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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Rise of the Devil - Part 23


Chapter 23

Arnav’s POV

I am least interested in breakfast but Shashiji insisted we have it together. Also, I have some important things to discuss with him. When I saw Khushi watching me from her room window, a part of me wanted to go to her room and pull her in my embrace. However hard I ignored her last two days I couldn’t stop thinking about her even for a second. But she had to leave this country and that too very soon. This was the only thought which kept me from going to her room last night and nothing can change it.

“Mala? Why are you serving Khushi’s breakfast here? Like the last two days she will eat in her room.” Shashiji mentions.

“No Dad” Khushi gets down the stairs in a loose floral frock till her knees. She had never worn such frocks before. I have seen her in causals, jeans and traditional clothes.. This is different. She looks much younger to her age even. Our eyes meet for a long minute as she gets down and finally reaches the table. “I will have breakfast with my family.”

I am surprised. As far as I remember, she hasn’t spoken much to her father either ever since she returned. Then why was she doing this now?

“That’s great” Shashiji is happy and thrilled. He pulls a seat next to him for Khushi.

Madumatiji comes out with freshly fried Puris and Jalebis. I heard she made those for Khushi as very soon this girl won’t be here to enjoy them. I am aware Khushi has no idea about cooking. She never tried so I am worried how she will manage to survive in a foreign country? But living isolated like this will teach her all that. I am sure.

“Khushi, you have to eat these all” she serves Khushi and then me and Shashiji. “Let me know if you need more.”

Madhumatiji is a lovely chef and I am lucky to have her cooked meals so far during my tenure here in Chandra Mahal.

“Buaji. Where are you going?” Khushi stops her. “From Today you will eat all your meals with us.”

I stare at Khushi bewildered. What is she doing and why now?”

“With you all?” Madhumatiji shies. “No Khushi. I like to eat alone.”

“Why alone when you have a family?? In fact, I wonder why none of us ever pointed this out. But better late than never. From today, you will eat with your son and Bahu.”

I literally choke the food and swallow it in a rush. Bahu? Hope she remembers very soon she is going to fly abroad and all this drama will end. Madhumatiji glances at me and I am blank. I never insisted her to eat with us not that I hate her or something. But I never expected Khushi to treat her like a mother-in-law.

“Haan haan Madhumati” Shashiji interrupts. “Khushi is right. You should eat with us henceforth. Please sit.”

Khushi pulls a chair for her and gets Madhumatiji seated. I am silent so far and don’t wish to interrupt this family moment. I sip the juice keeping my eyes stuck to Khushi who starts relishing her food. She is a true Jalebi lover and the syrup is glued on her lips. I wet my lips which suddenly go dry recalling I kissed Khushi. That kiss meant something to both of us, it always will.

“You selected the destination country?” I suddenly ask after completing my breakfast. That question brings her gaze back to me.

“Why? Are we going for another honeymoon?” she mocks.

I clench my jaw. Shashiji coughs at the sudden openness from his daughter and Madhumatiji stares at her horrified.

“You selected the destination last time, so I suppose you make that decision this time too.” Khushi adds again in a teasing tone.

“Fine” I get up. “Pack all the stuff that you need to carry with you.”

“Can I take anything along?”

“Of course..” I nod.

“Anyone along?”

Anyone? I swallow. I just don’t know what trick she is trying to play this time and why?

“What do you mean?” Shashiji asks.

“Dad, I am always surrounded by the guards here. So, by anyone I meant, will they be flying with me too??”

“Yes” I reply her silly query. “Two of my special guards will travel with you and settle u in that country before returning back.”

“Cool.” She smiles. “You have taken care of almost everything then devil. But do you remember, I am terrified of flying?”

I remember that.

“The place I send you, can only be reached by airplanes, so I am sorry but you have to bear that.”

She flinches at the mere thought of flying and we both recall how while going to Nainital she had scooped into me, for support. Damn!! She knows I recalled it too and grins.

“Don’t worry, I will scoop into one of the guards this time.”

WHAT THE!! The mere imagination makes me wild and she realizes that too.

“Anyways, I need to meet my friend before I leave. Can you arrange that?”

I stiffen at her nonstop requests.

“You are not going out of this house. I will ask Payal to come here and see you.”

She claps at my reply.

“So protective. Thank you Devil. I will really miss you in my new life ahead.”

Miss? Yea! I will miss her too.. TOO DAMN MUCH to be honest. She doesn’t drop her gaze from me neither I for a long time. I can feel the longing in her eyes as if she wants to say something to me and I am unable to understand it. The phone call shifts my gaze from her and I walk out to answer it.


Khushi’s POV

I cannot believe I am packing bags!! Yes, I am packing my bags like Devil and Dad wants me to but I am not happy. I just cannot believe I am finally getting the freedom I always desired and yet I am not happy. Is this really I want? To go away from my family? Don’t they need me at all? Or they do but my safety is more important to them then my presence here. I dump the clothes angrily and sit on the bed annoyed. I cant!! I just can’t think of departing from here. I don’t even know why? Whom am I attached to? Dad? Who never had time for me? Buaji who hid such a crucial fact from me about her relationship to Devil or Devil who.. has always pushed me away from him despite showing all streaks of possessiveness for me? Whom should I wait here for?

Mala knocks the door and comes in with Payal. I am so glad my friend is here. I run into her arms and she hugs me tight. Mala leaves to get some snacks and coffees for us.

“Khushi, what is going on? Arnav told me you are leaving this country?”

“Yes” I wipe my tears and drag her to the couch and get seated there. “he is sending me away.” I snort.

“He is sending you away? That’s cool” Payal smiles. “You can finally be independent now.”

I don’t say a word.

“This is a golden chance Khushi. You will get your freedom and no one will ever hurt you again.”

“But I am already hurt.” I growl and she stares at me blankly.

“You kissed him, didn’t you?” she asks and my jaw drops. I touch my lips immediately.

“Oh My God!! Is it written on my lips? That I kissed him?”

Payal giggles.

“Means you did? How? And why? I mean, did he force you to kiss? Or you forced him this time?”

My lips thin into a weak smile but I hit Payal’s arm gently to stop her from seeing me like that.

“No one forced. It happened.”

“Nainital seems to have worked for your hormones then.”

“Don’t ask” I sigh. “There was so much drama too at the background. But that’s not what I am worried about. I am just having this sick feeling in my body that I don’t want to leave Chandra Mahal and settle abroad. I mean, I have already visualized how that life will be if I chose to go. Trust me its beautiful, calm and just what I want but despite that I don’t want to go. Why?”

Payal tugs my arm.

“There could be only one reason for this.”

“Which is?” I ask curiously.

“You have fallen in love.”

My jaw drops again. Love? I roll my eyes and look away.

“You know that already, don’t you?” she queries.

“I asked your advice to help me sort this Payal, not to complicate it more” I snap.

“Khushi” she grips my hand tighter. “Before you make any decision, I want you to tell you one thing. You have always had little feelings for your Devil from the start.. ever since you saw him here. These feelings might have grown too but are you ready to sacrifice all your dreams, and compromise them only for one man?”

I don’t reply probably I don’t have one. If I stay here for him, will he even love me back? He is so busy in his mission for the country that he cannot think of anyone and anything else. For how long, I have no idea. Will I ever be able to wait for him to finish all this and come back to me? What if by the time all this is over, my feelings or his change? So far, he has shown his ample of possessiveness for me and a bit of attraction too but he never confessed anything by words. How will I be assured he even wants more? And now he is happily sending me off this country. That means he doesn’t want me here and considering how he has been raised to protect the country, I don’t think it will be hard for him to forget me. I have to take the decision wisely because this time my heart is involved too.


Arnav’s POV

It’s night. I didn’t realize how the day passed. I was out most of the afternoon and evening to check on Jaipal’s status. I want that man arrested at any cost. He roaming freely can be worse. But we have got no clue yet. Until he is behind the bars, I cannot rest. I had my dinner out with my men so I return to Chandra Mahal and speak to Shashiji about the proceedings and then once we speak, I ask him to rest. I get down the stairs only to find Khushi sitting on the Couch, watching a romantic movie in the living room. She is still in the same frock she was in the morning.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. “Go watch it in your room.”

She gives me a sarcastic look.

“Why? Do you have a problem if I watch it here?”

That silences me.


I am about to leave when she speaks again.

“Can you give me company?”

I stop. I shouldn’t!!

“Just for 10 minutes?” she urges and my body gives in. It’s hardly a matter of 10 minutes. I can give her that much. I take a seat next to her, maintaining some distance between us on the couch. The movie continues and I have no idea of its head or tail. I am more interested in counting my heartbeats which have suddenly raised. “You know I saw this movie first in the college hostel with all my friends. Romance was always our favorite subject of discussion. You know how girls are.” She giggles.

I don’t nod or show any interest in communicating. I sit there like a robot looking blankly at the TV screen but she continues.

“I always prayed for such romance in my life too.” She softly adds. That’s it. I am done here!!

“Where do you think you are going?” she asks cautiously as I rise to my feet from the couch.

“Good night Khushi” I turn to walk away but she grips my hand, tight.

“Stop it Arnav” she growls. “Stop behaving like a stranger to me.”

She turns me around and grabs the collar of my Jacket. “Please stop.”

I hold her wrists.

“Stranger is what you will become once you leave this place, this country and me…. next week. So, I suggest you start getting used to this life.”

She swallows nervously.

“You are pushing me away, throwing me into a foreign country without my will.” Khushi argues.

“To keep you alive.” I snap. “To keep you safe… happy.” I add.

She stares at me cold and bewildered.

“That’s what you always wanted, didn’t you?” I keep mocking. “A fresh start, new friends, social life, freedom of working.. boyfriends..”

She was still calm until I said the last word- ‘Boyfriend’ and the next instant, Khushi slaps me hard.

“Boyfriend? You still think I need one?” She scowls. “I am so disappointed with you Devil.. So, so disappointed.”

She throws the TV remote which breaks and the batteries come out too. The TV turns off and there is absolute silence in the room. Maybe I was too harsh this time. Khushi pulls me close to her.

“You married me Devil and it was purely your decision, not mine. And now.. you are throwing me away like a piece of trash? Like that marriage never happened?”

Tears pool in her eyes and my fingers itch to wipe them off but for the first time I am scared to touch her. She is not in a mood to listen.

“You didn’t ask me once before marrying me, fine!! Even now you didn’t ask me once before planning to send me off to another country, fine. But if you think so cheap about me that I need my freedom so that I could find another man in my life, then you are the not worth to be called my husband. You never were.”

Dammit!! This hurts more than the bullet pain. She is about to leave when I pull her back to me and hold her nape to tilt her head to meet my eyes.

“You think I am playing games here? I shout. “I genuinely want you to move on Khushi because you deserve so much more.”

“What do you even know what I deserve?” she snaps. “You are a devil, not God to know what I want.”

I tilt her head further.

“Then tell me what you want? I will give you that.” I reply hoarsely.

Her gaze lingers down from my eyes to my lips and I freeze!! Is that an indication? Because if it is, I am surely loosening up. I want to kiss her too but the next instant, she pushes me hard on my chest, getting off my grip.

“You find out what I need because I am done explaining it to you.”

Saying that she runs back to the stairs, leaving me panting and clueless. She is done explaining me? What the hell!!

To be Continued.


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  1. Always love the possesive arnv

  2. Awesome Update. Arnav and Khushi's moments are intense. Though Arnav wants Khushi's safety and want her to go away. He can't deny his feelings for her. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  3. Aaahaa lets see how Arnav finds out what Khushi wants hehe :)

  4. Loved Arshi moments... beautiful update

  5. Arnav has feelings for Khushi but still sending her away for her safety. He desires are increasing for her . He remembered their kiss also. Khushi is such a tease. Love the protective and possessive Arnav. Khushi wanted this freedom but now unhappy with it. Payal and Khushi's conversation was nice. Payal is right Khushi has fallen for Arnav. Khushi is confused about Arnav's feelings. Khushi and Arnav's conversation regarding romance is nice and intense. Khushi though slapped Arnav she values her marriage. Though Arnav wants to protect Khushi he is hurting her. Hope Arnav realise his feelings and find some way to protect Khushi and don't send her abroad.

  6. Stupid Arnav doesn’t Khushi explain him before that she want her husband as a simplest personality. So,now Khushi know that Arnav is doing his job for the country, so obviously she just want her full family to be together afterall from childhood she is missing the proper care of her parents.

    "Writer" if possible tgen give us next update of this ff again. Am curious to know Arnav final decision. Will Arnav understand Khushi wishes to stay in her countr? or, the much awaited Khushi freedom & this separation needed for the couple? Excited to know furthermore progress of this storyline .....

  7. Loved the update.. tho khushi wants Arnav to understand her needs I feel that Khushi herself doesn't know what she wants.. she needs to be clear to herself before asking Arnav.. cause if she's so confused then how can she expect Arnav to understand her.. she either needs to get it right in her head or say it out loud to Arnav. Cause I wouldn't have understood if I was in Arnavs place too..

  8. My opinion changed at the end. But I don’t understand khushi. I don’t think even she knows what she really wants. Even after the marriage all she wanted was freedom. She wanted arnav to have that freedom but he denied. I guess they should stay apart from each other for a while. Otherwise they won’t know what they really want from each other. Arnav prioritize work and khushi can’t fall for him just because he is an undercover cop. Nice update!! Thank you sis!

  9. Oh story getting very interesting. What’s going to happen next!!!
    Madhu it will be nice if we have another update. 🥰
    Fabulous update

  10. Please please please another update😭

  11. She wanted freedom after marrying Arnav because Arnav and Khushi's father have kept her in she wanted to run from their dark world...I think the cause of this messy situation is lack of is a give and take process... you have to be vocal about your ideas, work and feelings...Arnav married khushi abruptly and after that he didn't take any efforts to soothe Khushi's insecurity...they both should sort it out by talking and once Arnav gets Khushi's trust,I am sure she will always stand by Arnav through thick and thin

  12. she wants you arnav is it soo difficult to understand. Hope he don't send her

  13. Iloved Khushi's response..Awesome

  14. Khushi fall love with devil king .. Arnav is confused what Khushi wants but actually they want each other’s love 💗 awesome written

  15. What the hell-me after realising the update ended. Waiting for arnav to understand that they should not seperate we here promote unification.

  16. Also happy anniversary of the beloved ipkknd❤️❤️❤️

  17. Such an intense episode. I'm seriously madly and irrevocably in love with this couple seriously
    Please please please Madhu it is highly requested to post another update please.
    As always loved it 💕💕💕

  18. Wow finally khushi outbursts on Arnav now what will he do will understand that now khushi wants her family umiyef and leading them happily she once thought Arnav was a gangster but now she comes to know that he serves for his country so she wanted to give a chance to their marriage which she told like never he or her father never asked her permission not now not asking her permission for send her to abroad poor girl now she wants her father ,husband and his stepmom as a family payal is really s gud friend for khushi hmmm pls update this one next we want to see Arnav will understand khushi and cancel to send her away from him and this dangerous devil world or keep her near by him to save for from all the danger and and give her all the happiness in the world they both didn't get any happiness in their childhood but they deserves it and they understand each other and give a chance to their sacred bond which United them both as a couple pls update sooooooooon dear

  19. One more chapter plz... U really know how to keep us hanging... But plz madhu give us next chapter...

  20. One more chapter plz... U really know how to keep us hanging... But plz madhu give us next chapter...

  21. Excellent ����

  22. Arnav without his knowledge forcing his decisions on khushi like shashi did. He need to try to understand khushi and discuss with her before forcing his power in name of the safety of khushi.
    And khushi realising his attraction and care as a love, hoping to see arnav realise his care, attraction and posessiveness as a love .
    Beautiful update dear. Waiting for next update dear.

  23. Nice update....
    Loved the way khushi spoke...
    But seriously when did she tell him.her feelings and now slapped him..just because he is under cover her feelings changed..

    Looking forward

  24. Can you please stop calling Arnav devil. Coz it doesn’t go well with me if he is address that way. Thank you.

  25. Much needed confrontation . amazing update
