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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 35



Chapter 35

When Arnav and Khushi strode out of his cabin, the staff were already watching them, some hiding behind their webtops, some peeping their heads from the pantry and a few openly admiring their togetherness with a grin. A tingle of pleasure moved through her as she walked with Arnav as a couple, for the first time in his office. She wanted to flaunt as his wife.

“I think they haven’t seen you before with a beautiful woman, going out for lunch during office hours” Khushi teased.

“Absolutely true but now that’s going to change forever”

Khushi knew he was talking about her. She would love to have Lunch with him often.

“We have a party tomorrow for bagging a new deal” Arnav mentioned pressing the elevator button.


“Most of the staff, board members and the Business executives will be attending it. I want you to accompany me” he added. “It’s high time I introduce my wife and shut the gossips” 

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Khushi walked in first and Arnav followed her. He was right. People in her office gossiped too if she and Arnav had reconciled. But only because she was in a teasing mood right now, she decided to play a bit.

“But I haven’t said a yes yet, Arnav. You know I am still thinking about our relationship”

Arnav read her expressions better than her words. He took a step closer and she was already intimidated.

“You are legally still my wife. Rest all comes later”

Smart reply.

The elevator stopped at the parking and before she could argue for fun, he led her to the car. Her vehicle was parked right next to his. The Owners of the Company obviously had this special privilege of parking their vehicles at the best spot. Arnav was glad to see Khushi’s guard and the driver both waiting patiently for her. Since that motorbike accident, he had ensured she always had a guard with her wherever she goes. He asked them to follow their car so that after Lunch Khushi could drive back to work with them.

The lunch was super quick at a nearby busy restaurant. They had no time for a three-course meal. So, they ordered some salads and starters.

“So?” she leaned back on her chair. “I am just little curious to know what you did at my back, in my absence I mean.. during those 7 years”

Arnav’s brow twitched.

“Raised our son” A frown marred his face.

“I am talking about you.. just you right now” she propped ahead with her hands over the table. “7 years is a long time Arnav. I know you were parenting Aarav and were very busy in it but you never went out with other women? I mean.. as in ..”

“You mean Date other women?” he interrupted.

She glanced at him with a nod, anxious to know his reply.

“Yes. Did you date anyone or .. at least like someone temporarily?” she poked further.

Arnav was quiet for few seconds but he didn’t shift his gaze from her.

“Did you?”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“I asked you first”

“I am more curious than you” he debated. “Ladies first”

His tone was controlled as if he was trying to hide his jealousy.

“You know my memories were.. off. So, technically I still considered myself single” Khushi explained.

The waitress was back with the food which paused their conversation. She placed it neatly over the table and every second delay the waitress did in leaving them alone, tortured Arnav.

“We will serve” he snatched the Salad bowl from the waitress forcing her to politely excuse.

“Please continue” he urged serving some salad in her plate.

“I met a few men randomly, like in a Business party or a social event” she continued.

Arnav stiffened but he didn’t stop serving her.

“Some were good… some were over the top flirts and the rest totally boring. None of them could touch my heart or have that instant connection with me. One or two of them even settled down to be my good friends. You know Tanmay? He is one of those categories”

Tanmay was the same man whom Shashi Gupta wanted to get Khushi married to again and Arnav had seen them dining together once.

“Friends?” Arnav cleared his throat. She had never talked about her new friends neither he showed in interest in them earlier. But now things were different between them and he wanted to know every bit of her life.. her secrets.. her fantasies. “What kind of friends? Regular ones with whom you chat like every day or once a week or just Hi hello friends?”

Khushi munched the poppadum served with the starters, her face flushed by Arnav’s possessive cross-examination.

“Both” she answered with a smile. “They are seriously cute”

“Cute?” Now he leaned back looking elsewhere, trying to process this information. She found other men cute and what about him? Khushi caught his hand.

“Friendly cute” she assured. He was breathing too fast when he met her eyes again. “I didn’t know there’s a green-eyed monster inside you. Don’t let him out yet. Let him rest”

She was finding his reactions too funny but when his expressions still didn’t change, she became serious too.

“I am not exaggerating this, but when we met again after 7 years on the street where you were buying balloons for Aarav and he crossed the road seeing me, remember?”

Arnav recalled that moment. Yes, that was their first meet again after this huge gap. He was so shocked, thrilled and annoyed seeing her back in the country and especially watching her bond with Aarav.

“That was the first time in these 7 years when my body reacted like a teenage girl, squealing, seeing her first crush. I didn’t know why it acted so raw then.. Now I do. We had some connection Arnav and though we didn’t like each other much or never trusted each other’s decisions and opinions, we were still attracted. So, all those men whom I met in this gap, never stood a chance to take your place… if that heals your bruised ego Mr. Raizada”

His lips curved into a smile. She was right, they were deeply attracted to each other after the marriage and nothing had lessened so far. Even when he wanted to hate her before, his body never supported him. Technically, he could never hate her, not even when they made a baby, not even when she decided to abort, not even when he took care of her during her pregnancy and not even when he let her go. He was hurt but he never hated her. And now he knows that hurt was self-induced. He could have avoided it all had he trusted her, had he showed more patience in their relationship, had he didn’t let her go.

“Now, your turn. Which and how many women got the honor of spending time with you?”

Just like her, Arnav had nothing much to share or regret about. So, he told her what he did in her absence.

“You know Sheetal tried to be a good friend to me at work. I liked her company but there were no feelings from my side. I was always very clear about that from the beginning”

Khushi was relieved to know but she had complaints.

“But she touched you” Khushi snapped. “That too when I was in the same cabin as you both”

Arnav tried to recall that moment. Khushi was in AR Group and waiting for him and Sheetal to finish discussing the presentation. That’s when she might have noticed it.

“I withdrew” he debated. “And then you gave her an earful for that, I know”

“I would always do that. No one touches my man”

Her man? Arnav grinned. She was yet to accept him but she indirectly had.

“Now who’s jealous?” he teased, trying to lighten her mood.

“Go on” she urged.

Arnav loved that possessive side of Khushi’s which was the only trait he could match with her old self and he would never want that to change.

“Di tried to pair me up with some of her friends during parties and functions, but I mostly restricted to only dancing and sometimes sharing a drink with them. I could never cross those lines. Though my mind wanted me to move on, I think my heart forced me to wait..”

His fingers linked with hers and he raised their handhold and placed an open-mouthed kiss on her fingers. Khushi shivered at the first contact of his tongue and lips on her skin.

“You are the only woman I have taken to my bed Khushi and it will never change”

He shouldn’t have said that because Khushi felt heat spiraling in her body hard and fast. He watched her like he was starving for her and she didn’t look less interested either.

“Any Dessert Sir, Ma’am?” The waitress was back interrupting their moment. Khushi withdrew her hand from his and denied. Her phone rang the same time. It was her father. She answered without delay.

“I will be there” she replied disconnecting the call. “I have another meeting in an hour”

Arnav checked his watch.

“So, do I”

He quickly settled the bill and led her out.

“I will pick Aarav from school” she declared. “And might even go for shopping for tomorrow’s party”

Arnav was glad she was accompanying him.

“What will you buy?”

This simple question once again stirred a range of hormones in her body.

“What do you want me to buy?” she teased again. “I mean, any particular theme for the party?”

“Red” he whispered drawing her closer. “And that’s not the theme but a husband’s desire”

“I will remember that” she adjusted his tie knot and then moved back to her car.

“See you home” he shouted before she got in and drove away.

He loved this phase of their lives. It was freaking perfect.


Shantivan – Same night

“Mom, don’t go” Aarav mumbled sadly as he watched Khushi packing her bags. She had told him about the urgent work that had come up which needs her to travel abroad for a week. It took her an hour to convince him and yet, now he was back to square one. She instantly stopped packing and took Aarav on her lap.

“Alright, I won’t go” she kissed his cheeks.

His face lightened instantly. Arnav who wanted to check on her and Aarav, entered the room. He was puzzled that she was cancelling her business trip just like that. But he didn’t interrupt their conversation.

“Dad, you heard what Mom said? She is not going”

“I heard” Arnav smiled and took a seat on the couch, beside them. He knew something was up in Khushi’s mind.

“So, Arnav, if I don’t go, my Company will incur some losses but that shouldn’t affect us much. We are rich. We can still survive. But I will have to remove some Staff”

Arnav was confused why was she telling him that but it didn’t take him long to read her expressions. She was trying to put some sense in Aarav.

“I know, you will have to remove them from the job but if they lose their work, how will they earn for their family?” Arnav added up to the story.

“Poor people. They have small kids like Aarav who go to school. How will they pay their fees?” Khushi faked a sigh.

Aarav’s gaze oscillated between his parents, listening carefully.

“But that’s okay. Aarav’s school fees are paid. What else do we want?” Arnav held his smile. He knew Aarav was going to change his mind now.

“No Mom. You don’t remove them from the job. Otherwise how will their children go to school?”

“But how will I pay them if I am into losses? I will have to work to pay them Aarav”

“Then you work” he smiled.

“So, you are okay if I am not here for one week?”

He nodded and this time there was no regret in his heart.

“That’s like my good boy. Always worrying for others” Khushi hugged him tight and kissed his head.

Arnav was super impressed with the way Khushi dealt this matter. She didn’t just neglect Aarav’s emotions neither gave him any false promises. She simply told him the consequences if she doesn’t do her work on time.

“Did your homework?” Khushi brushed his hair.

“Only Maths is pending”

“Then go finish it fast. It’s sleeping time already. Go”

Aarav kissed her cheek and then hugged his dad once before running back to his room. Khushi sighed in relief.

“I like that he feels other’s sentiments too. You have raised him well Arnav. Gave him good values”

“There is so much more I want to give him yet.. and this mother”

Now she shifted nervously in her seat. What did he mean? Before she could ask him or read on his face, he changed the topic.

“What did you shop for tomorrow?”

Khushi continued her packing. He was very eager to know and she liked to make him wait.

“You will see it tomorrow when I dress up”

He shifted on his feet to help her.

“Red, I suppose”

Her cheeks flushed as he picked a red gown and folded it neatly to pack in the bag.

“I can pack my stuff. I don’t need help”

She snatched the gown from him and dumped it in the bag, feeling utterly embarrassed.

“Nothing that I haven’t seen you in before, Khushi” he mocked.

He was talking about the nightgown. Khushi’s cheeks burned at his remark. Out of the heap of clothes on the bed, all he had to do was pick the red thin-strapped night wear?

“You had plenty of these gowns before and you wandered around me wearing those all the time.. even during your pregnancy” he added.

“I did?” she laughed. “How did you cope up?”

Now it was his time to feel shy and cornered. Yet, he showed no signs of those on his face. He circled the bed and reached her. Though his eyes were fixed on her face, she could still feel he was practically imagining her in that attire again.

“I don’t know how I managed it then.. but If you repeat that now.. I don’t think I will cope up good. Doesn’t matter if you have taken the decision for our relationship or not”

Her eyes shut as his fingers traced the corner of her lips. Will he kiss her again? They had kissed so far only to ease each other’s pain, but never to satiate their own desires. But when nothing happened for the next few seconds, she opened her eyes and met his. Arnav’s mouth curved in a boyish grin.

“When are you shifting in our bedroom?”

That was a lame question to ask but he died to know. Yes, he was aware she needed time, but she could still stay in the same room and take as much time as she wants. At least, by staying so close for the whole night, he could escalate her thinking process and help her take a decision fast… obviously.. the one in his favor..

To be Continued.


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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“Can we begin?” she requested. 

“The Striptease?” he mocked followed by a chuckle. “Sorry, but that day after the conference you put one hell of a show for me. I wondered if you would ever.. complete it..” 

Esha lost her cool. 

“Neil Thakur. You are not talking to a random woman who is cool with your flirting. You are talking to the CEO of the Singhal Group” 

“Who also happens to be my legally wedded wife” he corrected. 

Esha glared back at him. 

“And if I don’t get to flirt with my wife, whom will I flirt with?” he leaned back on his chair. 

Esha got up and tried to shut her laptop. 

“You are wasting my time. Probably when you are serious to get some work done, we can reschedule this” 

She was about to turn it off, when Neil gripped her wrist. 

“Go on. I am ready now” 

She shrugged off immediately from his hold. 

“Come on” he exhaled. “Show me the revised proposal” 

Esha took a minute to cool down and opened the presentation. For the next 30 minutes she explained him what strategies they had improvised for implementing this project. Neil was a multitasker. His ears were all on the proposal but his eyes were forced to linger all over her face. She licked her lower lip too often when she talked without a break. That was either because her throat was parched or she was nervous. When she looked back at the screen to show him a particular graph, a strand of her hair tickled her cheek. Neil’s fingers fisted around the handle of the chair he was seated on. She tucked the strand behind her ear and showed him the graph. His gaze shifted from her face to the graph and once she started explaining the statistics, his eyes lingered on her long fingers. She didn’t have long nails like most woman tried to keep. Her nails were neatly cut and manicured. 

“That’s all” she sighed with relief. He passed her a bottle of water to drink. She needed it after talking back to back for 30 minutes. She gulped some water and waited for him to speak. 

Neil cleared his throat to divert his own attention from her body to her eyes. 

“Share me the presentation. I need to take a look again on the figures you suggested. Rest all seems fine except some minute changes in the marketing part. I will ask someone from my side to look into it” 

That was one honest opinion he had given and she appreciated it. She gathered her stuff again and got up to leave. 

“One more thing, Neil Thakur” she said remembering something. “I know this is difficult for you to work with the same company you recently didn’t mind destroying. But this time it’s me you have to go through. And I have a lot of determination and patience to stand up every time you push me to the ground” 

“Don’t worry Esha. I don’t believe in killing the dead again” Neil grinned.



  1. Arshi are getting much comfortable with each other by having detail conversations & discussions regarding their past & present... Communication is the best key for their relationship development...Just hope Arnav to accompanies Khushi to Auckland... That will help building the camaraderie between them they r looking for as a couple

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  2. Loved the update.

  3. Beautiful Update. Arnav and Khushi's relationship is getting better. Arnav is giving Khushi the respect of his wife and is concerned about her safety. Arnav's possessive side is cute. Khushi admitted that she wasn't serious about other relationship. Arnav got jealous and Khushi caught his jealousy. Khushi recalled their meeting after 7 years and their instant connection which was their love still exsist between them. Khushi gave some relief to Arnav. Arnav still loves Khushi and ordered to buy some red. Khushi is leaving for Auckland and Aarav can't stay without her. Khushi intelligently made him understand.The bond between Aarav and Khushi is cute. Hope Arnav and Aarav will accompany Khushi to Auckland. Thanks for the Update.😍😘

  4. Superb Update...So he want her to wear Red again for him and Shift in their room too...Is it only me who find the Update short or was it really short...Waiting for Next Part... :)

  5. lovely and lovely couple and responsible parents. So going back means memory back?

  6. Fabulous Lovely❤❤❤❤ update dear

  7. Arshi are finally becoming a normal couple. Arnav wants to introduceKhushi as his wife. Khushi teased Arnav. Arnav is so protective about Khushi. Their conversation about dating someone in the past 7 years is nice . Khushi discussed about her dates and Arnav got jealous. Jealous Arnav is a treat to read. Khushi's beautiful confession that nobody could replace Arnav gave Arnav some relief. Love always existed between them no matter that they were apart from each other. Arnav always loved Khushi. Arnav and Khushi made Aarav understand the importance of work. Aarav is a sweetheart and a very mature kid. Hope Aarav and Arnav will soon visit Auckland Arnav is doing all the necessary things to mend their relationship. Waiting for Lawful Sins

  8. I’ve read all of Madhu’s stories more than 5 times , but yaadien is something I’m emotionally attached to .. I wait all through the 3 days for the next yaadein update

  9. Khushi is so mature now.....I liked the way she conversed with Arav .....dying to know next part...

  10. Wow, nice update. Khushi handling aarav was very motherly thing. Hope Auckland trip will become they vacation too.

  11. Such an amazing update. Loving how beautifully their relationship is progressing and shaping up!

  12. Romantic update!! Hope they will get to spend a romantic night before she leaves for Auckland. Wish Arnav get a chance to go with her. Thank you sis ♥️

  13. Oh that’s so lovely to see Arnav and Khushi togetherness. Aarav such a smart and caring boy. Awesome update.

  14. Yar madhu you stole my 💓 with this was such a lovely update....too good😘😘
    Pls post next part tomorrow... pretty plssssss😁😁😁😁

  15. Loved ARSHI’s conversation and I really wants Khushi to shift into Arnav’s bedroom soon.

    1. I want Arnav to forcefully carry Khushi into his room.. forcing in a romantic way .. don't bash me readers

    2. Double update please

  16. Loved their cute banters... Waiting for the party and to see what is Khushi going to wear... Also Arnav's reaction...

  17. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  18. Both arshi posessive for each other. I love how their relationship progressing. The way arshi explained stole my heart. Best couple and parents.
    Waiting for party and some cute romance of arshi.
    Khushi shift to your and arnav room soon

  19. Love the way their relationship is progressing now...romantic hubby-wife! Loved the way she handled Aarav as well.

  20. Is it me only or anyone else also find the update short?

  21. Sooo cutee conversation 😍.Will arnav give surprise to khushi by going on trip or he will join her later to give surprise 🤩🤩

  22. Superb..
    Loving the way both get green and possessive for each other..

    Wow the way khushi made aarav understand is too good..

    Loving arshi romance and arnav's way to woo his wife..

  23. Waiting for next updates. Iam from kerala...

  24. Things are moving I. The right direction. He could never move in as she was his love and his life. Superb chapter
