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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 16


Chapter 16


A 55-year old woman sat on the brown leather chair, behind the huge desk with lots of papers and files. The moment she saw Khushi, her jaw tightened.

“Hello Mrs. Jha” Shashi greeted getting inside the cabin.

“Shashiji.. how are you doing?” she faked a smile. “What brings you in this hospital after so many years?”

Khushi kept her eyes glued on her. She had seen this woman before and tried hard to recollect but nothing flashed.

“I didn’t know your daughter is back” Shanti muttered giving a cold stare to Khushi. “What about her memories? Any luck with that?”

“In process” Khushi answered.

“I see” Shanti smiled. “Please sit. What will you have? Tea or coffee?”

“I will have those CCTV footages Mrs. Jha” replied Khushi with a no-nonsense attitude. “The ones which captured my accident”

“Oh” she smiled. “But your husband had already seen those. Wait” she paused. “Is he still your husband? Or have you divorced?” 

The way she talked gave negative vibes to Khushi but she knew how to handle such people. 

“Well, that’s our personal matter Mrs. Jha. I would request you to show me the footage please” 

“You won’t get them” she snapped but the next instant lowered her tone. “I mean, it’s been quite some time now. We don’t save the footages that old. You won’t find anything in them even if we had them” 

Khushi gritted her teeth. 

“This is a hospital Mrs. Jha. When you can maintain the old records of your patients that visits this place, I am sure you must have some backup copies of those footages too somewhere” 

“No, we don’t” she stuck to her point. “Maintaining patient records and CCTV footages are two different things Khushi. You won’t understand” 

“Oh, I would” Khushi debated. “I run a billion-dollar company with my father. I know what stays and what goes in the bin Mrs. Jha. Please don’t argue on that point. Where do you store all the archives of those footages? I need to check that room myself” 

Now Shanti was pissed. She leaned back on her chair; her smile gone. 

“This is my hospital. I won’t let anyone come in here and search this place. Shashiji… please make your daughter understand and if you don’t mind, I have work to do. So, can you please leave” 

“Fine” Khushi got up. “Next time I come here will be with a search warrant. Let’s go dad” 

Shashi was impressed with the way Khushi handled the situation. 

“Search warrant?” Shanti frowned. “As if we are criminals” she mocked. “We give people lives here Khushi. Don’t make it complicated for yourself by digging old graves. It will give you nothing” 

“Closure.. It will give me a closure Mrs. Jha. And I have every right to get that” 

Shanti was speechless. 

“Think again. You have time till tomorrow morning. If you don’t let me search the footages here, I will have to go to the police and open a fresh case of negligence to get a search warrant. Choice is yours” 

That was one threat Shanti Jha never thought she would have to fear about. Khushi strode out of the room. 

“I suggest you think carefully about this Shantiji.. My daughter is no longer that silly girl she used to be once. If she decides something now, she does it. Have a good day” Shashi said before leaving the cabin. 

Khushi leaned at the car door. She was so upset this meet didn’t go well. 

“She is definitely hiding something” Khushi muttered. 

“Maybe. But like I said, Arnav has seen those footages already” 

“Have you?” Khushi groaned. 

“I didn’t” he sighed. “I was so much disturbed during that time. You were in coma… You had to undergo surgery and when you woke up your memories were gone. Amidst all this, I never had time or that mindset to know what really happened that day.” 

Khushi banged her fist on the car door. 

“I think you should ask Arnav. Maybe he will tell you about the footages he saw. But Khushi I personally feel watching those tapes again will prove nothing. You never wanted the child. You had asked me to book the flight tickets to US where you planned to head after delivery. You were ready to give the baby to Arnav and leave. You had plans.. and none of those involved Arnav and Aarav” 

Tears welled in her eyes as she heard that. 

“Every second counts Dad. One second is enough to change decisions. Who knows after holding Aarav in my hands for the first time, I might have changed my mind?” 

“But that one second doesn’t count for all those months when you didn’t want the child. Arnav has seen you denying that responsibility more than willing to accept it.” 

Yes. She knows now. Even if the footage prove she was safeguarding Aarav from some danger or that she had changed her mind about the baby then, it was hard to make Arnav Singh Raizada believe. That man had suffered. She lost her memories but Arnav was still living in those. The past still haunted him and this could be one of the reasons why he never moved on. Now since she was back, he wanted a divorce but he still showed no signs of moving on. Even if he married to some other woman in future, he would do it solely for Aarav, not for himself. And it was this trait of his… this pain of his which she could connect to. The respect she had in her heart for Arnav Singh Raizada doubled, tripled and multiplied every single second whenever she thought about him. He was a gem to bear all this alone and raise their child with so much love and affection. She would always be thankful to him. 



“Mom, where had you been?” Aarav hugged Khushi the moment she entered the living room. He was sitting with Ayush who assisted him in doing some homework. His school holidays were going to end in two weeks after all. 

“I had some work Aarav” 

“You said you will spend the whole time with me. Why did you go to work then?” he argued. 

“It was important too. But I promise will let you know when I go out for some time. Happy?” 

Aarav nodded and allowed her to cuddle him on her lap. 

“I will get his homework done Uncle. You can leave for Office” 

“Oh great. I have to leave for a conference as Arnav is working from home today” 

Ayush hurried to his room. Arnav was working from home? Why? Where was he now? 

Just after Ayush had left, Hari Prakash informed Sheetal was here. 

“Sheetal…” Aarav screamed happily. Khushi who was still on the couch, next to Aarav tried to remember who she was. Soon she recalled recently Arnav was dinning with Sheetal and Aarav when she had been on a date with Tanmay. And she was also the one who was there with Aarav in the fair where he met with the accident. 

“Hey Aarav” Sheetal quickly gave him a hug and kiss. “See what I got for you. Sugar free chocolates” 

“My favorite” Aarav took it and thanked her with a kiss. 

Khushi got up from the couch and made her way to them. 

“Hi..” she smiled at Sheetal who didn’t look much impressed seeing her in this house. 

“Hello. Where is Arnav?” 

“He is upstairs. You work in his office right?” Khushi asked. 

“Yes. I closely work with him on important projects” 

The word ‘closely’ didn’t go well with Khushi. 

“So its work that got you here?” Khushi queried. 

“Work too” she nodded. “But seeing Aarav was my priority” 

“I see. Please come” 

“I will go meet him first” Sheetal urged. 

“I will call him down” Khushi insisted. She just couldn’t handle Arnav meeting a woman in his bedroom.. THEIR bedroom. 

“Sure” Sheetal tightened her jaw. 

“Hari Prakash” Khushi called. “Go inform Arnav that Sheetal is here to see him” 


Hari Prakash left and Khushi took Aarav on her lap. He was eating the chocolates. 

“You should offer her too” Khushi said to Aarav who immediately passed one piece to Sheetal who politely denied. 

“No sweetheart. That’s for you. Have it all” 

“Mom, these are yum” Aarav fed Khushi instead. The chocolates were indeed mouth-watering. 

“Nice chocolates” Khushi stated looking at Sheetal who was busy observing the two. 

Arnav came down in few minutes and Sheetal quickly rose to her feet. 


“Hi. You got those files?” he asked. 

“I did. But we also have to discuss the report” 

“Oh yes. I do remember. Please come” 

“How’s your headache?” Sheetal asked making way to him. 


He led Sheetal to the drawing room where they could discuss and then informed Hari Prakash to send two coffees. A flash of irritation made Khushi frown as the two disappeared from her sight. He had a headache and she didn’t even know? He could tell that to Sheetal who was at his office, but not his wife who was just a room away? Wife

Almost 15 minutes later, Khushi stepped in the drawing room with a tray. Arnav was startled to see her bringing coffees for them. 

“Where is Hari Prakash?” his tone was dangerous. 

“He is chopping veggies” she placed the tray over the table and was about to serve when Sheetal stopped her. 

“I will take it from here” Sheetal said pulling the tray from her. “I know what type of Coffee Arnav prefers” 

Khushi’s eyes fixed on her husband who didn’t budge from there. As if he was okay to let Sheetal make him the coffee. She felt like an idiot standing there and intruding her husband who was least interested in her. She was about to leave when something changed in Arnav’s behavior. 

“Let Khushi make it Sheetal. You focus on the report” he said keeping his eyes glued on her. 

The expressions on Khushi’s face altered and she quickly sat on the side couch to make coffees for them. While Sheetal disliked what Arnav just did, she obeyed his orders. Arnav hadn’t taken his eyes off Khushi. Making coffee for him was like her favorite task today, she looked that happy. He watched her putting two sugar free tablets in the mug just like he always preferred and stirred it. He took the cup when she offered whereas Sheetal picked hers. 

“I am out if you guys need anything” Khushi said carrying the tray again. Arnav gave a gentle nod and she left. The moment she reached out, Khushi jumped in joy and hugged the tray like it was the best moment of her life. She had no clue Arnav Singh Raizada was still watching her. A ghost of smile broke on Arnav’s lips seeing her react that way. So.. childish… so cute… Damn!! He shut his eyes to stop his mind from going in that direction. 

“Arnav.. is this good?” Sheetal interrupted his thoughts showing him the laptop screen. He blankly nodded and continued with the discussion. He had to get a grip on his mind before he loses it again


Khushi entered the kitchen to check if the veggies were chopped. Everything was arranged neatly there and demanded her presence. 

“Good work HP. Now you can go do other work, I will take care of this” 

HP followed her instructions. She heard the sound of TV played in the living room. 

“Aarav.. do your homework and turn that TV off before I come there” she shouted from the kitchen, holding her giggle. She so tried to sound intimidating but couldn’t. 

“Done Mom” Aarav quickly put off the TV and continued doing the Homework. Arnav and Sheetal were out by that time and witnessed this scene. 

“He looks happy now” Sheetal’s tone was complaining. “Is she going to be here for… ever?” 

Arnav didn’t reply. 

“Have you both reconciled?” 

“I will see you tomorrow at office. Ask Aman to get the reports printed and ready” 

It was evident Arnav didn’t want to discuss this with her. Frustration piled up in her mind as she walked out. 

“Dad.. can you help me with this?” Aarav called Arnav who was more than willing to help his son. He sorted out Aarav’s problem in Maths and then made his way to the kitchen where he heard Khushi humming. She was singing a song.. a happy one… full of love… He stood at the door, watching her back. She swayed her hips as she stirred something in the pot over the gas burner. A delicious mouthwatering aroma spread in the room and he couldn’t resist knowing what was being cooked. 

“What are you doing in here?” his tone was still rough. She turned around and a smile lingered on her face. 

“I am allowed in the kitchen” 

“Why are you cooking? Where are the Chefs?” 

“I gave them an off” 

“With whose permission?” 

Now that depressed her. She had no rights to do that. This was his house.. his family.. his chefs.. 

“Sorry.. I should have asked you but…you were busy working and I so wished to cook today. I will not do it henceforth” 

Arnav’s expressions were unreadable. She had never apologized for such small things before. Argument and debating were her weapons unlike today. 

“Don’t screw the food. That’s all” 

He was about to leave. 

“I met Mrs. Shanti Jha today” 

Arnav froze but turned too quickly. Her breath caught by his wild and dangerous stare. He looked displeased by her actions. 

“I wanted to check those CCTV tapes myself but she denied to show them. I…” 

“I have seen them already. There’s nothing in them which could prove anything..” 

“Maybe. But why is she hiding them? She could have showed me the same footage” 

She had a point. 

“What do you think?” she tried to get his opinion. 

Arnav let out a sarcastic sigh. 

“You know what I think? I think the way you are fighting to hold on to this relationship now, if you had shown the same interest before, we wouldn’t have…” he paused. 

Grief!! This was pure grief.!! He wanted her to know how much her actions had wounded him but was it worth letting it out now? Before he could judge his next actions or words, Khushi was already by his side. She touched his arm to stroke that pain away. She was unsure how he would react to her touch but the moment her fingers came in contact with his skin, he flinched. She didn’t stop though. Her fingers gently brushed his forearms. 

“I didn’t come back in your life to give you more pain. I promise to leave this house if that’s what you want. But please, until I am here for the next few days, bear me. You know Arnav.. every day since I have got to know my past from you all, I have hated myself for doing this to you and your family. I might never…” she paused as tears clouded her vision.. “I might never be able to do justice with any of you. I am sorry… I really mean it Arnav. I am sorry” 

Her head bowed down in remorse and guilt. She cried bitterly. Arnav’s arms were about to wrap around her on their own when they heard Aarav’s voice. 

“Dad… why is Mom crying?” 

Khushi instantly looked away and wiped her tears. Arnav was too numb to think of some excuse either. 

“Did you both fight again?” Aarav sadly asked. 

“No Champ” Arnav kneeled down. “We didn’t. Your Mom is missing her father. So, she wants to go see him. That’s all” 

“Can I go with her?” 

Arnav turned to Khushi who had wiped her face by now and returned. 

“You can take him” he said glancing at her. “But come back soon” 

Khushi nodded and then he was gone. It was a good excuse. She would take Aarav to Gupta Villa. It will be a good change for her and as well as for their little boy. Khushi watched Arnav stride back to his bedroom. Damn!! Whenever he was around, all sorts of emotions just gushed in her body and manufactured gallons of tears. Even if she apologizes to him a million times, things were hard to change between them. 

To be Continued.


Note: No Precap for Lawful Sins 2 today. It will be posted tomorrow morning and main update by tomorrow evening 


EBOOK @ 99

It is said that every Palace has its own history buried deep inside the walls that supports it.. It isn't easy to know what had actually happened in the past.. It isn't simple to digest the truth that was been hidden from long.. This is a Story of a Well Known Respectable Family of Jodhpur who lives in the 3rd Biggest Palace of India which has an Unfortunate Past. Something worst had happened years back but no one from the family ever talked about it. In fact, this Cruel Past was always hidden from the new generations of the family. Will the coming of the Eldest Bride of this Palace Sort everything out or will things here get more complicated?

When the matriarch of the Khurana family of Raj Mahal, Saroj Khurana, decided to get her eldest grandson Sharavan married, destiny played its card and got Preeti Mehra, the businesswoman of US, as his life partner. Where the entire Khurana family was shattered by this match, Raj Mahal glowed with joy welcoming the real bride of Raj Mahal back to its place, to hold its position.

Unravel the mysteries of Raj Mahal in this romantic thriller of reincarnation.


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  1. Loving it! Kkg jealous attitude ah 😂
    Looking forward for more

  2. This Shanti Jha is definitely involved in the conspiracy that was planned years back to seperate Arshi...

    Khushi is right, her memory loss is somewhere a blessing for her to forget her not so good past life but it's difficult for Arnav to forget & forgive her that easily as he hasn't lost his memory which has been haunting him since Khushi left... But still, Arnav is loosening up towards Khushi despite his hatred of years & that's a positive sign...

    I'm glad that Arnav didn't give any heed to Sheetal's personal interrogation & kept it thoroughly professional in front of Khushi...

    Just wish one thing Madhu that if after everything is revealed & it's proved that Anjali was the mastermind behind every suffering of Arshi & Arav, then she shouldn't be forgiven at any cost.. Should be punished lawfully...

    Thanks for the wonderful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  3. Lovely update...khushi is so cutely jealous.. -and I am glad that Arnav didn't entertain sheetal's comments on their personal life.

  4. The roundness of Arnav show how much he has suffered.....

    Mrs. Jha or anyone have doing wrong doesn't make khushi right.....if she has done wrong in past then she has to bear punishment in any way.....her decision of separation disappointed everyone.... Even Shashi is looking sad....
    Hope now Arnav help her in finding the truth.....
    Beautiful update....a little emotional too....
    Thank you.

  5. Mrs. Jha definitely is hiding something and especially the way she kept snapping at Khushi. There's definitely something to hide.

    Looking forward to the footage.


  6. Nice update. I don't know why but I feel that this Mrs. Jha and Anjali had some connection.I am sure that khushi's memories will solve this mystery.

  7. Lovely update, it's nice to see khushi trying to mend her past mistakes. Just hope arnav didn't see anjali in old cctv video and came in her words that she was trying to save khushi but wasn't able too where in reality anjali only pushed her.

  8. Awesome Update.Mrs Jha's activity is highly suspicious. She Anjali and maybe Sheetal is involved in separating Arshi. Loved Khushi's attitude. How can no footage be available. Maybe she showed Arnav some false footage. Shashi Gupta situation is worse as a father. Maybe Khushi didn't wanted Aarav but later developed a bond after giving birth to him. Khushi still cares for Arnav and understand him. Aarav and Khushi's bond is getting stronger. Sheetal is trying to create a misunderstanding between Arshi. Why is Arnav giving her importance. Sheetal should not interfere so much. Glad that Arnav stopped her at the correct time.Her fake concern for Aarav is too much. Arnav is acting too rude. Can't he see the change in Khushi. Arnav is in a misunderstanding. Khushi is regretting her deeds and Arnav also somewhere loves her. I think when Arnav will know that his sister along with Mrs Jha has created all this he will be very hurt. The culprits must be punished for separating a mother and a child. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Please give a Precap of Lawful Sins2.

    1. Arnav has suffered alot.He ought to behave like this.He always wanted a happy family of his own.But Khushi was against it.She was not interested in him like Arnav was.Now all of sudden she want things to be alright and Arnav to forgive her��.She should give Arnav time.She had hurt Arnav alot in past.

  9. This Shanti is acting suspicious she is hiding something for sure and seeing her attitude its almost like she is holding a grudge against Khushi. But whyy?
    I loved the way Arnav kept things between him and Sheetal pure official and didn't indulge in giving answers about his relationship with Khushi. Hope she picks up the clue and leaves him alone.
    A heartfelt apology from Khushi seems like a good start towards changing their relationship dynamic but have to wait and see what impact it has made on Arnav.
    Thanks for the wonderful update.
    Will you give is precap for lawful sins today? Or direct update tomorrw? Please do let us know so we don't have to keep popping in here to check for it.

  10. Lovely and yes arnav is in pain but even is genuinely feeling guilty hope they reconciled

  11. A little bit but thank God Khushi though Arnav.The man suffered alot.Khushi should think if she hadn't lost her memory what would have happened.Arnav always had feelings for khushi.Just wish Arnav don't get any other heart break from any of his lived one.
    Nice update

  12. Khushi is correct what is the DR.hiding
    It is good to see that Khushi has apologized for her actions but at the same time bitterness is hard to eraise with a simple sorry

  13. Now I'm 100% sure shanti something to do with khushi accident. Sheetal irritating so much yaar. Why can't arnav shut sheetal once for all. Hope sheetal won't create new prb with arshi .
    Glad khushi think in arnav POV and realise how much arnav suffered and will suffer thinking about past .

    Story going very interesting. Waiting for next update dear

  14. Shanti Jha may be not a good person. But there’s nothing to prove khushis innocence. Even Shashis words have proven it. If khushi really didn’t want the child I think it’s better they divorced. Arnav was in pain and he took care of Arav all by himself what’s the point of asking for another chance for her? He has suffered for 7 years. Not one year or two years. Seven year means a lot of time. So khushi has no reason for intruding arnavs life. She doesn’t have that right to even be jealous. It will be arnavs decision whether to give a chance to khushi or not. There is not even a one single clue for us to believe khushi is innocent. So why should we bother to take her side.
    Practically if a couple have separated for 7 years there’s no point of build that relationship again. Because,
    As for everyone even khushis father, khushi was stubborn, wasn’t happy with arnav and didn’t want her child
    We can see anjali doesn’t like khushis presence at home and in aravs life, but it is not enough for us to blame her because all we know is her marriage broke due to khushi (Khushi might be innocent in this situation, but we didn’t see any clue to prove her innocence yet)
    Sheetal might be a suspect, then again she only has a crush on arnav and wants him. Her presence before aravs birth didn’t mention before. So I’m not going to dislike her relationship with arnav. Even if arnav liked her in the future we can’t blame her if she was innocent.
    So up to now we have no clue to take khushis side. I’m not sure how this is going to end but as a arshi fan this will be the first time I have made my mind to see them getting separated. I’m not suggesting that it should happen but saying that I’m ready for a heart break. I don’t want to support khushi like an idiot. Khushi has changed. But that doesn’t change the things she had done in the past. If she gets everything after being a heartless Person who had hurt everyone then she doesn’t deserve happiness in her life. She should get aravs rights because she is his mother and she is willing to take that right. Other than that she doesn’t deserve anything. It’s unfair for others and it’s not practical. Some might blame that Anjali was wrong to stay with arnav after her broken marriage without moving on. But if we step on to her shoes, if we loved a person and if it was broken because of a lie and it might be hard to move on. It’s possible. So in conclusion practically khushi shouldn’t get every happiness if she was wrong. Only if she was wrong in the past. We can’t have a happy ending all the time. Don’t be angry with me. I look at it from a different view with all the clues we had until now. Most of might blame me. But this is my point of view and not a suggestion to change the story. Thank you sis! Love the update. ❤️

  15. Khushi may have hurt Arnav in the past and has to earn forgiveness. I guess her immaturity cost a lot. Arnav though behaves cold loves Khushi.Hope Khushi is proved innocent soon and we witness some romance between Arshi. Mrs Jha and Anjali seems to be the culprit. How will Arnav deal with it will be interesting. But what's the reason they did all this is yet to be revealed. Is Shyam also involved. Lovely Update 💗

  16. I like the way story is organically moving forward, Arnav has really suffered so it is correct on arnav's part. Still feeling bad for khushi widh to see a happy family soon♥️

  17. Awesome update. Like the way Khushi fighting for her rights. Will be nice if Arnav mellow down abit towards Khushi.

  18. Loved the update, liked the way shashi is supporting her. Kushi thought of arnav was nice

  19. Superb part arnav suffering and khushi remorse.. Are very well describe d.. I want arshi part more..

  20. Arnav suffered a lot but we can't ignored the fact that to forget one part of our life is less suffering. To wake up everyday in the hope of getting clue on what happened in her past life. Always trying to find the missing piece of one's life . Can you imagine what she must be feeling now. All are blaming her for her past deeds which she can't even remember. And still she is trying to correct all the deeds. Not only arnav but she too suffered equally I think. Aranv still had his family his son Arav. But khusi was all alone. Seven year long loneliness is enough punishment in my view. Now I just want them to be together with no Sheetal or Anjali. Arnav khusi and their cute little son Arav. One sweet family.

  21. Seriously hidden truths... This Shanti Jha is in radar... Let's see...

  22. Superb the way khushi deal with mrs Jha.
    Anjali, jha and sheetal are together?

    Like khushi's gut feeling that something is hidden..

    Thank god arnav didnt put khushi down infront of sheetal ...

    Khushi understand how much pain he went through ...
    Hope he can see the change in her..

    Looking forward

  23. if someone muddled in their life then Khushi has right to find out. In the end its upto Arnav if he wants her in his life or not . But no one can take her right to be a mother to her child, she can change her mind any time as she has now

  24. Hope to see the truth to unfold soon.. Khushi being jealous is cute.. I guess now it's Arnavs turn to get jealous.. jealous Arnav is always a treat to watch.. what happened to that prospective groom Khushi had met earlier?

  25. I think arnav is mellowing down...he still loves Khushi...hoping to see more arshi scenes in the near future 💕💕

  26. Mrs.jha is hiding truth and anjali is involved in this. It's not easy for arnav to forget her rude behavior. But he loves her. Don't know what future held for there relationship. Hope every truth comes out.

  27. Hey madhu I'm unable to read all the parts of he loves me not...pls do something 🙄🙄

    1. From Which part you are unable to read the next parts? I will fix the link there.

  28. Awesome update. Loved that she realised her past mistakes and apologized for it.

  29. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  30. Ms Jha is hiding something....but why Arnav was shocked to know that Khushi met Ms. Jha. Is he also hiding something.

  31. Loved Khushi’s never give up attitude. She knows now how much pain she has give Arnav. And she wants to repair the damage. There is a lot of suspicion on that Mrs Jha
