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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 22



Chapter 22

Shyam’s POV

I can’t believe this. Just yesterday night Khushi had told me she would do this impossible mission to save the women who were abducted by Jaipal and ever since then she is missing. I tried to contact her number but that’s no longer in use. I wonder if she is safe. Obviously, she is the Devil Queen and the Devil King will leave no stone unturned to save her but I am still liable if anything wrong happens to her. I was supposed to plant two cops inside Jaipal’s Casino last night but once again, someone from the higher authority rejected the plan and asked me not to make decisions related to this case anymore as I was already transferred from it and in 5 days I was even flying out of this city. So, while I couldn’t keep an eye on Khushi to ensure her safety, I am still clueless what happened last night at Jaipal’s club. Had Khushi been there? Did she get that diary? Or did she drop the plan at the last moment? Did Devil King get to know I was coaxing his wife? There were infinite possibilities and all of them made me worry for Khushi’s safety. Fortunately, today morning I got the news that a local team in West Bengal could trace the containers, where the girls were locked up and saved them too. So, whilst I am glad that those women are safe, I am still clueless who gave them that tip? Could we have an insider in the Dark world who is passing such secrets out? With all these thoughts still running in the back of my head, I unlock the door of my small two-bedroom apartment and get inside. The lights are off but I feel goosebumps prickling on my skin. And that only happens when I sense danger around me. I am about to grab the gun from the holster tied on my chest when I hear the sound of another gun unlocking and the next instant the lights turn on and I find the Devil King pointing a loaded gun on my head. He is here? In my apartment? How? This is the most secure place I have and there was no chance for anyone other than me to get in without raising an alarm.

I cannot even retaliate as the Devil King has still pointed the gun at me and he can shoot me dead any moment.

“Finally, we meet.” I smirk. “Have heard so much about you.”

I don’t know why I am initiating a conversation with him? I see another three men in black uniform, inside my freaking house.

“Oops.. Were you planning on a party tonight?” I mock. “Anyway.. What should I call you? The Devil King or Arnav Singh Raizada?”

Devil clutches my collar and pulls me to he living room. He forces me to sit on the couch and then leans over me.

“It won’t take me a second to pull this trigger on you Shyam.” He yells. “And trust me my fingers are itching to do that.”

“Because I failed your plans with Jaipal?” I shout back.

He pushes the gun point on my forehead in anger. “Because you put Khushi’s life at risk.”

I am shocked. So Khushi really means so much to him? And he obviously knows I had met his wife and tried to brainwash her to join hands with me to get evidences against the Devil’s dark world.

“How .. how is she?” I genuinely want to know.

“Safe.” He clenches his jaw. “And she will always be safe henceforth doesn’t matter how many times people like you put her in danger.”

I nod.

“I never thought I would say this but yes, I too want that innocent woman to be safe. She is already repenting marrying you.”

“Shut your effing mouth.”

He raises me back from the couch and pushes me hard on the wall behind. I laugh.

“Devil.. I had heard so much about your power and strength. But.” I shrug. “Didn’t know you will get your guards to protect you from me.”

I wanted to instigate me, but instead he grins.

“These guards are not here for me Shyam. They are here to save you from my wrath.”

I am confused.

“I don’t want to kill an undercover cop.. Not in a mood, you see..” He teases and makes his way to the little rack where I save my liquor bottles. He opens one and pours it in two glasses while continuing the talk. I can’t see him coming to my house and using my stuff like they are his. So I stride to him and I’m about to punch him whne he punches me on my face. “Don’t even try Shyam. I am not here to fight.”

He drinks the liquor in one shot and puts the glass away.

“I came here to warn you. Stay away from me and my wife otherwise our next meet won’t be this polite.”

“Next meet?” I laugh. I am not letting you walk off this door without arresting you.”

“Arresting ME?” Devil laughs again and this time I sense the ease behind it. He is untouchable. Despite he ruling the dark world, we still have no evidences against him for making an arrest. This is why I had to involve his wife. I want to smack his face but that will lead me nowhere. I can still not touch him, or do anything to lock away this man.

Devil strides to me and meets my eyes. His glare is enough to tell me how serious he is about the next words. “Don’t you ever cross my way again, Shyam. Because if you do, I won’t take me a second more to decide your fate.”

I watch him with challenging eyes but to no use. He and his men walk out of my house, and I could do nothing. It freaks me to such an extent that I kick everything in my way to shut the damn door. I have to change the home locking system the first thing tomorrow morning.


Arnav’s POV

I have warned Shyam Jha enough to keep him away from my freaking life but the kind of man he is – loyal, workaholic and restless until he closes a case his way, I don’t think he is going to sit quiet after my stunt today of barging into his house. It wasn’t very hard to find his address. He stayed in the same city as I did, and had returned back from Nainital, to wind up his official duty as he had been transferred to a different case from next week. So officially, he couldn’t touch me again or even dare to use Khushi but unofficially I am sure he will keep an eye on us. Though we both want the same, cleaning the country from the nasty dark world, I cannot share my mission details with him. Hardly a handful of people know about it so far as we cannot sabotage this mission no matter what!! We know there are many corrupt people in the department who unofficially also work for the dark world and I cannot trust anyone at the moment, not even a trustworthy honest cop like Shyam Jha.

I look outside the car, gazing at the dark roads leading me back to Chandra Mahal. Everything seems so quiet and serene. I don’t think I wanted to return to this city again, especially after what happened with me and Khushi back in Nainital. I had been too harsh on her when the truth is, I could get those girls safe only because of Khushi. If she hadn’t stole Jaipal’s diary, we wouldn’t have managed to find the location of those containers so quick. The mission wasn’t a full failure at least because of Khushi, though Jaipal was still on the loose and we were trying to catch him. But Aman had a strong prediction that he hadn’t left the country yet. And even if he had, I would have gone to any place to get him arrested and expose his sins and black market.

The car stops inside the gates of Chandra Mahal and I am greeted by Shashiji who is waiting for me impatiently at the lobby of the Palace. I don’t know what Khushi has told him but the panic in his eyes tell me he was both worried and angry.

“Arnav” He reaches me half way. “I didn’t realize you were coming back tonight. How is everything with the mission?”

I nod.

“Good. It’s in control so far but Jaipal is on loose. We will find him soon.”

He is even more worried now.

“That’s not good news.”

I agree. Jaipal has seen my wife, worse, he is even holding her responsible for what happened back there in his Casino. I don’t want him to even think of harming Khushi. We get inside the house. It’s dark and my eyes automatically scan the first-floor lobby where Khushi’s room light is still glowing. She is awake.

Shashiji hands me a glass of drink and makes one for himself.

“I know Khushi shouldn’t have pulled that act.. It was so foolish of her to do so” he says while I take a swig of my drink. “But she was lucky you were there to save her otherwise..” words choke in his throat. He swallows the drink in one go.

“I have promised to keep her safe” I reply, placing my arm on his. “And that’s never going to change.”

“But.. what if she does something like this again?” he asks worried. “I don’t want her to keep risking her life all the time.”

“She wont.” I assure. “I am going to send her far away from us.. from this place… from our enemies.”

“WHAT?” He glares at me disliking my idea. I know he never wanted that to leave his daughter on her own.

“That’s the only option we have to keep her safe for now.” I add. “I have already started making those arrangements. Khushi will get a fresh new identity and none of her background will ever relate her to us which should keep her alive.”

Slowly, he seems to understand my point.

“The next coming weeks or maybe even months, are not going to be easy for the dark world. We already have Sehgals at our back and now Jaipal. I don’t need to mention, I am still looking for that man who killed my mother.”

I curl my fingers tight on the glass, realizing that was still one of my priority from the time I got to know she was murdered and her death wasn’t an accident. Shashiji looks at me compassionately before nodding in agreement. I put the glass away and exhale.

“Maa paid the price of becoming the Devil Queen once. I don’t want Khushi to pay that too by staying close to me.”

That statement flames my body and I am afraid it might consume me. I remember my mother and the last few moments I spent with her, very clearly. Wish I could do anything to save her that time, or to bring her back from dead now. I rise to my feet putting an end to this conversation.

“I will take some rest. So should you”

He nods and when he sees me turning back to the door, he stops me again.

“Your room is upstairs.”

He doesn’t need to remind me that.

“I am not going to stay with Khushi in her room.”

As if it stuns him, he stares at me for long while I make my way out, to the little villa where I have stayed from the last 5 years in Chandra Mahal. Though me and Khushi shared a room once, in Nainital, I don’t think we could do that anymore. We have kissed too and I know what that does to my body. But since I am going to send Khushi far away from me, I don’t want to have any physical connect with her which can ruin her safety or will power.


Khushi’s POV

I wake up at the sound of the alarm. It’s been two days since I have returned to Chandra Mahal and both the nights, I could hardly sleep. I was awake till long thinking about Devil. I don’t think calling him by that term is fair on my part. He is a savior, a protector of law and most importantly he is my husband. I never thought I will find a man as brave as Arnav Singh Raizada as my life partner who would be on protecting the country kind of mission. It sounds filmy but I love every feeling of it. But after my stunt in Jaipal’s casino, he has strictly decided to send me off to some other country, as if I am some parcel which could be couriered anywhere. Didn’t I have a choice? But I always wished for freedom and he was giving me one then why did it still hurt? I don’t know. These questions have been responsible for my sleepless nights.

I brush my teeth and take a long shower, spending ample of time inside the bathtub first, thinking about my future. If Devil really sends me off this place, I could start a fresh life, meet new people, less troublesome ones and have a normal life like I always wanted to. I am even ready to do a job. I would love to work and even if my home is small, it would be still mine to live.. and every thing inside it, will be from my hard-earned money. I will make friends to hang out with, I will have colleagues to co-work with, managers whose tantrums I would have to bear at times, neighbors to spend time gardening and exchanging home cooked delicacies. I will pet a dog too and will take him out twice every day. Evenings could be more meaningful when I sit by the bonfire with my dog sleeping at my feet while I read the novels and munch some popcorns. And nights…!! I could sleep warm on my cozy little bed… ALONE!!

Alone? Like seriously? The very thought of being alone in a foreign country, despite having friends, colleagues, neighbors, bosses and dog, still leaves a bitterness in my heart. Because all of them cannot replace a life partner. And however hard I try to ignore it, I was still married to Arnav Singh Raizada, regardless of the fact that he was an undercover cop plus the real Devil King in the dark world. Huh!! What a tragedy!!

I come out of the shower and get dressed, lazily. Let me be honest. I have missed Arnav in the last two days and despite he being so cold and ruthless to me during our last meet, I still can understand what he might have gone through seeing me dragged by Jaipal’s security. I was almost at their mercy and if Devil hadn’t been there at the Casino that night, I wouldn’t have been alive today. So, yes, I owe him a thank you and maybe much more than that.

The door knocks and Mala gets inside. She is back here too after my return to Chandra Mahal. She keeps my coffee mug and breakfast on the table. Ever since I have come back, I didn’t speak much to Dad or Buaji. I wanted to spend some time alone and hence my breakfast and lunch was brought to my room. Also, I had realized the guards were super conscious of my existence in the house and I had few extra pairs of eyes, keeping watch on my windows from the outside. I am sure Devil must have done this so that I don’t flee from the windows like the last time I did in Nainital.

“Madhumatiji, has prepared Jalebis for you today. Should I get one plate for you?” Mala asks and I am too happy to deny her. “Okay, let me open these windows first” she is about to get to the windows but I stop her.

“first get the Jalebis. I will open the windows.”

“Okay” she smiles and rushes out.

I slide the heavy curtains and open the windows to let the fresh morning breeze get in the room and my heart stops seeing Devil practicing his shooting in the backyard, wearing those hearing protective device and aiming at the dummy target. I still can’t believe he is back. I thought I would not see him anytime soon. When did he come? Last night? If so, where did he stay at night? We had just started sharing the room, didn’t we? Then why didn’t he knock at my bedroom door? As if he senses my gaze on him and the next instant, he turns around and faces me. In a casual White Shirt, tucked nicely inside his blue jeans, with the gun holster around his waist he has donned the same look he had all the time when he stayed here.. The Devilish look. I could say he had a sleepless night just like me and the way he stared at my face even from a distance, he still felt the same attraction for me which we two had felt in Nainital for each other. But whilst I enjoy his attention, he suddenly turns back to focus on his shooting practice, ignoring me completely. I don’t understand why he even needs to practice so much? I have seen him shooting the goons at Jaipal’s casino and there wasn’t a single shot that he missed. Mala is back in the room and it breaks my chain of thoughts.

“When did the Devil come back?” I ask knowing she might have an idea.

“He came last night.”

I shake my head in disappointment. So, he had plans to avoid me then? That’s why he didn’t come to my room and stayed in his Villa. Not cool!!

“Did Dad have breakfast?” I ask.

“No, but they all will have now in ten minutes.”

“Cool. I will eat with them. Take this tray back.”

She looks little surprised at first but then quickly obeys.

To be Continued.


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  1. Wonderful update. We want one more update plzzzzz

  2. Next update of this pls. Thanks.

  3. So Shyam is really a good & loyal cop... I feel if Arnav & Shyam join hands then they would make a brilliant team & can protect the country which is their mission, more efficiently...

    Does Shashi know about Arnav being an undercover cop in the disguise of the dark world king??

    Khushi's self assessment about her life after getting a new identity is quite tempting but without Arnav in it that life would definitely be tasteless...

    Thanks for the update, Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Awesome Update. Khushi loves Arnav's new identity and wants a normal life. Arnav is attracted towards Khushi even Khushi can feel it. But Arnav busy in shooting. Hope Arnav finds his mother's killer. Arnav don't want Khushi to suffer and loves Khushi. Thanks for the Update😍😍.

  5. So many questions so little answers from devil just silence

  6. One more update pls di🤕❤❤

  7. Shyam is a loyal man towards his duty so, is Arnav I believe. Shashi is part of Arnav’s game. Arnav is searching for his mother’s murderer too. Lovely story.

  8. I can't tell you what this story is doing to me
    Seriously I mean I'm so so so much in love with it
    I can't express in words
    As always loved it 💕💕💕

  9. My favourite is this FF currently.. looking forward to arshi face off

  10. Lovely... thanks for the update Madhu darling 😘😘😘

  11. Shyam is nice here for a change. And like Arnav wants Khushi's safety. Arnav and Shyam both have the same purpose. Arnav wants Khushi's safety and don't want her to suffer like his mother so he is sending her away. Arnav is passionate about Khushi but don't want to risk her life. Khushi's views on Arnav are changing but she wants to live a trouble free life earlier but she has fallen for Arnav. Khushi's future plans are nice but without Arnav it's not cool Khushi and Arnav both have the same attraction. Hope Arnav won't avoid Khushi . 😍😍

  12. I can't digest this goody goody Shyam I like him in negative shade more
    don't want Arnav and Shyam friendship in this ff

  13. Really don't want separation of arshi.

  14. Okay so here I goo... I think shaam is related somehow to buaji... And back in the history MAYBE buaji might had some feeling for arnav's father and she killed his mother... But eventually buaji never Got arnav's father's attention and on top arnav legit killed him.. so she don't like arnav and Shyam getting the indoor news of arnav from buaji because buaji don't like arnav and doesn't know he is an undercover govt. agent...

    I don't know why I have these feelings for buaji but she is tooo silent and observing at times...

    I wish khushi just shift herself in arnav's house in his room. And they will reconsider there decision of leaving country... ❤️❤️❤️

  15. Arrogance defines him... and it's suit him... Khushi is missing him...

  16. Look like shyam is very good guy.Arnav so much posessive and caring on khushi but he so adamant in sending khushi abroad. Khushi misse him too.
    Hope some miracle happened and arshi back to like naintal

  17. Khushi is changing and now devil 👿 is ignoring her

  18. Hmmm 🤔 will Arnav really going to send Khushi off to some where unknown to anyone!!!! Hope Arnav change his mind. Awesome update

  19. I want to tell arnav that sending khushi away or going away frim her always as a punishment or lesson, its more like running away from the cons instead of dealing with it and separation can't be the solution of everything or every time. In most of the ffs he always runs aways whenever things didn't happened his way, things related to khushi, and in order to satiate himself he puts the barrier of "7 samander par". I know here the motive of separation might be more important like security of khushi's life but still, i hope they find a middle way and he doesn't just shut out khushi now coz they both doesn't deserve it and now there are chances to have some normalcy in there relationship after the identity revelation so shrugging that away can be foolish.

  20. Superb.. shyam is either dark side ..
    Arnav shouldn't have came and warn him.. he will dig more now..

    Like arnav's stand for khushi's safety..

    Let's see what khushi decide as she is feisty and stubborn

  21. Nice update as usual .. love to see now how Khushi would get Arnav's attention and care back

  22. Well, Khushi should be happy now that Arnav will send her away and keep her away from the Dark world she loathed and she is free to do whatever she wants... isn't that what she wanted? Freedom? So why is she so bothered that Arnav has stayed away and distanced himself from her? I wonder if Khushi really knows what EXACTLY does she wants. She should make her final decision on whether to stay away from the Dark world which Arnav is a part of or stay with him in that world and support him as her husband?!
