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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 9


Chapter 9


“What do you mean its not there?” Khushi shouted one of the servant. “That photo frame belonged to my mother and you don’t know where it is? Who even asked you to clean my room?”

The servant apologetically looked down.

“When you left for New Zealand 7 years ago, Sir asked us to clean your room and we have stuffed everything in the store room. Probably that photo was mistakenly taken out in the process”

Store room!! She hated her father for being so mean and push all her old stuff away.

“Never mind. I will find it myself. Give me the store room keys”

“But Sir”

“I said give me the keys”
The servant shivered knowing her earlier temper. He knew Khushi ever since she was 10. He had seen her messing things, breaking them and hurting people if things don’t turn up as per her will. And though he too had noticed the soberness in her these days, he couldn’t take that risk. He immediately handed the store room keys to Khushi and walked away.

Khushi made her way to the store room and though her father had strictly told her not to get in there, she ignored it and unlocked the door. After a vigorous search of 30 minutes, she found her mother’s photo and was glad to get it back. She was about to shut the drawer from where she found this when another photo fell down on the floor. She immediately picked it up and turned it around only to get the shock of her life. It was a marriage picture.. She was the bride and Arnav Singh Raizada was the groom. He was tying her the Mangalsutra in the picture surrounded by his family and hers. What the hell!! Time seemed to have halted as she gazed at the photo again and again, trying to recollect when did this happen? Was it morphed? She checked the back of the picture and saw the date when this was clicked. It mentioned 14th Feb 2012 which meant 8 years ago. She felt dizzy but managed to hold the table for support. She and Arnav were married?? Why didn’t anyone tell her this? And… Aarav? No!! no! He cannot be her son. !! Can he? Is that why whenever she saw Aarav, her motherly feelings surfaced? How can everyone hide such an important truth from her? So what if she didn’t recollect any of this? Why did they all kept such an important fact hidden from her? She wanted answers and she decided to get them the next morning by the man himself!!


Shashi Gupta was startled when Ayush Singh Raizada called him again after 7 long years. They had been friends once and after that accident, they had parted their lives for the betterment of their families. They did see each other in the business parties and though exchanged greetings, they hardly spoke for more than a minute and it was strictly official.

“Ayush, nice to hear your voice again” Shashi exclaimed.

Ayush was in his study room, sprawled on his chair and looking at the family album.

“I met Khushi today in a coffee shop”

Shashi was startled.

“She didn’t tell me. I hope the meet didn’t end up bad”

“Not at all” Ayush smiled. “I liked the woman she has turned out now” he paused. “Anyway, that’s not why I called you for. I just want to share that Arnav has plans of re-marriage and you know if that has to happen, he and Khushi will have to legally separate first”

Shashi swallowed painfully.

“I understand. I will get her signatures today”


There was a long silence and Ayush suddenly spoke again.

“We are selfish fathers aren’t we? Always want our children to be happy. We have always thought this separation will give our kids the required closure in life. But now, I don’t know Shashi”

“They were never supposed to be a couple in the first place. It was our mistake to pull them into this relationship” Shashi regretted.

“you are talking as if we never had arranged marriages during our times. I met my wife on the marriage day and till then never seen her photo even” Ayush mocked.

“Our time was different Ayush. We adjusted for the sake of our families, for our kids. We cannot expect our children doing the same”

“I agree” Ayush sighed. “But even then.. I feel what if.. what if Arnav and Khushi get back together? Not for themselves but for Aarav at least. That little boy needs both parent. Forget getting their love separately, he doesn’t even know Khushi is his mother and vice versa”

Shashi swallowed the lump formed in this throat.

“What is that boy’s fault in all this?” Ayush continued.

“I think it’s too late now to try any of it. I met Arnav and he didn’t seem to be interested in Khushi anymore. He even hates being in the same room as her. How can they… no… I don’t think they will ever reconcile. And my daughter doesn’t even know what wrong she did. She might never remember and Arnav will never forgive her”

“Maybe you are right” Ayush rubbed his teary eye. “Let’s see what’s instore for our kids”

They spoke again for few more minutes and then ended the call with a heavy heart.


Next Day – AR Group Office

Without wasting time Khushi reached AR Office to meet Arnav Singh Raizada. She had lots of questions in her mind which didn’t let her sleep the whole night. She wanted to know everything. So without informing even her father about it, she entered AR group.

“Arnav.. I want to see Arnav”

“Ma’am he is busy in a meeting and do you have an appointment?” the receptionist asked.

“Look, whoever you are. I want to see him right now and if you don’t let me I will.. I will find him myself”

She made her way to the conference rooms, opening the door one by one to check where he was. The receptionist followed her with series of warnings.

“Ma’am, you need to stop this and please make your way out or else I will have to call the security”

Khushi didn’t stop. She kept pushing the doors open to find Arnav.

“Security” the receptionist shouted.

Khushi barged in the last room and that’s when she got to see him. Arnav was seated at the center of the rectangular table with two of his clients and Aman Mathur. The moment her gaze landed on him, everything else froze.

“Sorry Sir, we tried to stop her but…”

“What’s going on? Who is she to barge in here?” one of the clients queried not so happy about the intrusion.

Khushi stiffened. Arnav Singh Raizada was too blank to respond. He was still unsure what got Khushi at his office and why did she look so … so desperate to meet him?

“Will you answer that question Arnav or should I do that on your behalf?” Khushi snapped without breaking their eye lock.

The security guards rushed in the room to drag her out and because Arnav was too lost to respond on time, she did.

“I am his wife” she said turning to his Clients and then the guards.

Arnav fisted his fingers. Did she recall? Or got any clue or hint about it? The guards rooted to their spot waiting for their Boss to take a call. Arnav turned to his clients and put an apologetic smile.

“Sorry gentlemen, Aman will take this discussion forward in the other room. Aman?”

Aman quickly rose to his feet with a nod and gestured the clients out. The guards followed them, leaving the couple alone to talk. Arnav had no words for her until she told him what exactly she knew about them? Khushi pushed the photo she found in the store room last night, towards him. Arnav didn’t pick it but realized she must have loads of doubts and he was in no mood to clarify them.

“I got this photo in my store room” she informed. Arnav joined the dots and realized she just saw the picture and came here. She didn’t get her memory back yet.

“Why don’t you ask your dad about this?” he growled.

“You have spine to advise me that?” she snapped.

“Spine?” his brows arched as he rose to his feet. “If I didn’t have a spine, you would still be messing with my life”

She gulped nervously seeing the anger rising on his face.

“I don’t want these code words Arnav. I need answers. We are married? How? When? Why do you hate me so much? Is Aarav my son?”

“Stop” he growled again “Stop right there because I am not going to answer any of them”

“Why?” she shouted. “I have rights to know”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“And you gave up those rights long long ago”

“Are we still married? Have we divorced?” she kept grilling.

When he didn’t reply, she strode forward.

“Why did we part? Did you have an affair or did I cheat on you..? Oh God.. please say something Arnav, my head is spinning”

Arna gripped her forearms and pulled her close. There was no sympathy on his face, just pure rage.

“Ours was an Arrange marriage. No, we aren’t divorced yet but we will very soon. I never cheated on you but you were interested in someone else. I don’t care if you even slept with him while carrying Aarav in your womb. And you have no rights on Aarav because you were almost close enough to abort him had I not intervened”

Khushi’s throat closed tight preventing her from speaking anything. It sounded so horrible. She recalled being a short tempered and high maintenance woman before but she tried to kill her unborn child? Could she do that?

“Got your answers? Now leave this office and never turn yourself again here. This time I forgave your intrusion, next time if you attempt the same, I will sue you and your father”

He pushed her away. He had no idea how much in shock she was and had no control over her feet. When he pushed her, she almost collided with the table and fell down unconscious. Dammit!! He immediately kneeled down to her rescue and sprinkled some water on her face but nothing worked. There was a small bruise on her forehead probably because she collided with the table and that needed to be taken care of. Unwillingly, he carried her in arms and took her to the private elevator. The AR group had a cozy suite on the top floor and it was built solely for Arnav Singh Raizada to rest and change. He even had his lunch there and showered if necessary. He made Khushi lie down on the bed and dialed Aman.

“Aman, get a medic team to the suite. It’s an emergency”

“Yes Sir”

He ended the call and dialed Shashi Gupta to give him this shock. Why would he handle it all alone? She wasn’t his responsibility anymore. The medic team came in 5 minutes. The doctor inspected her bruise and checked her vitals.

“Did she eat anything this morning?” the doctor asked.

Arnav was standing by the bed, his hands stuffed in the pant pockets.

“I don’t know”

“This bruise will heal Mr. Raizada but her Blood pressure is low. I suggest you feed her something and make her take these pills”

Arnav didn’t say a word, he just kept staring at the woman lying on the bed before him. She always had a BP problem. Whenever she was over excited, her BP shot up and when she didn’t eat on time or neglected her health, it lowered.

“She even has a mild fever”

“She had fever last week too. Was been hospitalized for the same” he didn’t hide that history.

“I see. She seems to be in some stress and when her body cannot adapt to that level of stress, her body temperature shoots up. Don’t worry, she will be alright. She needs ample of rest”

Arnav gave a gentle nod as the medic team left. Aman knocked the door and came in with Shashi Gupta.

“Khushi.. oh my god. What happened to her again?” he immediately sank on the bed, beside his daughter.

Arnav gestured Aman to leave so that he could speak privately. The moment Aman left, Ayush Singh Raizada made his way in. He was told Arnav had called for medic team in the suite and was worried if Arnav was alright. But when he saw Khushi on the bed, he was even more tensed. Arnav narrated the whole incident to them and the two oldies wondered how to tackle this situation once she wakes up.

Arnav checked his watch.

“I have meetings lined up. Need to leave”

“Arnav” Ayush stopped him. “How could you leave her here in this state?”

“She is no longer my problem, Dad. We all know this”

“She is still your wife” Ayush corrected him.

“I don’t care. She is off my life the day she gave birth to Aarav. That was the deal. She means nothing to me now. Send her home safely with her father once she wakes up. And Mr. Gupta, please fasten the divorce process. I don’t want things to complicate further. I want her out of my life by the soonest”

Shashi was too weak to react anything but Ayush fumed watching his son leave. He had become so heartless for his wife. He couldn’t believe Arnav was the same man who took so much care during Khushi’s pregnancy and now.. he said she doesn’t matter to him anymore. Was that even true?


“What nonsense?” Sheetal scowled at one of the employees.

“I am serious Sheetal. His wife was here this morning and she even intruded the conference. Then later Boss took her in his suite upstairs and even called the medic team. I have no idea whats happening but both bosses are there”

Sheetal got speechless. After all these years why was his wife back? And .. what would it mean to Arnav? Sheetal had never queried Arnav about his wife neither wished to know about her. She wanted Arnav to move on and focus on her instead. But now that the woman was back, she wondered if he would continue to ignore her or not. Because if he doesn’t push away his past, Sheetal can never be a part of his future. Making a mental note of that Sheetal headed back to her cabin.

To be Continued.

Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 






  1. Nice update.. Finally khushi came to know abt her marriage.. But what she did in past ? Arnav is so cruel to her and not reafy to forgive her. Was khushi had affairs in the past? Please update next part soon..

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  3. I am hating all the characters of this ff except for Arav. That child has suffered so much and in for future heartache. As far as I can understand no one acted as a mature person in the past. Ugghhh!! I am so pissed on everyone.

  4. I doubt that khushi was having an affair. She can be a brat but I don't think she can cheat.. I'm sure there's someone involved in doing this to make Arnav hate khushi and part ways. Why do I feel like its Anjali?

  5. Madhu please reveal wht the hell khushi did that arnav cant even treat her as a human being..this is getting on my nerves now. So it was arrange marriage n Khushi loved someone else..who is this third person now..was it genuine love they shared..then how could khushi get pregnant from arnav..feeling just like many questions.. please disclose their past

  6. Feeling like khushi, so confused, so many questions, and why is arnav so cold hearted, waiting for future updates to know more.

  7. So here Khushi like some other person and arnav misunderstand here .. hmm did anyone created this misunderstanding between them ? Madhu please start disclose the past

  8. Pls clear the mystery madhu...awesome update

  9. Awesome Update. Khushi finally got the photo. Khushi's nature was different before. She was rude and had anger issues. Finally Khushi got to know about her real identity that she was Aarav's mom and Arnav's wife. I really felt bad for her. So Ayush and Shashi were friends and arranged Arshi's marriage. If elders intervene the matter can get sorted.. Hope Arnav don't get remarried just to hurt Khushi and they aren't divorced and after this Khushi also won't give divorce. Ayush is a very positive person and he is right in all this only Aarav is suffering. Khushi's entry was awesome. I liked her courage and confidence and the way she said Arnav's wife was too good. Arnav is little harsh with Khushi. Was she interested in someone else. I think Arnav is misunderstanding Khushi. Khushi may be a spoil brat but Khushi can't be so cheap. Arnav accusations were unacceptable. Khushi wanted to abort Aarav broke my heart. Though Arnav behaved rude with Khushi he still has love hidden for her . Ayush tried to put some sense in Arnav but he is burning in rage and hate. How can Khushi make such a cruel deal where she got ready to leave her child to get her freedom. Arnav still loves Khushi. Hope this evil Sheetal don't create trouble between Arshi or hurt Khushi. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  10. May be I will just avoid this story to read. Its so deppressing according to my taste. Beside, already passing very deppressing times due to Corona crisis. Need something delightful in my life. Even I see light hearted things in netflix. Can't handle intense or mournful or stressful things right now!!!

  11. Somebody created a misunderstanding between Arshi and Khushi's nature helped in it. May be Anjali I think. Aarav will bring Arshi close. Can't Arnav give one chance. Everybody deserve a second chance to rectify the mistakes afterall To err is human and to forgive is divine. I think Arnav should act wisely and keep his anger aside.

  12. Awesome. Understands why ASR was angry on her. Wow, KKG was in love with someone? Then where he is right now? Also she want abort the baby, that something understood from the earlier updates as well. Wanna see what KKG will do now. I want her to repent but don't want the same old tashan to see. Wanna see a complete new way of forgiveness in the story.

  13. I glad finally kushi find the truth. Arnav behaviour cannot acceptable. I hope we'll get light about acctual reason behind arshi separation....

  14. I don't think was heartless to abort her baby

  15. I can't see Khushi as a totally heartless person even if it is in the past... Hope Arnav's accusations are not completely true...

  16. finally Dam broke oh I am excited to know what Khushi would do after knowing this I think She will definately come to Aarav as she loves him without even knowing he is her son...

    Sheetal toh aagao

  17. Oh God.. Arnav's hatred for Khushi is beyond measures... I feel all his accusations on her might be right but not the infidelity one... That has to be either Arnav's misunderstanding or somebody else's plotting to seperate Arshi...

    Don't know how will Khushi react once she gains consciousness & remembers all the revelations by Arnav... She would be a mess of mix emotions... Hope Shashi is able to handle her & calm her...

    Thanks for the update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  18. Frankly speaking I don't think it is as simple as that. First of all this anjali character is too mysterious.and about arnav he is doing wrong, whatever past is but he can't keep on blaming her when she don't even remember what was past.I don't know what future hold for her.

  19. Okay. So they had an arranged marriage. I don’t know about arnav but khushi didn’t love arnav. She might have had a relationship and she might be angry over everyone for marrying her like that. She didn’t want her child and really went for an abortion? If she really had no feelings for her unborn baby she doesn’t deserve her baby now. Time or her sober ness can’t change that. She has to accept it and move on. Arnav really hates her and it seems impossible him to have feelings for her. He is cold hearted even when she is sick means she really has no place in his heart. So why should we want them to be together? We always want arshi to be together. But I hate women who try to kill their unborn baby. Hence from today I will hate khushi even though I pity her. She doesn’t deserve Arav. Someone should tell Arav that his mother is dead. So even Arav can move on. I usually take the woman’s side but when a woman is wrong I don’t want to take her side. For the first time I really don’t want arshi to be together. Good update!!

    1. Khushi being the culprit is only my guess based on today’s update. I won’t hate her if she is innocent.

  20. Hi Madhu, I have been your silent reader. I read all your stories and love your writing. After reading today's update I'm sad. Arnav suspects khushi slept with someone else it's sort like can't handle.One request please don't make khushi so mean and a betrayer. I have faced cheating in my life so I know how much it pains when ur partner cheats you and its unbearable.I love your writing plz plz plz don't make it cheating story, mu is okay as it will be cleared. Arnav khushi character soclose to my heart that I don't want my fav writer writes something which is saddening for arshi fans. I just shared my opinion not at all intended to hurt you. Soery if you still get hurt by my words.

    1. Hey.. infidelity is not something I wish to promote either. So don't worry, as the story progress, all of what Arnav blamed her today would be cleared out. :)

    2. Thanks Madhu🤗
      Such a relief

  21. Finally Khushi knows..... And what she did in the past that Arnav hates her this much. She tried to abort Aarav??? That's so cruel. How could she??? And for whom??? Did she really has someone else in her life??? Who is he??? Or Did Arnav misunderstood her??? She can't be that much cheap and cruel. I don't want to believe that. Did so one tried to separate them??? Don't know how Khushi is going to react after gaining conscious. Hope now Shashi will tell her the whole truth. Waiting for next part eagerly.

  22. So glad the past is out. At least this much. And I'm sure it's an MU. She is Aarav's mother but, certainly didn't cheat on Arnav especially when she's pregnant! She's bratty but not heartless. I'm sure Anjali or sheetal or someone played their part in splitting them.

    Looking forward to the mystery being solved.


  23. Anjali and shital involve the crisis of arshi life...

  24. I couldn't blame khushi after knowing ayush and shashi made arshi to get married . First i thought arshi had love marraige.

    I'm really wish the things arnav blamed on khushi false . Couldn't digest or think as khushi cheating arnav

    Waiting for next update dear

  25. Awesome update. So finally Khushi knows the truth. But she have to solve what she did for Arav sake.

  26. In both their fights the innocent boy Arav issuffering.

  27. There might be some misunderstanding waiting for next

  28. Oh wow was waiting for the update and I was literally holding by breath while reading...this story getting interesting chapter by chapter....waiting for next update.Thankyou

  29. I dont think Khushi was cruel to abort Arav, a girl like that wont change so much after amnesia.......i dont trust Anjali, since beginning she seems to have extra bitterness against Khushi, unlike Ayush who is Arnav's father...and m pretty sure Khushi was not cheating on Arnav........hence I doubt a 3rd party involvement, esp Anjali's to break Arnav-Khushi's relationship

  30. Super update... khushi finally found the truth but did she really bad in past which turn arnav so cold to her..
    Hope sheetal dont mess arshi

  31. Awesome update. Glad to see a glimpse of their past.

  32. So much stress for me too ☹😭😭😭😭

  33. Finally she knows... What will happen we have to see...
