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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 8


Chapter 8

Khushi sat on the hospital bed, waiting for her father to complete the discharge formalities. She couldn’t wait to go home but a void filled her heart as she realized she wouldn’t be able to meet Aarav again anytime soon. 2 days she had spent with Aarav here, feeding him, looking after him, even singing lullabies to the little boy so that he forgets his pain and sleeps well. The best part was that Arnav Singh Raizada hadn’t stopped her from meeting his son. At least he showed this consideration and she was glad. But she was craving for more. There was something she felt in her heart for that little boy, something which invoked a lot of motherly feelings inside her. She wanted to explore those unfelt emotions and bonds between them.

The nurse came inside to remove the IV kit connected to her wrist. It was painful but Khushi breathed hard and concentrated on the file which the nurse got along.

“Is this my file?” she asked the nurse.

“Yes, Ma’am. That has copy of all your tests and discharge summary too”
“Oh” Khushi opened the file to check the reports normally when she saw a copy of the form which was filled during her admission. It was filled manually by someone and the handwriting was worse. But she could still read what was mentioned in it. The additional remarks box was updated with her allergy conditions. And the column about any identity mark on her body was accurately updated with the birthmark details on the right side of her lower waist. Now this surely got her intrigued. Even her father wouldn’t recall she having a birthmark there because it was almost invisible during her childhood. During her puberty days, the mark got intense and she recognized having one around such an intimate part of her body.

“Who.. who filled this form?” she gave a stern look to the nurse.

“Arnav Singh Raizada”

Khushi froze. Arnav? How would he know any of this? About her allergies? Her birthmarks? Even during her college, she recalled never wearing anything low waist which could reveal this birthmark to others. Then how did he know?

“It’s done” Shashi Gupta stepped in the room. “I can finally take my daughter home”

The nurse left and Khushi observed her father blankly. Even if she asked him, would he tell her? Or was she thinking too much?

“I want to see Aarav once before I leave” she commanded getting down the bed.

“No.. I .. I don’t think you should. The boy is sleeping and..”

“Dad.. I won’t leave otherwise” she made it clear to him and strode out.

Aarav was sleeping in the room and his aunt Anjali was sitting on the couch reading some magazine. Last two days Khushi had seen Anjali around but mostly Arnav stayed day and night with his son. Today it was her. Khushi tip toed inside.

“Stop” Anjali rose to her feet. “You shouldn’t be here”

Khushi was done with these restrictions the Raizada siblings had been putting on her.

“Anjali.. you might have reasons to stop me, but I am not going away without checking once on Aarav”

Anjali clenched her jaw.

“Why? What does he mean to you?”

Wish Khushi could answer that.

“I don’t have an answer to that yet”

“Then so be it” Anjali replied. “You saved his life and we will always be indebted to you. But we don’t need your additional favors. Just go away”

“Khushi..” Aarav woke up at their argument. Anjali immediately rushed to him.

“Aarav.. you should sleep. The more you rest, the sooner we can go home”

“I know Bua. Khushi.. come here” he called.

Anjali helplessly allowed Khushi to meet Aarav.

“Hey baby” Khushi reached Aarav and brushed his hair. “you look good now”

“You know I saw a dream” Aarav exclaimed. “I saw Dad, you and me taking to Disney land”

Anjali frowned. What kind of dream was that which involved Khushi. This happened only because Aarav got to spend time with her. If he hadnt, things would have been different.

“That’s a cool dream” Khushi kissed his forehead. “When you plan for Disney land, do let me know. I will definitely join you”

“yehh” he hugged her tight.

“Khushi..” Shashi got inside the room. “We should leave”

Aarav was confused when he saw Shashi holding a small bag. He instantly realized Khushi was leaving.

“Yes Dad” Khushi painfully replied.

“Is he your dad?”

“Yes. Let me introduce you to him. Dad..” she turned to her father.. “He is Aarav, my little friend and Aarav, that’s my father”

Shashi swallowed nervously smiling at the boy. In all these years, Shashi had hardly met Aarav personally. He had only seen his pictures and even that tortured him. Every time he saw those confused pitiful eyes of the boy, his heart ached realizing what they snatched from him.

“We are getting late Khushi” Shashi added.

Khushi sadly turned to Aarav and kissed his forehead again.

“You are going home?” Aarav queried her with pain all over his face.

“Yes. But I will come to see you”

A bright smile crept his face.


“Promise but you also need to assure me that you will eat your food on time and not make your father, aunt or the nurses run behind you for taking the medicines. And you will never cry again. If it pains, tell your father or aunt and they will the doctor immediately”

Aarav pouted. He hated medicines.

“I am waiting… Aarav”

“I promise Khushi” he replied with a frown.

“I don’t need a plain promise. I need a solid promise” Khushi tried to ease his worry.

“Whats a solid promise?”

“A promise which is sealed with a kiss”

Saying that she placed a few pecks over Aarav’s face which glowed the boy instantly and even made him giggle.

“Alright little boy.. take care and see you soon” she brushed his hair and with a heavy heart made her way out of that room. Aarav kept staring at her until she was gone. His eyes turned moist. Anjali came to rescue.

“Aarav, come on go to sleep again”

Anjali assisted him to lie down and tried to put him to sleep. Finally, that woman was out of their sight and she was more than glad. A lot had changed in Khushi’s behavior. She wasn’t that cold hearted, careless girl she used to be earlier. She had developed into a more mature and emotional woman who valued relationships. Should that bother them now?


It had been 2 more days since Khushi returned from the hospital and she wasn’t allowed to meet Aarav Singh Raizada. Seemed after her discharge from the hospital, Arnav had taken the boy back home and a full-time nurse was appointed to look after him there. Meeting Aarav in Shantivan seemed next to impossible for Khushi especially because none of Arnav’s family members liked her. She shrugged her thoughts when her phone rang. It was her father again. She locked her car strode to the coffee shop. But first she had to speak to her father. She answered his call.

“Khushi, why are you not home? Sachin told me you are off to meet the Client”

Sachin was her father’s PA and a very hardworking man. If it hadn’t been Sachin, her father would never remember to take his medicines on time.

“That’s right Dad. I was bored at home besides work keeps me occupied. I will meet Mr. Desai and finalize the contract with him”

“Okay and you still have to sign the land deal papers”

Yea. That.!! Somehow it had skipped her mind. Neither she got any good vibes from signing those documents. Somehow whenever her father placed that file before her, her body gave her mixed reactions. She didn’t know why?

“I will sign them tonight. I have reached the coffee shop, will call you back Dad. Bye”

She disconnected and walked inside. An old man in a three-piece suit was sitting at the corner table, sipping his coffee. There was no one else in the coffee shop yet. It had to be him. She hurried to his table.

“Mr. Desai? Sorry to keep you waiting” she took a seat opposite to him.

The old man was startled seeing her. When Khushi saw the man up close, she had a feeling they have met before. Of course, Desai was one of their old clients and she might have met him earlier but probably didn’t recall that because of her amnesia.


“Yes, Khushi Gupta. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I hope you have got the contracts verified”

He plainly nodded.

“Great. Uh… if you don’t mind. I will quickly grab myself a coffee”

“Sure” he smiled.

As it was a self-serve coffee shop, she stood in the queue to buy her coffee. The old man kept staring at her. The politeness in her tone as she placed her order, the smile on her lips and her simple caring gestures blew his mind. She returned back to the table.

“So, shall we begin?” she asked.

“Before… we begin. Let me ask you.. What are you doing in India? You were in New Zealand”

She shook her head.

“I am not here for long. Just trying to grab a few pieces of my life before heading back”

“Why? Don’t like your home country anymore?”

“I would love to stay here but dad wants me to…” she paused. “I mean.. someone has to look after the other offices too”

The old man was very keen to know more about her. He kept querying her about what she did in the past 7 years and just to quench his curiosity she told him about her accomplishments and he seemed quite impressed. They hadn’t spoken a word about the contract yet. Khushi liked talking to him and felt a connection instantly. He was such a fatherly figure.

“Well young lady” he rose to his feet. “It was really great talking to you again. I hope you accomplish everything you desire”

“Excuse me? Wont you discuss the contract Mr. Desai?”

“I would have loved to discuss the contract had I been Mr. Desai”

Khushi got up from the chair in shock.

“You.. you are not Mr. Desai?”

“I am not” he smiled picking his belongings from the table. “I am Ayush Singh Raizada”

Khushi froze. He.. he was Arnav’s father? Why was fate being so cruel? Why she kept bumping with the Raizada family members only?

“I should have told you that before but somehow your company got me intrigued. I hate having coffee’s alone” he winked. “And since your client didn’t show his presence yet, I decided to play along”

“Well” she frowned. “That’s not an excuse Mr. Raizada”

“I am ready to apologize”

“No. Not needed anymore” she smiled back. Glad she didn’t reveal any confidential information to him. It would have totally been her negligence then.

“If not apology, let me at least thank you for saving my grandson’s life. We owe you for this”

No one from the Raizadas had shown that decency except this old man.

“He is a great boy. How is he now?”

“He is doing good I heard. Started to walk but needs support. The doctors said in a week he should be normal as before”

“Heard? You don’t stay with them?”

“I was abroad for some conferences. Just landed and came straight here. I love the coffee of this place and always stop here whenever I am around”

“Oh” she smiled. “I am glad Aarav is better now”

“So are we” he smiled. “Alright, pretty woman. I will make a move. Cannot wait to see my family again. Just check where Mr. Desai is? I hate him already for keeping you waiting this long”

Khushi laughed. She liked Ayush’s easeful nature. He was so opposite to his son. Arnav was always ready to bark on her whereas his father was very welcoming kind.

“Mr. Raizada” she stopped him. “There is something you should know”

“And what is that?” he coolly asked.

“The suspension of your son from college was because of my prank. I… I am really embarrassed for creating that situation. Arnav was not at fault. Please forgive me”

Ayush had a weak smile on his lips.

“Good you apologized. I never thought you would. I trusted my son’s innocence then. And I also trust your sincerity now. Its all in the past. Let’s not dig it again and spoil the present”

He gently patted her cheek and smiling again, left the coffee shop. Khushi felt relieved for clearing up that matter once again with the head of the Raizada family. Ayush seemed to be a good man… fatherly types and very kind.

“Miss Gupta?” another unknown man in three-piece suit reached her. “I am Mr. Desai. Sorry for coming late”

Khushi sighed in disbelief.

“Welcome Mr. Desai. Shall we sit?”

They headed to another table and discussed the contract.



“Dad” Arnav greeted his father and hugged him tight.

“You look exhausted” Ayush complained. “Looks like you didn’t you sleep well last week. Is it only because of Aarav or…”

“Dad” Arnav interrupted. “Aarav wants to see you. He is so thrilled to know you are back”

“I will go see him”

Ayush hurried upstairs to Aarav’s room and Arnav followed. They spent some time together with Aarav and finally when he was asleep, the two had dinner together with Anjali.

“We have good news for you Dad” Anjali chirped. “Chotte has agreed for re-marriage”

Ayush was stunned and when he observed Arnav’s face, he realized it was a painful decision for his son.

“Did Khushi sign the papers?” Ayush demanded.

Arnav gripped the fork.

“I will check that with Mr. Gupta” he replied silently.

“No, I will check that with him personally. But, are you sure you want to do this Arnav?”

“Do what?” Arnav argued sternly.

In the past 7 years, Ayush never commented on Arnav’s personal decisions but today he thought of doing so.

“I met Khushi today. It was a.. coincidence”

Ayush narrated how Khushi mistook him as someone else and their conversation that happened thereafter. Anjali was surprised her father was so happy to talk about Khushi Gupta whereas Arnav had no words.

“Where is this talk leading to Dad? What do you want to imply?” he asked without beating the bush.

“I saw a spark of compassion in her. And seems like she and Aarav are already bonding. Why not get her back?”

That’s it. Arnav pushed the plate away and stood up. Ayush grabbed his arm before his son would walk away.

“Give her a second chance” he urged.

“She is not worth it Dad. I have let her meddle with our lives before, won’t repeat that mistake again. Not even if she is awarded the best wife and mother of this Universe. I am done with that woman and she can never be part of my life again”

Making it very clear to his father, he shrugged off from Ayush’s hold and strode to his room.

To be Continued.


Note: Hint for next part - Khushi finds her marriage photo with Arnav Singh Raizada.




Read as Ebook PDF

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  1. Man! so much of anger from Raizaida family towards KKG. What she has done to them?

    Cliff hanger. eagerly waiting for the next

  2. Glad to meet Ayush singh Raizads too.. At least one character from the raizadas supporting khushi. And Arnav is so harsh I wonder what khushi did.

  3. Awesome Update. And the Precap is too good. Thank God Khushi find her marriage photo. Khushi is so much attached to Aarav . Her motherly instincts are still alive. Without knowing the reality she loves Aarav so much.After knowing the truth she won't keep quite.Arnav filling the form already raised lots of questions in Khushi's mind. Khushi is getting attached with Aarav. Anjali's rude behavior is really annoying. Aarav loves Khushi. Aarav's cute dream of a family is really sad. Poor boy is suffering. Loving Aarav and Khushi's bond. Shashi Gupta is the helpless father and grandfather. Aarav is in pain and his attachment to Khushi is increasing. Khushi like a mother took care of Aarav. Anjali's bitterness is too much. Both the Raizada siblings should acknowledge Khushi's change. Shashi Gupta is making Khushi sign the divorce paper. No wonder Khushi got negative vibes. Khushi meet Arnav's dad. At least he behaved politely with her. He can bring Arshi together. Anjali seems excited for Arnav's remarriage but I feel Arnav's dad will bring Arshi together. Arnav remarriage is shocking. Arnav must give Khushi a chance for Aarav. Khushi will find her marriage photo in the next part. Hope she ask for forgiveness and rectify her mistakes. Thanks for the Update. Please give a Precap of Lawful Sins2😍😘

  4. Awesome update. Loved that Ayush realised the changes in her.

  5. Superb update...

    Aarav khushi binding so well...

    Khushi hope can see everyone is hiding things hopw she dig now.. she was spoil brat in the past.

    Seems arnav's dad can see changed khushi..

    Cant wait for khushi to find out..

  6. Waooo... waiting for the next chap

  7. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  8. The story is getting quite boring.... khushi is clueless we are not aware about their past.... dare a no clarity

  9. Anjali seems negative. Feels like she created misunderstanding to kick khushi out and Khushi's arrogant nature helped her in that...

  10. Madhu please update yaadein again tomorrow.. u told Khushi will get to know about aarav in this chapter.. please update next chapter

  11. What Khushi has done in the past. It's getting interesting. Waiting for the past to unfold to understand the relationship of Arshi better. Khushi 's nature probably is the cause of Arshi's separation.

  12. Interesting... Waiting to see what woll be khushi's reaction for the photo... If she know she ia already married to arnav, she will definitely try to mend her relationship... Please reveal the past soon... I'm so curious... Update next part soon....

  13. Loved it.Cant weit for the next part

  14. I really don't know what to say. I mean why can't he see khushi changed behaviour.I understand she has done something in past which is not forgettable but atleast the one who don't know what past is why the hell he don't understand her. At least he should give her chance for arav. Fabulous update

  15. Awesome fabulous wonderful update dear

  16. Seems Khushi has been absolutely horrible with the Raizadas in the past & she has given Arnav some unforgivable pain that's y he isn't ready to even here her name let alone give a second chance...

    I guess now Ayush & Shashi together will find a solution to this problem...

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  17. plz post precap of lawful sins2 today

  18. Waiting to know what will Khushi do after knowing she is wife of Arnav & mother of aarav

  19. That was a big statement he made...that even she is awarded of best wife or Mother of this universe he wont accept her again...Was things between them that uglier...Madhu plzz clarify this... is Khushi only responsible for their seperation or their was also someone else who had created misunderstanding between them...plzzz reply...

  20. Awesome. Hope finally Khushi will connect the dots in next update. And what she did in the past that earned her this much hatred from everyone???? Is she that much of a spoilt brat???? After their marriage also???? Can't believe that seeing her kind nature now.... Arnav not even ready to give a second chance to her.....

  21. I’m not going to comment on anything unless the past reveals. Otherwise I’m getting dislikes for my comments just for stating my opinion and confusions. Good one sis!

  22. Okay! This is getting even more harder. Ayush Raizada is the only Raizadha who seems to see Khushi in a new light and is shipping ArShi like us.

    What actually happened that the siblings can't stand Khushi. We get it her character was not that great, she had a son and she didn't bother either. She had an accident, she's changed and stays in a different place, and her dad wants her to continue that! Because, if not it will cost him his professional life. So her dad definitely played a huge role in them splitting.

    Waiting to see when they actually have a face off and truth will be out. Glad to see that she'll atleast get to know she's married to him! I hope she doesn't sign the papers.


  23. If its a short story, don't drag the storyline too much. If you are taking too much times finding out a secret, when will be the redemption and sorting out all misconceptions. Don't want abrupt ending.

  24. Superb update. Looks like Arnav’s dad seems cool. But Arnav is having too much of anger for Khushi. Nice hint finally Khushi going to see her wedding photo.

  25. I think arshi in past married because unexpected pregnancy they are not loved its clearly from last few updates energyly waiting for past unfold i miss arshi passion in this story if any chance we will get in future updates

  26. Anjali's behaviour looks like she is scared of their union.Is she scared that she will fall into troubles once that happens? How do they think that Arnav's second wife will definitely be caring towards Aarav? It's just gambling again. Even if she will be caring, she will only be able to give how much Anjali could. Nothing more than that. For that Arnav need not marry again to give his son a mother, when his mother is already alive.That' so stupid. Unless he wants a new wife for himself. Also this is not right on Arnav's part to keep the mother and son in dark about their relationship.It's better he reveals to them both their relationship with each other and let them decide how they want to keep it. If Arnav hates Khushi so much, doesn't want her as his wife, so be it. But i dont he should prevent Aarav from having his mother that too when both love each other so much.That's what happens after divorce right! Kids get to be with one parent and visit the other one when he/she wants. Why cant Arnav get this thing in his head when he has already realised that Khushi is a good mother. Atleast Aarav will get his mother even if she wont be his father's wife.The boy will atleast feel happy that he has his own mother.Both Sashi and Arnav are not doing right with Khushi. I know both want to protect their own children, but if Khushi has really done horrible mistakes and wants to apologise and repent for her past, Shashi should let her do that. She will feel much better later.

  27. I'm sure ayush and aarav going to bring arshi together. Anjali so much rude towards khushi . What khushi did made arnav to hate khushi sooooo much .
    Waiting eagerly for next update dear.

  28. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  29. I m having a feeling that Aarav was born when khushi met with the accident that caused her amnesia..n Arnav is angry at how could khushi put their son's life in danger

  30. Good one... Let's wait for the future...

  31. Can anybody please give me the complete index of swept memories 😪 please

  32. Khushi seems to be really vselfish, snobbish brat types in the past and has caused too much pain for arnav and thts why even though she is a changed person after her memory loss arnav is not ready to give her a second chance. Maybe he thinks that if she regains her memory her old behaviour will return

  33. Wonder how badly Khushi messed up that Arnav can never forgive her. Like Ayush said evryone deserves a second chance but think it will come for Khushi in the form of her son Aarav only.

  34. Love Ayush .. hope he and aarva get them close

  35. Wow she must have hurt 😢 them so badly. What type of person was she. What did she do. The mystery continues. Great chapter.
