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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Rise of the Devil - Part 15



Chapter 15

Khushi’s POV

I feed Buaji the Motichoor laddoos she made and she feeds me next. After that heartfelt cry of Buaji narrating to me how she could never shape up her husband’s life and get him back on the right track, I didn’t want to leave her alone. I decided to put away my anger for some time and give her some support. And the best way to make a sad person smile again according to me was feeding them dessert plus I was eager to taste them too. It’s Buaji who made them for me after all.

“These are yum. Just like always” I appraise.

She feeds me some more and I feed her back. Once we are done, she looks at me in guilt.

“I am sorry Khushi. For hiding about my identity all these years”

“That’s an old topic now Buaji. Though I am not in a condition to forgive anyone at this moment, I prefer ignoring this bitterness between us for some time and be cordial. Doesn’t matter how much you, Dad and Devil have hurt me, but I still don’t want to hurt you all. I don’t have that nerve in me to give pain to people I care about”

Buaji wipes her tears and cups my face.

“Now you are talking like Shobhna Malik”

Am I? I gulp.

“She was just like you. Adamant yet caring for people” Buaji adds.

“How do you know so much about her? I mean you came into Arnav’s father’s life after her death”

She exhales painfully.

“I worked for her when she was alive”

Worked? What kind of work? I wait for Buaji to tell me all.

“Shobhna Malik ran an NGO. Her father had left enough money to her when he died. I was helping her run those NGOs. She trusted me with all her secrets and one day she came home marrying Ratan Singh Raizada. Nobody knew who he was but he loved her immensely and she considered him as her God. Everything was good and soon they shifted to a different city. I was still in touch with Shobhna and soon got to know she gave birth to a son. Her life was complete and she was happy with her husband and son”

Oh.. That sounds like such a happy family.

“It was only after 8 years that I got to know Shobhana died. Ratan had come to me with eight-year-old Arnav and asked me to look after him in his absence. I asked him what went wrong and where he was leaving. But he denied giving me any information. I looked after Arnav for a month but nothing really changed in his behavior. He was brooding, intolerant and at a stage where anyone could shape him into any form mentally. The shock of his mother’s death was eating him up from inside. Ratan kept visiting us once in a month and his visits became more frequent. That’s when my relatives and neighbors started talking about my dignity and questioned my relationship with Ratan and his son”

How cruel!!

“Ratan took care of those allegations by marrying me before the people of my town and took me away with him and Arnav. It was another shock for Arnav to have a step mother” Buaji sighs.

I cannot even relate what Arnav had gone through. First, his mother’s death, his father leaving him to some unknown woman and then after some months marrying that woman to shut the mouths of the society. Buaji eyes fills with tears again.

“I never wanted to take place of Shobhana Malik but I didn’t ignore my responsibilities towards Ratan and Arnav. I think Shobhana would want the same. There was no one who would take care of them after she died. But one day I got to know Ratan’s real identity. He ran a dark world. He was a drug lord.. a Mafia..”

Words choke in my throat. Drug lord?

“They called him the Devil king and I was his queen now but no one from the dark world really knew about our marriage and Ratan decided to keep it that way to protect me. He allotted me a different place to stay with Arnav which obviously no one knew about. It was like his Safe house and only a few of Ratan’s close people knew where it was. Though I couldn’t bear that title of being a Devil Queen, I had no strength to retaliate. I wasn’t as strong as you Khushi. I lived with him and his darkness grew until one day… he was shot.. by his own son.. Arnav was 12 years old then. I don’t know what transpired that day between Ratan and Arnav. I was out but when I returned, I heard a gunshot and when I ran to his room, Ratan was lying down in a pool of blood with Arnav holding the gun. He was shivering, sweating but there wasn’t a tinge of remorse on Arnav’s face.”

I shiver. So, Arnav really killed his father. But Why? If he disliked his father’s profession and his dark world, then why was he a part of it? He could have opted out anytime he wanted but he clearly didn’t. It’s like he killed his father and took over his place in the dark world to rule it on his terms.

“And then Arnav ran away..” Buaji adds. “I looked for him everywhere. The dark world was shaken without a ruler and that’s when your father came into the picture. He was already a part of it so he took the controls to run the Dark world and told me Arnav was safe. But it wasn’t safe for Arnav to return so soon as he was still young and since he killed the Devil King, both our allies and foes were looking desperately for him, to kill him”

I don’t think I can hear more. All of this scares me. So, this is the period when Dad got Buaji home and lied to me that she would be my nanny and will stay with us henceforth.

“I didn’t meet Arnav for many years. Only your father knew where he was and then I got to know he was returning to take his throne. You were already shifted to the Hostel for your higher education when Arnav came here pretending to be your father’s bodyguard and he changed the whole face of the Dark world by ruling it virtually on his terms, without anyone ever knowing who the real Devil king was. The dark world knew the Devil King had returned and was ruling it unofficially and soon they were scared of him and his powers. No one really wanted to challenge him without even knowing where he was, how he looked and how he managed to do it remotely. But I knew it.. And that’s exactly why I always kept you away from him but you never took my words seriously”

“You should have fed me with the right words and reasons Buaji. Only telling me to stay away from my father’s bodyguard wasn’t enough” I argue.

She nods, understanding my point.

“Anyways the rest you already know.. Devil revealed his identity to everyone when he got married to you. Now the dark world knows who their king and queen is.”

I swallow painfully.

“Which is why I am afraid. I don’t want anything to happen to you..”

She palmed my cheeks.

“And Devil? Are you not concerned if anything happens to him?” I ask.

This is important for me to know. I have sensed bitterness between Buaji and Devil but does Buaji hate him so much that his existence or not wouldn’t bother her? My question makes her flinch and she looks away.

“I don’t think I can forgive him for what he did Khushi. He has killed my husband however he was. How can I forgive him?”

She was probably right. I wouldn’t do the same if I was her.


Arnav’s POV

Bringing Khushi to Shimla had been the safest option for us. Our enemies wouldn’t ever know where we are and this is needed so that I focus on a fool proof plan against them. Me burning the Drug factory of Sehgals has created enough chaos in my dark world. They are trying to connect the dots to find who did it and very soon they would know.

I am discussing the same with Aman on call while returning back to the Safe house. It’s almost night and I was out for hours. Though I had informed the maids to tell Madhumatiji and Khushi to continue their routine and not wait for me, a part of me wants to know if they are following it or do they care about my presence in that house.

“Arnav, the Sehgals are going crazy” adds Aman bringing my focus on this phone conversation again.

“They were never in my father’s control” I reply. “But now they are dealing with me and what I say, goes”

He laughs.

“Is that applicable to your personal life too? What you say, goes?” He mocks.

Thank god this is not a video call and Aman cannot see my face because he wouldn’t need to hear it from me. My face would say it all.

“Or is the Devil Queen dominating the house and you there?”

“Shut up” I snarl. “No one rules me Aman. NO ONE”

“Oh, come on. Every husband wishes that, but it’s a bitter truth. They are always ruled by their wives. How is Khushi by the way?”

“She is trying to cope up with the new changes in her life” I sigh.

“And you should help her instead of leaving her alone. She needs you Devil”

“That’s why I have got Madhmatiji with us.” I reply.

“You still don’t get this” Aman sounds serious. “A wife needs a husband the most to clear out the differences between them. No third person can sort it out except the two going through that problem. This is your fight and you should fight it yourself.”

“Have you done Ph.D. in relationships Aman?” I mock. “If you haven’t, please enroll in one. You can be an excellent counsellor”

“Only if you promise that you and Khushi will be my first patients” He teases me back.

I don’t reply to that instead change the topic.

“Keep a close watch on the Sehgals, Aman. We want to know all their moves”

“I have my spies doing that. You take some rest there in Shimla because once you back in town, you have too many things to deal with again”

I am aware of that. I speak to Aman about the next package of explosives which he was going to send me and he assures me to get it delivered soon.

The car parks at the Safe house where my guards are strolling round the clock to provide us protection. One of them tells me how my step mother requested to go out but they were denied to do so on my strict orders. I get inside the house. I haven’t been here from past few months otherwise I do make a point to come here once a month and spend a day or two. Before heading back to my room which is upstairs, I decide to check on the study room. That’s the only place where I have a picture of my mother and I like sitting there and admiring it, reminiscing the days which we spent together. But as soon as I step in that room, I find that space of the wall empty. The picture is gone!! Anger simmers through me as I call the guards.

“There was a photo frame here. Where is it?” I shout.

“Sir, we don’t know but I assure no one from the outside ever came in except the food supplies and your Step mother and the Devil Queen never left this premises”

“Then where did the photo go?” I scowl. “Check the damn CCTV cameras”

“That’s not necessary” says Khushi who enters the room. I think she heard my conversation. She looks sleepy and I assume she woke up because of my voice. “I know where the photo is”

She knows? I turn to the guard gesturing him to leave. As soon as we are alone, Khushi steps forward.

“I have hung it in a better place where she is more noticeable”

“Who gave you the permission?”

“Did I need one?” she frowns. “I am the Devil Queen just in case you forgetting Devil”

How conveniently she uses that tag for her benefits and then she doesn’t even want to acknowledge it the other times. I reach Khushi and grabbing her arms, draw her close in one rough movement.

“Where is it?” My voice changed, became more focused.

“Are you.. drunk?” She shrugs me away. “Go change and I will serve the food”

“Don’t act like my wife”

“I don’t need to act. I AM YOUR WIFE”

She shuts the lights of the study room and walks to the door.

“Come down in 10 minutes. I will heat your food and serve by then”

And just like that, she is gone. I am so stunned by her behavior. What made her change her mind and accept her duties towards this marriage? I decide to ponder over it later. I am famished. Though I had some Beer and starters an hour ago, I am still hungry. As I reach the bedroom upstairs, I find my mother’s photo hanging on the wall in my room and my heart flutters. So Khushi shifted this photo here? Why?


Khushi’s POV

I chose to put that photo frame in Devil’s room because that’s really where it belonged. I want him to see his mother and the innocent boy he was before and realize the difference in him now. I am very sure his mother never wanted Arnav to become a Devil like he is today. If he still loved his mother so much, this was one way to bring his sanity back. But I wasn’t going to stop here. Plus, a lot happened today in Devil’s absence which even Buaji isn’t aware of and I recall it all again while heating the food for Devil.

It was late afternoon when the food supplies truck came in and three men wearing heavy coats and shoes stepped in the house from the back door which was still heavily guarded by Devil’s men. I was in the kitchen making coffee for myself and I didn’t bother to even look what’s happening until one of the man who came in that truck, shut my mouth and dragged me to the corner where no one could see us.

“Uummm” I tried to shout but he quickly muttered in my ears.

“Don’t scream. I am an under cover cop. I am here to help you”

I still and he gently lowered his palm from my mouth. When I turned around, he took off his cap so I could see his face and he then removed some ID from his pant pockets.

“I am Shyam Jha. I am an undercover cop” He flashes his ID and then tucks it back. “I know the Devil King married you against your will and I am here to help”

My heart skips a beat. Help?

“I . I never called for help” I whisper, knowing the Devil’s guards are around and they shouldn’t know I am here talking to an unknown man.

“You don’t need to. We have eyes on the Devil King’s moves now. We have been tracing him from years but no luck until he revealed his identity himself before his Dark world”

Does anyone from the dark world have ties with the Police? I wonder how Devil doesn’t know it?

“You are in big trouble Khushi. You have married a Drug lord.. And that’s not it. He is also involved in abduction, human trafficking and much more. I hope you know what that means?”

Now I shiver. Is he telling me the truth? Is Devil that worse?

“And not to mention he has your father’s support in all his crimes. He is not going to set loose any time even if he manages to kill all his enemies” Shyam adds.

“Why don’t you arrest him then?” I ask. “Why come here and share this piece of misinformation with me? I have nothing to do with him or his dark world”

“I know” He smiles. “That’s exactly why I am here. We cannot arrest him without proper proofs and only you could help us get those”

“me?” I choke. “I..”

“Look” He interrupts. “I know he doesn’t trust you or anybody else to make that mistake and reveal all his secrets but I want you to try. Show him you are on his side and help us get the proofs against him. He is making some huge plans and I want you to find what they are so we could be vigilant”

I am shocked.

“Why me? I .. I can’t do this”

“You are the only one who has a chance to win his trust Khushi. Don’t disappoint us. If you get us to him.. we will ensure you get the freedom you need. And we also promise not to hurt your father either. He can become a witness against all of Devil’s crimes and under the witness protection act, we will move you, your father and whoever else you want to a safe place anywhere in the world, where no one could trace you people back. And that’s a promise”

I am almost shivering by the time he completes.

“Okay” He looks around to see if anyone is watching us and gives me a small chit. “here is my number. think about it and give me a call. If you are in, we will protect you in every way. Take care”

He scans around and leaves.

The beep of the microwave brings me out of those flashbacks. I am sweating. What if Devil’s guards had seen me talking to that undercover cop? What if they had told this to Devil? I turn around and find Devil standing at the door, watching me with a brooding expression on his face. I cannot show him my fear so I fake a smile and gesture him to take a seat. Though I still haven’t decided if I am going to help Shyam or not, I know I will have to pick a side soon. I cannot be living like this forever.

To be Continued.


Enchanted (Short Story of Ria Dewan and Uday Khanna)

For those who were waiting to read the story of Ria Dewan and Uday Khanna, here it is – Enchanted (Short Story) 

Ria Dewan is in Mumbai for three weeks to attend her friend’s wedding when her life collides with the ever-charming Uday Khanna. While Uday has already fallen for her talkative and extrovert nature, Ria is clueless and trying hard to impress him. Can he really be her Prince Charming? Is Uday really whom she thinks he is? 

Enchanted is a Standalone Sweet Romantic tale of love at first sight. 

Note: Ria Dewan and Uday Khanna are the side characters of my other eBook – Marriage Jitters (Book 1 of Accidental marriage series)


“I am extremely sorry Miss?”

“Ria Dewan” I snap.

As if sensing something, his face tightens. People have given me that look knowing who I am. My brother Viren Dewan is a Billionaire and I am happily enjoying all its perks wherever I go.

“Miss Dewan, how can I help you?” He slides his palms in his pant pockets and every nerve in my body does a happy dance. The authoritative pose he gives is not something I would like to miss.


  1. Why do I feel Arnav is cop and Shyam is one among drug dealer!!!

  2. Shyam a cop. Is that really true. Though he promised not to harm Shashi. Will Khushi trust him. Don't know even he is saying the truth. Hope Khushi reveals everything to Arnav before taking a decision. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  3. It was a wonderful update.... Arnav is very shrewd so definitely he will doubt the change in Kushi.
    ASR is such a strong character,but was not used properly in the original show.

    1. Finally someone who agrees his character power was lost somewhere

  4. Oh no, hope Khushi don’t fall for shayam’s word. Only Arnav can help by talking with Khushi what he does. Superb update

  5. Shyam probably is Arnav's enemy from the dark world. Shyam probably wants to use Khushi to trap Arnav. Will Khushi believe Shyam. Though he promised not to harm Shashi can Khushi trust him in one meet. Buaji finally revealed about Arnav's mom . Arnav's mom was a nice woman and how her death changed Arnav along with his dad's remarriage. Arnav had gone through a lot of suffering. Arnav's dad was a drug lord and Arnav killing his dad is really shocking. But there must be reason why Arnav did this. Khushi is really living in a scary world. Khushi can erase the distance between Buaji and Arnav. Though Arnav is too dark here he cares for Khushi and Buaji. Arnav have feelings for Khushi. Aman is really a light hearted person and one day Khushi will certainly rule Arnav. Aman's relationship advice was nice. Arnav was quite fond of his mom. Khushi wants to change Arnav and bring back his innocence so she hung Arnav's mom photo in the bedroom. Though Arnav was little angry but Khushi acted cool. Shyam may be an enemy of Arnav in disguise of a cop. Don't think Arnav is that bad and whatever allegations Shyam is giving is true. Shyam want to trap Arnav probably using Khushi. Though he promised not to hurt Shashi he can't be trusted. Hope Khushi tell Arnav everything before a problem arises. Waiting for the next part. Shyam's entry made this story more interesting.😍😍

  6. Nice update..may be arnav had killed his father to stay away from the dark world..but when enemies started chasing him ..he had no other option but to choose this world full of darkness

  7. Oh so arnav killed his own father but behind that some worthy reason oh finally the original devil shyam is out and convince khushi to backstab arnav I think he has some bad motive behind that I couldn't believe arnav is doing woman trafficking ,abdactions and other bad works pls khushi don't do this to arnav don't mistrust him and betray him with at creep shyam pls update sooooooooooooon dear

  8. No no no Khushi.. please don't trust Shyam.. Arnav cannot be doing injustice.. if he would have been on the same road as he's father he wouldn't have killed him in the first place.. he for sure is trying to save his people and killing and exploding the Mafia who does all the things Shyam mentioned.. however I don't think Shyam can be a cop.. anyone could get a fake ID. Hope Khushi doesn't be as stupid as she looks and doesn't trust shyam

  9. Something not genuine about this Shyam...hope Khushi doesn't take any drastic decision. She also needs to verify if guy is really an undercover cop....what if he is an enemy of Arnav who is making use of the situation...maybe Arnav will be alert after seeing the changes in Khushi

  10. We still need Arnav confession on Why he killed his father...Am sure their must be a solid reasons here...And am sure he's an undercover cop as i said it earlier and Aman too is an officer...Khushi cant be that stupid to trust that shyam jha...Hope she make a wise decision here...Not just thinking about her freedom which will make her choose shyam...Waiting for Next Part...

  11. just don't chose to side with shyam... right from the ipkknd times I hate that snake , he could never be on good side

  12. The name 'Shyam' is enough to tell me that he is not genuine...Hahahaha...

  13. Hope khushi will not help shyam

  14. Khushi.. don't believe shyam ..he is always a ���� snake

  15. Why I'm feeling as if reading IMMJ2 version over here. Kabir - Vansh and Ridhima. The difference is here cop made an entry post the marriage. I really wish KKG take a wise step than doing something stupid again in fit of anger and freedom

  16. It will be totally foolish and stupid of khushi to believe some stranger that too in just one meet no matter which profession he/she belongs too. I hope khushi is not a fool and dumb one here, she seems quit smart and strong will so hope to see her smartness here.

  17. Shyam Jha - the name that I immensely dislike in IPKKND show and still dislike, honestly. I hope Khushi will not fall easily into the trap and talk of this so-called undercover cop. One never knows if he really is what he proclaims to be... he probably might be a rival of Arnav and just using Khushi to rid of Arnav. Khushi should try to find out the real identity of this Shyam Jha and not acting hastily. If she does what he wanted without confirming this, then she would regret it coz it not only affect her marriage with Arnav, but also Buaji and her father.

  18. Shyam cannot be a cop!! Period.


  19. Honestly not liking this story so far!!

    Not because Arnav's character is some mafia don or bad guy. I love the epic hollywood cult classic "the Godfather" movies and this story reminds me of it. I dont mind the male lead being a bad guy but I find this "Devil king" or "Devil Queen" thing a bit funny! It's actually very funny!

    The only interesting thing I find is Khushi's fight for her freedom! I hope she doesn't give up on that! And also hope that Arnav's character doesn't go dramatic transformation in the end where he suddenly becomes the good guy and everything ends with a happily ever after with a baby on the way ( I am bored of seeing mostly every fiction ending with pregnancy and a baby. It's so clitche for evey love story to end like that) I am hoping for a better ending to this story given its different story line!

    1. Hey same, I feel uncomfortable reading "Devil" in between too.
      I'm pretty sure Madhu ends the story that way to feel contended lol.

  20. Khushi is really a stupid if she choose to trust a stranger

  21. Nice update...
    It buaji also has some hidden secret

    Arnav seems to be destroying all bad mafia activities and people..
    Hope khushi find more and that shyam.

    Looking forward

  22. Unable to imagine what will happen in coming days...but strangely excited

  23. I don’t think Shyam is a cop. He is more like someone who works for sehgal. Hope khushi will not help and take Arnavs side. She has to trust that he is a good person. I’m sure arnav is not into human trafficking. Let’s see. Thank you sis!

  24. Bua ji's story did seem so fake and irritating because how conveniently she said he killed my husband, first of all no child could ever accept someone in his mother's place after few days of his mother's demise. It's heartless to even think of. She got married, she could have disagreed too, why can't she be nanny just like khushi's father did, come on, got married to her once friend's husband and expecting the son would accept her..wah... hypocrisy at it's best. Rest shyam is a mystery.. let's see what khushi does.

  25. Please Devimaiya, showed good path to khushi. Don't make her to fall for shyam.
    Khushi is very confused and confusing. Hope she will go with clear mind and strongly.
    I loved how she used her rights and decide
    Waiting for next update dear

  26. Why all the things Shyam told I feel it's a lie... And y I have a feeling that Arnav is finishing the dark world slowly....

  27. Arnav & Aman will be under cover cop I guess so😁

  28. I don’t think Shyam is a cop and he is using Khushi against Arnav. I hope Arnav will. Come to know about their conversation.

  29. You are idiot khushi if you trust that shyam.This name gives negative feelings. Hope khushi don't do some stupidity and lands in problem

  30. I wished Khushi don’t trust Shyam.. hopefully only she should Believe her husband Arnav .. I’m sure Arnav hate his be drugs deal .. he love his mum a lot .. awesome written madhu

  31. I dont know how but Shyam gave me good vibes eekksss

  32. I'm eagerly waiting for the update of YOTBM.

  33. Aha Shyam and undercover cop 🙄
    Why I feel this Buaji is not good as she tried to show. I feel shyam is her son and today she fed wrong story to khushi. I feel buaji is the one who gave shyam about khushi's whereabout and all the info. Arnav is not bad not even his father was. I think someone else killed his father. May be Shashi knows Arnav is good. Arnav will definately catch it but Khushi shouldn't betray him.

    1. Wohoo you really made me rethink about buaaji's character...

  34. Shyam has always been a fraud is what I think... And if arnav was a drug lord, involved in abduction, Human trafficking and other crime... He wouldn't have denied khushi's marriage with seghal and destroying drug factory is yet another case...
