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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 41



Chapter 41

The group Dinner was going well with lots of gossips and discussions.

“I love family outings” Lavanya mentioned. “Our parents used to take us out every year on vacations. Me and ASR always used to fight over the destination. I loved to go to Disney land or Fantasy world but ASR liked places with lots of science museums”

Khushi entwined her fingers with Arnav’s below the table.

“What about you both?” Lavanya asked NK.

“uhh..” NK swallowed. “We… we hardly had such outings with our parents” he admitted. “They.. were mostly busy in their own world”

Khushi’s fingers turned cold which Arnav instantly realized. This happened only when Khushi recollected her past and feared of something. He didn’t want her to feel edgy again so he raised their hand hold and kissed her fingers. When he gave her a reassuring smile, her mood changed and she focused back on eating. The topics changed and NK shared the news of he joining the Gupta business. He was so eager to learn and take his role seriously which made both Lavanya and Khushi proud of him. Ruby shared her ups and downs in the media house she was running and had some funny incidents to share too. While they all talked and enjoyed the food, Arnav’s fingers played with Khushi’s bare shoulder and her hair. She leaned on to him happily, both in their own little world. 

“Aman, I seriously respect your work man” NK teased. “Treating someone’s mental health is the best way to serve humanity” 

Aman smiled with pride. 

“That’s why I chose that profession” 

Khushi hadn’t shown any interest in Aman’s talks yet but somewhere she was thankful to him for helping Arnav come out of his grief. 

“Ruby, you are very lucky to have a man like him. He won’t charge you for consultations” NK added. 

“Oh yeah. He better doesn’t because if I happen to consult him, it would be for issues he induced in my fragile heart” Ruby giggled. 

Lavanya and NK heartily laughed at her reply. Arnav’s phone rang and he excused the rest to take the call. Khushi watched him as he made his way to the corner to answer Akash’s call. There had to be some update and Khushi was desperate to know the same. She didn’t get any hint from Arnav’s expressions though. 

“I hear wedding bells ringing” Ruby winked at Khushi, sipping her drink, gathering everyone’s attention on her and Khushi. 

“Shut up Ruby” Khushi rolled her eyes. “We have no such plans” 

Lavanya tensed up as she was still unclear why Khushi was so afraid to commit into a relationship but she didn’t poke. She had promised ASR to give him and Khushi their space. 

“Really? Whom are you fooling babe? We all can read enough from your faces” 

“I guess you all should stop doing that then and give us some space” 

Arnav was back to the table. 

“What’s the talk about?” he asked casually glancing at Khushi who nervously shifted. 

“Ruby’s hearing wedding bells.. for you and Khush” NK stated. “And as usual my sister is in a denial mode” 

Arnav gazed at Khushi who stared back at him in the same intense way. She hoped he wouldn’t affirm that yet. And as expected, Arnav read her concern and turned back to others. 

“Well. When we decide that, you guys will be the first ones to know. Happy? Now lets toast guys and call it a night. I have some work to do” 

They raised their glasses and clinked together. Khushi was glad he didn’t let the others drag their marriage topic. She needed more time. 


As soon as they were out of the elevator, seeing off the others, Khushi tangled her arm around his as they walked to their respective rooms. 

“What did Akash say?” 

Arnav had zipped his lips so far about Akash’s call as he couldn’t risk sharing it before others. Now that they were alone, he decided to reveal. 

“He had an update. We have got few fingerprints on that envelope. He ran them in the database and seems we got our guy” 

Khushi was stunned and nervous, both. Arnav unlocked his door and they got in his room. 

“Viraj Singh. That’s his name, right?” 

“Yes” Khushi recollected that name. She hadn’t met Viraj much except once or twice and that meet didn’t go well because the way he looked at her, made her uncomfortable. She could say he liked her a bit. But who didn’t? All of NK’s friends had a crush on her and she assumed it was not only because she was beautiful, but a powerful and rich woman too. 

“What else did Akash find?” 

“Nothing much. They got an address which happens to be an old one. No one stays there anymore. But Akash’s sources talked to the owner of that property. Seems like after that accident, Viraj moved out of the city. He never returned to that house where he stayed on rent. So, technically this man is a ghost from past three years. We have nothing about him on any database. No license, no Government ID proof, we got nothing except one small theft case against him on the Police record, four years back but someone bailed him out and closed that case” 

“Bailed him out? But he was an orphan. Who would… bail him out?” 

“Someone did sweetheart and Akash is digging that too just in case we get some crumbs about his past and stuff. But right now, he could be anywhere. If he has kept a tab on you and NK, he should know we are here in Goa. He might even be here..” 

“Kishu” her face drained. “We should inform him to be safe… I don’t want that man anywhere near him” 

“Listen” Arnav clutched her arms. “You don’t need to worry about NK or anyone of us here. We are safe in this hotel and Akash has already shared Viraj’s picture to all his guards. So, they wouldn’t let anyone with that face enter this Hotel or anywhere near it” 

Khushi took a sigh of relief. 

“But contrary, I agree we should be informing this to NK. He has to know what’s happening” 

Khushi was still skeptical. 

“Not now” Arnav added. “Maybe after we return home. We can take this slow with him. I don’t want him to worry for something that happened in the past. He might be a big guy now but he is still not matured enough to handle things on his own” 

He was right. Khushi realized Arnav was not just concerned for her but also NK. He was protecting them both. All these years she was alone but now she had a companion. That was a good feeling. She wrapped her arms around his neck. They didn’t speak anything for a long moment. 

“I have something for you” she mumbled unwrapping herself from him and strode to her room using that connecting door. Arnav waited anxiously what that something was. As far as he knew Khushi, she wasn’t someone who would gift unnecessarily. This had to be special then. She came back in few minutes with some papers. The moment Arnav’s eyes landed on those legal seals on it and his own signature, he got the clue. 

“Is that… our contract?” 

“Smart man” she smirked. “That’s our 6-month contract which mentions that you are going to do exactly as I say.. follow all my orders…” 

“Dance on your fingers” Arnav added coming closer. “Which I suppose I am already doing. Did I miss anything that you have to remind me again by shoving this contract on my face?” he mocked. 

Khushi nodded and the next instant she tore the papers. 

“What the” Arnav shouted. “Khushi.. those are… legal papers dammit.. You..” 

“I know. That’s exactly why I am doing this” 

Arnav was still clueless. She tore the contract into hundreds of pieces and threw them in the bin. Arnav gaped her with intense eyes. 

“I no longer bind you with that silly contract. You are free Arnav Singh Raizada” 

His gaze narrowed as he strode to her. 

“That’s not your decision to make” he reached her. “What if I say I wanted you to own me… all of me?” his thumb stroked her flushed cheeks. “forever?” 

Khushi gasped at his declaration and then cupped his face. 

“You are mine Arnav. That’s never going to change. We don’t need some legal papers and ink to define what we have between us. I still own all of you… and you own all of me too. We are equal now” 

His mouth curved. The passion in her eyes soon replaced with a guilt he didn’t recognize. She didn’t let it hang on her face for long though. 

“Let’s go to bed?” she asked. 

“I would like that too” he kissed on her forehead and then made his way to the closet. “Will get changed. You are sleeping in that?” 

His eyes lingered over the Orange knee-length frock she wore for the dinner. 

“I will change” she replied slipping back to her room. 


It was midnight but none of the two were asleep yet. Khushi had snuggled to him on the bed while he drew circles on her back, over that cute cotton nightgown she was wearing. He suddenly recalled something and pulled her arm to check on her wrist. The bruises on her wrist when she harmed herself with the elastic band were still noticeable. She hid it from the world by wearing a watch over it. Only he knew what was beneath that watch. Khushi stared at him as his eyes lingered over her bruises and soon his lips took over. He kissed her wrist gently. 

“Stop doing this to yourself” he declared. She didn’t utter a word, just observed the pain on his face. It was real. No one ever showed this level of grief for her. 

“It’s not what you think it is” she mumbled. “I draw strength from it” 

“Nonsense” he groaned. “No one draws strength by inducing pain to their own body. It’s sadistic” 

Khushi didn’t answer. 

“When did you start this? And why? You know this is complete insane thing to do, don’t you?” 

She still didn’t reply. Arnav gritted his teeth. He knew her inner demons wouldn’t let her share this with him. 

“I am sorry..” he gulped his aching throat. “I know you don’t want to talk about your past yet… I wouldn’t pester you again” 

He snuggled her closer. Khushi could feel it. She wasn’t just hurting herself anymore, she was hurting him too by her silence. Earlier when she told she owned him and he owned her too completely, this was what bothered her. She knew his past whereas Arnav was still blank about hers. His desperation to heal her was visible in his gestures and not being able to do so, pained him. She shut her eyes tight to break her resolve. She would never let Arnav suffer because of her secrets. A moment later, she finally shared her demons with him. 

“I was five when I started realizing the difference in Mom and Dad’s behavior. They were good before the society, in front of my grandfather but inside four walls, they fought like dogs. I was always too curious to know what they fought about. I used to listen to their fights, standing outside their bedroom. Dad’s loud voice, Mom’s screaming back at him, I would hear it all” 

Arnav felt her tears on his chest where she had snuggled her. He cupped her face and forced her to meet his eyes. He had never seen her cry.. not like this.. He had never seen her so weak and vulnerable before. If sharing her past meant breaking her into pieces like these, he would never dare to dig it again. He was about to stop her from speaking further but she intervened. 

“Don’t stop me tonight. If I don’t this now.. I would never do it in my life” 

She wiped off her tears and continued. 

“By the time I was 8 and NK was 5, I knew my parents were least interested in each other and us. Their marriage was hanging on a single thread called Money. Dad was poor in handling business and my grandfather was still slogging to meet the profits and keep the Business running. I saw Dad with another woman one day, Mom with some other man. I hated seeing them so cozy with other partners and not with each other. I even confronted Mom once and she told me I would not understand what it means to stay loyal to a man who wasn’t equally honest with me. She didn’t mind cheating him because he did the same to her. I felt sick. Theirs was the only relation I was raised seeing and believing. And if that was how a relationship ends with time, I decided never to have one…ever” 

She paused to ease her quivering lips. Arnav soothed her back and pecked her forehead to give her some strength. 

“My grandfather was a strict man, had his own insecurities and wanted me and NK to get our parent’s love. So, he put this condition on my parents that if they divorce and part ways, he would decline giving any property to them and because it was only money they ever cared for, my parents stuck with each other in a never-ending loop of hatred and infidelity” 

She felt half relieved sharing this with him and as she continued, her confidence grew. 

“I was 8 when to impress Grandfather, Mom and Dad took us for an outing, to Mussourie. Me and Kishu were so happy on our first family trip. Everything went fine on day 1 but day 2, they again fought. Dad went to the bar to drink and Mom, she locked herself in her room to avoid him. Kishu was sleeping and I was hungry. I wanted to eat something terribly hence I went down to the restaurant on my own. I was shy and hesitant to even place the order because the Menu was hard to understand. A man…” she paused.. “He came and sat next to me.. he was kind at first…” 

Kind at first? What did it mean? What did he do later? Arnav fisted his fingers. He was already feeling protective for her. 

“He ordered for me. I ate and then he insisted on ice cream. No one had ever spoken softly with me except my grandfather so I believed he was good. He took me out and the next instant, I was pushed in a white Van” 

Arnav clenched his jaw. 

“Stop” he grunted. “You don’t have to tell me.. Its okay…” 

“He kidnapped me” she continued ignoring his pleads. “There was another man in that car who had held my hands. I … I was screaming.. I wanted to get back to my parents.. But they drove on the main road in that dark night and my hopes were fading. I realized I was in danger and these men were not good. I kept shouting for no idea how long. That’s when I saw a knife in that man’s pocket. I wanted to save myself so the moment I got a chance, I snatched it and stabbed his arm.. The car stopped and before they could hurt me, I opened the door and ran.. as far as I could.. as… far as I could” 

She shivered terribly recalling that incident. Arnav embraced her and showered kisses on her face. 

“My brave girl” he whispered in between those kisses. 

Brave!! He called her brave!! She wrapped her arms around him to draw more strength, and he gave it unconditionally. 

To be Continued. 


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?





Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 







  1. Horrible past so far... Khushi suffered so much.. dnt know what's next store in past n future... Do update soon.. loved it..

  2. Khushi has a terrible past. Moreover she has endured that pain, memories all alone. That made her this strong khushi who has no feelings. She has seen the world with a different set of mind. There’s arnav now so she is going to have a good future with true relationships and loving memories. Honestly she needs time. She was guilty and understood Arnav so she tore the papers. Love the update!! ❤️ Thank you sister!

  3. It was very hard to hear what Khushi went through how a 8 year old might have faced it.

  4. Ohh my god.
    That's so tragic past of khushi. Can you update lawful sins again, the past is still left right❓

    1. When most of them requesting for yaadein update again.u did not . before also u gave lawful sins 2 update twice and now also.seriosly too much madhu

    2. I think her answer was for the past is still there right wala question. You got it wrong.

    3. Sorry madhu if it is that way.

    4. I am not posting another update of Lawful Sins. It is Royal Fling turn and because that FF is ending, I might post Royal Fling back to back for two days.

    5. Will you update royal fling today or tomorrow?

    6. Not Madhu.. But it's u who is too much... Too annoying, demanding & thankless, everytime... Don't know how Madhu bears readers like u

  5. Awesome Update. Khushi finally shared her bitter past with Arnav. Nobody deserves such bad parents. Khushi had a terrible childhood and has gone through lots of trauma. Her parents are the reason why Khushi doesn't trust anyone. Arshi had a nice time together where Khushi got insights of Arnav's past. Both have different childhood with their parents. Khushi has Arnav's support who knows her and can change her mood. NK is getting responsible. Arshi's romance and teasing are cute. Arnav and Khushi both need Aman. Khushi has trust issues so she is not into commitment due to her parents. Akash got the fingerprint. Viraj Singh is NK's blackmailer friend who may be involved with the Gupta's. Did Khushi's parents help him to get the bail. With Arnav by her side nothing can harm Khushi. Hope Khushi shares the matter with NK. Khushi finally tore the contract made me so happy. Arshi's romance and passion is increasing. Arnav can heal Khushi's pain. Khushi has hidden so much pain. Her parents behavior left a deep impact on her. Khushi has a terrible childhood with bad parents. Khushi showed great courage even after getting kidnapped. Arnav also appreciate her. Both Arshi need only each other. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  6. After this I feel Arshi's relationship will turn stronger . Khushi was truly brave to face all the hardships alone. Can we have the next Update tomorrow 🙏. Gupta couple are very bad. Nice Update ❤️

  7. That’s a tragic past....Nobody deserves to have pathetic parents. Khushi has a terrible past.

  8. O my god you can't be so cruel seriously leaving us hanging on such a crusial point. I was literally bitting my nails in anticipation. Eagerly waiting for next part

  9. Super scary...such parents must n
    Be wopped
    Emo neglect is very very a
    Sad and devastating

  10. Awesome update. Glad to see the past being unfold.

  11. Looks like there's more to this ... Waiting to read more.. please update the same lawful again

  12. OMG that's so terrifying... A small kid faced this much... She is damaged.... Still there is so much left na...i am glad that she is letting all out

  13. Omg! Horrible past....poor khushi....

  14. Poor khushi..... -and v what terrible parents... joe I feel terrible that khushi gave them any money... she should make them suffer

  15. She had terrible past that's the reason she don't trust any man easily. Hope they both stay together because they both are each other strength. Fabulous update

  16. I feel her brother does not know eveything. There is much more horrible to her past since she is scared of loud sounds, darkness & someone used to hit her & her own self harm. Something big happened, I think that man gave Khushi's father money to abuse her or something 😭😭😭

  17. Please can you update lawful sin next? Don't hang us in the middle.

  18. She suffered alot in past.. who is behind this viraj singh

  19. Kushi has a horrible is amazing fiction. The update is beautiful and emotional. Loved Arshi in this.

  20. I thought you forgot that part where Khushi kept hurting herself...Glad you bring this part a bit...Waiting to know the Full past of Khushi in Next Part...

  21. Now I know why khush held her wall so high.awesome update.

  22. That's not fair dear... Why did you stop at such a crucial part??? Waiting to know more about khushi's past. Poor girl.... She had suffered a lot as a kid. No wonder she became this tough women now. Hope after this night of revelation, their relationship become more strong. And who is this Viraj Singh??? What's his motive behind the threatening photographs??? Hope Aakash will find out soon.....

  23. Superb update. Khushi’s past is horrible. Madhu It would be nice if you post next part soon please. Thank you ☺️

  24. Madhu please update the precap of royal fling today

  25. My God.. Khushi's past is so painful, She has been suffering from such a tender age & guess that's not all yet...

    Eager to know the whole past of hers & glad that Arnav is there to give her strength through out..

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  26. Superb update...

    Loved the way arnav understand khushi and told the group the similar thing as khushi said..

    Khushi finally tore those paper hope noone knows about it..

    Finally khushi shared with him her terrible past..indeed she is brave girl..

    Those men sent by her parents?

    Looking forward

  27. Whyyy do I feel Lavanya will see those torn papers & misunderstand Khushi again? Maybe separate arhi by bringing her parents back 😭

  28. Awww ☺️ Brave girl indeed....such a traumatic experience. I think her parents organised the kidnapping
