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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 66



Chapter 66

When life decides to teach you a lesson, no matter how far you run, you still end up in dark. Raunak Singh Raizada felt the same today. All these years he blindly believed every word that came from Ratan Malhotra’s mouth. He never cross questioned Ratan, never doubted his intentions and today after learning the truth, all that belief he had on that fatherly figure crushed down so hard that Raunak found it difficult to believe in his own self. The only person he believed so far cheated and destroyed him in uncountable ways.

He was in a prison from past 2 days and recollecting his mistakes. He knew the Raizadas would never forgive him because once again, he was responsible for their family member’s pain and this time.. the eldest one – Daadi. She gave him a new life but was he even worth it? The cracking sound of the door, broke his stance and Arnav Singh Raizada stepped in the prison room. The grief in Raunak’s eyes didn’t go unnoticed by him. 

“You shouldn’t have come here” Raunak stated. “A place like this is not meant for Royals like you”

“My family says I am very stubborn. When I decide I want to do something, time or place doesn’t matter”

“Then you must be here to gloat on my misery”

“I came here to take you out from this misery. To give your life a new direction because that’s what brothers would do for each other”

Arnav Singh Raizada’s reply stunned him. Raunak got speechless.

“Daadi and the family wants you back. If we had any idea you were alive, this conversation would have happened much before. You would be home much before”

Raunak was raged.

“That’s not you. Arnav Singh Raizada and so kind? When did that happen?”

“Having a family changes every person Raunak. I am a changed man and I don’t know what you were told about us but if you step in your family again, you can judge it yourself”

Raunak went quiet for a long period. Arnav stood before him and placed his arm on Raunak’s shoulders.

“We have fought to prove our sides.. Let’s fight to keep the family together now”

His words undid Raunak and tears moistened his eyes.

“I am not worth coming back. I have hurt you all”

“We all have hurt each other many a times. Trust me when I say, you are no different. It’s just that we never thought of killing each other. You did!!”

“No” he growled. “I didn’t want you dead. Neither of you. All I wanted was to hurt you brothers as I envied you. Aman’s accident was not my idea. I didn’t even know it until Ratan Malhotra had executed it. Akash’s abduction, yes. I was part of it but we thought Shyam would come to save his brother so that I could swap myself and make an entry in the family to find the Royal Wealth. But you came to save Akash instead of Shyam and my plan failed. Also believe me when I say, I had no intentions of killing Shyam. Ratan had promised to lock him up until my revenge is fulfilled. Least did I know he even planned to plant me in Anjali’s life to fulfil her wish of a child. That… that man is so cheap”

Arnav’s expressions softened.

“I don’t know if you will believe me Arnav. And even if you don’t, it won’t be your fault. I have given you enough reasons not to trust me”

“I trust you” Arnav replied. “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t. Tonight, we are going back to Shantivan together. That’s a promise”

The smirk on Arnav’s face was enough for Raunak to realize how much prepared Arnav was to bring him out of this Prison.


After speaking to Raunak, Arnav sat before the Police Commissioner with the Bail orders of his brother.

“Mr. Raizada, are you sure about this. We cannot let a criminal out only because he is a Royal” the Police Commissioner stated.

Arnav was at the Police Station with a set of Lawyers to Bail out Raunak Singh Raizada.

“This was a personal revenge Commissioner; he had no other motives. And besides he is clean so far in every Police record. He has no linkups with other illegal activities of Ratan Malhotra”

“How can you be so sure about that? We haven’t even finished the investigation yet”

“That’s because my sources have already finished the investigation” he proudly declared. “He is a Royal, part of my family. You think I will wait for the Police to prove his innocence? Never! I am always one step ahead when the matter is related to, we Raizada Royals”

He turned to his lawyer who passed a file to him.

“That’s all the proofs you need which confirms Raunak was not involved in any other crimes done by Ratan Malhotra. He is clean. He was brainwashed and fed with lies by Malhotra which aggravated him to revenge us. So, we Royals are not going to press any charges against what he did so far to the family”

“Aman Singh Raizada’s accident? Akash Singh Raizada’s abduction and almost murder of Shyam Singh Raizada” the Commissioner listed out. “You are not bothered he was involved in all these crimes?”

“No. We want him out. Now!!! Aman, Akash and Shyam have signed the No objection certificate to bail Raunak. My Lawyers will prove his innocence in the court during the trial based on the all the proofs we have collected so far”

The Commissioner accepted the Bail orders of Raunak and informed his staff to release him. That’s when Anjali Singh Raizada entered the room. Arnav had no clue she would be coming here. She had just met her father in the Prison to break all her ties with him.

“Anjali?” he stood up.

“I had come here to meet my father” she informed keeping a stern look on her face. “And to put an additional complaint on him”

Now Arnav was confused.

“He has killed my husband’s grandfather” she added. “Abducted and brainwashed my husband’s twin. He even… even planted to kill my husband and replace him with…” tears sprung in her eyes. “He is evil and such a man cannot be my father”

That was true and the Royal brothers had decided to put a Complaint on him soon but they mutually decided to wait until Shyam speaks to Anjali and prepares her for the same. After all, Ratan Malhotra was still her father.

“Did Shyam talk to you” Arnav asked her.

“I don’t need my husband to tell me this Arnav. My father is a killer and he deserves to be punished. I am happy that you brothers waited for my approval. But you don’t need to. Whatever my father has done to the Royals cannot earn him even my forgiveness”

At that moment, Arnav could see the unity in his family.. not just between the brothers but between each and every one who were part of it.



That night Arnav returned home with Anjali and Raunak Singh Raizada who was still hesitant to put his foot in that house. But the brothers were too kind and warm to welcome him home, forgiving him for all that happened. When Shyam met Raunak face to face, he couldn’t believe himself.

“We .. are … we are so similar” he said admiring Raunak. “Wish we hadn’t separated brother”

“I wished the same” Raunak hugged Shyam and then turned to Anjali. “Your wife is intelligent. She was the first one to recognize I wasn’t you.. That’s why Arnav tracked me in the safe house, if I am correct”

Shyam proudly pulled Anjali to him.

“I am always proud of her” Shyam kissed her hair.

Aman and Akash then introduced Avni and Payal to Raunak.

“Where is my eldest Bhabhi? I heard Ratan Malhotra shot her and Shashi Gupta.”

Arnav swallowed recalling that moment when he got to know Khushi was hit and in the hospital.

“She is resting in the room” Payal replied. “And.. Dad is recovering”

“You will meet Khushi tomorrow morning” Arnav assured.

“No problem. But I want to see Daadi first”

“We are getting home tomorrow so let us surprise her when she comes. She will be happy seeing you in the house” Arnav replied. The brothers now anxiously waited for the next morning for Daadi to return.


When Arnav returned to his room, it was dark and he could hear the soft snores of his wife who was sleeping on the bed. He quickly changed, showered and joined beside her. He snuggled her closer and ensured not to touch her injured arm which was bandaged heavily.

“You back?” she whispered cuddling his chest.

“I am baby” he kissed her forehead.


“He is home”

Khushi smiled opening her eyes.

“I am sorry I couldn’t come down to greet him”

“You can do that tomorrow”

Khushi sighed in disappointment.

“It’s weird. Being the eldest bride, I should have been there. This is why I feel…”

Arnav shut her lips placing his finger on it.

“You are perfect… You are enough for me.. and this family knows you are thoroughly capable to be the eldest bride of this house. Don’t underestimate yourself.”

His love coated words filled her heart with warmth again.

“Do you remember, we left our conversation in the middle? About babies?”

Arnav let out a soft chuckle and they continued discussing their future plans.

“I love my work and I have too many projects lined up right now but by the end of two years, I am going to slow down a bit. Let’s plan our baby then”

Arnav grinned admiring her seriousness.

“I am serious Mr. Royal Singh Raizada. Stop grinning” she hit his chest softly.

“Sorry.. So, do you mean I have got my wife all for myself only for two years and then I will have to share her with our babies?”

“Yes” she smiled coyly.

“Then let’s make the most of these two years” he grunted biting her earlobe. Khushi giggled when he placed kisses all over her face and neck. He was careful with her arm but that didn’t stop them from making love tonight. It felt like ages being so close to each other again and in their own little world.


Next Day

Shyam and Arnav got Daadi back home from the Hospital and she had no idea Raunak was home. Khushi circled the Puja thali with Anjali’s help to welcome Daadi again and then they passed the Thali to Raunak who wished to do the same. Seeing him in the family brought fresh tears in Daadi’s eyes. Circling the Thali when Raunak touched her feet to take her blessings, Daadi scooped him in her embrace.

“I am so glad you chose us… you came back to us..”

She placed a kiss on his forehead and the family led her inside.

“Daadi, now since our family is finally complete, that’s calls for a celebration” Aman declared.

“Our family is still not complete” Daadi gestured Avni to come to her. As soon as Avni stood beside Daadi, she announced further. “The next celebration to happen in Shantivan will be Aman and Avni’s marriage. Once I am done with you both, my focus will be to find a perfect bride for Raunak too”

Raunak stiffened. Bride for him? Everyone rejoiced the idea. Aman hugged Daadi and showered few kisses to her.

“You are great old lady”

He earned a hard pat on his back for calling her old lady. Daadi had already talked to Avni’s father on phone and requested him to come back. This weekend they planned to get the two engaged and also introduce Raunak’s come back to their relatives and friends.

The Raizada ladies secluded to discuss about the engagement preps. Khushi decided to take care of Avni’s shopping. Payal and Anjali teamed up for looking after the necessities of the rituals. It was decided after the engagement, Khushi, Aman and Arnav would leave for Mumbai to complete the Web series shoot and Avni would be visiting them once every week. Payal and Anjali would look after the household affairs and Daadi’s health along with the rest of the Raizadas brothers.

Daadi watched the women discuss, from the couch where she sat with her eldest grandson Arnav. A contended smile crossed her face.

“It’s overwhelming to see them bonding so well” she exclaimed. “Seeing Anjali’s participation in the household activities, Payal’s enthusiasm in assisting her despite her pregnancy, Khushi’s responsible attitude towards the family and Avni’s ways of protecting this house.. each of them is perfect to be wives of my Royal grandsons”

Arnav proudly glanced at the women and then back to Daadi.

“Now I wish Raunak also settles down in the coming years”

“He will” Arnav assured. “I know he has missed a lot all these years but he will regain. Let him take his time. Don’t pressurize him for anything”

Daadi agreed to Arnav’s advice.

“I suggested him to see a psychologist tomorrow. He has undergone so much from his childhood that he needs some positivity now” he added.

“My grandson is not insane. Why does he need a Psychologist when he has his brothers and Daadi to share his concerns? His pain?”

“Daadi..” Arnav held her arm. “He might not be comfortable to share his problems with us.. he could do that easily with an outsider. It works that way.. And I am not saying we are not here for him. We will always be there”

“Has he agreed?”

“Yes. I think he wants the same. He has an appointment fixed tomorrow with the best Doctor in this City – Dr. Lavanya Kshyap. She has handled such cases and has very good reputation amongst her clients. I think she is perfect to treat Raunak”

Daadi sighed in disbelief. She wasn’t against the idea if Raunak wanted the same. Who knew this might really help Raunak Singh Raizada for building up his future again?

Arnav checked his watch and excused from Daadi. He strode to his wife who was giggling with Payal, Avni and Anjali about something.

“Time to change your bandages sweetheart” he informed.

Whilst the other three women held their smiles, Khushi’s blush was all over her face. Arnav’s caring methods were out of charts these days. He led her back to their room.

“What is it with these Raizada Royals? Only when we decide who is the most romantic among them, our opinions change the next instant” Anjali muttered.

“You are right” Avni added. “Each one of them might be different from the other but their romanticism and possessiveness is the same. They love their partners too much to care for anything else”

“I am jealous” Payal pouted. “Akash is afraid to even touch me these days seeing the baby bump”

Another set of laughter followed between them.

“I think that’s cute though. He looks after me as if I am an Angel going to grant him the most precious gift in the world” Payal continued.

“That reminds me of the IVF center Khushi recommended” Anjali interjected. “Me and Shyam are planning to visit it soon and get this started. I am already getting positive vibes things will work out for us”

“It will” Payal and Avni placed their hands over Anjali’s to assure her.

To be Continued. 


Note: Next Part will be the last for this FF and You Ought to be Mine Season 3 will replace it.  I will post the next part tomorrow only. 



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  1. nice! happily ever after.
    So lavanaya and raunak .............. nice

  2. wow .superb . so nice family bonding /

  3. Awesome Update. Lavanya is the new entry for Raunak. Hope Anjali soon become a mother. Avni and Aman are going to get married Raunak realized his mistakes he shouldn't have trusted Ratan Malhotra . His realisation is enough to prove he has changed. Daadi gave him a new life hope he would use it in good purpose. Arnav is the best an ideal family man he made Raunak understand. Raunak was misguided he didn't do anything willingly. Arnav showed his trust on Raunak. Anjali is a strong woman who stood for right by going against her dad. Raunak and Shyam meeting was emotional. Khushi Arnav's moments were cute. Khushi has become so responsible being the elder bahu . Arshi planned baby after 2 years. Avni and Aman are going to get married. Everything is falling in place finally. Thanks for the Update����. Little sad this fiction is going to end��

  4. Beautiful story. Finally Royals are a big happy family. Lavanya is going to be new entry for Raunak. Will miss this story specially Arshi . Looking forward to the new story too 😊. Please give a precap of Yaadein ❤️.

  5. It's awesome story and finally it come to end. I'll miss this story for sure.

  6. So lavanya is for Raunak....hmmm... Well I really loved this story... The love...the care... The brothers... Family bond... Everything is awesome

  7. Raizada family is united and each of them have a happily ever after!!! It’s so lovely. Khushi might be the eldest daughter in law but she must be the youngest from others, yet she managed to take the responsibility of that huge mansion. Proud of her!! Lovely update!! Thank you sister!! ❤️❤️

  8. Awesome madhu😘😘 1 request madhu pls we want epilogue pretty plssssss😊😊😊😊😊

  9. So its lavanya and raunak. Madhu please give epilogue to it . Will not feel this story is complete without raizada children

  10. Awesome update.. all United and happy life after

  11. Fabulous update 👍👍 everything settled well in raizada’s family. Awesome 👏👏

  12. Everything is settle, anjali very lovely wish she get her baby soon .
    Wonderful story
    Waiting for next update dear

  13. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav replied to Raunak. Anjali's way of handling her father's matter is really commendable. Daadi is contented with her family members. The Raizada Royal Bride's are like sisters.

  14. Awesome story. It took me a little while to warm to it but in the end i loved it

  15. Madhu could you please also give a precap for yaadein today or tomorrow? We have a day more to wait so like a little something while we wait. Please?!

  16. Please give us epilogue of this ff atleast you didn't even give epilogue for he loves me not.Ending with kids will give the story even more beautiful ending. Please please please

  17. Awesome... Finally everything is well with the royal family. Their family is complete now. And is there a chance that Lavanya be Raunaks's pair??? And it was a wonderful royal journey throughout..... Thanks dear for this wonderful story....

  18. Lavanya & Raunak... Good... Lovely one... So far too good but too bad that it's finished...

  19. Everything is settled and now I think Lavanya for Raunak.

  20. Superb....
    Loved the way arnav got R back..

    All DILs working together is beautiful.

  21. Beautiful update loved it too much
    Glad that Runakis going to get his partner in Lavanya
    Waiting for last part eagerly

  22. Just love this story
    Sad it's ending. Awesome update

  23. Superb Update. Loved the way Arnav replied to Raunak. Anjali's way of handling her father's matter is really commendable. Daadi is contented with her family members. The Raizada Royal Bride's are like sisters.
