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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 7



Chapter 7

Khushi’s POV

The guests have started gossiping now. It’s been two hours since everyone is waiting for Samrat Gujral to show up but he hasn’t. Everyone from the Gujrals have reached but Samrat. As far as I know, he was more than eager to get married to me and join hands with my father in his dark empire. He would never skip attending our Roka. Then why the hell is he still not here? Not that I am interested in progressing ahead my marriage preps with the Gujrals. But that’s the only way to convince the Devil how serious I am with this marriage. I know Devil will not let it happen and maybe.. just maybe he will change his mind and help me elope. Wait!! Is Devil anywhere responsible for Samrat’s absence in our Roka today? I look around to see if I can spot Devil and there he is, standing with the guards some feet away from me, instructing them. I get up from the chair where I was sitting surrounded by the whole of Gujral family and pretending to go to the washroom, I make my way to the Werewolf. As soon as I reach him, the other guards disperse. 
“Where is Samrat?” I scowl.

He deliberately ignores me and walks away. Attitude??? Well, I don’t give up. He stops at the Buffet counter where two of his men are tasting the food to ensure its safe.

“I asked you something Devil. Where is my Fiancee?” I shout but the loud traditional music playing at the background helps hiding my voice from the rest of the crowd. The two guards taste the food and give a go ahead to Arnav who commands them to check the cameras installed at every corner of Chandra Mahal. I have never seen so many cameras and such a tight security in my house before. But this was necessary. Everyone around me here is directly or indirectly involved in my father’s dark world. It’s like I am in the middle of Town monsters who look sophisticated on the outside but their hands are covered with innocent people’s blood. My stomach churns at that thought and I swallow the lime soda offered by the waiter to quench my thirst.

Devil gives me a sweeping glance and strides away. I can’t let him leave without giving me answers but he is too fast and my heavy beaded lehenga doesn’t support my feet to walk that quick. Friends and relatives keep stopping me but I ignore them all and make my way to the lobby where I see Devil engaged on his smartphone. As soon as he sees me coming, he tries to walk away but this time I don’t let him do so. I block his way out.

“Enough of ignoring me” I shout. “Where is Samrat?”

His stern expression as he meets my eyes, gives nothing.

“Ask his family” he finally gives some answer.

“No one knows where he is. His phone is switched off” I argue. “His guards are looking for him everywhere. Tell me honestly Devil, do you have anything to do with his absence?”

His eyes shine with pride and a faint smirk touches his lips. It annoys me to the core so I grip his silky white shirt and pull him towards me.

“What did you do to him?” I gasp.

I am concerned for Samrat’s safety. I truly am because I don’t want anyone to be hurt because of me. Devil glares at my fists which have clutched his shirt so tight that I am afraid it might tear off anytime.

“Nothing yet” His gaze meets mine again. “He is safe and sound so far. But not for long”

I process this fact that Samrat is kidnapped by Devil. A shiver runs through me as I imagine what the Devil is capable to do to him.

“All you have to do is go inside and announce to everyone this marriage isn’t happening. That you made a mistake and Samrat cannot be the man of your choice. Once the Gujrals leave this place, Samrat will reach back his home”

I am shocked and my grip on his shirt only tightens. I don’t care if his shirt tears off. My anger

“You are hurting an innocent only because you don’t want me to marry him?”

“Innocent?” he growls. “He is anything but innocent and I am done explaining that to you. So now if you care for his life… just do as I say”

“I won’t” I push him away with force.

He stares at me in disbelief for denying his command but I don’t change my mind.

“You are no one to control my life Devil. If I tell dad you have kidnapped Samrat, just imagine what he will do to you”

I hope I am doing the right by threatening him but why doesn’t he look threatened? Instead, he takes a step towards me and pushes me roughly to the pillar behind. It hurts me momentarily but my anger is still the same.

“Go tell your father what I have done and then it won’t take me a minute to tell him you are playing with his feelings from the beginning”

A searing pain cuts my heart. He is blackmailing me?

“You can’t be this heartless” I whimper.

“If I am heartless then what are you?” he snaps. “You are plotting to leave your father forever. Despite knowing how much he loves you; you want to hide from him and never see him again. You want to leave that man who has devoted his life for you. Who has kept you safe, protected you from all the dangers..”

I know he has protected me. And I will always love my father no matter how different our ideologies are. But I cannot remain chained to him forever. I feel suffocated in this place and no matter how much efforts, power and money dad can put to keep me safe, I am still afraid that someday, I might die or see him killed because of his enmity with people. And I am not prepared for it. I can never be!!

His phone rings breaking our stance. He removes his phone out to speak while I wait there blankly to decide what my next action should be.

“What?” Arnav groans. “How the hell did he get out of that place?”

I think he is talking about Samrat. The phone call is from one of Devil’s men I suppose who told him Samrat has managed to escape. While I am happy that he did, I don’t know if this is going to do any good to me and my future. What if Devil attempts Samrat’s abduction again? Does Samrat know who had kidnapped him? And if he does know, what will happen when my Dad comes to know his would be son-in-law was abducted by the man he trusts the most?

Noise from the living room where the Roka is organized, startles us both. One of my father’s guard rushes to Devil.

“Samrat Gujral is here” He informs and I can’t miss the expressions on Devil’s face.


Arnav’s POV

This is impossible. Samrat escaped from my den and is back here. I don’t understand how this happened? I have never hurt the Gujrals without a reason and though I still have plenty of things against them, I have always waited for the right time to take actions. But when Khushi accepted to go ahead with her marriage to Samrat, I couldn’t control myself. Khushi is foolish to think she can get a happy future with Samrat Gujral. I know how many women he has lured and cheated so far. I have seen him with a different woman every month which I am sure Shashi Gupta doesn’t know about yet. But will it make a difference if I tell him that now? I don’t think so. He is so hurrying to get his daughter married soon, that he doesn’t mind ignoring all the flaws of the family he is getting Khushi married into. But I am not blind neither careless like him. If I have pledged to keep this woman safe, by all means I am going to honor my promise. I follow Khushi out where the Gujrals have surrounded Samrat who is explaining the reason behind his delay. His nose is bleeding and I can proudly say its one of my men who did this to him. We kidnapped Samrat this morning from his gym from where he was going to drive directly to Chandra Mahal.

“I don’t know who those men were but… I managed to escape” Samrat gasps finishing his story and gulps some water.

“What were your guards doing?” Shashi Gupta roars. “Whoever did this to you, we will find him..”

Khushi who is hardly able to believe what is happening turns to me nervously. She is definitely happy that Samrat is back, alive, but I can read her mind. She is worried if I will let him be so for long. She knows I am standing against her marriage to Samrat and that is never going to change. Neither I can let her marry him nor I can allow her to escape this place and put herself in the arms of danger. I know its not her fault that she has taken birth into this family where she is unable to lead a normal life but some things are meant to be so.. even if you don’t wish to accept it.

“Arnav..” Shashi Gupta calls me and I don’t waste time in reaching him. “Who do you think must have done this?” He asks.

I zip my lips and glance at Khushi who is challenging me by her stare. I know she wouldn’t need a minute to disclose it was me who did this. But what she doesn’t know is that, her father wouldn’t believe her. He trusts me over anything and anyone.

“Whoever did this have to be taught a lesson. Samrat is my son-in-law and anyone hurting him is hurting me. Today they have tortured Samrat, tomorrow they can hurt my daughter. I cannot take that risk” he adds.

“I think we should wait for few days” I finally try to turn this situation in my favor. “Lets postpone this marriage until we find the culprits”

Shashi Gupta goes in a thinking mode and all I have to do is, just convince him some more but before I can, Samrat interrupts.

“This marriage is evident. If the enemies think they can stop the union of Gujral and Guptas then they are wrong. Once this marriage happens, we two families will unite and then we will show them what power is. Even if it means to burn them down alive, we will.”

My fingers fist together. Samrat’s decisions have always been irrational and I can never support this.

“He is right” Shashi Gupta adds. “Once we unite, no one will think of even pointing at us”

Now I frown. Does he really think the Gujrals have that much power to set things right between us and these so-called enemies?

“Uncle” Samrat turns to Shashi Gupta. “This Roka isn’t happening today”

I am confused but not I will take a sigh of relief only when the Gujrals are out of this house and from the lives of the Guptas.

“What do you mean by the Roka is not happening?”

“Means we don’t need to fulfil such baseless traditions and give our enemies more chances to trap us”

He then walks to Khushi and I can already feel my heart pounding. He grabs her wrist and drags her to Shashi Gupta.

“We have to prepone things. I am going to marry your daughter tomorrow itself” Samrat declares.

The crowd cheers happily but there are only two people in this crowd who are blank and that’s me and Khushi. Samrat’s idea of preponing the wedding only means Khushi has no time or preparation to elope and I have no freaking clue how I am going to stop this nonsense either!! Shashi Gupta blesses Samrat and hugs him tight and Khushi who is still trying to apprehend what she has got into, watches me with hope that I can still save her from this mishap.


Khushi’s POV

I take off the earrings, bangles, necklaces from my body and throw them on the bed, disheartened and angry on myself for landing up in such a grave situation. Samrat preponed the wedding and Dad agreed? No way!! How am I supposed to escape this place in such a short notice?

I pace nervously in the room, trying to find some way. Despite of spending the next one hour thinking how to flee from here, I don’t get a single idea. My father has increased the security of this place in the worry that the person who had abducted Samrat today shouldn’t reach here to hurt me. Damn! How I wish to tell him it was Devil.. It was this Werewolf who played this unnecessary stunt and shattered everything in my life in just a fraction of second.

Nope. I am not going to sit here and cry or use my energy thinking what to do next. I know where I can find my answers. Changing into my night salwar, I manage to sneak out of my room. I stride carefully to the little two-bedroom suite in the vicinity of Chandra Mahal which happens to be the Devil’s Den and I so hope he is in there. I have no patience left right now to search for him anywhere else, neither do I have any time. It’s midnight and tomorrow morning my wedding rituals will begin.

The door is locked from inside which means I will have to find another way. Knocking his door seems bad just in case if anyone hears it. I see a window open and decide to use that one to get in the house. It’s dark in there but I am not afraid of dark this time, it’s the voice I am afraid of. I can hear him.. He is in there.. talking to someone on phone. I try to hear the conversation clearly but fail as he turns the lights on and watches me right in my eyes. He doesn’t seem surprised to see me here but he is surely displeased that I was eavesdropping. He disconnects the call and sighs in annoyance.

“Don’t” I mutter. “Don’t think you will ask me to get out and I will walk out without any debate”

He rubs his jaw turning back to me, raising his brow in a question. Before he can talk or argue, I vent out my frustration first.

“All of this happened because of you. Do you even realize, your one mistake is going to cost my future. Only because you abducted Samrat, he preponed this wedding. I will have to marry that idiot and.. Oh god.. I think I am fainting”

I am not joking. All this stress is really draining me out. I hold the wall beside me and take deep breaths to focus. Devil watches me intently. I don’t understand why I feel he has that urge to carry me and lie me down on his bed.!! Damn!! I have to give a break to my sparkling feelings for this man and focus on the problem.

“You have to fix this Devil” I come to the point. “Get me out of here.. Anyhow.. I don’t care how loyal you are to my father. I know you won’t let my life get wasted behind that Samrat”

“Agreeing to marry Samrat Gujral was totally your call” he argues.

“My call?” I stride to him. “Yes, it was my call but whose actions forced me to take that call? Yours.!!”

He stares at me bewildered and I know he has so many questions right now about why I am still hoping he will help me but I don’t get into those details.

“Fine.. I know you cannot help me elope this place neither can you see me getting married to Samrat and spoiling my entire future. So I suggest you don’t do anything..” I add.

He keeps staring and I complete my sentence.

“I am running away from this Palace tomorrow. I don’t know how but I will. All you got to do is turn blind for some time and let me GO. If you can’t help me practically, at least don’t make it hard for me to try myself. That’s all I am here to tell you…” I then point my finger at him. “Actually.. I am not here to tell you that.. I am here to WARN you Devil. If you cannot help me tomorrow, don’t even dare to come on my way”

I think I have pissed him enough because after every word I utter, his face turns wild and eyes bore into mine. I don’t wait there to face the consequences. I have conveyed to him what I had to. So I walk out, this time using the door, without turning back to him. I don’t have much hopes that he will help me but I am confident he will not let me marry Samrat Gujral. The moment I open the door and step out, I freeze as Buaji sees me leave Devil’s room at midnight. The look on her face itself is enough to prove she is displeased and frustrated.

“Buaji.. I..”

She doesn’t wait to listen and walks back in the Palace with me following her quietly. This is worse!! God knows how much more I have to suffer until I find my freedom?

To be Continued.


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  1. wow 😍😍nice update...waiting for next update

  2. I want to know more, this is getting interesting. And good to be back on routine of craving for your stories😂.

  3. Awesome Update. Now Buaji saw Khushi outside Arnav's room. What will be her reaction. Khushi is planning to run away. Samrat is not the right guy for Khushi. Arnav is really possessive about Khushi. He can't see her with anyone. Hope he realize his feelings. Waiting for the next part😍😍

  4. I guess Arnav will let Khushi elope but go with her for sometime so that she stays safe.. untill the samrat issue is solved and then he will bring her back . ... It would be nice to see Arnav and Khushi away from this whole fights and dark world for sometime atleast.. and also seeing a more calm Arnav who is not on his toes at all times would be a treat

  5. Can I expect arnav and Khushi's marriage in the altar instead of samrat. I have a feeling arnav will marry her to protect her

  6. Khushi is playing with fire. Arnav's attitude is too hot🔥🔥. Feeling bad for Khushi though that she is trapped in the dark world. Arnav and Khushi have a crackling chemistry. But Khushi is really innocent. Arnav is concerned about Khushi's safety and Samrat is definitely not the right guy for Khushi. Arnav is right about Khushi playing with her dad's feelings but Khushi is also correct in her place. Arnav is falling for Khushi. Now Arnav has to prove that Samrat isn't the right man for Khushi. Khushi being worried for Arnav proves she also is developing feelings for Arnav. Samrat wants to marry Khushi soon. How will Khushi elope now. Khushi and her desires for Arnav. Buaji saw Khushi now waiting for the next part. Buaji already warned Khushi earlier now what will be her reaction.

  7. Wow Superb Update...Waiting for Next Part to read how Arnav will save Khushi from this marriage...And Curious to know with whom Arnav was talking on the phone when Khushi enter his room...

  8. Wow awesome I wonder will devil really help khushi or let her marry

  9. Instead of Khushi's, Arnav's own plan backfired & the marriage he was trying to get cancelled, got preponed... What a mess🤣🤣

    I see only two possible happenings in this case... Either buaji herself will help Khushi to elope or the wedding would happen but not of Khushi with Samrat but of Khushi with Arnav... Rooting for the later, though ❤️

    Btw, I also have this feeling that somewhere Gujrals are involved in buaji's husband's murder.

    Anyways, thanks for the update, Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  10. Oh that’s so interesting. Arnav kidnap flopped. Samrat playing too smart by bringing forward their marriage 😡 What’s going to happen on wedding day!!! Fabulous update

  11. What’s happening here...all I can see that Devil’s plan backfired him....this is hilarious 🤣. Not only roka but the marriage has preponed. Let’s see what next.

  12. Khushi did a mistake when she chose samrat to marry. And why Shashi is agreeing to everything samrat suggests? He is blind to trust them and now he is like a puppet of gujrals. Hope khushi will get out of this mess.
    One thing I noticed was arnav wouldn’t harm an innocent soul. He is a good devil. So there must be something more to buajis husbands story. He wasn’t an innocent and buaji should know about this. Nice update sis. Waiting for the next update!!

  13. Why I'm getting feeling like arnav is the main boss.. And shashi is just a face... Anyways asr will protect khushi.. Marriage happening soon... It's going great!!!
    Nd happy that ur r back... Missed ur fictions madhu di

  14. Arnav will marry khushi tomorrow 😘😘
    First time his plan backfired on him😂😂🤣
    But this getting interesting by each update.

  15. Awesome update!!!!.... can't wait for ASR's next move

  16. Wonderful fabulous awesome update dear

  17. Hi Madhu .Thanks for the lovely updates .please set the timings for your updates😭 I'm literally checking your page more then 10 times a day and ending up with broken heart.pretty please 🥺

    Welcome back ❤️

  18. OMG this story is going to be more exiting day by day . Can't wait for next chapter .

  19. Will u be updating yotbm today?

  20. Nice Update. It's good to be back to the regular routine of reading your stories everyday and missed you a lot Madhu.

  21. Kidnapping Sam.leads to this prepone marriage..

    Wow khushi daring too.good
