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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Mr and Mrs Thakur - Prologue + Chapter 1 and 2 + All Excerpts + Reviews


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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He raced the car like a devil. The steep curves of the hills tormented Nyra Sharma who prayed this unforeseen chase of life and death to stop. The unlit roads and the speed of their car was enough to invoke the fear of losing her precious life. She glared at him in between her unheard pleas, but Neil Thakur’s charcoal eyes fixed on the road as if he had decided to end their lives tonight. Nyra panicked. He had no rights to torture her. So, what if her silly confession had put him through this challenge? What was he trying to prove?


“Neil, you are scaring me. Stop the car,” she yelled, drawing some strength.


He sped up the vehicle, turning down her command.


“Neil, have you lost it? You are putting our lives in danger”


He still didn’t pay any heed.

“Do you wish to kill us both?” she gripped the handle of the door. Her stomach clenched when the car took another steep turn.

“I don’t want to die Neil” tears gushed from her eyes but none of it affected this broody man. She had no clue what went wrong. Just an hour back, they had dined at the finest restaurant of this city. It was probably the Wine which coaxed her to take a chance and promise things beyond his expectation.  


“I am in love with you, Neil Thakur. I want to live with you for the next seven births. I can do anything to keep you happy, to keep you mine. And when death knocks on the door, I will be the one to sacrifice my life for you. I love you that much Neil Thakur”


And since then Neil Thakur was a different man. He settled the bills and dragged her back in his car without a word. At first, she thought he was shocked at her confession, but as soon as he raced the car towards the hill; she knew her life was in danger. He was annoyed and probably wanted her to take those words back.


“Neil, stop the car or else I will jump,” she warned him one last time.


Neil Thakur gripped her arm, erasing that possibility. Now seeing him drive the car using only one arm, froze Nyra. This madness had to stop. All that love she felt for him had vaporized minutes ago. She wanted to live. Even if it meant without him.


“You have no rights to take my life. If you want to die – die alone”


The words were out of her mouth and a part of her knew the effect it would have on Neil Thakur. She thought it would frustrate him even more, but unexpectedly the car slowed down and soon came to a shrieking halt. Her uneven breaths matched his rough exhales.


“Now you are telling the truth, Nyra” his voice was dangerous and fiercely sexual.


She glanced at him, praying for peace. That’s when he tilted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.


“You don’t love me. You are with me because I am filthy rich. I can afford all that you ever craved for. Luxury, Fame and Money are the only ingredients of our relationship. Don’t find love in it because it doesn’t exist. The only thing I expect from the woman I date is honesty. If you build fake castles in clouds, I know how to demolish them. Women like you only want to live, not die. And definitely not waste your life for being with a man like me. So, save your cheesy dialogues for someone else, darling. Because I, Neil Thakur, will never believe them”


He pushed the keys to start the car engine again and took a turn. This woman had wasted his enough time. All he needed now was a hot shower and steady sleep. Rest all can go to hell, even his 2-month-old girlfriend, Nyra Sharma.


Little did he know that a woman would soon knock on the door of his heart and make him believe in that undying love - Esha Singhal, the daughter of his present rival and Business competitor. They were destined to meet and cross each other’s paths any time hereon.



Few months Later

Thakur Mansion

“You heard it right Neil”


Pratibha Thakur, Neil’s mother repeated. Neil threw the papers away.


“What kind of father does that to his son?” he growled.

“A father who knows how to get his Son’s life on track”

“I am not lost, Mom. I am the CEO of Thakur Empire”

“And your father is the Chairman of the Board. He is the most powerful member of the Board Neil and what he says, goes”


Neil let out another frustrated growl. However hard he wanted to deny this, it was still true. His father Narendra Thakur was a man with both virtues and brain. He could foresee the profits even without meeting their clients. He was that sharp.


“Tell me one thing, Mom. Is he really my father?”


Pratibha frowned.


“Only because he doesn’t think like you, doesn’t mean he is not.”

That was true. Neil and Narendra Thakur thought in two different directions. They had no match despite having the same genes. Neil knew he had lost half the battle. He could only do one thing now. Convince his mom. He clutched her arms and forced Pratibha to sit on the bed. He then kneeled before her and kissed her hands.


“He loves you a lot, Mom. I am sure he will listen to you. Just ask him to take his decision back”

Pratibha was equally sharp to know Neil was buttering her.

“Neil, I love you both. This is between you and him now. I will not say a word. And if I think wisely, this will benefit me too. I have been dying to see you married”


“She is my rival’s daughter” Neil scowled.

“And that rival is your father’s best friend. Vanraj Singhal is a good man Neil and I am very sure his daughter will be the perfect woman to be your wife”



He knew the conversation was going nowhere.


“I am not going to marry Esha Singhal” he stood up.

“Fine” she rose to her feet. “Be prepared to be dismissed from your CEO position then. I really wished to see you taking your father’s managing director position someday, Neil. But” she sighed. “Just give another thought to it and make your decision wisely”


With that advise, she left the room.




Thakur Empire


Narendra Thakur stared at the stony expressions of his son, Neil Thakur, throughout the meeting. He had been like this from past one hour and thankfully now that the meeting was over; he knew what his son would want to speak to him.


“I am not marrying Esha Singhal, Dad” Neil declared.



Why? What kind of question was that? Neil Thakur had so far never met Esha Singhal but he had no such desire either. If his father and mother liked her, meant she wasn’t his type.


“Is this because of Nyra Sharma?” Narendra asked.

“Nyra has nothing to do with this” he interrupted.

“Then what is the problem? You told me Neil that Nyra and you are only convenient friends. You are together, but you never want to marry her. And I have checked your file. You don’t seem to have any other girl in your life at present. Then what’s stopping you from marrying Esha?”

“File? What file?”


Narendra watched him closely before opening the side drawer and pulling a file in his hand. He then pushed it for Neil to read. As soon as Neil went through the papers and photographs, he was annoyed.


“You asked your sources to spy on my life?”

“Just your personal life Neil. I already know how good you are at business”


It disappointed Neil. He felt exposed. The file had almost every detail about the girls he had dated so far, what disco’s he preferred, the cars he bought, parties he threw, everything in the last 6 years and it shook his soul.


“I don’t like anyone intruding in my private life, Dad. So far this was only blackmailing, but by doing this, you are hijacking my life”

“Call it whatever you want, son. But it would not change my decision. You have one month to marry Esha Singhal and if you don’t obey, be prepared to be terminated from the role of the CEO.”


That’s it. Neil couldn’t take it anymore. He banged his fists on the table.


“I have slogged 6 years for this Company and you cannot snatch it from me”


Narendra kept his calm.

“I have another meeting lined up in few minutes. Are you done with your threatening?” he asked Neil who couldn’t imagine being treated that way. He grabbed his phone and walked out.


Narendra Thakur smiled. He knew how much his son loved this company and would do anything to keep his role intact. It was high time Neil became serious about cleaning his bad boy image in the society and marrying Esha could make that possible.


Neil reached his cabin and smashed the files and folders off his desk. He had tried talking to his mother – it didn’t work. He tried convincing his father – even that didn’t work. Now, all he had to do was talk to Esha Singhal and make her deny the proposal. Esha was his last hope.




Somewhere in London


“Miss Singhal?”


Startled, Esha turned her head toward the unknown voice. A tall woman from the Hotel reception rushed to her, flashing her dimpled smile.


“It’s your father’s call from India”


She handed the cordless receiver to Esha and slipped away.

“Come on girl” Mandy, Esha’s best friend gave her a slight push when she didn’t show any interest to speak to her father. “Talk and finish this”

“I know why he has called” she sighed holding the receiver to her ear with disappointment. “Hey Dad”

“Esha, my darling daughter. Why are you not answering my calls?”

Esha wiped the sweat off her neck with the fluffy towel.


“I am in the gym dad. My phone is in the hotel room”

“Gym? You are already so thin, how much more you want to lose weight?”

“I am doing gym to be fit, not lose weight Dad”


She knew her father was over worried for her health since her childhood. If she sneezed, he would call a dozen specialists home. If she didn’t take her medicines on time, he would flood her room with dolls and toys to influence her. She got everything in her life without demanding much but this time what her father was willing to give, she was not prepared for that. This was one of the reasons why she kept postponing her visit to India every time. She knew the moment she lands her father will waste no time in getting her married to Neil Thakur.


“Never mind, it’s been a month now since your exams are over. When are you planning to return home?”

“Soon, Dad” she replied. “Very soon”


Vanraj read the unsteadiness in her voice.


“Esha, the Thakurs are waiting to welcome you in their family with open arms”

She knew that already. Narendra and Pratibha Thakur would never get a better bride for their son than her. She was well qualified, intelligent, smart like many others who dreamt of becoming one of the Thakurs but she had something exceptional in her which none of those high-class girls had. She was homely, cooked remarkably good and knew to respect her elders; some traits which that couple wanted to see in their son’s wife. Only if they could nurture similar qualities in Neil Thakur too.

“Mandy has hosted her birthday party this weekend. I will fly the next immediate day” she informed.

“Cannot wait to see you Esha”

Esha remained quiet. Vanraj again picked up, Esha was upset.


“Thakurs are good people Esha. Narendra has always been my friend and his wife Pratibha, she will be the mother you always wanted”

“What about Neil, Dad?” she fumed. “Do you really think he is worth becoming my husband?”

“Esha, Neil is the only one I can trust for now”

“Trust?” she let out a growl. “I thought he was your business rival”

“Things are complicated. I will tell you everything when you are back. Please come home soon. I really miss you”


Esha looked away disappointed with the things progressing in her life.


“See you soon dad”

She ended the call and focused back on the Treadmill.




A week later


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to dear Mandy, Happy birthday to you”


Mandy blew the candles and cut the chocolate cake which Esha had specially baked for her. There were three cakes on the table, one from Esha and two more from their other common friends. Mandy fed Esha first.


“Wish you loads of love and happiness this year Mandy” Esha fed the cake followed by a tight hug.


The party was at a private Yacht docked at the seaport besides many other luxury private Yachts. The music was loud and Esha could not get a signal to call her father. She missed her father’s calls a while ago which she realized now and wondered why would he call her at this hour of night? He already knew her plans.


“Esha.. come on dance. You don’t even have a drink” one of their friends handed her the glass of red wine. She sipped some Wine because that would be the last for now. Once she lands in India tomorrow, she had no plans to drink around her father.


“I will be right back. Don’t think there is any signal here”

“Go to the deck. Try there”



Esha sipped her wine and strode to the deck, carefully, not to spill the drink on her pink floral knee length frock. Two of Mandy’s friends ogled her legs as she passed them. Her milky soft skin had always grabbed men’s eyes on her long legs and she was used to their continuous flirting. But tonight, her mood was off as she had a flight to catch back home and if things don’t work out in her favor then very soon, she would be also engaged and married to Neil Thakur. Even the thought of it both scared and irritated her.


There was no signal on the deck either. She raised her cell phone to pick some signal having no idea a tall muscular man in a three-piece suit on the adjoining Yacht was gawking at her.


His eyes wandered from her legs to her waist, further up on her angelic face. He froze. She was beauty personified. He instantly felt a pull towards her and soon enough got her eyes transfixed on his face too.


At first, she seemed stunned at his intense intrusion. She hadn’t expected visitors on the other Yacht. And obviously not a man whose looks made her body squirm. His tanned face, square jaws, broad shoulder, perfect abs and the two-inch tattoo on one of his forearms made Esha swallow her own bodily reactions. She lowered her hand to push down her frock and hide her sexy legs from being displayed to his piercing gaze. And while she did that, he put off his cigar.


“What?” she quirked an eyebrow at him. “Haven’t seen a beautiful girl drinking Wine before?”


She had a voice to die for.


“I can ask you the same. Haven’t seen a handsome hunk smoking before?” he grinned.


Oh! So, he caught her gawking at him too? But it was not his handsome face she was ogling at. The tattoo on his forearm got her intrigued. Little did she know he was the same man her father wanted to get her married to. He was Neil Thakur.


“I .. I wasn’t looking at you but the yacht” she lied. “It’s a beautiful yacht”


Neil Thakur let out a chuckle. He had his eyes pinned on her. She didn’t have to lie. Is that how she attracted attention? Because that really worked on him. Shit. This wasn’t him. He never offered another look to a woman because none of them lured him to this extent. She was the first who just didn’t pick his interest but also made him breathless whenever her lips parted to talk.


“Want to have a look inside?” he offered.

Her jaw hit the floor. He was clearly flirting.

“Don’t worry Miss beautiful. I am here for my solace. Won’t let a girl ruin it by her charms. You will be safe if I have to tour you my Yacht.”

“Mr. Luxury, mind your own business. I am neither interested in you nor your Yacht”


Just when he thought of giving her another teasing reply, his bodyguard Harry interrupted, passing him the phone.


“Sir, it’s your girlfriend”


He pressed the phone to his ear.

“Hello Sweety” he never called names to Nyra Sharma, but he did on purpose tonight to notice the change in Esha’s expressions.

Esha smiled frostily.

“What’s wrong?” he asked Nyra, keeping his eyes glued on Esha. “How much?”


Nyra needed some urgent credit in her account to shop a dress for the event she and Neil had to attend tonight.

Esha decided to leave. She wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her jealous talking to his girlfriend if that’s what he wants.


Jealous? Was she?


“Don’t go” he shouted at Esha muting his call.


Esha was taken back by his audacity. He had his girlfriend on line and yet he wanted a stranger woman to eye upon? How dare he?


“Sweety, I will ask Rajan to transfer the funds in your account. Will call you back. Bye”


His hurried attempt to end the call didn’t go unnoticed by Esha either. She decided her move cleverly and getting off her Yacht she turned to enter his. Neil Thakur was pleased watching her step in his Luxury Yacht. His body stiffened as she took the help of his bodyguard to climb the steep stairs which led to the deck area where he was standing uprooted.


The moment she landed on the deck, he grinned again.


“Someone is invading my privacy now. Not that I mind” he muttered, coming closer.


Esha put a fake smile and kept closing the distance between the two. She looked even more gorgeous as the distance bridged. The instant he thought she would snuggle in his arms or kiss his lips, she pushed him so hard that he lost his balance and dropped inside the private pool behind.


Harry almost jumped towards them to haul her, but Neil raised himself on the water surface and signaled him not to interfere. It was between him and her!! Harry silently stepped back.


“I hope that cools down your body so you focus only on the woman you are dating. Not the others” she snorted and made her way down.


Neil swam the length of the pool and got out. His suit drenched and though the cool water might have helped his body, it had definitely bruised his ego. Whoever she was, she would have to pay for this damage. Soon!!



One month Later – India


The magistrate pushed the file towards them, silently waiting for the couple to sign over their respective names. 21-year-old Esha Singhal was holding the pen between her fingers, which meant she needed to sign first. She stared long at the file placed before her, trying to think one last time if she really wanted to do this. Not every decision you take comes from your rational mind, sometimes you make a few choices based on the circumstances. Marrying Neil Thakur was one of those. Pratibha Thakur, Neil’s mother placed an arm over her shoulder, giving her the much-needed push to sign. Tears gushed in her eyes as she completed the formalities and pushed the file towards the arrogant man sitting next to her. He didn’t take a second to mark his signatures on the paper.


“Make her wear this, Neil” Narendra Thakur passed his son the Mangalsutra (marital chain) which he almost snatched from his father and tied it around Esha’s neck. His stiff fingers touched her neck, making her jerk on the seat. Her breath hitched as he took a pinch of Sindoor (Vermilion) from his mother and spread it on Esha’s forehead partition. She was marked as his, both legally and ritually.


“Anything else?” he rudely asked the Magistrate, who was confused by Neil’s loud tone.

“That would be all” the magistrate replied, getting up to shake hands with them. “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Thakur, you both are man and wife now”


Neil shook his hand and made his way out. Esha turned to her in laws. Narendra Thakur followed his son whereas Pratibha clutched her hand and led her out of the court. None of them had expected this alliance to be so cold, but as they say, not everything we desire gets fulfilled. Compromises and adjustments are part of your lives.


“Neil, where the hell are you going?” Narendra shouted the moment he saw Neil getting inside his car along with his bodyguard, Harry.

“I did what you wanted, Dad. Now she is your headache, not mine”


Wearing his black aviator sunglasses again, Neil started the engine and drove away. Tears threatened to fall as Esha fought to hold them in. Life wasn’t playing fair with her since few weeks but Neil Thakur abandoning her on their first day of the marriage was still good news. The last thing she expected was to spend the night with him in his room. Now that he was gone, she could take a breath of relief.




Thakur Mansion


The Thakur house, the place where her in-laws resided, was no less than a Mansion. There were over 20 housekeeping staff, 2 Chefs, 4 drivers and 3 gardeners responsible for maintaining this Palace. Esha recalled her father had mentioned to her how the ancestors of this family used to be the Godfathers of the villages surrounding this Palace. Pratibha asked Esha to wait at the door and soon she returned with a Puja thali to welcome the new bride.


“Neil should have been there with you but knowing his temper, he would take some time to accept changes in his life Esha”


Esha wasn’t convinced. Neil Thakur would never adapt to this change called ‘marriage’ in his life. Pratibha circled the Thali and welcomed Esha inside the house. It took few minutes to introduce her to the staff and as expected, everyone was giving her pitiful looks for not having her husband beside. Like she cared?


“Aunty” Esha interjected her mother-in-law. “If you don’t mind, I need to freshen up and go to see Dad”

“Oh, obviously I wouldn’t mind. In fact, me and Narendra were planning to come with you to the hospital”

“I want to meet him alone” Esha debated, much to Pratibha’s dismay.

“As you wish, Esha. Let me show you the room”


The room was at second right on the first floor and luckily it wasn’t decorated with flowers and candles for her first night. She heaved a sigh of relief.


“We didn’t know you will be coming here otherwise we would have decorated this place”


Esha gaped at her mother-in-law, knowing what she meant. Neil Thakur stayed in his own Villa, the one he bought 3 years ago. It was centrally located in the City and was very close by to the Thakur’s office premises whereas this mansion was almost 45 minutes’ drive from the main city. The couple had thought Neil would take Esha there, but since he so mercilessly shrugged his responsibility at the court, Esha was left with no choice but to accompany her in laws at their ancestral property.


Once Pratibha left, Esha shut the door in relief and collapsed on the floor. Memories of the past four weeks clouded her mind.


“He had a major stroke” the doctor informed.


Esha could feel her feet trembling in fear. Her father was her only parent, her only source of happiness and love. Two days ago, when she was attending Mandy’s birthday party in London, she had tried calling her father’s number after checking his missed calls, but soon after, the call from their maid shocked her. Her father had collapsed in his room and it looked bad. She took the immediate flight that night to reach India and stayed by her father’s side. Ten-hour journey and the jetlag had exhausted her body, but she still stood before the Doctor as he talked more about Vanraj Singhal’s health.


“That stroke I am afraid has stopped his brain from functioning normally”


Esha wanted to cry, but she held her tears.

“What does that mean?” she stuttered.

“It’s Paralysis. Means he can see you, hear you, but he cannot respond. His brain can process images and words but he wouldn’t be able to frame replies neither he could stand on his feet again for some time”


Esha stumbled and sat on the bench behind.


“Miss Esha. We are trying our best to get him normal again. Have faith in God”


Esha had no patience to acknowledge that. Tears welled up in her eyes and she cried her heart out once the Doctor left. She didn’t recollect when the Thakur couple reached the hospital and took care of the bills and other formalities. It was only when Esha felt an arm stroking her head, that she realized their presence.


“Esha, everything will be alright. Stop crying. Your father wouldn’t like to see you like this” the motherly figure advised.


Esha embraced her instantly. She didn’t know if she was her ally or not but Esha needed strength and for some reason the woman beside her gave her that much needed courage to face the situation. After another hour she got to know that woman was Neil Thakur’s mother and a tinge of hatred developed in Esha’s heart for that family. She knew they were her father’s friends, but their son had ruined her father, losing every hope of repair. While travelling back to India, Esha had read the news about Singhal Group crashing down and the man behind this was Neil Thakur. Somewhere deep in the corner of her mind, she knew it was this loss which her father couldn’t sustain, and it resulted in that horrible brain stroke.


“You should eat Esha” Pratibha tried to convince her again.

“I need to speak to someone I know..” Esha spat. “Like.. like Mathur Uncle. Where is he?”


Mathur was her father’s personal assistant from a decade. If after her father she trusted anyone to help her with the business, it was him.


“Mathur is handling the Press and other official work. Everything is messed up at the business front. With your father in the hospital, a lot of talk is happening in the public and he has to tackle all of it” Narendra Thakur responded. “But I have asked him to pay a visit here”


Esha nodded. She had no clue what their business status currently was but she knew only Mathur Uncle could shed some light on everything. An hour later, when Mathur reached the hospital, Esha ran into his arms. He treated her like his own daughter and could easily read her pain.


“Esha, you have to show some patience. Your father is a fighter and you have to fight to settle his life and yours” Mathur consoled her. “And besides, there are some serious things you need to know”


When Esha wiped her tears and was ready to listen, he took her to the cafeteria of the Hospital and made her eat while he discussed those important things.


“Did your father tell you anything about your alliance with Neil Thakur?”


Esha weakly nodded.

“He did but I was going to convince him against it”

“I am worried if he would have listened to you. It is not his fault either. Neil wickedly ruined our Company, turned our clients against us in such a brief span. Your father saw this alliance as the only way to stop things from ending bitterly”


Esha’s blood boiled at that information.


“If he did so much bad to us, why are the Thakur’s here? To mock?”

“No Esha. Narendra Thakur and his wife are good people and your father’s dear friends. They can never go against your father. But their son is totally business minded. He doesn’t spare his competitors and hell, he proved it once again. I only wished your father had some powerful support to fight Neil Thakur. Though Narendra Thakur kept denying his son from taking over the Singhal’s clients, Neil didn’t stop. That’s when Narendra made this weird deal of getting you married to his son”


Deal? She had no clue about it.


“That deal stated if Neil Thakur didn’t marry you within a month, he would be pulled off from his CEO’s position in the Thakur Empire”


“Yes Esha. Even Neil is shocked and against fulfilling it”

“I am not going to marry him Mathur uncle” Esha snapped.

“I worry this is exactly what you will have to do”

“What do you mean?” she looked at the old man in horror.


“Because that’s the only way this would end. Your father had plans of partnership with the Thakurs to retain all his Clients and your marriage to Neil is the only way to make it happen. Trust me when I say this, we have tried all other measures. The losses happening in the company already dreaded your father and he was tired of pushing the loan deadlines. He has huge finance taken for the company from the market. All are unpaid because of the recurring losses. If you marry Neil, our companies will merge and it will not just retain our employees but also our Clients. And if not by this quarter, at least in the next two we could afford to pay off the banks. Or else we will have to shut the company, declare your father bankrupt but even if we do so, the loans still cannot be paid off plus it will leave the people who have trusted your father and slogged so many years for Singhal Group, jobless. Their lives depend on your decision, Esha. Your father knew all this and that’s why he wanted you to marry Neil and let this partnership turn into the favors of both Thakurs and Singhals. Your father is a self-made man, even if Thakur offered him help, he denied, but when Narendra Thakur proposed this alliance, he agreed”


Esha’s head spun in fear. So much happened and her father never spoke a word about it? How could he hide such important things?


Esha felt her world crumple down as she absorbed Mathur’s information. The next two days the Thakurs seemed extremely polite and accommodating to her uneasiness around them. They didn’t want to frighten or intimidate her by their presence but they couldn’t leave her alone to handle it either. One of them always stayed by her. Spending nights in the hospital had never been terrifying like it was this time. The nurses and duty doctors kept visiting the ICU and updated her of every minute changes in her father’s health. Esha was losing her patience to see her father reacting to them. She was losing hope as the clock ticked every second and passed minutes to days and days to two weeks.




Indiana Club




Neil clinked his glasses with his Business associates.

“Today is a day of celebration. Singhal Group is crashing down” Jatin Roy the owner of the Indiana Club and one of Neil’s oldest associate at the Thakur Empire exclaimed.


Neil didn’t addon any inputs to this celebration. His mind was racing elsewhere.


“Neil, you should be proud of your achievements” Nyra mentioned.

“I am” he gulped the drink and walked away. Nyra Sharma was Neil’s Ex-girlfriend now but despite their breakup she still remained his friend and accompanied Neil in all the social parties. Tonight, was no different.


Jatin followed him to the bar counter.

“Hey.. you don’t seem happy about our win. It was you who always fought to bring the Singhals down and now that it has happened, you don’t look good. What’s wrong?”

“This is no good for me Jatin. I have no personal grudge against the Singhals but seems like my father is hell bent in making me hate them forever”

“What did he do or rather force you do?”


Neil didn’t reveal details. All he knew was that the clock was ticking and he had only 2 more weeks to accept this father’s deal and marry Esha Singhal.


When he returned to his Villa, he hadn’t expected to see his parents waiting for him in the living room. None of them seemed happy seeing him drunk.


“Saw Pratibha” Narendra Thakur shouted. “Here we are doing rounds in the hospital and our son is partying”


Neil frowned.

“Nice seeing you both here” he mocked coming closer. “May I know what are you both doing at my home?”


Yes. This was his home – his den where no one intruded his lifestyle, no one poked him for his choice of friends or how he intends to end his day and with whom. He used to stay with his parents at their ancestral property all these years but soon he felt caged. The need to be independent picked his interest and he bought this lavish Villa at the City center. He was proud to call it his home.


“Neil, do you know Vanraj is still in ICU?” his mother informed.

“I heard. I hope he gets well soon” he genuinely meant it.

“We are hopeful too Son. But right now, we are more worried for Esha. She is broke and..”

“I have nothing to do with her” he interrupted.

“So, you still haven’t decided to marry Esha?” his father shouted again.

Neil denied instantly.


“That’s against my interest and you both know it”

“You know the consequences Neil. I always warned you to stay away from destroying the Singhals and you never listened. Whatever happened to Vanraj you are equally responsible for that”

“Wait a minute” Neil barked. “Mr. Vanraj Singhal got that stroke because his company was in losses. And his poor management skills led the destruction of his company. He was just a competitor, and I did exactly what I do with everyone else in our line. We cannot shelter our prey and feed them for life dad. We should get rid of them to ensure we don’t run out of Profits. I don’t mind having a healthy competition, but I also believe in destroying the competitor before the competitor destroys you. Don’t blame me for his medical condition”


Narendra Thakur fumed, but Pratibha controlled the situation. She gestured her husband to let her speak and handle this.


“Neil. Forget the competition for now and pay a visit to the Hospital. Meet Esha once and assure her that you are there for her”

“I wouldn’t lie and sorry I cannot fake humanity either” he debated.

“Then let me remind you the media is after us” his father stated. “You being the CEO of our company and Singhals being so close to me, you should show your presence at least once there. Or are you waiting for the media to blame you for Vanraj’s medical condition”


Neil sighed in frustration. When he didn’t obey their direct commands, his father always twisted things to make him agree.


“Neil, stop being stone hearted” his mother urged.

“Fine. I will check my schedule and pay a visit. Happy? Please be my guest tonight and let me just sleep”


When he adjourned to his room, Narendra and Pratibha Thakur left for their home.



Esha focused back on the team and the meeting. Vandana left but in next thirty seconds, Neil Thakur stormed in the room. He had a sexy messed-up look that had always suited him in every attire. Esha and her team were shocked by his intrusion. 

“We need to talk” 

“I am busy” she took a deep, shaky breath. 

“Then make yourself free” 

When Esha didn’t obey, he stared at the handful of people sitting around the table.

“Everybody out” he commanded. 

His deep voice rolled like thunder through the room. They all got up to leave and Esha lost her mind. 

“No one leaves this room” Esha shouted. “The next person who leaves will be fired” 

Now they were confused. The employees looked back and forth between Esha and Neil, waiting breathlessly to know what would happen next. 

“You won’t like me talking before them Esha. We need to talk privately” 

Her staff looked at them in fascinated silence. Neil and Esha were already topping the gossips in both Singhal and Thakur office and it was a rare chance to see them bristling with anger and some sort of attraction now. 

“How thoughtful of you Mr. Thakur but as you can see, right now, I am busy with other meets. You can either wait till I finish or leave and I will call you when I am done” 

“Did you just call me Mr. Thakur again?” he snapped. 

The staff looked nervous and deadly quiet. 

“I believe you are here for professional reasons which is why I used your last name” she folded her arms over her chest and stared at him. 

Neil watched her in fury. 

“Out. Everyone. Now. If she fires you, I’ll pay each one of you a year’s salary and find you another job” 

Now that was a great deal. The staff ushered out mouthing, Sorry, to Esha who stared back at the beast within him. Once they were alone, he strode to her. 

“You are creating a scene Mr. Thakur” 

“Call me Mr. Thakur again and I will do more than just talking” he challenged.


Kabier smiled. He had no words to explain this to his friend yet. 

“You are smiling? I didn’t tell you a joke Kabier. I shared you what trouble I am going through. Say something dammit” 

“You are in love.. lover boy” Kabier exclaimed. 

Neil froze for a while and then rolled his eyes. 

“This won’t work with me Kabier. I know you are just..” 

“I am serious” Kabier repeated. “You are in love with Esha and you don’t even know it I assume.” 

“I can’t love her” he argued. “I don’t believe in love you know.. This… this marriage itself is like a burden..” 

“Are you trying to tell me that or prove it to yourself?"

Neil put down the glass and leaned back on the chair. He didn’t look convinced yet. Kabier decided to ease his confusion. 

“Okay. Fine. Consider I accept what you say. That Esha is just a passing phase in your life. But so were the other girls you dated until now. Like Nyra and so many others. Did you ever feel the same with them? Did you ever help them sort their family problems? Did you ever see real worry and concern in their eyes for you? Did you ever care when they couldn’t make some time to go out with you? Did you like seeing them in your house? Did you ever thought of inviting them to your Villa? Did you ever feel jealous when these girls danced or flirted with other men despite being with you? No!! You didn’t. That’s because you didn’t love them. You needed them but you had no remorse when you broke up with those girls. But that’s not the case with Esha and you. Can you even imagine Esha walking out of your life getting the divorce?” 

Neil was speechless. No, he could never even imagine that. 

“Its tough Neil and believe me I have been there. In my case, I was too blind to realize my wife was my support system and she craved for me. Luckily it wasn’t too late because I didn’t waste time after I realized I wanted her in my life forever” 

Neil was still the same… cold and clueless. 

“Don’t waste time Neil. Hold her before she decides to leave you forever. Make her realize how integral she is for you to survive. Woo her”


“Can we begin?” she requested. 

“The Striptease?” he mocked followed by a chuckle. “Sorry, but that day after the conference you put one hell of a show for me. I wondered if you would ever.. complete it..” 

Esha lost her cool. 

“Neil Thakur. You are not talking to a random woman who is cool with your flirting. You are talking to the CEO of the Singhal Group” 

“Who also happens to be my legally wedded wife” he corrected. 

Esha glared back at him. 

“And if I don’t get to flirt with my wife, whom will I flirt with?” he leaned back on his chair. 

Esha got up and tried to shut her laptop. 

“You are wasting my time. Probably when you are serious to get some work done, we can reschedule this” 

She was about to turn it off, when Neil gripped her wrist. 

“Go on. I am ready now” 

She shrugged off immediately from his hold. 

“Come on” he exhaled. “Show me the revised proposal” 

Esha took a minute to cool down and opened the presentation. For the next 30 minutes she explained him what strategies they had improvised for implementing this project. Neil was a multitasker. His ears were all on the proposal but his eyes were forced to linger all over her face. She licked her lower lip too often when she talked without a break. That was either because her throat was parched or she was nervous. When she looked back at the screen to show him a particular graph, a strand of her hair tickled her cheek. Neil’s fingers fisted around the handle of the chair he was seated on. She tucked the strand behind her ear and showed him the graph. His gaze shifted from her face to the graph and once she started explaining the statistics, his eyes lingered on her long fingers. She didn’t have long nails like most woman tried to keep. Her nails were neatly cut and manicured. 

“That’s all” she sighed with relief. He passed her a bottle of water to drink. She needed it after talking back to back for 30 minutes. She gulped some water and waited for him to speak. 

Neil cleared his throat to divert his own attention from her body to her eyes. 

“Share me the presentation. I need to take a look again on the figures you suggested. Rest all seems fine except some minute changes in the marketing part. I will ask someone from my side to look into it” 

That was one honest opinion he had given and she appreciated it. She gathered her stuff again and got up to leave. 

“One more thing, Neil Thakur” she said remembering something. “I know this is difficult for you to work with the same company you recently didn’t mind destroying. But this time it’s me you have to go through. And I have a lot of determination and patience to stand up every time you push me to the ground” 

“Don’t worry Esha. I don’t believe in killing the dead again” Neil grinned.



“Aww. Your family truly looks complete” he mumbled putting the phone back on the table, but leaving the screen unlocked for Neil to see. 
Neil’s gaze fell on the picture. It was his father’s social media profile where he usually updated his personal pictures with his wife and now since Esha was part of their family, his father posted a picture with both his wife at one side and Esha at the other. The caption was way too interesting than the picture. 

‘With my love and my son’s arranged love’ 

Neil’s eyes were glued on the picture. His father was in his usual tuxedo, looked at least 5 years younger than he was. His mother was in a bottle green Gown, holding his father’s arm and Esha.. she was in an off-shoulder lavender dress hugging her curves like the dress was made just for her. Esha’s long black hair had curled loosely at the ends and they covered most of her creamy shoulders. The smile on her face came naturally and she looked happy posing with her in-laws. This was new!! Seemed like she was bonding well with his parents. Either she was a charmer or his parents were too kind hearted and guilty to shower so much affection on their daughter-in-law to cover up their fault of getting her married to their not-so-interested-in-marriage son. Nevertheless, the picture was ecstatic. 

“I should comment on it” Jatin snatched the phone from Neil who was still speechless. Words formed in his throat but he couldn’t articulate what he felt seeing that picture. He knew one thing for sure… this woman… Esha.. was not going to leave his side anytime soon. She was here to save her falling company, much to his dismay. But what shocked him was that his heart showed no signs of pushing her out either these days. As if it was slowly getting accustomed to this new entry in his life.



Neil Thakur barged in the Conference room where his father was already present with the rest of the board members. Neil had returned to India last night and resting for a few hours, he headed straight to office this morning to attend the urgent meeting his father announced at such a brief notice.

“Neil” his father welcomed him. “Glad to have you back on time”

Neil faked a smile and took his seat.

“What is this meeting about?”

“Oh, this,” Narendra leaned back authoritatively on his chair. “You know the joint venture with Singhals. This meet is to know what plans the Singhals have drafted for our first Project together”

Neil was confused.

“Why am I called here then? I don’t think you ever wanted me to be a part of this Venture” he argued.

“That’s old news, Neil. Now I want you to spearhead this or at least assist me in spearheading”

Neil refuted the proposal.

“Dad, I think we need to talk and be clear on some terms. You cannot just dictate to me what I have to do at the last minute”

“Well,” Narendra sighed. “We can talk after this conference. Let’s hear out what the Singhals have planned. You won’t be wasting time; I assure you that much”

Neil groaned and leaned back, thinking hard. He literally hated his father for being so mean.

“There she comes,” Narendra cheered up, looking at the door. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of the Singhal Group and my daughter-in-law, Esha Thakur”

The moment Neil heard that name, his eyes dragged to the door. Esha walked into the room and he was instantly drawn to her. She had worn a black pantsuit with Pink shirt inside. Her hair straightened and hanging loose on her back. Even in a formal attire like that, she looked killing. As she passed his chair, his heart hammered. She even smelled amazing. It was a surprise to Neil himself that he was observing a woman so much while she hardly even glanced at him. As if they both were strangers. Damn wrong!! Each one in this room knew they were recently married and their wedding reception was this evening.

“Sorry to keep you all waiting gentlemen. If everyone has settled down already, I can begin the presentation”

Her voice!! It boosted confidence. Neil’s throat constricted. Suddenly being a part of the Joint Venture seemed convincing. He wanted to see what this woman got. But what seemed to be uncomfortable right now was gawking at Esha for another one hour, without the need to look away. This would be interesting. Very interesting!!

While Esha’s secretary, Vandana, connected her laptop to the Projector, Esha had a quick talk with her father-in-law and then her eyes fixed on Neil Thakur. His presence kind of irked her, but she couldn’t do anything about it. This was his office. She began with introducing herself and the aim of this Joint Venture, which would benefit both companies. She highlighted the ideas one by one for their first joint project. She wasn’t uncomfortable in pointing out the current facts of Singhal group because she had some cool statistics of previous similar projects they had worked on. Everyone was nodding in agreement or showing some signs of liking her presentation but Neil didn’t comment, neither had any signs of approval to her work. He just stared at her coal-black eyes, thick eyelashes, penciled eyebrows, little nose, highlighted cheekbones, chubby cheeks, round chin and her full red lips. He didn’t dare shift his gaze lower because his body was already burning with desire just by looking at her face. He never focused so attentively at any woman before.

Everyone clapped, appreciating her work at the end of the presentation.

“Wonderful Esha. You have collated some best points for this Project” Narendra stated.

“Thank you. But it’s a team work. Singhal Group still has great resources to put that together and come up with more interesting ideas”

“I am sure. So, gentlemen, we will have another discussion to see how we can take these ideas further ahead. We are done for now. Thank you Esha for being here”

Esha proudly nodded, smiled and took greetings from each one of them as they left the conference room. Neil was still seated, showing no signs of any urgency to leave. Narendra Thakur rose from his chair.

“Neil, we can now talk in our cabin”

Neil shook his head.

“I will be there in 10 minutes”

Esha’s secretary followed Narendra Thakur out with the laptop. Just Esha and Neil occupied the room now. Esha was looking for her car keys. She had placed it beside the laptop when she connected it to the projector. She found them at the corner of the table behind an empty water bottle. She took them and turned, only to find Neil Thakur standing in her way.

“Impressive” he muttered. “You have got skills”

Esha rolled her eyes, gripping the keys in her fist. She hadn’t expected him to appreciate her, and definitely not in private.

“How does the transition feel like? From Esha Singhal to Esha Thakur?” he mocked.

Esha didn’t care to reply.

“So, the CEO Esha is IN and the married Esha OUT, huh? No Mangalsutra, no Sindhoor,” his eyes lingered on her forehead and her buttoned up neck. “Not that I mind. Looks like I am getting a divorce soon”

Suddenly, teasing her was becoming his new pastime. Esha wanted to smack his face, but she had to show patience and some professionalism here. Without dropping her gaze from his, she removed her black coat and placed it on the table. Neil froze. His mouth shut in shock as she started unbuttoning her shirt. His heart hammered again and though he thoroughly enjoyed the private stripping show she was putting for him, it stiffened his body. None of the two looked away from each other. When she stopped unbuttoning further, it forced him to lower his gaze, and that’s when he saw a small marital chain around her neck. It was still there!!

Once she knew he got his answers, she draped the coat over her arm and strode to the door. Neil needed a minute to cool down. He just didn’t capture what was happening to him? Why were his hormones suddenly jumping like fools inside?

“See you at our wedding reception, Mr. Thakur” She opened the door and slipped out.



Reviewed in India on 28 August 2020
Verified Purchase
Loved the book... read it in one go ..... 
I have read all your books ma'am n eagerly wait for 
your books .....

Reviewed in India on 31 August 2020
Verified Purchase
One of the best novel read... love the story and the characters... 
would love to read more books from the author
Reviewed in India on 5 September 2020
After a very long time, read a book on Kindle in one go. 
Very realistic. You can relate to all characters and the 
way male n female protagonists are detailed , it's like awesome

Reviewed in India on 31 August 2020
This is a well written piece. It will keep the readers 
engaged from beginning till the end...I thoroughly 
enjoyed the relationship equation between Neil and Esha...
I must say love and emotion among equals is the 
beauty of the story with positive supporting characters 
which enhanced the plot...

Madhuri, looking for more of such interesting creations...

Reviewed in India on 29 August 2020
Loved it fully... Never been so interested to read every line...
 Each moment is perfectly defined... 
Totally worth reading it... Write more often...

Reviewed in India on 29 August 2020
As always you have penned a soft romantic story. 
I'm an ardent fan of your writings and I'm waiiting 
for your next story madhu. Beautiful story

Reviewed in India on 30 August 2020
In love with this book. The chemistry between neil 
and esha superb. Both coming from different background 
and then end well together amaxing. The fire between 
them cant miss .thoroughly enjoyed the book.


Mr and Mrs Sehgal - Chapter 1 and 2 + All Excerpts + Reviews

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