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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 17


Chapter 17

It was too much fun taking Aarav to her home. She had never seen her father so excited. When she had told him they both would be coming over the next morning, Shashi had ordered some gifts and toys for Aarav and also some junkie food which obviously Aarav enjoyed eating but Khushi did have an eye on him to ensure he didn’t overeat anything that he shouldn’t, considering he was diabetic like his father. Arnav.. the mere thought of him had brought fresh memories of their talk in the kitchen. She had apologized to him, cried in his arms and somewhere deep down her aching heart, she had wanted him to embrace her. But he didn’t. Had he moved on? Probably!! Whatever she did now wouldn’t sort out the bitterness between them. She had to learn to live with that. The only problem was, it was next to impossible.

Shashi had shown Aarav all the old albums of their family. He wanted Aarav to see his maternal side people as well and of course know how naughty Khushi had been in her childhood. The whole day Aarav was entertained by his grandfather and Khushi adored them bonding. She didn’t know her father was so good with children? As if he was waiting all these years to play with his grandson. She wouldn’t be surprised if her father changes his will and entrusts everything to Aarav instead of her.

Finally, at evening, Khushi drove back with Aarav to Shantivan. The backseat of the car was loaded with toys and gifts which her father bought for Aarav and though she denied taking them all at once, he insisted not to break his heart. 

“Mom.. How does this work?” Aarav opened a gift which had a remote-controlled car in it. 

Khushi kept her eyes on the road. She was driving under the speed limit. After all she was with her son. She was super cautious. 

“That works on a battery” 

“Battery? I want batteries” he nagged. 

“We will have some spare ones at home” 

“What if we don’t have at home? I want to play with this car” 

“I know Aarav. We will send someone to buy batteries if we don’t have one at home” 

“We can buy now” 

Khushi rolled her eyes. 

“Nope. Your grandfather has told me to get you home straight and its going to be dark soon” 

“So?” he frowned. “You are scared to drive in dark?” 

Khushi chuckled. 

“Smart boy. I don’t want your father to scold me for keeping you out so long. He must be reaching home by now” 

“Mom, I will tell Dad if he shouts at you. Please let us buy batteries” 

Khushi glanced at her pouting son and decided to give in to his demand. There was a shop at the other side of the lane. If she took a U-turn, it will delay them more. 

“Alright” she stopped the car at the side. “I will cross the road and get the batteries. Don’t get down the car. Do you hear me? And no touching anything. Promise me” 

“I promise” he smiled. 

She kissed his cheek and got down the car, waiting to cross the road. Traffic was low right now and the best time to cross. She gave another glance at Aarav to ensure he was safe and began crossing. She wasn’t even half way through when a motorbike came speedily in that direction and dashed her. 

“Mom” Aarav screamed as Khushi collapsed on the road with a rough force. 


AR Office 

Arnav wanted to ignore the unknown call because he was busy in a meeting. The conference went longer than expected otherwise he would have been home by now. When the phone didn’t stop ringing yet, he decided to answer. 


“Is this Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?” 

“Yes. Who’s this?” 

“Mr. Raizada this is Doctor Sonam from Welfare Clinic. A motorbike has hit your wife. She is in my clinic, unconscious for now. Your son gave me your number and asked me to call you. He was with her during this accident” 

Arnav was already out of his cabin. Khushi met with an accident? Again? 

“Accident? How.. how are they both doing?” 

“Your son is absolutely fine. Your wife has got some minor bruises on her arm and forehead.” 

“I am on my way Doctor” 

He disconnected the call and dialed his father to inform the same. Just today morning Aarav and Khushi had left to see Shashi Gupta and on their return met with an accident? A motorbike? That means Khushi was not in the car? Why did she get down? One thing he was sure about, whatever reasons she had got down from the car, Aarav was still safe. She would not risk his health or safety. 

“Dad… I am going to a clinic. Khushi met with a minor accident. Aarav was with her. Nothing happened to him. I will get them home and let you know once I reach there” 

The elevator doors binged open and he quickly pressed the button to the parking lot. A strange feeling crossed his mind. It was similar to what he felt when Khushi had fell down those hospital stairs after delivery Aarav. He wanted her safe.. just… safe. 



“Dad” Aarav ran into Arnav’s arms as soon as he saw him entering the clinic. “Dad.. Mom is bleeding” he cried. 

Arnav swallowed the pain and took Aarav in his embrace. 

“She will be fine. I will go talk to the Doctor. Wait here. Okay? She will be fine” 

“I want to see her too” 

“Let me talk to the Doctor first. Okay champ” 

He raised Aarav and made him sit on the Bench. He kissed his forehead and hurried to the Reception. 

“I am Arnav Singh Raizada.. I got a call from Dr. Suman about the accident.. My … My…” 

“Your wife is in that room Mr. Raizada. You will find Doctor Suman with her” 

He rushed in the direction of that room and entered in. Khushi was conscious now but in pain. There were bruises on her forehead and arms. Tears welled in her eyes as the Doctor bandaged her wounds. 

“Khushi..” he murmured staring at her with deep intense emotions flowing in his body. 

Khushi swallowed the pain and put a fake smile. 

“That’s your husband?” Suman asked. Khushi gently nodded. 

“How.. how is she Doctor?” 

“She is fine. The wounds are not deep but she really scared your son. The accident was bad and if your son hadn’t screamed aloud and gathered people to get Khushi to a hospital, it might have been worse” 

Arnav was no words. Accidents like these had always scared him. Just recently Aarav had met with one and now.. Khushi. 

“Your son is sharp. But your wife.. is a typical mother. Even in her unconscious state, she was muttering her son’s name.. to check if he was safe” 

Arnav hadn’t dropped his gaze from Khushi’s yet. It was really surprising that Khushi cared for Aarav more than her own life. 

“I have bandaged her wounds.. these wounds will go in a week. But these bandages would have to be changed every day to prevent any kind of infection. Do you have someone at home who could do this for her or I can send someone from the clinic every morning” 

“We… we have.. My son has a nanny cum nurse. So, she can change it. Thank you” he replied. 

“Great. In that case you can take her home” 

“Aarav.. I want to see him. Where is he?” Khushi immediately asked. 

“I will send him inside. Meanwhile Mr. Raizada you can collect the medicine list from my cabin and settle the bills” 

“Sure” he nodded. 

Khushi wished he had touched her.. maybe caressed her cheek and ask if she was really doing okay now? But he didn’t. He had moved on.. Her subconscious mind reminded her again. As he left, Aarav came running in the room. He was still crying.. 


Aarav hugged her tight and that’s when the tears from her eyes rolled down uncontrollably. 

“You okay baby. You hurt? Why did you get down the car? I told you not to” she passed him kisses all over his face forgetting her own pain. 

“I saw you bleeding.. I tried to wake you up.. you didn’t.. I was scared Mom” 

“I know” she showered more kisses. “I was scared too” 

She hugged him tight. When she saw the motorbike coming closer, she had tried to escape but it was too late. At that instant.. she knew.. she knew this was her end. She was going to die. She didn’t recall if during the earlier accident that she faced seven years ago, she felt the same or not. But when she collapsed on the floor, the only image that flashed in her eyes was that of Aarav and Arnav. In that fraction of second she had prayed God to give her some more time with them. She wasn’t ready to die. Now that God had fulfilled her wish, even wasting one second without having these two around haunted her. 

Khushi suddenly recalled something which broke her stance. 

“You must be hungry..” she sounded worried. “Lets.. go home..” 

“I am fine.. The doctor gave me biscuits to eat” 

“Did you eat?” 

She knew he wouldn’t have eaten anything because he was worried for her. 

“Aarav.. your health is important. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Where are those biscuits?” 

He removed the packet from his pant pockets and showed it to her. Khushi tore the wrapper and fed him one. It was necessary he ate considering his sugar levels would go down if he didn’t. Arnav Singh Raizada witnessed this and he didn’t understand if he should be angry on Khushi for crossing the road blankly or admire the mother in her for being so worried of Aarav’s health despite her own injuries. He gaped at her for quite some time and then walked in. 

“We should go” he stated. 

Aarav was happy that his mother was good to go with them now and she didn’t have to stay in the hospital. Khushi tried to get down on her own, knowing Arnav wouldn’t like touching her. But the moment she put her put down, it ached. She bit her lip to suppress the pain. Arnav saw her controlling it and realized she needed help. 

He pushed his phone in his pocket and snatched Khushi’s purse from her hand. 

“Hold your Mom’s purse” he said giving it to Aarav. 

The next instant, he leaned down and picked Khushi in his arms. 

“Arnav? I.. I can.. walk” her embarrassing tone didn’t change his mind. He walked out of the room. Aarav giggled following his parents. The clinic staff stared at this little family as they made their way out. 

“Arnav.. people are watching..” 

“They won’t come to lift you” he snapped. Tears pooled in her eyes again. This meant a lot to her. Arnav might just be showing humanity but it meant a lot to her. It meant he still cared for her deep down in his heart. He put her down once they reached his car. But she still gripped his arm for support and he didn’t seem to mind. Though she had no bruises on her legs, they felt extremely heavy and ached badly. Her fall on that rough tar road could be the reason behind it and she hoped they don’t swell. That was the last thing she could imagine happening to her. The doctor had advised her some tests to be done the next day just in case if her legs swell, to check for any fracture symptoms. 

Arnav opened the car door and helped her get inside. All his actions were so robotic.. detached of any feelings.. He leaned on her to strap the seatbelt and in the attempt, his fingers brushed through her chest to the other side of her waist. Khushi clutched her phone tight to avoid reacting to his touch. Arnav saw her gripping the phone and backed off. They didn’t meet eyes after that. Aarav hopped at the backseat and Arnav drove them to Shantivan. 



“Shashi.. Calm down. Arnav just called me that they have left from the Clinic. They will be here any moment” Ayush assured Shashi who had come to Shantivan upon knowing what happened. 

“I don’t understand why this happens to only my daughter?” Shashi groaned. “Why is everybody targeting her?” 

Anjali laughed. 

“Targeting? Uncle no one has shot her.. She met with an accident. It could be her fault too” 

“Anjali..” Ayush scolded. “Have some sense what you are talking about and when” 

Anjali decided to zip her lips. 

“Daadu” Aarav ran inside the house with Khushi’s purse. 

Ayush, Shashi and Anjali immediately rose to their feet. 

“Aarav.. you okay?” Anjali asked all bothered for him. 

“Yes Bua.. I am fine. And so is Mom. She got so many bruises. But the doctor said she is fine” 

“Okay okay.. But where is your Mom?” Ayush enquired. 

“Daddy is getting her” 

And that’s when Arnav entered the room with Khushi. He was going to pick her in arms but Khushi denied him from doing so. She didn’t want her father, father-in-law and Anjali to witness that. So accepting her wishes, he slid his arm around her shoulder, held her hand and helped her walk slowly inside the house. They took baby steps to get in. 

“There they are.. oh god.. Khushi” Shashi rushed to help and instantly held the other hand of Khushi. Both the men assisted her to sit on the couch. 

“How did this happen? Are you feeling okay now? Anjali .. go get some juice for her” 

Anjali frowned but hurried to the kitchen to fulfil her father’s request. 

“I am fine Uncle.. And Dad, please don’t look at me like that. I am okay.. Trust me” 

“If having a dozen of bruises all over your body means OKAY.. then the dictionary is surely wrong” Arnav growled. He had been holding his anger so far but not anymore. He had doubts. He loosened his tie and sat on the opposite couch. 

“Now tell me why you didn’t drive back straight home? Why did you stop the car on that road?” 

“Arnav… she has just come back.. let her rest” Ayush pleaded. 

“No Dad. Not until I get my answers” he argued and turned back to Khushi. “You are staying in this house for one month.. you had our son with you in that car.. and I had specifically instructed you to come back before dark.. and despite that you didn’t follow my orders. Why?” 

“Dad. Please don’t shout Mom. I wanted batteries for the toy. I told her to buy them. It’s my fault” Aarav apologetically looked down. 

Arnav looked back and forth at Khushi and Aarav and from their expressions it was clear Aarav was telling the truth. 

“Mom got hurt because of me” Aarav added with guilt in his heart and tears in eyes. 

“no.. no sweetheart…” Khushi pulled him closer. “Mom’s never get hurt because of their babies. I got hurt because I didn’t lookout well before crossing the road.. I should have seen the motorbike coming. I…” 

Arnav recalled something and sighed in disbelief. He quickly picked his phone and dialed Aman.. 

“Aman.. Khushi’s car is on Richmond road.. opposite to the Hearty toy shop. Send someone to get the car in Shantivan and I want you to raise a police complaint. A motorbike hit her and passed.” He paused. “No she is fine. She is doing fine now” he gave a heated glance to Khushi but that stare wasn’t because of anger but pure worry. “Check if any of the CCTV cameras on that road, or the shops nearby captured the number plate of that motorbike. And check it fast. Keep me posted. Bye” 

Shashi and Ayush were happy seeing Arnav taking this initiative. Khushi meanwhile had finished drinking half of the juice which Anjali brought for her. 

“You should go rest now. I will help you get to the room” Shashi said but Arnav instantly cut him off. 

“Thats fine. I will take her up” 

Before Khushi could even debate over this, she was back in his arms, clutching his shirt and every other pair of eyes were staring at them as they left. 

To be Continued.


EBOOKS @ 49 

EBOOKS @ 199 


  1. Beautiful update .❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Aww arnav showed his little bit of care. Khushi really want to love with his two inportant men. Hope everything will get well soon and arshi live happily with their Children in future
    Waiting for next update dear

  3. I feel the motorbike hit was an attempt to murder Khushi... The cctv cameras will definitely prove something helpful in that matter..

    No matter how much Arnav tries but he couldn't help showing his care, concern & may b his love as well for Khushi...

    Hope Anjali didn't mix anything in the juice she made for Khushi...

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Khushi has seriously changed.. she's mature now.. I hope Arnav starts changing too towards her.. short update but thank you for updating ... Waiting for lawful sins precap

  5. Something is fishy here... I dnt think the accident happened like that... Hope all clear soon...

  6. Awesome Update. Arnav picked Khushi in his arms 2 times some romantic moment is created. Khushi also got emotional. Arnav has great control over his feelings. This accident seemed to be preplanned by Mrs Jha . So Arnav find something odd before also when Khushi meet fell down the stairs. In the CCTV it shows Khushi was running with Aarav may be to save herself and Aarav. Aarav's pain is unbearable he just got his mom and this accident happened Khushi somewhere has feelings for Arnav and has expectations from him. Khushi almost faced death. This accident doesn't seemed to be a coincidence. Arnav has compassion for Khushi. Anjali is too much negative though she loves Aarav. Hope Arnav finds some evidence in the CCTV. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Waiting for Lawful Sins2

  7. Something is really missing waiting for the next update

  8. The accident seemed to be intentional. The way the motorbike came at a speed and hit Khushi indicates that. But who wants to harm Khushi. Is it Mrs Jha Shyam or Anjali. Arnav still loves Khushi though he always pretend to hate her. Will Arnav acknowledge the change in Khushi and give her a chance? Hope Arnav investigate the matter and hopefully find some clue from the CCTV. The culprit must be punished. When will Khushi get her memory back. Hope she can recall what happened at the hospital when she was running with Aarav. Wish Arnav will trust her.

  9. Wow every story is so good i dont know which one to ask for update

  10. Madhu will you update the precap today or directly the update tomorrow ?

  11. Nice. Kkg is right in wanting more yet ASR is also right. He don't want to hurt himself again due to kkg.

  12. Someone tried purposely to hurt khushi

  13. Nice , waiting to read the next

  14. Hi Madhu.. u said this chapter will be only 20-25 parts.. so how will u reveal everything so soon if this story is ending soon? Please reply..

  15. Voila! His human side is seen towards Khushi! That's a first!


  16. Finally Arnav showed some concern for Khushi. I was hoping that she will get her memory back with this accident. But no luck.... Hope atleast it will erase the hatred from Arnav's mind for Khushi.

  17. Despite the past khushi is a good mom. She deserves to be with Arav forever. I’m not going to say anything about arnav. He was worried about the accident. It’s too early to say about his inner feelings. He was neutral most of the time. Because anyone can help when someone gets hurt. It’s natural with a person who has a kind heart. And khushi should not have hopes of getting back arnav. So whatever happens in the future she won’t be hurt. I don’t want her to be hurt anymore. Loved the update. Waiting for the next chapter!!

  18. Waiting for the next update...

  19. Wonderful awesome update dear

  20. Hope arnav find out about the motorbike fellow soon.

  21. Superb update...

    Hope this accident bring arshi close n some evidence that someone trying to hurt khushi..

    Arnav care for her n love her but shows all anger n hate..
    He can see khushi love n care for their son.

    Looking forward

  22. Arnav is still concerned about khushi.He again asked Aman to look for CCTV footage. Even if after all this Khushi is not proven guilty.Arnav should not ask for forgiveness.He did all he could

    1. He too was misleaded by circumstances. But that doesn't mean he has to be harsh and keeping away mother and son.He could have given her benifit of doubt.

  23. I don't think it is normal accident. Someone is behind her life.hope arnav find it soon fabulous update

  24. Awesome update. Loved the way he worried for her.

  25. Awesome update. Loved the way he cared for her.

  26. Why I feel she got her memory back
    Madhu di can't you updated it's next part tommorow plz

  27. Was it really a accident or did someone try to hurt her intentionally. Aww so nice to see that Arnav is helping Khushi

  28. Is that accident purposely...

    It's good that Khushi is fine only with some bruises.....

    And unknowingly Arnav is showed his concern that he still feel for Khushi.....

    Thanks for the update..

  29. What is our Arnav's best trait for his Khushi?? Carrying her around in his arms.. who cares who is watching them but he will carry her always.. loved the update..

  30. Where is he taking her in his own room or in Khush's room???Waiting for Next Part...

  31. Awesome update as always 👍👍 Good to see little changes in Arnav. Could the accident be planned one 🤔

  32. Awesome....I think someone behind this accident.

  33. Wow it was really a wonderful update
    I think accident is planned
    Let's see what come out of investigation
    Loved the way Arnav was worried for Khushi it's show he still love her but he is very hurt to accept it
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  34. Hope things gradually change btw asr and khushi love the update

  35. I think this accident is intentional. Mrs jha anjali or anyone like sheetal? Anyway confusing . There is some emotion deep down in arnabs heart for khushi . Open up karega pari. Eagerly waiting for Eagerly waiting for next part.

  36. Awesome chapter. So sad 😭 for Aarav. He was in a panic. Arnav helping her. But like a robot. Khushi has hope that he cares though. I also have hope 😂😂😂
