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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 36



Chapter 36

“When are you shifting in our bedroom?”

That was a lame question to ask but he died to know. Yes, he was aware she needed time, but she could still stay in the same room and take as much time as she wants. At least, by staying so close for the whole night, he could escalate her thinking process and help her take a decision fast… obviously.. the one in his favor..

Goosebumps rushed across her skin. She felt her face flush and none of this was missed by Arnav. She leaned her cheek towards his palm which had cupped it. The friction was enough for Arnav to get his reply yet he waited for her to say it. When she opened her eyes again, he was studying her face, hoping to pick on her feelings. Staying in his bedroom again was her dream too and the acknowledgment was right on her lips when Aarav shouted from his room breaking her stance.

“Mom, I don’t know how to solve this problem” 

Khushi looked at him with cringe of embarrassment and compassionate eyes. She totally respected how much Arnav wanted to spend some time with her but their son needed her too.

“I don’t know about our bedroom, but right now I need to be with Aarav” she replied.

His lips curled into a frown.

“You won’t be with Aarav forever tonight” he hinted.

“I think I will” she sighed knowing he will be upset knowing that. “I want to spend maximum time with him before I leave for Auckland”

She was right and though Arnav approved it, he still argued.

“And me? No time for me?”

His fighting spirit to get into her schedule impressed Khushi. She stared at him in complete silence for few seconds before making up her mind.

“What time do you sleep?”

“Around 11:30” he replied.

“I will see you at 11:00 at the poolside then after putting Aarav to sleep”

Arnav’s face lit and though he knew it was only for talk, he couldn’t wait for it. The more they spent time with each other, the easier it would be for Khushi to decide soon and kickstart their relationship.


It was five past eleven when she knocked Arnav’s bedroom door. The lights were dim but he had left the door open for her. She entered in and heard his voice from the poolside. He was talking to someone on phone. Putting Aarav to sleep after his homework was a tedious task. Aarav had so much to talk to her and share that she couldn’t stop him in between. Finally, when he dozed off, she strode back to her room and changing into her night dress – a white cotton salwar, she reached here.

“What about the tickets and Visas?”

Khushi waited at the French doors to get his attention and didn’t had to wait for long. He turned around effortlessly, as if sensing her presence and passed her smile. Even in the darkness she didn’t miss to see the intense spark in his eyes for her.

“I will talk to you later Aman. Just get the stuff arranged. Good night”

He disconnected the call.

“Aarav slept?”


“You are spoiling him” he teased reaching her. “When I put him sleep, he snores in minutes”

“That’s because you bore him”

“I bore him?”

Khushi held her giggle.

“He says you read out the bedtime stories of him as if you are reading some business proposal” she added.

The sudden flash of his grin stopped her heart. He had a breathtaking face which could weaken any woman’s resolve to put a distance from him.

“Thanks for the compliment” he held out his hand for her to hold. “Want to know how you relaxed in the pool earlier?”

Her eyes glittered. Relax in the pool? She did that? How? She wanted to know and hence placed her hand in his. He took her to the pool edge.

“Take out your Slippers”

She did as told and that’s when she realized he was already barefoot. Arnav rolled his track pants till his knees and immersed his feet in the warm water of the pool, sitting at the edge. Khushi repeated his actions. The touch of the warm water eased her feet.

“This is bliss” she mumbled.

“You did this often. I used to wonder why, but when you left, I realized the ecstasy behind it”

Khushi didn’t interrupt. Hearing their past from him were some of her best moments.

“I used to sit like this for hours.. analyzing our mistakes, thinking if I could have changed anything to make our marriage better” he paused to swallow and then he went quiet. Khushi entwined their fingers. It must be hard for him to share how he coped up alone past 7 years. Seeing tears forming in her eyes, Arnav let out a frustrated groan. “Sorry, I got carried away. I don’t want you to cry before going to bed”

Yea. She didn’t want that too. But that’s how she lived for the last seven years. At times she cringed for having a partner who could take her in arms, kiss away her pain and ease her worries. Finally, she has one now. She leaned her head on his shoulders, to sink in this feeling of togetherness. She didn’t do this for her.. but him. Arnav Singh Raizada needed to believe he had a partner too to share all his highs and lows and this time, she was going nowhere. They stayed like that, quiet, until she remembered his phone conversation with Aman a while ago.

“Whose tickets and visas were you talking about to Aman?”

Arnav met her eyes as she raised her head from his shoulder.

“Dad is going out for work”

“Oh, which leaves you alone with Aarav and… Anjali”

“hmm” he nodded. “I will manage”

“Did you talk to her?”

“Not yet. I don’t want to fix a date to do that. When I really feel like talking to her, I will.”

Khushi just admired his face, openly, this time. She was going to miss this.. miss him in Auckland and God knows if it wasn’t so important, she would do anything to skip her trip.

“So, tell me your schedule in Auckland. Will you be totally busy having no time to call us back or…”

“Of course, I will be busy but I will call every day. The time zones are rough but will manage. And whenever Aarav misses me, he can dial me any time”

She had no doubts Aarav would miss her a lot and might want to see her and talk to her at any time during the night especially. Day time he will be busy in school.

“And me?” Arnav’s husky voice burned her skin. “What if I miss you?”

Heat slid sinuously through her veins as he nuzzled his nose against hers. But the contact soon lost as he moved away, with a slow shaky breath.

“I am sorry.. I know you want time to.. I understand”

She was completely captured by the smoldering look in his eyes at the sincerity in his tone. It was not just him, she will miss him too and not only as Aarav’s father, but as her husband, her life partner. She traced his jawline with her finger and then carefully placed a kiss at the corner of his lips. It blew his mind and took lot of self-control not to pull her to him and complete that kiss in the right angle. It felt like a slow induced drug which messes with your brain, kicking it high, painfully.

“Remember this when you miss me too much” she replied.

It surely put a smile on his face which soon turned into a chuckle.

“If I remember this, I might take the next flight to get another dose from you”

Khushi gave him a one-shoulder shrug.

“Come on, ASR. You can do better than this”

She raised her feet from the pool and stood up.

“We have early schedules tomorrow followed by a party. Let’s call it night” she said wearing her slippers. Arnav was back on his feet.

“Good night”

He walked her to the door, the urge to ask her stay back in the same room tickled his mind but he didn’t. If she really wanted to be here now, she wouldn’t leave. They had kick started their relationship again and it was way too early for a progress like that.


Next Day

Arnav reached home winding up his work. Ayush was all set to leave for the Party and he was taking Anjali along. Arnav himself was surprised when his father told him that.

“Anju needs a break too from all this. She denied to attend but I insisted she gives me some company. Besides you know people might doubt why she is suddenly not seen socially”

Arnav shrugged.

“I don’t want to involve myself in her decisions right now. If she wants to come, she is most welcome to do so”

“Don’t worry. I will take her with me. You and Khushi can join the party later”

“Fine with me”

Arnav headed back to his room, wore a party suit and came down. Khushi was already there, talking to the servants and asking them to take care of Aarav in their absence. She had worn a red Designer saree just like the one she had when they consummated their marriage 8 years ago. He could never forget that night. When she saw Arnav, she gestured him to give him five more minutes. He plainly nodded. It was hard to ignore any of her pleas.

“Aarav” Khushi reached their son who was watching some Cartoons on the Television. “Hari Prakash will turn off the TV in an hour and you will go to sleep. I don’t want any complaints. Have you finished your homework??”

“Yes, Mom”

“Look here” she turned his head and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Be a good boy and we will be back soon. No watching TV more than an hour okay?”

“Alright.. Bye Dad”

“Bye Champ”

Arnav patiently waited for his wife to finish. She was worried for Aarav but their son was used to this routine of the family. Though one of them always stayed back with him, there were times when they all had to attend a party like this and Aarav was still very fine accommodating with this concept.

“Good night sweetheart” she brushed his hair.

“Good night Beautiful”

Khushi giggled at her son’s remark and quickly made her way to Arnav. They drove to the Party Venue together and fortunately Arnav wasn’t driving. He had deliberately asked Mohan to drive them so that he gets some time to admire her at the backseat. As soon as they entered the gates, Khushi rubbed her palms nervously. His brows lifted to know what made her so anxious.

“You said you are going to introduce me again as your wife”

Now he understood.

“You don’t want me to? Is that why you are so…”

“No. I am just .. I know how these people are going to judge us seeing us together again. I don’t care, but..”

Nothing mattered to her when he joined their hands.

“I don’t give a damn how people judge us again. We will be fine. Come”

He got down the vehicle and so did she. Soon, they entered the party and Arnav introduced her to a lot many people. Most of them knew her already but were glad to meet her again. Arnav never left her hand and even if he did, the next moment his hand was on her lower back in a romantic gesture to keep her by his side. The warmth of his palm over her lower back or her waist, drove her mad but she masked those feelings with a smile. Everyone they met today, praised her look and also how beautiful they both looked again as a couple. It was indeed a positive sign but Khushi was waiting for his remark. Though his eyes were enough to tell her he liked what she wore today but she needed words. Something which could soothe her body that she made the right choice.

Ayush and Anjali were alongside but Arnav tried his best not to let his wife communicate in that circle. They needed distance from people who could hurt them even unintentionally hereon. Someone dragged them to the dance floor and finally, they were all by themselves, without intrusion. The music was soft, romantic and when the lights dimmed, his fingers itched to pull her closer. She felt the need of this closeness in his gestures.

“Women like to be appreciated for their choice” she hinted shifting her weight towards him as they ball danced.

Arnav knew which appreciation she was waiting from him.

“Your husband is a man of few words and plentiful actions”

She frowned at his response but the next instant, she got his words.

“You have surpassed all your looks so far. You look sinful in this Saree tonight”

Sinful? Her mind went blank. The song changed and Arnav whirled her around only to haul her back to him. She gripped his suit for support as they continued grooving on the music. This was more difficult than she had thought. The attraction.. the longing they had was visible in their eyes and the way they looked at each other. They needed to talk to change this mood or else… they might end up repeating that same night when they made a baby.. their Aarav.

“You don’t drink much now??” he asked.

“Not much, no. I want to keep my mind occupied with healthy thoughts and work. But in Auckland, I think I might occasionally have to drink to keep myself warm”

“Warm..” he repeated that word intensely but soon eased his tensions. He wanted her to be comfortable and not scare her off. “You have a Villa there?”

“Hmm” she swallowed. His on and off moods was killing her heart and the wife inside her wanted him to stick to one.

“How big?”

“A three-bedroom Villa. It’s big though.. has a garden too and indoor pool”

“You swim?”

“Sometimes. To keep my mind calm”

“Maids? Servants?”

“Have two of them but they come only when I call them otherwise, I am all alone. Why are you asking me so much?”

“I want to know how safe you will be there plus its good to know you have built a separate life there.. lived for so many years”

“I have just lived there Arnav. My heart was still here. Now I know why?”

He slowed down dancing and cupped her jaw. Something transpired between them. Was it the mood, dim lights or the romantic music, they didn’t know but the next instant, he sealed his lips with hers. He deserved one kiss before she took her flight tomorrow and she didn’t seem to mind.

To be Continued.



Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE


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“You think this is a win-win situation for me to date my Client but it’s not. I am not looking for marriage right now neither a relationship.” 

“We can wait as long as you want. Don’t give up before trying Tarini” 

“Trying?” I laugh. “In my circle, we don’t try relationships Viren. We just abide by it. We respect it and give it a go ahead which I don’t think can happen in our case. Look at us. You are a.. a billionaire.. and I am just an Event Manager” 

“Don’t bring class between us” he warns. 

“Marriage is between families of equal class and when it’s not, there are lots of hardships and problems which I don’t want to face and tackle in my future” I debate. 

He withdraws his arms from the wall and steps back. I finally breathe. 

“I thought you are a fighter” he mocks. “And even if this was a war, Tarini Kaur, I wouldn’t let you fight it alone. In my circle, we help each other to stand up and I would do exactly that if you chose to tie a knot with me…” 

He pins me again.. 

“Which apparently.. YOU WILL” 

“How very presumptuous” I sigh. “This is never going to happen” 

“Never say Never” He taps my nose with his finger and my body instantly flames. 

I push him away and slip out of his room. People crossing by stare at me and giggle. What’s so funny about me that almost everyone is laughing? I stop Rachna who comes out from the other room. 

“Hey..” she sees me and laughs just like others did. 

“What? Do I look funny?” 

“You do” 

She turns me around to the adjacent mirror and that’s when I realize why everybody is laughing at me. There is haldi glued to my nose. I recall when that happened. When I had got inside Viren’s room, I had seen a bowl of Haldi. So, when he had pinned me and proposed, he purposely applied the haldi on me when he tapped my nose. Viren Dewan had marked me..


  1. Romantic... Why I have a feeling that Arnav is going to visit Auckland soon... Lovely update...

  2. All that are indicating, Arnav along with Arav going to join Khushi in Auckland 😄😄

  3. Iam damn sure...Arnav will join Kushi..may be surprise visit

  4. Superb Update...So he plan to surprise her by going to Auckland....Finally their first Kiss without easing each other pain...Waiting for Next Part...

  5. Awesome Update. Arnav and Khushi's romantic moments are magical. Arnav is willing to take the relationship ahead and is trying to understand Khushi. Khushi also want the same. She is fulfilling her responsibility towards Aarav. It's nice that Arshi are going to start afresh.Aarav got his mom back. He needs her too Hope Arnav joins Khushi in Auckland. Arnav Khushi's conversation regarding their son was cute. Arnav shared his past moments and Khushi became emotional and vulnerable. Arshi are gradually coming close. Anjali is not in this chapter is a great relief. Khushi will miss Arnav and Aarav. Arnav is giving Khushi space. Arshi's kiss was awesome. Arnav ignoring Anjali is good for her.Aarav and Khushi are too cute.Aarav is very mature too
    . Arnav introduce Khushi as his wife. Arnav and Khushi's desires are growing for each other.They are so much in love. Khushi also shared about her lifestyle in Auckland. Hope Arnav and Khushi remain like this. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  6. romantic. Why do I feel a calm before the storm in this update

  7. It would be nice if Arnav and Aarav joins Khushi in Auckland. Aarav also need to spend some time with his parents. This chapter is without Anjali. Hope nothing goes wrong in Arshi's life.

  8. The tickets booking was fr arnuv and aarav an unexpected surprise for khushi..... I think shashi is aware of it

  9. Such a wonderful update & to get more of Arshi only to read is like icing on the cake & their cozy dance & the kiss is like a cherry on the top ❤️

    Arnav talking about visa & tickets to Aman, getting details of Khushi's villa & her schedule in Auckland indicates that he won't let either of them miss the other for long... It's gonna b fun to see Arnav surprising Khushi by reaching there... Call me selfish but I really don't want Arnav to take Arav along now... I want ArShi to spent some quality time with each other without any hindrance or additional responsibility there...

    Eagerly waiting to read Arshilicious moments in Auckland Madhu & thanks for this lovely update...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. Even i wish arnav should not take aarav along with him . Amd arshi should come closer leaving all the difference

    2. Yes, if Arav can go on vacation without his parents then he can stay for some days without them also.....
      With Dadu and Nanu

  10. Beautiful update, hope Arnav has planned to visit Auckland

  11. Superb and lovely update. Looks like a surprise is waiting for Khushi 🤔😜

  12. Ahhhmmmm some surprise is waiting for Khushi😉😉😉 waiting for next soon madhu🤩🤩

  13. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  14. Madhu can u post next chap of yaadein tomorrow?? Plsssssssssss

  15. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. I am sure he and his son Re going to follow her in Auckland.

  17. Woww lovely and Romantic update 😍😘👌 .... The arshi pool part was awesome 😍😘 and the Romantic dance and that kiss💏 was amazing 😍😘 ... The way arnav is asking abt her life in Auckland how she stays and where and the tickets and visa which means he is going to surprise her coming there but plezs only not aarav there deserves to spend time together 🥰 plezs post soon madhu plezs 😘

  18. Romntic update loved it too much
    Arnav is surely to going to Auckland behind Khushi
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  19. Awesome update. Like everyone, I also think Arnav is definitely going with her. Please post the next part of this tomorrow.

  20. I think arnav and aarav going Auckland bcz he talked abouy visaS and ticketS.And the way he asked about khushi villa giving some positive vibe too.
    Finger crossed.
    Discissing about aarav, pool scene , discussing about past memories, arnav introduced khushi, their dance and kiss 😍🤩🥰 so romantic
    Waiting for next update dear

  21. Lovely❤❤❤ wonderful fabulous update dear

  22. I’m in awe of this story. Doing a happy 😃 dance 💃 he is going to Auckland. Wow amazeballs 🎉🎉🎉

  23. Superb update...
    Loved the way arnav spoke to khushi..

    Is he booking his ticket too?

    Eagerly looking forward
