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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 24



Chapter 24


Arnav lowered his gaze at the Vermillion Container on Khushi’s palm and then met her coal black eyes. So far, he had taken every decision by his genius mind. Right from his career to joining his father’s business, including the decision to marry Khushi Gupta to strengthen their family knots and Business ties. He was in a dilemma if he should follow his mind tonight or his heart? His mind wanted him to deny Khushi’s request as he knew the consequences of it would be harsh to bear for him and his family. But his heart, it said something else. The way his heart hammered inside his chest; he knew it wouldn’t be long for him to take the decision in his heart’s favor. To avoid that from happening, Arnav turned around to leave.

Khushi’s heart fluttered and the tears which had filled her eyes so far, rolled down her cheeks. He was leaving the room which meant.. he had taken a decision against her wishes. This was one chance she got to mend things right if he gave his approval to be his wife for next three weeks. But she was 8 years late and he was clearly not interested. She was about to keep the Sindoor container back in its place when she felt Arnav’s fingers inching closer to it. The next instant, he had taken a pinch of Sindoor in his fingers and was gazing at her with unknown feelings. 

“This” he gestured showing the Sindoor to her.. “This means the world to every married woman. You have never disrespected it until we were together and I have faith you will honor it the same way the coming three weeks”

Before she could absorb his words, he had filled her Maang (head partition) with the Sindoor. Khushi was speechless. She shut her eyes to relieve this moment because as he mentioned, it meant a world to her. She hadn’t expected him to pull this stunt. All she wanted was his permission but he himself marking the Sindoor on her forehead came as a total surprise. When she opened her eyes, she saw Arnav staring at the main door. He looked startled which forced Khushi to turn around too. Ayush Singh Raizada and Anjali had just stepped in the house and probably witnessed the scene. Though Ayush was elated for this initiative which his son took, Anjali was pissed off. She made her way to her room, without even speaking a word to her brother. Arnav didn’t stop her. He knew he had hurt his sister but this was not the right moment to convince her. She wouldn’t understand.


Next morning when Khushi woke up, she had an agenda. The first thing she did was admire herself in the bathroom mirror. The red Sindoor matched on her glowing face as she recalled Arnav’s expressions when he applied this to her. She checked the watch. It was half past 6:00 which meant Arnav was out for his morning Jog as it was part of his weekend routine. She quickly showered and dressed into another simple Saree like the yellow one she had wore last night. She knew Arnav would love to see her in Saree again. It was such a beautiful feeling for her to adorn herself for her husband’s eyes. She applied a light pink gloss and a small matching bindi on her forehead. Leaving her hair little wet, she darkened the Sindoor and admired herself one last time in the bedroom mirror. Just one thing was missing. Her mangalsutra. She wondered where Arnav had kept it? Did he still have it or she would have to buy a new one?

“Wow” Aarav screamed happily seeing his mother so well dressed. “Mom, you look so beautiful”

Khushi smiled and reaching him, she pulled him for a hug.

“That’s the sweetest compliment for a mother to receive from her son. Do I really look nice?” she asked.

“Yes. You look like an Angel”

“Aww..” she kissed his cheek. “Will… Dad like me if he sees me like this?” she innocently asked.

Aarav was more like her in terms of habits and taste but he had his father’s eyes and attitude too which meant if she looked cute for him, Arnav too would feel the same.

“Dad will love you for this look” Aarav chuckled. “But wait a minute”

He went to the dressing table and got a Kohl stick. He drew a small dot below Khushi’s ear.

“Bua says when you look cute, you should be protected by people’s evil eyes”

Her son was genius. Khushi kissed his cheek again and was ready to begin her day. When she came down in the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, Anjali was already in there. She was instructing the Chefs to make some light meal for her this morning. She looked little sick.

“You okay?” Khushi worryingly asked.

Anjali stared at her in disbelief. She didn’t take time to realize why Khushi was dressed like a typical wife.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” Anjali snapped. “I was waiting for such a drama to come up and you didn’t surprise me at all”

Khushi stepped in.

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

“right” Anjali interrupted. “How would you know? You have lost your memories.” She mocked.

Khushi exhaled. She wanted to be in good terms with Anjali too but this woman was too hard to let that happen.

“Look Anjali.. I know you don’t like me. but..”

“Don’t like you?” Anjali laughed. “I hate you Khushi. Because its you who spoiled my life and my brother’s. I thought this time you will mind your own business and only shower your love on Aarav but you proved me wrong again. You want Arnav.. I don’t know why after all these years you want him.. Yesterday you asked him to fill your Maang, today you might demand to sleep in his room and I wouldn’t be surprised if you even lure my brother again”

Khushi was surprised by Anjali’s choice of words.

“Why are you back in my Arnav’s life? Didn’t you get any other man to throw yourself on?”

“Enough” Khushi scowled. “Your thoughts disgust me Anjali. I am still Arnav’s wife and whatever happens after the next few weeks is none of your business”

“It is my business” Anjali debated. “Because you interfered in my personal life too in the past. Everything was set.. I was … I was finally getting a good life.. a good partner and you snatched him from me”

Anjali’s eyes teared but she didn’t want Khushi to notice. She left the room. Khushi’s head spun.. All these words felt no less than accusations. She saw flashes of Anjali with a man.. someone who had hugged her tight and Anjali was comfortable too in that man’s arms. Who was he? Was he Shyam Jha? The one she was getting married to? Or.. was he Anjali’s boyfriend whom she denied even having, before the Raizadas and Jhas? Khushi couldn’t see his face clearly but a name poked her mind.. his name… She had heard Anjali calling him with that name.. that day when Khushi saw them together.. Manj..Manji…Manjith. Yes.. That’s what Anjali called him. Means it wasn’t Shyam Jha. Anjali had lied to her family that she had no affair. But why would she agree to get married to Shyam if she loved this Manjith? What was the truth? She decided to find out because it was high time she puts an end to Anjali’s open allegations.


When Arnav came out of Shower, he was astonished seeing Khushi inside his bedroom. She was pacing there in confusion and was so much lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t realize he was out and watching her. Arnav took a moment to gaze her from top to bottom. Saree… gloss.. sindoor and those semi-wet hair.. It was a deadly combination on Khushi and if his mind hadn’t alarmed not to slip his control, his heart would have dragged him to Khushi and kiss her senselessly. He was glad his mind took over his heart this time.

She finally saw him and her eyes glittered with delight.

“Thank God you are back” she moved ahead. “I want to tell you something and you were like… not coming out. I was about to knock the bathroom and ask you to hurry up. What were you doing inside that took you so long?

She had reached him by now and was just a foot away. It was obvious she was still lost in her own world which is why she didn’t realize what she was asking and that he was also shirtless with a towel draped on his waist.

“What do people do in the bathroom?” he asked in a mocking tone.

Khushi bit her lip. It was a simple effortless gesture but for Arnav Singh Raizada, he feared he would need another cold shower. She then noticed his freshly showered state and turned around. He strode to the closet to pick a suit to wear. Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to wear his clothes in her presence. Though he had nothing to hide from her neither she, it wasn’t favorable situation after 8 years.

“Uh..umm. I can come later”

“Talk” he snapped.

“No seriously. I can come after you get dressed” she argued.

“I said speak” he repeated, this time strongly.

“Fine” she turned around and exhaled. He had asked her to speak.. not turn around. But he remained calm. “Manjith” she stated. “That’s his name.”

Arnav was still unsure whom she was talking about.

“I got these flashes today in the kitchen a while ago” she swallowed. “I saw Anjali with this guy… his name is Manjith.. They were in each other’s arms”

Arnav’s fist tightened which didn’t go unnoticed by her.

“Arnav please” she came forward. “Please listen to me first and then react. You got to trust me. If I had ever told you all that she had an affair, I am sure it was based on this scene. Today when Anjali accused me for her broken life, I saw these flashbacks and I saw her happy with that guy. I don’t know who he is and what exactly happened between them that Anjali agreed to marry Shyam Jha but.. this is true”

Arnav gulped his frustration. She had tried to convince him this earlier when Anjali’s engagement broke. But his reactions to her this time changed. He wouldn’t burst on her like he did last time. He clutched her shoulders and gripped them hard. Her anxiety was palpable.

“There is no Manjith” he stated.

“He is there. I have seen them together. How can you be so sure he isn’t?”

“Because I had put my spies to check on this guy” he snapped. “I would know if he existed. When Di’s engagement broke because you conveyed this story to the Jha’s, I investigated to find out the truth. My sources were following Di for seven days. They even checked her backstory in the college. There was no one called Manjith. She never had an affair”

Khushi’s eyes teared again.

“My instincts cannot lie me Arnav.. These flashes cannot lie” she argued. “I can never break a couple because of my selfish reasons”

“Right” he nodded. “I believe you if you say that but maybe it was a misunderstanding. You might have seen Di with a guy those days and misunderstood him to be her boyfriend?”

Khushi was speechless.

“Look Khushi. Things have happened.. And its all in the past. Lets stop digging them again”

“I cannot tolerate Anjali accusing me all the time. I wouldn’t sit quiet until I either prove myself right or her”

She was about to turn but he gripped her arm again and pulled her closer.

“In the process to prove yourself right, you will hurt Di. I have already given her enough pain by going against her and giving you the rights of my wife for the next three weeks. Don’t make it more difficult for all of us Khushi”

Khushi met his heated glare. They were close… very close and she could even smell his musky cologne and aftershave. But he was ridiculously wrong if he thought she wouldn’t do anything about this Manjith matter.

“I want the truth Arnav” she softly explained. “I cannot sit quiet until I find the truth but I promise I will not hurt anyone in the process. But if Manjith exists and if he and your Di really had an affair earlier, you cannot stop me from hurting your sister”

Arnav was shocked by her statement.

“Because of her one lie.. you and your family has hated me for years. How do you think I will forgive her?” she added.

Arnav swallowed nervously. The Khushi who was his wife before was anything like the one she had turned out now. She was so focused in her motives and a very hard to impress woman.

“What will you do then?” he asked. “How will you find this Manjith? If… he exists?”

Khushi’s smile was filled with pride.

“You think you are the only one who can hire spies?” she asked.

“Don’t” Arnav gritted his teeth. “No more spies on my DI”

“I am not putting spies on her. Just hiring detectives to find this guy. If he exists anywhere in this world.. I am going to get him before you. And it’s a wife’s promise”

Saying that she made her way to the door Arnav breathed hard. What the hell was wrong with this woman? She wasn’t so challenging and stubborn before.

“One more thing” she said stopping by the door. “Anjali looks sick today. She even ordered the chefs to make some light meal for her. You should go check on her as your father is off to work already”

All that anger from his face wiped off by her concern for his sister.

“Thanks. I will check on her”

“Cool” she smiled happily and made her way out.

Arnav sighed in confusion. Why was it so difficult to read Khushi these days? The way she behaved and cared for the family, despite all the hatred they had showered on her, was remarkable.

To be Continued 



EXCERPT - Mr and Mrs Thakur

“Aww. Your family truly looks complete” he mumbled putting the phone back on the table, but leaving the screen unlocked for Neil to see. 
Neil’s gaze fell on the picture. It was his father’s social media profile where he usually updated his personal pictures with his wife and now since Esha was part of their family, his father posted a picture with both his wife at one side and Esha at the other. The caption was way too interesting than the picture. 

‘With my love and my son’s arranged love’ 

Neil’s eyes were glued on the picture. His father was in his usual tuxedo, looked at least 5 years younger than he was. His mother was in a bottle green Gown, holding his father’s arm and Esha.. she was in an off-shoulder lavender dress hugging her curves like the dress was made just for her. Esha’s long black hair had curled loosely at the ends and they covered most of her creamy shoulders. The smile on her face came naturally and she looked happy posing with her in-laws. This was new!! Seemed like she was bonding well with his parents. Either she was a charmer or his parents were too kind hearted and guilty to shower so much affection on their daughter-in-law to cover up their fault of getting her married to their not-so-interested-in-marriage son. Nevertheless, the picture was ecstatic. 

“I should comment on it” Jatin snatched the phone from Neil who was still speechless. Words formed in his throat but he couldn’t articulate what he felt seeing that picture. He knew one thing for sure… this woman… Esha.. was not going to leave his side anytime soon. She was here to save her falling company, much to his dismay. But what shocked him was that his heart showed no signs of pushing her out either these days. As if it was slowly getting accustomed to this new entry in his life.

Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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  1. Khushi is so good now, it's so unbiased for them to behave with her because of her past. I want khushi to know the truth and who is this new guy manjith
    I liked khushis confidence. Hope she find that manjith soon

  2. Madhu here arnav said " you have never disrespected it until we were together" but he also said to khushi when she found their wedding picture that " you were interested in someone else , i dont even care if u slept with him while carrying aarav"
    I am just confused here
    Anyway wonderful update and hope khushi finds anjali's matter soon.

  3. Awesome 💕💕...but short update madhu😐😐will u post precap of lawful sins??

  4. Khushi's determination & Arnav's trust on her will definitely give positive results...Anjali is in for a big surprise I guess... Btw, is she preggy or what??

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Simply superb...

    Loved the way arnav spoke n fill the sindoor..

    Like the strong khushi..

    Anjali is hiding something

    Hope khushi get hold of that guy

    Loved the way khushi spoke to arnav

  6. Awesome Update. Loved Khushi's determination in finding Manjith. Hope she finds him soon. So indeed Anjali had an affair with Manjith and dumped him for Shyam. Khushi was saying the truth as she came to know about Anjali. Arnav is battling between heart and mind. Arnav filled Khushi's partition and showed faith in her. Khushi got emotional. Ayush is happy with Arshi as expected Anjali is not happy. Khushi has changed and cares for Arnav likes and wearing traditional clothes. Will Arnav gave Khushi her mangalsutra . Aarav is so cool he put Kohl. Anjali is always bitter now she is openly showing hatred for Khushi and blaming her. Khushi remembers partially about Anjali and Manjith. Arnav is trying to control his desires. Khushi told Arnav about Manjith before as expected Arnav didn't trust her. Arnav trust his Di too much. Hope Khushi find Manjith soon. Thanks for the Update😍😘Waiting for Lawful Sins.

  7. I just can't get enough of this story. I just complete reading this chapter but I want to read lots of chapter of it now 😹😂

  8. Love Khushi. Anjali is definitely hiding something. Hope Khushi reach the depth of the matter. Anjali from the beginning is fishy. Anjali indeed had an affair and Khushi wasn't lieing. The Raizada's specially Anjali will be in shock. Nice Update ❤️

  9. Mind-blowing update 😍👌 ... The way arnav came and look the pinch of sindor and then filled khushi mang was soo lovely and he gave her this right of being his wife for 3 weeks but i to to he way khushi getting ready for him and doing all the things for him the day is not far wen they both will be together again this time forever 😍😍😘 and the way aarav compliment khushi was cute and adorable 😍😘👌👌 ... The flash khushi saw abt to he new guy manjith and anjali have affair i hope thats true and everyone get to know that khushi was not lying to them and anjali was lying from soo long and i am soo glad that arnav is taking thing soo good from his side that khushi is talking or doing he is understanding her and is amazed with this new khushi 😎😅 i hope khushi him soon ... Post soon madhu

  10. Hope Khushi finds this manjhit soon

  11. Madhu please can we get another update of this FF... It's like there is a tickling bomb and anytime it can blast and everything will be either clear or break... Loved it....

  12. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  13. It's taking too long to reveal the truth.. please atleast start clearing khushis name now.. im sure she wasn't at fault

  14. Hmm.. Arnav had already hired spies and checked cctv tapes also but still couldn't find any clue on khushi's innocence . How??

    Madhu you told you'll complete the ff within 30 chapters. Is that possible now or there is an extention.

    1. This happens with me most of the times. Lol. I will extend as the story has just completed 50 - 60 percent. Still a lot to happen

    2. Would love to read more of yaadein. Its so good. But plz don't drag it so much or else the story will lose its charm

    3. I think Anjali was aware that Arnuv was spying her so she might bribe the spy or one hand ahead of arnuv spies to proof khushi wrong

  15. Khushi is so confident in her argument, but looking at the pain of Anjali I am so confused

  16. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
    Need another update please

  17. Wow such a nice update loved khushi’s stubbornness

  18. Awesome.After meeting khushi after 8 years arnav has accused her characterless.what about that I want him to clear it soon?

  19. Can we get one more update on this? please

  20. One more update of yaadein plz ....very interesting and creating more suspense...

  21. Sindhoor part was beautiful, hope we get another update

  22. I loved this khushi alooottttt. Why anjali crying ? I mean if she love manjith she could marry in that 8 years..
    Did manjith alive or not ? Did shyam blackmail anjali to marry ?
    Waiting to clear my doubts
    And damn happy for arshi, atleast arnav heart feeling desire , love and trust on khushi . Very soon mind will join too.

    Very eagerly waiting for next update.

  23. Arnav said that khushi never disrespected their marriage but he accused her for having an affair too. So confusing. More than anything I want to see khushi getting her memories back. Because in an unbiased point of view I could say both Arnav and khushi had flaws. Khushi never wanted this marriage so she acted all stupid. Arnav though agreed to this marriage to tighten their business has developed feelings for khushi later. But those feelings were not strong enough to trust his wife completely. He didn’t trust her in front of everyone. He hired spies and secretly tried to find the truth and just stood silent went he didn’t get anything from his secret mission. If he had supported khushi that time then anjali herself would have told them the truth. He might be not attached to khushi because of their arranged marriage. Nice update sis!! Thank you!!

  24. Very interesting story . Please can we get one more update .

  25. Can't deny the fact that now Khushi is more focused, irresistible, stubborn and caring. Way to go Khushi and all the best in finding this Manjith guy!

  26. Superb update. Anjali accusation had made Khushi to have her flashback. Looks like Khushi is determine to get the truth out.

  27. I just love this novel so much that the entire day I was refreshing the page...eagerly waiting for the next update madhu... Update soon

  28. Waiting for lawful sins precap🙄🙄🙄

  29. Madhu please update lawful sins 2

  30. Woha! What is this twist in the tale?

    Looking forward to this unfolding!


  31. I think Anjali was aware that Arnuv was spying her so she might bribe the spy or one hand ahead of arnuv spies to proof khushi wrong

  32. Sometimes I feel bad for Khushi because she has to go through all these to prove herself right...

  33. Wow be it's really an interesting update
    Loved the way Arnav is impressed by Khushi's confidence and dedication to get the truth of the past
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  34. Nice 👍 update... Atleast now he is overcoming from prejudice...

  35. Hmmm... was Khushi mistaken -and was Manjith just a friend? Or was he someone that Anjali had an affair with and it went all wrong so she decided to move on? Or was he someone planted by the Jhas to take revenge from the Raizadas or by Shyam from Anjali? The mystery deepens.....

    But whatever it was, why did Khushi go and tell the Jhas? Why didn't she confront Anjali first at home? We don't know the rest of what happened, but this one I think she was at fault.. why would she prefer the Jhas over her own family into which she was married? Or is this some mystery too?

    Was Manjith the guy in doctor's scrubs when Khushi had her baby? Or was it Shyam? Was Anjali conspiring to kill her own brother's child? Why did she dislike Khushi so much even before her marriage fiasco?

    This gets more and more interesting.. pl update soon! Can't wait.
