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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 40



Chapter 40

“You have me…” she replied. He wanted to read between those lines. Did it mean, she was ready to commit to him?

Cupping the back of her head without wasting time Arnav kissed her and everything intensified. They always had a spark since the very first time they met and every second it had deepened. They pulled away and looked at each other for a long moment in a stunned silence.

“What are we?” he asked palming her cheek. “You called me your boyfriend this morning. You even said I am the only one you trust. Does that mean we are officially dating?”

She recalled that she had used these terms today and she wasn’t surprised at all.

“We lied to our families of being in a relationship, but we do all those things which a couple would. We crave for each other when we are not together. We sleep peacefully in each other’s arms. We have started sharing our problems, our feelings openly. Even a simple threat on you makes me insane and its obvious we cannot see each other with someone else. What is this?” His voice was deep, low and intimate. 

“We are a couple” she answered. “real ones” 

His wickedly sexy mouth curved into smug smile. 

“This is real” he whispered touching their noses. “Everything about us, between us, inside us is real” he affirmed. 

Her face softened at his words. Never in her dreams she imagined herself to have such intense feelings for someone. She had stopped trusting people but with Arnav Singh Raizada, she had no option but to give him everything he desired. 

“It took me years to open up to someone Arnav” she muttered. “If you ever turn your back on me now, I might still live.. but without a soul” 

He pressed his lips on hers to stop those words coming from her mouth, to stop those thoughts clouding her brain and to promise her that it would never happen. Never!! 


Nani was off for the weekend Satsang and Arnav ensured to send two guards with her who would secure and bring her safely back after they all return from Goa. She had a group of ten women who were travelling for this Satsang and would be staying with her in the same camp at the outskirts of the City. 

After seeing her off, NK, Lavanya and Khushi drove to the Airport to board Arnav Singh Raizada’s private charter. Akash Verma, their present security head had already assigned his best men to take care of their security in Goa. When they got down the car, beside the Silver Charter plane with the logo of AR Group on it, Khushi could feel heat rising on her cheeks. Ever since she had established, she and Arnav were a real couple now, whenever they met, she felt belonged to him. Just his thought was enough to remind her she was no longer alone. She had someone so close… that he could even hear her breathes from miles away. That was the power they unleashed after confessing to each other that they were a real couple now. 

“Khushi..” Ruby stated getting down the plane, followed by Aman and Arnav. “I am so glad we are finally going on a holiday together. Remember we planned one few years ago but that never happened considering our busy schedules?” 

Ruby reached and hugged her but Khushi’s eyes were fixed on Arnav who was talking to Lavanya and introducing NK to Aman, while he kept stealing her glances too. 

“Guys, please hurry. The Pilot says we have to take off in 20 minutes. Is the luggage loaded already?” NK scooted inside the Plane holding Lavanya’s hand. 

“God” Ruby whispers. “Your man hasn’t left his gaze from you, as if you both haven’t seen each other from years” 

Khushi swallowed. It felt like that but the truth was, it had been 72 hours for their last kisses in Prem Nivas. 

“And he is coming. Allow me to go darling and please board soon or else I don’t mind dropping your bags out and letting you both spend your own private time here without our intrusion” 

“Shut up” Khushi stuttered because now Ruby was loud enough for even Arnav to hear. 

Ruby turned around, passed a quick smile to Arnav and headed to board the plane. 

“Hi there” Khushi said softly, without breaking their eye lock. 

“Hi” he gave her a thorough look from top to bottom. A bell bottom pant covered her legs and the half-sleeved nylon shirt tucked in it. She looked desirable in every outfit but knowing they would be seated next to each other in a plane for two hours, he hadn’t expected her to wear such covered garments. 

“Is that even comfortable?” his voice hinted displeasure which she had already sensed on his face. 

“For me or you?” she teased. 

Arnav grinned hard. 

“I like myself all covered up when I travel” 

Arnav slid his arm around her waist and led her to the plane. Either she had to change that habit or he would have to keep a control on his oversensitive hands. 

“Hope you don’t mind taking the last seat then” he stated clearly. 

“Excuse me?” she frowned. “The last seat?” 

“I don’t want our siblings and friends gawking at us when we make out” 

Khushi’s throat constricted. That’s what he planned to do when they are thousands of feet from the ground? They entered the plane and saw the other four already seated inside. The two guards who would fly with them were stationed at the back. 

“The last seats are occupied” Khushi murmured. 

“That could be changed” he was about to direct the guards to shift from those seats but Khushi grabbed his arm and forced Arnav to take the double seat with her at the front. 

“You can’t be serious. There are two experienced couples here who could sniff your actions” 

Arnav rolled his eyes in dismay and focused on fastening his seatbelt. Khushi held her smirk. He really looked like a cute kid whose chance of getting a candy was snatched. 

“Can you fasten my seatbelt too? I think its stuck” 

Arnav read her lie. 

“Keep trying. I don’t think I can reach that belt” he snapped. 


The way she took her name invoked something inside him and only because he was so affected by her, he decided to play along. Leaning over her from the side, he pulled the other end of her seatbelt. His fingers brushed the material of her shirt. Khushi noticed his Adam’s apple projecting as he swallowed his blooming desires. She raised her finger and stroked his spikey stubble. He kept his words by not clean shaving his beard. She loved his rough look like the one now. He strapped her on the seat and turned back to the window. 

“I have a confession to make” Khushi said to divert his attention. 

He faked a disinterested look but was more than keen to know what she wanted to confess. 

“You look too hot when you are annoyed” she whispered leaning to his ear. 

Arnav cursed silently to control his movements. Khushi enjoyed his state and locked their fingers to ease his tension. She raised their handhold and kissed his knuckles. 

“Don’t spoil the fun.. talk to me” she pouted. 

A smile broke on Arnav’s lips. He palmed her cheek, stroked her lip and then placed a kiss on her forehead. 

“You look cute when you appease” he replied. “Makes me want you hard” 

Flush crept on her cheeks but before he could get to tease her, she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

After two hours they landed at Goa Airport. Khushi quickly walked away to make a call until Arnav got Aman, Ruby, La and NK settled in the SUV and asked them to go ahead. He and Khushi would follow them in the other car. As soon as they left, he returned to her. 

“All good?” 

“Yea.. I was just checking on Bella.” 

Arnav knew she had hired a Dog caretaker to look after Bella in their absence. 

“How’s she doing?” 

“Fine. She’s got new friends now and they are in the park playing. I didn’t want to cage her in the house” 

“Good decision” he kissed her forehead and opened the car door for her. As soon as they settled inside, the car accelerated to the Hotel. The tainted glasses of the black Mercedes gave them a perfect opportunity to kiss for which both of them starved from past three days. Their guards followed in another vehicle. 

“You will be a good Aunt” he mumbled in between their kisses. Khushi was on his lap when he said that. 

“This kiss told you that?” She pulled away and let out a chuckle. 

“Your worry for Bella tells me that” he tucked her hair behind the ear. “When I gifted Bella to you, I hadn’t expected you to bond so well with her in so less time. You look after her as your own” 

“She is mine..” she declared. “Anything you give me will always be cherished Arnav Singh Raizada” 

She brushed her fingers to neaten his hair which had messed up while they kissed. 

“You will be a great Uncle too” she added. 

“About that!!” he smiled again. “I cannot wait to take Lavanya’s baby in my arms. It would be such a heavenly feeling” 

Khushi didn’t say a word. She just listened to him. 

“I have already decided what toys I am going to buy for him/her” 

“You love kids?” she asked. 

“Who doesn’t?” 

The expressionless face of hers paused Arnav’s plans. 

“You don’t .. like kids?” 

She sensed some fear in his voice. 

“I don’t know.. never thought about it. Probably when I become an Aunt, I will realize that. Does that bother you?” 

Arnav rested his forehead against hers. He didn’t want to reply to that question yet. He knew Khushi had her own demons to fight and it was this fear which kept her aloof from such simple emotions in life. Not just a good aunt, she might be a wonderful mother someday, who knows? 



The check-in formalities were done. Arnav had called up Nani to check if she had reached the Satsang Camp safely. Once that was done, he reached back to the group. 

“These are your keys Mr. Raizada and Miss Gupta” the duty manager handed the room keys. “Yours would be seventeenth floor” 

“Wait.. we are not on the same floor?” Arnav asked worried. 

“No Sir, it was Mr. Gupta’s request to put you and Miss Gupta on a different floor than theirs. Miss Khanna and Mr Mathur’s rooms are on the same floor as Mr and Mrs. Guptas” 

Khushi gave a warning look to her brother. 

“Sorry Khush.. But you guys are new into this you know…as in … a couple. We wanted to give you some privacy” NK explained. “And if we all stayed in the same floor, you both would feel crowded.” 

“In fact, I even suggested you and ASR should share a room but..” Ruby added. 

“Enough of your explanations and seriously guys you are all making this awkward now” Khushi snapped. 

“No point in arguing” Arnav interrupted. “The rooms are allotted. Let’s make the most of this trip guys. Lets meet up for dinner in an hour?” 

“Sounds good” they said together and scurried to the elevator. Arnav and Aman followed them. 

“Uff..!!” Aman exhaled. “Did you realize Khushi hasn’t spoken a word to me yet?” 

“I know. But that’s not your fault. She thinks you don’t like us together” 

“You know that’s not true. I would never come between you two because I genuinely care for you” 

“Relax. I know you want the best for me and that’s her Aman. I cannot explain you how much she means to me right now” 

Aman nodded in agreement. 

“She feels the same for you Arnav. I can see that in her gestures, the way she looks at you with all that longing and love…”

Love? Arnav froze. 

“You both don’t need a psychologist; you are enough for each other” 

Aman’s statement instilled a relief in Arnav’s heart. They changed the topic as they reached the elevator and joined the others. Arnav and Khushi dropped out on the 17th floor. Their rooms were adjacent to each other’s with a connecting door from inside. 

“So?” he leaned on that connecting door of his room which he had purposely opened to talk to her.. 

“So, what Mr. Raizada?” 

“Are we keeping this door locked?” 

“I don’t see a problem with that” 

Arnav knew she meant to tease him and it somehow sparkled the moment. 

“I am not letting you sleep alone. Not when the threat is still lurking around” 

He was talking about the envelope and the black sedan which followed her few days ago. That threat wouldn’t get off her mind until whoever was behind got caught. 

“What if you get scared in the middle of the night?” he took a step in her room. 

“I will call your guards.. I am sure Akash has allotted them some nearby rooms on the same floor. They are paid to protect me, aren’t they?” 

“Those guards are assigned to keep you safe outside the room.. Inside here…. you are my problem.. Only I get to fix you Miss Gupta.. No one else” 

Their eyes studied each other’s restlessness. It was hard to keep their desires hidden from the world. She placed her palms over his chest to stop him. 

“if you want to see me in better clothes than the ones I am wearing, you should let me shower. We have 45 minutes left to meet the others for dinner” 

She was right. They didn’t want to be late. He pasted a soft kiss on her head and then turned back to his room. None of the two bothered to lock the Connecting door between their rooms because that wasn’t needed anymore. It was almost like they stayed together and now Khushi realized why Nandakishore made such kind of an arrangements. Damn!! Her brother was too fast!! 

To be Continued.


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?





Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 







  1. Simply superb update...
    Loved it arshi finally a really couple living their love care for each other

    Smart nk too good

    Arshi need this privacy

    Looking forward

  2. Wow!! Aman was right. They are enough for each other. But khushi will take some more time to realize what is love, even though she already loves him she still doesn’t know what it is. And arnav should give her time to come out of her shell. She is slowly coming. And I’m sure she is going to be an amazing mother. She hadn’t seen or felt mother’s love. But she will give the world to her child!! Waiting for the next chapter!! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Awesome Update. For the first time NK did something good by booking the same room for Arshi.Aman also understood Khushi's unsaid feelings. Khushi has a soft kind heart too the way she loves Bella prove that. Would be uncle aunt conversation was cute. Arshi also discussed about kids. Khushi and Arnav deserves each other both have gone through pains and sufferings. Both have intense feelings. Khushi is changing and in love. I know she has trust issues but she will open up soon. Arnav admits it's more than attraction. I believe only Arnav can bring Khushi out of her shell. Arshi's chemistry is absolutely scorching. Sometimes naming a relationship doesn't matter as feelings are more important to anything else. Waiting for another Update😍😘.. and Royal Fling too.. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. Super updates... Waiting for yadein...

  5. Wow!! This is the first story of yours, where Arshi are so intimate! Generally you stay away from intimacy. It suits these characters though!

  6. Aman is absolutely right Arshi needs each other only. Both are each other cure. Behind the egoistic Khushi there is a soft kind-hearted person who is hidden somewhere because of her own turmoils. The way Khushi is waiting for Lavanya 's baby proves she will be a great mother in future. Hope Khushi will open up soon about her past and after that Arshi's relationship will get stronger.

  7. NK is already in love and he knows what is better for his sister.

  8. Aman is right...they both dnt need any phycatrist.... They are enough for each other... They are healing together....very soon khushi is going to share her past with Arnav And someday khushi is going to be a wonderful mother

  9. An incredible update.... very beautifully written

  10. Firstly, thank you Madhu for such a lengthy & lovely update...

    Finally Khushi accepted to Arnav that they are a real couple & belong to each other... Arnav's elation at that is natural...

    The Goa trip has begun amidst all the teasing & romance... It's really thoughtful of NK to alot Arshi rooms on the same floor that too with a connecting door between their rooms...

    Aman is right to say that Arshi don't need a psychologist but each other to share their pain & heal as well...

    Waiting for more romance & some past revelations between Arshi in Goa...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  11. Superb Update...But they still dont realize they have fallen in Love with each other its not just liking anymore...Waiting for Next Part...

  12. Yeah NK is too fast that's why Lavanya is pregnant today.

  13. Excellent update...looking forward to Goa trip🤩🤩

  14. Awwww, such an adorable update. Super cute :) The line Khushi said about Arnav turning back to her & living without a soul. Is that something coming up in their future will break Khushi more before Arnav gets to know her past or misunderstanding which will lead to Arnav getting to know her past? I think Khushi can`t think of kids due to her own childhood being bad :(

  15. It's nice to see them conversing and giving a chance to each other... Hope they understand more each other n their feelings...

  16. Beautiful update loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  17. Beautiful update loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  18. Woww amazing soo happy 😍😘👌👌that khushi accepted arnav and her relationship and trust arnav too 😍😘 and this the girst ff of ur were u have written intimate scene's and i am soo happy that u atleast in one ff tho wrote some intimacy between arshi 😍😌 nahi tho in every ff of ur we get to see intimate scene only in the ending parts of the ff 😔 i am glad u wrote in this though 😍 and aman is right they don't need him and any physiologists they both r enough to heal eachother 😍☺️ and Nk is very smart and good he ghought soo much for arshi that they should live near eachother and with a connecting room soo thoughful of him 😍😘👌 post soon

  19. Awesome update.. as Aman said they are enough for each other to heal their past.. waiting for khushi's past to reveal.

  20. Wow ...never expected this update to be so intimate..Arshi chemistry booming. Now waiting to see what twists and how this story track you are planning as now both are comfortable with each other and I am sure you again write in such way that it's just keep us waiting for the update. Thankyou

  21. Awesome update. Glad that they both have started behaving as couples. Excited for twist on the trip. NK thought about them in such a wonderful way. Loved their intimacy a lot.

  22. Actually Arnav and Khushi are enough for each other...this trip will certainly do alot of goodness for them as a couple!

  23. Hii madhu when u will update The Royal fling??

  24. Madhu will you update royal fling today?

  25. Wonderful fabulous awesome update madhu

  26. what a beautiful update.

  27. Madhu why don't you tell your readers whether you will able to update royal fling or not?

    1. Will post only a precap today for The Royal Fling. Will do it within an hour.

    2. Hmm waiting for the full update . But please update the full chapter tomorrow without fail

  28. What an awesome update....connecting rooms....hmmm just love it 😍
