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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 65



Chapter 65

The first word Subhadra Raizada uttered when she opened her eyes was Arnav. She insisted on seeing him and once the Doctors checked her vitals and confirmed she was stable, they allowed Arnav to meet her.

“Daadi” he reached her bed and gripped her hand. She had regained her full consciousness after 6 hours of the surgery.

“How is he?” she weakly enquired.

Arnav didn’t have to think hard to know whom she was asking about.

“You saved him” Arnav replied. “You didn’t have to put your life in danger Daadi. Do you realize what we all have been through in the past few hours? We all love you Daadi and each one of us is affected by your stunt.”

Daadi painfully stared at Arnav.

“Raunak is our family too. Your grandfather lost his life in that fire, I couldn’t save him. When I got this opportunity to save Raunak, how could I let it slip? He belongs to us. Please get him back in the family, Arnav. I know only you could do that” 
This was not his decision to make neither his brothers decided to interfere in Daadi’s verdict. They had mutually talked about Raunak’s future with them and if Daadi wanted the same, none of the Royal brothers had a problem with it. But this wasn’t so easy. Raunak was arrested just like Ratan Malhotra and all his goons who were involved in Akash’s abduction, Aman’s accident, Shyam’s almost murder and plotting to steal the Royal wealth. Angad had informed Arnav that Raunak was showed the video of Ratan Malhotra’s confession, so by now he might have realized he was working on the wrong side. Yet it was hard to just pull Raunak out because he was equally involved in each one of those crimes. And even if Arnav would still try to do this, would Raunak want the same? 

“I don’t know if he will accept us. Even if he does, we cannot trust him easily. All these years he has hated us Daadi. What if he doesn’t want to return to the family?” Arnav stated. 

Daadi’s eyes filled with tears and Arnav hated to admit it affected him bad. 

“I will try” he assured kissing her fingers. “I will get him back in the family.. Soon” 

He wiped her tears and then caressed her forehead to let her rest. 


Two days Later 

Arnav stayed in the room Khushi was shifted to from past two days and since she was stable now, while feeding her dinner, he narrated Khushi everything that happened in the Safe house. It was hard for her to absorb so many things together and she was worried for each and everyone in the family. So much transpired in these two days and her husband had stood, planned, fought together with his brothers and even succeeded. She was so proud of him. 

Arnav pushed away the food trolley and sat on the bed, beside Khushi holding her hand. 

“Daadi wants me to get Raunak in the family” he added. “I have promised her I will try but I don’t know if.. I would succeed” 

“She trusts you Arnav and if you ask me, I believe you are the only one who could make it possible” 

“I am losing patience” he growled. “Daadi is here.. you are here… Your father is still serious.. I don’t understand where I should focus on” 

“You don’t have to worry about me. I am already feeling good. Daadi is out of danger too and Dad.. We are all praying for him. I am confident God will hear our prayers and save him too” 

He weakly nodded and composed himself again. Anjali was staying tonight in the Private ICU with Daadi and Shyam decided to stay for Shashi Gupta in the hospital. Akash and Payal forced Garima to take a night off as she hadn’t stepped out of the hospital since Shashi was brought in here. They took Gairma to Shantivan along with them. The entire security had been changed at Shantivan by Angad and Avni to ensure there wasn’t any more threat to the family in that house. 

“I will check if everything is fine at Shantivan” 

Arnav was about to get up but Khushi gripped his arm. 

“You are not going anywhere now. It’s high time you get some rest. Aman and Akash will handle things at home and Angad is always there to look after the Police investigations for Raunak. Tonight.. you are mine.. I want you here with me” 

A faint smile after such a long time, crept on his lips again. 

“I am going nowhere” he promised placing a kiss on her forehead. 

Khushi moved aside to give him space. The bed was small but it could still accommodate them both, if not throughout the night then at least for few hours. Without arguing, Arnav leaned beside her and snuggled up on the bed beside his wife. 

“I missed your warmth” she inhaled as he pulled her closer. There was so much more she wanted from him at the moment and her hands reached every inch of his back as she hugged him. Arnav let out a throaty laugh to stop her ministrations. 

“We are at a hospital” he reminded. “This should wait” 

“Take me home” she urged meeting his eyes. 

“Tomorrow” he whispered pecking her lips once and they shut their eyes to get their share of sleep. 


It was a miracle that Shashi Gupta was out of Coma. He regained his conscious but was still very weak to respond. Garima was the only one who was allowed to see him first when he asked for her. He enquired for Khushi later to which Garima assured him she was safe and doing fine. Shashi was relieved to hear that. The police wanted to take his statement but the Doctors didn’t give them permission yet. This had to wait until he was fully conscious for his statement to be taken seriously. 

Whilst Arnav completed Khushi’s discharge from the hospital, Khushi met her father who was now shifted in a private room. He was wide awake. The moment she came in the room, tears moistened his eyes. He outstretched his arm to welcome her. The concern over his face was enough to prove he cared for his daughters. Khushi slowly made her way to his bed. 

“Hello Dad” 

“Khushi” he clutched her arm and made her sit next to him. 

“Thanks for coming to save me that day” she murmured with a heavy heart. That incident was so hard to forget. 

“How are you doing now Mr. Gupta?” Arnav stepped in the room. 

“Feeling better” he replied. “I was so close to death. But guess my time was still not up. I have so much to do.” 

Arnav stood behind his wife and watched Shashi Gupta caressing Khushi’s face. 

“I never realized my responsibilities towards you and Payal. I wasted my life in wishing for a son to take my legacy forward. Probably I would have been the same throughout my life but this one incident opened my eyes. My daughters were right before my eyes and I ignored them. Forgive me Khushi.. Forgive me for all my sins. I was never a good father but I will try to be one henceforth. Give me a chance” 

He literally begged to Khushi which she couldn’t tolerate. 

“Dad please don’t. You have realized your mistake and that’s all that matters for now. This incident has changed each one of us. We are all hurt, we are all healing and we will come out of it stronger” 

“Mr. Gupta” Arnav interrupted. “I am glad you acknowledged your mistakes but can you tell us how you got to know Khushi and Aman were in danger that night? It might help us with the investigation” 

Shashi was already informed a while ago by Garima about what happened when he was unconscious so far. He was happy to hear Ratan Malhotra was arrested and would be serving imprisonment hereon. 

“From past few days I noticed a difference in Ratan Malhotra’s behavior. He was absent for some important party meetings and those he attended; he was always distracted by phone calls. Earlier he never entertained phone calls in the meeting but recently that had changed. I was suspicious when he started distancing even from his guards to pick these calls and talk in private. That’s when I decided to spy on him. That’s how I found out he had a secret outhouse where he kept visiting frequently. Apart from his own security, he had also hired some professional thugs who stayed in that same house. I was sure he was planning something big” 

“Why didn’t you tell us anything about it before?” Arnav asked. 

“I didn’t have enough proofs against him. My sources traced that he was hiding someone in that outhouse from years. When I dug into this matter further, I got to know he was hiding Shyam’s twin. I was shocked. Very few people knew about Shyam’s twin and the fire that had consumed your grandfather and him. When I heard Ratan’s nasty plans of replacing Shyam by his twin, I knew Shyam’s life was in danger. I went back to that outhouse to find proofs about Raunak so that I could get it out before the Raizada Royals and in return I was going to ask for favors” 

Arnav sighed in disbelief. Shashi Gupta could never do anything without favors. 

“I was so selfish. I wanted to become CM and needed funding and party support which only Shyam and the Royals could give me. So, with that in mind, I went to the outhouse again. That’s when I heard Ratan’s plan with Raunak. He was brainwashing him against you Raizada Brothers. He wanted to hurt each and every member of your family. I was instantly alarmed. My conscience pricked me. Both my daughters were in that family. I could never build castles on their graves.. Never.!! Ratan’s plans opened a father’s eyes and I decided to do anything to safeguard my daughters.. Ratan had asked his men to track down Aman and Khushi who were supposed to fly to Mumbai that night. I knew what these people were capable of and despite my least interest in the family, I never could imagine my daughters being hurt and killed. That’s why I followed Aman and Khushi and blocked their vehicle. I wanted to save them but… I was late” 

He sobbed. Khushi caressed his back and made him lie down on the bed again. 

“It is never too late Dad. Whatever you did, shows, you love us” 

“No Khushi… You saved me. You could have run away from there and saved your own life but you stayed back for me. You took a bullet for me.. I … I will never forget that” 

Khushi wiped his tears. 

“You and Mumma would do the same for us.. I know.. That’s what family is for” Khushi replied getting up and gripped Arnav’s hand. “And if you still want to thank, then please thank Arnav because he is the one who taught me all that” 

Arnav was clueless why she said that. The pride in Khushi’s eyes sparkled her entire face. 

“Yes Arnav. I learnt it from you. I have seen you crossing every fear and fighting the evil to save your family. I have loved this trait in you” 

Arnav curled his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. 

“Mr. Gupta, you should rest now.. I am taking my wife home. We will come back tomorrow to see you” 

Shashi happily nodded. 

“Please tell Payal I want to see her too” Shashi stated. “I cannot believe I am going to be a 

grandfather. Isn’t it a tradition that the first pregnancy of a woman happens in her Mayka?” 

Garima shook her head in agreement. 

“Then after I am out of this hospital, we are going to shift Payal to our home for delivery I want to pamper my daughter. What do you think ASR?” 

“As long as you are not snatching my wife from me, I am okay” Arnav declared. 

Khushi gently hit his chest. 

“Dad. All Raizada Royals are very possessive of their partners” Khushi added. “I don’t think Akash will let Payal stay away from him” 

“But Khushi, Daadi is still recovering and if Payal stays with us, your mother can look after her” 

“Don’t be under the impression that we are short of people to keep a tab on Payal’s health in Shantivan” Khushi mentioned. 

“She is right. So much has already happened that we don’t want any of our family members to stay away. But of course, if Akash and Payal are okay with it, you can always take Payal for few days and pamper her as much as you like” 

“And what about me?” Khushi pouted. “Who will pamper me?” 

“I will do that sweetheart” he snugged her closer. “I have a lot of ideas in mind already” he whispered only for her ears. 

Khushi placed her palms over his chest to stop him from getting closer. They were not alone here. Bidding farewell to Guptas, Khushi met Daadi too before leaving for Shantivan. The doctors had planned Daadi’s discharge in two days which the whole family were eagerly waiting for. But before that happened, Arnav had a lot of work to do. As soon as he settled Khushi in Shantivan, he was ready to leave again.

“Someone had plans to pamper me but looks like I have to wait…” she bit her lip watching her husband get ready. He was changing his shirt. 

“That’s right” he reached the bed where she was lying down. “You are not getting down this bed until it’s absolutely necessary and even then, you won’t be leaving this room alone. Get some rest till I come back” 

Khushi frowned. 

“I thought we would spend some time together” she mumbled. 

Arnav stroked her cheeks and pecked her forehead. 

“You know I wouldn’t leave you alone if this wasn’t important. I have to..” 

“get Raunak back?” Khushi interrupted. 

Arnav was happy that she knew what his agenda was. He didn’t have to explain her at all. She could read his mind. 

“I don’t know how much soon I can make this happen but I want Daadi to see him in this house when she returns. Don’t have much time. Every minute counts” 

Khushi agreed. 

“Raunak has gone through injustice and he was tricked into doing these crimes. We had lost him years ago. We won’t lose him again” 

His thoughts doubled Khushi’s pride in him. She kept admiring him as he kept her medicines on the side table and checked the AC temperature in the room. He pulled the curtains close to darken the room so that she could get good sleep. Khushi watched each of his action. 

“I want our son to be like you” Khushi mentioned. 

The sudden mention of their SON tickled his insides. 

“Not just Handsome and drool worthy but patient and caring like you.. who dotes on his family and can keep the family bonded forever and protect them at every step” 

Arnav smiled reaching her again. 

“A daughter can do that too” he replied. 

Khushi pouted because now she sounded like her father. 

“How about a son and a daughter. The more babies.. the easier for them to divide their responsibilities towards this family” she winked. 

Her teasing was not helping him leave the room. As soon as he came closer, she pushed him away. 

“While I decide a count on the number of kids we can make, why don’t you go and get their Uncle Raunak home?” 

She was right. He had to hurry with that. 

“I need a count when I come back” he said drawing the duvet over her and left the room. Khushi giggled. Count? As if they were going to make a football team. 

To be Continued. 


Note: This FF will end in next two parts.


“What is wrong with you?” she snapped. “Why did you come here?” 

“Why not?” he shrugged.

She understood nothing.

“You should have been at work, attending meetings and conferences.”

“And you should have been home taking rest” he argued.

“I am done resting”

“And I am done working”


“I made it possible”

‘An unexpected tragedy has pulled the strings of the Royal Dynasty of Jodhpur, shocking everyone related to them. His highness, Jahaan Singh, the 28-year old heir of the Royal Singh family who was supposed to tie a knot with his childhood friend Princess Lalitha of Mevar, has mistakenly married a wrong woman. We are yet to find the details of the now Royal bride of the Singh Dynasty of Jodhpur who fell unconscious in the Prince’s arms within minutes of realization of this fiasco. Stay tuned for more updates on this Royally Wrecked Marriage’


It wasn’t that he was in LOVE with Actress Kashish Kapoor. In fact, he didn’t even believe in Love. He and Kashish had met face to face just once when Kashish was shooting for her movie in Mauritius. The media linked them together seeing them in one Hotel Room which was just by Mistake. The same room numbers were mistakenly communicated to both of them and hence they ended up in the same room together, giving the media a much needed gossip.  Kashish tried to clear off this rumor but Arjun always remained "SILENT" and this silence gave a way to the Media and Kashish Kapoor's Fans to think there was something brewing up between them.

The moment he reached the gates of Raj Mahal, he was also totally drenched in the rain. He saw a girl whose face was hidden by her hair, lying unconscious on the wet land. Maakhan was about to touch that girl to get her inside, but before that Shravan himself kneeled on the ground, held the girls hand and pulled her on his lap.


Crumpling the letter in the worst way possible, he slid down the glass pane of his car and threw the Letter out. He was hurt from inside. It’s said that hunting an Injured Lion is the most difficult task on earth. So was his case today. He was already injured enough for his enemies to hunt him down and clear their way. It was now his turn to show what it meant to Hurt him. His phone rang and he answered it checking the Caller Id. 

“Positive or Negative??” he asked roughly. 

“Positive. He has a Sister. In Mussourie” 

“Track her. I need her before my Sight within a day” he commanded.


You can also buy the Ebooks in Amazon at the same Price HERE 

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  1. Wow.. only two more parts? Sad this FF is ending but loved it so far.. please give us a hint of ur next ff

    1. Yes I am posting that sneak peek tonight or tomorrow pakka

    2. Madhu 1 request we want epilogue also of The Royal Fling

    3. Can you give us back to back update as it is going to end in two chapters

  2. Awesome Update. Last part Arshi talking about kids is so cute. Arnav never miss a chance to romance his wife. Khushi wants a son and Arnav wants a daughter. Hope Arshi's wish get fulfilled soon. Shashi Gupta is fine and completely changed glad that he realized his mistakes. It's nice to see his concern for Khushi. Ratan misguided Raunak. Loved Arnav's character for him family always comes first. Daadi loves Raunak so much. Hope Raunak will realize that. Daadi even lost her husband by saving Raunak. Khushi is the best daughter anyone can have. Shashi Gupta is really lucky.Shashi Gupta told about his suspicion and also spy on Ratan and came to know about Shyam's twin. Though he was greedy but after all he is a dad who loves his daughters though he never showed. Finally hope Raunak unites with the family and the To family became a happy family. Thanks for the Update..😍😘 Please give a Precap of Yaadein😍

  3. Finally madhu give a back to back update of Royal fling when you update this story next time . Now can you please give the precap of yaadien today ?

  4. Wonderful fabulous awesome update dear

  5. It was a nice journey with this fiction. Very similar to Raizada God's. Both the stories are too good. And in both the stories love Khushi's character. Waiting for the new journey which will be equally exciting. Shashi Gupta finally acknowledge his daughters and is excited to become a grandpa and wants to pamper Payal. Arnav and his possessive nature is admirable. Shashi loved his daughters but never realised it and finally asked for forgiveness. Now Raunak will understand his mistakes and hopefully will stay happily with the family. Though can't blame him as Ratan brainwashed him. Will miss this beautiful story a lot ❤️.

  6. Finally Shashi realised the worth of his daughters & his responsibility as a father towards them... Khushi got her father's love after yearning for it all her childhood...

    Arnav is indeed an amazing grandson, a brother, a husband, a son in law & would definitely make an even more amazing father...

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. Nice one... I didn't realise that this FF is going to end soon. I feel it's just started some days ago... Waiting for ur sneak peak of ur next FF... And also about the yaadein precap...

  8. Beautiful update.... feeling like this FF was just started and is going to end. Loved the chat between Arshi about kids

  9. It was amazing as usual. Glad that Shashi realized the value of his daughters. Thank you for the update!!

  10. Wonderful update. Things are settling down in the Raizada’s family. That’s nice ☺️

  11. Madhu will you precap or next FF synopsis today ?

  12. This story came to end ,last two parts are there.going to miss this ff.I really don't want this ff to end soon.awesome update

  13. Beautiful update...i can't believe that it's going to end........i will really miss it

  14. Awesome part of an awesome ff ...will going to miss this ff so much ..but equally waiting for a new one .Madhu di can you plz bring third season of RABBA ISHQ NA HOVE ? Plz it was too special. Anyway thank you .

    1. Posted Prologue for New FF: You Ought to be Mine Season 3 dear. Maybe in future can come up with Rabba Ishq naa hove 3 too :)

    2. No problem madhu di ..all your stories are swesome .Thanks for the reply .

  15. Awesome update.. glad Shashi realized his mistake

  16. Sad that it's gonna end soon ....but again very happy for the new one 😍....i was always attracted to your FFS's like a drug to me.....ur Ff helped me a lot madhu dhii... thanks for these lovely stories

  17. This chapter will always be the most cutest one for me..... You seriously are bundle of talent Madhu..... I have never heard or seen someone with such a great vision in storylines.....

  18. Awesome update. Loved the way that they all are loving and bonding with each other so well. Their chemistry is amazing. Father's are always the best. This is one of my favorite stories.

  19. We all want EPILOGUE OF THE ROYAL FLING madhu..if all are agree with me pls keep pestering madhu😜😜😜

  20. Beautiful update...totally loved the way arnav is n the way he took care of everything...loved khushi n his relationship

  21. Superb Update. Loved the way that they all are loving and bonding with each other so well. Their chemistry is amazing. Father's are always the best. This is one of my favorite stories.
