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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 11

Chapter 11 

Gupta Office 

As soon as the intercom buzzed and her secretary informed about Arnav Singh Raizada’s arrival, Khushi asked her to send him in. She leaned back on her chair, her body swelling with lots of unknown feelings right now. After all the man who was going to step in now was the one, she had a baby with. Even the thought of it made her heart flutter. 

“Thanks for coming” she stood up to greet him but he didn’t acknowledge her effort. 

She was wearing a pantsuit with a light pink shirt inside, all buttoned up, except the top one at her neck. She wanted to wear something less formal because this wasn’t an official meeting but she refrained herself from doing so. She had to look confident today and whatever happens, convince him for her terms. 

“Tea or coffee?” she asked as he took seat before her. 

“I am not here to have breakfast with you. So, come to the point” 

Khushi ignored him and grabbing the intercom again ordered for two teas. 

“Thanks for coming” she sat on her chair, tapping her foot nervously below. She wanted to sound confident but his posture was intimidating her. In a three-piece grey suit, he looked nothing but strict and to the point. Was he the same with everyone or only towards her? 

“I heard about our past from Dad and your father” she began. “I choose to believe them. But there are still some things which are unclear” 

“I am in no mood to clear your doubts. You have them, that’s your problem. Fish for those answers in your brain or the best, shrug them. Its in the past and I am no longer interested in that subject. I want a Divorce Khushi and its very clear why. You might have lost your memories, changed for good but it means nothing to me anymore. I want you off the Raizada lives officially. So sign the damn papers and free us” 

His straight reply bruised her heart again but this wasn’t a time to remorse but to pounce back in her own way.

“I realize your family had to go through a lot of brunt because of me and I really apologize for everything”

“I don’t need your apology; I need your signatures” he demanded again.

“Is this your final decision?” she queried again with a hope to see some change in his expressions but he was still the same.. cold and unaffected.

“I had made up my mind 7 years back and I don’t alter my decisions” he sternly replied.

Khushi swallowed the lump of tears formed in the back of throat and leaned back on the chair authoritatively. It was time she shares her interest.

“I have few conditions before I sign those papers”

Arnav let out a sarcastic chuckle.

“Who said I am here to negotiate?”

“Hear me out Arnav. That’s the only way you get what you want and I get what I desire”

Arnav’s brows twitched high at her commanding attitude.

“Money?” he asked. “Though you don’t deserve to get any alimony from my end, I will still fill your pockets with enough to push you out of my life”

His frank remarks were hurting her but she controlled her tears from rolling down.

“I have enough money and since this marriage was purely for business those days, I see why you are offering me the same again today. I don’t need your money Arnav. I need what belongs to me”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“Nothing I have ever belonged to you” he argued.

“Don’t mistake me. I meant we have something that belongs to both of us”

Arnav gripped the hands of the chair.

“Aarav has nothing to do with you. I am his father and his mother too. You never wanted him, you denied having any rights on him and the contract we signed is a proof of the same. So, before you even think of opening that mouth, think again. I might not end this meet as your desire” he threatened.

“I heard you have developed good listening skills” she taunted. “I believe that’s false”

Fury rippled in his nerves seeing her audacity. Khushi leaned over her desk.

“On two conditions you are getting the Divorce mutually Arnav. First, I need Aarav to know I am his mother”

Arnav punched his fist over the desk, almost making her jerk but she continued to demand.

“If after knowing the truth, he denies to accept me as his mother, I will walk out. I will sign the papers and free you. But if he accepts me as his mother, then comes the second condition”

Arnav had no clue why was he even hearing her out.

“Second condition is that I will get to stay with Aarav for a month before I sign the papers. And even if we divorce, I want to have every rights to meet my child whenever I desire or he demands”

That’s it. Arnav lost his cool.

“You have a nerve to suggest me that?” Arnav grunted getting up from the seat. “Two days Khushi, that’s all you are getting to sign those divorce papers”

He turned around to leave but her voice and decision shocked him again.

“Until you accept my conditions, I am not signing those papers Arnav”

He fisted his fingers. When he came here to discuss their separation, least did he expect she would turn things around. Khushi circled her desk and stood before him like a rock. She was not going to change her terms.

“I am not doing business here and I don’t do negotiations in my personal life” he snapped.

Khushi smiled at his comment and her heart pushed her to ask him the question that had been haunting her since few days.

“The night we made a baby … was it out of love?”

Arnav’s fingers unfisted but he still didn’t meet her gaze. He would never be able to answer that, would he?

“It had to mean something for both of us.. I have a hard feeling about that” she added reaching him. He clenched his jaw as he saw her facing him again. He grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the desk behind.

“You know what? That night was a mistake for you. So, whatever hard feeling you have now is wrong. It didn’t mean anything to you. Stop digging old graves and focus on the present. I am not going to accept any of these conditions”

When he left her again, Khushi felt she would collapse on the floor because he had hurt her sentiments again. That night had to mean something more than he hinted. She composed herself and clutched the edges of the table where she had leaned on.

“Then I will have to take this matter to the court Arnav because mutual divorce wouldn’t happen”

Her statement shocked him. She will drag him to the court?

“You will fail” he reminded. “We have a signed contract which states that you never wanted that child and I have enough people to prove all the wrongs you did when we were married”

“That was 7 years back” she cut his words. “And I didn’t have this medical condition. Now I am a changed woman and I can give enough proofs as well to show I am capable of getting rights on my Son”

Arnav was horrified. She talked as if she wanted to snatch Aarav from him. How dare she?

“I don’t want to do any of that. Believe me” she assured. “And whatever conditions I have put forth are no wrong. Aarav has rights to know I am his mother. So, let him decide if he wants to accept me that way or not. And you will not have to fulfil my second condition if he denies to be around me.”

Arnav was too meddled to reply anything now.

“And in any case, you will get the divorce Arnav. Because you have every right to move on. You don’t need to carry the baggage of my faults forever. I will never come in your life if that suits you”

She was being too good in giving him freedom but what she was asking him to do seemed next to impossible. Telling Aarav that she was his mother can turn their lives again. The boy loved and admired Khushi already. If he gets to know she is his mother, how will he react? And Khushi was asking him to tell Aarav the truth which meant they will tell the little boy that Khushi didn’t want him. That’s why she left him. Will Aarav process that in a good way? Never? He will be hurt. But shouldn’t it benefit him? If Aarav denies accepting her, the second condition of letting her stay with Aarav for a month will never come up. He had to think clearly – every pros and cons of accepting her conditions.

He left her shoulders and strode back to the door. She didn’t stop him. In seconds he was out of that door and Khushi collapsed on the floor, crying. It took enough courage for her to put this forth before Arnav Singh Raizada. Now the ball was in his court.



Arnav shared Khushi’s conditions with Ayush and Anjali. Both of them were shocked to know but unlike Anjali, Ayush was in the accepting mode.

“Arnav, if you think legally, she can twist the whole game. If you don’t agree to the conditions and if she walks to the court, it will still bring up the matter before Aarav. And the worst will be that he will get to know this from outsiders. Aarav will be called to court, he will still get to know she is his mother. And what if she asks custody of her son?”

“Dad?” Arnav groaned.

“Arnav..” Ayush soothed Arnav’s back. “Hear me out. A mother is always given custody of her boy of that age. The court works that way if the mother is strong and capable enough to handle the responsibilities”

“She had run away from her responsibilities earlier. Isnt that enough to prove she is still worthless to look after Aarav?” Anjali asked.

“But she faced a medical condition which changed her as a person. If one year she behaved wrong with us.. there are seven more years which proved she is a good woman and the court might just accept it. You will lose Aarav”

Arnav knew his father was just being practical and he had a point.

“Just accept her conditions. And you both sit with Aarav and tell him everything. Reveal it to the boy who his mother is and let Aarav take the final decision if he wants to accept her or reject”

“Dad but…” Arnav tried to debate.

“Arnav..” Ayush cut him off. “I know you are thinking about the second condition.. but remember it will come into effect only if Aarav accepts her. We don’t know what Aarav would decide and we will think about it later. Lets sort one thing at a time. Please”

Arnav that night didn’t take any decision but by next morning, he was ready for it. Ayush called up Shashi and declared the same. He invited Shashi and Khushi to meet them at Shanitvan to fulfil Khushi’s first condition.


The thought of meeting Aarav and revealing him that she was his mother whom he yearned for, started to terrify Khushi. She couldn’t comprehend what his decision would be. Will he accept her or forgive her? In any case, he will at least learn the truth and his search for his mother will stop… for good!!

Anjali unwillingly welcomed the Guptas at Shantivan. Ayush led them inside. Both the old men were equally unsure of how things would proceed from here. Arnav came down the moment he was told about the Gupta’s arrival. Khushi and his eyes met and could feel same ordeal in each other, the one they felt in their own self. Now everything depended on Aarav. Whilst Arnav wanted Aarav to reject her, Khushi prayed her little boy accepts and forgives her. In both the cases, all the three were going to be hurt equally.

“Aarav is in his room” Arnav mentioned.

Khushi nodded and made her way to the stairs from where Arnav led her to the bedroom of Aarav. She stopped at the door, fumbling with the ends of her dupatta nervously.

“Want to change your mind?” Arnav sternly asked.

She shook her head in denial and wiped her moist eyes. She prayed for courage. Arnav pushed the door open. Aarav was drawing something but the moment he saw his father with Khushi, he tried to get up. But the boy still needed support to walk, so he flopped back on the chair and stretched his arms for them.

“Dad… you brought Khushi here? I am so happy”

Khushi hurried to him and kissed him all her his face. He giggled and pulled her closer.

“Thanks for coming here Khushi”

She passed a weak smile. Arnav removed an album and sat next to Aarav.

“Aarav.. Today me and Khushi want you to share something important with you.

“With me?”

Khushi sat on the other side of Aarav.

“But you will have to listen it fully and try not to intervene until we finish” Arnav commanded.

Aarav nodded.

“Will you tell me a story?”

“It’s real” Khushi replied touching his head.

Aarav nodded and looked at the album which his father showed. It had pictures of Arnav and Khushi’s wedding.

“Dad.. that’s you and Khushi?”

“Hmm” he swallowed. Khushi didn’t recall much about the picture but it was the one when they got married. A similar one to what she had found in her mansion. “I married Khushi 8 years ago..”

Aarav was surprised. He had no idea what a marriage meant but only one thing came into his mind. That when a marriage happens, the two people stay with each other.

“But.. why doesn’t Khushi stay with us?” he innocently asked.

Khushi’s eyes broke into tears. Arnav didn’t answer that and directly showed him the solo picture of Khushi with a protruded belly.

“Aarav… when two adults marry, they even have a baby in some months or years”

“Woww” Aarav touched Khushi’s picture and smiled. “Is she having a baby inside?”

“She had a baby inside” Arnav replied. “This was again 8 years ago.. and then very slowly as months passed.. the baby grew inside”

He showed her another picture where Khushi was almost in her last few days of delivery. Aarav laughed seeing that picture.

“Its like a balloon. You know Khushi, I love balloons” he said turning to her. She smiled weakly and brushed his hair.

“Aarav” Arnav swallowed. “You know who that baby is?”

Aarav denied to have any clue about it.

“Its you” Arnav cupped his face. “You always asked me who your mother is.. its her.. Khushi is your mother”

Aarav was shocked.. He moved his eyes away from Arnav and looked at Khushi who was sobbing. She had no guts to face the boy.

“But.. but you said she left me” Aarav’s voice cracked.

“That’s right. She didn’t want a baby.. she had other work to do.. other things to handle.. so … she gave me to you and… I asked her to go away”

Aarav’s face turned pale as she processed this.

“Aarav” Khushi stroked his cheeks. “It’s true that I left you. I was.. I was wrong to do so. And I do realize it now”

“You left me” Aarav cried. “You hate me”

“No I don’t.. I .. How can I explain this Aarav.. I was foolish to go away. I don’t even remember why I did it. All these years when you were with your Dad, I didn’t even know you were there.. that you were waiting for me. I met with an accident. And I forgot you.. I forgot everyone.. including your dad. No one told me I had a baby.. No one told me you were my son.. I would have returned to you then.. I swear I would have.”

“You left me” he kept repeating the same statement, crying.

“Aarav..” she tried to explain but he pushed her hand away and hugged his father.

Arnav took his son in embrace and stroked his back.

Khushi was speechless. She knew Aarav might not take things positively. He or anyone else in that matter would never believe her again.

“You got your reply?” Arnav scowled at her. “He is my son Khushi and he has made a decision. So kindly leave”

Khushi was too hurt, too emotional and too weak right now to even express it out. But if this was going to be the last time, she meets her boy, she would make sure he knows one thing. She touched Aarav’s head once again. Her lips wobbled as she declared this.

“I am sorry Aarav.. I shouldn’t have left you. A part of me says that I never wanted to leave you. If that accident hadnt happened, everyone would know this. No one believes me now.. No one.. God knows I want you back. I want to be your Mumma and … shower you with everything you missed so far. But if you don’t want me ..I.. I will go away..” she paused to gulp the ache in her throat. “I … I am sorry.. Aarav.. I am sorry”

She got up to leave. Her legs trembled. She knew the decision was made and as promised, she will have to divorce Arnav without exercising any rights on her son. Life would be a living hell for her. Probably, she deserved it. She wanted to redeem herself and give the little boy every tinge of love he deserved, to correct her mistakes and give the smiles back to this family where she once belonged. But not if Aarav didn’t forgive her. She could fight everything and everyone, but only if her son was on her side. She could hear his sobs from behind as she reached the door. She knew the moment she walks out of this room; her life would change again and nothing would make her happy anymore. God had already snatched a major chunk of her memories and by not giving her forgiveness, he was bruising her soul too. She might not live with that for long. She didn’t want to live for long. She turned the door knob and was about to step out when she heard Aarav murmur.


Khushi stopped. Were her ears ringing?

“Mom” he repeated and this time she turned around instantly. It was Aarav. He was still crying but he was also looking straight in her eyes, painfully. 

Arnav Singh Raizada was stunned by Aarav’s display of emotions towards Khushi. Aarav tried to get up from the chair and though he needed support, he didn’t care to stop. He almost stumbled and tried to reach Khushi who immediately held him out before he could topple on the floor. Arnav stood up frozen.

“Don’t go Mom. I want you. Don’t go again” Aarav pleaded.

Tears stung her eyes. She was dying to hear him call her Mom.

“Say that again…” she begged, holding on to him.

“Mom” tears slipped down his face.

Khushi snuggled him closer and kissed his face all over again.

“I am sorry Aarav.. I am so sorry.. I wont leave you ever.. I promise.. I wont leave you ever” she kept telling until tears clogged her words.

To be Continued.


EBOOK @ 99

When the matriarch of the Khurana family of Raj Mahal, Saroj Khurana, decided to get her eldest grandson Sharavan married, destiny played its card and got Preeti Mehra, the businesswoman of US, as his life partner. Where the entire Khurana family was shattered by this match, Raj Mahal glowed with joy welcoming the real bride of Raj Mahal back to its place, to hold its position.

Unravel the mysteries of Raj Mahal in this romantic thriller of reincarnation.
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READ Sample Chapters 1 to 4 HERE


  1. God I'm so happy... Even i am crying now.. Thank you so much for the wonderful update madhu..

  2. Hello Madhu Di,
    I read swept memories but left it when Sheetal came between Arshi because they already had a lot in their plate and bringing another woman was too too much. So I was very skeptical about reading this until you said it is not same plot. So now I have only one request to you please don't bring that Sheetal between them here too because no lady deserve to see her husband with another woman and considering the emotional state Khushi is in she will break completely if that happens.


  3. Liked how Khushi strongly put forth her conditions. Amazing update.

  4. nice. So now its 1 month contract. Will KKG stays with ASR? Or daily basis. As you said she fell from stairs that says someone might pushed her and she ran to save her son? Waiting for that revelation.

  5. Emotional update. Hope arnav find the full truth about khushi accident It's not as simple as it shows please di reveal some past of khushi memory

  6. Awesome Update. I don't like what Arnav did. Why he revealed the truth to Aarav in such manner. Khushi's pain is too much here. Finally Aarav accepted Khushi as his mom. Khushi will redeem herself but I still feel Arnav is wrong and he is misunderstanding Khushi. Then what will be his redemption. Khushi's emotions feelings have motherly instincts in them. She can't be wrong. Why will Khushi consider their relationship a mistake Arnav is too much rude and arrogant and it's sad that he thinks Khushi as a gold-digger. Khushi's polite behavior and apologies seemed genuine. Hope Arshi don't get divorced. Arnav is behaving like a heartless man.Why Khushi signed such a contract. I think she is wrongly influenced by someone . Arnav never think wisely in anger and is too much blinded by rage and hate. Khushi is badly framed. And Anjali has caused rift between Arshi I think. It's good that Aarav came to know about Arshi's marriage and Khushi being his mom. Now they don't have to stay so. Hope Khushi will get her memory back and prove her innocence. Waiting for Lawful Sins2😍. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. Correct me if I’m wrong. Khushi tried to run away with the baby. That’s what nurse told them right? That means khushi never left her son. If she wanted to run away from aravs responsibility she would have run away alone. Why would she carry a baby in that sense. So why is everyone keep saying that she left arav? I feel that Arnavs hatred towards khushi is too much and he is overreacting. Khushi might have behaved as if she didn’t want that child when she got pregnant, but it could happen to anyone who wasn’t ready to have a baby. It’s not that Arnav was all ready to have a baby. Khushi being immature she didn’t want to have it. If their marriage was a love marriage this matter wouldn’t be a huge issue. Arnav would understand Khushi and would explained her lovingly and supported her. It must be really hard for khushi when everyone else was on same side and put the whole blame on her. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m okay even if this story has a sad end which means arshi is separated and both having aravs rights. I’m glad that Arav accepted khushi as his mom. Kids are innocent and they feel good and bad in a different way. Arav might have felt that khushi was innocent. Good update!! 🌹🌹

  8. Too emotional, couldn't stand with aarav painful cry. Now what arshi going to decide ? Can't wait for next update dear. Thinking what arnav will do now ? He is hating infact loath khushi
    Waiting for next update dear

  9. What an emotional update...

    Arnav is being too harsh with Khushi but that's the hurt she gave him is coming out in the form of anger towards her... He is too scared to let Khushi back in their life as he isn't ready for anymore heart ache... But I'm sure there has to be some sort of misunderstanding in the past which might get cleared if she gets to stay with them... Thanks to Arav that he accepted his mother & gave her that chance... Children are so innocent that they can not hold grudges for anybody for long unlike the elders do.... Poor boy deserves to be with both his parents & now his wish would get fulfilled...

    Waiting to see adorable moments between the mother-son duo & Arnav sobering towards Khushi... Atleast they can be civil in front of their son...

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  10. Rula dia madhu...pls update it's next part tomorrow itself .pls pls pls

    1. Tomorrow is Lawful sins turn not yaadein's
      Wait like we have waited 2 days for its turn

    2. Why are you guys always so mean when someone asks for the story of their preference? Correct me if I am wrong but last week Madhu updated two lawful sins update simultaneously and others had to wait a day longer for their favourite story, yes? So you got your chance if someone is asking for their favourite story you need not poke them every frikking time.

    3. So rude those who doesn’t respect others wishes. I guess lawful sin fans got so many double updates. When someone asks for their favorite story then they want the usual schedule. Please be kind enough to respect others wish too

    4. Why this rude attitude whenever someone asks for a back to back update of Yaadein!!
      she just expressed her desire for an update of her fav story.Its not like madhu is going to do whatever she asks for.Being the author its completely Madhu's discretion what she will update dont have to always put your two cents in.Learn to be respectful!!

  11. I just loved this update so aarav accepted Khushi. What will happen in this one month . Will arnav ask Khushi to stay in raizada mansion or will send aarav with Khushi ? Hope Khushi comes to her sasuraal . And also please write some arshi romance and also disclose the past.
    I want to read arshi romance in this story when arnav forgive Khushi and when all the problems will get solved

  12. Very emotional and heartwarming Update. Arnav's hate always overpowers everything and he doesn't think wisely. Khushi was trying to protect Aarav maybe from Anjali that's why she ran away. Her motherly instincts cannot be wrong. There cannot be any other reasons. Arnav always distrust Khushi and believes outsiders more. I just want Khushi and Aarav's togetherness. Both are suffering for the misunderstanding. Aarav is just a kid who needs his mother's warmth and affection. Kids are representative of God and they understand everything better than elders. As long as Aarav is with Khushi Anjali can't do anything. Arshi's marriage probably was an arranged one. Otherwise Arnav won't distrust Khushi so much. Hope Khushi's innocence is proved soon and Arnav will regret badly.

  13. I am happy that Arav and Khushi got united... Wish Khushi get her memories back... Can't see Arnav's hatred towards her like that when Khushi couldn't even remember anything...

  14. An amazing update, Kushi should have put a condition of forever instead of a month.

  15. Oh was too emotional...

    1. Wow 🤩 Madhu so emotional. The truth will set them all free. I hope Khushi gets her memories back. Everyone does deserve another chance. So there is hope.

  16. Wonderful fabulous awesome update madhu

  17. One of the best story I have ever read madhu.arav and khushi's motherly relationship made me emotional.u had penned it down excellently.madhu u told this is ss in beginning of this story,if possible please turn this ss as FF please madhu.this is such a good story.please don't end this story as ss

  18. This is so emotional.Loved it di

  19. Arnav is angry on her past mistakes or even maybe a misunderstanding.
    But she has a right.
    She has overcome a big medical condition and 7 freaking years of her life is gone, she has a right to know everything.
    Arnav should not be so harsh towards her atleast knowing her condition..

  20. Beautiful update
    Loved the way Khushi kept his conditions in front of Arnav
    Glad that Aarav now know about his mother and he is accepting her
    Hope Khushi will able to win everyone's heart with this given chance
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  21. So emotional and heartfelt... I think one month will clear everything misunderstanding and will help them sort out their life....

  22. Please write another part of this ff.....

  23. Madhu tomorrow is lawful sins day please update that. Those requesting yaadein can wait two days like us

    1. Yr we also waited when she updated another part of lawful sins...pls let her update yaadein...

    2. No we want lawful sins. Arnav will tell his past to khushi.

    3. Didn’t you get back to back update last week? Please be considerate about others feelings too.

    4. this anonymous person is disliking every comment favouring another update of yaadein
      what a juvenile as if that would result in something fruitful

  24. Why do I feel fishy about that nurse who told about Khushi and the baby

  25. Arav is so great boy. Loved the update. I'm egarly waiting for khushi's innocence prove.

  26. Wow just wow. loved the was more than what I had expected. loved the strong Khushi and the conditions were amazing. I'm glad Khushi dint act like the weak woman who would beg her husband to take her back.she stood up like a strong woman who only wanted her child. Amazing update. now comes the second condition.please update the next part soon

  27. Awesome update. Loved that the reality of Aarav's mom is now known to him.

  28. Aww Arav wants his mom he is so cute and innocent. Who is behind Khushi's accident? The nurse told that Khushi wanted to take the kid away. If khushi does not want Arav then why was she trying to take Arav away.

  29. Love the update so emotional is not easy to separate a child from his mother thanks God arav accepted Khushi let see what Anjali will do if she is the culprit let her die of jealousy as mother and son are United.😁😂

  30. Since Aarav has accepted khushi as his mom will he stay for a month with khushi and shashi or khushi will stay in raizada mansion. Even shashi has a right to stay with his grandchild. If in arnav's house she will have to listen to the taunts of his family.

  31. Oh that was so touching and heartfelt update. Looks like Khushi might have changed her mind before when she gave birth. Something must have happened. The nurse could be lying 🤥

  32. It really was a splendid update, I was really waiting for this face off and I must say that your writing was beyond my expectations every single word here reeked of emotion.
    Arnav did the right thing by telling aarav the complete truth because the same thing coming from a third person later on would have created a misunderstanding between khushi and aarav.
    Now that mother and son have accepted each other lets see what the father has to say.Eagerly waiting for the next update.

  33. I guess now for the second condition Arnav will ask khushi to stay at RM for a month if she wants to spend time with Arav and not at GM

  34. Madhu please put full stop to this cat fight between your readers .. why are you silent and not saying anything ? Please respond

    1. Poor Madhu. She has to tolerate these fights too. I usually don't care about those comments. But today I feel bad for those who asking back to back updates for Yaadein.

    2. There is no wrong in asking back to back update of their favourite story .. but others should not pass bad comments on other readers comments who ask for updates. Just stop this it's ok to ask the back to back update .. just don't make Madhu feel bad..

  35. Whatte an emotional update! This certainly deserves a back to back update! Is there anyway to get one Madhu?

    You've stopped it such an emotional high place.

    So glad Aarav Understood and wants his mom back. I hope this one month helps in clearing whatever transpired on the day of his birth. There's more. There's certainly more.


  36. Madhu i am sorry for putting you on a spot here but last week you have two back to back updates of lawful sins because many readers wanted it. Today I am seeing many of us are hoping to get an update for yaadein tomorrow. Hope you give us that.

    And whoever wants to come at me saying its lawful sins day tomorrow, because I am sure this certain "anonymous" will do that seeing the above comments, I am well aware of that and I am still requesting to get an update for yaadein so please dont quote my comment and tell me we have to wait and some shit like that. Being a reader I can comment whatever I feel like,if you don't agree with it just move on with your life.
    Thank you.

    1. exactly this certain anonymous went on disliking my comments like a maniac in the last update of yaadein just because I wished for another update as everyone else does .This person does not get the simple fact that its solely upon Madhu to decide what she will update next .Being readers and ardent fan of her writings we can politely request her sometimes for back to back updates of certain stories ending with cliffhangers, but at the end of the day its upon Madhu to decide as she is the one penning down these amazing stories.
      Madhu dear no pressure on you give us whatever you want to lawful sins, royal fling , yaadein or a completely brand new story.
      My current fav is yaadein though but I will wait cos they say patience is bitter but bears sweet fruits

  37. Madhu seems like people are again having a lawful sins vs yaadein fights. I will suggest you the same thing like last time royal fling update kardo dono team chup ho jayenge lol

    Also no pressure at all. Upload whichever story you have ready or have planned. Yeh fight toh chalta rahega because both the stories have taken a very interesting turn. Don't stress yourself over this fandom clashes. :)

  38. Seems like there is tough competition😂post whatever you wish di, but please give precap today

  39. Awesome update.. I feel Anjali had some major role in khushi's accident

  40. Wow. Awesome update,I'm literally crying.

  41. A part of me also saying that khushi is innocent

  42. Superb update..
    Khushi was prepared she knew arnav can deny so she was ready to go to court thank god ayush made arnav understand n now arav wants her to stay too good..

  43. In other stories everyone take her Khushi's side where Arnav is an fault and now everyone here also same when she is the one who should regret and ask forgiveness for all this where he have to suffer alone all this years with raising his son alone and now after coming back after many years she doesn't deserve her son I don't like the fact that he accepted his mother where only he deserves his son fully

  44. Very emotional and heartwarming.....I knew Aarav will never allow her to leave.

  45. Emotional scene reunion of mother and son

  46. Superb update . My favorites 1 Royal fling 2 yaadein 3 lawful sins

  47. Omg so much emotional 😭... thank goodness arshi Agee with

  48. I shed tears😭😭
