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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 24


Chapter 24

Arnav’s POV

Khushi’s words still echo in my head. She left to her room leaving me clueless. I shouldn’t have said ‘boyfriend’. Maybe that instigated her and she slapped me. I deserved it but what else can I infer considering she always wanted freedom and I was giving her the best life in this regard. Only protecting her wasn’t enough anymore, I wanted her to be happy and only her freedom into another country could make her happy. I agree I never asked her for marriage and she was upset about it all this time but why was she angry that I was sending her off from here? Only because I didn’t ask her first? Why are women so complicated? At least my wife is!! Damn! Wife!! Will she still be my wife after her departure from here? How will she move on in her life if I stick that tag along? But was I prepared to see her move on? With another man? Shit!!

I flop on my couch. I am back in my Villa after that argument with Khushi in Chandra Mahal and have opened a bottle of Whiskey to ease my worry. I take a swig of the drink and then imagine Khushi’s new life in Denmark. Yes, I am sending her there as it one of the safest place I could think of settling her down. Her new identity is graphed and her Visa is in process. She will never have trouble staying there and leading a life of her choice. Though I told Khushi my guards will return after settling her down, that’s not completely true. She will always be in my radar no matter what but she will never know that. How can I not keep an eye on her? I want her safe from every single problem. But she will have liberty to choose her friends, neighbors, jobs, and boyfriend… I know at some point of time she will want a man in her life to make her feel loved.

I gulp the entire whiskey in one shot. Will she really want another man? She had denied that strictly tonight, didn’t she? Yet! For how long? Khushi is smart, beautiful and funny too. Any man would want her, desire her. Including me.

I open up another bottle and gulp some more Whiskey imagining Khushi meeting some random guy, laughing, giggling, shaking hands … then hugging him .. They meeting each other at Cafes… having meals together.. He takes her on a date… Damn!! This hurts. I drink some more. They dancing.. His hands on Khushi’s body.

I throw the bottle which breaks into pieces.. I want these images to stop framing in my head but its too late. They are hugging…. No… kissing… Never…. Making out… SHIT!! I kick the rack of alcohol and the bottles break one by one, liquor spilled in the room, everywhere. I am losing control, hard and fast. I want these images to God damn Stop.!! I soon collapse on the floor and everything is dark after that. Thank God those images stopped…


I wake up the next morning in complete mess and realize what I did last night. The whole villa stinks with liquor. I ask one of the guards to get this cleaned. Taking a quick shower, I dial Aman. There are few things left before I can finally concentrate on my mission.

“Hey buddy.. what’s up?” Aman answers. “I called you last night. Looks like you slept early.”

I did sleep but not early. I didn’t check my phone either which was so reckless of me.

“Yea. I wasn’t feeling well.” I lie but its not a lie. I wasn’t really feeling well thinking about Khushi with some other man.

“Oh, you need rest Arnav. I think you should spend some time with your wife. She is your solace.”

“Shut up Aman”

How can Aman even say this? He knows I am sending Khushi to Denmark. He is the one who is framing all her identity and looking after her accommodation and visas there.

“Alright, sorry. Tell me why did you call.” He asks.

“I need to talk to a lawyer.”

“Lawyer? Sure. I will ask Tej to call you. He is the best Criminal lawyer we have.”

“I meant a Divorce lawyer, Aman.” I snap.

“DIVORCE?” He shouts back even more annoyed than me. “Whose divorce?”

“Aman, Shashiji is a widower and Madhumatiji is a widow. Obviously, they will never need a Divorce lawyer. I need one..”

“God Dammit ASR.. Are you out of your mind?”

I swallow.

“You are sending Khushi to Denmark is still digestible but divorce? Why? I know you like her and she likes you too.”

“Do as I say Aman” I warn. “Don’t ask me questions.”

“I will ask you whatever I want to know because you are not sounding sensible at all. She is your wife and she is good. Work on your marriage Arnav. Divorcing is not an option only because you want to keep her safe. Do you think marriage is a Joke? I am sorry but I didn’t expect this least from you. I am do disappointed.”

“You are disappointed with me too? Wow” I growl. “So is Khushi. I don’t understand you people. I am doing what you guys would want me to do and even then I am the one wrong here?”

“That’s because you are not listening to what we want Arnav. You are dominating and that might still work at our professional life but not personal. Did Khushi ask for Divorce?”

“No” I snap.

“Then talk to her. Try to understand what she wants. Don’t presume you idiot.”

My jaw drops.

“Did you call me an Idiot?” I clench my jaw.

“I did, what will you do?”

Right! I can’t do anything from here so I lose.

“Fine. Call me whatever you like but at the end, you will know why I did this.”

“Why at the end? Why cant you tell us now? Tell Khushi whats going in your head and heart and I am sure she will know you better after that. I am dropping the call now.” Aman replies. “And you are not going to get a Divorce lawyer, at least not from me.”

He disconnects and I want to throw my phone but I don’t. It’s high time I stop breaking things.

The next 5 days I restrict myself from meeting Khushi again. I know it might not end up well if I do. She has to focus on her packing and mentally prepare herself to start a new life. I have been told that she is spending most of her time in her room and not even Shashiji has an idea why she is behaving so cold. This is what she wanted. We are gifting her freedom.

Finally, the D-day has arrived and I am no longer in the mood of anything. Jaipal is still on the run and we haven’t found any trace of his activities or movements so far. I have heard the Sehgals are soon going to launch a new Club in the city where they plan to conduct most of their illegal activities from. Poor them, they won’t be able to save the club for long. I am going to make sure of that. But none of this is my concern for now. Today, Khushi is flying to Denmark forever and I have to see her off till the airport. Of course, I am not going to let her step in India until everything settles down here but that doesn’t mean Shashji and Madhumatiji cannot go and meet her in Denmark. Whenever they wish to, I will facilitate that. But the question is… will I go to meet her there too? I don’t think so. If she is with another man, I better not disturb her life. But the mere thought of Khushi with some other man churns my stomach.

A gust of wind blows on my face and I see Khushi getting down the stairs. I am seeing her after 6 long days and 6 terrible nights. She looks tired, pale and not in a mood to converse much. Though she is with her father, I see she is hardly talking to him. The moment they reach me, Shashiji gives us some space to talk.

For a moment, I just stare at her. She is really leaving? Am I pushing her off? In the name of safety?

Khushi passes me an envelope and I don’t know what that contains.

“It belongs to you. Open it” She says crossing her arms at front. My guards have loaded her luggage in the car and I am going to drop her to the Airport. I am already not in the right set of mind today as she is leaving but only because she wants me to open the envelope and check its contents, I do. And my eyes dart in shock. It’s her Mangalsutra. I recall making her wear this during our marriage and the next day onward she had taken it out and never worn it again. “I don’t know if you would like to see me again someday in future so I thought of returning this to you before I leave.”

I fist the envelope putting the chain back in it. She comes closer to me and I want her to stop. A step closer and I wouldn’t dare let her leave this place. She stops two feet away.

“I am sure you still couldn’t figure out what I want.” she mutters with a sarcasm on her face. “This is your clue Devil. This damn envelope in your hand is your clue.”

WHAT THE !! I stare at her bewildered. Does she mean… no!! Khushi turns around to take her dad’s and Madhumatiji’s blessing, leaving me clueless. She hugs them and doesn’t waste more time in saying goodbyes. It’s like she is hurting inside for leaving this place. Am I doing the right sending her away from me?

“The car is ready,” the guard informs. I nod and Khushi is the first one to get inside. She doesn’t even look at me again. I swallow painfully and take the seat next to her. She waves at her father and soon we are off the Palace. The whole freaking ride she doesn’t turn to me or make any attempt to talk. I am still holding the mangalsutra in my fist and I don’t know what to infer from it.

I couldn’t arrange a Divorce lawyer, not because I couldn’t find one but because I didn’t want to. I know this can lead to complications if she wishes to move on in her life but she can always tell me if she wants to and I will happily give her that. But then she said this Mangalsutra is the clue!! What does that mean?

I don’t realize when we reach the airport. Khushi gets down first and I circle the car to reach her. My heart lurches seeing her wiping a lone tear from the corner of her eye. Why is she still crying? Is she missing her Dad already? But she always had planned to elope from Chandra Mahal. Wouldn’t she miss him then? What hurts is that she doesn’t even glance at me anymore. As if I am doing the biggest mistake of my life sending her to Denmark or giving her the freedom she needs? Am I?

The guards take her luggage and she is about to leave with them, without even saying a goodbye to me when I finally block her way.

“Wont even say goodbye?” I angrily ask.

“Oh” she smiles sarcastically. “Will that make any difference to you if I don’t?”

“Don’t talk in codes Khushi. I hate it.” I warn.

“But where have you ever let me talk normally? Have you ever asked me once what I want now? I thought you like playing codes and clues like you solve them at your work.”

I grip her arm and drag her little away from the guards.

“What’s wrong with you Dammit? What have I done to get such a behavior from you?”

She laughs.

“No you haven’t done anything Devil.” She wipes another tear which slides down her eye. “you haven’t done a single wrong thing so far. You are just my protector and that responsibility will never let you take any other role in my life, even if I want to.. even if you want to.”

What? What role? What is she talking about?? She checks her watch.

“I am getting late for the flight. You want me to say Goodbye.? Fine.. GOODBYE DEVIL.. And all the best for your mission.”

I swallow painfully seeing her turn around and walk away from me. She is leaving.. Damn!! She is really going to Denmark. She wants to go, doesn’t she? Then why couldn’t I see even one percent of happiness on her face anymore? She was a brilliant woman, grown up and she knows what future she needs. Safe life is all she deserved but does she want it now? I remember she telling me in Nainital she was ready to be my wife if I leave my dark world and focus on living a peaceful life with her. But that was next to impossible. I have no freaking clue when that day would come when I would eradicate the whole syndicate of this dark world and bring peace in the country. If Khushi stays next to me, I might put her life in danger too. Damn!!

I fist my fingers and that’s when the Mangalsutra pricks my palm. I stare at it. She said this is the clue of what she wanted from me. What does it symbolize.. Marriage.. This chain meant Khushi wanted being married to me. I realize even once she hadn’t asked for the Divorce from me. If she really wanted freedom, she could have asked that too. What the hell!! She wanted to stick to this marriage, does that mean she doesn’t want her freedom at all? She wants to choose me over her freedom? Is that what she wants to tell me? Then why didn’t she tell me that openly? Damn!!


Khushi’s POV

I chose Devil over my freedom? Hard to believe but I did. The last few days were the most critical to me. After Payal asked me if I was ready to sacrifice my future for Devil, I was speechless but since that night I gave a thought to it. Devil wasn’t a criminal. He was on a mission for this country and I was married to him. Agreed this marriage wasn’t solid enough and under unusual circumstances, yet I was his wife. If I was ready to stay married to him if he had left his Dark world, why wouldn’t I like to continue it now when I know he was sacrificing so much for the country? I would happily support him in his mission but there were no hopes that Arnav wanted the same. He just wants to protect me and keep me safe. He knows if I stick to him, I might end up in even more problems and he would have to sort them, overlooking his mission. That’s why even for once he didn’t think of asking me once if I really wanted to leave this country forever or not. If he had asked me, I would straightly deny.

“Ma’am, this way”

One of the two guards who will travel with me to Denmark guides me to the entrance of the airport. I was subconsciously taking some other route. I weakly nod and wiping my tears stride with him to the door. I am about to step inside when I feel a pull on my arm. I turn around and see Devil.. He looks intently at me and I am confused what brought him here? He didn’t leave yet? He drags me away from the airport surprising me and annoying me too. I stop and he turns around to me

“Where are you taking me? I have a flight to catch.” I shout.

“You are not taking that flight.” He replies.

I am shocked.

“Why? You found any threat for me there? Oh wait.. you want me to travel with more guards for additional security? And now you are rescheduling my flight?” I scowl. “You should have thought all of this before making my bookings. I am going by this flight, no matter what?”

I try to shrug off his hold from mine, but he hauls me roughly to his body that I crash on his chest. He trails his fingers down my spine and pulls me even closer.

“Arnav, leave me. I have to go.” I mutter angrily.

“You are not going anywhere.” He replies hoarsely. “I figured out the clue you gave me.”

He did? Words choke in my throat. This man – seriously has no regards to what I am going through. At one instance he pushes me away and the next he wants me back. Not this time.

“Glad you figured but its too late.” I use all my strength to shrug him off. He is creating enough scene for the onlookers and I am already embarrassed. “Nothing can be changed now. I have made up my mind because I can no longer trust yours. I am your biggest distraction Devil and that’s why its better I fly away from you so that you can focus on your mission.”

“Distraction,” he repeats stepping closer. “You have always been the biggest distraction of my life Khushi but I always thought you would choose freedom over this life I could give you. That’s exactly why I was pushing you away this time.”

“That’s your problem. You presume..” I groan.

“If I presume, why don’t you speak up dammit? Otherwise every other time you speak so much nonsense, couldn’t you say that you want me?”

“I want you?” I scoff. “In your dreams Devil Singh Raizada. I don’t want you..”

Shit! What am I saying? I want him, don’t I? As if he reads my mind, Devil smirks. The guards come back with my luggage.

“Keep them back in the car.” Arnav commands.

“Back?” I ask. “I am not going back.”

He grabs my hand. “Yes you are. I am taking you back Home..”

And he drags me to the car leaving me utterly speechless. HOME?

To be Continued.

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  1. Wow..thst was superb.. finally the bulb glows for Arnav :)

  2. If they understand the meaning of a marriage everything will be easy for them. Loved the update. Thank you sis! ♥️

  3. It was a mind-blowing update...I think it was the longest update. Trust me felt like was sitting in a rollercoaster ride. 👏👏👏👏
    Hoping to get another immediate update please

  4. I have been reading silently so far. Your stories Madhu are wonderful and you are a very gifted writer who catches emotions of not only these characters but every character in your stories so beautifully that we are with them. Great Job!

  5. I think khushi should have gone to Denmark .don't like this new twist

    1. Yes , atleast for a short while.
      How khushi suddenly want to leave her dreams and her desired life behind , doesn't suit khushi's strong character ,.......
      but whatever direction di wants to take it ,I respect it

  6. Hope he takes her to his villa, also this arnav solves duniya bhar ke cases but can't decipher khushi's simple clue😂. Interesting update.

  7. Am I greedy to task for one more update of the same ff 😛

    1. No, you are not! Many of us want the same! 😁

  8. I just hate Arnav in this story for his irritating dominating behaviour

  9. Today Khushi rocked. The way Khushi gave her Mangalsutra as a clue is mind-blowing. Khushi wants this marriage. Arnav understood Khushi's pain but still can't express his feelings. He don't want divorce and wants Khushi's happiness and cant see her in tears but can't understand that her happiness lies in Arnav. Arnav realised lately his mistake and even got angry. Khushi made me emotional. Arnav can't leave the dark World . Finally Arnav got Khushi's clue that she don't want her freedom. Love really changed Khushi she wants to support Arnav and want to stay with him. Arnav finally revealed what was in his heart. Khushi is too cute so is the conversation between Arshi. Hope Arshi communicate with each other in the next part😍😍

  10. Please give us another part of this ff 🙈

  11. Wow wow wow wow.. for a minute I thought Khushi will really leave when she said it's too late.. but Im so happy Arnav finally understood what she wants and is taking her home..

    Ps: one more update please?

  12. Oh that’s fabulous update. After a big heart pain emotions finally there’s a relief. Arnav understand what Khushi wants. Love it 😍
    Thank you Madhu 😘 for updating.

  13. Finally Arnav get the clue uffff and khushi in first time call him Arnav not devil wow now she is angry with him now how devil king going to pecify her hmm it's going to be interesting now they r going to home but in chandra mahal or arnavs guest house don't know but pls update sooooooooon dear then only we can see the cat fight and nokjoks between our arshi

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳atlast his brain worked in right direction 😍😍😍🤩🤩

  16. Ufff!!! Finally!!! But not finally coz now its actually the start 😜😜😜... It was a big relief that they are not separating phewww...

    But now only one problem remain which needs to change and thts is arnav's over demanding and dominating nature which is not healthy in the matters of hearts especially marriage...

    Mr.Devil himself hides n never speaks whts in his heart instead twist things and make them complicating and complaining others of the same🤦🏻...

    I don't think, now arnav's association with the dark world shud be a problem or is wrong coz he is a protector not a predator. May be thts y khushi doesn't have any problem with her life now...

    Now its extremely exciting and totally unpredictable what's going to happen from now on, how there lives is gonna be. Waiting for the next part🕰

  17. Finally tube lits in Arnav's mind and he understands the meaning of Khushi's different behaviour
    Glad their is no long sepration
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  18. Glad no seperation, they both ready to take marraige seariously. Thank god atleast arnav got the clue before khushi board flight.
    Very eager to read how both going to plan their live between i feel khushi still angry on arnav bcz of his decision and dominance self. Arnav need to pacify khushi.
    Waiting for next update dear .

  19. Wow

    Superb update..

    Loved the way Aman spoke to Arnav..

    Loved the way khushi spoke and yeah finally devil listen to his heart ..
    But now the biggest question is her safety since he bring her back

  20. Thankgod arnav's brain worked properly .. otherwise they would be seperated

  21. This story reminds me that...we don't really like what we fantasise... Should always try to understand the reality and accept it wholeheartedly... All issue would have been avoided if Kushi tried to understand what her father was really Arnav... She presumed they were devils... And wanted freedom... When she gets it..she despised it... Nice Madhu..thank you for making me to think and analyse how im leading my life with wrong presumptions...

    1. Khushi wasn't the only one including in all the "issues" there are other ppl included of which khushi or other ppl out of them aren't responsible of there actions and reactions, especially when you are always kept in dark and forced to stay away from knowing abt it too. One one person isn't even visible, made aware or ever come across of the supposed "reality" thn how come he/she can be demanded to aknowledge the same!!!

      Here, first not only khushi is responsible not only arnav, smoke doesn't rise without the ashes or the fire. Secondly, khushi's presumptions wasn't hollow or were a results of her lack of insight or deliberate perceptions, they were made by her ppl and even after knowing abt the invalidity of them, she wasn't corrected and shown the truth. She had been left on her own to assume, articulate, digest, composed and react even when all of this can be avoided and corrected by arnav and her father. If any of your(khushi,here) family or loved once isn't wrong or doing wrong thn whts the reason behind hiding it from you or keeping it away from you or never allowed to intrude or never spoke of it in solitude!!! and never even think it necessary to confined in you or end your misconceptions when thy know its hurting you or effecting in a wrong way!!! Even after all of this, if you think khushi is at mistake and wrong then.... You need to check your facts....

  22. Beautiful update ����

  23. Wow this was unexpected fabulous update

  24. I happy that he is taking her back Home…wondering where is his home. The one he lives or Chandra Mahal. I hope he will take her to his small Villa. Loved it.

  25. One of the longest update. Awesome update

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. omg omg that's a relief that devil got her point because i guess even you (madhu) were'nt ready to see them departed ehehe
    hope to see them together working on some mission
    i know it is too much to ask but can we get another update I'm being selfish
    As always loved it loved it loved

  28. So many arrangements and now he changed his mind . Make up your mind , man

  29. Very nice update! Congratulations on 10 million views for the blog.

  30. The story is getting more and more interesting...

  31. Hurrah ! arnab ki dimag ki batti jal gaya . Superb awesome update.

  32. Due to lack of communication, their relation was turning quite chaotic... But good that Khushi attempted to convey her feelings to Arnav in her own way & what's more surprising, that he too could decipher the sane though in the nick of time, otherwise she would have already left him... But better late than never...

    Thanks for the mind blowing update, Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️
