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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 62


Chapter 62


“Guards” Shyam shouted. Three built men rushed to him.


“Secure the front area. I don’t want anyone to enter or leave this house without my permission”

“Yes Sir”

The guards rushed to change their positions.

“Shyam, what is happening? Is Aman okay? And Khushi? How is she?” Daadi asked the moment Shyam entered her room. She was surrounded by Anjali and Payal. Daadi had to tell Payal about the danger looming over them as when Payal woke up, she asked for her husband and wished to talk to him. When she saw the additional guards securing the Palace, Payal realized something was terribly wrong. But none of them told her about Khushi and Shashi’s condition.

“They are all good. I am in touch with Akash and Arnav. And Arnav wants us to leave this house right now”

“leave? Where will we go?” Anjali queried.

“Rani Saheba..” he lovingly smiled. “You will be taking Payal at your father’s house. I have already informed him” 

“And what about Daadi and you?” 

“We are going to the safe house” 

“Safe house? But why will Anjali and Payal not come with us?” Daadi raised her doubts. 

“Because the only place where she can be safe now is her father’s home. If we all travel together at the same location, things could go wrong. We don’t want to be under the radar of our enemies” 

His explanation seemed valid. 

“Now give me your phones” he quickly took the mobile phones of all the three and switched them off. 

“Why have you seized our phones?” Daadi stared at Shyam in disbelief. 

That’s because we might be tracked if we don’t this. 

“If you shut our phones, how will we contact each other?” Anjali intervened. 

“You don’t have to. Once you reach your father’s home, you can talk to me using his number. And please stop bothering me with so many questions” 

He took out the Sim cards from every phone and broke it into two. 

“Take Payal with you. The car is waiting outside with two guards and my driver. Stay here Daadi, I am coming back for you” he said leading Anjali and Payal to the main door. Two heavily armed men opened the door for them. Anjali helped Payal to get inside. 

“Shyam… Please be safe” she touched his rough cheeks. “I love you” 

“I love you too Rani Saheba” he smiled. 

Anjali was baffled. The touch was different. It didn’t feel like she ever knew this man. 

“I said… I love you Shyam” she repeated. 

Whenever she confessed these words, Shyam always had a unique statement to confess his love for her. And whatever he said just now, didn’t match. 

And I Love you more every second’ 

These were his correct words… the ones he always said… 

“What’s wrong with you Anjali? Is this even the time to romance? I told you I love you” he snapped. 

Anjali jerked back. Shyam had never shouted at her. This can’t be her husband. 

“Everything will be alright” he lowered his tone. “We will be together. Forever. Now get in the car” 

She weakly nodded and then hugged him. Shyam didn’t resist. His arms automatically shifted around her waist and he pulled her closer. After few seconds Anjali pulled away and got in the car. Her eyes were teary but she knew the only person who could help them right now in this situation was her father. The car left the premises with the two guards following them in the other vehicle. 

He returned back to Daadi. 

“We need to leave. Go get the key” 

“Key?” Daadi stammered. “Yes Daadi. The key to the royal wealth. You know we cannot leave this place without it” 

Daadi swallowed. The safe house where Shyam was taking her was the same place where the Royal wealth was hidden. 


“We have to hurry Daadi. Please” 

She shook her head. 

“I will go get the key” 

She hurried to her room. Shyam followed her. She removed an envelope where the key was enclosed. 

“Give it to me. I will keep it safe” Shyam reached out to take the envelope from her. 

“Shyam. Is this key really important now?” 

“Of course, it is” he replied. “We cannot let it in the hands of our enemies Daadi. What if after we leave to the safe house, someone comes here and takes the key? Arnav, Aman and Akash are not here. Who else can we trust to keep the key safe?” 

Daadi smiled at him. 

“You are right. Please hold this safe with you”

She handed the envelope to him. Shyam quickly checked for the key inside and when he saw it, his eyes gleamed. 

“Should we leave to the Safe house now?” Daadi queried staring at his face. 

“Yes. Come on” 

“But what about the Prakash brothers? They are tied up, still aren’t they?” 

“The guards will take care of them” 

Daadi kept watching him as they walked to the door. Soon they left for the safe house. 


Safe House 

Daadi had witnessed Shyam continuously texting someone on his phone. She smiled. He had really no idea the entire game had already changed before he even began. They reached the safe house and got down the car. Shyam quickly instructed the two guards to wait out. The house was at the city outskirts. Around 5 miles of radius there wasn’t a single living person. The Government might not even know about this place and that’s how it had to be. Her Grandsons didn’t want anyone to know about any of the safe houses they had built in this Country for their safety and for situations like this. 

“Daadi.. we need to check once if the Wealth is safe” Shyam insisted. 

“Why not” she replied with a smile. 

“You and Arnav only are the ones who know where in this house that wealth is.. you will have to lead me there” 

“I will. Please come” 

She led Shyam to a room which had a door at the right corner. That door further led them to the basement. Shyam observed every entry, every exit and every door which they passed through. The basement was no less than a maze. 

“This place is a fortress” 

“You haven’t seen a fortress then” she muttered taking him further down. They finally ended up in a closed room with mirrors and only mirrors. 

“It’s here?” 

“yes. This place holds all the secrets of our family.. and keys to our past. You will be the first amongst my grandsons to actually unleash those tonight” 

He felt proud and the wide grin on his face proved that. 

“One of these mirrors is the door to that secrets… to that past” she mentioned. 

“Which one?” he seemed to be in a hurry. 

Daadi pointed to one door at their left. He immediately rushed to that mirror and tried to analyze where the key would go. He found the keyhole which hardly resembled like one. Fishing for the key which Daadi had earlier given to him, he opened that door. The moment he did, his eyes waited desperately to see all that glittering wealth but to his dismay there wasn’t anything like that inside. It only had pictures of the Royal Raizada’s past generations and some files and books.. and journals.. 

“What is all this? Where is the wealth?” he scowled. 

“Open that red album..” she instructed. 

He was already very annoyed to play games but he still did as told. Whatever this album was, it better had some clue to the Royal wealth. The moment he opened that album, he froze. It was picture of his father, mother and the two newly born twin sons they were holding in their hands. 

“That’s your parents … this is Shyam … and that’s you” Daadi pointed at the other twin.. “Raunak Singh Raizada” she mumbled his name. 

He dropped the album from his hand and stared at Daadi in disbelief. So, all this time.. from Shantivan to here.. this old woman knew he wasn’t Shyam… he was the twin… Raunak?? The same twin who never got a chance to be a part of this family.. Ever!! 


Aman was bailed out after the lawyer reached the Police station. The moment he was out, Avni called Arnav Singh Raizada to inform. 

“Aman is out with me Arnav” she told on the call and passed the phone to Aman. 

“Bro..” Aman sighed. “I am sorry I couldn’t..” 

“Aman that’s fine” Arnav replied. “Khushi is safe. That’s all that matters. Now listen to me very carefully. Ratan Malhotra is behind all this. Khushi saw his face when he hit you and you blacked out” 

“What? Anjali Bhabhi’s father?” 


“Then why don’t we arrest him?” 

“We cant… Their phones are disconnected. And Payal’s GPS shows she has reached the Malhotra house and I suppose Anjali is with her” 

“What do you mean suppose? What about Anjali Bhabhi’s GPS?” 

“Anjali’s GPS is beeping with Daadi’s and moving towards the safe house” 

Aman was totally confused. He knew this morning, every member of Raizada royals had a small microdot GPS on their attires. They were specially designed by Avni and only the family members knew about it. Arnav realized Aman’s confusion and decided to give him a clear picture of what was happening. 

“Shyam probably has been replaced” 

“What?” Aman shouted. “But. How? Despite all that security? How?” 

“We will find that out. Akash and Avni’s team are tracking Shyam’s signals but it’s too weak right now. Something is blocking it or.. maybe he is been beaten up and that microdot is not fully functional to get us Shyam’s location” 

“I won’t leave that man.. That lookalike.. I swear I would..” 

“No Aman.. .he is not just a lookalike.. He is one of us… He is…” Arnav swallowed. “He is Raunak Singh Raizada” 

Aman had no clue who that was. 

“What do you mean one of us?” 

“He is Shyam’s twin. He is a Royal.. Our brother” 

Aman felt like someone just hit him again by a rod on his head. 

“Brother? Twin? When did that happen?” 

“I don’t have time to tell you all this now. Raunak is dangerous and he is with Daadi and they have reached the safe house. Anjali’s GPS microdot is blinking on Raunak which means she got to know he wasn’t Shyam and hence she removed her GPS and stuck it on Raunak’s attire so that we should be able to track him. He managed to send Anjali and Payal to Ratan Malhotra’s house who is his partner in all these crimes. Ratan Malhotra has planned something big and nasty..” 

“Damn!!” Aman groaned. “Why don’t we arrest Malhotra?” 

“We will.. but not until we know what his plan is” 

“And what about the Prakash brothers? What if they flee? They are our evidence against Malhotra..” 

“They won’t flee. Angad is taking care of them. Raunak has webbed a well-played game. He has scattered us all so that we keep looking for each other and never reach him. Daadi is in danger Aman and we have to save her first” 

He gave further instructions to both Aman and Avni and then hung up. The Safe house location was only known to the members of the Raizada family. No servants, No guards and No security personals ever had an idea of that place. Raunak somehow must have got to know that the Royal wealth was in Safe house and Daadi was the only one who could lead him to that exact place. That’s why he must have taken Daadi along with him there. Arnav drove the car faster.. He was already on pursuit. He had to reach the Safe house before Raunak played his next cards. 

Today morning when the GPS trackers were given to every member, Arnav had given Daadi a small device which was a voice transmitter. Since Daadi was supposed to lead the women of the family to the safe house, he didn’t want to take chances. Daadi knew it very well and she made use of it timely. Ever since she became suspicious that Shyam was replaced, probably when he forced Anjali and Payal to leave for Ratan Malhotra’s house instead of the Safe house, Daadi had pressed the button to activate the voice recorder whose transmission feed got downloaded live on an App installed in Arnav’s phone. He could hear the conversation between Daadi and that lookalike… Arnav had immediately started for the Safe house and was listening to the conversation still. He realized Daadi was taking that lookalike through the basement maze at the same mirrored room. He was the only one so far who knew about that room, but never knew what was beyond those mirrors. When he heard Daadi asking that lookalike to open the door and see the red album, Arnav waited to know what it contained and then Daadi herself revealed the secret.. She probably showed him the picture of Shyam’s parents and the twins.. one Shyam and the other was this lookalike.. Raunak Singh Raizada. Arnav had never heard about him, never knew Shyam had a twin and why was he not with the family? Only Daadi would be able to connect those missing dots for them. 

When Avni called him, Arnav could reveal some of this information to Aman and told them what to do. Now he had finally reached the safe house. Poor guards of Raunak, they had no idea the Safe house had one more hidden entry which Arnav used tactfully to get into the safe house and rush to the basement to protect his Grandmother. 

To be Continued. 


Note: The past of Raunak Singh Raizada will be reveled in the next part.


Soul Laced - EBOOK @ 49


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Soul laced 

It is mostly said, we realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. But what if we get a chance to rekindle our relationship after crossing the barriers of life and death? Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What chances you have to fall in love with someone in your afterlife?

Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her after life. Is that true? Who is that mystery man? Read this Short Story to find it out.

Also Read: Excerpts 1  and Excerpts 2   and Excerpts 3 


  1. Oh God.. What a happening update Madhu...

    So Raunak Singh Raizada is Shyam's twin brother & a royal like the other Raizada brothers but he ain't intelligent & smart like them.. Even Anjali outsmarted him by transferring her GPS on him under the pretext of hugging him.. That was really a very smart & very helpful move from Anjali...

    Even dadi proved herself to be an intelligent matriarch of the family by trapping Raunak in his own game...

    Aur Arnav ka to kya kehna... He is the bestest & the smartest of all.. He had everything covered under his radar so that he can act immediately & correctly in such critical situations, of course with the help of Avni, Angad & his whole efficient security team... Just hope Anjali & Payal are safe...

    Excitedly waiting for Raunak's past revelation & for his face-off with his brothers.....

    Thanks for the mindblowing update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  2. Excellent update . Can't wait to read the next update plz post it tommorow.

  3. Awesome Interesting Update. Shyam and Raunak Singh Raizada are twins. Where was he all this years why he was kept apart from the family. So many questions. Anjali's father probably came to know about Raunak and thought to replace him with Shyam for his greedy intentions to get the Royal Wealth.Avni is so smart and the real asset of the Royal Family.Daadi knew everything beforehand. Anjali's doubt got raised and she caught duplicate Shyam with the unique statement.Poor Anjali don't know her father's truth.Anjali's dad didn't hesitate to replace Shyam with this duplicate just to get the Royal wealth. It's really unfortunate that all sadness lies Anjali's fate. Arnav seems to be unaware that Shyam has a twin.Next part is going to be very interesting with revelations. Thanks for the Update. Waiting for Yaadein😍😘

  4. Woww.. as suspected anjali get to know about duplicate.. and puta gps tracking device to duplicates dress...
    Bravo anjali.... game turned 💃💃💃interesting...

  5. Awesome update. The Raizada's and Daadi are really smart.

  6. Roller coaster ride.but why he not with them.Did he got kidnapped? Waiting....

  7. What a superb twist,now only Dadi can spill the beans about shyam's twin brother.

  8. Never underestimate Royal Raizada. Arnav is always one step ahead when it comes to his family. Anjali is a smart lady here unlike she was in Ipkknd. Anjali in the pretext of hugging stuck the GPS in Raunak. Eagerly waiting to know about this new character. No Arshi romance in today's Update but it was a thrilling one.👍

  9. Next part aaj hi mil sakta hai kya ya phir kal. Please please

  10. Next part aaj hi mil sakta hai kya ya phir kal. Please please

  11. I always knew Anjali will realize it's not Shyam and she is smart to handle it but I underestimated Dadi.... Ofcourse she is smart..she has the royal blood in her....

  12. When arnav know about shyam twin then why he didn't react when he saw his face in the video ? Also how come only dadi and arnav know about shyam twin ? When shyam himself didn't know about that ? Why raunak was kept away from raizada family till now ?

  13. Indeed a twin and he was not with the family? How! Hmm let's see. Cheers I hope everyone is safe!

  14. It’s amazing. But how did Raunak enter the palace amidst the tight security? Is there someone else other than prakash brothers to help him? However the Raunak was brought up it couldn’t be his fault to be separated from the family. As for the update he was separated from the family when he was a kid. Anyway waiting for the next chapter!

  15. Royals and their secrets. I feel bad for Anjali, how will she react when she comes to know that her father is behind all of this mess

  16. Very interesting update. Arnav had very well planned the whole issue awesomely.

  17. Superb update...loved the way arnav had planned things for everyone safety.. dadi n anjali smart woman..recognised he is not shyam n immediately did the needful..
    Eagerly looking forward

  18. Oh wow family secrets always start the fire

  19. Good update❤️ also wanted to know when will you update yaadein, kaafi yaad aa rhi h

  20. Very interesting update . I think shyams parents got divorced and his mother took ranouk with her .

  21. Wow awesome update.. hope Anjali see her father's truth also.. waiting for ranuak story

  22. superb update.... Anjali did a very smart move...loved it.. hope she and Payal are going to be safe in her father's house... will he harm them?... anyway the man is cruel Dadi....she will know everything.... (one doubt... I didn't understand..did Raunak knew he was Shyam's twin)
    Hope Arnav reaches there on time...

  23. Wow really an interesting update
    Anjali is also so smart like the way she used her gps tracker to stick on Runak it was brilliant
    And love the way Arnav made all plans that after so much of planning no one can harm any family mamber of Royals
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  24. Ufff , shyam twin ... why did he seperate?even arnav don't know twin ...All raizadas are very smart. Anjali found it,it's not shyam.poor girl.. hope payal and anjali safe in his father house
    Waiting for next update dear

  25. How did Arnav know it's raunak shyams twin while he hasn't met dadi yet after leaving the house?

  26. Amazing... Dadi is intelligent enough to know the truth... Mind blowing idea by Arnav

  27. Such an exciting and nail biting chapter. Dadi is one hellava intelligent woman.
