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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 23



Chapter 23

AR Group

Arnav Singh Raizada stared blankly at Khushi’s number on his phone. He was still deciding if he should make this call or not? It had been an hour since she left like that.. after watching the tapes.. after their kiss. The way it all happened, he hadn’t thought things would turn so complicated. All he wanted was to soothe her pain, ease her cries and relieve her from stress and the best way to do that during that weak moment was kiss her? NO!! He could have done anything but that. Their relationship was already on the verge of breaking in few weeks. They both knew it.. then why was it so hard to accept? He pushed his phone away and hid his face between his palms. He had to get a grip on himself. If he falls weak now, things will worsen. He had to control things before things control him because this time he was not prepared for another heartbreak.

“ASR” Sheetal knocked his cabin door.

Arnav composed himself and gestured her to get in.

“You okay?”

“Hmm” he logged in on his laptop. 
“I got the figures changed in the presentation. Now since Khushi is not here to disturb us, we could continue with the discussion. Why was she here by the way?”

Arnav paused to glare at Sheetal.

“Whatever she was here for is our personal matter Sheetal. I don’t deem it necessary to share it with anyone else”

Sheetal swallowed nervously at his direct hit.

“Arnav.. I am not anyone else. I.. I know I work here but… I thought we are also more than just a Boss-Employee”

Arnav recalled she had hinted him the same a few times before.

“Maybe” he replied. “Maybe we are more than a Boss-Employee because you love my Son and he likes your company too but please don’t expect me to share my personal life with you. I wouldn’t do that. Ever”

Sheetal fumed.

“Right” she snapped. “I know where this is coming from. Khushi Gupta is back in your life and that’s why you don’t need any other woman”

Arnav was baffled.

“I thought you hate her Arnav. I thought you have moved on from her memories because she has hurt you that bad in the past. I don’t know much what happened between you two back then, when you were married, but I know one thing. I am very sure that once her memories are back, she will repeat the past. She will choose her freedom over you and Aarav. I am just trying to protect you from that pain”

“Enough” Arnav shouted getting up from his chair. “Get out”

Sheetal jerked at his scream. Today had been a nightmare for her because both husband-wife had insulted her to the core. She turned around and left the room.



Khushi stood under the shower, to wash away her tears, replaying what just happened between them and trying to figure out Arnav’s present feelings for her. But she failed. It was a weak moment when they kissed but was it enough to invoke all those desires, he had hidden from past 8 years? She could feel how much he wanted to soothe her down, to comfort her, in that one kiss. Only a man who had feelings for a woman, would show that level of passion and hunger. That one moment was enough to make her realize what she wanted to see in her future. After these three weeks are over, she didn’t wish to leave the house. She intended to stay back here, as Aarav’s mother and Arnav’s wife. She wanted to give them both all the love they missed the past few years and make up for all that lost time. But she couldn’t take this decision alone. Arnav had to equally agree on it and she was prepared to do anything to convince him.

When she came down, Ayush was back from Office but not Arnav. She learnt from Ayush that Arnav had some additional work to do which is why he would be coming home late. Khushi wasn’t sure if he really had more work or he was ignoring her. She hoped the later was not true. If he creates more distance between them now, it would be difficult for her to persuade him. Ayush and Anjali had a party to attend of a close relative and they left. Khushi fed dinner to Aarav and waited anxiously for Arnav to return.


Jha House

Shanti Jha was in the drawing room, looking at some reports of her Hospital when the servant informed her that Arnav Singh Raizada was here to see her. She was startled and a faint worry crossed her face. Why was he here? They were not in meeting terms after that accident. She left all her work and came out to greet him.

“Arnav, what brings you to Jha house?”

Arnav smirked at her and took his seat on the couch. Shanti sat opposite to him.

“I hope everything is all right in your family” she asked. “I heard Khushi is back”

“Yes she is. And you met her too, didn’t you?”

Arnav’s query had a bit of sarcasm in it which she didn’t miss.

“She and her father had come to meet me at the hospital. She wanted to see the accident tapes.”

“And you denied”

“That’s because its old story Arnav” she argued.

“Not anymore” he sighed. “Khushi saw those tapes today and she got flashes of her past”

Shanti swallowed nervously.

“What… what flashes?” she asked. “I mean.. what sort of memories?”

“Someone dressed in a doctor’s coat entered her room that day and threatened her”

Arnav didn’t move his gaze from the woman’s face and it was evident she was shocked to hear this.

“Threat… threatened?” she stuttered.

“Yes, Mrs. Jha. Threatened. She couldn’t relate everything but we have an image of that person now and we are soon going to trace him”

Shanti Jha shifted in her seat.

“How.. how did you get that CCTV footage?”

“I made a copy of the one you gave me for the investigation then”

Shanti frowned.

“I should have known” she wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Anyways, I… I don’t understand what brings you here now?”

“Its very simple Mrs. Jha. I am here because someone has misused your hospital norms 7 years ago and got into my wife’s room to threaten her. In fact, someone still wants to hurt her. I don’t understand why”

“What do you mean still wants to hurt her?”

Arnav exhaled recalling that evening when he got to know Khushi met with an accident again while driving back from her home with Aarav.

“One day after meeting you in your hospital, Khushi was hit by a motorbike on the Richmond road” he replied.

“Oh my God. I hope she is fine now”

“She is and I will ensure that remains so. That’s why I am here”

Now Shanti Jha was worried. She could connect the dots behind Arnav’s words and apprehend what brought him here.

“You think I tried to hurt her?”

“Could be” he shrugged. “After all you didn’t let her check those tapes easily”

“That’s because she didn’t ask me nicely. She destroyed my son’s life and you think I will be cordial with her now?”

“Don’t relate these two things Mrs. Jha. Khushi came to you on a professional front and you being the head of that hospital should have helped her which you clearly didn’t. Either you wanted to take revenge from her by not letting her access to those tapes so easily or you are hiding something.. in fact.. hiding someone”

Shanti stood up.

“You cannot blame me without any proofs Arnav. And I am a Doctor. I save people’s lives. I will never even think of taking a life to hide something”

Arnav rose to his feet.

“I hope that’s true. Because I have already started investigating on this incident. If you really have nothing to hide, I will need access to some of the CCTV footages of that full day, including the list of who entered and exited the hospital when Khushi was admitted. I hope this time you are not going to deny access to any of that”

“Sure” Shanti nodded. But Arnav for some reason couldn’t figure out why she looked nervous still?


Today was a hectic day for Arnav Singh Raizada. Watching those tapes with Khushi, kissing her to take away her pain, then repenting on his actions and finally taking over the responsibility of finding the links to that accident which happened in Shanti Jha’s hospital 8 years ago.. everything had drained him. All he wanted to do right now was have dinner, spend some time with Aarav if he was awake and then go to sleep. And during all of this, he just hoped he didn’t have to face Khushi again today. He wasn’t prepared. Despite trying hard, he wasn’t prepared to face her tonight. He wished she was already asleep by the time he reaches home.

He stepped out of his car and found his father’s vehicle missing. He asked their other driver Mohan who informed that Ayush and Anjali had been out for a party and wouldn’t be coming home until midnight. He walked in the house. It was already half past eleven. Hari Prakash quickly passed him a glass of water.

“Aarav slept?”

“Jee” Hari Prakash nodded. “Should I arrange your dinner?”

“Yes Please. I am famished”

Hari Prakash rushed to the kitchen while Arnav made his way to the bedroom. He loosened his tie and threw it on the bed. He was about to walk to the closet when he saw a neatly pressed night suit placed on the bed for him to change. Who did that? No one ever did that for him so far. Did.. Khushi do this? She had come into his bedroom again today? Why? This kind of gesture was new. She never did this even when they stayed together. He picked the night suit and stuffed it back in the closet. If this was her doing, he better doesn’t get entrapped again. He quickly freshened up and wore another Night Pant and a maroon T-Shirt, and came down.

The food was arranged over the table. The other lights of the living room were dimmed because it was very late already. Hari Prakash came out with two more serving bowls and placed it on the table. Arnav took his seat.

“You could have made my plate directly. Why arrange everything on the table?” Arnav asked.

“Khushi Bhabhi told me to arrange it all here” he replied.

Arnav was stunned. Khushi Bhabhi?? Since when did Hari Prakash start calling Khushi like that? As far as he remembered, she hated being called Bhabhi. She preferred the servants to call her Ma’am.

“Thank you, Hari Prakash,” Khushi came out with the dessert bowls. “You can go and sleep. I will wind this up once we finish”

“No Bhabhi, I can wait”

Arnav’s jaw dropped seeing Khushi awake at this hour and not just that, she was wearing a plain yellow saree. SAREE? Why? He shifted uncomfortably when she neared him and placed the bowls on the table.

“I said you can leave. I will manage. Go” she instructed. Hari Prakash didn’t argue much. He greeted them goodnight and headed for the servant’s quarters outside their mansion.

Arnav stared at her while she served them both. What was she doing? The night suit, the Saree and above all, she waited for him to return so that they could have dinner together? Why?

“You don’t need my permission to begin” she said putting a smile.

Arnav didn’t argue because he was seriously hungry. The first morsel itself was enough for him to realize the regular chefs didn’t cook. The taste was different.. very authentic and incredible. He ate a few morsels and then stared at her.

“You cooked?”

Khushi gulped some water and shook her head.

“Yea. I did”


“Why does a woman cook Arnav?”

“That’s not the answer I am looking for. I want to know why you are doing this?” he snapped. “I hope this is not because of the kiss”

Khushi paused her eating. He was going to continue his bickering but Khushi didn’t allow him do so. She placed her palm over his lips to shut him up.

“I was bored after your father and Anjali left for the party. Aarav was busy in his own games and slept early. So, I decided to cook. I am not a fool to think one kiss can change anything between us”

Arnav could read she was hurt but she was faking being normal to him. She removed her palm from his lips and continued eating.

“What about the night suit you kept ready for me?”

“I wanted to ease your work” she answered. “So that you could quickly freshen up and come down for dinner”

Arnav ate another morsel. Seemed like she was prepared for all his questions.

“And what explanation do you have for this yellow saree?” he demanded.

Now it was Khushi’s turn to raise her queries.

“Don’t you think you notice my attire a lot these days?” she mocked. “You don’t want me to wear red. Now you have problem with me wearing a Yellow saree too?”

Arnav gulped. She was sharp to note he noticed her. A lot… these days..

“I love Sarees. Never got much chance to wear them abroad. Now that I am here, I have that liberty”

They ate the rest of the food quietly. When they were done, Arnav finally leaned back on his chair and gawked at her again.

“As far as I know you, you always did special things to impress me whenever you wanted something in return” he mentioned.

Khushi smiled. He was right.

“Old habits die hard” he added. “So… What is it that you want this time?”

Khushi started collecting the plates and bowls.

“You really want to know?” she asked.

He shook his head. Khushi collected everything and made her way to the kitchen. Arnav followed her with the rest of the stuff.

“You have everything already” he mentioned. “Earlier it was different. I had instructed your father not to pamper you financially because somewhere you were my responsibility after marriage. But now” he exhaled. “You earn and I don’t think there is anything which you cannot buy for yourself”

Khushi washed her hands, settling everything back to its place.

“Come with me”

She dragged him to the little temple inside the house where the Goddess Idol was placed and worshipped. Arnav had no clue yet but he was intrigued. Knowing Khushi was no longer that pampered girl she used to be earlier, he believed whatever she wanted from him this time would be sensible enough. She picked the little container of Vermillion (Sindoor) and extended it towards him.

“I know I have three weeks left in this house.. in this family.. I want to make the most of that time. I wish to live every relation I have with you all to the fullest during these three weeks. Legally, ritually I am already your wife Arnav. So, I want you to give me that right to wear this Sindoor for these three weeks”

His heartbeat quickened as he stood frozen at her request.. Wrong… it was a demand. A strange darkness radiated through him which she didn’t fail to read.

“I am not asking you much Arnav. I promise to leave this house after three weeks if that’s what you want. But until then… give me that honor to be your wife”

Her words took his breath and every ounce of control. Did she even know what she was asking from him and how bad this could end up for both?

To be Continued.



Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 


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  1. Awesome update. Like what khushi is doing. While arnav does his investigation, she can prove that she has changed. I really want her to stay back and damn that sheetal and shanti jha. I'm sure shanti jha was trying to save shyam

  2. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  3. Wow.. I guess yaadein it's becoming my favourite now.. first it was lawful sins but I guess yaadein is just wow

    1. has happened with me too it's my favoriteeee

    2. Same here. Lawful sins was my favorite but now its yaadein

    3. Same here i has become my fav too

  4. Fabulous update madhu darling 😘😘but cliffhanger 😑😑😑

  5. I like this time slot, just so happy to read it this early. Also, why this arnav had to go ti shanti's house today, more than khushi it was me waiting to see him reach home😂😂😂. Love the update waitung for the next part❤️

  6. May b Shanti Jha is not a culprit herself but is definitely covering for the real culprit which must b her son I guess.. Hope as per her assurance, she co-operates with the further investigation...

    Khushi is on a roll to live her rest of the days in RM as Arnav's wife & hence her demand of sindoor rights which baffled Arnav & I'm sure he is gonna blast on her... Can't blame him as he is scared of another heart break.. But he needs to have a leap of faith in this changed Khushi...

    Thanks for the awesome update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. Thank you for the update. Hope arnav will fill her maang also in future the wedding chain .
    Hope you will update lawful sims 2 in the same way late in the night tomorrow.

  8. Awesome Update. Khushi demanded something unusual but it's her right as a wife. Now will Arnav gave her the right is a big question. Khushi has changed so much. Arnav must accept his feelings for Khushi and give their relationship a chance. I know it's not easy for him but still he must acknowledge Khushi. Arnav is too much resisting. Sheetal is totally irritating. Arnav rightly showed her place. Sheetal has the audacity to think like that. Good that Arnav cleared his stand. I don't like Sheetal much her poking nature and she was saying bad things about Khushi. Arnav can't hear a single bad words for Khushi. Khushi's feelings has changed. It's good that she wants to stay and continue the relationship. Shanti Jha fears if truth will come out. Khushi's accident seemed planned by Jha's. Shanti Jha already panicked. The doctor must be Shyam. Is Anjali also involved. Arnav had vowed to protect Khushi. How did Khushi destroyed Shyam life. Why would Khushi say such things is still not clear. I think Anjali and Jha's are lying. Loved Arnav's threatening and he is already investigating the matter. Hope Arnav finds the truth soon. Khushi has changed and is fulfilling her wifely duties. Arnav is too hurt and is equally shocked seeing Khushi's change. Khushi understand Arnav's feelings. Khushi wanted a unique thing called sindoor which is the right of every wife. Now will Arnav fulfill her wish. Hope he gives a chance to this relationship. It's very hard for him to forget everything but I still want Arshi together. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  9. Superb Update...Am sure now Arnav will be angry on Khushi for asking him this rights just for three weeks...Waiting for Next Part...

  10. Arnav fears that Khushi will hurt him again and his fears are true considering the past activities of Khushi. But a fair chance must be given to Khushi if she wants to rectify her mistakes. That's my point. People do change . Already so many years are gone. Please don't separate Arshi. Will Arnav now get angry on Khushi for demanding her rights. It's really a tough situation. Can't see anyone of them hurt.

  11. Wonderful update ❤️ Next part soon 😍

  12. Can I get another udate of this tommorow plz plz plz

  13. Hope no one intrudes their moment.....

  14. Khushi definitely knows why she is asking Arnav to put the sindhoor for her and live every relation she has with them all to the fullest during these three weeks. It will end up good i feel as by then Arnav would have found out what really happened when Khushi delivered and who was the guy who acted like doctor and what was his motive of threatening Khushi. Hope all goes well as all of them have suffered enough.

  15. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav and khushi interacted today. Hope all their misunderstandings get cleared.

  16. Arnav love her,he know khushi is not lying,can't he give her one chance. Awesome update

  17. Sorry Madhu..while majority of ur readers are in love with this having very unsettling feeling...feeling imposed... Shouldn't we first undertand what are our mistakes ? Only then we could be really fair to everyone...without knowing the depth of our mistakes how we can impose our rights on others?... Maybe at least if she regain some of her past memories then repent and say sincere sorry to everyone then she could try to mend all the relations.... Sincerely this is my honest feelings that i wanted to share with Madhu...really hope no one else bashes me for sharing my opinion..earlier during FB time it was more easier to share our thoughts with Madhu alone without being judge/criticised by other fellow readers.. Missing that chance....

    1. Hey. everyone is free to open up their thoughts. :) Yea I know FB times was easier.. Wish they hadnt blocked my account :(

    2. No one is going to bashing you's just your opinion.....

    3. More than FB I like to read your stories here.....

    4. This blog is awesome as your stories. We are as comfortable with it as fb.

    5. That’s true. Even I don’t like the way khushi imposing arnav. But when I expressed it I got so many unlikes. Sometimes it’s really uncomfortable. We don’t have a freedom to express how we feel about the plot. People have different opinions about everything. But many people don’t respect others opinion. No one really likes to get an unlike for expressing their opinion. Right sister?

    6. Yes i totally agree.... :)

  18. Khushi definitely deserves a chance. If that accident didn't occur she may be living a normal life with arnav and her son.

  19. Why do I feel that they'll be interrupted by AYUSH and Anjali

  20. Awesome lovely hope arnav takes the reigns in his hands fully

  21. Beautiful!!

    So she's all up for winning. Nice.


  22. Khushi is well prepared now. But looks like Arnav is denial for what Khushi is asking. Let’s see what’s going to happen next. Awesome update

  23. Wonderful fabulous awesome update dear

  24. Wonderful update..

    Totally loved it..

    Arnav must have thought something that's why visited Mrs Jha and told.her and demand the details..

    Loved the way he shut sheetal...

    Wow khushi too good loved her replies..

    Wow superb khushi hope this will be a new beginning for arshi

  25. Honestly speaking I have this uneasy feeling when khushi initiate things like this. I’m not sure if she has the right to do so. Apart from feelings for Arav we haven’t seen any feeling for arnav in her in the past. One night can’t make things better for both of them. Khushi didn’t want that marriage and now she started to have feelings for arnav and expecting the same from arnav. That’s kind of unfair arnav. I hope khushi will understand this sooner.
    Okay about shanti jha, this is my opinion. What if Shanti jha s son had feelings for khushi and they created a misunderstanding between arshi? I really don’t understand how else they are connected at this moment. It’s more like maze. Awesome update sis! Thank you!! ❤️

  26. Can you please end sheetal chapter? How dare she openly bad mouth khushi.
    Mrs shanti hiding something , something avouy his son mistake.
    I think khushi expecting something which is hard to reach at the point with many MU and secret
    Really feeling bad for khushi, wish to have one moment wife moment

    Waiting for next update dear

  27. I am waiting for Khushi to get back her memories

  28. I hope Arnav will not get angry with Khushi.

  29. Nice this is getting more n more interesting

    My blog post do read if you are free

  31. Wonderful update loved it
    Glad that Khushi is trying hard and brilliantly
    She left Arnav speechless with her every answer
    Hope Arnav give her a chance
    Waiting for update eagerly

  32. Wow 🤩 she wants her rights even if it’s for only 3 weeks. Will he do it?. That is the question. Loved the chapter
