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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 39


Chapter 39

When Khushi started from Gupta house she dialed Arnav to give him this good news. He was in his car, on way to AR Office when Khushi shared the update of NK’s self interest in joining Gupta Industries.

“That’s a great news” Arnav cheered. “So, you didn’t have to convince him”

“I don’t convince Mr. Raizada.. I give orders”

“Do you?” he teased. “I think that quality in you has taken a backstage now. I haven’t received your orders from a long time”

Khushi bit her lip.

“Don’t tempt me Mr. Raizada” she mocked. “I thought you hate it when I command you”

“Uh huh” he agreed. “But I don’t like you being all submissive either” 
“Then how do you like me?” she teased, keeping her eye on the road. She was self-driving today. 

“How about I show you that instead of telling?” 

Now she got nervous. When she looked at the rear mirror, she found a Black Sedan behind her car, driving exactly in the same speed as hers. 

“Are your driving?” he asked. 

“Hmm. Why?” she focused back on the road. 

“Don’t think much about what I just said.. Let it be a suspense. I want you to reach at work safe…” 

“I wasn’t even thinking about it. But please tell me you wouldn’t be barging again at my office today like you did yesterday because I am really very busy” 

She glanced at the side mirror and the black sedan was still following. Khushi purposely slowed down to check if the vehicle moved past her. When it didn’t, she knew something was suspicious. 

“I am been followed” she stated. “A black sedan is following me since I left home” 

The seriousness in her tone was enough for Arnav to worry. 

“Where are you now? Which road?” 

“I can handle this A…S….R” she liked calling him by his initials sometimes. 

“Tell me which road Khushi Gupta. I have other ways to track you. So please be serious” 

Khushi frowned. He can track her? How? 

“Brigade road, reaching the third signal almost” 

Arnav checked his watch and then took a U turn. 

“Can you see the Number plate of that car?” he queried. 


“Fine.. I can follow your car in 5 minutes if you slow down your speed to 60 km/hour” he informed. “Don’t stop your car. Drive towards the fourth signal and then take a left. Stop the car only when you see me, not otherwise and don’t disconnect the call” 

“Stop overreacting Arnav. I can handle this” 

“How? Calling the cops?” 

“That sounds better than calling an over worried boyfriend” 

Did she just call him her boyfriend? Arnav had no time to analyze this. 

“For once, take my commands seriously. I am almost nearing” he barked. 

Khushi slowed down to 60km/hour and kept driving. The Black sedan was still following her. 

“Talk to me” he urged. 

“Let me focus on the drive…” she smiled. “Did I ever tell, you sound sexy when you are anxious?” 

His lips twitched in delight. She noticed him too much and that’s all he wanted these days. 

“Be careful with your words Khushi Gupta. After we see each other now, I don’t want to kiss you on the busy road” 

“Why? Afraid of onlookers?” 

“Afraid it might not stop with just a kiss” he replied hoarsely. “I can see your car.. and that damn Black sedan too” 

Khushi was impressed. He had asked her to slow down but seemed like he didn’t move his foot from the accelerator. That’s how he could reach here so fast. Khushi took a left at the fourth signal and kept driving. Arnav kept Khushi on hold to click a picture of the number plate of the black sedan but probably the person sitting inside it, realized he was been chased. The sedan took some speed and took another turn, driving as fast and away from them as possible. 

“Shit” Arnav groaned. “he is gone” 

Khushi pulled over her car at the side and got down as she saw Arnav parking his vehicle too behind her. 

“Managed to get the number?” 

“Have clicked a picture.. not very clear though” he reached her and scooped Khushi in his arms. “You okay?” 

She couldn’t reply instead kept staring in his eyes. Why was he so protective for her? Despite knowing she could handle this, he came here to help her. Wish she had met him years ago when she really needed his help!! 

“hey..” he cupped her face. “you seem lost.” 

“I was lost” she answered diplomatically, almost spilling a part of her past but quickly refocused on the current situation. “let’s get these number plate checked” 

“I am sure its fake.. But we might get some clue. Whoever was following you, must be behind that envelope which you got yesterday” 

She nodded in agreement. 

“Hold on” 

Arnav dialed someone from his phone. 

“Akash?” he spoke. “This is Arnav Singh Raizada.” 

Khushi had no clue who Akash was. She kept admiring him as he spoke to this man. His one arm gripped to the phone and other inside his pant pockets.. The man oozed confidence and sensuality. He should be banned from roaming in a three-piece suit on such busy roads. He could kill people just by his look. She might have kissed him right now if only… they had been at a more private place than this... She had no ears to Arnav – Akash’s conversation and she came out of that admiration mode only after he was done with the call. 

“Akash will assign you a bodyguard today. What time are you free this evening?” 

“Bodyguard for me? No.. I don’t need one for me. I just want NK to have a guard full time” 

“Seriously?” he snapped. “After what happened today, I am not taking any risk” 

Khushi frowned. Arnav apprehended he had to convince her coolly. Imposing such decisions might frustrate her. 

“Khushi…” he clutched her arms. “You said I can help you in this matter. Now don’t snatch this right from me. I know you are totally capable of handling this, but let it do it my way unless you don’t think I am proficient enough in protecting you and NK” 

Khushi exhaled. 

“You are the only one I trust now apart from myself” 

Trust? She trusted him? That was a huge step she had taken towards him. They kept gazing at each other until her phone rang aloud. She disconnected Mrs. Pinto’s call recalling she had a meeting scheduled in 30 minutes. 

“I got to go” 

“What time are you finishing work today?” he repeated. 

“Around 06:00” 

“I will pick you up. We have to meet Akash” 

“Who is this guy?” 

“He is that Ex Military friend I was talking about” Arnav opened her car door for Khushi to get in. She stroked his rough chin, curbing her desire to kiss him. “This is spikey” 

Arnav smirked and a smile broke on his lips after a long time. 

“You like it spikey, I know” 

Her body tickled. How did he know? Did she give him any hints during their almost make out in Shantivan last night when his spikey beard scratched her cheeks and neck? 

“Keep it like this.. in Goa” she demanded before getting in the car. Arnav shut the door and watched her drive away. This woman would be the end of him… Whenever she demanded such sexy things from him, focusing on anything else apart from her became difficult. 


As promised, Arnav picked Khushi from her Office and then drove to Prem Nivas which was the only safe place to talk, considering the possibilities of Khushi being stalked and followed. Whoever that person was, wouldn’t think Khushi was here with him. As soon as Akash stepped in the house, he and Arnav shook hands followed by a quick hug and pat on each other’s back. He then introduced Akash to Khushi. 

“That’s Akash Verma, my friend and she is …” 

“I know.. She is Khushi Gupta” 

Khushi shook hands with him. Akash was very tall and muscular. He definitely looked like a military man… tough and strong. 

“Done your homework as always, I see” Arnav teased his friend who chuckled. 

“That’s my job” 

“Job? I thought you are.. EX Military” Khushi sounded confused. 

“That’s right. I worked for military few years and now I run my own security firm. I give protection to the politicians and other VIPs” he replied. 

“He is the best we got Khushi. His men are highly trained to even catch a terrorist” Arnav added. 

“Wow” Khushi was impressed. 

“Should we get into the subject now? I don’t like wasting time” Akash declared taking his seat. Arnav and Khushi sat together, opposite to him. “So, Miss Gupta, please start from the beginning. Arnav has already given me a heads-up about that incident but I want to hear it again from you” 

Khushi was not good with this. Sharing her past with unknown people was a strict No. But when Arnav squeezed her arm to trust him on this, she showed some strength and begun narrating that incident again. Akash mentally made some notes. He also saw the photographs which Khushi received in the envelope at office. 

“That’s it.. And today morning a Black Sedan was following me” Khushi added. 

“I had sent you the picture” Arnav reminded Akash who nodded. 

“Those plates were fake. We ran it in the database, there is no such number registered” 

“So, do you think we are dealing with someone really up for a revenge from me or my brother?” Khushi asked. 

“It cannot be that simple” Akash replied. “If he wanted revenge, he could have hurt you, not follow in his car. We also got no threatening call or message from him yet so we don’t really know what his intention is” 

Arnav picked the photographs again which Akash had placed on the table. He observed them carefully. 

“If someone that night has clicked these pictures, it had to be for one reason.. blackmail..” Arnav declared. 

“But why blackmail after almost three years?” Khushi raised her doubts. 

“That’s exactly my point. Why didn’t he show up before?” Akash questioned. “Anyway, I will keep an eye on this. And as Arnav requested, I will give you two of my best men who will guard you and Nandakishore” 

Khushi agreed. 

“Does Nandakishore know about this envelope or what happened today morning with you?” Akash enquired. 

“Not yet. I don’t want him to worry about all this” 

“He should know” Akash insisted. “That way he will be vigilant always and ..” 

“No” Khushi snapped. “Let him stay out of this” 

“Khushi… this is about NK.. He has to know” Arnav reasoned. 

“Arnav, he and Lavanya have recently started enjoying their lives, they are dreaming of a happy secured family, I don’t want to snatch that joy from them. Please”

Arnav turned to Akash and gave him an accepting nod. If Khushi didn’t want to involve NK, they wouldn’t. This would be secret mission. Akash sighed. 

“Fine. If that’s what you want” he replied. “So, you all are going to Goa this weekend?” 

Khushi was surprised how Akash knew it. It was Arnav who had informed Akash about their weekend plans so that their security is strategized well. 

“Yes” they both replied together to Akash. Arnav’s arm slid around her waist and pulled her closer from the side. 

“Not a problem” Akash mentioned. “My guards will be with you all the time and I will be always be informed of every detail. If there is any serious threat, I will reach in no time” 

“Impressive” Khushi smiled. 

Akash returned her smile and then Arnav and Khushi led him to the door to see him off. 

“I already like this guy” Khushi teased Arnav to get a reaction from him. Arnav for sure burned in jealousy though he knew she was just appreciating Akash’s work. 

“So many kind words for a man you hardly met and nothing for me?” his chest lifts and falls in a breath as he draws her closer. She stroked his rough cheek and placed a gentle kiss. Arnav shut his eyes and sucked a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he notices something flashing in her expressions. 

“You have me…” she replied. He wanted to read between those lines. Did it mean, she was ready to commit to him? 

To be Continued. 


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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing.


  1. Awesome update.... I am glad that Arnav is with her in this... But I think NK needs to know about this......

  2. Superb update...loved the way arshi is teasing each other but standing together ..
    Wow arnav reached so fast

    Khushi,Arnav runs so large huge empires they dont have bodyguards and connections with high authority?

    Like the way akash entry is..

    Wow khushi gave so many assurance today first trust then you have me..

    Eagerly looking forward

  3. Awesome Update. Khushi will be surely ready for commitment one day when she will no longer have her own insecurities.Arnav's jealously is cute. Akash finally made an entry. Khushi's attraction for Arnav is increasing and Arnav is protective towards Khushi. Khushi has finally started trusting Arnav. Arnav and Khushi seems to be comfortable with each other and are enjoying each other's company. Khushi called Arnav her boyfriend and their desires are growing. Khushi's past must be really traumatic that's why she is afraid. Arnav and Khushi visited Prem Nivas along with Akash. NK'S friend and Gupta's are behind Khushi. Khushi should tell NK but Khushi wants to keep NK away from all worry. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. I think NK should be informed but again Khushi has to realize it by herself, she is used of protecting NK. I hope Khushi's parents are not behind all of this

  5. I also think NK needs to know's always better to keep people in loop

  6. Madhu again a cliff hanger ? Hope you will update royal fling tomorrow

  7. Khushi is being stalked by some unknown person who could be of a serious threat to her & maybe NK as well.. Good that Khushi is trusting Arnav & his decision to provide bodyguards to both of them...

    Thanks for the update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. NK should know about the threats in their life. I know Khushi has protected NK all her life but now NK should be made aware of this. Khushi told a big thing to Arnav You have me. That means Khushi is serious about the relationship. Khushi trust Arnav. The day isn't far when she will open about her past. Thanks for the double Updates 😇 Waiting for Royal Fling💗

  9. Superb Update Madhu...New twist this is getting interesting...Thank you for another Update...Waiting for Next Part...

  10. 💕💕💕💕madhu will u update Royal fling today morning or evening??

  11. When will the Goa trip start? Madhu can we expect the trip to start in the next update of lawful?

  12. Nice update, good Kushi is trusting Arnav.

  13. Do take some rest madhu :) nice update ...really respect your tallent in narrating multiple stories at the same are really talented. But yes, pls take care of yourself too...we can always wait...

  14. Is it true that she ready for commitment? Fantastic update

  15. It's nice.. Khushi started trusting Arnav and ready to work on feelings between them.... Waiting for next update but do take care of urself dear...

  16. Lovely. Whoever it is he is trying to contact khushi. So more than nks life khushis life is in danger. But now there is protection for both the siblings. I hope khushis change will not reverse and hurt arnav anymore!! Thank you for the update sis 😍

  17. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  18. Awesome update. Arnav's concern is genuine for both the siblings. Finally the character of Akash is introduced in the story. She is really so mature and understanding that she doesn't want to snatch their newly wed married life. Their romantic sessions are really beautiful.

  19. I think it’s her parents behind all this....hope they both stay safe. I love their romantic moments. Waiting for their Goa trip.

  20. Wonderful... Liked how Arnav and Khushi's relationship is progressing...

  21. Wonderful,superb . Goa . Can't wait madhu.

  22. Just love es how she says “You have me” ....awesome chapter thanks 🙏
