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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 21



Chapter 21

Arnav Singh Raizada was unable to decide what Khushi’s motive behind doing all this was. While he sipped his Coffee and his father savored the Onion Pakoras, Khushi kept narrating her own childhood incidents to Aarav and others. The way her eyes sparkled when describing a naughty incident, the way she blushed when Aarav teased her, everything was out of the world tonight. Aarav sat on her lap and she didn’t mind despite recalling how bad her legs ached last night. With Aarav around, she was becoming a perfect mother and with Arnav around.. She behaved like a perfect wife… He applied a break to his thoughts. It was too soon to judge her and since they had no plans to stick to this marriage yet, he better didn’t think in that direction.

“Arnav…” Ayush interrupted his stance. “There is no point in sipping from an empty mug Son”

Arnav realized his coffee was over long back and god knows why he was still faking a sip? Probably, to spend more time around Khushi? Khushi and Aarav both laughed heartily at this joke.

“I have some work to do” Arnav rose from the couch without breaking his gaze from her. “You are coming with me. We need to talk” 

Heat crept her face. Talk? What did he want to talk? Did he notice she wore his favorite color tonight? 

“Go, Khushi” Ayush stated seeing her so blank and expressionless. 

“Jee” she got up promising Aarav she would return soon. 

Arnav led her to his bedroom and this kind of worried her even more. She stopped at his door not getting inside. 

“Do you need a separate invitation to get in?” Arnav snapped. 

“I think I do” 

Arnav recalled he had denied her to step in here. 

“You warned me never to show up here” she muttered. “What brings this change now?” 

“Change?” Arnav smiled sarcastically. “You better don’t talk about change because whatever you did in the past few hours was nothing like you” 

“That’s me” she interrupted. “Thats how I am now. It’s just a matter of time and you will realize it too someday” 

Arnav exhaled. 

“Can you please step inside this room? I am taking my warning back” 

Khushi’s joy was all over her face. She raised her left feet to step inside but then stopped. Arnav watched all her antics. 

“What?” he asked. 

“I need to put the right foot in. That’s auspicious” she winked at him and got in the room. Arnav was baffled. Seriously? Did she just say and do that? 

“Since when did you start being so orthodox?” 

“Believing in certain traditions doesn’t mean I am orthodox” 

She scanned the room stepping inside. She looked everywhere, every corner except the bed because she knew once she does, the flashbacks of that one night with Arnav Singh Raizada on that bed 8 years ago will haunt her again. 

“Sit” he gestured her towards the recliner. 

“Thank you” she sat uncomfortably because he sat next to her. Did they ever sat together like this and conversed before? 

“Why are you doing this?” he patiently asked. “You know you don’t have to take up any responsibility of this house” 

“Thanks for reminding me that” 

She turned her head away. Not that she had expected him to appreciate her actions, but why was he even questioning them? 

“I have no intention to hurt you Khushi. But I need to know why you are suddenly doing this?” 

“Because I want to leave this place giving you all the best memories” 

Arnav was blank for a moment. 

“Memories is all I had from past 8 years. I don’t need more” his stony voice was back. 

“You need them.. Just the better version of them. After I leave this house in three weeks, I don’t want you to remember me for what I was 8 years ago” 

Arnav was too emotional to reply to that statement. He saw tears in her eyes. 

“I don’t even know if you would want to remember me but since I will be seeing Aarav frequently, I guess you don’t have much choice” 

He nodded in agreement. 

“Or are you going to completely cut off from seeing me and only allow Aarav to meet me some times?” 

Arnav hadn’t thought any of this. He couldn’t even decide what their lives would be once she quits this place. 

“Never thought about that really” he answered. “But I assure you no one will stop Aarav from seeing you” 

“Thank you” she smiled. “I thought you wouldn’t even recognize me if we meet again after few months or years” 

That hurt both but she continued!! 

“You know what? Lets do this” she suddenly became all active. “Imagine, you are in a Supermarket and you see me… Say we meet each other after a year from now. What would be your reaction?” 

Arnav hated to think all that. 

“I don’t know. Lets stop imagining things and live the present” 

“Come on Arnav Singh Raizada. Let me see your story making skills” 

What she considered as fun right now was anything but fun. How could he even imagine not seeing her for a year and again bumping with her in the Supermarket. 

“So you mean to say we are divorced and we never saw each other for a year?” he clarified his doubts. 

Khushi nodded trying to hide the tears which were ready to spring from her eyes. 

“Fine. I would say.. Hi to you” 

“Say it” she demanded. 

Arnav rolled his eyes and played along. 

“Hi Khushi. How you doing?” 

Khushi smiled. 

“Very well, thank you. What are you doing in the Supermarket?” 

“Had a few things to pick up” he casually replied. 

“I see… Alone or…?” 

“With someone” 

Their eyes locked intensely. None of them knew how this fake conversation would continue further. 

“your wife?” Khushi painfully asked. 

His throat constricted. So that’s what she thinks? That after she leaves this house, he would end up marrying someone? 

“Hmm” he purposely agreed. “What about you? How is Tanmay?” 

Now he sounded possessive… jealous. Khushi smiled timidly. 

“He must be good. I haven’t seen him in past few months” 

What a wise reply!! he thought. But seriously? 

“I thought you might have married him” he mocked. 

She still had the same expression on her face.. the one which reflected pain and yearning for something.. She was blank. Arnav waited for a moment to fetch that reply from her and when she still didn’t say anything, he gripped her arm, focusing back on the present. Enough of the games they played. 

“I asked you something” 

A reply was on the tip of her lips but would he understand? 

“It tough” she uttered. “Knowing how bad wife I have been earlier, I don’t think I can step into second marriage again” 

There was a long silence and then she continued. 

“But you deserve good Arnav. I will always pray you get everything in your life which you missed because of me. A good wife, true love, happy family. You deserve it all” 

Arnav fisted his fingers!! Why did it hurt? Why couldn’t he imagine this with anyone else? 

“I know you waited all these years because of Aarav. You were worried if the other woman would love him like a mother or not. But you don’t have to worry about it anymore. I am here for Aarav.. I always will be there for him. I am not going to leave him ever. And don’t we all grow wise with age? Whatever mistake you did in choosing me as your wife, I am sure you wouldn’t repeat that. Whoever you will marry in future will be the best for you and this family” 

Arnav was done with this conversation. It pricked his heart somewhere. 

“Enough” he scowled. “Only because you are wiser now, doesn’t give you the right to advise me on my second marriage. I know what I have to do with my life. Its better you focus on yours” 

Khushi watched him as he made his way to the French doors. He stopped there, with his back facing her. 

“I have the tapes you need” he informed, changing the subject. 

“Tapes? You mean the CCTV footage of my accident 7 years ago?” 

A ray of hope shone in her heart. 

“Yes. I had copied the tape which Shanti Jha had shown me during your accident’s investigation. Its in my office archives. I have asked Aman to bring it up tomorrow. Come to my office and see those” 

Khushi stood up. 

“That’s great. I … I will be there” 

Arnav had composed himself by then, his tone was softer again. 

“I have informed Dad to get you” he added. 

“That’s fine. I can…” 

“I don’t want you to drive alone. That’s it. Dad will get you” 

Khushi accepted his orders silently and since he was in no mood to converse further, she made her way to the door. 

“One more thing” 

Khushi stopped and their eyes met again. 

“Don’t wear red again until you are in Shantivan” 

She stiffened. Finally!! He noticed. 

“Why?” she crossed her arms at the front. 

Arnav gritted his teeth. She had that audacity to ask him why? 

“I don’t like that color anymore” 

“Strangely, I have started liking it though” she debated. “But.. only because you asked it so nicely, I will accept it. You wont see me in red ever again Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.. not even if you desire to in future…” 

Declaring that she made her way out. Arnav brushed his fingers in his hair frustrated at his own self. Seeing her in red tortured his body, reminding him of all those times when he had admired her in that color. And though she accepted his request, why did it sound like a torture still? 


Next Day 

Khushi was silent throughout their drive to AR Office. Ayush finished a quick call and turned to Khushi. 

“You must be happy that Arnav is himself interested in clearing your doubts. I never thought he would initiate this” 

“I don’t know Uncle.. what if those tapes prove nothing??” 

Ayush now understood her worry. He tried to ease her a bit. 

“Even if they don’t prove anything, what will it change? You are still Aarav’s mother and Arnav has accepted that” 

That’s it. Arnav had only accepted her as Aarav’s mother, not as his wife. It was this fact which pricked Khushi. Hence wasn’t very happy with that explanation. 

“Look Khushi. You cannot alter the past but you still have time to build a good future. Its in your hands still” 

“But my future is clouded by the dark shadows of my past” 

Ayush was confused. Since last night’s conversation with Arnav, Khushi was desperate to vent her heart out to someone and now that feeling was unstoppable. So she decided to share it with her father-in-law. 

“You know what he told me last night? Stop wearing red until I am in Shantivan. Can you believe it Uncle? That proves how much he hates me … I am sure every time he sees me, he recalls all the ill things I did and spoiled his life. Last evening was my way to improve those memories but what did I get? Nothing” 

Ayush was surprised at her outburst. 

“Did he really say that to you? Not to wear Red anymore?” he enquired. 

“yes” she pouted. 

Ayush laughed aloud. 

“Uncle, please. This is not funny anymore. He was so serious as if he would kill me if I choose that color again” 

“Sorry.. I.. I didn’t mean to laugh but.. you are so silly not to read his intention behind it” 

“What do you mean?” 

“I mean.. he is affected by you.. in red mostly.. Still!! He loses his control… slips his composure when he sees you in that color. Didn’t you see how he was sipping the empty mug during our family time? He was so engrossed in admiring you that he forgot everything” 

Khushi’s cheeks reddened. It was kind of Odd to hear that from her father-in-law. 

“Okay now tell me something honestly” he became serious again. “Do you want to continue your marriage with Arnav even after these three weeks?” 

Khushi gulped the ache formed in her throat. She had never given a deeper thought to it but now was the right time to decide. 

To be Continued.




The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh
 and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldn't lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Let me be very specific His highness” Arun Mehta, Niyati’s father, put his glass of orange juice away and focused back on Jahaan Singh sitting opposite to him.

“Nothing is free in this world. Not even a wife. You want a wife; you have to buy her problems too” he adds.

Jahaan was good at reading people’s mind and the moment he saw this couple; he had realized what category they fit in. They were greedy for money and fortunately he had that plenty. Yet, he was prepared for worst.

“Be specific Mehta” he growled.

“You want to keep Niyati with you, please do. We will not have a problem but what about the debts that we have to settle down? You can see how well breed Niyati is. We kept her that way. And we paid a lot for her education and upbringing. Who will pay for that?” Arun continued to put his demands.

“And you are forgetting the embarrassment she put upon us yesterday. The whole town is mocking us that we couldn’t handle our daughter and let her fled on her wedding day” Rekha added supportive words to her husband’s yet to be made proposal.

“Yes” he agreed. “The embarrassment and torture from the Zamindar cannot be forgotten”

“Let’s stick to the main point, Mehta. Quote your price” Jahaan snapped.

The Mehta couple looked at each other and grinned. Finally, they were getting a fair deal to make and they would use it to the fullest.


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You can Buy the "His Destined Bride" HERE INR 99 only.

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GRAB YOUR FREE COPY OF Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series Book 1)

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

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  1. Eventually Khushi will be proven right, Arnav will ask forgiveness.Just like in Hidden Marriage 2 and Teri ore��

  2. Awesome update. No matter how long the update is its never never going to be enough. Khushi is mature now and taking decisions wisely. Now when Khushi know that hiw much red affected Arnav i want to know what Khushi is going to do about it.
    I am very curious to know what is Khushi's reaction after watching the tape. Whether she will recall anything or not.,....

  3. So what is there in tapes? Will khushi get any clue?
    Madhu why are you not updating regularly?
    Will you update lawful sins 2 tomorrow?

  4. Hope Kushi answer as yes... beautiful update

  5. Lovely update...thanku madhu darling 😘😘

  6. Awesome Update. Ayush and Khushi's conversation was nice. He is the only person who wants Arshi's togetherness.Ayush knows his son well he knows how Arnav lost his control on his heart seeing Khushi in red Khushi has become so mature and responsible. Arnav also get affected by her. Arnav is pretending and hiding his feelings. Khushi has changed a lot. Khushi may have hurt Arnav in past but everyone deserves a chance. Arnav still loves Khushi notice her gestures but choose to ignore her. Arnav loves Khushi but didn't trust her enough in the past. Khushi is now completely changed. She knows traditions too. Arnav is still stuck in the past. Arnav didn't restrict Aarav Khushi meeting is nice. Khushi played a no game. Arnav is jealous about Tanmay. Khushi also prayed for Arnav. Hope the CCTV can prove Khushi's innocence and we get some lovely moments of Arshi romance and some cute moments with Aarav. Thanks for the Update😍😘Waiting for Lawful Sins2.

  7. Arshi spending time with each other with whatever reasons, is good for them as that helps to unleash the feelings they have for the other, specially Arnav, who has buried his feelings for Khushi since 8 years...

    Good that Ayush put some real sense in Khushi's brains regarding Arnav's restriction on her for wearing red again in Shantivan... That would give some hope to Khushi that all's not lost yet between Arnav & her.. Also hope that they get some helpful info from the tapes...

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. Nice update ..hope khushi get some clue from the tape ...waiting for the next update eagerly .Thanks a lot madhu di for back to back updates, you made my day.

  9. Lovely... Seriously hoie Khushi could get some clue from the tapes...

  10. Was expecting some lovely dovey or actual scene like suspense opening etc, hope we get too see that in nxt chp & it's a bit long

  11. Also how did arnav get the tapes.. are those original or tampered ones??

  12. Khushi atleast spoke her heart out to Ayush and he is right past is already gone future is the only thing one has in hand. Hope Khushi will still continue the marriage with Arnav not only for Aarav but because of themselves. Waiting for Khushi's innocence to be proved. Father in law and daughter in law had beautiful conversation. Khushi got shy. Arnav's dad knows him too well. Waiting to know what's in the CCTV. Will Khushi's innocence will be proved or there will be some twist by Jha's and Anjali. Arnav only love Khushi but failed to trust her. Nice Update ❤️

  13. The conversation between arnav and khushi about their future is so emotional. I felt khushis emotions. I can imagine rather feel her pain if she ever see Arnav with another lady as his wife. But that’s life. We can’t change that. Khushi has become wise and mature. There is a hesitation in Arnav to accept khushi yet. That’s why he said not to wear red. My point is khushi might have been a naughty girl and she didn’t want any responsibility in the past. But I don’t think Arnav is right either. He judged her and that’s why he didn’t support her. Good one sis! Thank you!


  15. Hope Khushi finds something in the tapes.. it's taking too long to reveal the past.. hope now atleast she finds something rather than getting back to square one with nothing in the tapes

  16. It was both emotional and enticing.

  17. Hope Sheetal doesn't try to play dirty with Khushi in Arnav's office...of course when he is not around. Hope Arnav & his father will protect Khushi fromm any hurt & put Sheetal in her place. She had been planning for years to marry she won't give up just like that as she doesn't sound genuine.

  18. Wonderful update 😍👌 I am happy that they talk with eachother and arnav have sober down with Khushi and they r to alk what ever it may be but thought this they will know eachother feelings for eachother 😍 and arnav said not wear red to khushi khu ayush let her know the hidden intension of his words and i hope khushi use this in pacifying arnav 😀 I just hope khushi get anyhint and remember something for the past seeinv the video 🤔😰 post it soon getting interesting madhu 😀👌

  19. Emotional and beautiful
    Arnav is falling again for Khushi and it's good that Khushi talked with his father-in-law and get to know Arnav is getting affected by Khushi's new avatar
    Hope Khushi will able to see something in that tapes that can help to prove her innocence
    waiting for next update eagerly

  20. Hope seeing the tapes, Khushi gets her memory back. and hope if she is innocent, which I believe she is, Arnav believes her too.

  21. Superb Update...The act which both played meeting after year was emotional...Waiting for Next Part...

  22. Awesome written arshi talkie together was amazing.. decision 😍

  23. Can you please update Yaadein again please instead of Lawful Sins? Want to know what’s in those tapes...

    Thank you.

  24. Simply superb...
    Loved the way arnav was lost in khushi...

    His dad is too good.

    The conversation if arshi shows they love each other so much it's just a matter of time they accept this feelings...

    This khushi is too good ...

    Hope she get to find something from those tapes..

    Please update it soon

  25. Please update yaadein again

  26. Please updates next part of yadein....

  27. Please update yaadein again madhu.....

  28. Lovely update...I love the sense of intrigue around this story!

    I hope Khushi is able to figure something from the tapes which arnav could not...

    Am I a terrible person for hoping that Anjali is involved in some way & gets her just desserts? ��

  29. The one thing that I have great admiration for is your commitment to this. I see so many people writing Arshi stories and then updating in months and standard excuse is asli duniya... you can see them online, commenting on other stories but they won't update their own for months at an end....

    But you do it like clockwork. That is incredible! And I am so thankful for that..I know that once I start eating your story... I will read it to the end...

    ....and the sheer creativity! I must have read most of your completed stories at least 4-5 times if not more... -and i enjoy them the same each time.

    So just wanted to say thank you for writing all these, being regular and giving us so many Arshi moments.

    1. Thanks dear. I love writing for Arshi and being a part of this little Arshi world we all have created in this blog. Don't see an end to it ☺️☺️

  30. Awesome lovely hope she gets some clue in that tapes and again cliffhanger

  31. Please update lawful sins today. That story has already suffered alot because of yaadein and late updates.

  32. Superb update. Nice to see Arnav and Khushi smooth conversation. Hmmm don’t wear red 😜 Hopefully they will find something in the video.

    1. I don't think they'll find anything in the video because that's been checked by arnav.
      May be khushi will find some face that she remembers and she gets glimpse of her past..

  33. What time will u be updating today.. please tell us

  34. Update yaadein again today, it's so interesting.

  35. Very beautiful story, it bring tears in my eyes

  36. Madhu please update again

  37. Hi please update.. waiting since morning.. atleast let us know what time will u be updating or you'll be updating or not

  38. I hope Khushi is able to find something in those CCTV footage.

  39. Madhu I want to ask you something , cliff hanging is your favourite game? Don't be so heard hearted ,eagerly waiting to know khushis answer . Hope khushi will find something fishi in cctv footage
