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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 38



Chapter 38


Khushi’s passionate kiss to approve Arnav’s help in dealing with NK’s past would have flared their desires to another level if Khushi’s phone hadn’t buzzed on the right time. She pulled away from Arnav and grabbed her mobile from the table, without getting up from Arnav’s lap.

“Lavanya” she murmured at Arnav before answering the phone call. “Hey Lavanya”

“Khushi, sorry to disturb you but did NK call you?”

Khushi got alert.

“No, he didn’t call me. Why? He is not home yet?” she checked her watch and raised herself from Arnav’s lap in panic.

“No” Lavanya replied. “he had told me he will be late. But his number is not reachable now, so maybe he is driving back and I am simply worried” 
“Don’t.. don’t worry. I will find him. I am coming home” she said before disconnecting the call. “I have to go” 

She quickly grabbed her stuff. Arnav stopped her. 

“Don’t stress out. Try calling him on his number again and I am coming with you” 

“I can handle this Arnav.. I am sure he is with his friends still and..” her hands shivered. 

Arnav gripped her arms and pulled her close. 

“Relax. I know you are worried for him especially because of that envelope thing which happened today. Let me come along. I will drive while you call his friends and check” 


They made their way to Khushi’s car and drove away. Khushi kept dialing NK’s friends one by one to check if he was with them. Most of them said he had left the Club 15 minutes back which meant.. he might be on way home. Arnav drove towards the route NK would take from Club to Gupta House to find any clue but no luck. They reached the mansion and scurried inside. Lavanya was sitting alone on the couch, waiting for her husband. The moment she saw them, she ran into Arnav’s arms. 

“hey… La… calm down” Arnav stroked her back. 

“did he call you?” Khushi asked. 

“No. I.. I hope he is fine. He never does that you know” 

“I think I will call the Cops” Khushi picked her phone and was about to dial when they heard NK’s voice. 


They turned to the door where NK almost stumbled missing a stair. He was drunk. Lavanya heaved a sigh of relief knowing he was fine but Khushi was annoyed. 

“Where the hell were you?” she shouted. 

NK was surprised as she never used that tone with him. 

“Party. I told you I had to catch up with my old friends” 

“Do you have any idea what we went through in the past one hour? Each of us was trying to trace you. Where the hell is your phone?” 

“Khush… relax. My phone battery was dead. I forgot to charge. And I am not a child anymore. I can look after myself” 

“Can you?” she scowled. “You cannot even stand on your own right now Kishu, how about that? Why are you so drunk?” 

“Sorry” he held his ears. “You know my friends.. they.. they forced me to drink and….” 

“Shut up” 

Arnav immediately came ahead to stop Khushi from arguing. 

“Calm down.. Let him go rest. Lavanya.. will you please take him back to the room” Arnav said turning to his sister. 

“I am not done with him yet” Khushi shrugged off Arnav’s hold. 

“Sweetheart” Arnav caught her again. “He won’t understand anything you speak now. Talk to him tomorrow when he is in full senses. La.. take him” 

Lavanya came ahead and dragged NK back to their room. She too was pissed on her husband for being so careless this time. The moment they were gone, Khushi groaned in anger. 

“He has no idea how much I freaked out.. I am trying to protect him Arnav.. What didn’t I give this boy? And in return he is giving me this…? Panic attacks?” 

Arnav pulled Khushi in his arms and comforted her. She was still shivering. 

“I am not saying he is taking you for granted. He loves you too much to do that, but he should realize his duties now” he stated. 

Khushi agreed. She already had made up her mind to drag NK to work soon. 

“I will talk to him tomorrow. I want him in my office. Enough of these parties and drinking” 

Arnav smiled and kissed her forehead. That’s what he wanted her to understand. Whatever happened today was an eye opener for her. 

“Great. Now just cool down and go to sleep. Thank God Nani didn’t witness all this. She would be hurt” 

“I wouldn’t have liked that too” Khushi admitted. “Thank you” she clutched his shirt and kissed his chest. She rested her head on his chest for a while and then left him. 

“I am sorry for ruining our date” she added. 

“No problem. We will continue this in the Goa trip” 

Khushi’s eyes glittered with hope but she was also scared. 

“You think going to Goa is a good idea? Now that we know someone is digging the past?” 

Arnav read her concern and eased her down. 

“We cannot wait for him to attack us Khushi and we cannot live in that fear either” he explained. 

“I cannot take this to the cops” she debated. “And handling it ourselves would be a risk” 

“I know. That’s why let me help you. I have some Ex-Army friends who could help us find him” 

“Ex - Army?” 

Arnav smiled. 

“Why? Can’t I have such rough and tough friends?” 

She smirked hard. 

“If you could handle me… you can handle anyone.. I am sure” 

They headed outside. Arnav decided to take Khushi’s car and drop it then next morning. 

“You could just stay here you know..” 

Arnav exhaled pinning her to the side wall before leaving the door. 

“You have a lot to handle tomorrow and need good sleep. If I stay.. none of us can get that..” 

He was right. She let him kiss her cheek and then waved at him as he drove out. Bella quickly hopped at her feet. 

“There you are… where were you?” she stroked Bella walking her in. “You missed Arnav by few seconds” 

Bella cuddled to her as Khushi climbed the stairs to get some sleep. Tomorrow she would talk to NK and ensure he takes his life seriously hereon. 


Next Day 

NK woke up with a bad headache and recalled how he had hurt everyone last night. Lavanya came out of shower and ignored him as if he didn’t exist even in the same room. He reached her and tried to cuddle her but she moved away. 

“I am sorry” he mumbled. “What is my mistake in this if my phone battery was dead?” 

Lavanya still didn’t speak a word. 

“La please.. I said I am sorry. I really didn’t realize how many pegs I had..” 

“That’s your problem NK” she snapped. “You don’t realize. You still behave like a teen who loves his freedom and is happy without responsibilities” 

“Don’t say that. I am trying to become a responsible husband” 

“Are you? Only shopping for your wife or taking her for checkups regularly is your way to prove how responsible you are?” 

NK looked down in guilt. Lavanya hated to torture him like this but he had to learn now. She pulled his arm and placed it on her stomach. 

“Can you feel this NK?” she asked. “This is our baby. Within 5 months he/she will come in this world. We have to prepare a lot to welcome this child. I am not saying you don’t enjoy your time with your friends. But please don’t be this careless again. Did you see how disturbed Khushi was? You ruined their dinner plans. They have done so much for us. If we cannot help them, lets not at least increase their problems” 

NK realized his mistake. 

“I have taken things too lightly, I know. I will not do it henceforth” 

His promise was enough for Lavanya to forgive his mistake and she hoped he would never repeat it. When they came down for breakfast, Khushi was already there with Nani. None of them spoke about that incident over the table. Khushi was too quiet and disturbed and when Nani asked her, she lied about being overloaded with work. 

“Can I say something?” NK interrupted. 

Khushi faked a smile. Before Nani, she tried to behave normal with her brother. 

“I think I should be assisting you at work Khush” NK suggested. “I know I have no experience but I am eager to learn. I am very sure if you and ASR guide me, I too can be capable of sharing some of your work load” 

Khushi was shocked. She had plans to drag him to work but she hardly had to do anything. She looked at Lavanya who was so proud of her husband and his decisions. 

“That’s really great Nandakishore. My blessings with you” Nani smiled. 

“Please give me a chance Khush. I will not disappoint you this time” NK pleaded. 

Khushi sighed in disbelief and then held his hand over the table. 

“You are brilliant man. If you put your energy and thought process in the right track, you can even be a better businessman than me and Arnav” 

“You think so?” there was a spark in his eyes. 

“yes” she smiled. 

“Thank you” he raised their handhold and kissed the back of her palm. “Can I join you from today?” 

“Is your headache gone?” she mocked. 

He looked away remorsefully. 

“I don’t think so, right? So have another day of your freedom and tomorrow you can join me to work” 

She then got up to leave. 

“Until then, I will prepare the documents to get you onboard and one more thing. I am appointing a bodyguard for you” 

NK burst out laughing. 

“Now you are going overboard Khush. I am seriously fine being alone and I can take care of people if they try to hurt me..” 

Her fierce look silenced him. 

“I am not negotiating on this Kishu. You will have a guard with you from tomorrow and that’s final” 

“On one condition” he continued to argue. “If you and ASR agree for the Goa trip this weekend. Please…” 

This was easy because Khushi already knew she and Arnav were ready for this trip. 


“Yes” he jumped in joy and gave her a hug. “Me and La will get in touch with Ruby and Aman and plan this out” 

“No.. no ways.. You all wont plan anything, I will do it” 

Khushi didn’t wanted to take any chances regarding their safety. 

“Khush please, you already have so much on your plate to do. Let us handle the arrangements” 

Khushi agreed. 

“Do all the arrangements but I need a report on it before we leave from here” 

“You will get that” he kissed her cheek. “Can’t wait for this trip” 

“Me too” 

These two words just dropped from her mouth unknowingly. Spending two days with Arnav Singh Raizada.. carefreely.. without bothering about work and other commitments was going to be a bliss. 

She patted his cheek and then head out for her car. As soon as her car left the premises, a black sedan followed her. 

To be Continued 


Note: Short part. Couldn’t draft more guys!! Busy ☹


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?





Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 







  1. WOW. A short part after multiple delays.
    I'm honestly losing interest in this story.

    1. Don't b so hard on her... She has a life apart from updating stories... She isn't in contract with us to not delay in updating... Atleast she managed to give a short update... Appreciate her efforts...

  2. Madhu please don't do this to your readers again cliffhanger . I don't know whether to ask one more update of the sane story or next part of royal fling for tomorrow . I hope you will update any of these stories tomorrow and that too a long one .

  3. Awesome Update. Is the Black Sedan sent by Gupta's to hurt Khushi. Hope Arnav will be there to protect her.The Update began with romance and ended with thriller. Loved the way Arnav supported Khushi. Khushi will surely reveal about her past and the envelope soon.I really like the way Khushi scolded NK for being irresponsible. Her worry and anger were justified. NK's friends seems to be involved with the Gupta's. Khushi has over pampered NK too much. Finally NK agreed to share some responsibility. Khushi has Arnav's comfort and as long as Arnav is with her nobody can harm her.Hope Arnav's friend help them . NK was acting kiddish Lavanya made him understand his fault and Khushi also praised NK. Khushi is trying to protect NK. Waiting for Arshi's Goa trip. Hope Arnav saves Khushi before some mishap happens. Khushi's life is in danger.Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. Good that Lav could make NK realise about his responsibilities towards her & their baby... NK also took her advise seriously & decided to assist Khushi in business... Khushi & Arnav now don't have to make any efforts for that...

    Now excited for their Goa trip...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Hey Madhu
    Can we please expect another update of lawful sins tomorrow ��

  6. Awesome Update Hopefully now NK will be more responsible towards Lavanya and their baby. Now NK is ready to share the load of business. And may Arnav save Khushi from the Upcoming danger. Waiting for the Next part💗.

  7. Good update.. looks like Khushi is in danger ... Hope Arnav saves her

  8. Nice yet thrilling end. Cliff hanger again

  9. Who is in black sedan.. Khushi is in danger guess so.

  10. Short part...Can We get another Update of Lawful Sin2 tomorrow...Plzzz...

  11. Excellent madhu...even in ur busy schedule u never disappoint us...thanks a lot for the short but sweet update😘😘

  12. Thank you so much for update dear.....

  13. Khushi is very protective and this can be a negative point for her. Whoever the person who knows their past may try to harm khushi. Not NK. Glad that Nk decided to work without khushi asking him. Love the supportive Arnav. Thank you for updating sis😘

  14. Superb update 😍 it's good that lav made him understand his responsibility towards her and baby and adviced him to work and he too understood her and said Khushi that he will join work with her that a great new 😍👌👌 Khushi and arnav don't have to put any effort for this ... Excited for the Goa trip 😎 who's car is following Khushi🤔 now I hope it doesn't harm her 😰

  15. A power packed update, short but crisp, excited for the goa trip, bring it on😂

  16. Exited for the Goa trip.... Hope everything goes fyn... Somebody is behind khushi

  17. Awesome update. Loved the way they both handled the situation. Lavanya's concern and anger is justified. NK will be be responsible henceforth. Excited for the Goa trip.

  18. Superb update. Its very lovely to see Arnav and Khushi togetherness. Who is this villains now!!!🤔

  19. Superb update....
    Their dinner got disturb...

    NK, I hope he will be responsible now inward..
    Loved the way arnav came with khushi n supported her

    Looking forward

  20. Lovely update... Hope nobody gets harm...

  21. Madhu don't keep it as suspense. Please tell which story you will update today or there is no updates for today ?

  22. Madhu can you please tell which story you will update today?

  23. Madhu 3 hrs is getting over when you will update.

    1. Their dinner was awesome until they were rudely interrupted. NK must grow up now. Hope he will be up to the challenge of working
