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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 6


Chapter 6

Gupta Mansion 

“I am not going back, Dad” Khushi stated amidst their quiet breakfast. Since morning, she hadn’t spoken a word to her father or anyone else. She was too messed up from within. But after Arnav Singh Raizada’s accusations last evening, she had made up her mind. She was not going to leave until she gets answers about her past. She had to know all her doings which had hurt people and feared this was one of the reasons why her father didn’t want her to stick around in the same country. She had now secretly promised herself to mend those things or at least apologize to people who suffered because of her.

Shashi put the fork away and crossed his arms over the table.
“This is not your choice to make Khushi. Our Auckland office needs you”

“We have people handling the Business there. And this is no more about work Dad. I want to spend my time here in India”


“No, Dad. I am done with this. I am done hiding from my past. I have every right to know what went wrong in my life”

Shashi frowned.

“I am sorry baby, but I cannot give you any answers. I want you to be happy and let the past go. Just like you did all these 7 years”

“7 years” she put her spoon away. “7 years I have lived in the confusion what I have lost in those memories, Dad. If you cannot give me those answers, its fine. But you cannot stop me from digging them myself. I don’t need your help. All I need is your permission to stay under this roof and if even that’s too much, then I will rent out another house in the city”

She rose to her feet and strode to the stairs. Shashi followed her and stopped Khushi before she could slip away.

“Khushi” he clutched her arm. “Is this your final decision?”

Khushi nodded. Shashi didn’t want her to stress out further or give any burden to her brain. He feared how well she would react if he keeps denying her wishes. He had to agree.

“Fine, don’t go anywhere until you really want to. Happy?”

Khushi sighed in relief.

“Thanks Dad”

“Always welcome my child. Did you get time to think about Tanmay? I am sure you like him”

“He is a great man. I like him”

Shashi was excited.

“I will talk to his parents and..”

“Dad.. wait. I just like him. I haven’t considered anything beyond that. Give me some more time please. I don’t want to take any decisions in haste”

Shashi rolled his eyes but he liked Khushi’s thoughtfulness. Unlike previous times, she was now very careful in her selections.

“Take your time. Happy now?”

“Very” she hugged her father. The first thing that came in her mind today was meet ASR and apologize for what happened during the Prom night.


That evening Viren got the legal papers ready. He reached out to Shashi Gupta at office and handed them over. Shashi’s eyes became moist knowing his daughter’s bright future was finally in his hands now. Everything would fall back in place once she signs these papers. He dialed Khushi to call her at office where this formality could be completed.

“Hi Dad” Khushi answered his call.

“Khushi, can you come to Office? I want you to sign some land deal papers. The ones we spoke the other day”

“Uh.. now Dad? I am already on way for some other work. Why don’t you get those papers home? I will sign them tonight”

Shashi didn’t argue. Until she was ready to sign, he wouldn’t mind the place and time. After winding up the call, Khushi parked her car at Shantivan and got down. She didn’t recollect being here before, but then she felt like she had stayed for a lifetime in this house. The gardener and the house keeping staff almost jerked seeing her as if they saw a ghost. Ignoring them all, Khushi strode to the main door. The wide portico led towards a huge double door which was open. She wondered why the security didn’t stop her outside. In fact, when they saw her, she could read confusion in their eyes as if they knew her and were unsure if they had to let her in or stop her. To her benefit, none of them blocked her way but she had seen one of the guards dialing the Intercom. Probably, to inform someone inside the house about her arrival. She halted at the double door, taking a view of the lavish house. The whole living room had white marble flooring with three sets of sofas matching the thick curtains of the French windows. Arnav had spent a lot in the interiors of his house and anyone stepping here would be in awe of it. She wondered who stayed here with him? Did he have a joint family? All she recalled was that he had an elder sister.


She heard a woman’s sharp voice from the other corner of the house. Khushi turned around and saw a woman in a pink designer saree striding towards her.

“Hi” Khushi smiled. “I am Khushi Gupta”

“I know who you are” she replied. “But why are you here?”

“I want to meet Arnav”

The woman looked offended by her reply.

“He is not home neither he will be interested in entertaining you. So please leave”

Khushi didn’t like the way she spoke to her. And for some reason she had a feeling that she has met this woman before, heard her voice and even handled her arrogance before. But how was that possible? She couldn’t remember anything.

“Are you his sister?” Khushi queried.

“Yes, I am his sister Anjali. Now please leave before I ask the security to throw you out”

Now that pissed Khushi even more.

“I don’t understand why you are being so rude to me Anjali. I believe we haven’t met before, have we?”

Anjali clenched her jaw. Wished she could just blurt out to Khushi what harm she has caused to their family. But she remained quiet because that’s what Arnav had ordered her to do. The moment the security informed Anjali about Khushi’s arrival, Anjali had called her brother who was having a gala time with his Son Aarav in the city fair. He gave her strict instructions not to entertain Khushi and push her away from Shantivan. And if that didn’t work, he was on way to show her the exit. None of the siblings had any idea why Khushi had come here again.

“Don’t you understand when I say Arnav is not at home?” Anjali snapped again.

“Then I will wait for him to come back” she raised her voice too. “I am not leaving until I see him”

“He is not interested to meet you. Which part of this statement did you not understand?”

Khushi fisted her fingers. What the hell was wrong with this family? Why were they so crooked?

“I will not leave until I speak to him. And I don’t deem it necessary to share that matter with you”

Anjali shrugged angrily.

“Fine. He is already on way. If you are so much interested in facing his wrath, then please be my guest”

Khushi would have stormed out from any other place for being so much insulted but she didn’t budge from here. She had made up her mind to apologize for Arnav for her silly doings in the College.

Anjali slipped away to make another call to her brother and check where he had reached. She couldn’t tolerate this woman in Shantivan any longer and wanted her to leave soon. Khushi didn’t sit. She patiently waited at the living room scanning around. There were pictures of Arnav and Aarav on the wall and some other photo frames too on the side table but none of them that could reveal Arnav’s wife. She wondered why he cut that woman out of his life despite knowing how much his son needed her. But it was their personal problem. She wasn’t here to interrogate it. Her throat parched and fortunately she saw a servant heading towards the kitchen.

“Hari Prakash, get me some water please” she requested.

Hari Prakash stopped; his eyes darted out seeing Khushi in the house. Khushi on the other hand was confused why she called him Hari Prakash?

“Is.. is your name Hari Prakash?” she queried back.

“Jee” he nodded. “I .. I will get you water” he ran into the kitchen.

Khushi was startled how she knew the name of Arnav’s servant? That was next to impossible. She didn’t recall being here or familiarizing with anyone in this family before.


Arnav drove speedily to get back home. Just two hours ago he had taken Aarav at City fair. Sheetal had also accompanied him though he hadn’t invited her. It was just that he mentioned today at Office about his plans with Aarav and she urged to join. Arnav couldn’t deny. But when Anjali called him to inform about Khushi’s surprising entry in the house, he couldn’t continue the rides in the fair. He told Sheetal and his guards to take care of Aarav and himself drove back to Shantivan. Getting Aarav along was not an option. The less his son meets Khushi, the best it would be for them. But why had Khushi come to Shantivan? Just last night he had met Khushi’s father. Was it that matter which she had come to discuss? Did she get to know everything? He had no clue. He parked the car and barged in the house. Khushi was standing at the huge photo of his and Aarav, admiring it.

“What are you doing in my house?” he growled the moment he stepped inside.

Khushi jerked and turned around to meet his gaze. His blue denims and casual White Shirt brought goosebumps on her skin. White, black and red was his favorite color and he looked hot in all of them. Dammit!! How did she know?

“Please don’t scold me before knowing why I am here” she pleaded coming forward. But nothing changed the expressions on his face. He was still staring at her with wild rage. “Ever since I have returned to India and we have met, you have been showering hurtful blames upon me. Not that I complain. I can understand what you might have gone through because of my silliness”

She understands? Nope!! Arnav fisted his fingers. She would never understand what he went through all these years because of her.

“Come to the point Khushi” he groaned.

Despite he took her name angrily, she liked the sound of it. Shit!! She never felt this way for any man. Not even for all those proposals her father forced her to meet. Then why him?

“I came here to..” she gulped when his eyes darted into hers and she read some kind of pain in them. “I.. came to apologize”

Arnav stiffened.

“I shouldn’t have played with your dignity at College. It was so cheap of me to put that drug in your pockets. You got suspended because of me. I am sure your family must have scolded you… But I am ready to apologize to each one of them. I am ready to speak to them and tell them it was me.. My nasty act led you to..”

Khushi paused watching him stride to her. She froze when he gripped her forearms and pulled her closer. He looked severely mad!!

“Is that all you remember?” he asked. His words ripped her. Was there more? She tried hard to recall further but couldn’t.

“I met with an accident some years ago and… partially lost my memories. I am sorry if there was more to my brutishness. I swear I am a changed woman now and..”

“Leave” he growled loosening his grip from her.

“uhh?” she gasped.

“I said leave. You said what you wanted. I heard. Now leave”

She swallowed painfully. It was not easy for him to forgive her just like that. He remained standing but didn’t look at her anymore. Khushi breathed heavily.

“You might have all reasons to hate me Arnav. But I will still wait for that day when you will forgive me”

Arnav’s jaw hardened but that prevent Khushi from continuing her speech.

“I don’t know how many days I am here but wherever I stay, I will always pray for the wellbeing of your family. I hope you and Aarav get all the love you both deserve”

Arnav had to control the impulse to meet her eyes. He wouldn’t do that because whatever she was saying now didn’t mean anything to him. She was a part of his life earlier but it was her decision to cut off every ties, which now he had obliged to. There was nothing more he expected from her neither had to give. Their so-called relationship was done and dusted.

Khushi finally took a turn to leave when Arnav’s mobile buzzed. She heard him answering the call and shout back.

“What? How… how is he? Which hospital? Stay there.. I am coming.. I am coming”

Before she could even ask or react, Arnav ran outside to his car. She could sense it. Something was wrong. Someone was hurt. That’s why he spoke about hospital. By the time she came out, she saw him speedily driving his car out. Khushi sighed in pain. Was everything alright? She hoped so. She silently prayed for Arnav and then drove back to Gupta Mansion. She might not have got a good response to her apology but she was at least guilt free.


City Hospital

Arnav stormed in the hospital scanning the place. The news of Aarav’s accident which Sheetal gave, panicked him. Without wasting time he drove here straight to check upon his son.

“Doctor.. my son… Aarav.. he met with an accident. Where is he?”

The doctor recognized Arnav Singh Raizada and instantly guided him to the ICU.

“Mr. Raizada, we are currently diagnosing his wounds. He has lost some blood. We will keep you posted. Please have patience”

“Blood?” Arnav almost stumbled hearing that. He had left Aarav with Sheetal and his guards to continue the rides. How did this accident happen?

“ASR” Sheetal came running to him. She was crying.

“How is Aarav.. what happened to him?” he clutched her arms.

“He fell down from the ride.. I had strapped him but.. I don’t understand how he fell down.. He is hurt.. so much hurt …”

Arnav’s heart fluttered.

“he will be alright.. he will be fine..” he pushed her away, giving hopes to himself and hurried to the ICU.

To be Continued.


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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing



  1. Madhu yaar it's confusing, arnav knows she has partial amnesia?
    If he does why is he behaving like a jerk

    1. Bcoz, she wanted to abort Aarav and divorce Arnav to live her life.

  2. Getting very very interesting...
    Hope khushi remembers everything soon

  3. So now arnav will tell Khushi what is the past? Hope it happens in next chapter.. Madhu I more interested in reading what happens next how will Khushi enter arnav life again and pacify him .. moreover will Aarav accept Khushi as his mother ? Please give precap of next chapter

  4. Any readers who love to read yaadein next chapter again tomorrow please vote.. so that we request Madhu to update the next chapter tomorrow itself..

    1. Yea, I also want next chapter tomorrow...

    2. No please. Its lawful sins update day tomorrow and I cant wait to see Arnav's reaction upon seeing Khushi there in singapore.

    3. Girl. We dont wait 2 days in wait for lawful sins to have another Yaadein update. So please

  5. Now, I guess Khushi & Aarav will meet again as Aarav will need blood immediately that will match with Khushi blood group.

  6. Awesome Update. How can Arnav trust that Sheetal so much is beyond my understanding. Sheetal irks me every time. Khushi has the right to know about her past. I understand Shashi Gupta want to protect her still he is doing wrong. Khushi has already changed so much. Past 7 years Khushi is living without her family. Is Shashi Gupta preparing for Arshi's divorce. Khushi finally reached Shantivan and is recognized. Why Anjali so bitter towards Khushi. Don't know feel negative vibes from her. Is it because of Khushi's nature or there is something more to it. What harm Khushi has caused to the family. Khushi remember Hari Prakash. Sheetal irks me and what kind of father Arnav is to trust Sheetal blindly. Khushi felt guilty for her behavior and genuinely apologized. Arnav is rude to Khushi. Khushi may have herself demanded her freedom. Aarav met with an accident and Khushi will give him blood I think. Thanks for the Update😍😘

    1. If you remember then it's for her only that he have to drive home urgently leaving his son alone when they they both enjoying their ride together

  7. Please update next part tomorrow, please please

  8. This story is a little confusing.. Hope things clear up soon. Looks like Arav will need khushis blood now. Please update soon

  9. Next part please. Can't wait for the next part. Khushi must be given a chance to rectify her mistakes how she will pacify the family and Arnav. Please give the next part tomorrow 🙏. It's getting interesting with each Update.😁😍

  10. Sheetal couldn't take care of Aarav for an hour and there she was dreaming on becoming his mother *facepalm*

    Khushi has hurt Arnav very deeply in the past and hence all the hatred I get it. Now that Aarav has met an accident I guess he will need blood or something and Arnav will have to turn up to Khushi and let her know the past. Eagerly waiting for past to unfold.

  11. Eager to know their past but I just hope Khushi didn't do something very cruel

  12. Love it love it
    So blood - kkg will givec

  13. Madhu please give next update tomorrow itself.pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  14. Looks like her dad played the game or is it sheetal involved?

    Aarav hope he is ok? ...

    Khushi hope dont sign the papers..

    Looking forward


  16. Another Cliff hanger..yar it reminds me somewhat of ff Teri Ore...the story is little bit similar

  17. I guess a situation will come ver he has to tell her she is his ex wife I guess

  18. I think anjali is evil in this. Khushi would have been wrong in past but they are also wrong. When they know she don't remember why the are rude to her..

  19. Awesome update. Arnav might need her help to save Aarav.

  20. Wonderful update loved it
    Hope in next update we will get to know what happened in past
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  21. I will wait for next update.... So many hidden truths...

  22. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  23. What happened to Aarav?? Hope nothing serious??? What did Khushi do in the past that everyone is hating her this much??? Hope she's going to connect the dots soon.....

  24. Atleast khushi took this initiative To apologise Arnav for what see did and i don't one thing does arnav already know that khushi lost her memory and still he hate her soo much means something every big happen from khushi side 😰😳 and Now Aarav has meet with an accident and needs blood soo arnav will call khushi for it to help can he his child with anyone like sheetal yar 😠 u left us in cliffhanger yar plezs post soon

  25. Arnav & Anjali don't won't to mention their past with Khushi but they forget that the way they behave rudely with her would definitely arise suspicions in her & she would be compelled to know the reasons behind their dislike towards her...

    Seeing the way Anjali & Arnav get angry & wild at Khushi by just a mere sight of her indicates that Khushi has been very very nasty & have caused them too much of pain & sufferings in the past which ain't easy for them to forget & forgive her...

    So now Khushi would donate blood to her son & may b Arnav might mellow down a bit towards her...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  26. Anjali and Sheetal's true colors are coming out now. Hmm.. so Anjali was also always arrogant. Seems she never liked Khushi as her brother's wife. Infront of Arnav she acts all sweet.Khushi also did lot of wrongs. But did she really ask for divorce or was there some manipulation or miscommunication from these two people. Something is fishy!

  27. So Khushi will have to give arav blood,then she will know the truth hope arnav forgive Khushi on what ever she might have done wrong to him and his family, eargaly waiting for the next update

  28. Everyone is really cruel to khushi. She might deserve all their hatred. But this is not fair. She is not well. She has a right to know why everyone is rude to her. It’s like without any reason everyone is pushing her away and being rude to her. It’s really bad. Today anjali gave me some negative vibes and why do I feel that sheetal has something to do with Aravs accident? Nice update!

  29. I am sure this sheetal plated some shit game in case of Arav's acciden because vulnerable situation will give her direct entry in life of Arnav.

  30. hey di .it is so interesting . post update fast .waiting

  31. As everyone wanted next part can we get next part today....

  32. Fabulous wonderful update madhu next part soon plzz

  33. Plzz update, I love both the stories equally and any update will do😂.

  34. I think Anjali played some game in past for arnav to hate so much. Hope aarav and Khushi find out the truth soon

  35. Madhu please break the suspense and update a precap for the story you are gonna update today. ��

  36. Aarav accident going bring some changes in arshi relationship. Arav need khushh blood i think . Is sheetal has any motto ?
    Shaahi gupta doing mistake by hiding the past, khushi has rights to know
    Waiting to know arshi past ..

  37. Arnav cannot forget the past. I think she was heartless and broke him completely. I feel for all of them. When she finds out the truth she will be devastated. That’s for sure
