty all over. He loved her thoughts and kissed her again which turned out to be more than a kiss and their hot coffee was left forgotten on the table away for another hour. Who cared?


When the couple came down an hour later, Aman was busy on a call with the Producers of the show and Avni was buttering his bread. Avni read the expressions on Khushi’s face and didn’t had to ask her if her surprise was successful. It was written all over Khushi’s body that she was thoroughly loved by her husband.

“Congratulations Khushi Bhabhi” Aman returned. “I am sure you didn’t check your phone yet”

“Phone? No.. Why?”

“You are selected for the lead role”

“Oh my god” she jumped in joy. “Mahesh just called me and asked me to update you. He was trying your number since morning”

“I .I can’t believe this.” she watched her husband who was as delighted as she was.

“Congrats” he kissed her hair. “I knew you would bag this role. And I am lucky enough to be prepared for it”

“Last night I was telling Avni the same.. You really deserved this role. You are perfect for this show” Aman appraised.

Avni congratulated her and patted her cheek softly.

“Arnav is my lucky charm..” Khushi murmured with tears in her eyes. She hugged his waist from the side.

“Oh I am so hungry right now.. can we all please eat” Aman requested.

“I should be hungry than you” Arnav teased him.

“Okay” Aman raised his arms in defeat. “I am less hungry than you.. happy?”

“What are these guys even discussing” Khushi snapped staring at Avni.

“That reminds me to ask..” Arnav sipped his juice. “Where did you both sleep last night? I hope in your respective rooms”

Avni couldn’t hide her cheeks which turned red. Aman was equally surprised that his brother asked them the most tickling question of their lifetime.

“Stop ruling their hearts” Khushi frowned. “They are mature enough to deal with their hormones”

Arnav nodded.

“Not that I mind but if this is going to be habit, we better get them married soon” he replied.

Aman was so glad to hear that. He jumped off his seat and gave his brother a tight hug.

“Wish I could kiss you” he exclaimed.

“No.. hugs are enough for me.. for kisses.. please turn to Avni”

Avni fiddled with the fork and kept her eyes low. Khushi giggled at the easiness around. The brothers were fun together. They began eating and Avni shared the incident of last night. The accident which was averted yet it looked planned. Arnav’s mood shifted. His protective side was back. Whoever wanted to hurt his family, was here in Mumbai and crossing lines of Arnav Singh Raizada’s patience. He had to devise some strict plans to draw that person out in the open and expose his intentions to the world.

To be Continued.

Note: Precaps for FFs tomorrow. Full updates from Monday again. 

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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Beautiful update.... Finally they became one....who wants to hurt Raizada's ? That person's main target is Aman....but why?

  2. Great update. Can we get the precap for lawful tomorrow?

  3. Love you Madhu,you are the best....😇😍😍

  4. Awesome Update. Arshi are super romantic. Arnav got little impatient but glad that finally Arshi celebrated their first night. Khushi's surprise was really nice. Finally Arnav became Khushi's prince charming sorry. Khushi still feel the pain for her father's rejection. Arshi always belong together. Khushi's heartwarming confession to Arnav that how much she loves him is beautiful. Aman and Avni too has a great time. Are Avni and Aman secretly married. Who tried to kill Aman . Was it Shyam and his father or any other enemies of the Royals. Teasing moments turned tensed and Avni is right to inform Arnav. Arnav is gradually becoming the ideal husband. He is so romantic yet concerned for Khushi. Arshi's married life finally began. Khushi got selected and Arnav looks equally happy. He is really a light-hearted person now. Arnav wants to get Avni and Aman married. Arnav will surely protect his family from all evils. Thanks for the Update.😍😘

  5. Finally after all the ups and downs Arnav become Khushi's prince charming. Lovely Romantic moments between Arshi . After so many ups and downs finally they are together and so much in love. Who is Raizada's enemy and why they want to hurt Aman. First Akash got kidnapped now someone tried to hurt Aman. Is the enemy known or unknown. Hope Arnav reach the enemies soon before they strike again. Waiting for Yaadein 😍

  6. Awesome superb excellent amazing romantic waiting 🥰🥰🥰🥰😘

  7. Awesome

  8. I have no word to explain actually words are less.mind blowing update

  9. This was the most beautiful consummation of all the stories. They didn’t rush, no one disturbed them and it happened naturally. Khushis confession made it more beautiful. Honestly it was really beautiful. Romantic and cute. Loved the update for bits 😍

  10. Arnav get the most beautiful and romantic surprise ever....glad that now their is no barrier between Arnav and khushi..
    Aman and Avni also deserve to be together now....get them married soon
    Their is yet to discover who has kidnapped Akash and now this accident....hope Raizadas soon found who is behind every incident.

  11. Your fictions have become my addiction. My day won't stop without checking your blog. I can't stop loving you and all your fictions.

  12. What a romantic update... Finally Arshi are one in all sense...

    Avni saved Aman dot on time & I'm sure the one driving the car intended to kill Aman under the pretext of accident...

    Thanks for the beautiful dresses update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  13. Loved how Khushi put effort and share her emotions. Finally they become one . I loved their morning effort too. Both brothers are awesome

    Waiting for next update dear

  14. Awesome. Loved Khushi's surprise. Finally they become one and totally in love. And who's trying to hurt them. Hope Arnav will get hold of that person soon.

  15. Out of words to describe...🥰😍😍😍😍💯❤👏👏👏👏

  16. Finally they confess... Hope Arnav will find the culprit soon... Let's hope everything will be fine...

  17. Awesome update. Loved that finally they consummated their marriage in a royal way.

  18. Wow Arshi’s romance was so tense and surreal. Awesome chapter thanks 🙏

  19. Wow
    .. well done khushi finally air is fill with romance...

    Totally loved the way khushi confess her love n he respond..

    Amni too good thank god avni able to save him...n told it to aman...
    Someone already here to hurt them..
    Looking forward


  21. Wow very lovely and beautiful surprise for Arnav. Awesome update.

  22. Beautiful and lovely update
    Khushi's confession was sweet
    But who wants to hurt Raizada's
    Waiting for next update eagerly
