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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 37



Chapter 37

Khushi had seen the kiss coming from him ever since they began to dance. His eyes had lingered on her lips too many times. The kiss was anything but urgent as if he wanted to take his own time, feeling this moment. Khushi felt the raging beat of his heart against her chest. It was a proof of his desires. She shoved her hand in his glorious hair, holding him against her mouth.

“Stay with me” he pleaded pulling away after few minutes. She didn’t apprehend on what context he said that. “Shift in our bedroom Khushi” he whispered roughly.

Resisting him took an impossible amount of energy, draining Khushi.

“I promise to keep distance if you want. But just shift back in our room. I want to see you living there with me every second”

His plead was already enough to inflame her senses and now his simple touch did insane things to her form. With their bodies still touched, Arnav brushed the back of his fingers over her cheeks and murmured. 

“You are blushing”

The amusement in his eyes turned her cheeks even more red. The music changed and the lights turned brighter than before, forcing Khushi to draw some distance between them.

“Mr. and Mrs. Raizada, what a dance” someone clapped nearing them. The woman was the wife of Arnav’s business associate. “What a couple, seriously. You look made for each other. You are meant to be together”

Arnav took the compliment whereas Khushi was curious if that woman had witnessed their kiss too.

“That’s what I was telling my wife” Arnav replied placing his palm on her lower back possessively. “We deserve to stay together” he added looking in her eyes.

Khushi opened her mouth to protest but she couldn’t. This was the first time they both were enjoying the dignity of being seen together as a couple after all.

“I think we should head back home. Aarav is alone..”

His gaze darted frantically over his watch.

“He must be asleep but considering you have a flight to catch tomorrow, its better we leave” he added.

They talked to few more people before heading back to the car. Ayush Singh Raizada didn’t intervene their exit. He turned to say something to Anjali but her wet eyes shocked him.

“What happened to you now?”

She shook her head dismissively wiping her tears.

“I have never seen Chotte so much happy and contended Dad. He really needed a wife.. a partner all along and I couldn’t imagine myself being one of the reason why he never had one… How could I miss this before?”

Ayush exhaled.

“You didn’t see this before because though they had chemistry, there was no love and trust between them earlier. Now.. they are a complete package.. meant to be together”

Anjali agreed to that. After isolating herself from the family, Anjali had got enough time to think of her sins. Her one-night stand with Manjith changed not just her life but her brother’s too. To hide that one secret and to look clean in the eyes of her family and the Jhas, she spilled dirt on Khushi’s intentions. They could have sorted this by words, by communicating, but since she never trusted Khushi or understood her and vice versa, this matter worsened. All of that could still be forgiven but she knew why Arnav and Khushi were still not ready to give her a second chance. It was because she fed Aarav’s ears about his mother, with not so good things. Despite loving her nephew so much she had tried to manipulate his feelings. That was one mistake she will never be forgiven for even by her own self. So, whatever was happening in her life now, including Shyam’s return to Canada, she considered it as another bad phase of her life which she had to live for no idea how long. Moving on was the only option for her and this time she decided to move on spreading positivity in her family unlike before.


Arnav and Khushi’s drive back to Shantivan was silent and none of the two talked about that kiss again. It was not necessary. They both needed it, they had their moment and they will relish it in their memories forever. Arnav parked the car and got down, so did Khushi but the moment she stepped out, her sandal heels broke, making her stumble. She took the support of the door to balance herself.

“You okay?” he quickly reached her.

“Thank God this didn’t happen in the party. It would have been too embarrassing”

She removed her sandals and decided to walk barefoot inside, but he effortlessly picked her up. Khushi eyed at him.

“Party is over Mr. Raizada. We are back home” she teased.

“Who said the affection for my wife is only limited to the Party?”

He carried her inside the house, straight to the stairs. Khushi didn’t speak a word, just admired his face as he climbed the stairs. He had scooped her like she was his newly wed bride. A little shiver ran through her as she realized he might not take her to the guest room but towards their bedroom instead. He had a chance. The thought was enough for Khushi to grip his shirt hard, curbing her own desires to give in. But he proved her wrong. He walked to the room she had occupied from past few weeks and gently placed her on the bed. It was hard to read why he made this decision but she still appreciated it.

“You missed a golden chance” she mocked at Arnav who pinched her nose and stood back.

“Only because you have a flight to catch in the morning”

That was really very sweet of him to give her space tonight.

“But I am not going to sleep in this room tonight”

Arnav’s eyes lit again but before he could think otherwise, Khushi cleared it out.

“I will sleep with Aarav in his room. I am going to miss him so much”

“I know” he answered putting a smile back. “He is going to miss you too, so I don’t mind if he gets more of your time than me”

“Very sensible”

“What time is your flight?”

“Around one pm. I will have to be there at the airport by 10:00”

He mentally made a note of it and nodded.

“I will drop you”

“That’s not required. I can go myself”

“No arguments”

Khushi bowed respecting his wishes. He then quietly made his way to the door.

“Arnav..” she called him out again and when he turned to see her, she was already making her way to him. She raised herself on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I will miss you too. Not just as Aarav’s father but …” she paused to hide her blush but failed.

“But?” he grinned.

Khushi was completely seduced by the provocative tone of his voice and the heat of his body.

“I will miss you as my husband” she completed. “I wish.. we could have planned this well. I mean, like a vacation for all of us.. You, me, Aarav, your father, my dad”

Arnav placed his finger on her lips to shut her up.

“Right now, we need a couple time more than a family vacation”

Her cheeks flushed at his openness.

“You are thinking too ahead”

“That’s called future planning Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada” he teased. “To be more precise, it’s called family planning”

Why? Why did he have to talk such cute things at this hour of night? Khushi unlocked the door and opened it for him.

“You should leave.. Now” she demanded.

She was clearly unable to meet his eyes. Arnav pecked her forehead once and wished her good night before walking out. She shut the door and leaned against it to calm the erratic thudding of her heart. She was falling for him and every nerve and fiber in her body was yelling the same.


The next morning when Khushi woke up, Aarav had cuddled to her. Like decided, she had slept in Aarav’s room and poor boy had no idea about it. When she gently tried to untangle his arms from her body to start her day, he opened his eyes.

“Mom?” His bright smile was enough for Khushi to forget all her work and cuddle him back.

“Sorry sweetheart.. Mumma woke you up”

She placed kisses on his face.

“I like the way you wake me up” he admitted innocently.

“Do you?” she combed his soft hair with her fingers. “How does Daddy wake you up?”

“He shakes me soft.. then he shakes me hard if I don’t open my eyes.. and then.. he carries me to the bathtub if I still don’t wake up”

Khushi laughed imagining how typical father Arnav had been. They talked for some more time where she told him how he had to look after himself in her absence and also take care of his father, grandfather and aunt. Aarav’s face paled at the mention of Anjali.

“You don’t talk to Bua, neither does Dad anymore” he muttered. “If I talk to her, will you both be angry on me?”

His innocent question touched her heart.

“If you feel like talking to her, you always can. But if she feeds you with wrong thoughts, ask her politely not to. I am sure she wouldn’t do that anymore but I still want you to remember this Aarav. You are a grown-up boy now, aren’t you?”

That just made him feel proud. Aarav quickly sat on the bed showing his tiny arms.

“I am growing. Look at my muscles”

Khushi faked a surprise on her face.

“Muscles huh? You want muscles like Daddy?” she started tickling him and he giggled heartily, trying to escape from her. Time just flew with her son.


Arnav drove Khushi to the airport. She looked prepared and poised so far but when they reached the Airport and got down the car, she was instantly nervous. Arnav circled the car and reached her.

“Don’t worry about anything here. We’ll manage”

“Sure you will”

She had given a long list of tasks for the servants of the house to look after in her absence which included the homely chores as well as the cooking part according to everyone’s choices with special consideration on Aarav’s tiffin box. She didn’t want her son to have anything unhealthy or junk. Last two days she even taught one of her recipes to the chef in Shantivan which Aarav loved and preferred in his lunch box. Arnav had seen all of her efforts and his love for her had double fold.

Khushi checked her watch. She still had few minutes before heading inside. But she knew her husband had a lot of instructions for her too before she departs.

“Aman has spoken to the best security firm in Auckland and they will send a personal guard to pick you from Airport. Please adhere to your security protocol. No compromise in that” he commanded.

“Anything else?”

“Don’t worry about your work much and eat on time”

“You too. Anything else?” her smile intensified.

“Don’t drink more. If you need warmth, use the fireplace”

“Damn you” she groaned. “Anything else?”

“Miss me”

Now she was speechless for few seconds because that was not a plead or a demand. It was something else.

“I don’t doubt”

He grinned at her reply and took a step back, stretching his arms for her. Khushi quickly filled the space between them and wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him tight. Arnav completed their hug. They stayed like that for no idea how long until he kissed her hair and pulled back.

“It’s going to be long flight.. and even longer trip. Come back soon to me”

His thumbs grazed and stroked the sensitive skin of her lower lip until she decided to give in. As soon as her eyes shut, Arnav leaned closer placing his lips on hers. The kiss was needy and quick. The horn of other vehicles broke them apart. He helped her drag the bag till the departures and then she walked in, waving a goodbye. It was hard to say goodbye so he just waved back. He could feel it.. right at this moment that he was no longer prepared to see Khushi walk out of his life, anymore. He needed her more than anything else. That.. was love!!


When he returned back home that evening, Aarav had already come home from school. Both father and son missed her but Arnav had already planned to do something about it. He had talked to Shashi Gupta who told him the first three days of Khushi’s meets in Auckland were hectic. She will need time to fix her client issues but the next 4 -5 days would be easier and she will have time to relax. Only an hour or two at work during these days will be enough to keep the work going. This was one of the reasons why Arnav had planned to fly to Auckland with Aarav during those 4-5 days and surprise his wife. He desperately wanted to spend some time with her. He had already asked Aman to keep his and Aarav’s visas ready and his charter plane was on standby already. He wouldn’t take Aarav in a passenger flight for such a long journey. When he shared this plan with Aarav, the boy was more than excited to spend a vacation with his parents abroad but that’s exactly when his school denied to give him leaves as they had some Tests the next week which Aarav couldn’t miss.

Aarav was disheartened and so was Arnav. Their plan to surprise Khushi failed miserably but to cheer his son, Arnav promised of one such vacation with Khushi and him the next month.


Two days had passed since Khushi was in Auckland. She called almost thrice everyday and talked for hours with her son. They did a video call which was how the whole family could see her. She did a tour of her villa on the video call, showing them her room and the pool and kitchen. It was a beautiful cozy place and Arnav was already depressed that he couldn’t fly there to make some memories for the three. While Khushi had no idea about their flopped plan and neither Aarav told her anything, she kept telling them how much she missed them all. Aarav always had tons to things to share with her during the call and Arnav, he was mostly, just admiring the two.

“Mom, I will show you my new video game which Daadu brought”

“Wow.. get it fast… go”

Aarav ran out of the room, leaving his parents to converse. Khushi finally met his heated gaze.

“You look ready to go out somewhere” Arnav mentioned checking her clothes. She was wearing a Jeans and a windproof jacket over it.

“You guessed it right. I am going to a nearby Pub to see a friend”

“Friend” His tone was harsher than he intended. “As in one of those whom you went out with before?”

“Hmm. Tanmay is here for work too. He asked me if I am free tonight for a drink”

Arnav didn’t say anything. She was a smart woman to take her own decisions. He trusted her but the possessive husband he was inside, didn’t let him sit calm. He rubbed his jaw to process the information.

“You don’t want me to go?”

“Will you change your plans if I say Yes, I don’t want you to go?”

Her face reddened. Was it blush or anger, he didn’t waste time in analyzing?

“It’s too late to change the plans. I didn’t know I had to ask your permission to meet my friends”

“No, you don’t have to” Arnav swallowed. “I was just.. forget it.. Please enjoy you time with your friend.”

“Your tone and words don’t match” she debated.

“That’s because I freaking miss you dammit” he snapped.

The sound of his pain galvanized her. Had he been there, with her at this moment, she would have kissed him hard for being so damn possessive and jealous. Arnav took a moment to relax and met her eyes again on the screen.

“Take the guard with you. Just don’t wander alone and look after yourself. Don’t drink too much. Share me Tanmay’s number too, just in case”

Now he sounded like a responsible husband.

“I will follow all your instructions” she agreed. “Now please smile”

Arnav’s brow twitched.

“Smile is not my forte”

“Only smirks are, right?”

Her soft giggle soothed the ache in his heart. Aarav was back and he showed Khushi the new video game. They spoke for some more time until Arnav told Aarav his mother had to go out and they should let her continue her schedule.


An hour later, Aarav walked in Arnav’s bedroom to check on him. It was Khushi’s secret task for her son to keep an eye on his father to see if he sleeps well and on time. Aarav did it dutifully and also gave her updates on the video calls. Arnav was on his bed, staring at the picture of Khushi taken during the party they attended recently. Aarav quietly took a seat next to his father.

“Mom looks so beautiful in this”

His sudden intrusion broke Arnav’s stance.

“Yea.. She looks beautiful all the time”

Aarav grinned at that comment from his father and hopped on his lap. Arnav moved away the phone and cuddled him.

“I think you should go to Mom” Aarav suggested.

“That’s not happening son. You forgot, your school tests begin next week and you can’t take a vacation now”

“I can’t. But you can”

Arnav’s eyes shone with delight. What the hell was his son suggesting?

“You miss her Dad and she misses us both. Its better one of us go”

Arnav had never thought of that option.

“I cannot leave you behind” he argued.

“Daadu and Bua are with me. They will take my studies. And I am already prepared. I will pass. It’s just a test dad.”

Arnav stared blankly at him.

“You go to Mom and help her finish the work fast. Then get her back soon”

“You … you sure?”

“Very” he kissed Arnav’s jaw and snuggled to him.

Arnav’s mouth curved in a slow, sexy smile. Now that he had his son’s permission, he didn’t have to delay this!! He couldn’t wait to see Khushi’s face when she would see him at her door!!

To be Continued.


Kabier Sehgal and Neil Thakur, two strong leads with different views on love and relationship. If Kabier was known as a heartless Business Magnate, Neil was an Entrepreneur cum playboy. 

Mr and Mrs Sehgal 

As Kabier never saw love between his parents, he groomed himself to a man committed only to his work. Running a successful business was his only priority and his marriage of convenience with Aashi would have continued being cold and flavorless hadn’t jealousy played its card. It took him a while to realize his wife’s solitude but when it did, everything was worth it. Read Mr and Mrs Sehgal to know how he wooed his wife. A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 

Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 


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ALSO READ. Mr and Mrs Sehgal. All Excerpts, Reviews, Sample Chapters. HERE  


Mr and Mrs Thakur

Neil was ditched in love and he promised never to love again until his Rival’s daughter Esha Singhal entered his life. Her fierce and feisty attitude bowed Neil’s arrogance and conquers his heart but was trust an easy factor to build for Esha, knowing Neil’s playboy nature? Will Neil give in to his fears of falling in love again? Will their forced arranged marriage ever take a turn towards passionate love? Read this romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession with lots of intense sparks between the leads.

Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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ALSO READ. Mr and Mrs Thakur. All Excerpts, Reviews, Sample Chapters. HERE


  1. Oh god arnav going auckland.... can't wait for next update dear.
    Aaarav such a lovely , cute , mature and intelligent kid. I love aarav sooo much.
    I loved arshi moments, they are coming very close ...
    Arshi going to be alone in auckland.

  2. Aarav is very smart kid ... omg arshi together...alone together omg 😳 awesome amazing can’t wait updates next

  3. Awesome Update. Aarav is such a smart kid. He understands his parents emotions. Anjali finally realized her mistakes. She understood Arnav's love for Khushi. And also realized how much wrong she did with Aarav by telling negative things about his mother. Arnav's love for Khushi is increasing. Khushi wants to spend time with Aarav and want everyone to join her . But Aarav couldn't as he has exam. Aarav and Khushi moments are cute. Khushi told Aarav not to hate Anjali neither to be distanced from her but to judge maturely. Anjali did so much wrong with Arshi but Khushi never hated her. Khushi is fulfilling her responsibility towards Aarav. Arshi are in so much love. Arnav is going to Auckland. Arnav got jealous at the mention of Tanmay.Aarav took good care of Arnav. Now Aarav has no problem with Arnav visiting Auckland. Can't wait to see Arshi together and Khushi's reaction too. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  5. Fabulous lovely awesome update dear

  6. I hope Khushi appreciate Arnav's effort and don't say something to Arnav for leaving Aarav behind. Waiting for lots of Arshi moments.

  7. This ff have my heart.It has become my most favorite ever.

  8. And also, thank you for the long update 😁

  9. Wow Loved Aarav. Such a smart intelligent kid. Arshi are really lucky to have a son like him. He understands his his parents so much. Arshi needed this vacation and surely their love is going to increase. Aarav had exam so he couldn't accompany Arnav. At the mention of Tanmay Arnav got jealous. Jealous Arnav is always a treat to read. Aarav still loves Anjali loved Khushi advice to Aarav. That's the difference between Khushi and Anjali. Khushi is now totally family oriented person and a responsible woman. Arnav really missed Khushi all this year's and wanted Khushi back in his room. His desire and love for Khushi is increasing. Anjali though realise her mistakes it's only because of her Arshi suffer. Ayush nicely made her understand. Arnav and Khushi may not be in love earlier but now they are deeply in love. Anjali did wrong with Khushi but she did a sin by feeding negetive things to Aarav about his mother. She loved him yet she did such cruel things. Mother hold a special place in children's life. Anjali lately understood her mistake. Anjali herself is responsible for her this state . Glad that she is trying to change herself
    Arnav and Khushi are finally back on track. Arnav lifting Khushi in his arms is romantic. Arnav understand Khushi and her discomfort. Khushi is in love with Arnav. Aarav is finally getting his mother's love. Aarav still loves Anjali. Khushi is now family oriented. Arnav realised his love for Khushi. Sad that Aarav couldn't go . At the mention of Tanmay Arnav got jealous. Aarav took good care of Arnav and is very mature and sensible. Arnav and Khushi are going to be together soon.

  10. Khushi meeting Tanmay made Arnav really jealous.. I thought she might cancel it but Arnav allowed her to go ahead.. waiting for Arnavs surprise

  11. Beautiful update and the last part was really cute...

  12. superb update.....aarav is so cute......waiting for arnav to reach auckland.....

  13. Awesome update.. sad that aarav couldn't go.. waiting for arnav surprise😁

  14. superb update....waiting for next update

  15. Awesome update... So romantic... Aarav is a responsible boy... Excited for Arnav & Khushi's alone time...

  16. Wonderful and beautiful update.
    Love their family bonding.
    I like Aarav suggestion so smart boy.

  17. Awesome Update...Finally Arnav is going to Auckland to surprise her...Madhu in two updates you mention POOL in Khushi Villa...So now that Arnav is going there make them use this POOL at least once before they return back to india... ;)

  18. Sab ko chorke I fall in love with this little guy . So matiured and loveable from the beginning . Wow auckland trip ! Eagerlyyyyyyy waiting .

  19. Arav is a very mature baby.. Awesome

  20. Arav is a lovely boy. He is so understanding of others. Let’s see how Arnav and khushi will spend their alone time! Wonderful update. Thank you sis!!

  21. Aarav is so cute and very intelligent . Eagerly waiting for the next update.

  22. When will u update next dear? Eagerly waiting for next..

  23. Loved the way their love is blooming..

    Arnav khushi both are sharing their feelings..

    Wow their son is so responsible n sensible..

    Really yaar it's just nursery class why school has to take test 😔.

    He gave brilliant idea that
    Eagerly looking forward for arnav's surprise to khushi

  24. Yar it was beyond expectation...too good😍😍ur way of potraying the scene is beyond our imagination... waiting for Khushi's update is gonna be pura romantic...pls update next part soon😘🥰🥰 thanks for the update madhu 😘😘😘

    Ashima Dhillon

  25. Smiling like any thing and can't wait for next update 😍😍just waiting for there lostss of arshi time with Romance in airrr😍😍

  26. love the way the story is moving ahead, also how the family came together after the crisis . wait to see how Arnav surprises kushi and how does kushi react on seeing him in Auckland.

  27. Wonderful update 😍👌 Arnav is such a understanding 😍and intelligent 🤩and lovely🥰 little boy and he is soo sensible too😘 aarnav is such a Darling 😘😘 Arnav did very good upbringing of him as a single parent 😍😘👌👌 i am soo damm excited arshi in Auckland alone plezs Madhu we want full arshi hot romance☺️ pool romance 🤭☺️and Ahem Ahem🙈 too plezs .... Just waiting to see khushi surprised face seeing arnav 😁 .... I love the way u writing and give beautiful twist and turns in ur all the story madhu love u yar 😍😘♥️❤️ please post the...

  28. Beautiful update eagerly loved it too much
    Eagerly waiting for next update

  29. Aarav is just as selfless as his Mom. He can see Arnav is missing Khushi a lot. Well can’t wait for the next update. Just loving this story

  30. Aarav is so mature and understanding...he is sending his father to They both will have some quality and alone time together.
