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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 20



Chapter 20


Arnav had left back to his room without breakfast due to Anjali’s bickering on his inclination towards Khushi again. He could relate Anjali’s bitterness but this had to stop.

“Chotte” Anjali knocked the door and came inside. She kept the breakfast tray on the table before the recliner.

“Di, I said I am not hungry. I have to reach office; I am getting late”

Anjali dragged Arnav to the recliner and forced him to sit.

“I know you look handsome when you are angry, but that doesn’t mean you always be angry”

“Di please, I am not in a mood right now”

Anjali gripped his arm. 
“You don’t want to meet Mrinal, don’t. I will never force you for a woman because that’s exactly what Dad did last time. We all know the consequences of your first marriage. I will not take another chance because this time it is not just about you but Aarav too. But please assure me you will think about this someday” 

“I don’t want to assure anything to anyone right now Di and I am not saying this because I am falling for Khushi again” he paused. “It is too complicated right now. Khushi is staying in this house, right under my nose and she is no longer the same woman she used to be. She is different. I am still trying to understand her and.. amidst all this if you force me to meet other women, it won’t be easy at all” 

“But why do you have to understand her now? Its over isn’t it? You are walking away from each other after three weeks from now. That’s why we allowed Khushi to stay in this house” 

“But even after that period is over, even after me and Khushi divorce, she is still going to be an integral part of Aarav’s life. She has made that clear already. Whoever I marry or she settles down with, just like I am Aarav’s father, she will always be his mother” 

Anjali became quiet again. 

“I would be the happiest father on this earth if my son gets equal love from his birth mother. I don’t want to snatch that right from Aarav. I hope you understand that” he added. 

Anjali smiled. 

“I am with you and whatever you decide for yourself and Aarav, I will always stand by your side. Just don’t let that woman invade your heart again because none of us can guarantee she will stick to her commitments if she ever regains her memories” 

Arnav swallowed the lump formed in his throat. That was his worry too. If Khushi regains her memories, will she push Aarav away yet again? And what would be future of that soft attraction building between Arnav and her? 


Few Hours Later 

Khushi was glad her father came to see her. She was missing him and had some important things to discuss too. He took him to the guest room upstairs. Since Aarav was painting in his room, she could spend the time with her father. 

“I am fine but Anjali is giving me a hard time, Dad” Khushi complained to her father. 

“I knew it. She never liked you much” 

“From the start? Like… from the time I married to Arnav? Or was it later that she started disliking me?” 

“Anjali never liked you Khushi. But She had no say in your marriage to Arnav. But when you broke her engagement.. her dislike for you turned to something else.” 

Khushi still had no clear picture why would she break Anjali’s alliance? 

“What exactly happened that time? Whom was she engaged to?” 

“Mrs. Shanti Jha’s only Son, Shyam Jha” 
Khushi was stunned by this information. Anjali was engaged to the only son of Shanti Jha who runs the same hospital where she had met with that accident? She tried to connect the dots and came up with few more doubts. 

“Have I met Shanti Jha before? I mean.. how did I break this alliance and why?” 

Shashi sighed in disappointment but cleared her queries. 

“Anjali and Shyam were engaged for three months and their wedding still had a month time. One day when I was here with Ayush, Shanti Jha barged with all the gifts that the Raizadas had given to Shyam and his family during the engagement. She was here to break the alliance because she didn’t want to get her son married to a woman who was already in love with some other boy. Ayush was furious. He didn’t believe it and called Anjali. She denied it too and they asked Shanti Jha on what basis she was blaming Anjali. That’s when you stepped in the house and told everyone it was true… that Anjali loved some other guy and wanted to marry him and not Shyam. You even asked Anjali not to fear and declare it openly but she denied it. You fought with her claiming you have seen Anjali with her boyfriend claiming they loved each other. Anjali never accepted it. Shanti Jha like all of us didn’t know whom to support. But one thing she was clear about. With all these allegations lurking around, she wouldn’t let her son marry Anjali. The alliance broke that day and so did Anjali’s dreams of marriage. Ayush and Arnav asked for proofs from you but you were unable to provide it. Obviously, they trusted Anjali more than you and only because you were heavily pregnant, they couldn’t take any kind of action on you. Probably they thought with time Anjali’s innocence would be proved and they will fix her marriage again with Shyam. But just in a week you got labor pains and we had to admit you in the hospital. Your delivery was registered in the Shanti Jha’s hospital from long so we didn’t change it. Aarav was born and then your accident.. Everything ended there Khushi. I never got time to decide if you were really telling everyone the truth that day or was it just because you and Anjali never got well with each other and you decided to break her alliance just like that!!” 

Khushi was too shocked. 

“I don’t think I could just fake such a big lie and break a relationship like that only because I hated someone. There has to be more to this” 

“I believe that too but its all in the past Khushi. You have to stop digging it and think of your future. Have you taken a decision about Tanmay” 

Khushi’s head spun. Why was everyone so eager to see her and Arnav separated? Today morning when Anjali talked about Arnav’s alliance, it hurt Khushi though she didn’t let it reveal on her face. Last night when she and Arnav conversed about their past, it had changed some equation between the two. She desired to invest more time with him rather than thinking of another man in her life. If the remaining three weeks were the only ones, she would get to spend next to Arnav Singh Raizada, she would make it memorable for both of them. She wanted him to remember her with good memories, not the tainted ones of their past together. 

“Dad, I am not ready for remarriage” 

Shashi was displeased but he didn’t interrupt her. 

“Aarav is all I want to think about now. I have so much to give him and amidst all this, I cannot concentrate on another relationship. I need more time” 

“Okay. I will not force you for anything. Whatever you decide, I am with you” 

It relieved her. 

“What about this Shyam Jha? Where is he now?” 

“After your accident in the hospital, we never saw him again. I heard he settled in Canada and is practicing there. He is a Surgeon. I don’t understand how Shanti Jha agreed to stay away from her son for so many years? She had no such plans to allow him settle abroad. In fact, when Shyam was engaged to Anjali, they had told us he would be practicing in the same hospital” 

There were so many questions in her mind and no answers. The Jha’s sounded fishy but was she the only one to feel so? But right now, knowing what led to her accident that day in the hospital was her only concern. She had to focus on it and then the rest would connect automatically. 

“We didn’t hear from Shanti Jha again if she is ready to show the tapes or not. Will you take me to that hospital again today, Dad?” 

“I have strict orders not to let you out of this house until your wounds ease” 

“Orders?” she chuckled. “Whose orders? “ 

“Arnav Singh Raizada” he replied. 

Words choked in her throat. Why would Arnav give such orders to her father unless… he cared for her? She didn’t argue because decided to use this as another opportunity to converse with Arnav again. 

After her father left, Khushi dialed Arnav who was in his office, working. He had her number saved and hence didn’t take long to answer. 


His voice sounded nothing like last night. 

“I hope I didn’t disturb you” 

Arnav pushed the files away and leaned back on his chair. Her voice was better now which meant she had no pain. When he didn’t reply, she thought he was really busy. 

“If you are busy, I can call you later” 

“No” he snapped. “Speak” 

She bit her lip realizing she forgot why she called him. Only his voice could create that affect that her mind stopped functioning. 

“You asked my father not to let me step out?” 

“I did” 

He didn’t hide. A part of him liked taking this decision for her. Khushi rubbed her cheeks because she realized they might have changed color by now. 

“You will stay indoors until your wounds ease down and I find out what happened was just an accident or someone deliberately tried to hurt you” he added. 

“You think someone could hurt me?” 

“It’s a vague feeling. My sources are tracking some CCTV cameras of that area, we should have the report by evening. Did you take those medicines?” 

Khushi checked the bedside table where the medicine box was placed. 

“I will take them in a while” 

Arnav checked the watch. 

“You should have taken them an hour ago. Take them NOW” 

Khushi’s body bloomed at his command. 

“Is this how you bossed around when I was pregnant?” 

Arnav was lost in the past again. He used to call her every 2-3 hours from work to know if she had taken her medicines and eaten healthy meals or not. She also had a strict instruction of taking an afternoon nap every day. 

“I hate taking medicines Arnav” 

“I know that which is why I am forcing you to. Take it right now unless you want me to come there and make you do it” he leaned forward on the table, gripping the phone tight. “Believe me, that won’t go well with you” 

Damn!! That bossy voice. She kind of loved it. 

“You wouldn’t skip your meetings for a wife you no longer consider as one” 

Her challenging tone was back which was her trait in the past. 

“I can skip all work to ensure my son’s mother takes care of her health. If she wants to be a part of my son’s life, she has to look after herself too” 

His Son’s mother? That’s all he saw her as? She chewed her teeth. 

“Take your medicines Khushi. I won’t repeat again” 

She quickly popped the tablets and gulped them down with water, still not disconnecting the call. Arnav was happy that she didn’t argue much. 

“Taken. Anything else Mr. Raizada?” 

“Don’t step out. Will see you at evening. Bye” 


They hung up but Khushi was lost because he still cared for her. 


That evening when Arnav returned home, he searched for Khushi in the guest room. Not finding her there, he panicked. He looked for her everywhere in the house. 

“Son? Who are you looking for so desperately?” Ayush asked sipping his Coffee. 

“Where is she Dad?” 

“Oh, she is gone in a kitty party. Said she would return after dinner” 

Kitty Party? Arnav gritted his teeth. He recalled Khushi loved such parties before. She always threw such parties for her friends almost every week and spent lavishly. 

“I had specifically asked her not to leave the house” Arnav snapped. “I should have known she…” 

“Uncle.. Your pakoras” Khushi came out of the kitchen with a plate full of Pakoras. She smiled at Arnav who completely froze finding her home. She had worn a simple red churidar and has donned a white apron over it. She looked like…. A typical wife. Arnav couldn’t take his eyes off her as she came ahead and placed the tray full of Pakoras on the table. 

“These are yum” Ayush savored a pakora. “The best ones I have eaten in the last few years. I didn’t know you could cook so well” 

“Thank you, Uncle,” 

Khushi took the compliment with a blush and then glanced at Arnav who was still staring at her like he saw a ghost. 

“Your coffee is ready too. Get freshen up, I will get it in your room unless you want to drink it here with your father” 

“Bring it here Khushi. We will eat together” Ayush added. 

“Okay” Khushi scurried back to the kitchen to bring Arnav’s coffee. 

“Arnav…” Ayush shook Arnav’s arm to break his stance. 

“You told me she has gone to a kitty party” he argued with his father taking a seat on the couch. 

“You were looking for Khushi? I thought you were asking about Anjali” 

Arnav rolled his eyes. Khushi was back in the living room with Arnav’s coffee. She looked relaxed and happy. He had never seen her fulfilling any of these duties before. 

“I will go look for Aarav. It’s time for his health drink… Aarav..” she was about to go when Arnav held her hand. “What the hell are you doing? You should be resting. Your wounds are…” 

“I am feeling much better today” she answered. “In fact, I was bit bored and when Uncle desired to eat Pakoras, I decided to make some for all of us. Please have them and let me know if they are good” 

Ayush kept eating while watching the two converse. 

“Mom” Aarav came there on his bicycle. “Look what I got for you” 

He had again got a rose for her from their garden. 

“Thank you” she kissed his cheek. “Now sit here and have your milk. It’s family time” 

“family time?” Aarav asked clueless. 

“Yes. Its time when the entire family sits together and eat and talk. When I was of your age, me, my dad and mom used to have such family time every evening. It was so much fun” 

“Wow” Aarav was impressed. 

“And no talking business, please” Khushi said turning to her father-in-law. 

Ayush mimed zipping his lips which made her giggle. 

“Let me get his milk” Khushi strode back to the kitchen. 

“Only a woman can bring that change in a home.” Ayush stated looking at his son who was so dazed by the way Khushi behaved today. 

Arnav could still relate she was doing this to give Aarav a good culture and a happy environment to live in but why did she wear Red? Why did she leave her hair like that? 

To be Continued.



Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?





“Can we begin?” she requested. 

“The Striptease?” he mocked followed by a chuckle. “Sorry, but that day after the conference you put one hell of a show for me. I wondered if you would ever.. complete it..” 

Esha lost her cool. 

“Neil Thakur. You are not talking to a random woman who is cool with your flirting. You are talking to the CEO of the Singhal Group” 

“Who also happens to be my legally wedded wife” he corrected. 

Esha glared back at him. 

“And if I don’t get to flirt with my wife, whom will I flirt with?” he leaned back on his chair. 

Esha got up and tried to shut her laptop. 

“You are wasting my time. Probably when you are serious to get some work done, we can reschedule this” 

She was about to turn it off, when Neil gripped her wrist. 

“Go on. I am ready now” 

She shrugged off immediately from his hold. 

“Come on” he exhaled. “Show me the revised proposal” 

Esha took a minute to cool down and opened the presentation. For the next 30 minutes she explained him what strategies they had improvised for implementing this project. Neil was a multitasker. His ears were all on the proposal but his eyes were forced to linger all over her face. She licked her lower lip too often when she talked without a break. That was either because her throat was parched or she was nervous. When she looked back at the screen to show him a particular graph, a strand of her hair tickled her cheek. Neil’s fingers fisted around the handle of the chair he was seated on. She tucked the strand behind her ear and showed him the graph. His gaze shifted from her face to the graph and once she started explaining the statistics, his eyes lingered on her long fingers. She didn’t have long nails like most woman tried to keep. Her nails were neatly cut and manicured. 

“That’s all” she sighed with relief. He passed her a bottle of water to drink. She needed it after talking back to back for 30 minutes. She gulped some water and waited for him to speak. 

Neil cleared his throat to divert his own attention from her body to her eyes. 

“Share me the presentation. I need to take a look again on the figures you suggested. Rest all seems fine except some minute changes in the marketing part. I will ask someone from my side to look into it” 

That was one honest opinion he had given and she appreciated it. She gathered her stuff again and got up to leave. 

“One more thing, Neil Thakur” she said remembering something. “I know this is difficult for you to work with the same company you recently didn’t mind destroying. But this time it’s me you have to go through. And I have a lot of determination and patience to stand up every time you push me to the ground” 

“Don’t worry Esha. I don’t believe in killing the dead again” Neil grinned.



  1. Amazing such a beautiful update

  2. Madhu when you will update the new story synopsis

  3. Beautiful update. Can't predict about anjali and her moto . But one thing sure jha has something to do with khushi accident . Arnav caring about khushi giving some hope in my heart . Hope all the puzzle solved and arshi start to think about good couple not only parents

    Waiting for next update dear

  4. Okay , I am in love with this FF 😅

  5. Loved it.. dint want it to end.. please update Precap for lawful

  6. I don’t understand this Arnav yet. I still don’t believe that he loved khushi enough. Because the words he speak, his thoughts and his actions don’t say so much about his love. He must have loved her. But didn’t love her enough to support her, trust her which are important when you love someone. I can’t believe how arnav thinks that khushi will become the old khushi after she regain her memories. Regaining her memories doesn’t mean she forgets her present. She will learn something from the past and make it work this time. That’s how a person grow and become mature. Nice one!!

  7. Loved it... Something is fishy about these Jha's... Can we have the next chapter as update please....

  8. Awesome update. Loved the way she is docile and caring towards them.

  9. I think Shanti Jha is a villain here ? To save anjali khushi broke her marriage? Did arnav find out anything about accident ?
    Madhu which is the new story coming up after royal fling?

  10. Awesome Update.Hope Anjali stop interfering in Arnav's life as stop pestering him. Arnav won't stop meeting Aarav to meet Khushi is a great thing. Anjali's bitterness is increasing my suspicion more. Why Khushi break her alliance. Hope Khushi connect some dots and get closer to the truth. I believe Khushi was innocent.Anjali probably herself told Khushi to say such things. Khushi doesn't have a personal grudge on her. Shanti Jha and Anjali did all this to separate Arshi. Khushi is eager to continue the relationship and also cares for Aarav. Shyam must be in touch with Anjali.The accident seemed preplanned. Arnav knows Shanti Jha can hurt Khushi. Hope Arnav finds her innocence soon and give a chance to Khushi. It's important for Aarav to get the love of his parents. Thanks for the Update Waiting for Lawful Sins2😍😘

  11. The Jha's along with Anjali separate Arshi. Arnav was attracted to Khushi probably also fell in love but couldn't trust her enough. Khushi may have hurt Arnav in the past but people do change and learn from mistakes. Hope Arnav will have a big heart to forgive Khushi
    for her mistakes and then along with Aarav will live like a happy family. The story is getting interesting with each update 💗

  12. Superb update

    Loved arnav way to telling anjali to stay away..
    Looks like jha has some big secrets..

    Loved arshi call..

    Ayush knows what to say..
    Loving this change in khushi..

    Hope CCTV captured some lead
    Looking forward

  13. Please tell us if you'll be updating lawful Precap today or u will post straight full update Tomorrow?

  14. Can't wait for next update!! Can u ppz update it next !!!

  15. Awesome update! Since first I feel fishy about Anjali and jha. Looking forward!

  16. Superb Update...I think it must be Shyam who had push Khushi...Waiting for Next Part...

  17. Confusing. May be anjali is not the culprit but may be hiding something from her family.

    Want to know what happened with khushi in the past. At least give us hints in the next update

  18. So it’s ok for Anjali to goto kitty parties and it khushi in the past
    Looks like Anjali is still a worst brat thn what khushi was in past

  19. Beautiful update loved it
    Confused about Anjali but it's sure that Jha's are something to do with Khushi's accident in past
    I think Khushi break Anjali's marriage
    To save her
    What did Arnav find out about the accident
    Loved the way Arnav was shocked to see Khushi in a typical wife's Avatar
    Wish Arnav loved her this much that he can forgive her now when she is changed
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  20. Unable to predict Anjali and the Jhas . An amazing update

  21. Wonderful update. Hope Khushi gets some clues.

  22. Hmmmmmm..... this gets interesting...

    So were Khushi and Anjali both victims of the Jhas? It appears that Ayush forced Anjali to get married to Shyam though she loved someone else... Khushi found out something unsavoury about Shyam and tried to help Anjali by telling the truth about her boyfriend? So why did the Jhas want to humiliate Anjali / Raizadas?

    Waiting to read the next part!!

  23. We all suspect Anjali . But I think Khushi tried to save Anjali and Anjali is not the culprit .

  24. Awesome update. Anjali should stop interfering in arshi life khushi accident is planned by Mrs. Jha and anjali

  25. Aww amazing arnav care for khushi is seen and alsoo the changes in khushi koo r seen i just hope they both solve they misunderstanding soon and i hope Anjali is not involved in it beczs again the family will be broken beczs of her and i i ju hope that arnav's misunderstanding for khushi gets solved too and they live happily with each other with aarav 😍😘👌 last part was very sweet family time 😍 post it soon ☺️

  26. Beautiful update I wish it should not end

  27. Loved it, waiting to see them enjoy their family time.❤️

  28. Superb. I hope CCTV has captured some lead.

  29. Plzz show little of shyam & shanti jha scene. Khushi memory start coming back plzzz.... also CCTV footage

  30. Superb absolutely superb chapter. He is so lost in the way she is now.

  31. Arnav Singh Raizada is falling hard for his dear wifey just looking at her in his favourite color simple dress and open hair.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu
