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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 22



Chapter 22

Ayush’s direct question shocked Khushi and put her in a dilemma. They were still in the car, driving to AR Group.

“Your silence is not going to work this time Daughter-in-law” Ayush smirked. “You have to be vocal about it. Otherwise no one can help you”

Khushi pouted.

“To be honest Uncle, I have never felt these feelings for any man like I feel around Arnav. Past 8 years I have met so many men in my professional and personal world but none of them affected me the way Arnav does. I don’t know if this is because he is my husband and we have a child together or it means anything more”

“Then find out if its more. You have three weeks left”

Khushi sighed doubtfully.

“If it means more to me and not to him, this won’t end well”

Ayush acknowledged her concern with a nod. 

“But what if it means more to both of you? Can you imagine the turn of events that can take place if this happens? Think about Aarav. He would always get to live with you both” 

Khushi could practically picture that life. She could see Aarav getting his share of love from both Arnav and her like every normal child should. She might have committed mistakes in the past but Aarav is innocent. Why should Aarav suffer in all this? They reached the building and Ayush led her to the top floor where Arnav’s cabin was situated. Someone stopped Ayush for some signatures on a file.

“Khushi, you go ahead. I will join you both in some time”

Khushi agreed and made her way to Arnav’s cabin. She had been her last time when she got to know Arnav was her husband and Aarav their son. She had barged in his Conference for getting answers from him.

“Good Morning Ma’am” the same receptionist who had stopped her last time, greeted her. By now the whole office knew she was his wife.

“Arnav in there?” Khushi asked.

“Sir is in a meeting with Miss Sheetal”

Khushi recalled Sheetal was the same woman who had come to Shantivan the other day.

“That’s fine” Khushi checked her watch. “Can you tell him I am here?”

“Sure Ma’am”

The receptionist picked the intercom and took permission.

“He is expecting you inside” she smiled.


Khushi authoritatively strode to his cabin and pushed the door open. Arnav was sprawled on his leather chair and Sheetal was explaining some figures on her laptop, sitting opposite to him. Arnav gave her a quick nod and gestured her to get in. Sheetal poked a glance at her and then shifted her gaze back to the laptop.

“We are almost finishing.. Give me ten minutes” Arnav stated.

“I will wait” she softly replied taking a seat on the Couch. She picked a business magazine and flipped the pages. Her eyes glued on her husband when Sheetal got up from her seat to explain him the stats on his laptop. Sheetal rounded his desk and reached behind Arnav. She almost leaned over his back and pointed out her pen on the laptop screen. Khushi fisted her fingers. That woman was clearly flirting and though Arnav was too engrossed to notice that, Khushi couldn’t control her rising temper especially when Sheetal brushed her fingers over his arm while reaching for her laptop screen. A phone call buzzed on Arnav’s number which paused their discussion.

“I need to take this call. I will be right back” he got up from his chair and strode out of the cabin.

Sheetal returned to her chair and changed the presentation on the laptop. By the time she was done, Khushi was already seated on Arnav’s chair.. She frowned, the dislike on Sheetal’s face for Khushi was readable. Sheetal ignored her and tried to pick the file from the table when Khushi pulled the file and flipped the pages. That was rude of her to do so but she didn’t care.

“You are misbehaving” Sheetal groaned.

“Don’t flirt with my husband as if I am not in the same room” Khushi snapped.

Sheetal was speechless.

“I wasn’t..”

“You were” Khushi interrupted. “A wife’s instinct can never be wrong”

Khushi got up from the chair and circled the desk to reach Sheetal. She stood very close to her, enough to threaten Sheetal.

“Next time I see you touching my husband, you will be fired”

Sheetal glared at her like she already got her termination letter.

“This is his office, not yours. I work on his payroll, not yours”

Khushi gritted her teeth. This woman still had the audacity to debate with her?

“He is my husband, not yours. I think that’s enough to earn you a termination letter. So, unless you need this job, stop eying my husband and stay away”

The door opened and Arnav was back in the cabin. He saw Sheetal and Khushi throwing invisible daggers at each other. Since Khushi didn’t budge, Sheetal had to lower her gaze. She hastily picked her laptop and moved away.

“I will change the figures and get back to you after you finish this meet” she stuttered and left the cabin.

Khushi’s uneven stare at Arnav raised some suspicion in his mind.

“Anything happened when I wasn’t here? She looked scared”

“She better be” Khushi gulped her anger. “Where are the tapes?”

“Aman is getting them. This way”

He led Khushi to the couch. Aman came inside and played the tape on the Plasma TV.

“It’s a one-hour Video” Arnav said. “After the delivery you were moved to the Private room. So this is captured from the time you were brought in this room till you left it with… Aarav in arms..”

Khushi swallowed. She could feel her arms and feet getting cold. This tape meant something to her. It was one way to trigger her memories of that accident and she wished it happened. She was so desperate to regain her memories.

“You are ready?” Arnav asked her with concern. She plainly nodded and her eyes glued to the TV Screen. Arnav gestured Aman to play the tape. The first few minutes looked normal. The doctors and nurses were constantly moving in and out of her room which looked very normal. Khushi tried to recollect this.. but no luck.

“How original is this tape?” she raised her doubts. Aman paused it.

“Whatever tape Shanti Jha gave us, we got it verified from our experts. And since we had to return them back to the hospital, we made a secret copy. This is the same copy you are watching” Arnav replied.

Khushi turned back to the screen to watch the remaining minutes left. Arnav sat back on his Chair, little away from her. He didn’t want to crowd Khushi. It was better she focuses on the tape alone and sorts her misconception that there was anything he had missed noticing. But though he was away from her, he didn’t move his eyes off his wife. She was so eager to find some clue.. some hint that she wasn’t entirely at fault that day. What if she regained some of those flashbacks? Wouldn’t it simplify everything?

“Stop” Khushi shouted at Aman. “Rewind the tape”

Arnav became super alert. Did she sense something?

“What happened?” he asked staring at her in surprise. Aman rewind the tape by few seconds.

“That’s it.. He…” Khushi pointed at the Television screen. “He”

Arnav watched the man she was trying to point out, who according to the CCTV footage was making an entry in the same room where Khushi was admitted after the delivery.

“That’s a Doctor” Arnav stated. Though only his back was visible and not his face, since he was wearing a Doctor’s coat, they believed he was one.

“He is not a Doctor.” Khushi rubbed her aching temples. Ever since she was watching this tape, she got a severe headache trying to recall that day. “I saw some flashes..” she shut her eyes. “I am arguing with this man.. he is.. he is threatening me”

She opened her eyes feeling totally scared and out of place. Arnav immediately rushed to her chair and kneeled down.

“Hey… calm down.. Stop stressing your brain so much.”

“Arnav… He is. He is not a doctor. I know that. Find this man. He knows something I am sure. Please find him” she begged leaning onto him.

Arnav took her in his embrace while his eyes darted on the Television screen. If that’s true, then whoever this man was… he would find him, no matter what. Aman placed the remote aside and made his way out. He didn’t want to intrude the private moment of his Boss with his wife.

Arnav soothed her back while she sobbed on his shoulder.

“Khushi stop crying.. I will find this man.. I promise” he stroked her hair.
It took her few more minutes to realize she had hugged him and his legs might be hurting as he knelt from a long time. She pulled away gently unable to meet his eyes.

“Drink some water” he passed her the glass and waited until she gulped some. He then sat next to her and grabbed the remote. “We can stop this here and check the rest of the stuff some other time”

“No.. I want to see it all now”

Arnav exhaled. He knew it would pain her to watch the next clips because he too had felt the same when he saw them the first time.

“You sure?” he reconfirmed.

“Yes” she whispered.

Arnav unwillingly played the tape again but this time he sat next to her. The man whom Khushi was suspicious about didn’t come out for almost 10 minutes of that clip and when he did, his face was again hidden by the disposable mask he wore on his face. He even kept his head low and walked in the opposite direction of the CCTV Camera. It was impossible to find him with such less footage but that wasn’t Arnav’s concern right now. What he feared was Khushi’s reactions to the upcoming clips. There was no movement of any staff or personnel in her room for another 10 minutes and then she came out.. Khushi came out in the same blue hospital gown she was wearing after her delivery, with newly born Aarav in arms. She had hugged him to her heart.

Khushi shivered on the couch. No flashes.. no memories.. But she looked pale and hurt seeing herself in that state with her baby. Arnav clutched her hand to give her strength. He was no longer watching the TV but her expressions. She was so lost. Tears rolled down her eyes as she saw herself stumbling with the pillar. She was too weak to walk but despite that she was trying her best to leave this place.. Something had scared her..

Khushi gripped Arnav’s arm as she saw herself reaching the stairs with Aarav. Though she was aware that she alone fell down the stairs, she was still worried of the baby she was holding in her arms.

“Aarav..” her voice cracked..

She never recalled how Aarav looked when he was newly born. A nurse stopped her from walking away. Whatever conversation happened between the nurse and her was not audible but anyone could guess the nurse was trying to take her back to the room and when she didn’t listen, the nurse pulled the baby from her arms. Khushi was about to snatch Aarav but she lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

The TV Screen went black and Khushi cried bitterly. Arnav’s eyes turned moist too and seeing her so fragile and in pain, broke his own control. He pulled Khushi into a bone crushing hug. His arms stroked her hair.. while she fisted her fingers on his back, hating herself for not remembering a thing that transpired that day. Fate was playing unfair with her and she couldn’t even blame anyone.

“Sssshh” Arnav purred in her ears.. “Stop crying..”

It was far easy to say this than do. Her nose rubbed on his shoulder, her tears soaked his shirt collar. Arnav could feel every nerve of her body shivering in pain.

“Khushi… I said … stop crying”

She still couldn’t.. Her sobs turned terrible and Arnav hated to admit, it hurt him equally. He pulled away from her and cupped her face, their noses touched.

“Stop..” he almost breathed her..

When it still didn’t change anything, Arnav pressed his lips on hers. For few seconds he practically felt her crying in his mouth but then it changed.. She was numb and motionless while he kissed away her pain.. her tears and every bit of tension that had tortured her since the time they watched the tape today. None of the two realized how long the kiss lasted until they broke for air. Their heads were still glued, their noses touching and rubbing the others while their lips quivered. Khushi finally opened her eyes and seeing him this close.. her heart hammered.

The voice of Ayush Singh Raizada from outside, coming closer to the door, broke their stance. Khushi instantly rose from the couch looking away from Arnav Singh Raizada who was equally shocked that they kissed. It was one heck of an emotional moment for them otherwise he would never… misuse his right on her.

“Sorry kids. I am late. You watched the tapes?” Ayush came inside the room.

Arnav was speechless and Khushi too confused to react. Without even glancing at her father-in-law she slipped out of the cabin. Arnav wanted to stop her but he couldn’t..

“Shit” he groaned fisting his fingers.

“What … what happened here?” Ayush queried to his son who looked like someone just squeezed his heart and pumped out every ounce of blood from it. “Arnav… did you both fight again?”

Arnav shut his eyes to stop the flashes of their heated kiss from playing nonstop in his mind.

“Looks like you need a minute too” Ayush sighed patting his back. “I will come later”

Though clueless of what exactly transpired in this cabin, Ayush didn’t grill his son much. Whatever it was, had affected both Arnav and Khushi and the way Khushi exited and Arnav was cursing himself, it had to be something intense. It had to be way too personal.. and intimate.. Because he was sharp enough to guess these kinds of reactions between a couple. And if what he thought was right, he was worried how the two would face each other hereon?

To be Continued. 



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Mr and Mrs Thakur - Prologue + Chapter 1 and 2 + All Excerpts + Reviews. Click HERE

Mr and Mrs Sehgal - Chapter 1 and 2 + All Excerpts + Reviews. Click HERE


  1. Ohh damn Khushi was trying to save aarav. That man I think is shyam and he's the reason she was leaving with aarav. He hid his face, he knew there was cctv and all. Who better knows it than the son of the owner.
    And they kissed 😐 I don't want arnav to regret it
    Thankyou for the update
    Im off to sleep

  2. Thank you for the update I liked the way khushi warned Sheetal. What will happen next? Will Arnav realize his feeling for khushi and Express it?
    Waiting to read more arshi intense scenes

  3. Superb update...loved the way khushi warned sheetal...

    Oh my who is that man?.how arnav will find him?
    Loved the way arnav was there for khushi wow hope they wont ignore each other now.. his dad is smart man

    Looking forward

  4. Hmm it is so painful to watch something related to your past and not remembering it. It was very emotional for Arnav and Khushi I hope they won't avoid each other

  5. Fantastic update madhu...thanku...pls give us the epilogue of the Royal Fling

  6. I guess that must be Shyam Jha in the disguise of a doctor who came to threaten Khushi & which caused such fear in her that she decided to flee from the hospital, taking her new born along.. Just hope Anjali isn't involved in any of the happenings, otherwise it would b very heartrending for Arnav & Ayush to bear...

    How ironical it is that the incident which happened 8 years back parted Arshi's ways from each other & today reliving the same incident got them closer.... Indeed they both are each other's healer...

    Thanks for the awesome update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. awesome update.....omg they kissed... lets see what happens next

  8. Hope Sheetal takes Khushi's warning seriously & be in her limits. But knowing her plan of years, highly doubtful that she doesn't try to play any nasty games. Hope this time Arnav catches her in her game & put her in her place strongly .

  9. Awesome Update. Arnav lend his support to Khushi. They kissed though it was more emotional moment. Khushi finally admitted her feelings for Arnav and she was quite clear about it. Ayush is supporting Khushi. Khushi deserves a second chance. Aarav is too small and need his parents. Khushi is so possessive of Arnav. Khushi do have feelings for Arnav. She showed Sheetal her right place. Loved her attitude. Khushi recollect something about the man. Can it be Shyam. Hope Arnav finds the culprit soon. Arnav hug Khushi comforted her. Arnav still loves and cares for her. Khushi's motherly instincts told something can hurt Aarav. The nurse may be involved with Shyam and the Jha's. Ayush is really intelligent to give Arshi space. Really after such moment how Arshi deal with their feelings and desires it will be interesting😍😘. Thanks for the Update Waiting for Lawful Sins2😍

  10. Thank you madhu for update is this the one story to make me eager for next part almost every time while reading I want more.. Want to know what happened next
    . Awesome hope they didn't turn their hearts away from each other..

  11. And hope becoz of this kiss Arshi don't start avoiding each other...especially Arnav as he has Anjali behind his back to constantly warn him against getting together with Khushi again.

  12. Lovely dear. Simply love it the way you penned down whole down. Looking forward

  13. Arnav finally got proof of Khushi's innocence. The man must be Shyam along with Shyam Shanti Jha is also involved. Can't say about Anjali but if she is also involved it would be a tough time for the Raizadas. . Arnav misunderstood Khushi. May be this incident proved Khushi innocent but still it's sad that Arnav couldn't trust Khushi enough but claimed to love her. I know Khushi did mistakes but Arnav should have trusted her. Already Khushi has suffered enough though I am not denying Arnav's pain but still feeling bad for Khushi.😢 Arnav still loves Khushi and hate her tears. Please don't separate Arshi. Both need each other. Emotional Update😧

  14. Is it a short chapter you updated...???Coz am finding it short Madhu...But it was Superb as usual...What a way for making her stop crying...Waiting for Next Part...

  15. Hope specially arnav don't avoid khushi after kiss. Fabulous update

  16. Nothing could be more better than this update loved loved loved it ❤️❤️❤️

  17. Can you give us tommorow too yaadein plz

  18. A mother's instinct is never wrong... I guess she knows something has happened due to which she took that step... Emotional and intense.... Looking forward to read more...

  19. Wonderful update loved it
    Glad that Khushi warned that Sheetal
    And Arnav was there when Khushi breakdown
    Hope kiss will not make them awkward with each other
    But who was that man and how Arnav will search him
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hope they find the man or may be he Shyam

  22. They hugged and kissed 🥰 I think that man is shyam . He is also doctor
    Sheetal needed that, khushi gave nicely to sheetal. Hope sheetal won't bring new prb to arshi.
    Waiting for next update dear

  23. very interesting update .❤️❤️

  24. Liked the way Arnav supporting Kushi and she warning Sheetal. The kiss was though an emotional moment hope they do not regret it

  25. Very nice update plz post next chapter of this stories tomorrow

  26. Fate is really unfair for khushi. Even after she watched the tapes nothing has changed. Just one clue but without a proper detail. Hope khushi get some justice. Loved their interaction. But if arnav is regretting that kiss then he never loved khushi! But I hope it’s not true. It’s still too early to say anjali was involved in this matter. Loved the update. Waiting for the next chapter ❤️❤️

  27. Wow liked how Khushi warned sheetal.. I think that man is anjali's boyfriend that Khushi had told to family. As shyam is doctor and also Khushi telling that man is not doctor. I don't think it's shyam.

  28. Madhu please update the next chapter of yaadein again and then you can give two updates for lawful sins also maybe but please update the next chapter of this story itself.

  29. Madhu can you please tell which story you will update today ? Also please update epilogue for royal fling

  30. Fantastic.. Waiting for next part eagerly...

  31. Awesome update. That’s a good warning for sheetal 👍👍 Looks like Khushi is saving her baby but circumstances turns not in Khushi’s favour. What could actually would have happened??

  32. Madhu can we know if you'll post the whole update of lawful sins or only the precap❓😊

  33. Khushi and her possessiveness 😍😍 i feel that khushi is innocent hopefully

  34. Is it Shyam who was threatening Khushi and why they want to take Ayush from her. Loved the way Khushi warned Sheetal.

  35. Feel so sorry Khushi poor gal .. so sad .. thank goodness that Arnav was there help her emotional part .. awesome written thank you 🙏
