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Mr and Mrs Sehgal - Chapter 1 and 2 + All Excerpts + Reviews


Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 


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Her eyes sparkled as she watched the night lights of the busy streets of Mumbai slide along the tainted windows of their luxury car. This city was her home, and she loved being a part of it despite her boring routine. Parties, Parties and more Parties her life was all about. Shaking hands with people, faking smiles, listening to unwanted gossips, drinking and above all lying about her fortunate marriage was all she did from past 2 years. Sometimes it amused her on her abilities to lie and the patience to adjust. Any other woman with her heart would have left this kind of lifestyle long ago, but she couldn’t.

“Mathur, I don’t want excuses. I want results”

Her husband’s stern voice from beside her broke her stance. As usual, she had forgotten he was just sitting an arm away from her, busy on his Bluetooth headset, talking business. Correction, Kabier Sehgal even breathed business.

“Then bribe them. I want that land for our new premises,” he barked.

She gave him an icy glance before turning her gaze back on the lively road. Money. This was all about money for him. He used his power to gamble with people’s weakness and had built an empire for himself. He was a born businessman and raised by his parents for the same. Nothing could divert his focus from work. Not even she herself - Mrs. Aashi Sehgal, the former Miss India.

“Dammit” he cut the call.

He looked stressed, but she didn’t ask him for any reason. She had stopped poking her nose in his business ever since he made it clear to her she had no right to question him ever.

“I cannot believe we lost this deal,” he said looking at her, pissed.

She swallowed, unsure how to react. Should she sympathize or shower some boosting words at him? None of it would make sense because he wasn’t waiting for her reaction.

“I will have to fly to Singapore tomorrow,” he added.

Again, that wasn’t new. He was out of the country almost half a month and the rest half he was glued to his private office inside their luxurious villa.

They were nearing their destination–the Sun & Star Hotel where one of his Business associates was celebrating his recent success. Her palms dried. It was time to put on that fake smile on her face. As the car parked in the foyer, she stepped out in her Green Designer Gown. Her neck shined with Jewels and the diamonds on her finger ring and wrist sparkled, as she waved at the media desperately clicking their pictures.

Blood drained from her face as his arm slid around the small of her back and pulled her close. This was his usual way of pretense before the media and the rest of the world to show off their fake chemistry. But despite him repeating this gesture from past 2 years, she always felt strange reaction whenever he touched her. Something she was yet to find out why? Giving him a quick side glance and earning a smirk back from her husband, she walked with him on the carpet, holding his hand. To be a part of this fake world.

The host of the party greeted them the moment they entered.

“Mr. And Mrs. Sehgal, welcome to the party”

“Hello Mrs. Patel. You look stunning”

“No No No. Not as stunning as you Aashi Sehgal. You always outshine every woman in every party”

They should praise the jewels on her body for her glow. It had always covered her sorrowful state from being visible on her face.

“Where is Mr. Patel?” Kabier asked.

“He is there with the group”

“I will go meet him”

He left her hand and strode to the men whom she knew would give him a pleasant company throughout the party talking business. His role with her, here, was over. Now he would not even look at her, forget caring if she ate, if she was comfortable with the people she met or if she was even enjoying the party or not. He wouldn’t care. He never did. And like every other time when this happened, she would sulk alone despite being in this crowded place, show patience of communicating to unknown people and socialize with the guests though the only thing she would want to do now was lie down on bed, cuddle a pillow and dream of a life full of love. Where once she hoped to be the star of his life, she settled for nothing less and nothing more than His Vanity Wife.


Few Days Later

After a 2-hour long flight to Dehradun and 1-hour road drive further, Aashi stepped down the car at the ‘Shanti Ashram’. She had bought her mother’s favorite flowers on the way along with some sweets and gifts for all the occupants of this little home away from home.

“Aashi Madam, welcome to Shanti Ashram” Sudha, the assistant manager of this place greeted her at the lobby.

“Thank you Sudha. Where is Mumma?”

“She is in her cabin”

“I will go see her”

Aashi hurried to see her mother whom she missed dearly from the past couple of days. She saw an old couple sitting in the garden, holding hands and talking to each other, reminiscing their memories of togetherness. At another corner an old lady watered the plants and to her left was an old man reading some mythological book for his fellow mates. This old age home was their only choice to spend the rest of their lives peacefully. Whenever Aashi visited this place, she would wonder why the families of these people abandoned them? They had children, even grandchildren yet they had no one to look after them. Some of these were forced to stay here and others self-decided to stay away from their children’s daily torture.

She opened the door of her mother’s cabin but instead of finding her like every time on the Manager chair; she saw her mother sitting on the side couch, knitting. She tiptoed inside and wrapped her arms around her mother’s body from behind, surprising her.

“Happy Birthday Mumma” Aashi kissed her mother’s cheeks.

For a woman in her late 50’s, Mamta Sinha looked older and paler than her age. But whenever her daughter Aashi visited every month or two, her face glowed.

“Aashi.. I was just remembering you”

She pulled her to the couch and made her sit next to her.

“Flowers? Again?” Mamta asked, taking the flowers from her.

“That’s from your Son-in-law” Aashi lied. “And this..” she quickly removed a small gift from her purse. “this is from me”

Mamta took the gift.

“Where is my Son-in-law?” she asked looking at the door.

“he… he couldn’t come”

“Not even this time?”

“Mumma, you know how busy he is. This time he had freed up his schedule but something urgent came up and he left for Singapore”

Mamta sighed.

“I will get him next time,” Aashi assured.

“You always say that” Mamta shrugged and continued to knit.

Aashi looked remorsefully at her mother. She hated to give false promises to her, but getting Kabier Sehgal here was next to impossible. When he had no time for his wife, how could he spend some for his mother-in-law?

“That’s beautiful” Aashi diverted the topic. “What are you knitting?”

“Sweater” she replied. “Winters are soon to come. I thought this time I will make a sweater for Kabier. I hope he likes it”

Aashi swallowed. Gifts to Kabier Sehgal wasn’t new, but will he ever accept a homemade gift like this? So simple and non-classy for his status?

“He will love it” Aashi lied again. “Sweater for him? And nothing for me?”

Mamta chuckled.

“I will make one for you too. Happy?”

“very” she cuddled her mother. This felt like heaven. She could stay here with her mother forever. It was far better than returning to that robotic life she lived in Mumbai with Kabier Sehgal.

“Aashi, you know recently I had a dream” Mamta exclaimed. “I was in a beautiful garden, plucking fresh fruits with my grandchildren”

Aashi flinched. Grandchildren? Mamta cupped her daughter’s face in between her palms.

“Aashi, have you and Kabier been thinking of having kids anytime soon?”

Soon? Huh!! They haven’t even consummated their marriage yet, so kids were out of question. It had never crossed her mind that her mother would ask her this.

“Mumma, it’s too soon”

“Soon? You both have married for 2 years”

“I don’t think we are ready to be parents yet”

Now this wasn’t a lie. She wouldn’t want another soul tortured by loneliness and solitude in Sehgal house like her.

“You are 25 now. This is the right age to have babies. And Kabier, isn’t he 32? I am sure you both will be responsible parents”

The insides of Aashi’s stomach clenched. Her nervous state didn’t go unnoticed by Mamta. She immediately held Aashi’s hands in hers.

“Is everything alright between you and Kabier? He loves you, doesn’t he?”

Aashi controlled her tears. Every time her mother asked her this, her subconscious mind screamed in pain. She had tried to tell her mother how unhappy she was in this marriage, but she could never show that courage. Sharing this truth with her mother would devastate the old lady, shatter all her dreams and crash her world. Her heart was already weak to take such a huge trauma.

“Being unhappy with Kabier Sehgal is not a choice. He pampers me so much that I have even forgotten a word called solitude exists in the dictionary”

Like always, Mamta believed it and a smile popped on her lips.

“Kabier is a tough man but whenever you tell me how much he loves you, my heart swells with pride and affection. Please ask him to pay me a visit someday. I haven’t met him personally from months. Or at least a phone call should do”

That’s true. Since their marriage 2 years back, Kabier had hardly met her mother twice. Once during her mother’s surgery and a few months later at the inauguration of Shanti Ashram.

“I will get him next time. I will try, ” Aashi promised. She can give this much joy to her mother at least. She would speak to Kabier about it once he was back from Singapore.


After staying with her mother for 2 days, on her way back to Mumbai at Sehgal house, Aashi recollected her earlier life. She was a hardcore professional. Modelling had been her passion ever since she was 10 and her mother Mamta supported her choice despite the objections from their middle-class relatives. After her father’s death it was her mother who raised her, working as a teacher in a government school. Aashi could see her mother’s efforts who had an equal contribution in fulfilling her dreams of becoming a Super model. It was in 2017 when Aashi won the Miss India Contest and made her mother and the nation proud. There was no looking back since then. She signed few more modelling contracts and endorsements in that year, and that’s when she was introduced to Kabier Sehgal at one such success party.

“Mumma can you hear me now?” she raised her voice, hurrying to the other side of the open lawn where the music was less audible.

It was just after her Miss India contest that she found out her mother suffered from Atrial Septal Defect. She had a hole in her heart and it had to be treated. Surgery was the only option, and it needed a lot of money which Aashi didn’t have. She had spoken to the best Doctors in the country and targeted herself to earn this amount within a few months to get the Surgery done. Last couple of weeks she had doubled her work and though it took a toll on her health too, she didn’t care anymore.

“Mumma.. I cannot hear you still. Give me 10 minutes, I will call”

The moment she turned to leave, she bumped with a man, dropping her phone on the ground and spilling the drink on his expensive suit.

“Oh Shit” she cursed herself, finally raising her eyes to look at him.

He was outright smart, suave and perfectly pissed off by this minor accident.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were behind me and I was speaking to my mother and the music. It’s so loud so I came here.. and .. I am leaving no. I was leaving and..”

She tried her best to explain, but the man kept on giving her angry glares. She paused.

“I can dry clean your suit” she offered.

Seemed like it offended him.

“Or else, I will buy you a new one”

“45000 USD” he replied.

Her eyes darted in shock.

“That’s the cost of my expensive suit which you didn’t care to spoil”

Aashi bit the insides of her cheeks. She hated men who flaunted prize tags.

“And I assume you cannot afford it” he added.

Now this definitely raged her. He had every right to be angry on her, but right now he attacked her dignity.

“I cannot afford to buy you such an expensive suit. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t spend so much money on a piece of cloth. Instead, I would donate it to some needy people who cannot even afford to buy onetime meals for their family”

Her statement seemed to have raged him again.

“Keep your Miss India speech with you Miss Sinha and get out of my way”

He pushed her away and strode to the washroom. He called her by her last name? Did he know her? Obviously, she was Miss India and he might have seen her on TV. She probably shouldn’t have given him that lecture that irked him more. She had spoiled his expensive suit, if not money, she should at least have apologized well. She followed him to the common washroom where he was wiping off the stains from his suit.

“Look, I am Sorry”

He stopped and looked at her in the mirror as she came and stood next to him.

“I can…”

“Don’t tell me what you can do” he snapped, turning at her. “In fact, let me tell you what I could have done so far if you had not ruined my suit. If you hadn’t crossed my way tonight, by now I would have signed a 200-crore deal with my clients. But I am here in the washroom taking care of the stain”

She zipped her lips. Another Price Tag!!

“Why is it that whenever you open your mouth, you only speak money?”

He fisted the tissue in his palms and stepped towards her without breaking his gaze. She stepped back in fear.

“I don’t deem it necessary to acquaint myself to a 6-month-old Model like you. But only so you stay in your limits and not cross my territory ever again, I will introduce myself. I am Kabier Sehgal. The clothes you wear, the products you endorse, the shows you work in.. I own them all… You are standing in this party because I am giving work to people like you.. Do you understand?”

Aashi felt her body burning with fury. How could he demean her so much? And wait. Did he say Kabier Sehgal? Man!!! She had read about him in almost every business magazine. She had heard his name from almost every girl she knew and had probably even seen his face twice or thrice flashing in the social media. Why the hell couldn’t she zip her mouth before arguing so much?

When he got the hint that she was aware of her mistake and her position in his eyes, he moved back.

“If I miss this Deal, I will ensure you don’t get to work in future” he promised before leaving out.

Aashi exhaled, clutching her mobile phone tight between her palms. Her career was ruined.

The next day she almost read every newspaper and watched every Business news channel to know if Kabier Sehgal won the deal or not. There was nothing about it for hours. She had prayed the whole night for his victory and hoped that even if he didn’t crack the deal, he at least doesn’t ruin her career. She heard nothing for the next two weeks and by now she was assured that he probably had forgiven her and moved on until she came home that night from shoots and found her mother blushing. Before she could ask, her mother showed her a gift box with ‘From Kabier Sehgal’ written on it.

“When did this come?” she took the box from her mother.

“Just an hour ago. I didn’t open”

It was good she didn’t open because right now Aashi worried if the box contained a letter mentioning they threw her out from work.

“Who is Kabier? You never told me anything about him”

“He is no one. I mean, he is a rich man, controls most of the fashion world, has connections with politicians and he is much more than I have ever read about him”

“How do you know him?”

“Mumma you are asking as if he has proposed me for marriage”

“He has” her mother blushed again, showing a card. “This came in with the box and a bouquet of red roses”

What? She snatched the card and read the proposal inside.

‘Marry me, Miss. Aashi Sinha ~Kabier Sehgal’

Aashi would faint reading the note, but she composed herself and peeked once at the red roses.

“I am sure this is a mistake” she argued. “we just met and..”

“Aashi” Mamta rubbed her daughter’s shivering arms. “When a man proposes and that too like this, he is serious”

“But Mumma..”

“Okay, fine” Mamta interrupted. “I won’t persist you on this further. But give him a reply. He owes one after sending all these roses, card and the little gift box”

Gift Box!! Yes. She hadn’t opened it yet. Mamta left her alone, and Aashi quickly tore the wrapper off the box and opened it. The box contained a pearl necklace. Fortunately, this didn’t have a price tag along. What should she infer from all of this? A man like him definitely cannot fall for a woman like her, especially when their first meet was so awkward. She decided to find out.


It took her two days to find the detailed address of his Office. They said he kept travelling countries to handle his empire but luckily today he was in her city and she decided to sort the confusion he had recently raised.

She was easily allowed to meet him, though she knew that people waited for months to get his appointment. As soon as she entered the Cabin, she saw him sitting on the commanding chair at the center of the table.

“Miss Sinha, come in”

She walked inside, keeping her gaze steady on him. He seemed busy because he was typing something on his laptop.

“You got 10 minutes” he said glancing at his watch.

She frowned!! What was it with him and numbers?

“You proposed me for marriage?” she came to the point.

“Yes” he kept typing.


Her heart pounded in her ears. This man was serious of the proposal, yet he behaved like it meant nothing.

“Why?” he asked sarcastically. His fingers paused from typing the keys on the laptop. “Why people marry?”

“I don’t know, you tell me” she snapped. “People in my world marry because they want companionship and love. But I don’t see you like me and the word love is surely not in your dictionary I suppose”

He got up from his chair and circled the desk.

“In my world, Miss Sinha” he exclaimed. “People marry for status and lifelong financial security, which I am ready to share with you”

His thoughts on marriage annoyed her.

“Then I don’t think we fit each other. Our worlds are like two opposite poles apart” she removed the pearl necklace box he sent her along with the card and placed it on the table aside. “Please give this to someone who is ready to sacrifice her dignity for the sake of Status and luxury. I don’t need it”

She turned around to leave, but he stopped her by his sharp words.

“I haven’t seen a fool like you so far”

She frowned. A fitting reply was right on her lips, but the ring on her phone intervened their argument. It was Dr. Mishra’s call. She moved away from him to take the call.

“Dr. Mishra? Our appointment is tomorrow” she queried.

“Aashi, your mother is at hospital. Her condition is serious. Come here soon and please arrange for the money. We have to operate her tonight”

Aashi felt like the world just collapsed.

“Is Mumma okay? What happened to her? She was alright this morning”

She hurried to the door and left his cabin.


The next three hours in the Hospital were the most fearful hours of her life. She had to arrange money to get her mother operated because she was critical and in the ICU. She had tried her best to contact her relatives, near and dear ones, distant ones, friends, everyone, but none of them could help her out financially today in such little time. The pressure was building up, and she had to take a stand. Just in the afternoon she had denied for any kind of financial security from Kabier Sehgal who was more than willing to offer her to get married to him, for reasons unknown. Wish she could just call him up and agree.

“Aashi” Dr. Mishra came to her.

“Doctor.. Give me some more time. I ..”

“We don’t have time Aashi. We will begin the operation now. Just sign the formalities. Okay?”

“Doctor but the money”

“It’s deposited already”

“Deposited? Who… who deposited the money?”

“Your fiancée” he replied. “You didn’t tell me you and Kabier Sehgal are going to marry”

Aashi was stunned. Kabier Sehgal paid for her mother’s surgery? Why? How did he know?

“Anyway, we shouldn’t delay. Finish the formalities”

Dr. Mishra smiled and hurried to the ICU. Aashi sat again on the little bench, clueless of Kabier Sehgal’s actions.

The operation was successful and post two hours of the surgery when her mother was conscious; they allowed her to meet her mother.

“Aashi” Mamta stretched her arm to touch her daughter. Aashi reached her quickly and held her hand in hers.

“Mumma, you should rest. I am here. The surgery went well”

“How did you manage with the money?”

Aashi was blank. Should she tell her mother? She should, but what will she tell? That the man whom she had denied to get married to, paid for this surgery?

“Who paid such an enormous sum Aashi?” Mamta kept digging.

“I did” came a reply from the door.

The familiar voice made Aashi’s stomach clench. It was him. Kabier Sehgal!! In this hospital. In the Post observatory room to meet her mother?

As he stepped inside, Aashi got up and stood next to the patient bed.

“Who is he, Aashi?” Mamta asked.

When Aashi was still finding answers to give, Kabier introduced himself.

“I am Kabier Sehgal”

Mamta’s eyes shone with love.

“Kabier. Oh. That’s you who proposed Aashi for marriage?”

“Fortunately, or unfortunately, I did. Yes”, he agreed, putting a quick smile on his face. “This is my hospital. I hope you have quick recovery and if there is anything that you need, please inform Dr. Mishra. He will make it available”

He gave Aashi a quick glance and then head out of the room.

“Mumma, I will be right back”

Aashi followed him out.

“Kabier. Wait”

He stopped.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked.

“400 crore” he replied promptly.

“What?” She didn’t understand.

“That day when we met, I bagged the deal. Not 200 crores but 400 crore deal Aashi Sinha and it was only because you delayed me by spilling the drink over my expensive suit. So, whatever I am doing right now is just to compensate”

She had no words to comment on that.

“And if you still want to thank me for doing this favor on your mother, saving her life today, then agree to my proposal. It’s still open but not for very long”

She wasn’t in a state to reply or argue. He didn’t wait for that either. That night, she had realized one thing. With money comes power and also the chance to save people. Kabier Sehgal might be wrong for her as a life partner but he gave her mother’s life back and she would always be grateful to him. 2 weeks after her mother was back home, she agreed to his marriage proposal.

The car halted at the Sehgal House, which broke Aashi’s stance. She was surprised to find her husband’s car parked. He was supposed to be in Singapore for the next one week. When did he come back? She hurried inside, hoping everything was alright. Kabier never skipped his meetings. Crossing the vast lobby of their Villa where the receptionist, Leela, greeted her for returning from Dehradun, Aashi rushed to her bedroom.

Kabier was there, fetching something in the closet. When he saw her home, he exhaled roughly.

“Where the hell had you been?” he growled.

His mood was off, but he got cranky like this every time had to look for his own things. He was not used to it. Last two years it was she who handled all of it. Right from which clothes he wears, matching ties, shoes, socks, wallets, belts. She managed all of it.

“I had been to Dehradun” she got in the room and realized he probably was fetching his night suits. She opened the side door of the other closet and removed his black night suit.

“Dehradun? You missed Mrs. Goel’s party for that?” he snapped.

Mrs. Goel was his Client’s wife, who threw parties every month for random reasons. The last party she attended for the Goel’s was because her dog turned 5 years.

“Mrs. Goel’s party is on Friday. I missed nothing” she replied calmly.

Kabier Sehgal was good with numbers but never with dates. When he couldn’t even remember the date they married, how would he recall the list of parties and functions his wife had to attend on his behalf every month?

“I know my time-table very well, Kabier. You don’t have to worry on that”

She took her night suit and slipped in the bathroom. The dinner was utterly quiet, like usual. It was the cutlery sound or his phone calls which kept the room filled with voices at the table. While she always monitored his plate to ensure he eats well, he hardly ever noticed how less she ate. She was losing her appetite day by day. This lifestyle and her solitude would kill her someday. He finished his food and headed to his private office to attend some video conferences with his US clients, and Aashi returned to her bedroom. She wouldn’t wait for him to come and cuddle her. Because that never happened. Despite his presence in the house, he hardly slept at the same time with her. Either he came home late when she was asleep or left to work early before she could wake up. Their marriage sucked!!



He clasped her wrist and led her aside. 

“Mr. Sehgal I..” 

“Kabier” he interrupted. “We are getting married soon. Stop calling me Mr. Sehgal. Call me Kabier” 

Aashi sighed in relief. That meant he would not cancel the wedding. 

“Okay” she mouthed. 

“Now listen to me carefully Miss Aashi Sinha” 

“Aashi” this time she interrupted him. “Call me Aashi” 

His brow raised. 

“Smart” he mumbled. “So Aashi, I want you to think once again. I am late today on our engagement; I cannot assure I wouldn’t be late on our wedding. I keep travelling and I might not take you along. I will be busy at work and might not entertain your phone calls or messages. I can be a busy husband. So, think again. Do you really wish to marry me? This is your last chance.” 

She swallowed. All this sounded threatening. But wasn’t it too late to ask? Her mother was a heart patient. If she steps back now, it might affect her. 

“I will” she nodded affirmatively. 

“Why? Give me one reason apart from the one I already know. That I paid for your mother’s surgery” 

He had a right to know why she agreed to his proposal. So, she told him. 

“Because my mother believes you will be a wonderful husband. She sees that quality in you to protect me for a lifetime”



“What is wrong with you?” she snapped. “Why did you come here?” 

“Why not?” he shrugged.

She understood nothing.

“You should have been at work, attending meetings and conferences.”

“And you should have been home taking rest” he argued.

“I am done resting”

“And I am done working”


“I made it possible”



Reviewed in India on 8 September 2020
Enjoyed reading this book .A good storyline the best part is 
it was not like reading a novel it was so realistic and 
heartwarming .I would highly recommend this book it's really enjoyable .

Reviewed in India on 23 June 2020
I always love this kind of plot where husband woos his
 wife with passion and love...with tinge of jealously... 
awesome story ♥️

Reviewed in India on 26 June 2020
I love stories that have a happy ending. This story is about 
two different people who are married to each other, stay 
in the same house, but have no interaction and don’t 
even know much about each other but circumstances 
change and they change. The characters are realistic 
and well developed. I loved the secondary characters, 
especially, Aashi’s mother, Nikhil, and Kabier’s parents. 
The language is simple and easy to follow, but I 
felt that the book needs a bit of editing.
This is the first book that I read from the author and 
would love to read more from her, and also the next 
book in the series.
One person found this helpful

Reviewed in India on 15 June 2020
The author had tried to bring out the anguish and the
 yearning of a married woman of the so called 
elite society. Infact, this is the reality of the age old 
bonding MARRIAGE in our society nowadays .
Neither the husband nor the wife spend hours in expressing 
their views or thoughts, help each other in the working, 
appreciate owns talent etc. How many husbands speak 
few words smilingly to their wives after coming from office??

Reviewed in India on 18 July 2020
The plot is little plain for my liking but it made me shed 
some tears throughout the whole journey of Aashi and 
her overly workaholic husband. Aashi was a farmer miss 
India and international model but the girl is not at all belong 
to that crazy fashion word. She was sweet, innocent and 
homey kind of girl who only wants her husband’s love not
 his glittering diamonds..and the said husband needs no wife
but a trophy to show the world that he has it all. It’s a sweet
billionaire romance. And at the end I like it’s simplicity. 
The author didn’t make it boring, it was just what we Indian 
girls want. Absolutely lovely..

Reviewed in India on 1 July 2020
Hi madhuri tamse, ive read few of you books they are 
all unique... This book is also the same romatic story of a 
boy and a girl but are narrated from a different angle.... 
I liked the story line.... Dont missthe book story holds the 
characters and the character hold the story. Perfect sync. 
please do read you will enjoy.

Reviewed in India on 24 June 2020
I always loved reading Madhuri Tamse's work. From my 
first ready from the author i.e. 'Impozed knot' the insight 
she portrays always makes the story something special. 
If you like stories outlining hate to love,in this case hopeless
 and ignorant to love, then go for it. :)

Reviewed in India on 22 June 2020
Story is different than regular all billionaires series. There 
is not much drama and pain for which felt good to read. 
Could have given more importance to Mrs.Sehgal character 
in terms of career. Rest all best to read. Waiting for next series
of this book.

Reviewed in India on 2 July 2020
I love Nikhil character how he help his friend. I don't say if 
you don't read you will miss something but if you like 
romantic novels and then you can read one time..

Reviewed in India on 14 August 2020
Good story with gripping sequences with nice narration. 
Totally enjoyed reading.

Reviewed in India on 16 June 2020
It's true we realise the value of something when we 
lost it... I loved it... Interesting one...
Do write the next story of this series @ Daisy

Reviewed in India on 25 June 2020
Simple language, interesting storyline, both the 
characters r strong, can't keep the book down till 
reading it , waiting to read more books of this writer.

Reviewed in India on 7 July 2020
Lovely read... perfect feel good... light hearted story... 
my fav kind of story... excited for the next title.... glad 
i follow ur blog

Reviewed in India on 31 July 2020
Loved the sweet story which says a lot bout relationship
 after marriage... I wished the book never ended 
as I wanted more of it

Reviewed in India on 8 July 2020
As usual it is an awesome romantic story from madhu. 
Loved Mr & Mrs Segal a lot. Waiting for the next story

Reviewed in India on 16 June 2020
I am always a fan of your stories..I have read all your 
books..u rock as always.. waiting for your next work..

Reviewed in India on 30 July 2020
The story is about kabir and ashi sehgal. While kabieir is
 busy with work and ashi feels left out. Its when kabir feels
 for ashi and he makes ashi understand his love and 
importance of her in his life