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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 6



Chapter 6

Arnav’s POV

My wait is over. I am back to Chandra Mahal and this is the first time, I have felt like I am returning here after decades. I might be Shashi Gupta’s shadow but I don’t always stick to him. I have things to take care of, outside his scope too which forces me to spend time away from this house for days at times. The past three days were no different. But there wasn’t a moment when I haven’t thought about HER!! Ever since Khushi has given her approval for marriage to one of the suitors decided by her father, something broke inside me. It was me who had filled Shashi Gupta’s ears and expedited this marriage thing but never in my dreams did I see it happening so soon. I thought Khushi wanted to escape this place, this world. She has shown immense interest in me and I am aware she wouldn’t mind using me in her escape plan. But Khushi did none of that. She just.. just accepted to go with her father’s command. How the hell am I suppose to process that? 
I park the jeep at its usual place and my guards immediately rush out. I am in no hurry. I know Shashi Gupta has invited few people amongst his social circle today at Chandra Mahal for a get together. Usually such get togethers don’t involve the families, and just the head of the groups. But this time its different. I think he wants to celebrate his happiness with all of them.

“All good?” I ask one of the guards standing at the pillar.

“All secured” he replies curtly nodding his head.

I shove my hand into the pocket of my jeans to check my gun and stride towards the garden surrounded by additional guards to check on the security protocol. That’s when I see her!! Khushi Gupta.. Smiling and giggling with few other girls. I want to walk away from this woman but my body doesn’t let me flee especially when I see her tucking a hair strand at the back of her ear. She has cut her hair and if I am correct, she has even colored them. She is flaunting her new hair style to the surrounding women whom she doesn’t even know much. But she has that aura to befriend quickly with strangers and that’s what has scared me all this time. Half the time Khushi has no idea what is happening to her and the rest half she is completely ignorant what she is doing to me. Even if the enemy is right next to her, she might never notice and if I don’t stop staring at her right now, I might lose that focus too. There are many people around her and some standing too much close. That’s exactly when I see someone holding her arm and turning her around. That’s it. I reach there and snap that man’s arm, pushing him away, putting a distance between him and Khushi. Samrat!! He is Samrat Gujral. I know him from quite a few years and there is nothing so good about him. Shashi Gupta has never been fond of the Gujral family either then what is he doing today in Chandra Mahal?

“I don’t think Gujrals are invited” I snap, clearly moving Khushi away from his evil sight.

He laughs back but what surprises me is that Khushi stands between us and stares at me with the same mockery expressions on her face.

“I invited them” she adds coldly.

“With whose permission?” My tone is no longer in my control. Anyone can read it on my face, how much I have disliked Khushi inviting the Gujrals here.

“Would be son-in-law of the Gupta’s don’t need a bodyguard’s permission Arnav Malik” Samrat teases standing next to Khushi, closer and I don’t miss the way Khushi holds his hands, entwining her fingers in his. That’s so not her!! She clicks her fingers at my face to draw my eyes back on her, which were glaring at their handhold so far.

“Since when did I need a Bodyguard’s permission to invite my loved one’s home?” she mocks and then turns to Samrat again. “Sorry Sam.. You know Dad has just given him unnecessary attention all these years but not anymore. I am sorry on his behalf”

Now she is crossing the line. I try not to react hoping I can show the same unaffected expression on my face which Khushi has. But when Samrat touches her cheek, I lose my mind and in a fraction of second, I point my loaded gun on his head. The next instant, I am surrounded by Gujral’s security team of four who aims their firearms at me. Everything stills!! I don’t care if I have to shoot this man here for touching Khushi inappropriately.

“Arnav” Shashi Gupta breaks in. “What are you doing? Put your gun down”

I wont. Not until Samrat is out of this place. My eyes are still glued to the mocking expressions on Samrat’s face. He knows I won’t shoot him now since Shashi Gupta has commanded me not to. But what he doesn’t know is that I don’t give a damn to anyone once I make my mind.

“Arnav, stop it. The Gujrals are our family now” Shashi Gupta adds, this time his tone is calm.

“Family?” I almost snap at him surprising everyone around. I shouldn’t have, I never have so far. I lower my gun and walk away, without even glancing at the woman responsible for all this chaos. Shashi Gupta follows and stops me at the side.

“Arnav, don’t walk away without listening to me” he demands and I stop.

My fingers still itch to aim my gun on Samrat again and pull that trigger but when Shashi Gupta pats my arm, I relax. He knows how much trouble the Gujrals have given us so far.

“Samrat and Khushi are getting married. That’s why the Gujrals are here”

I know that already but I don’t understand how that’s possible?

“He was never in the list of her suitor” I argue.

“That’s right but Khushi didn’t like anyone from the list I gave her. It so happened that she saw Samrat’s photo in a newspaper article and she mentioned her desire to marry him”

Newspaper article? Sure, it must be one of those where he is flaunting his money and lavishness.

“He is not the right man for her. You know what he and his family have done so far. They have looted innocent people”

“They will not do that anymore” Shashi Gupta defends. “Gujrals were always different from us but they were never our enemies. And I am happy that Khushi has at least agreed to get married. Samrat is ready to stay in Chandra Mahal with us after his marriage and that’s all I want. If he stays here, we can always keep a check on his intentions and actions. Plus I have spoken to him and his father. They want this alliance to happen so that we can all work together once again”

“Not possible” I shout. “They have killed innocent people in the past. They are bloody murderers”

Shashi Gupta’s gaze narrows at me and his face stiffens.

“Khushi is my daughter. I know what I am doing Arnav”

Did he really say that to ME? Yup, he did and he is making a huge mistake. But I am not going to correct him at this moment. There are too many people around. So clenching my jaw, I walk away.


Khushi’s POV

Fire!! Yes. I could see fire in the Devil’s eyes when Samrat touched me. That’s it. My mission is back on track. I was right from the beginning. The Devil has some feelings for me and he proved that today. What was he thinking when he fearlessly pointed that loaded gun on Samrat’s head? I was shocked by his actions and even worried if Dad or Samrat will punish him for that act. But thank God they didn’t do any of that. And somehow my confidence now to escape this place forever has doubled. If there is anyone who can help me elope, it’s the Devil himself. I purposely didn’t choose anyone from the list of suitors, dad gave me but when I read that article about the Gujrals in the newspaper, I realized they don’t go very well with my father and the Devil. That’s when I decided to give this plan a shot. Devil will never let me marry someone he doesn’t think is capable enough to keep me safe. His pledge to keep the Gupta’s safe is more than his loyalty towards my father. He will never let me marry Samrat Gujral and hence the only option he will have is to help me elope this marriage. That’s when I will put another offer to the Werewolf!! The offer to run away from this place.. WITH ME!! I know he is a man of words and might never leave my father alone but I want him out of this dark world too. He could lead a better life than this. I wish he accepts my offer.

“Khushi” Samrat shakes my arm bringing me back to the present. “Don’t worry about the Devil. I can take care of him”

I want to laugh. No one can even touch the Devil, forget hurting him or pushing him out of our way. But since I want to use Samrat in my escape plan for now, I don’t argue. I am forced to meet the extended Gujral family and I indulge myself forcefully to converse with each one of them but my eyes are still looking for devil. He is gone and I don’t know where. I will look for him once this little get together is over.


Same Night

“These are your mother’s jewelry. See if you like them. Your father wants you to wear these on your wedding” Buaji opens a box of jewels and necklaces. I have never been fascinated by jewels but since these ones belonged to my mother, I don’t miss to adore them.

“They are pretty. Did Mumma wear them all?”

“She used to” Buaji nods. “I have heard she was the most beautiful woman of this town and now that tag goes to you”

I shy and the next minute lie down on Buaji’s lap.

“I wish she was alive today to see her daughter’s marriage” Buaji adds. Now I stiffen. I am not going to get married. This is all a sham for my escape. But I cannot even share it with anybody.

The gunshot from the backyard startles us both. We rush to the window and open it to check who shot the firearm at this hour of the night. That’s when I see him.. The DEVIL. He looks pissed and is firing on a dummy target. I know my marriage news to Samrat Gujral is the reason behind his over bubbling anger.

“Something is wrong with him since he returned” I mumble to get Buaji’s response over the Devil’s actions.

“Hmm” she gasps. “I heard he aimed his gun on Samrat”

“He did, yeah” I try holding my smile but fail. “He doesn’t want me to get married to a Gujral”

Buaji frowns.

“He is no one to decide that. Do what your father says” she warns heading back to keep the jewelry in the closet. I quietly follow her in.

“Buaji, why do you hate Arnav so much?”

She doesn’t reply.

“Does he scare you?” I tease helping her pack the jewels.

She flinches but doesn’t say a word.

“Oh Buaji. Stop being so secretive. Tell me why you hate him so much? What did he do to you? Okay let me guess. He might have complained about you to Dad. Or…” I keep thinking the other reasons. “He might have scolded you some day or..”

“He killed my husband”

I choke. Arnav killed Buaji’s husband? How? And why? I was told Buaji’s husband left her years ago and never returned. But he is dead? I didn’t know that. The tears in her eyes prove she isn’t lying. I quickly reach for her and give Buaji a tight hug.

“I am so sorry Buaji. I… I didn’t knew that he.. But.. how can Arnav … I mean.. why would he do that?”

Buaji doesn’t speak a word. I know she will never drag me into these dark secrets but I want to know them because its related to the Devil.

“Go to sleep Khushi. Tomorrow is a big day”

She pushes me away and walks out of my room, leaving me both cold and burning. It’s my Roka tomorrow with Samrat Gujral. There is so much I don’t know about this place and there is so little time left before I run away from here, forever!!


Next Day – ROKA

I couldn’t sleep last night. The images of Devil staring at me intensely for agreeing to marry Samrat Gujral haunted me followed by the dark truth that he killed Buaji’s husband. I still can’t believe he did that. I somehow feel the Devil won’t ever kill an innocent. I can hear the music played downstairs where all the guests have assembled for my Roka. The Gujrals are yet to arrive. I have never been this scared and nervous like I am today. Am I doing the right thing? I am not just playing with the feelings of my father but also another family who is so desperate to make me their bahu. I have heard the Gujrals were involved in some drug deals too in the past and it scares me if they are even worthy of me to take this risk. Ignoring my fears for some time, I tie the Dori of my Choli and turn around to face the mirror and that’s when I see him. THE DEVIL!! He is inside my bedroom. Damn!! When did he come in and from where? The door is locked and.. No way!!

“Did you see me dressing up?” I ask turning angrily and meeting his heated gaze. I don’t know since when he is in my room and this doesn’t give me any good vibes. My father can come to take me any moment and there are so many guests in the house. How can Devil get inside my room ignoring all of that? “It’s my Roka today and you can’t just”

Before I can complete the statement, he reaches and pins me to the wall behind, gripping my arms.

“I knew you are not a great decision maker but this time you are playing with your life” he growls. “Samrat is not a good man and I don’t have to tell you the crimes his family has done so far”

Oh! So just as I thought, he is here to stop me from getting married to Samrat. Rage simmers in his eyes as his face moves closer to mine.

“You wouldn’t like to be called a Drug dealer’s wife, do you?”

“Watch your words Devil” I snap. “You are talking about my future family”

“That’s not the future you dreamed of, trust me” he warns.

I know. That’s not my future. None of my path will ever end to the Gujrals but I am not going to tell that to Devil yet.

“Since when did you care of my dreams?” I ask. “And if you are so much concerned of my future, help me get off this place forever”

My words don’t baffle him but his grip on my wrists tighten.

“You know I wouldn’t do that” he snarls.

I push him off with all my strength.

“If you cannot help me get off this place then be ready to see me become Samrat Gujral’s wife.”

I stride to the mirror again and start wearing my jewelry. I am about to pick the bangles from the table but Devil snatches them all.

“You think you will be safe if you elope from this place? No” He growls throwing the bangles on the bed. “These people will hunt you down and kill you. The only place you are safe is this house.. between these people here whom your father pays to protect himself and you.. WITH ME.. Because I have pledged to keep you safe until my last breath. Stepping out of this place, you are inviting your death Khushi.”

“Then come with me” I urge softly.

I don’t know where I get this courage to propose him something like this. All his anger mellows down the moment he hears it but the next instant he swallows roughly looking away. This is my only chance to convince so I take a step towards him.

“You can live a life free of all this Arnav..” I add. “Have you never thought about it? To be free and away from this bloodshed?”

“NO” He sucks in a breath. “No, I have never thought about a life better than this. I know where I am and what I am doing. I have no remorse of any of that. Stop brainwashing me”

I wish this is a lie. But I see no such hints in his tone or expressions. He genuinely has never dreamt of walking away from this place or this world and its hard to believe he is practically enjoying this lifestyle. All my hopes from devil to help me elope with or without him seems fading. Tears spring in my eyes which I wipe off before they fall.

“Then this conversation is over. Before I call my father and tell him you were sneaking into my room, just leave” I shout.

I have hurt his ego. He fists his fingers showing no signs of leaving. I am about to shout again when the door opens. Dad and Buaji enters inside but the moment they see Arnav and me together, they look shocked at us.

“What are you doing here?” Dad asks sternly to Arnav who keeps staring at me warningly, showing no respect to my father’s query. I don’t understand. It’s so hard to predict what this man thinks of himself. He acts as if he is the Boss here and not my father.

“He.. he came to take me down” I cover up for him.

Buaji isn’t convinced with my reply but Dad is. He smiles at me and nods.

“Good” Dad drapes his arm around my shoulder. “You need eyes on you today because you are looking out of the world. I didn’t know my daughter looks so beautiful in Lehangas”

I fake a smile and glance at Arnav who is still passing me heated glares.

“If I am looking so beautiful, I need utmost protection from all the jealous eyes down there. I hope your guards are enough to keep me safe” I tease my father.

“Of course they will keep you safe and if you are still afraid, let me give you my best man..” Dad then turns to Devil. “Arnav, will you please take care of Khushi’s security personally tonight? Don’t leave her alone even for a second amidst the guests’ downstairs”

Oh Damn!! I don’t know what to say but the way the Devil is glaring at me, I think it’s a bad idea to have this brooding man around me for the next few hours.

To be Continued.



  1. Welcome back dear....lots of love from pakistan

  2. Lovely update x so good to read after ages xx

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav's intense confession to keep Khushi safe is mind blowing. Khushi is taking a huge risk. Arnav will now definitely help Khushi to escape. Only Khushi can bring Arnav out of his dark world. It's nice to read such a lovely Update after a long time. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Missed you lots😥

  4. Wao awsome..... jealous arnuv surely he will marry khushi

  5. Love this Arnav.. finally he's showing his feelings.. looking forward to see how does he stop Khushi from marrying samrat

  6. Plsss post you ought to be mine...

  7. Was expecting a bit longer chapter since the wait was too long 🥺🥺🤣🤣

  8. Your completed ffs have ruined my habit for no good actually 🥺🥺🥺

  9. Nice update. Jealous Arnav is always a treat to read. Khushi intentionally did all this. Khushi wants to run away with Arnav she has just taken the right step to make Arnav realise his feelings. Arnav is already restless. Buaji and Khushi's conversation was very emotional. Arnav killed Buaji's husband is a shock. Why he did that. Now Arnav is appointed as Khushi's bodyguard he will surely do something and Khushi will also willingly run away with him. Absolutely loved the possesive Arnav and his concern for Khushi. Shashi Gupta shouldn't have hurt Arnav like this. Khushi's closeness with Samrat is already hurting Arnav. Hope Khushi's plan became successful and she can bring out Arnav's real feelings out. Loved the Update ❤️❤️. Waiting to know about Arnav's past.

  10. wow😍😍😍i always love this possessive arnav😘😘

  11. Wow Superb Update...Actually am thinking till now Arnav has not confess his feeling toward Khushi openly and we get to see these kind of possessive reaction from him...What will happen then when he'll actually declare his love toward her...Waiting for Next Part...

  12. Eagerly waiting to know arnav’s past and how he entered this dark world....

  13. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  14. Welcome back dear lots of love from Cameroon.nice update waiting to Knox Arnac past

  15. Enjoyed reading the update .... ur style of writing is just amazing 👌👌👌

  16. Khushi is playing with fire which can destroy her later. If she doesn't have feelings for Arnav it's better to back off because it's not good to use his feelings for her own benefit. But I like the way she asked him about whether he wants to leave this dark world world or not. I'm afraid that she won't be able to leave the mess that she created by her own self.
    Moreover I don't think Buaji's husband is innocent otherwise Arnav wouldn't have killed him. Arnav is a devil. But he is not unfair. Lets see.
    It's so great to have you back sis. I miss this routine of reading your stories. Thank you!!

  17. Amazing update di... interesting concept used!!!

  18. Fabulous wonderful update dear

  19. Khushi is putting her life at jeopardy by taking such a huge risk of instigating Arnav using Samrat... I'm sure her plan is gonna backfire... But, maybe this might bring Arnav & Khushi close or maybe this might create rift between Arnav & Shashi... Whatever happens but its gonna b interesting to see Arnav trying tooth & nail to stop Khushi's marriage with Samrat...

    Thanks for the update, Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  20. Your first update after so long how can I not comment. I am so happy that you have not lost your flow. You are as amazing as you were before. Your stories keep us intrigued all the time. Love your character weaving. Such a mysterious story with so many secrets. Keep writing :)

  21. Oh its so wonderful to read your story after a long break Madhu miss it so much. Khushi is so daringly jumping into evils den. Arnav going to have a hard time. Fabulous update

  22. Welcome back dear
    Hope you are fine

    The update was just like khushi 's decision unbelievable...

  23. What will happen now that Arnav have denied Khushi to help her to elope?? what is Khushi's plan B? lets see how does this roka goes? nice update.. Thank you Madhu <3

  24. Welcome back happy u r back....was missing ur stories like ur reader since IF times and was very upset since u dint update anything n dint leave a note...but we truly understand that u were in a situation where u cant update a note...i was refreshing d pages multiple times a day jus to see if u have updated...thanks a lot for comin back��

  25. Ice and fire. This is going to be fun. Cheers

  26. Khushi doesn’t know that she playing with fire and I am sure her plan is going to backfired. Why he killed Buaji’s husband?

  27. Arnav's background and character mysterious. Why he killed buaji's husband?
    Khushi taking biggest risk of her life. I think arnav ready to fight against shashi to stop this marraige.
    Khushi proposal very tempting, wish arnav accept we can see lovely couple arshi.
    Waiting for next update dear.

  28. This is getting interesting with each update. Khushi is playing with her life

  29. Welcome back Madhu .❤️❤️❤️❤️

  30. Thank you 😊 amazing story updates

  31. Welcome back madhu . What happened to you ? Anyway mind blowing update .

  32. Superb absolutely superb chapter. He hope Khushi’s plan works otherwise she will be in deep trouble.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Nice Update. Good to see you back Madhu.
