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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 61


Chapter 61

Their car came to a screeching halt.

“Get down..” they heard a familiar sound getting down from the car opposite to them; the same car which blocked their way to the airport.

“What’s going on?” Aman shouted clutching Khushi’s hand at the backseat of the car.

The guards got down the vehicle to secure Aman and Khushi.

“Khushi.. just get down and come with me” the man shouted trying to get past the guards.


“Oh yes. He is your father. What is he doing here?”

“Let me find out”

“Nope” Aman stopped her from getting down the car. “He is also a suspect for us. You wait here. Let me check”

“Aman, he is my father. If he is here, it got to do something. And I need to know”

She got down the car and so did Aman. 

“Dad, why have you blocked our way?” she asked. 

“Your life is in danger. You and Aman both need to come with me” 

Aman chuckled. 

“Yea right. As if we will believe you. And by the way, we are on way to airport. We have a flight to board. We are not going with you” 

“You won’t make it to the airport.. His men are waiting outside the airport to abduct you both” 

“Whose men?” Khushi snapped. 

“I cannot tell you this here. Just come with me before they come here looking for you both” 

He tried to drag Khushi but Aman and the guards stopped him. 

“She is going nowhere Mr. Shashi Gupta. We don’t trust you” Aman shouted. “Though we have never met before, I know what you are” 

Shashi was agitated but more than that he was shocked. 

“I am her father. That’s all that matters right now” 

“Oh please. We all know what kind of father you have been” 

Shashi groaned in anger. 

“This is not a time to argue. I am here to save your lives and if you don’t do exactly as I say, we are all going to end up in trouble” 

“Lets go” Khushi replied much to Aman’s shock. 

“Wait. .. what?” he muttered. “Khushi you cannot trust him. He could be that traitor..I .. I cannot let you make this foolish decision. I am calling Bro” 

He was about to make a call when they all suddenly heard gunshots. Aman ducked Khushi at the back of the car. Shashi hide on the other end. The guards began shooting to the side of the road from where the gunshots were fired. 

“I told you..” Shashi shouted. “You should have trusted me when I said they were coming..” 

“Who the hell are they and how do you know them?” Khushi snapped at her father. 

“They are…” 

He was about to say something when a bullet pierced his arm and he collapsed on the ground. 

“Dad” Khushi groaned and was about to make a move to her father but Aman stopped her. 

“Don’t.. you will be the next if you try to save him. We got to move ..” 

“He is my father, Aman. I cannot leave him to die. He is my father” 

She pushed Aman away and ran to help Shashi who was bleeding badly. And the very next instant, the other bullet pierced her skin and Khushi fell down beside her father. 



“Arnav… we have tracked Khushi’s location.. And she is been moving. Not towards the airport but in the city” Angad rushed to inform. 


He had tried to call Khushi but her number was switched off. Aman’s phone was ringing but he didn’t answer. 

“What about Aman?” 

“Aman and her locations are different. They were together so why are they now showing two different locations?” 

“We should go check both the locations” Arnav shouted and were about to leave the house when two policemen came in. 

The Raizadas were shocked seeing the police here. 

“Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Your wife and your father-in-law have been shot” 

Arnav felt his body trembling. 

“What? Shot? How? And … where are they?” Akash queried to the police. 

Before the Police could give any details, Arnav stormed to them and clutched the collar of one of the policemen. His face was red in anger and pain. 

“Where is my wife? Tell me she is fine” 

“Arnav.. stop” Shyam pulled him away from the policemen. 

“Tell me she is fine” Arnav roared. 

“Our team is on way to the hospital” 

“Aman.. where is he?” Shyam enquired. 

“He is absolutely fine and under custody. The locals of that area heard some gunshots and informed us. When we reached there, the Governor Shashi Gupta and your wife Khushi Singh Raizada were shot and Aman Singh Raizada was next to them with a gun. Two bodyguards were shot too. We had to arrest Aman Singh Raizada” 

Arnav was unable to think. But if he didn’t, who will? 

“Angad and Akash.. Go to the police station, talk to Aman. I am going to the hospital” 

“I will come along” Shyam urged. 

“No. You can’t step out of the house Shyam. The last thing we want is you getting hurt or replaced by your look alike. Stay home with the family. Keep an eye on the Prakash brothers” 

Arnav then turned to the police officials. 

“We need a tight security around this place and the hospital. Don’t delay” 

Saying that he rushed out. Avni was with the Prakash brothers when this conversation happened. She barged in the living room to know what was going on. Arnav, Angad and Akash had already left. Shyam gave her the details. Avni, Daadi and Anjali were shocked at the revelations. Payal was resting in her room and had no clue about it. They mutually decided not to inform her anything about Khushi and her father as it could affect her health. 

“I am not going to leave those bastards” saying that Shyam strode to the room where the Prakash brothers were tied to. The moment he entered, something hit his head hard and he collapsed on the floor. 



Arnav Singh Raizada barged in the ICU where his wife was being treated. She was on the bed, unconscious with bandages on her arm. The doctors were checking her pulse and other vitals while the nurses were busy cleaning the other bruises from her body. 

“Mr. Raizada.. you cannot go in there.. please stand out” one of the doctors commanded but he didn’t listen. 

His wife was here… almost on the death bed, with bruises and wounds on her body. How could he stay away from her? He kept walking to the bed where she was and one of the doctors finally had to drag him out along with the two ward boys. He struggled to get back to her. 

“Mr. Raizada.. Please understand.. If you intrude in our work, how will we treat her?” the doctors shouted. 

Arnav clutched the Doctor’s shoulder. 

“Please keep her alive.. Don’t let her die…” he shouted. 

The doctor plainly nodded and rushed back in the ICU. Flashes of the moments he and Khushi spent together clouded his mind. She couldn’t just go away.. not like this.. they had promised to live together.. and they didn’t get any time. He sat on the bench before the ICU, hiding his face in between his palms. He wanted her back.. safe.. He wanted her back. 

“Mr. Raizada” another doctor broke his stance. “Your father-in-law is very critical. We have got him operated and the bullet is out. But until he comes back to consciousness, we cannot affirm anything” 

Arnav then recalled Shashi Gupta was hit too. 

“He was shot on the back. Luckily the bullet didn’t hit the spine or else it would have been worse. We are keeping him in observation for 24 hours. Until then we cannot say anything” 

Arnav nodded. Soom after the Doctor left, Arnav made his way to the other ICU on the same floor and saw Garima Gupta weeping alone. He never had much interactions with Khushi’s mother but all he knew was that she was a good woman and she loved her husband and her daughters immensely. At these critical times when her husband was critical and one of her daughter was injured, she felt helpless and alone. Arnav reached her and the moment she saw him, she rose back to her feet and hugged him tight. 

“Arnav… what happened with them.. Tell me they will be fine.. please tell me they will be…” words clogged in her throat. 

Arnav soothed her back and made her sit on the chair again. He then knelt before her, never leaving the woman’s hand. 

“They will be fine. And whoever did this will be punished too. All we got to do now is pray to God for their lives” 

She sobbed again. Arnav’s phone constantly buzzed. He moved a little away from Garima and picked the call. 

“Aman told us Shashi Gupta had blocked their way. Seemed he had come to take them to a safe place” Akash informed. Soon Akash narrated everything that transpired on that dark road between Shashi Gupta and them. 

“When Khushi collapsed, someone hit Aman’s head hard and he blacked out. When he woke up again in few minutes at the sound of the Police van, a gun was next to him which he immediately picked to ensure there wasn’t anyone trying to hurt them more. The police caught him with that gun and since it was the only weapon traced on that site, they had to arrest him. He is also their prime suspect and victim, both. But we will handle this. The lawyers are on way. Aman will be bailed out. One more thing.. Shashi Gupta knows something Bhai.. Can he talk?” 

Arnav groaned in disappointment. 

“He is critical. We wouldn’t know anything until he is able to speak. How is Aman doing?” 

“He is shaken.. but he will be fine. He feels responsible for not saving Khushi..” 

“Tell him she is fine. She will be fine.. I know” 

Angad snatched the phone from Akash. 

“Arnav.. I am coming there to you. Avni is on way to the police station with the lawyers. She will handle things here with Akash” 

“No.. Don’t come here Angad. I want you to keep a close eye on Shyam and Daadi. They might be in danger. And get Payal, Anjali and them to the safe house. You know where” 

“I do. Suhani is on way to Shantivan to take care of them. Don’t worry. We will sort this out” 

Arnav hung up and waited for the doctors to give them some report on Shashi and Khushi’s health condition. 


After an hour almost, the doctors informed Arnav that Khushi was conscious. It was just a flesh wound and she would be back to normal in a week. Arnav rushed in the room to see his wife. She looked pale but the moment she saw him, her face glowed. She raised her other arm to touch him. Arnav strode hurriedly to his wife and held her hand. He kissed it and then kissed her fingers, wrist and palm again and again. Her other arm was bandaged and it didn’t look good. 

“You scared me” he whispered giving her an open-mouthed kiss on her cheek. 

She blinked. 

“I was scared too” she replied blinking hard. “I didn’t take out the ring” she winced. 

Arnav grinned. 

“Good girl. You knew it had a GPS?” he stroked her cheeks. 

She weakly nodded. Obviously at such critical situations if her husband was gifting her something, it had to be important. So, she had a vague idea that ring had a GPS and wherever she would be, her husband would always track her down. 

The effect of the sedatives wouldn’t let her talk much and she might fall asleep again. But before that she had things to know.. 

“Dad.. how is he?” 

“He will be okay” he lied. Arnav himself had no clear picture of that yet if Shashi Gupta was going to survive or not. “Aman told me .. you saved him… that’s why you.. you got shot” 

“I had to…” she weakly murmured. “He is my father..” 

“I know” he kissed her temple. “I am so proud of you baby” 

A weak smile touched her lips which soon faded as she recalled other things.. 

“I saw him…” 

She breathed fast. 

“He.. he hit Aman… I saw him..” she tried to speak louder in an attempt to stay awake and narrate things she saw. 

“Whom did you see?” Arnav asked stroking her face. 

Her eyes grew heavy.. She was falling unconscious again. Arnav didn’t know what to do.. to force that name out of her.. or let her rest.. 

“Ratan… Malhotra” she said with a force.. 

Arnav’s eyes darted in shock. Ratan Malhotra? Anjali’s father? He was behind all this? He is that mastermind? Khushi was unconscious again and a nurse and Doctor rushed inside to check her vitals. 

Arnav stepped back. His head ached. Ratan Malhotra? Why was he doing this? What did he want? Who else can he hurt? Suddenly everything started to spin around him. Ratan Malhotra had a strong political background and he had always supported Shyam. Why would he want to hurt them?? For God’s sake, he had given his daughter in their family. He knew how much Anjali loved Shyam but… he was also the one who had asked Anjali to divorce Shyam once. That was years ago when Shyam’s medical condition was out that he might never be able to be a father but Anjali chose to stay by him. The father-daughter didn’t talk for almost a week and then Ratan Malhotra had come to Shantivan asking for his daughter’s forgiveness. Soon things were back in place. Ratan became extra interested in mentoring Shyam and influenced almost every political decision Shyam made. Why would he do anything like that? And who was that lookalike? Where did he find him? Or did he create that man? To take Shyam’s place .. fine.. doing so would risk his daughter’s life with that lookalike too. Why would he let a commoner take the place of his daughter’s husband… unless.. Arnav paused his thoughts.. Unless that lookalike wasn’t a commoner.. but … A ROYAL!! SHYAM’s TWIN!! Damn!! He fisted his fingers and rushed out to dial Angad. 

To be Continued.





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  1. Very interesting. So it was indeed Anjali's father who was the mastermind behind this. And Shyam has a twin? Where was he all this time? I think Ratan Malhotra wanted to replace Shyam with his twin so that the he could inherit all the Royal wealth and maybe since Anjali denied leaving Shyam Ratan wanted the twin to replace Shyam for Anjali to start a family as well. Idk it seems kind of complicated.
    Can we please get an update for this story tomorrow again Madhu? I want to get the answers.

    1. If not, will be waiting for yaadein's precap. Want to know if Khushi finds any clue regarding the accident in the hospital.

      Why are all you stories so interesting and at such crucial stages Madhu? :D

  2. Awesome Update. Anjali's father is behind all this and Shyam has a twin. Daadi has perhaps hidden the fact from Arnav. Hope Shashi Gupta get well soon. He is greedy but won't stoop so low. It's good that Khushi saw the Anjali's father. Anjali's father may have wanted Anjali to move on in life and was not happy with her decision of staying with Shyam. Arnav and Garima bonded for the first time. Arnav Khushi's moments are heartwarming. Shashi Gupta was saving Khushi and Aman. I am happy that he isn't the culprit. Otherwise Khushi would have been hurt.He also got hurt. Arnav's situation was very painful seeing Khushi in that state. He was devastated and unable to control his emotions. Arnav and Garima also bonded for the first time. How is Anjali going to react knowing her father is behind this. Shashi Gupta already knew the culprit so he came to save Khushi love Aman for his protective side. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Waiting for Yaadein Precap.

  3. Omg that was blockbuster update. Please please update one more part of royal today.But why shyam brother is taking revenge from royal.

  4. Intriguing! So my guess from the beginning was right. It is Anjali's father, the main culprit.He mentioned to Anjali during arshi engagement that he will gift her something very soon. And that gift is Shyam's twin? So Arnav knew that Shyam had a twin. Shyam is already hit on his head. So my guess is Shyam's twin already replaced him in the house. Now all 3 ladies there are in danger too.
    Seems Ratan malhotra only got Anjali married into raizada household to steal their royal wealth. What kind of father is he who wants his daughter to have an illegitimate relationship with her husband's twin, just for a heir? Sick.

  5. Anjali's dad is really greedy in order to acquire Royal wealth. He did all this. Why Daadi hide this thing from all about Shyam's twin. Perhaps Anjali's dad came to know about the medical conditions of Shyam being unable to give a heir. So he replaced Shyam with the look-alike. Too many mysteries in Royal family.

  6. Very interesting update.....

    So our doubt is right.... Anjali's father is behind all this incident.......and Shyam has a twin brother....
    They both have plan this.....but why did they wanted to kill Aman...and then kidnapped Akash.....
    What their motive behind all this......just Royal property or something else.....

    My head is also spinning......and you know what till I'm not get mind is clouded by all questions....

    So update soon....

    Thank you and take care of yourself...

  7. Excellent update Madhu. Can u plz post it's next part tomorrow. Pretty plz

    1. I feel d same dear, another update on the ff please

  8. I had a doubt that it could be Anjali's father but I never expected him to stoop this low.........

  9. Awesome update. I am very curious about next update. I think shyam is replaced.

  10. How can a father be so cruel that he can ruin his own daughter's family for his selfish purpose which is property, money & power.. But more then that, How can he even think of letting some other man touch his daughter to get her pregnant even if that man is a lookalike or even a twin of her husband?? What a pathetic humanbeing & even more despicable father he is..

    Shyam's lookalike has surely replaced him after hitting Shyam in the room.. Hope the royal brothers must have preplanned something to fight such situation.. Like some tatoo or mark made recently on original Shyam's body so that they can identify him if replaced by his lookalike...

    Dadi shouldn't have kept quiet when she has idea about that lookalike's identity.. She should have shared it with Arnav atleast...

    Good that Khushi isn't injured severely & will get completely fine in a week.. Hope Shashi Gupta also survives...

    Scared for Anjali's reaction when she will discover about her father's betrayel...

    Thanks for the superb update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I totally agree with u 😊how can a father do like this to her own daughter chii 😠😤

  11. Superb!!!!!!!.

    I think Anjali will catch the duplicate...

  12. In previous update Anjali and shyam conversation - I love you and his reply to that will be key to find the duplicate......

  13. Mind boggling update madhu...dear pls update it's next part tomorrow itself....can't get enough of this ff💕💕

  14. Wow... Such a roller coaster update it was. So much happened in this one update. Glad that Aman and Khushi is safe and finally they got a clue about their rival. But is Shyam had a twin??? It was not mentioned anywhere before. Any why a FIL wish to kill his Sil??? Still lots of mysteries to unfold. Eagerly waiting for next part.....

  15. From the start I has doubted Anjali's father . I hope Shashi is safe

  16. Dadi surely knows something about this twins thingy. Good that Khushi at least managed to tell Arnav about Ratnam before fainting.

  17. Nice update... Do update the next part soon...

  18. Awesome update. Loved the way everything is getting unfold.

  19. Wow what a sequence good khushi saw that attacker it solved quite much

  20. Guessed he would be a twin! Dadi's action confirmed it too! Interesting! Cheers

  21. How come the security wasn’t working when the culprit entered the palace. It was highly secured by arnavs guard. Can Anjali be a part of this too?? It’s really hard to even guess. Ratan may want to switch Shyam with his twin so he can get the key. He is worst than Shashi. Beautiful update!! Loved it😍

  22. Oh’s Anjali’s father behind all this but why. Hope they will get the answers very soon.

  23. Superb update...

    In spite all security n alrerness they got trapped ..

    Aman khushi was the bait to bring arnav akash angad oit of palace..

    Wow shashi really came to save them?

    Shyam had twin?

    Eagerly looking forward

  24. Good that Khushi saw the person. Feeling bad for Anjali.. hope they find out soon it's his lookalike

  25. It was a power pact thrilling update 😟omg Khushi and Shashi were shot and Aman was hint on the head and after he woke up and took gun in his hand and police took him as suspect omg... but he is safe now and bailed and Khushi is also safe but Shashi Gupta is serious but hope he get safe too and to thank god is not an emeny 😊 Khushi saw the person who was involved omg cannot be it's Anjali's father😳 how can a father do like this to her daughter he is going to replace Shyam with his lookalike soo disgusting 😤😠 how can he let him touch her daughter omg what will be Anjali's reaction after know what her father have done to her and her family she will be broken 😫😩 and Shyam has a twin omg never got to know any his before and arnav didn't know before but now he have hot an idea any it and dado should have said to arnav at least .... Post soon

  26. Madhu your royal storys are Always very interesting .

  27. Oh so much happened in this one episode...good swist and interesting.thankyou

  28. Madhu since you didn't give a precap please try and give the full update soon. Dont make us wait till night please.

  29. Interesting with new revelations

  30. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  31. So shashi is come clean. Anjali father did and shyam also replaced. Khushi safe ... wish shashi also come out danger.
    Waiting for next update dear

  32. Wow it's really interesting update
    So Shashi really come out clean and glad that Khushisaw the curlpit and told Arnav about Ratan malhotra
    I think Dadi know about Shyam:s twin
    And till now they already replaced Shyam
    Let's see what's coming next
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  33. Wow 🤩 such a mind blowing chapter dear. The only lot thickens indeed
