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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Cursed Bride - Sample Chapters + Reviews



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It is said that every Palace has its own history buried deep inside the walls that supports it. It is not easy to know what had actually happened in the past. It is not simple to digest the truth that was been hidden from long

Raj Mahal, the biggest Palace in Jodhpur and the 3rd biggest in India had a very Unfortunate Past. It had seen three generations of the Khurana Family who lived there. Something worst had happened years ago, which no one from the family ever talked about. In fact, this Cruel Past was always hidden from the new generations of the family. None of the Grandsons and Granddaughters who lived in this House, ever knew what that Past was. Only the elders of this Family had known this secret.

Saroj Khurana, the eldest member of this Family was sitting on the Recliner, placed at the Centre of the small garden in front of the Huge palace. She was thinking something very important. Her Grandson ‘Shravan Khurana’ was now an established business tycoon. He was almost at his age to get married. She would have to hunt the best bride for him. But then she was worried of something. In fact, she was worried of Shravan's marriage, right from the time she had come to know the Unfortunate Past of this Palace.

She closed her eyes and tried calming herself down but the screams of her Youngest Granddaughter, Radhika Khurana, made her open her eyes instantly. 

"Daadi save me. Daadi"

She immediately turned behind, only to find her Youngest Grandson, Kishore Khurana, running behind his sister Radhika, his hands all filled with mud and he was chasing her to paste the wet mud on her face.

Kishore and Radhika both were very childish in behavior. They teased each other, played pranks on one other, sometimes even made the other laugh and cry at the same time by their acts. But they were the second best Sibling pair of this house. Well then who were the first ones?

Radhika reached Saroj and tried hiding behind the recliner, to avoid her brother's playful actions.

Radhika: Kishore, Don’t do this. Please. I am wearing a White dress. The Mud stains won’t go. Please.
Kishore: Ohh!! So now you are worried of your dress? What happened when you poured this same mud on my new jeans? Didn’t you think about the stains then?

Radhika held her ears and stood beside her Daadi pouting at her Kishore.
Radhika: I am sorry Kishore Bhai.!!!!! Forgive me. I promise I will buy a new Jeans for you, today. Happy??
Kishore (Still trying to chase her): No way Radhika. You spoiled my outfit and I would spoil yours too.

He was about to paste the mud on Radhika but Saroj held his hand.

Saroj: Kishore, your sister is asking your forgiveness. Didn’t I teach you to forgive people when they are sorry for their deeds?
Kishore stopped and moved his hand behind, giving up.
Kishore: Ok Daadi. I remember. I forgive her.
Radhika smiled and hugged Saroj for saving her from her brother today.
Daadi: And you Radhika, remember one thing. Now you are grown up girl of Khurana Family. You shouldn’t be playing around like this, all the time. In few months, you would be getting married. I want you to learn everything from your elder sister and sister-in-law. Understood??
Radhika nodded and kissed Saroj’s Cheeks.
Radhika: Daadi. I have already learnt a lot from Di and Bhabhi. I guess it’s time for Kishore Bhai to learn somethings from Shravan and Rajeev Bhai.
She giggled teasing Kishore and ran away. Kishore followed her once again after facing the naughtier side of his sister.

Saroj knew nothing can stop these two from fighting with each other. Maakhan, an Old Servant of this Palace, hurriedly came to Saroj.

Maakhan: Hukkum. (He said bending his head down showing respect to Saroj which he always did). Shravanji has come back from his Trip and he is not in a good mood. Anjum Bitiya asked me to call you inside.
Saroj: What? Shravan is back home? But he was supposed to come next week.

Saroj got up from the Recliner and headed towards the doors of the Palace, to check what the matter was. Maakhan followed her.

Devi Jaiswal, was the next elderly person in this Palace. Her only Daughter was married to the Eldest Son of Saroj Khurana. After the death of Saroj's Son and her Daughter, both the families stayed together in this Palace. Devi and Saroj were also good friends and they took decisions for the whole family after seeking each other’s advice. Devi had a Son Manveer Jaiswal and a daughter in law Malti Jaiswal. They too stayed in the same palace. Their Son, Rajeev Jaiswal, was married recently to his childhood friend Kriti.

Saroj saw Devi and Malti sitting on the couch, discussing about ‘Shravan’.

Malti: Sasuma. I don’t understand why Shravan beta gets hyper for every small thing?
Devi: Malti. We don’t need to discuss this, now. We all know his anger. I hope Anjum bitiya calms him down.
Malti nodded in agreement as Saroj reached there.
Saroj: Devi, What happened to Shravan? And he came a week early? Is everything alright? (She worriedly asked)
Devi: Calm down, Saroj. He is fine. Nothing has happened to him. He just finished his work in Delhi early and thus returned back sooner then predicted.
Saroj: But then Makkhan told me he is angry.
Devi (Little tensed): Yes. He met with a small accident.
Saroj was hell shocked to know.
Saroj: Accident? Oh God!! I hope he is fine. Did he get hurt? Call the doctor, Malti.
Devi: (Holding Saroj's hand): Saroj, relax. He is not injured. It’s just a small cut on his hand, that’s it. Don’t worry.

Devi made Saroj sit on the Couch and asked Malti to quickly get some water for her.

Devi: It was the Driver's fault. New drivers always drive rashly. Shravan fired him today. Don’t worry. He is all fine. Anjum is bandaging him, in the room.
Saroj looked at Devi with fear in her eyes. It was such a coincidence that minutes back she was thinking about the Unfortunate history of Raj Mahal and now she comes to know her Grandson ‘Shravan’ is injured.

Devi's expressions also changed suddenly seeing Saroj in fear and nervousness. She caressed Saroj just to let her know that everything is fine. ‘Their Shravan is fine’


Anjum Kapadia was the Eldest daughter of this Palace. She was married 2 years back to Suraj Kapadia who was a Lawyer by Profession. Since her husband always had to travel different cities for his work, he made sure his wife stayed at Raj Mahal during that time. Even now he was out of town and hence Anjum was back to her Mayka for some days. After the death of her parents, she had taken utmost care to bring up her younger brother ‘Shravan Singh Khurana’ in a proper way. She always made sure of his needs and likes and everything he ever wanted was made available, before he even asked. She treated her younger brother almost like her Son. She also cared for her other two siblings Radhika and Kishore who were her Chacha's Childrens (Saroj's Second Son's Childrens). But Shravan was her priority, all the time.

Anjum was dressing the small Cut on the Wrist of her Brother, Shravan, who was sitting at the edge of the bed fuming, remembering how he had warned his driver to drive under speed limit and how he had ignored his orders.

Anjum: Shravan. You shouldn’t have fired the Driver. He was new to this Job. You should have given him one chance.
Shravan's temper which was already high, raised to it’s peek now.
Shravan: What the Hell.!! Shravan Singh Khurana never gives a Second Chance to anyone Di. You should have known that by now.

He got up from the bed and strode to the Exclusive Poolside of his room. Anjum followed.
Anjum: Shravan. I know that. But then he told me that it wasn’t his fault. He just couldn’t control the speed at that moment. He tried applying the brakes and yet the Car didn’t slow down. Which means there should be some technical fault with the Car. You should have confirmed that at least before firing him from the Job?

Shravan (Turning Back to Anjum): Checking the Car's Servicing is not my Job Di. He should have serviced the Car properly before picking me up from my Office. He has failed to do his duty and has been fired for that. I don’t want anyone, especially you, to even ask me to re-think on my decision. Once I decide something, I never look back.

Saying that Shravan Singh Khurana, the only Short-tempered person in Raj Mahal, left his room.


Delhi Airport

The Flight from US had landed few minutes ago. Sheetal was waiting outside a white Mercedes Car, in her formal attire, holding a Bouquet of Flowers, to receive her Managing Director's Daughter, Miss Preeti Mehra. She was constantly checking her watch and then looking for this known face, that would be coming out from the Arrivals, at any moment. Finally, she saw Preeti Mehra walking out in a blue Jeans White Top, wearing a Black sunglass and dragging a Medium Sized Black Trolley towards her. Preeti stopped at the Car, near Sheetal, who greeted her with the Bouquet.

Sheetal: Welcome to India Ma’am.
Preeti removed her sunglass, accepting the bouquet and then frowned at Sheetal for addressing her as "Ma’am".
Preeti: I suppose we are good friends first, Sheetal. Every other relation between us comes next. So, stop being so formal. (Saying that she smiled and hugged Sheetal)

Sheetal was very much delighted by Preeti's behaviour. Yes, she and Preeti were good friends. They had met each other in Mehra Office in United States, where they became friends. Sheetal got posted to India and now they were meeting each other after 2 years.  She hugged her back with equal comfort.

Sheetal: You must be tired. Let’s drive to Mehra House.
Preeti: Yeah. And I have a lot to talk to you.

The Driver loaded the luggage in the Car and the two girls sat inside, starting to share their lives incidents, since last 2 years.


Jodhpur - Raj Mahal.

Everyone were enjoying their Dinner in a very authentic style, sitting in the Terrace and having a Candle light theme, planned by the Servants for the Family. The family always made sure the Dinners are always done together since all the men of the house are never present at home during Lunch. So, it was a compulsion to have dinner sitting with the whole family. But Shravan Singh Khurana and his Sister Anjum had been out for a Small Party and hence they were not present at the Dinner table, tonight.

Maakhan and two other maids were standing aside, waiting for the orders of the family, to serve them if they needed anything.

Manveer: Amma (Devi). I had met Mr Chaddha today. 
Malti: Mr Chaddha or Mrs Chaddha ?? (She said looking at her husband.) I remember very well how much Mrs Chaddha had tried to impress you at that party. 

Kishore and Radhika looked at each other and tried hiding their laughs remembering that Party where their Uncle Manveer Jaiswal had danced with Mrs Chaddha purposely, leaving his wife fuming and watching them from the corner.
Manveer: Come on Malti. Everyone knows, I did that to make you jealous. Nothing else. And well, I am not talking about Mrs Chaddha here. So please, let me finish the topic.

Malti looked back at her plate and continued eating, accepting her husband’s words.

Devi: What did Mr Chaddha say??
Manveer: He has a Proposal for Shravan Beta.
Saroj and Devi stopped eating and looked at each other.
Manveer: Yes Amma. I too was shocked when I heard this. But he was very much interested in this Proposal and who won’t be interested?? After all, Shravan Beta is one of the most wanted "Son in Law" here.
Kishore: Wow Maamu. You mean Shravan would be getting married? Finally, I see this happening and I am going to wear the best Sherwani in his wedding. Radhika,  we need to go for some shopping tomorrow. Ok?

Saroj: Kishore. Don’t build your hopes so high. It’s just a proposal till now. We haven’t finalised yet.
Kishore: So What Daadi? You and Naniji would surely fix this proposal soon. I am sure. You guys were thinking of Shravan's marriage from long time. And see here we got the first Proposal for him and that too Maami’s rival, Mrs Chaddha.!!! (He said giggling and looking at Rajeev who gave him a Hi5 for teasing his mother).

Devi: Kishore, Rajeev. You guys don’t need to make fun of Malti now. (She warned strictly and then looked at her son Manveer.) Who is the girl?
Manveer: She is Mr Chaddha's Friend's daughter. Preeti Mehra. That’s her name. Mr Mehra died some years back. So, the entire business is being handled by his Wife and daughter in US. I haven’t seen the photo of the girl. But Mr Chaddha would be sending me that soon. I think, we should really decide about this proposal. What do you say Amma?

Devi took a sigh and then replied.

Devi: Fine. Me and Saroj will talk on this and let you know. But till then, do not inform Shravan.
Radhika: What is this Nani? If we don’t inform Shravan, then how will we tease him? This is unfair.
Saroj: Radhika. Do as we say. Do not inform this to Shravan till we agree for it. (She replied commandingly.)

Radhika and Kishore had to agree.

Chapter 2

       Mehra House - Delhi

Preeti (On Phone): Mom. I am doing good. I hope you taking care of yourself. Don’t even think of skipping your medicines, since I am not there to keep a check on that.

Aarti Mehra, Preeti’s mother, laughed at her Bossy nature.

Aarti: Okay Preeti. I won’t skip them. Fine?? I had called you for some important reason.
Preeti picked a Pillow from the Couch and placed it on her lap, hearing with interest, what her mother wanted to tell.
Preeti: Important Reason?? What is it?
Aarti: Chaddha Aunty has invited you to Jodhpur, to meet them. You know it’s been years they haven’t met us.
Preeti (Showing disinterest): No way Mom. You know I don’t like staying with people I am not comfortable with. I can’t go.
Aarti: Come on Preeti. You never deny me. And it’s just a matter of 2 - 3 days. That’s it.

After much argument, Preeti agreed to start for Jodhpur the next day. Aarti happily informed the same to Mrs Seema Chaddha.

Aarti: Seema. Finally, Preeti has agreed to come to Jodhpur.
Seema Chaddha: Really Aarti?? Does she know why we have called her here?
Aarti: No Seema, not yet. If I had told her that she needs to see a prospective Groom in Jodhpur, she wouldn’t have agreed. So, I didn’t tell her anything about this. Just make sure she meets that guy but remember she is unaware of this marriage proposal. Ok?

Mrs Chaddha agreed and it was decided that Mrs Chaddha would make Preeti Mehra meet Mr Shravan Singh Khurana by some means and then try to check if there is any compatibility between them that could lead to this marriage.

Same Night - Jodhpur - Raj Mahal

Devi and Saroj were inside a Closed room, discussing on the marriage Proposal for Shravan.

Devi: I think we should meet that girl first and then decide what we need to do.
Saroj: What if you like the girl Devi?? Would you still hide all these facts from her?
Devi: We don’t have a choice, Saroj. You think any girl would agree to get married after knowing the truth?
Saroj: But we cannot take a risk of getting Shravan married.
Devi: So, are you ready to keep him Single for his entire life?? What if someday, he gets his choice girl in the house and tells us he wants to marry her, won’t that affect you that time?
Devi had a point. It was baseless to think of letting this girl, Preeti Mehra, know what curse their Family carried from generations.

Saroj: If you think so Devi, ask Manveer to call Mr Chaddha and tell him that we want to meet this girl first. Only after that we will decide of letting her meet Shravan.
Devi agreed and in next few minutes, Mr Chaddha was informed the same.

Next Day - Chaddha House - Jodhpur
Mrs Chaddha: It is so good to see you here, Preeti. Come, let me show you your room.
Preeti smiled at the kind gesture of Mrs Chaddha and then looked at Sheetal.
Sheetal: I would stay in the Guest House of Mehra Industries. Please ring if you need me.

Sheetal had accompanied Preeti to Jodhpur as Preeti didn’t wanted to travel alone. Preeti was never comfortable anywhere, except her own house. If it wouldn’t have been her Mom's request, she would never have come here.

Preeti: No Sheetal. You are staying with me in this house. I can need you anytime. (Preeti then turned back to Mrs Chaddha). Aunty, Sheetal also would be staying here. In the same room. I don’t mind sharing the room with her. Do you??

Preeti was quite straight forward in getting her things done. Mrs Chaddha asked their maid to keep the luggage of both the girls in the Upper room and then instructed the maids to take special care of Preeti as she was their special guest. As informed by Aarti, Mrs Chaddha didn’t tell anything about the Marriage proposal yet to her.

Preeti unpacked her luggage in the Closet. Sheetal assisted her in doing so.

Preeti: Sheetal. Don’t you think Mrs Chaddha is being too kind than usual??
Sheetal: I am not sure Preeti. I have met her for the first time.
Preeti: I doubt if she is hiding something from me.
Sheetal: Hiding?? Why would she hide something, Preeti?? She seems to be little more ‘Buttering Kind’ but maybe she is just happy to see you and want you to stay here for longer.

Preeti finished her unpacking and then closed the cupboard.

Preeti: Let’s not think about it. Whatever it is. If she is hiding something, we will find it out soon.


Saroj and Devi were informed of the arrival of Preeti Mehra in Chaddha's House. They were invited to meet this girl here in Chaddha house making sure they don’t let her know the purpose of their visit. Preeti was still unaware of anything as of now. She was with Mr Chaddha at the drawing room learning Piano when She saw Mrs Chaddha getting inside the Music room in the house.

Mrs Chaddha: (To her husband): The Khurana's have come to see you.
Mr Chaddha understood why the family was here. He excused and walked out.

Preeti also was about to walk back to her room when Mrs Chaddha stopped her.

Mrs Chaddha: Why don’t you meet them too Preeti. I mean they are a well-known family of Jodhpur. You must have heard of Raj Mahal. The 3rd largest Palace in India? They own it.
Preeti (Showing a bit of disinterest): Me? No. I mean. I don’t know them Aunty. I don’t get well along with new faces. So, I don’t think I should meet them.
Mrs Chaddha: Ohh Come on Preeti. If you don’t meet new faces, then how would you get along with them later and be familiar? Look. This family is important to your Mother too.
Preeti (Surprised): To Mom? How does she know them?
Mrs Chaddha: Well. Not much. But she has an interest in building relationships with them.
Preeti (Raising her eyebrow): What kind of relationships aunty?
Mrs Chaddha: Business Relationships Beta. What else? Come. I will introduce you to them.

Saying that Mrs Chaddha held Preeti's hand and took her along with her to the Living room where the entire Khurana Family (except Shravan) was sitting and waiting to see this girl. Preeti was in her Jeans and Top and she truly didn’t understand why it was so important for her to meet this family. She walked with Mrs Chaddha and then finally reached the Living room. Every pair of eyes were staring her and she could feel some nervousness within her which she never felt before when meeting new people.

Mrs Chaddha: Sarojji, Deviji, she is Preeti Mehra.
Preeti smiled and stood beside Mrs Chaddha just still unsure of what she needed to do next.
Anjum couldn’t believe her eyes. Just today morning she was told about this Marriage proposal by her Daadi and Nani and she was ready to see this girl today for her Shravan. The moment she saw Preeti, something was constantly telling her heart that Preeti was the only one for her "Shravan".

Anjum: Hello Preeti. I heard you came from US just 2 days back?
Preeti looked at her direction and replied a firm "YES" without extending her words.
Anjum: Ohh Well. I am sure you must be feeling uneasy to meet a whole new family like this. Let me introduce you to my family. She is my Daadi, my Nani, Manveer and Malti Aunty, my cousin Rajeev, his wife Kriti, my two other cousins - Kishore and Radhika and I am Anjum. The eldest Granddaughter in the family.

Preeti just couldn’t remember all their names. But she liked the way Anjum made her known to her family.

Preeti: Nice meeting you all. Big Family haan!! I mean I like to see such Joint Families. Wish I had one. (She said smiling at everyone)
Anjum: If you can then this family can be yours too Preeti. (Everyone started smiling knowing what Anjum meant.)

But Preeti smiled taking Anjum's words in a normal way.

Preeti: So, you are 4 cousins then?
Anjum: No. We are 5. I have a Younger Brother too who is elder to these 3 here. His name is Shravan. He had some work so he couldn’t come to meet.

The Name "SHRAVAN" almost created some extra beats in Preeti's heart which she herself realized, yet ignored.

Mrs Chaddha: Preeti. Why don’t you just sit with everyone and talk?? I will arrange some snacks till then.
Preeti had no idea what she was getting into. She agreed and started talking to the youngsters of the Khurana Family. Kishore, Radhika, Rajeev, Kriti, Anjum everyone was busy shooting questions at her and she felt as if she was being interviewed. Saroj and Devi were calmly noticing Preeti from their places. Was She the one who was destined for their grandson? Would she truly be a good wife and a caring daughter in law?

Malti: (To Devi): Sasuma. Why don’t you ask something to her?
Devi turned to Saroj and nodded a Yes. They needed to talk to her to know this girl properly.

Saroj: Preeti.  Have you anytime planned to get married soon?

There was a pin drop silence after this question from Daadi. This was such a direct question and everyone knew it was difficult for a girl to answer to some unknown, unfamiliar family. Preeti wasn’t expecting this but then she was somewhat realizing what was going around her. Everything was now falling in place. How her mother forced her to meet Chaddha family, how she was forced to see this Khurana family even when she wasn’t interested to get familiar to them, the way these siblings questioned her and now the Direct Shot from the head of family. So, this was her mother’s plan?? To send her to India and make her meet the Marriage Proposal?? She never expected this from her mother.

Seeing Preeti all lost in some thoughts and Devi asked the same question to Preeti again but being more gentle and polite.

Devi: Preeti Bitiya. We just want to know if you have any plans of getting married soon. Where are you lost??

That sentence made Preeti come back to her sense. She looked at the Two elderly ladies of the family and firmly answered without showing many expressions on her face.

Preeti: I have no plans to get married for another 3 - 4 years. I have joined my Father's business recently and till I assist my mother in getting this business stable, I have no plans of committing myself for marriage. Moreover, being the only child, I do not wish to keep my Mother so far from me. If I marry, it would be to someone who can settle with me in New York with my Mother. In brief, I have no plans to get settled in India.  Excuse me.

Saying that she got up from her seat and walked upstairs to her room leaving the entire Khurana family in a state of shock. That answer was very much direct and straight enough. They could easily see she had realized what this family was here for. Even Mrs Chadda who was just getting the snacks for the family heard this reply and wasn’t understanding how she needed to handle the situation now?

Chapter 3

Chaddha House - Evening

Sheetal: What??? You mean the Khurana Family had come with a Marriage proposal for you today?
Preeti was busy packing her bag. She couldn’t stay in this house any longer. Her mother and Mrs Chaddha, both cheated on her which she didn’t like.
Preeti: Yes, Sheetal. Thank God, I realized this on time or else I wouldn’t have known till Mom would fix this marriage.
Sheetal: That’s strange. I mean they were really the Khurana family Preeti?? You sure??

Preeti was confused. Sheetal wasn’t reacting to her talks much but was excited to know if the marriage proposal was from THE KHURANA Family or not!!! She stopped packing and looked at her.

Preeti: Sheetal. What’s wrong with you?? How many times should I tell that YES, they were the Khurana Family only. Why is it so hard for you to believe??
Sheetal: (Trying to control her giggles):  Did SHRAVAN SINGH KHURANA come here?
Preeti: Shravan?? Ohh you mean the groom?? No. He didn’t. I wished he would have come. That would have made my statement clear to him too.

Sheetal started laughing loudly at Preeti's words leaving Preeti once again surprised.

Sheetal: I think you are the first and the last girl who declined SHRAVAN's marriage proposal. Trust me.!!! (She continued laughing)
Preeti: Well. Everything must happen for the first time Sheetal. I don’t care who that guy is. It’s just that I don’t want to marry anyone as of now.

Saying that Preeti continued packing her bag while Sheetal continued thinking on the same matter.


Raj Mahal

Anjum: But Daadi. It’s not her fault. She wasn’t told by her family about this marriage proposal and may be in shock she reacted like that.
Kishore: Yeah, I too think like Di. Just like we didn’t inform Shravan, even Preeti was clueless. That’s why we felt her rude at the end.
Radhika: But I liked her. She is cute.
Malti: Radhika Bitiya. Don’t go by her face. Who knows what past she carries in New York? She must have some boyfriend. I think Mrs Mehra doesn’t like him and so she wants to get her daughter married here.
Manveer: Come on Malti. It’s not a movie story. Preeti looked simple to me. The way she expressed her thoughts about marriage makes it clear enough that she likes being transparent in her behaviour. She or Mrs Mehra aren’t hiding anything for sure. What do you say Amma??

Devi and Saroj's mind wasn’t working. They were still confused of what should they infer from this meeting with Preeti? Should they just forget it and try searching some other bride? Or should they wait and get a proper denial from Mrs Chaddha or Mrs Mehra?

Devi: I too liked her. But then maybe she is not the one for Shravan. I don’t think she would ever agree for marrying even if Shravan is ready.
Saroj: Let’s stop this now. (She said frustratingly) Preeti Preeti. Preeti. Since the time we have returned from Chaddha House everyone is only talking about her.

There was a pin drop silence in the Living room hearing this.

Saroj: Forget this proposal. I don’t think this girl can ever match our needs of becoming Shravan's Wife.

Saying that Saroj walked towards her room and everyone else dispersed too.

Mrs Chaddha explained everything that happened today between Preeti and the Khurana family to Aarti and she was shocked to know all this. She immediately gave a call to Preeti to talk to her and sort the matter. But Preeti wasn’t getting convinced at all.

Aarti (On Phone): Preeti Please. Don’t do this. I mean what has Chaddha Aunty done to you? You cannot leave her house like this. Stay for a day more. Please.
Preeti: No Mom. You should have thought this earlier.
Aarti: Preeti. What’s wrong if I start fetching a groom for you. You know if your dad would have been alive, he would have done this long back. (She said with tears filled in her eyes and a change in her pitch.)

Preeti easily understood the state of her mother. She melted down.

Preeti: Mom. It’s ok. Now please don’t remember what dad would have done for me. You mean a lot to me Mom. You have left nothing undone which only dad could do for me. I am sorry for arguing with you. It’s just that I need some time. I am not ready for marriage. And even if I do, you know my conditions. I can’t leave you alone there in US.
Aarti: But every girl must leave her Parents house and move to her husband's life Preeti. This is nothing abnormal.
Preeti: I don’t care. For me, you are my priority. Nothing else. I am staying for a day more here. But that won’t mean I am going to see some set of grooms shown by Chaddha Aunty and think of getting settled.

Aarti knew it was difficult to convince Preeti on this matter. She had to agree for this.


Next Day

Sheetal and Preeti were leaving tonight back to Delhi but before that they planned to shop some things from the Jodhpur Market. Preeti very rarely visited India. The last time she was in India was some 5 years back. She always loved the handicraft work sold in the Local market and she was out with Sheetal for buying some handmade artistic Flower Vases. No doubt she could get the best Flower Vase in US, but not the handmade ones like she could get here.

The market was small and crowded. She was still excited to shop things here. She never thought of class, standard or other things. She only believed in Humanity. No matter rich or poor, every person has a right to live life as per his/her wish and she never treated anyone inferior before her.  She was bargaining for a small Flower Vase and Sheetal was in a store at the side lane to buy some things, when Preeti heard the noise of forced brakes been applied by a Car to Stop. The noise was too loud enough to grab the attention of the crowd towards it. Preeti turned immediately and saw a White SUV which just hit a small handcart loaded with Mud Vases. The person drawing the Cart had parked his Cart to get something from the roadside for a minute, when this happened. All the mud vases broke and scattered on the road. The owner of the Cart rushed at the spot and was looking at his shattered efforts with teary eyes. The Crowd surrounded the Car and started murmuring against this person who drove the Vehicle rashly. But these murmurs were completely stopped when the person driving, got down from the Car. He was a Tall Young Man in a Black Suit wearing Black Glasses. He removed the Glasses and then looked at the Cart Owner. The rest of the Crowd continued being spectators. Preeti also walked towards this crowd to see if the Cart Owner is being given justice or not. She was surprised to see the Cart Owner folding his hands and asking his forgiveness to the same person who just destroyed his means of Daily wages.

Cart Owner: Pardon me Shravanji. I should have parked the Cart little aside.
Preeti couldn’t believe this. The Cart was not at all blocking the road, this person could have easily drove his Car from the side. Then why was this Cart owner being so gentle and polite to this Man? Only because he was Rich and had power? She had to do something. Little did she know the person whom she was against at this moment was the same person whom destiny had planned for her.

The people watching, left back from that spot to mind their own work. Shravan took his wallet out and then grabbed some notes and handed it over to the Cart Owner.

Shravan: This much money is not your daily wages but your Monthly income. Next time make sure you or your Cart don’t cross my path.
That’s when Shravan and the Cart Owner both heard an Angry Voice from behind.

Preeti: EXCUSE ME.????

They both turned to see a beautiful lady dressed in a simple Chudidar and looking at them angrily. For first few seconds Shravan's Heart almost skipped some beats, but the moment she started walking towards them, he came back to his senses. Preeti stood before Shravan, still looking at him angrily as if she was ready in all ways to fight with him.

Preeti: Do you think you own this road?? How can someone be blind enough to see how much loss he did to this poor person? Instead of apologising, you are in turn insulting him.??
Shravan was only looking in her eyes all the time she spoke to him. This girl had the guts to talk to him like that. For sure she didn’t belong to this same place. Or else she would have known before whom she was daring to stand.
Cart Owner: Please Madam. Do not extend this conversation. Shravanji is not at fault. I apologise for all this mess here. (He said bending his head towards Shravan once again and feeling sorry)
Preeti (Surprised at this act of his): No Chachaji. Why are you asking forgiveness? You don’t need to be sorry for this. He should be asking forgiveness to you.

Shravan kept looking at the way she was provoking the Cart Owner against him.

Cart Owner: No Madam. I do not need any forgiveness from Shravan Khurana. I am sorry. I am sorry for all this.

Saying that the Cart owner walked back to his Cart and then drove it from that place quietly. Preeti was speechless. Why was that person so much in fear to get justice for himself? She turned back to Shravan seeing him angrily and before she could speak anything to him, he started walking back to his Car. She was surprised. He didn’t have anything to tell after all this?? Was she a fool to interrupt in between this fight? No. She wasn’t. She once again angrily yelled at him.

Preeti: I haven’t seen such a Stubborn Personality ever like you.
Shravan was about to open his Car door but hearing this, he stopped. She just called him "STUBBORN". He fisted his fingers and turned behind to see her.
Shravan: Yeah.!! You are right. There cannot be anyone like me here. So now if you have realized this, just walk your path and never cross mine.

He opened the car door, entered inside and without even giving her a glance, he drove the car with full speed towards his destination.

Chapter 4

Aarti (On Call): No way. Preeti how can you poke your nose in between other's matters like this? You shouldn’t have got involved in this fight.
Preeti: Mumma. You are telling me this? I can’t believe. You taught me what is right and what is wrong. How can I just ignore some poor man getting insulted before a rich stubborn guy?
Aarti: Preeti. I know that. But you are alone there. I can’t let you get hurt by all this. And please. It’s an unknown place for you. So stop being so kind enough to help others. Is that clear?
Preeti wasn’t agreeing to this preaching of her mumma but she didn’t want to make her mother feel bad by neglecting her words.
Preeti: I miss you Mumma. I wish you were here with me.
Aarti: Aww. That looks impossible Preeti. You know how much I am tied up here. But I miss you too dear. It’s just a matter of few weeks and you would come back to US.

Preeti and her mother conversed for some more time. 

Raj Mahal

Devi: Saroj. Don’t forget we have to meet our Family Priest tomorrow. I have showed him the Kundali (Horoscope) of Shravan, Kishore and Radhika. He said he would be reading them today and then address us tomorrow regarding their future life.
Saroj: It’s good that you gave Shravan's horoscope too. I had thought that long time back. But I was afraid. What if there is something wrong in it?
Devi: Don’t worry Saroj. Till now everything is fine. And I am sure all will be Ok in future too.

Saroj nodded in agreement though she wasn’t much convinced. That’s when Devi remembered something.
Devi: Ohh Yes. I forgot. I had given that Preeti Mehra's horoscope also to our Priest. I thought we would like this girl and so thought of matching Shravan's and her Kundali. Who knew things would not be in our favour regarding this?
Saroj: It’s ok Devi. Let’s get her horoscope back and send it to Mrs Chaddha. She would then hand it over to her mother.
Devi: Whatever it is, but I liked the girl. She was nice.
Saroj: But I didn’t like her attitude. Anyways. let’s not discuss about her. She is no more my choice now.


Same Night

Shravan was working on his laptop inside his bedroom. It was raining heavily outside. Never ever in last few years, it had rained so heavily. Something looked wrong today. That’s the reason why it was pouring outside that too in Summers. Shravan was still in his thoughts when he saw his Daadi and his Di rushing down. They looked tensed and in a hurry. What was wrong? Where were they going?? He got up from the Recliner and followed them. He saw Maakhan standing in the Living room all drenched in rain and was waiting to pass some information to the family.

The whole family were listening to him.

Maakhan: (To Saroj): Hukkum. Someone has fallen unconscious at the gates of the Mahal.
Saroj: What? Unconscious?? How? I mean what are you doing here? Get that person inside. It’s raining so heavily. That person would fall sick. Go fast.

Shravan heard this. Someone is unconscious. Who?? Nobody went out but Shravan did. He followed Maakhan.

Saroj: Shravan. Where are you going? It’s raining. Maakhan would get that person. Shravan. Listen.

Saroj kept on calling Shravan asking him to Stop but he didn’t. He rushed outside in the rain just to check who was unconscious.? The moment he reached the gates of Raj Mahal, he was also totally drenched in the rain. He saw a girl whose face was hidden by her hair, lying unconscious on the wet land. Maakhan was about to touch that girl to get her inside, but before that Shravan himself kneeled on the ground, held the girls hand and pulled her on his lap. The next moment surprised him to an extent. She was the same girl whom he had met in the Jodhpur market today. The same girl who almost fought with him for a poor Cart Owner. The same girl who had called him "STUBBORN".

Maakhan: Shravanji. You are getting drenched. Leave the girl. I will ask the guards to carry her.

Saying that Maakhan was about to hold her when Shravan held his hand in anger.
Shravan: Don’t dare touch her. !!!! (He said with almost a loud and a commanding tone. Shravan had never spoken with this tone to Maakhan anytime) I will carry her inside.

Saying that he picked this girl in his arms and carried her inside the gates, towards the Raj Mahal entrance. Destiny had finally started playing its game with this family. The entry of this girl in the Raj Mahal was all planned by destiny. Once she is being taken inside this House, she would be linked to this Mahal forever. Nothing and no one could ever stop her fate from claiming to be the BRIDE OF RAJ MAHAL.

Shravan had no idea what he was doing. What he knew at the moment was that he had to save this girl. She was totally cold and wet. He walked till the door and crossed the boundary of the main entrance towards the Living room taking this girl in his arms. The entire family was shocked seeing Shravan himself carrying a girl like that. They all started walking towards him and he headed towards the Guest room.

Shravan: Rajeev. Call the doctor immediately. Di. Get some clothes for her.

Rajeev and Anjum rushed to complete his orders and the others still followed him. Saroj and others were still unaware of whom Shravan was carrying in his arms. They still had not seen this girl’s face. When Shravan placed her on the bed, that’s when the entire family came to know that she was none other than Preeti Mehra. The same girl they had been to see for Shravan.

Radhika (Almost screaming): Naani. She is Preeti. She is Preeti.
Kishore: Ohh Yes Radhika.  My God. What happened to her?
Kriti: But what was she doing at our gates? That too in such a stormy night?
Anjum walked inside with some clothes and asked everyone to leave so that she could change Preeti's wet dress.

Everyone left outside the room.

Daadi: Shravan. You too change your clothes. Or else you will catch cold.
Shravan: No Daadi. I am fine. Where is Rajeev?? Did he call the doctor?
Rajeev came running there informing that the doctor was on his way.
Nani: Shravan. We all are here. And we know her. Her name is Preeti Mehra. We just met her yesterday. (Saroj immediately held Devi's hands asking her to stop from giving Shravan any more information on this girl. If by any chance he comes to know that the family had been out today to see a bride for him, he would take the Entire Raj Mahal on his head)

Shravan saw the way his Daadi stopped his Nani from speaking.

Shravan: Preeti Mehra? You all know her? And you met her yesterday?? Why??? For what Nani??
Daadi: Shravan. Calm down. You better get changed. Please. We will talk on this later.
Shravan could sense some things been hidden from him but he let it go at this moment and left for his room to change.

Saroj: (Still waiting for Anjum to open the Guest room door): What was Preeti doing here?
Devi: May be she was just passing by. And fell unconscious.
Saroj: I don’t know Devi. But something is surely wrong today.

Saying that she left for the Pooja room to pray for the wellbeing of her family. She was scared of something. She truly expected things to turn out in a good way. In next few minutes Anjum opened the door and then finally came out.
Radhika: Di. Is she ok?
Anjum: She has high fever. And she is shivering too. I have placed two warm quilts on her, yet she is shivering. I just hope she becomes fine soon. Check with Rajeev Bhai when is the doctor coming?? And where is Shravan??
Radhika: Shravan is in his room changing.

Anjum nodded and then asked Nani and Daadi to be in Preeti's room so that she can check Shravan. The doctor had arrived now and Rajeev got him inside the Guest room. Anjum walked to Shravan's room and there she saw him wiping his head with a Towel. He truly looked like a Kid when he wiped himself like that. She smiled and entered inside his room.

Anjum: Shravan. Let me wipe your head. (She said extending her hand to get the towel)
Shravan: No Thanks Di. I will do it myself. And what are you doing here? You should be with her. What’s her name??
Anjum: Preeti.

The name "Preeti" almost ringed Alarms in his ears as if he has heard this name many a times in his life. Anjum shook him seeing him all lost.

Anjum: Shravan. You lost in some thoughts?
Shravan: Umm. No Di. I am ok. I mean. We should walk down and check what the doctor has to say.

He agreed and left for the Guest room with Anjum.

Dr Suman Sinha was their Family Doctor. She was a very good friend of Radhika too.  She diagnosed Preeti who was still unconscious and then injected her with sedatives. She then turned back to the family.

Suman: Mr Khurana. She has high fever. I have injected her and hopefully by tomorrow morning, she would be fine. Just make sure she doesn’t eat anything cold again until the fever is gone.
Shravan nodded a Yes though he didn’t understand why Suman told all this to him and not anyone else from the family. Everyone were little relaxed now.
Radhika: Thanks Suman. Would be coming back tomorrow morning to check Preeti?
Suman: Yes, I would Radhika. Don’t worry. Your Would be Bhabhi is fine. She just needs rest.

The word "Would be Bhabhi" almost kicked Shravan's brains in seconds and he questioned back to Suman.

Shravan : What do you mean Suman?

Before the family members could realize what Suman meant by this, she replied back.

Suman: Radhika told me that the family has chosen Preeti for you. So in that sense she is her Would be Bhabhi, Mr Khurana. Isn’t she?

The entire family including Radhika were tongue tied. They had tried their best not to reveal this matter to Shravan but fate didn’t choose the same. Nani and Daadi both gave some angry glare to Radhika for telling Dr Suman about this. But those glares were still much bearable compared to the "WHAT THE HELL" looks that her brother Shravan Khurana was giving her from the other corner.

Radhika: Umm. I. I will drop Suman till the door. Come Suman.

Radhika held Dr Suman’s hand and tried to run away from the situation.

The family was only looking down as they were not able to meet their Shravan's eyes after hiding this truth from him, that they had been to see a Bride for him the last day. Shravan looked angrily at his Di who was just gulping her fear of being caught. After scanning the fearful looks of his entire family, he then saw the girl lying on the bed once who was still unconscious and then left that room.



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