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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 10


Chapter 10

Khushi woke up with a jolt and shock. Even seeing familiar face of her father and Ayush Singh Raizada, her solitude didn’t end. She was in a dilemma whom to trust, what to believe and how to sort her life hereon. For an hour she was disturbed and felt totally out of place. Shashi and Ayush decided to take her back home where she might get comfortable and even called the Neurologist who had treated her after that accident phase 7 years back to check on Khushi once.

“Doctor, please do something. I cannot see my daughter like this” Shashi pleaded to the doctor.

“Mr. Gupta. This matter is complicated. She wouldn’t trust anyone of you anymore. That’s solely because you all have hidden such an important part of life for 7 years. I suggest you speak to her, try to explain her why it was needed and please do not let her stress out. Take things slowly, one at a time. If you need my help again, let me know”

Once the doctor left, Ayush patted Shashi’s shoulder.
“The matter is sensitive Shashi. We should tackle it with care. She is so confused that I am afraid if we don’t tell her everything now, she might go in depression”

Shashi was unsure.

“Do you think she will sustain well after knowing her past?”

““Let us both go and talk to her. After all we are the ones who pushed our kids in trouble. We will do our best. Come on”

Ayush dragged Shashi to Khushi’s bedroom where she was presently resting.

It had been 2 hours since they were back home and Khushi hadnt spoken a word since then. She thought the accident had changed her life but today she realized it had devastated her soul too. She felt like a living dead right now. All she did was stare at the open sky from her window. Her eyes were puffy by crying. Her face was dull. The moment they entered in, Khushi stiffened.

“Please leave me alone”

“No no woman. Not this time” Ayush barged to her and sat before Khushi, looking directly at her pale face. “What have you done to yourself? This is not the girl I met in the café”

“She is no more alive” she snapped.

Shashi felt guilty but he decided not to backout.

“Until you listen to us, we are not leaving this room” Shashi added.

“Listen to you? Why? Why now Dad? You had 7 years to tell me the truth, why now? Only because you cannot see your daughter helpless? Only because you worry, I will go in depression?”

Shashi looked down in guilt.

“Now it’s about your daughter so you want to ensure she doesn’t lose her sanity. Have you realized what have you all done with that 7-year-old kid?”

Tears rolled down her eyes continuously.

“Aarav..” she sobbed. “That boy is waiting for his mother, craving for her love and and each one of you lied to him. Each one of you”

Ayush frowned.

“Sorry Khushi but you cannot blame us entirely. And you will know why we are saying this if you hear us out. If you give us a chance to tell you what the past is”

“Why should I believe you? Why should I trust you both? When you had all the time in the world to tell me this, you didn’t. Why should I trust your story now?”

“Because we have realized our mistake and its high time you recall yours” Ayush scowled.

Mistake? Her mistake?

“I will not hear one word against my dignity Mr. Raizada. I have already heard enough from your son. Do you know what he said? He blamed me for trying to abort my child”

“That’s true” Shashi interrupted.

Khushi froze. No. This can’t be true. How can she be so cruel?

“I don’t believe you” she moved back horrified.

“We have no reason to lie this Khushi. And if you still wish, we can show you the proofs, take you to the doctor whom you contacted to abort the child”

Khushi thought she would collapse on the floor. This can’t be true.

“Ayush and I were close friends from years. We always took each other’s assistance in making healthy business decisions. That’s when we saw a wonderful opportunity – getting our children married to each other. Arnav had just completed his graduation and joined the company while you were still finishing the last year of your graduation. When we talked about your marriage, you both were reluctant but soon Arnav got the point and agreed. It would benefit our reputation in the market. And soon you too showed interest in this alliance. I was skeptical about your real plans because you were very stubborn those days. You hardly cared for people’s sentiments; your pranks were hurtful. I wondered if you would ever change your attitude and this marriage somehow was the only hope to turn you into the woman, I wanted you to become”

Shashi paused feeling hurt and dejected to continue. Ayush narrated further.

“The marriage happened and you stepped in our family as the Raizada bride. Initially Arnav and you kept fighting but in closed room. He never let your fights affect the equilibrium of the family. Then just 3 months later we got the news of your pregnancy. It was such a beautiful day” Ayush smiled. “Finally, we thought this was the changing phase of your lives. The baby would bind you and Arnav together”

Tears welled in Ayush’s eyes.

“But our joy turned into horror when Arnav got you back home one day, fighting about what you had been to do”

Khushi trembled. Why didn’t she recall any of this?

“You didn’t want the baby because you were still completing your graduation” Ayush added. “Then the worst happened. Arnav wanted the child and you wanted freedom from this marriage. So, you both came up with a silly agreement. It mentioned you would give the baby to him and then walk out of his life after the baby is born. Shashi and me tried to put some sense in both of you but you and Arnav had made up your mind. You went to college still and gave your exams after your second trimester. During your last 3 months of pregnancy you were home and Arnav ensured he was always around so that you look after your health. You both still fought a lot and slowly our hopes to see you as a happy family were dying. During those days Anjali’s marriage was fixed. She was engaged and just a week before her marriage you lied to her in laws that she was having an affair”

Ayush was unable to control his tears. He gently wiped them off and continued.

“That alliance broke and once again you gave Arnav some more reasons to hate you. Nothing could bind you both together. You had stopped speaking to each other, even staying in one room seemed impossible but even then, Arnav never failed to check upon you. He was probably doing it only for his child. And then came the D-Day. You were taken to the hospital for delivery. You gave birth to a handsome boy.. to Aarav”

Khushi clutched the curtains, her knuckles turned white with the grip. Aarav was her son… she gave birth to him. The feeling was bliss. How did it turn out bitter then?

“You had to feed Aarav and we all decided to give you some privacy. Me, Shashi and Arnav were downstairs when suddenly we heard a loud cry. By the time we could reach there, you had already slipped down the stairs and hurt your head. And Aarav was in a nurse’s hand”

Khushi’s breathing fastened.

“You were taken to the ICU and when we spoke to the nurse, she told us that when she came there, she saw you holding the baby and probably trying to flee from there. The nurse happened to snatch the baby from your arms but by that time you were collapsing and before she could hold you, you fell down the stairs”

Khushi was shattered to know the past. She cried bitterly. Shashi took her in his embrace.

“You were unconscious for 3 days and when you woke up, you had lost part of your memories. The last thing you recalled was being in college. The marriage and pregnancy memories were wiped off from your head and even if we wanted to tell you, the doctors denied at that moment. The delivery and the accident that happened thereafter had a serious impact on your body and you were advised ample of bed rest” Shashi explained. “Arnav took Aarav home. He was already frustrated that you were trying to flee with the child. He wanted to sue us for not abiding by that contract but Ayush intervened and somehow convinced him not to take any harsh actions.”

“I didn’t want you to suffer more” Ayush stated. “Arnav was not ready to accept you back in his life because he was very sure sooner or later when you recall everything again, you would opt out of his life. He didn’t want to break the little boy’s heart later so he was forced to keep things that way. After you were discharged from the hospital, Shashi took you to Auckland and tried to keep you there.. gave you a new life and ensured you never turn back here. Social media hadn’t flourished those days like it is now. So fortunately, we didn’t have to erase much info from news articles and magazines. Shashi replenished your identity but he was worried if you came to India, you might meet someone who might tell you the past and hence he kept you away from this place”

Khushi’s head spun with so much of information, her eyes swelled and poured with tears while her heart sank. She couldn’t imagine how much she had lost all these years.

“Arnav, Anjali and me raised Aarav. We didn’t let Shashi meet the boy because that would only raise more questions from Aarav who had started recognizing people. We didn’t want him to know Shashi was his grandfather too” Ayush sank on the couch. “But we couldn’t change destiny Khushi. Aarav and you met in Auckland during his school trip. I don’t know what signs God wants us to see but I am afraid if it will do any good to you and Arnav. Arnav’s bitterness and hatred has doubled all these years for you and I don’t think he can ever forget or forgive any of this. But I feel for that little boy.. he has a mother and yet.. he craves for one.. begs for one.. prays for one”

Khushi recalled none of this but she could say they were telling her the truth. Shashi stroked her back and wiped her tears.

“You need to think about this calmly Khushi. You are still bonded by the contract that you signed with Arnav to leave the baby with him and free him from this marriage”

“Please leave me alone for sometime.. please dad..” she pleaded.

Ayush and Shashi rose to their feet and decided to give her time. She had heard a lot and it was hard for her to process everything.



That night when Ayush returned home, Anjali and Arnav both knew where their father had been and why. Since Aarav was not around, Anjali decided to ask.

“How is she doing now? Did she… did she recall everything?”

There was tension in Anjali’s voice which Ayush instantly picked up.

“She remembers or not isn’t our concern right now Anju. I hope she doesn’t go in depression. I am worried for that poor soul”

Arnav kept concentrating on the laptop screen, he was just few feet away from them on the couch.

“Poor soul? And her?” Anjali frowned.

“You two should stop seeing her in negative light. She has changed and very soon you will know”

Saying that Ayush left for his room.

“Dad” Aarav’s nurse slowly got him in the living room. The boy needed some support to walk but he was recovering which was a positive sign.

“Hey Champ” Arnav moved his lappy away and took Aarav on his lap.

“Dad.. when can I walk on my own? I want to play with my friends, go out and eat ice creams and play football with you and Daadu”

Arnav smiled and kissed his forehead.

“I can call your friends home and for ice creams, we can drive out any time you want but for football you have to wait for until this leg of yours recover” he gently patted his bandaged leg.

Aarav was elated but he still had some more questions for his father.

“Will you also take me to Khushi’s house? I want to see her” Ayush requested.

Arnav’s jaw tightened. Khushi? Why can’t he just forget her?

“Sure Aarav” Ayush returned and his reply irked Arnav. “I will take you to meet Khushi but right now she is also unwell like you. She needs rest. When she is ready to see you, I promise to take you there”

Aarav’s face lit with joy but Arnav was beyond annoyed.

“Dad” Arnav interjected. “Don’t”

“Take him back in the room” Ayush said turning to the nurse and when they were gone, Ayush replied. “So far you kept Khushi at a distance because you care for your son. I am not asking you to introduce her as Aarav’s mother. But if he is happy around her, there is no harm if they see each other, spend some time. After whatever happened today, I don’t think Khushi will stay in India for long. She will go away and if that’s the case, then let Aarav and her part ways happily. Otherwise you will lose Aarav in the process. Mark my words”

However, cruel his father sounded right now; Arnav knew he was right.

“I want the divorce as soon as possible”

“Give her time to think. She has just got to know what her past was” Ayush snapped.

Arnav groaned in disappointment. Even the slightest delay in legally separating from his wife was costing his patience. He didn’t know how he waited for 7 long years and now couldn’t wait for another 7 days for it to happen. Was her intrusion in his life again breaking his heart? He had every right to be hard on her and not let her meddle again with him and Aarav, but he felt it… he felt that connection with her again when he saw her in his conference room today… and it wasn’t good for any of them. Khushi was that chapter of his life which he would never like to read again.

“A week. That’s all she has or else I will enforce the contract we earlier signed and ..”

“Don’t be so tough on her” Ayush argued. “And 7 days are enough, I think. I will be in touch with them to ensure this happens. But think once again Arnav. A decision like divorce has to be taken wisely”

“Trust me Dad. This will be wisest decision of my life”

Saying that he grabbed his laptop and slipped away. Ayush sighed in disappointment. Wise or foolish, he didn’t know but it was surely going to break many hearts… most importantly Aarav’s.


The next 2 days Khushi spent in her room thinking about each and every little detail of her past which her father and Ayush Singh Raizada shared. She believed them because she did recall how arrogant and reckless, she was during her college days. Her father informed about the divorce papers which Arnav wanted her to sign. But this wasn’t enough? Only parting ways with her husband and son was the choice she had? Would she ever be able to stay without letting Aarav know she is his mother?

“Khushi” Shashi watched her lost in thoughts and not eating.

Khushi came out of her stance and met her father’s gaze again.

“Stop thinking of the past” he urged. “It’s time to think of your future now”

She nodded in approval.

“You are right dad. Future.!” She smiled. “Can I have Arnav’s number? I need to talk to him”

Shashi was shocked.

“Talk? What?”

“Number dad” she commanded this time.

“I don’t think he will like to talk to you”

“He will”

The strange determination in her eyes startled Shashi and equally confused him. But without much thought, he shared Arnav Singh Raizada’s number. Khushi typed a message on her mobile.

“I want to meet you regarding the divorce. Convey your best suitable time and venue”
She wanted to add the word ‘Please’ but she didn’t. She ate some more, her eyes never left the sight of her mobile screen. It buzzed in few minutes with Arnav’s reply.

“Sign the damn papers and send it through your lawyer. That’s all I need”

Khushi knew he wouldn’t show any interest in her demands anymore. In that case, he left her with no choice but to take the lead herself. She typed back.

“Then I will see you at your office tomorrow at 10:00. Mark your schedule accordingly”

She knew his fingers would be itching to strangle her for not obeying him but whatever happens, she was not going to back down this time. And as expected, his reply followed.

“No more mess at my workplace. I will see you at Gupta Office by 10:00”

Khushi smiled that he accepted her invitation and she would make the best of it. She silently promised herself and continued eating. Patience is all that she had to practice until she sorts this mess between the two families.

To be Continued.



When the matriarch of the Khurana family of Raj Mahal, Saroj Khurana, decided to get her eldest grandson Sharavan married, destiny played its card and got Preeti Mehra, the businesswoman of US, as his life partner. Where the entire Khurana family was shattered by this match, Raj Mahal glowed with joy welcoming the real bride of Raj Mahal back to its place, to hold its position.

Unravel the mysteries of Raj Mahal in this romantic thriller of reincarnation.
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READ Sample Chapters 1 to 4 HERE


  1. I read all the parts in a go. Loved it Madhu. I feel there is something suspicious about Anjali. I guess there is something unknown to family and only Anjali, Khushi knows that. Eagerly waiting for next part

  2. I still feel there is a lit to the past. Why is Anjali tensed? Where is Anjali's family

  3. Nice update.. Please update next part soon.. Waiting to know how khushi is going to handle and waiting to kbow the reaction of aarav after knowing khushi is his mother....

  4. A little gist of their past bit I would still want to know the story from either Khushi or Arnav's POV. What Khushi did in the past was wrong. I could consider the silly decisions she took in her life but why did she play with Anjali's life like that? Why did she lie to the groom's family? Reading this part it seems like Arnav did have feelings for Khushi back then thats why he is so hard on her but what about her?
    I wonder what she is upto now. Seeing her determination it seems she has taken a decision now lets see how her conversation goes with Arnav.
    Waiting for the next part already. Sad we have to wait 3 days for it.

    Also if possible please give precap for lawful sins 2.


    2. Madhu update lawful sins

    3. Anonynous... dude what you shouting for?? Read my comment properly. I said I am sad we have to wait 3 days for the next update and requested her to give precap for lawful sins because she gives precap the previous day and updates the chapter the next day. I never asked her to update yaadein today. So keep your riled up self off my comment.

  5. Yeah it seems anjali has done something

  6. Awesome update. Glad that the past is revealed.

  7. I think Khushi being stubborn, maybe also not wanting a child initially shows her in poor light...but there definitely seems to be more to the picture than meets the eye...why will she lie to Anjali's would-be in-laws, something is fishy there...someone deliberately caused friction between Arshi it seems and Khushi/Arnav's nature only added fuel to it.

  8. Why I feel Khushi didn't break anjali marriage ? I have a dout on anjali and sheetal.. but what will Khushi do now what she want to speak to him ?
    Madhu please update the next chapter tomorrow.. want to read what will be Khushi's decision will arnav agree to that ..

  9. Awesome Update. I hope Arshi meeting would be fruitful. Both git married because of their fathers. Khushi's condition is really critical. I don't know whether I should be sad for her or angry in her. Khushi's nature was really different back then. Good that Khushi came to know about everything. So Arshi weren't a happy couple. Ayush and Shashi for their friendship got Arshi married. Khushi was a teenage young girl but refusing her baby is a bit too much. So I was right Khushi asked for freedom. Khushi was really foolish. She ignored Arnav's care. Finally she knows about Aarav and her relationship. Why Khushi did all those things. I think the nurse misunderstood. Ayush and Shashi both are correct. Arnav should give Khushi a chance. Ayush is the only positive character in the story. He is so good. Arnav and Aarav bond is cute. Aarav is attached to Khushi. Arnav should let Aarav meet Khushi Khushi won't let the divorce happen. Both have some unknown connection between them. I hope Ayush can intervene in Arshi's relationship and get them together. Khushi can change herself. I like her taking the initiative to take things forward and Arnav should be little less arrogant. Hope Khushi wins Arnav heart and rectify her mistakes.Waiting for Arshi's meeting. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  10. Why I feel Khushi was not taking her baby away instead she was protecting Aarav as someone tried to harm aarav ... May be it's Anjali ..

  11. Nice update.... Anjali send to be having secrets... Khushi cannot be bad, immature may be during her college days.

  12. I feel Khushi is framed here. She didn't do anything. Why would she say such things about Anjali about her affair and all that to before Anjali's in-laws. Khushi didn't had any personal enemity with her. I don't want Arshi to get divorce. The nurse either lied or misunderstood. Why will Khushi ran away with Aarav. Something is a miss here. Let's see how Arshi meeting goes. Anjali already has some negative shades. Maybe Sheetal and Anjali planned to throw Khushi out from Arnav's life. Whatever I hope Arshi don't get divorce for Aarav who is only suffering. Lovely Update. Waiting for Lawful Sin 2 😜😍

  13. Wonderful awesome update madhu

  14. finally a gist of the past is revealed .....anjali with her uncanny behaviour seems to be the villain here ...Madhu can we please get another update of this story tomorrow ....really excited about arshi's meeting and khushi's decision

  15. Madhu please tell me can u update next chapter of yaadein tomorrow itself? Please reply

  16. Finally we have a glimpse of Khushi's I can go to bed peacefully...
    But I think there is something more which is still hidden....
    Is Anjali have something to do with Khushi's accident.....and I think nurse is also lying or something....
    Hope Arshi meeting would be fruitful.....
    Thank you for the update....

  17. Firstly, thanks for a long update Madhu..

    Good that Ayush & Shashi didn't keep Khushi in the dark any more & shared her lost memories with her... Now atleast Khushi knows the reason behind Arnav's & Anjali's hatred for her & the reason behind her affection for Arav..

    I don't understand why would Khushi lie to Anjali's would b inlaws & break her alliance.. There's a big misunderstanding in that matter I guess... Maybe everything Shashi & Ayush shared with Khushi from her marriage to Arnav till Arav's birth might be true but the fleeing part is again some misunderstanding or a conspiracy... I feel after seeing Arav for the first time Khushi's motherly instincts must have kicked & she must have decided to not give away Arav but Anjali must have tried to snatch him from her & at the same time pushed Khushi down the stairs to avenge her broken alliance as well... Then she must have bribed the nurse to lie to the family... That's why Anjali seemed tensed whether Khushi recalled anything or not... Just guessing everything...

    Now eager to know what Khushi talks with Arnav in their meet the next day...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  18. It's really very interesting.i think someone framed khushi to be bad using nurse.i think Anjali is having negative shade here.madhu if u don't mind can you please update yaadein tomorrow again.fingers crossed

  19. Hmmm past has been revealed. Will Khushi regain her memory!! Awesome update

  20. Some light to their pasts but there's still more... Let's watch how they r going to act later...

  21. It feels as if Khushi told Anjali's would be inlaws about she having an affair...must be on Anjali's request. Might be Anjali was not interested in that alliance & with Khushi's help she came out of it. But also she mightnot have liked Khushi so used Khushi as a scapegoat in order to drive her away from her brother's life...easy to accomplish given Arshi's fragile relationship.

    Intriguing plot. Looking forward to read what unfolds next. Cheers !

  22. I understood that khushi was pranky and naughty in college days.
    It's really hard to believe that she tried to break anjalis marriage and abort her own son.
    I think there is a past, something only she knows, she was trying to save her son.
    There has been a huge misunderstanding by everyone.

    I feel very bad for khushi that she can't remember anything, everyone is just blaming her.
    In my words, I want someone tip step into her shoes too...

  23. Awesome update waiting for next update...

  24. I think Anjali is behind Khushi accident

  25. Some thing more is there in the story. That nurse was telling lie. I think anjali and sheetal is the one who did all this. Hope before 7days arnav come to know about truth and stop blaming khushi.

  26. Is anjali the culprit?? Pls unfold the past asap.. Anyways it was superbb update

  27. I want to know the past from arnav's point of view and i just hope who is the culprit come to life and i just hope aarav should not suffer and get hurt ... And i am eagerly waiting for arnav and khushi's talks and they face to face had not happened till now in the ff soo it will be interesting the read that and i think khushi has made the decision on what she has to do ... Post soon

  28. Finally their past is revealed. Was Khushi that cruel??? How can she think of aborting her own kid? If they don't have any love between them, how they created Aarav??? Why Khushi tried to escape with her child then??? Something is fishy there. I think Someone created this hatred between them. Is that Anjali??? There is more in their story, I think. Waiting to know. And WHT khushi's decision for their future too....

  29. Story is getting confusing. Not that I’m complaining. First their relationship was forced without any feelings. Arnav seemed to like her but not that deeply. I can understand why khushi didn’t want a baby while she was still studying because it’s really hard to concentrate. But once she got pregnant and IF she tried to abort her baby then she was wrong. Can’t justify that. And IF she broke anjalis marriage she doesn’t deserve a second chance. But anjalis tension over khushis memory is suspicious. Even the khushi way khushi fell down from the stairs. It was like someone pushed her. IF nurse was right and she really tried to run with her baby, it gives one more hint. What if khushi was trying run away because her life and her baby’s life we’re in danger? We don’t know anything until khushi gains her memories back. Hope it will get solved soon. As this is a short story with 20-30 parts better to solve the mystery earlier! Nice update sis 🤗🌹

  30. Great update. As another reader mentioned please do update the past in Armav or khushi's pov... In my opinion khushi not wanting the baby as she was still young and studying is understandable. She was probably still very young for the responsibility especially when the marriage was done unwillingly for both of them. however her breaking anjalis alliance seems to be false. Why do I feel that either anjali indeed had an affair or maybe she framed khushi about breaking her alliance. And khushi surely wasn't escaping with the baby. I'm sure Anjali wanted to harm the baby or kidnap it and khushi was saving the baby and might have slipped down the stairs or pushed by anjali. Please reveal soon and hope khushi stays strong. Begging and pleading isn't what I wanna see khushi doing.

  31. Awesome update. Finally we are able to know their past. I have my doubts about Anjali....may be I am wrong.

  32. Amazing update. How had mentioned that this story will be a short one. Can we please know how many parts to expect? Please reply.. :)

  33. I think Anjali is behind khushi fall

  34. If khushi wanted to break anjali's marriage why would she risk her own name in it..she could ask smone else to do it..n the hospital scene is so scriptedly performed by nurse.. feeling like anjali is making everything to prove khushi is doing only bad things for family..she hated khushi so much that she actually wanted to end khushi from their life..i think this was not accident but khushi got saved accidentally..may be they wanted to kill her..n lastly i knw many wouldn't agree with me here but what if khushi didn't want a child yet..of course her reaction from earlier chapter was not appropriate that she blamed arnv solely..but many couples when they are not ready or according to their planning keep their child or not is their decision both mother and father..why is she being judged for not wanting a child if she was not ready..she was still studying..arnav could have asked her n communicate with her..see from her judgement or hate comments please..its just my opinion

    1. I agree with you. There are couple who wish to have children only after they are fully settled or ready. Incase pregnancy happens unknowingly they do abort and try again once they are ready. This is coommon niw a days. I have seen some people. I dont understand hatred on Khushi for that. And here Khushi was a teenage girl. Obviously any girl of her age would freak out about her being pregnant. She clearly was interested in studies and wanted a career. But it also seems that she wanted the baby later after giving birth to it before the accident . But Arnav was being selfish and egoistic.

  35. Read all the parts in a go. I doubt Kushi sayi bad about Anjali to her in-laws and also she falling from the stairs

  36. Awesome update love it but I believe there is more to the past which the family don't know,

  37. Anjali seems to be the culprit for everything! She is always tensed about Khushi recalling her past. Arav once said that his bua always tells that his mother is really bad. How can one talk like that to a kid. According to Khushi's memories earlier, Anjali was equally arrogant and snobbish. Khushi had to put her in her place. I think Anjali really had an affair and may be khushi had to disclose it for the good of groom's family or something like that. So Anjali wanted to revenge Khushi hence filled Arnav's ears that it was Khushi instead who was having an affair with the same guy. She kept filling his ears till he developed hatred on her. Khushi's accident, definitely Anjali and that nurse were responsible. Probably Anjali wanted to harm Arav because of her hatred on Khushi and Khushi was saving him, so Anjali pushed her. Khushi was a teenage girl. Unwillingly got married. She had an accidental pregnancy because of a guy who she dint like much. At that age not everyone develops strong motherly instincts. It is understandable that she wanted to abort the child out of immaturity as she was too young and had dreams. But during the course of pregnancy seems she bonded strongly with her baby in the womb. But she was bound by contract. Hence could do nothing. I am so angry with Arnav. How could he blindly believe everything what others told esp his sister, without finding the truth. Probably that's because he never loved her. Khushi should find the truth and expose Anjali and whoever responsible, with proofs. She should trace that nurse. Until then she should not sign the divorce papers. She need not live with a man who never made an effort to believe her. But she should get equal rights on Arav who she loved and loves so much. By the way who is responsible for Aarav's recent accident?

  38. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  39. So sad Khushi never got a chance to defend herself when she was well. She immediately lost her memory. Everyone played with her life as they wanted, for so long. How could both old men and Arnav believe some random nurse blindly. It should be a police case automatically. It was a grievous injury. Accident or not.Then the truth would come out. Both the elders have been careless right from the beginning.Too bad!

  40. I think anjali have something to do with arshi seperation . Awesome update. I loved syusg and aarav aloot .
    I'm really want khushi to fight for herself not ayush or shashi finding truth and unite arshi

  41. Awesome
    Love it
    But is,she trying give or ask Aarav?
    Waiting for next

  42. We have waited for lawful sins not yaadein. Please upload Lawful sins

  43. I haven't checked this blog for 2 days and ecpectted a lwaful sins precap in the morning and its update in the day. Please update lawful sins. Give them precap of yaadein.
    I cant wait another day

  44. Give another update of yaadein today please.cannot wait for another 3 days the story has just got interesting.Bring it on please

  45. Sweeetie!!! We can not wait for lawful sins too. Did not wait for Saturday 2 days to learn that you have a wish of reading yaadein today.

  46. Update lawful sins.
    Domt break my heart

  47. was waiting for this update, could not read it yesterday....must say it was worth the wait.Eagerly waiting for their meeting and the drama that will unfold.Please update the next part as soon as possible.lots of love for your efforts in bringing great concepts

  48. Lovely! So now she's taken it upon herself to fox things and be there for her kid.

    Reading this, Anjali could have a motive for revenge. Don't know if it's true and she feels too negative towards Khushi. I know one's engagement being broken could definitely have a great influence but, to this level even after 7 years? And Khushi trying to escape with the kid but, being caught by a nurse seems to be too wague. There's more to that story. May be she was pushed.


  49. Waiting for Khushi to recall her past because only she could solve this mystery... Khushi might be a reckless teenager but if we see from her pov,she might have freaked out to have baby at such a young age and she was not prepared for it considering how the couple used to fight after their marriage... She was still attending the college that time... Couldn't exactly blame anyone until actual truth comes out...

  50. Finally khushi know her bitter past someone deliberately seperate Arshi for their motive who and what r their intentions don't know but it seems khushi knows it before the hospital accident and i thought anjali also part of that evil plan she didn't want arshi together and she is panick about khushis memory back some things is surely fishy arnav didn't know anything about the evils and their plans and surely using arshis differences they played and playing well in their life hope khushi this time calmly sorted out everything with the help of Arnav and Aarav bring the hidden secrets out soon
    Pls update sooooooooooooon dear

  51. Madhu everyone in comment section are fighting over lawful sins and yaadein update. Give them a surprise, upload royal fling lol
    Waise bhi i am sure people really want to know who the real kidnapper is. Is it really Shyaam or does he have a look alike :D

    1. Now that's called cool comment������. Truly saying I'm in love with all three stories and would mind less with whatever she update. Just want to enjoy reading����.

    2. Same man, same!! I really don't know why people are fighting so much these days. Someone even called her out because she gave back to back updates for lawful sins the other day. *facepalm*
      Mujhe toh koi bhi update ho chalega bass din ka ek update chahiye lmao

    3. Yep, I really wanted to know the problem between shashi and khushi. It was only discussed in beginning of the story. It was forgotten in later parts

  52. Was wondering on the point that Arnav mention to Khushi that she was interested in someone else, n did even sleep with him while pregnant. Khushi should clear that thing up with Arnav. Who is that guy? Or was Arnav been fed with lies? Since Shashi says Khushi likes to play hurtful prank, maybe that’s how she lie to Anjali’s in laws that she was having an affair n the wedding break. To annoy Arnav. Maybe this is why Anjali hate Khushi so much. But also having a thought, what if it was someone else did that using Khushi’s name? If Khushi doesn’t want the child, why did she try to flee with the child when the nurse saw her? Khushi have a lot of things to find the truth behind. I think the meeting with Arnav, Khushi is going to ask him, to give her permission to spend some time with Aarav before she would sign the divorce paper. And she should also ask him, how she was pregnant when they were only fighting with each other since wedding n no emotion for each other.

  53. I am from the team kuch bhi update krdo sb acchi h, pr bs please krdo update 😂😂😂

    1. Haan yaar
      Main pura din dekhne aati hoon ki kuch update kiye ki nahi

  54. Madhu update whatever you are comfortable with.i don't mind all three are favourite one but most favourite one is yaadein.

  55. All three men are foolish to believe the nurse I mean isn't it odd she was the mother taking her son what's wrong in that for a nurse to say she was running away and snatch the baby fron his own mother it's not like she was aware of the contract & all

  56. Awesome, more past need to reveal soon. I think Khushi is not only one who is wrong..Anjali seem to be culprit as well

  57. Why I feel that this accident and khushi wanted to abort the child , about entire misunderstanding has to do something with Anjali and Sheetal?

  58. Interesting chapter. The plot is slowly thickening. There is definitely a snake in their midst. Although I don’t think Khushi is completely blameless here. Arnav was very hurt. Maybe someone has been feeding him lies. Can’t wait to read further.

  59. Having an abortion is not cruel. What's cruel is giving birth to a child that you cannot love or support
