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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content


Hello Readers, 

Hope you all are doing good. Missed chatting with you all so here I am. 

Opened this post exclusively to communicate with you all. Any questions related to my Arshi fictions or eBooks are welcome.

Before you all ask, today and tomorrow I am not posting any full updates. Only precap for You Ought to be Mine Season 3 will be updated tonight. Full updates will be back from Monday 31st May 2021.



  1. Hi Madhu! I am following you from your Facebook days. I have read about all of your books. I have few questions for you.. how ahead before penning down do you think of the story.. I mean do you think of whole plot and start adding characters then start writing chapter 1?

    1. Hello Swarna. To be honest, I don't think about the whole plot at the beginning. It's just a scene that comes into my mind and I use that spark to frame a whole plot.. I don't even draft the outline. Never done that for Arshi fictions. But for my eBooks, I do think of the whole plot, outline it roughly what should go in every chapter and then begin writing.

  2. Did you take any coaching regarding writing . Because you are good and natural..

    1. No I never took any kind of coaching. Never got time for that. Its been a decade now that I am writing on Arshi.. But I would love to join a literature course someday. Fingers crossed.

  3. Do you have any inspiration to any of your characterizations? Do you do research regarding, story plot or their qualifications or any other things

    1. For Arshi fictions here, I think IPKKND show is enough for my inspiration. I do watch the episodes on Hotstar app every week.. And that brings so many new ideas in my head for my new ffs. Coming to the eBooks, I do tend to do some research based on the plot.. like if I need to write something about a place, where the characters seem to be travel and all, I look for that place on google and do my own research.. But the characters.. they are in my head when I begin the plot.. I just sketch a few of their traits and the story begins... lol

  4. Madhu I feel that you ought to be mine 3 is coming to end soon?

    1. Yes. But not without 8 - 10 chapters still. The family still has to unite and learn to live together.

  5. I had seen you to differentiate the thinking pattern between the characters. I mean most of your men will think like any other male and likewise for women.. How do you write conversations.. I found it challenging and interesting.. how do you stay motivated to complete a story.. because sometimes may be difficult

    1. Actually even my family keeps me telling me why all your Heros are rich and billionaires all the time. LOL. I dont know but I think I can write easily about such characters. But then for a change there are stories like Love A Rebellion where Arnav is not rich, Khushi is and she is the dominant character in it. I hope to write such strong characters for my female leads too in future. Talking about conversations, when I begin to write a dialogue, my mind immediately pokes me its reply which should come from the other character. Role play of both the characters happens in my head and I just keep jotting their conversations however cute, romantic or intense, on my word doc..

  6. Hello madhu hope you are doing good.I love all your fiction.Can we get any new fiction with the concept of your old fiction The Wait.

    1. Thats on my mind from long. So Yes, that is surely coming soon

  7. Hello Madhu can you a sincere advice to wannabe writers.. where is the point to start?

    1. Read books ... a lot of them in the genre you interested to write in. That gives you ideas on how to plot, about the characters u can write about and much more. And stop procrastination. Just write today. anything. Even a single paragraph is enough to start with. Dont write daily if you dont want to but fix a time in a day / week to do this.

  8. Hi I am a huge fan of your fictions from Facebook days. It's really difficult for me to choose one fiction but my favourite is Rise of the Devil and You Ought to be mine. My question to you is will we see Khushi's character similar to Love a Rebellion and Lawful Sins in future. And also the Bride of Sheesh Mahal will it have a new season.

    1. Yes yes Yes.. Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3 is coming in a new avatar with lots thrilling and goosebumps scenes. I have a fabulous plot in mind. It will be out next month. Stronger/ bolder and dominant Khushi is always a treat to read. But I am yet to think of a plot for this. So when it comes, you will read that too here. I promise

    2. Yes, yes. Bride of sheesh mahal was something else. The supernatural genre is always exciting and thrilling to read. I too want this type of khushi who had a upper hand on arnav and everyone like he had normally 😜 it will be a treat to watch.

    3. I can’t find Bride of sheesh mahal 1 have you taken that off?

    4. Shamz94, yes thats taken out from here and converted into ebook called Cursed Bride which is on Amazon. But the character names have changed too.

  9. Hi Madhu I am Divya I like your stories and I am following you from your Facebook days nearly for six years I am following your stories I have a small request can you upload the old stories that you have posted on face book I like toread that stories pls and i am a fan of your stories

    1. All my Facebook completed stories are already on this blog. Links to the same here -

    2. Hi Madhu I saw you are ready to write the old plots also can you pls write some plots like the family is against khushi affair with arnav where they try to convince the family for their marriage and please write the old FF Di ke liye I am a very big fan of that FF

    3. Di ke liye was hilarious.. and witty.. LOL Very short too. I have so many requests for future plots.. Hard to pick and confirm. Wish I could write them allll. maybe I will.. But might take time.. and by the time I finish with them... another round of new plots will come up.. It's a never ending demand I Guess.. And I simply love it

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You have said many times before that you are not comfortable writing the mature stuff when ppl asked you to write, but not i see you have started writing way more bold and mature content contrast to your previous work. Mature not is the sense of s*x but other than that you have started writing everything related to it like sexual thoughts, sexual feelings, sexual reactions, sexual needs and all. I wanted to ask how did this change happened?

    1. Yes, that just happened and it wont be extended beyond that for sure. LOL. No particular reason why and how.. But yes, mature scenes in terms of their feelings and needs and reactions will be a part of the ffs.. (wherever needed) but not beyond that.

    2. Thanks dear for replying<3

  11. Why have you started making the leads in a typical patriarchal type? I feel that your writing style have modified alot e.g the POVs system before it wasn't there but now it has, but did your beliefs also have changed? I believe so, it, it seems so. Like except for maze2 all your female leads are a novice in simple term virgins even where she had brought up in foreign world, but thats not the case with the male lead and i guess i don't need to list or explain it more as you know more as you have written them. Why is that? Is there a particular reason behind it? Or its just me, who have noticed it now but it was the same from the start?

    P.S: My sincere apologies if any of my words come out wrong and hurt anyone's feelings as it was not the intention.

    1. patriarchal type - I just mentioned it in a comment above. I do write a lot of strong rich men and I don't have any particular explanation to that. That surely doesn’t mean I consider women weaker than men. I believe it’s the opposite in fact. If the men in my stories are dominant, just imagine how much power the women have to give a strong competition to him and make him fall in deep mad love and change his old nature and make him a better man?

      I don’t think my beliefs have changed. I still dislike men who date who have a chain of Ex behind them and later they finally fall for the right one and get settled. But can we really control the past of anyone? We can’t! And I believe when a couple dates, they should cut off all ties of their past relationship connections and focus on their present and future with each other. No cheating. No lies.. No deceit. That has always been the reason why I never showed Arshi in extra marital relationships in my ffs.

      Coming to Khushi being novice, I suppose that comes from the inspiration from IPKKND. So despite all my stories being completely different from each other and the main IPK plot, I still feel to have retained a few traits of the characters.

    2. Thanks for your detailed ans....

      Even i don't like it when one of the couple had chains of relationships without respecting the dignity of it while the other spends whole life waiting and protecting it for the same person. Dignity matters the most to me, and for me its wrong and unfair for one from the couple to have relationships before marriage without any respect of loyalty and morals while the other never gets the chance of being the only or first man/woman of his/her life unlike him/herself. And mostly its men only. Why just men? Why not women too? Nowadays everyone is on the same page and this should be the case as this is fair for both of them. I know we can't change it in real life or have a control, but in reel life we can, right! So thats why i always prefer to have leads on the same page atleast in the fictions unlike the non fiction situations.

    3. I totally understand. Men and Women might be on the same page but history of men I have known, heard or read about so far, shows they tend to have more past failed relationships than a woman. But again, that can vary based on our individual experiences.

    4. Im sorry if im asking too much and sound imposing too much, but its just a request, plz don't make arnav non-virgin and khushi a virgin like your previous ffs Plz, its just a request consider it if you can.

    5. Even i hood for the same its soooooo unfair towards a girl to not be the first of someone who doesn't even know what it is actually means from who union of bodies is not sacred buy just hormonal and pleasure who took it just as a physical need humiliating the sacracy of it how fair n justified it is tht the person u r giving ur most prized possession have already gave his in the name of need how logical it is to first go sleeping around bt want a pure girl at the end and say "we are one now, we have become one, we two body one soul" what!!! If sleeping wd your wife is "becoming one, one soul" tht how many time n wd how many u hv become one soul when you were sleeping around? Its funny actually if a man sleeps around before marriage thn he is nit to be blamed by is justified by his environment by his physiology by surrounding by machoism by his immaturity by hormones by upbringing but whn it is a girl either all these factors become invisible or she is simply called names sl*t, who*e, mistress n all waow how fair

  12. From where do you take the inspiration or ideas for the plot from? And do you plan the whole story before penning it down or change it according to your readers reviews?

    1. To be honest, I don't think about the whole plot at the beginning. It's just a scene that comes into my mind and I use that spark to frame a whole plot.. I don't even draft the outline. Never done that for Arshi fictions. But for my eBooks, I do think of the whole plot, outline it roughly what should go in every chapter and then begin writing.

      Changing the plot based on the reviews is rare but if the reviews really change my own beliefs at that point, I tend to do so.. but not without careful consideration.

  13. What do you think about the rape plot? Many ppl say in other writing platforms that it is not a plot thing or a thing to gain readers which is illogical, for me. What to you think about writing a rape plot? Have you ever thought of it or ever would?

    P. S: If you do, it will be mind blowing.

    1. No. I don't think I can ever write on this. It's too sensitive subject for me. I know writers can spread social awareness against such things by penning down such incidents but I am not that brave enough to do it. I seriously cant!! I pray no one ever faces that situation in life and every man/woman are safe on this earth.

  14. Hi madhu big fan . Can you try college romance pls

  15. What about the request of arshi version of tanhaiyan? Are you actually willing too or not? Im asking coz i just don't wanna trouble you asking the same thing again and again which you don't wanna do its not a good thing, so want to clarify...

    1. To be honest, not this year for sure. Already have Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3 and an FF of Arnav twin, similar to the old ff of mine during my India Forums times ..(The Wait) coming up this year. So if I do get a plot for Tanhaiyan, I will surely update here.

    2. Okay😔....

      BTW twin arnav sounds interesting... Your previous ff!!! Would you mind giving some spoiler on it plz, i didn't read it before.

    3. ROFL. Dont ask. I have forgotten a few to be honest. But I remember the names - Legal Sins, Di ke liye, I own you in every way, Forcibly Yours, Swept memories, The wait, and so many more.. HUH!! Even today a few readers keep asking me for those links but I dont have them anymore.. I deleted those works.. But if I get a chance to write them without mature scenes, I would love to.

    4. I miss your that work .... I remember on our request u would update 2 ffs even twice in a day .... I wish I could read them again

    5. "Writer" why do you deleted those previous ff? And was that ff include mature scene that was the reason?

    6. Yes I deleted them all because of the mature content in them.

    7. Oky,am glad to know that.Though I miss reading them yet am happy with your this decisionthis it is my personal opinion.🤗 And let me tell you one of my honest opinionfrom my heart__ Sister your writing styles till when I start reading your ff "Amaze" me not for the storyline itself. But I as a reader highly appreciate your writing styles when without any mature content you do write each paragraph or your writing romantically, emotionally & passionately that's the reason this is the quality & quantity of your writing skill that I highly appreciate wholeheartedly.

  16. The patience you show while writing and completing a fiction is really commendable...The continuity in your writing skills amazes have kept that essence of Arshi alive in my life...and I am very grateful to you ...I want to know who is your favourite Arshi story writer and will there be a new season of my new boss?

    1. Thank you Priyanka. I haven't read any other Arshi ffs apart from mine since 2013 but before that I used to read a few in India forums. Hard to recall their usernames now. :(

    2. New Boss Season 3 sounds exciting and office romance has always been my favorite romance trope. I will think about it. Maybe a short story of 15 - 20 parts.

    3. Thank you Madhu... office romance is my favourite too♥️

    4. Absolutely my fav. Enemies to lovers is my next fav and Possessive ASR like the one in Rabba Ishq Naa Hove season 1 and Badtameez is my top favorite.. lol

    5. The first story of yours I read is My new boss season 1 and it is still imprinted on my soul

  17. Hi Madhu. I don't have any question to ask you. I just want to use this thread as an opportunity to thank you for your continuous effort to keep Arshi alive through your writing.
    Thank you would be a small word for you, as you are writing relentlessly for us on our favorite characters. Love you.

    1. Thank you Sharmin. This thread will be open :) HUMESHA (Arshi Style)

    2. I totally agree with Sharmin.. Thank you so much Madhu, reading your FFs is a stress buster and a mode of enjoyment for you. Don't know how many times a day I visit your page to check for new update.

  18. Hi madhu ...i hope u r doing good..madhu can u try to write Arshi family plot ff baby and Arshi...

  19. Hi madhu ...i hope u r doing good..madhu can u try to write Arshi family plot ff baby and Arshi...

    1. Family plot with baby is just finished.. Like Yaadein.. But will surely add more if I have anything in my mind soon.

    2. Yaadien, teri ore, jiya jale jan jale, maze2 too are of the same genre dear you can enjoy them.

  20. Hey ever thought of writing a next season for deserted love? or jiya jale jaan jale

    1. Deserted love and JJJJ are like masterpiece for me.. I seriously loved the emotional angles these stories had. I will surely like to write the next seasons of these ffs. But too much full for this year. :(

  21. Hey ...I hope u r doing well... .madhu can u try to write a story where Arnav is obsessed with khushi like in Rabba...Ishq Naa Hove - Season 1..

    1. Will try... Obsession of Arnav is mostly there in all FFs but of course Rabba Ishq Naa hove he was more than that... He stalked her too initially. So yea.. That ASR Stands out.. I already have so many requests for season 2 of most of my FFs here that I am confused when will I fulfil them all? :(

  22. Ever thought of writing, hidden affair like hidden marriage 😜...

    I always imagine what it wud be like if there was khushi in place of lavanya and lavanya in place of khushi, in the show with the changes of longer duration of the affair, arnav actually serious about it and family hell bent on marrying him to ms.gupta(lavanya) 🤣 imagine arnav in a secret relationship, a bitchy khushi, mamiji going gaga over khushi and someone else teaching khushi sanskar and all 😜😜😜

    1. Good one. One of my Arshi reader plus friend had suggested me this. I am so full of ideas for that one too.... LOL.

    2. You can write short stories on all of it 😜 ... I mean its not necessary to write ffs with more than 60+ parts coz tbh its more intriguing to read new, new plots even if short stories than long, long stories of some plots... I hope you don't mind ❤

    3. The problem with short stories is that they have to be fast paced and I dont get much chance to explore the characters or give a deep point of view. This has been one the reason why I avoid short stories and even if I do take up, I tend to extend it beyond the number of parts I had earlier decided to wind up.

    4. Exactly "Writer" that's was the reason I did avoid reading SS.Short Story, I just feel like short story can't explore the character that my reader mind want to read.

    5. Why not only OS

  23. Hi Madhu, when can we expect maze 3 with more aashi with arshi as parents bonding

    1. I already have so many requests for season 2 and 3 of most of my FFs here that I am confused when will I fulfil them all? :(

    2. Hi Madhu, can we expect on story line with both being successful in their career but in different lines like one in business and other is in medicsl or research fields

    3. Madhu u can create a poll to vote..u can write the story whose vote is major..

    4. Good idea. But for now two are confirmed : 1. The Wait 2. Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3

  24. Hello Madhu i have been following you since your facebook days and i am a big fan. Just wanted to know if you will be writing any office based ff on arshi because it's been long since you have continued with your idea? I wish you do, office based ff are my favourites.💋💋 And just wanted to say i have read all your books and i loved them sooooo sooooo much.💋❤

    1. Hey yes.. a request similar to that is already here. Office based romance are seriously great.. so full of ideas.

    2. Hope to read them soon😍😍

  25. hey madhu,
    just wanted to thank you for writing so many arshi stories.
    your blog is like a treasure for arshi lovers.
    one can spend days reading your ffs.
    just read a comment that you are planning to write bride of sheeshmahal 3.
    my favourite genre.
    thank you for interacting with your readers.
    it feels so good to talk to you.
    thanks once again

    1. Hey thank you. yes Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3 is up... soon

    2. Hi Madhu Di! I am her son here. I want to ask, BOSM 3 will be a supernatural one like previous seasons?
      All your fictions are superb!!

  26. Hii Madhu di.. just an ardent reader of your stories.. your stories are just tooo amazing and u keep Arshi alive through ur stories..we owe you alot for this..thank you sooo much..pleasee continue to write on them.. Can we get another season of Love A Rebellion?? Plzz

    1. Thank you. Love a Rebellion was different because of Khushi's strong character. She was grey in the beginning and then turned good and humble. Also, I loved the Arnav-Maami bond in it. So adorable. Will try a season 2 for this one.

    2. Thank you so much di :)

  27. Hi Madhu.. been a fan of you since Facebook like most of the readers here.. I don't wanna ask you anything because my question is asked by some other reader already and you have answered it already.. have been waiting for the wait since long and I'm so glad you'll be writing it this year.. hugss for being so considerate :) XX

  28. Hi Madhu...I am a regular reader of your stories from God knows when!😀
    I just want you to write an arshi story in the College scenario...I soo wish to see how you will make that happen..because u got such an awesome skill wth u😊 present favrt arshi story of urs is you ought to be mine...hope it does not end soo sooon..wht about kushi s parents in it?wht happened to them in actual?
    Eager to see ..arshi nok jhok ..aftr their consummatn in it😉

    1. You Ought to be Mine will end in 8 - 10 parts and no Khushi's parents track in it. I never had plans to include it and hence she was shown as an Orphan from the very beginning. College romance, yes someone here has requested it too. :)

  29. Hi madhu. Really big fan of yours. Love your writing style and every ff of yours is amazing. Hoping you are safe and healthy 🙂

    I just have request if you can write story where arnav have hidden marriage or hidden affair with khushi and noone knows in family about it. Arnav always help out khushi whenever see need him. But I want khushi like serial one and not lavyana type but a educated, modern and independent girl but really a charmer for gupta family. Do think about it.

    Please don't end out to be mine soon. It so good ff. Not able to see if it end.🙁

    Hoping to see new ff in coming months.

    1. Hey Priti... You Ought to be Mine will end in 8 - 10 parts :( but will it give it the end it deserves. And Hidden marriage type story!! Hmm.. cannot assure anything for now will try my best

    2. Will wait for the more wonderful ff to come and read it. Best writer I have ever seen..

  30. Hey Madhu Dii,
    I am following your writing from IF . Thank you for being such a marvelous writer and giving us so many interesting books.
    Do you like any other pair except Arshi?

    1. Thank you Abika. No other pair can replace Arshi but these days i am watching a serial on star plus - Mehndi hai rachne waali and like that Raaghav - Pallavi pair. Very cute nok jhok they have.

  31. Hi Madhu
    Unlike most of your readers, I’m a late entrant to the IPKKND universe, having seen the show only in 2019. I stumbled upon my first fanfic shortly after and read 100’s of them in the last year and a half. Must say, your stories are among my favourites and going by the post I can see I have unfortunately missed a lot of your earlier ones. I’m sure they all were fabulous as your style of writing is incredible – the detailing of the characters, set-ups and plots is so imaginative. The description of the scenes makes it feel like it’s a show you are watching rather than a book you are reading. I’ve actually re-read most of your works on this blog.
    I saw it in your earlier comments about you preferring to write ASR as a rich, billionaire (and sometimes playboy) character and Khushi as a naïve girl – and honestly that’s how I picture them as well. In others where there is slight character shift but their dating history is similar, it’s still a treat. I just have a small (tiny-tiny) grievance. If you could show the perpetrator repenting a little more. I know in some of your stories like YOTBM Arnav has, but in other’s where he isn’t that cruel, his sins are almost white-washed. And in a lot of them Khushi is physically attracted to him to overlook everything else and he takes advantage of that. In some like Imposed Vows 3 or Raizada Gods, I feel Khushi should’ve also been taught a lesson, especially in Raizada Gods where she practically stalked him and then complained once they got married that he isn’t changing for her, I love that in JJJJ and YOTBM 3 you’ve shown a better balance. Some of your other storylines are amazing till the point of repentance and then it feels unsatisfying. I know life’s unfair but that’s one of the reasons we turn to fiction. If anything I’ve said has offended you, I apologize in advance. I like your work so much that I have unreal expectations regarding them.
    All the best and look forward to reading more and more of your stories!

    1. Thanks dear. I will keep this in mind and surely adopt in my future works.

    2. Thanks for the reply and such a relief that I didn't offend one of my favorite writers. Honestly I will enjoy reading your stories, irrespective of the change, but would probably appreciate them better with the balance. Thanks again for hearing me out. Take care.

  32. Hey,i wanted to ask why your new arnavs are now becoming womanizer or casanova like your india forum's arnavs?ur FB arnavs were decent and moralistic but now again they are becoming a man who*e .you are saying that you are going to bring reboot version of your old ff the wait, here, so is thr too he is going to womanizer? It was a good story and a concept but i had to left it as soon as i read about his lose character. I hope now i don't have too.

    1. "new arnavs are now becoming womanizer or casanova " ---- The Arnav I had in my latest 10 FFs, in only two he seemed to have a playful life (Badtameez) And in the ongoing ffs, only in You Ought to be mine 3 he had a colorful past in US. In Rise of Devil and Locked he is totally a sane!!

      The wait plot will be different than what it was before. The only similarity will be that ASR has a Twin here.

    2. No please don't change the plot of "the wait.." as the previous old FF had just few parts before it got off and we want the same to continue just like yaadein..

    3. And the Arnav in the wait wasn't a womaniser.. he was in love with Khushi.. my request please don't change the plot.. atleast not the overall plot of both the brothers in love with the same girl

  33. M also in for requests like
    arshi virsion of taanhaiyan,
    bride of sheesh mahal,
    Arshi virsion of ASR-LA of ipk show,
    Raizada god,
    JJJJ S2... I loved the track where khushi decided to sign off her role as a wife i read it on lope its so amazing , satisfying n different way oh her handling way of issues and making arnav taste his own medicine its so intriguing tht i wished to read tht track again somewhere.

    1. Aww. the list is too big!! But yes.. JJJJ Strong Khushi is my favorite too.

  34. Hi Di,

    I have been reading your stories for the past 9 years and the thing that made me to stick to you was your writing style. It was one of your stories where you had described Arnav to be chatting with his friend while eating an apple and that made me wonder, "How could she describe such minute details that it makes me imagine the scene so perfectly?". And trust me this is only page I follow every day for Arshi stories. I have liked almost every story of yours and I have a request - Can you please write a story on Arshi where both belong to middle class families and live an ordinary life? I know it's difficult but it would be more realistic. In most of the stories either Arnav is rich or Khushi is. I want to read one story where both are commoners. Please.

  35. Hi Madhu am ur big fan from u in facebook but that time also I didn't get the chance to read full story of ur wait and forcibly urs season 1 and 2 so pls can u tell me where I can read those ur wonderful stories because wait stories had only 11 parts and forcibly urs also deleted from the site pls can u re-upload it wants to read that awesome stories only one or two parts only now available can u consider it pls

    1. No dear. I don't have these works anymore. I myself deleted them all. Was the toughest decision of my life but I took it and no more a remorse. So, nope these works will no longer be published anywhere.

  36. Hi di first of all you are wonderful writer and I want to ask you was forcibly mine season 1 and 2 your stories Becoz it was written by madhu123

    1. Yes they are my stories and I wrote them back in India forums under the user name madhu123

  37. hi madhu i loved khushi character from raizada god and arnav fron rabba ishq na hove 2.... can you make khushi arnavs compititors wife??where they cross each other on way of so much disaster in life??

    1. Competitors Wife? OMG!! I can keep her his Competitor's Sister/ daughter for sure.. but wife? lol

  38. Hi madhu..I just love your all stories.india forum se follow karte hai apko..har roj subha apke 3 update are the..aur hamari morning apki story read karke hoti thi..then suddenly you Stoped fav was maze ..I wish app unn stories ko complete karke india forum quit kar sakte the..but it's ok..loved your all Stories..keep writing.. don't quit

  39. Madhu, why nowdays i feel like you amend your story lines and your plot based on readers comments on each chapters? I truly want to read your original idea...your thoughts... Pls don't get influenced by readers comments...

    1. It's very rare that I change my plot based on the readers comments and point of views. I really need to be convinced if I have to do so.. Still, will keep your suggestion in mind.

  40. Hi madhu,hope u r doing good,tc,I love ur all stories,pls consider jiya jale ,thanhaiyan , desert love,yadein like stories more good and intense v feel the pain of characters through ur writing ,keep writing

    1. Yes, i totally agree.. These are the stories with very intense storylines... Especially Jiya jale and Yotbm part 1. My heart beat for Arnav and Kushi in these stories....

  41. Is bride of sheesh mehal 3 going to be supernatural like that of 2?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Would you like to make it on tv. Although it's fanfictions but they all extremely different from the show ?

  44. Hi 🙋‍♀️ Madhu,
    Hope you’re doing good 🥰
    I’m always a big fan of your stories since FB. You’re an amazing writer and the way you create a story plots a always awesome 👏
    Thank you so much Madhu for giving us your time. Heartiest wishes for your future writing.

  45. As you have said after some time you are bringing new ff called wait with the twin male lead plot. I want to tell that something before i had read this similar plot's story but it was very short and uncompleted but whtever it was, it was so interesting. There khushi was married to arnav's twin dhurov with baby on the way... Arnav's lives abroad and was raising his late frnd couple toddler without anyone's knowledge... After marriage khushi and arnav hadn't got the chance to interact or to get connected but during college life in abroad they both have meet for sometime during college trips, got connected and arnav fell for her but they parted and khushi met his twin somehow and fell for his twin n gets married while arnav decided to remain single... When arnav had come to india to meet his twin they met wd an accident and the twin dies bt anjali(whole family loves dhurove over arnav more for sone reasons and loves khushi too as thy are bffs)forces arnav to pretend to be dhurov and tell the world the arnav had died as khushi had complication in her pregnancy and loved dhurov immensely so wud nt be able to digest the truth so arnav for the sake of his bro's lady love and also for his hidden love accept it but always felt terrible n cheating on his bro whenever khushi come close to him or needed him... Here khushi too started to suspect his behavior and arnav even brings his adopted daughter and khushi happily accept her both were trying to adject with the new changes... Thats it... The story and arnav dilemma had just started between acting out on his feelings and feelings of cheating on his bro wd his wife who doesn't even got the chance to mourn over her husband's death n do the funeral rituals but it was left in between was soooo interesting and intriguing how wud arnav control his feelings for khushi and cheating, how wud khushi know abt the truth, how wud she react, how wud arnav handle her, what will happened to them, will khushi be ever composed herself or not, wud ahe forgive them or not, wud arnav get the love he deserves which he nevwr got before... I so wished that ur story is similar to this as i know wd ur skills it will become even more mind blowing...

    1. Hey thats a good one. But the plot of my old ff was diff likewise the one which will come up soon here with that same title is different too. No babies here for sure.

    2. Oh ok no compulsion anyway wtever u writes is always enough in itself...

  46. Will u write that deleted stories once again in this blog can u wants to read them because I only read ur facebook stories not in india forums blog so pls any chance pls consider it my request

    1. No dear. I don't have these works anymore. I myself deleted them all. Was the toughest decision of my life but I took it and no more a remorse. So, nope these works will no longer be published anywhere.

  47. Hi madhu!ur stories are great.. I have a request.. Plz write another mystery story... Like bride of sheesh mahal season 2...u told in the last part of the story that u will write a season 3...will u plz write??? Plz

    1. Yes that season 3 is coming soon.. I will post a sneak peek of it next month.

  48. Hi Madhu, I’ve a request. Can you please bring back the Arshi version of the FF ‘Stardom’? It was one of my favorites ☹

  49. Hi madhu!!i love ur stories so much...i have saved all ur stories in my phn so that i can read them whenever i want...all of them are damn good..
    I hv a request.. Will u plz write a story about arshi with their new born twin..a story full of arshi with their new born twin will be great to read how they handle their little version.. Will u write??plz plz..if not now then another time...plzzz

    1. Will try to incorporate this into some of my story ending if u like. For a whole story on this.. need a side plot too and if I get one, will surely write. What say?

    2. Sure!!tnk u to consider it..lots of love and hugs and kisses

    3. Will there be any link between bride of sheesh mahal season 2 and 3??

    4. No there wont be any link between them. A complete new plot

  50. Please update the precap now.. can't wait..:(

  51. "Writer" I did read your story from Facebook & I guess I didn't read all your story, start reading from the middle of your writing about Arshi. On your website any time I try to read your old story did read 1 or 2.

    But the thing, I want to tell you this problem is bothering me for a long time that is your fiction chapter link. I mean to say when I click to read an old or new story I have to read this in one go. Suppose I read till chapter 20 in a day, then the next day to read chapter 21 I have to scroll down till chapter 20 next part option again till I reach chapter 21.

    The same problem goes round on round for next day reading, that is super irritating "Writer" I don't know my explanation is clear or not for you to understand. I just want you to create you to create a chart/table for each story-specific chapter link. It will make the read of your fiction easy for my reader's mind.

    Thanks "Writer"

    1. Hi

      I faced a similar situation, although most of the times I read the story in one go. Anyway, you can type
      "Madhu (author's) name + Story name + chapter number"
      in your search browser you would like to read and then proceed from there. I did that for stories like Yaadein and The Royal Fling and it worked.

      Most of her stories have all the chapters as a single link or max spread over 2, except the latter few for which you can try the above. Hope it helps!

    2. I totally get this issue. What I can do is, post all the links of every part on the first chapter only. Thats the best solution but will take some time to do this. Please remind me if I dont do it for the completed ffs by 15th June.. OKay?

    3. Yey,thanks "Writer" for your consideration. Will try to remind you again about this issues by 15th June.

    4. Anonymous, Friend thanks for your suggestion. I will search as per your suggestion, it will be easy. And No,I didn't find "Most of her stories have all the chapters as a single link or max spread over 2" am confused all the time that I can't read specific chapter.

    5. But its more convenient to read a in one go method, that way no chap can be missing n we don't have to wait for the buffering of every chap n even if one time we open it n let it buffered thn we can read the story even wdout the Internet connection. There r so many advantages of one go read method. Your problem can simply be solved by 1st the way given by "anonymous" way and second tht don't close the tap after reading , the page once buffered didn't buffer again n you can start reading from the same page where you have left if you don't close it. I do the same.

  52. Madhu why don't you write a story in which arnav is boss and khushi as his pa . She will fall in love and arnav is a playboy and they breakup. Later khushi is gets pregnant and arnav won't know about his child which he will get to know later. But show khushi as strong women who will teach arnav a lesson and happy ending. Please write a story on this

    1. I think I have already read this kind of plot somewhere. Not sure where though. Office romance is there on my list for now. Pregnancy track in that or not.. will let you know when I begin

    2. Wattpad is full of stories like these....

  53. Hey Madhu. The publicist, when it was in part 20 was the first time I stumbled upon fan fictions for the first time ever in my life. And from then there has been no looking back.
    I think its been more than 6 years now, and yours is the only page I visit multiple times a day. And I don't even know how many times I've reread all your ffs. Your works are a solace to me and my day is incomplete without your update.
    You have also inspired me to write and I had a lot of questions to ask you, but was really surprised to see someone who shares my name (Swarna) has already asked all the questions which I wanted to ��
    I just feel blessed I stumbled upon your work and you are always there in my prayers.
    Thank you for being who you are to us!

    1. Swarna Pavithra.. :) I am so glad that I have such ardent readers on this page like you all..

  54. The one question I have now in mind is, how do u tackle a writers block? And on an average, how much time do u spend in drafting an update on a daily basis?
    Just curious to know the writer's part in bringing such soulful stories to us!

    1. I have faced writers block in stories like Lawful Sins 2, The Royal Fling and even The Raizada Gods recently. And everytime I have, I re-read the previous parts and imagine what the characters would do differently at a particular situation. I have mostly felt this only in Arshi fictions.. as I dont plot them end to end. But for the eBooks I write, since I plan in advance the outline for every chapter, writers block is not really a problem.

  55. Hello sister. Just one question as this bothered me for a long time. Whose love is deserted in deserted love season 1? Why Ashi wanted her sister to marry arnav?

    1. Aashi's love was deserted here as despite being so close to marrying her love, she couldnt. Arnav's love is also deserted as he couldnt marry his lady love and had to witness her death. Since Aashi and Khushi were twins but Aashi knew all her sisters traits and believed that after her Khushi could keep Arnav happy. She asked that kind of promise from them. When I wrote that FF, this question haunted me too why would Aashi do that? If she had ever seen or felt Khushi's soft corner for Arnav too? But that doesnt seem to be an option as Arnav - Khushi never met when Aashi was alive.

    2. I guessed so. It was more of a Ashi and Arnav ff. The moment khushi lashed out at arnav for calling her Ashi was my favorite. To date I still feel khushis pain. Thank you sis!

  56. Madhu is the thread still on??

  57. Hey 👋 Madhu all I can say is your beautiful amazing writer.. all your part 9 years it’s be so amazing superb each ff as they own wonderful concept.. I’m so happy 😃 when I told Sarun about your Arshi stories- hopefully one day sarun them read your ff .. it will dream came true 🙏🧿

  58. Hey 👋 Madhu all I can say is your beautiful amazing writer.. all your part 9 years it’s be so amazing superb each ff as they own wonderful concept.. I’m so happy 😃 when I told Sarun about your Arshi stories- hopefully one day sarun them read your ff .. it will dream came true 🙏🧿

  59. Hey Madhu, if you have time, would like a reply - 2 questions to be precise.
    1) Would want to know your writing schedule in a given day &
    2) Were there any days you didn't feel like writing or you were having a writer's block or were simply bored to write. What did/do you do then?

    1. 1. I write the whole day. Yes. I have eBooks to write too. So from morning to night almost 1:00 am I keep writing unless some other work doesn't need my attention. Obviously I take enough breaks in between for the other daily chores.

      2. Only when I am sick, or have other work to do, I skip writing on that particular day. If at all its Writers block, I read other eBooks on kindle or my own stories to bring fresh ideas in my mind.

  60. Would love to see story of mute Khushi & Arnav falling in love with her 🤩

    1. Mute Khushi... Hmm. But I think I have read this plot too. God knows where.. and when!! I dont read much Arshi FFs of other writers anymore.. But I remember this one.. Probably in India forums.

  61. Sorry I am late but is there a possibility of writing a FF where the villan is not open till the end and an unexpected one who is shrewd like a chess player maybe anji or payal or Nani or akki ?

  62. Hi Madhu, started reading your stories from fb.Thank you for writing such wonderful stories. Imposed vows season 1 was my favourite.Will we get to read the arshi version again?

    1. Unfortunately, Arshi version cannot be posted again for Imposed Vows. I am sorry

  63. Hi Madhu. Well I want to ask you something. My son had always followed your fictions be it on Facebook or Blog here. He loves all your fictions. Well I want to say my child is very crazy for ArShi and loves reading fictions since a long time. Dont know how he got these traits whereas reading a full ledge fictions are not my thing now. Yes! Earlier when I was quite young. I too loved reading novels and all but now as a working woman. Hardly focused in books and so on. My questions are:

    1. How do you manage with working and writing?
    2. How do you get such lovely interesting titles?
    3. How much time you take to write a story part? Do you write every day? In night (like my crazy kid does hahaha) or in daytime?
    4. My kid wanted to create a blog like yours as you know. He always wish to publish his stories on kindle Amazon. Do you think it's a good idea? Is it possible to keep it ArShi version there? Can you help him with that too? Is it a problem for you as we are not from India?
    5. Coming on your stories, please write on My New Boss 3, Strangers 2, Doli 2, Rabba Ishq Naa Hove 3 and Hidden Marriage 3 please. My son really loves those ffs to heart yaar. I know you have a huge full list of new ffs to come up. But at least come with one ff from the list given.

    Well keep it up. Happy writing always Madhu. Take care.

    1. 1. How do you manage with working and writing? --- I can always find time for writing. I write the whole day. Work parallelly. If i cannot write during the day time because of other work, I write during the night. These days I am awake till 01:00 am. Not good. I know rest is must but at times I am hopelessly crazy about these stories that I cannot sleep without penning them down.

      2. When I get a scene or plot in my head, the title automatically comes up. No much thinking there.. and mostly I write season 2 and 3's so no much thinking there either. At times, I get the title first and then decide the plot. LOL

      3. Night times is best for my Arshi fictions to draft. Day time I do my other eBooks. Depends on what scenes I will be drafting in a particular part, so as to decide how quick I can complete that part. Mostly for Arshi fictions, 1 - 2 hours are enough to write one part daily.

      4. Publishing on Amazon is the best idea. Trust me. Blog is good too but if he wants to make it professional, publishing on amazon like platform is must. I would refrain him from keeping the Arshi version there though. And obviously as he would keep writing more on Amazon, he cannot keep the same characters in all books.

      5. Doli 2, Hidden marriage 3 and New Boss 3 is on my mind again. Got a fantabulous plots for a few. Lets see when I can pen them down here.

    2. Hi Madhu,thank you so much for getting back to my queries. Oh great! I hope Hidden Marriage 3 will be interesting like Season 2. Madhu please a request, when you write S3, please dont write in Povs. Hahaha I mean write it normally like Hidden Marriage 2 eg: Arnav:..... Khushi:.....! Its not that povs are not good to read. But just for Hidden Marriage.

  64. You have deleted your India Forums and facebook page. Now will you delete this blog also in future? What made you to delete your facebook page?

    1. I dont think so Anonymous!

    2. She didn't delete her Facebook page dear. As she was sharing her blog link there FB blocked her page .

    3. Right. I didnt delete facebook page. I never can. They blocked me. Apart from India forums account, there was nothing I did intentionally. So no I will never remove this blog page.

    4. Madhu you didn't reply to my queries

  65. Waiting for You ought to be mine 😭😭😭😭

  66. Madhu please write a story in which arnav is a playboy and cheated khushi in college. He will meet her after many years and learns his mistakes.

    1. Wattpad and IF is full of stories like these you can read your desire plot there

    2. Can you please suggest some names?

    3. Oh im sorry there r sooo many n i have come across so many from so many years that i don't remember there names n also coz i actually leave reading stories like these as soon as plots and things like these gets clear to me so sorry can't help you with this :)

  67. Hi madhu di!
    I have been reading your stories from past 5 years, it’s been a wonderful journey for me to travel with you along with my arshi. I will always try to guess what your next scene would be, but you always tops the expectations and turn out differently.
    I literally have no words to appreciate your writing skills,you really are a true and great writer for me always.

  68. Hi Madhu!
    Thank you so much for taking out your time and writing for us. Your effort and hard work has been appreciated by your fans. Keep writing and god bless you always. Stay safe and healthy

  69. Madhu when r u going to update You Ought to be Mine??😥😥😥😥
    From yesterday we r waiting for the update 😞😞😞😞

  70. Hi Madhu, I have been an avid reader of your stories from the Facebook page days. I guess from 2011 and till now my days never gets complete by reading your stories. My favorite stories are all your stories written from starting till now. I was so worried for you when you were not available from a long time this time. Glad that you are back and are with us. Madhu, please write a season 2 in the near future of the following stories:
    1. Strangers
    2. Jiya Jale Jaan Jale
    3. Tanhaai
    4. Tere Liye
    5. Teri Ore
    6. Badtameez
    7. Royal Fling
    8. Yaadein
    Take your time and please do consider my request. You are one of my favorite authors. Madhu, I love you and your writing skills 💞.

  71. Hi Madhu... From 2013 I am reading ur stories... All r good... Keep it up... Imposed vows 1 my favorite.... Read more than 5 time.. Now it moved kindle there also I purchased but missing Arshi there.. If I get original one again I will read... Thank u for ur love... Good work

  72. Hi Madhu , Sad that I missed the online chat. I am following you since your Facebook days and I bought some of your e books also. I love your stories so much don't know how many times I re read those stories. my current favourite is rice of the devil. I love your royal stories . in Srilanka we don't have royal family's and royal palaces so I am fascinating in those stories and eagerly waiting to read bride of Sheesh Mahal season 3.I have no words to appreciate your writing skills. god bless you dear.Love from Sri Lanka.
