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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 64


Chapter 64

Safe House

“Big Brother” Raunak mocked as Arnav shielded Daadi from him. “What a timing!! I don’t understand if I should be praising your wits or pity your state because whatever happens, I am not leaving this place without the Royal wealth and killing this old lady here”

Arnav was offended by his choice of words.

“You are brainwashed by Ratan Malhotra, Raunak. Very soon you will know his reality and then mind my words, you will regret this”

“Regret?” Raunak laughed. “I have been regretting from my childhood for having a family who never wanted to own me”

“We didn’t disown you. Ratan Malhotra snatched you from us, kept you hidden” Arnav debated.

“Lies lies .. all lies” he screamed taking a gun out of his pocket and aimed at Arnav. 

Arnav became alert. 

“Raunak” Daadi shouted coming forward. “You want the wealth, take it. But spare my grandson’s life” 

Her words instilled more rage in Raunak’s eyes. He realized killing Subhadra Raizada wouldn’t satisfy him but snatching her grandson, especially this eldest one whom she loved beyond anything, would crumple her world. From his childhood when Ratan Malhotra had shown him pictures of the happy Royal family, his hatred for them had double folded. How could they enjoy their lives forgetting they had disowned him? And for all that, he held the matriarch of this family responsible for his solitude and wanted her to feel every tinge of pain he had faced all these years. 

When Arnav saw Raunak lost in some thoughts, he pounced on him to snatch the gun. 

“Arnav…” Daadi shouted in fear. 

The gun fell on the floor but before Arnav could take it, Raunak kicked him and attacked to get the gun from the floor. Arnav timely caught his leg and rolled him over. The two fought like enemies. Arnav Singh Raizada would never let him hurt anyone from his family. He would give his life to protect them. 


Malhotra House 

When Anjali and Payal reached the Malhotra house, they were told Ratan was out. Anjali settled Payal and looked for some way to contact Arnav or the other Raizada brothers. She knew her husband had been replaced which meant Shyam was in grave danger. She tried contacting Arnav first on his number but he didn’t answer. Least did she know that he was fighting in the Safe house with Raunak Singh Raizada. Akash’s number was not reachable and according to her, Aman was still at the Police Station. She couldn’t leave Payal alone here to look for her husband. Somebody had to be here with her. When all attempts failed, she barged in her father’s bedroom to look for some other clues to contact her father who had left his mobile phone at home in hurry of leaving somewhere. She recalled her father had a diary of his daily appointments with contact details of the people related to it. She could call them and check for her father’s whereabouts. She just hoped her father was not in some kind of a problem. 

She looked frantically for that diary in his closet when a picture from the side drawer fell down. She leaned to pick the photograph and sagged back on the chair behind. It was picture of her father… with Shyam… no.. it wasn’t Shyam. Those eyes were evil and she realized it had to be his lookalike. But what was her father and that lookalike doing together? Were they linked? How? 

“Anjali…” Payal shouted from the living room. Anjali immediately rushed down. Her father’s two strong bodyguards were trying to drag Payal out. 

“Hira” Anjali screamed in anger. “Where are you taking her? Leave her” 

Anjali reached there and pulled Payal away from these men. 

“Anjali Madam.. let us take her… she is the only way Sir can be set free. We can negotiate for your father’s release. Let us take her” 

“Release? What are you both talking? Where is Dad?” 

“He is arrested” the other one replied. 

Anjali was shocked. 

“These Raizadas tricked him and recorded his confession” 

“Confession? What confession?” 

The guards were unsure if they could speak about it to Anjali or not. All these years they had been loyal to Ratan Malhotra and covered all his tracks and his illegal work which Anjali wasn’t aware of. 

“What confession? Tell me” she shouted. 

“Sorry Ma’am. We cannot tell you that. Right now, only the abduction of a family member of Raizada could help us negotiate for your father’s release” 

When one of them again tried to reach Payal, Anjali slapped him hard. 

“Don’t you dare touch my sister. Leave this place before I get you both arrested too” 

The men didn’t move away. They had been too loyal so far to Ratan Malhotra to deceive him at the end moment. 

“Tie her up” one of them said to the other. “I will take Payal Raizada with me” 

“No” Anjali shouted blocking their way but the men were too quick. One of them grabbed payal again but before they could hurt either of the two, Avni and Aman reached there and punch the two men hard. 

“Avni…” Payal rushed to her whereas Aman rescued Anjali from the other guard. They had got the police along who arrested Ratan Malhotra’s loyal guards and dragged them away. 

“You okay Bhabhi?” Aman worryingly asked Anjali who was in a trauma right now. 

“Aman.. Shyam.. he is..” 

“He is safe” Aman acknowledged. 

“No.. he is been replaced.. The one in Shantivan with Daadi is his lookalike” 

Amna exhaled. 

“We know. Arnav informed us that. Hence we came here to ensure you and Payal Bhabhi are safe. And don’t worry about Shyam bhai. Akash has saved him too. They are on way to the Safe house where Raunak has taken Daadi. Arnav is also there.. We should go. Come on” 

He dragged Anjali along and Avni helped Payal to walk out. On the way they explained Anjali who that lookalike was and how her father Ratan had planned all this from years to revenge the Raizada Royals. The news of her father’s arrest and his illegal activities were already a shock for Anjali but the games he played with the Raizadas all these years didn’t go well with her. Now she could connect why her father always kept giving her hopes that someday she will become a mother, why he suddenly softened for Shyam when he so eagerly wanted her to divorce him. The mere thought of her father waiting to replace Shyam with his twin brother Raunak, irked her. 



When Khushi opened her eyes, she saw her mother crying alongside her bed. 

“Mumma” she whispered reaching out for her arm. Garima composed herself and quickly held her hand. 

“Khushi… how are you feeling now? The doctors told me you were conscious for some time when Arnav was here.. and then by the time I came to see you, you fainted” 

“I .. I am fine..” she swallowed with difficulty. “How. How is dad?” 

Garima hands trembled when Khushi asked her about Shashi. She was strictly told by the doctors to lie about his condition as Khushi herself wasn’t in a good state of mind. 

“he is fine.. The doctors said he will .. live” 

Khushi panicked seeing the expressions on her mother’s face. 

“You are lying to me Mumma.. Please don’t.. Tell me what the doctors said” 

“I am not lying” Garima looked away.. “You should rest. Do you need anything?” 

“Mumma” she gripped Garima’s hand. “How is he? Is he… going to… live or not?” 

Garima could no longer control her tears and she burst out crying. 

“I don’t know Khushi.. They don’t have a proper response yet.. He .. he is critical..” 

Tears gushed from Khushi’s eyes. 

“I want to see him..” she tried to get up. 

“No.. you cant. You are very weak.” 

“I want to see him” 

She kept struggling and when her cries became uncontrollable, Garima had to call for the Doctors and nurses. 

“I want to see my father” Khushi pushed away the nurses. 

They gave her another sedative to calm Khushi’s anxiety until she fell asleep again. 


Safe House 

Arnav and Raunak both fought like crazy. Arnav banged Raunak’s head to the wall and pressed him there forecefully. 

“Don’t do this Raunak.. You are figting the wrong side” Arnav growled in his ear. “You belong to our family.. no one disowned you.. You were fed with lies.. Give up” 

Raunak sprang his head back and Arnav toppled on the floor. Raunak took the opportunity to grab the Gun and was about to shoot Arnav but the police reached the place and was shot him. The gunshot literally echoed in the room and suddenly everything went silent. Subhadra Raizada collapsed as blood pooled her feet. Raunak dropped the gun whereas Arnav screamed aloud realizing Daadi saved Raunak from the Police and got shot on her arm. Raunak froze on the spot as the police arrested him. Why would she do that? Why did she save his life? He wasn’t going to spare the Raizada family and yet… yet this old woman saved his life.. Why? 

“Call an ambulance” Arnav screamed pulling his Daadi’s head on his lap. “Daadi.. please.. stay with me… The ambulance is coming.. stay with me.. please” he begged as the police dragged Raunak away. 



The Raizada family waited before the ICU where Daadi was getting operated. It had been two hours since she was brought here. When Shyam and Akash were on way for the safe house, Arnav informed him about Daadi been shot and they turned the wheels for the hospital instead. Aman, Avni, Anjali and Avni reached here after Daadi was taken for the operation. Anjali met her husband and cried her heart out but that wasn’t enough. She felt responsible for this entire tragedy because her father was involved. 

“Rani saheba… please don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault” 

He had tried to convince her that from past an hour but it didn’t work. No matter how much they ignored this fact, it wouldn’t change. 

Payal met her mother and insisted on seeing Shashi once who was still under observation in another ICU. Avni was holding her tears back because she had to give strength to Aman and others. Khushi had still no idea about Daadi’s condition. After an hour more, the doctors informed Daadi was out of danger. The bullet was removed and she was safe. But no one was allowed to see her yet… not until they shifted her to another private ward. 

Arnav heaved a sigh of relief. He was the only one who hadn’t spoken a word since the surgery had begun. Shyam hugged Akash and then Aman, rejoicing the fact that Daadi was okay. Then he reached Arnav and sat next to him. 

“Arnav…. She is going to be okay” he murmured giving him a side hug. 

Arnav was too stiff. 

“I saw her dying before my eyes Shyam.. She … she was pooled in blood..” Arnav’s voice stuttered. “I couldn’t imagine she leaving us all.. we need her…” 

“We do..” Shyam agreed. “We all do.. And she is going nowhere. We got her back” 

Akash and Aman joined them. 

“I can’t believe she put her life in danger for him…” Akash snapped. 

He was talking about Raunak. It was a shock to everyone that Daadi saved Raunak but somewhere each one of them understood she would do the same for any of her grandson. She loved them equally. 

“Mr. Raizada” a nurse hurried to Arnav. “Your wife is conscious again and she wants to see you..” 

Arnav looked at Shyam who assured him he would handle the situation here and that he could leave to his wife. As soon as Arnav stepped in the room, Khushi struggled on the bed to get up. 

“Don’t” Arnav reached and stopped Khushi from getting up. 

“Arnav.. Dad.. I want to see him.. Please…” 

Arnav nodded. Garima had told him a while ago that she spilled about Shashi’s critical condition to Khushi. 

“You are still not stable yet.. I cannot take the risk of taking you to the ICU to see him” 

“Please.” She pleaded and tears rolled down from her cheeks. “He is my father.. if he is.. he is critical.. I have to see him.. Please Arnav..” 

It undid him. He couldn’t let his wife suffer so much only to see her father. He informed the Doctor and took his permission. With the help of a nurse and Arnav, Khushi sat on the wheelchair which Arnav led to the ICU where Shashi was being treated. The moment Khushi saw her father with all those tubes and syringes connected, her heart sank. She touched her father’s lifeless fingers over the bed and kissed them. The next instant she sobbed bitterly. Arnav kneeled down beside her to calm her down. 

“He will be fine.. You have to trust God” he said. 

“He will be fine” she repeated with a nod. She then looked back at Shashi and spoke to him.. “Dad… I know you are listening me.. I just know” she swallowed her tears. “I want you to know me and Payal love you. We have missed you even though you were beside us. We want you forever with us Dad. I am not prepared to let you go. You don’t want to shower love upon us, don’t.. We will never insist you henceforth but please come back… come back for us.. for Mumma.. for Payal and me.. Please” 

Arnav gripped her shoulder to stop Khushi’s cries. She turned around and hugged him tight. A moment later, Arnav pulled her away and kissed on the top of her forehead 

“He will also see his grandchildren. I believe that” he replied cupping her jaw. 

Khushi knew he wasn’t talking only about Payal’s baby but their future children too. A weak smile crept her lips and hope filled her heart. Arnav placed her back on the wheelchair and wheeled her out. She needed rest and he had to check upon Daadi too. 

To be Continued


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?





“Aww. Your family truly looks complete” he mumbled putting the phone back on the table, but leaving the screen unlocked for Neil to see. 
Neil’s gaze fell on the picture. It was his father’s social media profile where he usually updated his personal pictures with his wife and now since Esha was part of their family, his father posted a picture with both his wife at one side and Esha at the other. The caption was way too interesting than the picture. 

‘With my love and my son’s arranged love’ 

Neil’s eyes were glued on the picture. His father was in his usual tuxedo, looked at least 5 years younger than he was. His mother was in a bottle green Gown, holding his father’s arm and Esha.. she was in an off-shoulder lavender dress hugging her curves like the dress was made just for her. Esha’s long black hair had curled loosely at the ends and they covered most of her creamy shoulders. The smile on her face came naturally and she looked happy posing with her in-laws. This was new!! Seemed like she was bonding well with his parents. Either she was a charmer or his parents were too kind hearted and guilty to shower so much affection on their daughter-in-law to cover up their fault of getting her married to their not-so-interested-in-marriage son. Nevertheless, the picture was ecstatic. 

“I should comment on it” Jatin snatched the phone from Neil who was still speechless. Words formed in his throat but he couldn’t articulate what he felt seeing that picture. He knew one thing for sure… this woman… Esha.. was not going to leave his side anytime soon. She was here to save her falling company, much to his dismay. But what shocked him was that his heart showed no signs of pushing her out either these days. As if it was slowly getting accustomed to this new entry in his life.



  1. Thank you for the update madhu. Since this story is coming to end which is the next story you will update ? When you give the synopsis about new story?
    Make raunak join the raizada family and live his life henceforth.
    Also please update yaadein precap

    1. Would you like to try a different storyline..vampire's love story.. Or a werewolf and his human mate's story.. Little dark and beautiful.. Just a stupid suggestion.. If you like..

  2. Awesome update....
    Make Raunak join Raizada family.....

  3. Awesome Update. Khushi heartwarming talk with Shashi is so emotional. Raunak has been fed lies. Hopefully he will join the Raizada family. Avni and Aman are the best. Daadi also got hurt in saving Raunak . Now hopefully his views on Raizada family will change. Waiting for Yaadein Precap😍😘

  4. Omg I'm sad that this story is coming to an end. Hope shashi lives and apologizes to his family.
    And I don't care what you do with raunak tho 🙃

  5. What a power-packed update Madhu...

    Blood is always thicker then water & dadi proved that to Raunak by saving his life risking her own.. Good that she is out of danger & so is Raunak out of the spell created by Malhotra since years...

    Hope Shashi Gupta too survives to live the rest of his life loving his wife, daughters & grandchildren...

    Thanks for the wonderful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  6. Love Khushi's character so much. Ratan Malhotra is disgusting. He poisoned Ratan's mind since childhood specially against Daadi. Arnav is the hero and I love the way he always sheild his family. Anjali came to know about her father's reality and saved Payal. Avni and Aman also came for rescue. Anjali won't forgive her dad. Arnav and Raunak got into an ugly fight and Daadi saved Raunak. Hope this can change Raunak's views on Raizada family and he will soon adjust with them. Khushi is safe though Shashi always ignore Khushi she always cares and love her dad. Her confession was so emotional and heartfelt. Arnav lightened her mood by talking about kids. Beautiful Update.💗

  7. U never fail to surprise us... Now that's called an beautiful update... Keep writing n give us interesting stories...

  8. Superb update...

    Tough night for them...
    Didi's act hope open Raunak eyes..
    Looking forward

  9. Poor daadi!! But I’m glad that she is okay. Khushis scene with her father is too emotional. She really missed her father and she is okay to have him in her life even if he didn’t love her. Good update sis! Thank you!!

  10. Di please don't end the story soon.Hard time for them.hope raunak understand that he has beed manipulated. Fabulous update

  11. I was also thinking to give this suggestion to madhu. If you can please write story on this concept. You are one of the best writer I have ever known. Keep writing.

  12. Awesome update. Daadi saved Raunak. Anjali's protectiveness towards Payal and her repentance towards the Raizada's for her father's deeds is really great. The entire Raizada's are reunited. She really loves and wants her Dad back.

  13. Beautiful update. All are saved. Waiting to see raunak reactions after seeing dadi saved him and that video clip.
    Shashi need to come back for khushi.
    Waiting for next update dear

  14. Lot of dramas in today's update. I didn't like Raunak entry in this story. Some other twist would have been seems unrealistic which usually I dont find in Madhu's story. It's not degrading. Just my opinion.

  15. Hey madhu epilogue of publicist is not in the index...pls provide some link so that I can access

    1. Hey.. Publicist epilogue is updated already in the link

    2. You mean you are unable to click on the link or this link is opening to a blank page? Try to copy the below link, paste in a browser and click enter. See if that works

    3. Yar all the chapters are there but not the epilogue

    4. I can see the Epilogue updated. Can you refresh the page and check once?

    5. I have already checked twice dear but can't have access to epilogue 🙄🙄

    6. Madhu please update yaadein precap

    7. I have reupdated the Epilogue of The Publicist on that same link. Check now. There are total 30 Parts and then the Epilogue.. all in the same page.

    8. Yes madhu now it's updated🤩🤩thanku😘😘😘

  16. Super interesting update. Dadi risk her life to show Ranuak how he’s important to her as grandson. Awesome 😎

  17. Very thrilling and awesome update

  18. I have a question to you. Why you always write stories about rich people.. Why always Arnav is so rich & powerful in your stories?I just asked this out of curiosity

    1. Arnav had his fathers money there..Though he didn't use it

    2. we can hear so many stories about poor and struggling lovers in real life . I don't like to read storys like that .

  19. Madhu if you're starting a new story try something like jiya jale jaan jale. It was too good

  20. Madhu tell me whether you will update precap of yaadien today ?

  21. Tough time for Raizadas and Guptas....hope everything will be alright.

  22. Plsss update yaadein madhu..

  23. It was a power pact and thrilling update 😰 its good that anajli herself got to know abt his father evil doings and wat he have done to raizads and she saved payal and thank god that avni and aman came at right time and arnav is such a hero and saviour of his family and all the other brothers too and dadi saved ranuak taking his bulet on her and now ranuak will understand that raizada never thought about him unwanted and they were not wrong ratan was wrong and cheated him and i hope khushi dad and dadi and khuhi get well soon 😘 ... Soo everything is sorted now all thank to khushi whi aaid arnav abt ratan manotara and all samart raizada brothers avni and angad because of them everything was Best and prefect 😍😘👌👌

  24. Amazing and beautiful update
    All are saved hope Shashi to soon get well
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  25. I think this amazing story is going to end soon . please write another royal story . I love Royal stories .

  26. Superb Update. Daadi saved Raunak. Anjali's protectiveness towards Payal and her repentance towards the Raizada's for her father's deeds is really great. The entire Raizada's are reunited. She really loves and wants her Dad back.
