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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 18



Chapter 18

Arnav’s POV

I trust my instincts and it says Khushi knows this man already. The way she got stunned seeing Shyam Jha’s photo, proves that. How can she know an undercover cop? She had always been under my scrutiny. I cannot miss her moves, can I?

“He.. he shot… you?” Her voice shivers flaming my suspicions.

“Don’t worry, he won’t do that again.” I reply dangerously shifting from the couch to the bed, preparing for the night. But my eyes don’t leave her face in the mirror. Behind me, she is fiddling with the first aid box. I have never seen her so confused and scared.

“Go and get some sleep.” I command turning back to her. “Unless, you wish to sleep in my room.. on that bed with me.”

“No” Her eyes widen and she hurries to keep the box at the side table and leaves.

What is she hiding from me? How does Khushi know Shyam? The next thing I do is dial Aman, locking my room door. Aman is the only source from outside the dark world who can give me this information if there is any link between Khushi and Shyam. I tell him my suspicions and the first thing he does is laugh at me.

“Aman?” I growl. “I am effing serious.”

“I know this wasn’t a joke Devil. That’s exactly why I laughed. Don’t tell me you think they had an affair or something in the past? Or that Shyam has been Khushi’s first crush.”

These mere options which Aman suggested made me fist my fingers.

“I never asked you to look in that angle. I just want to know if there is any link between the two which we are missing.”

“What link Arnav? Khushi hasn’t stepped out of the College hostel in the last five years she was studying there, without the guards. It is practically impossible unless she met him after that.”

“Khushi never left Chandra Mahal while we lived there and she didn’t step out of this Safe house without me.”

“Well, then maybe Shyam Jha made it to the Safe house then? he could take that chance considering he is madly looking for you. I have heard he is the best they have got Devil. Be careful.”

My jaw clenches this time. The best they have got? Well then, he is more than welcome to try defeating me!!

“I believe there are security cameras in the Safe house. Check them.” Aman suggests.

“I will. And if he was here and he has met Khushi… I don’t think this is going to end well.” I challenge.

“What will you do?”

“Send her off.!!”

“Are you sure? Is there anywhere you think she can be safe apart from your arms..”

Damn!! Did he just say my arms? Khushi in my arms? I shut my eyes and swallow.

“Sorry.. that was a mistake.” Aman holds his laugh. “I meant to say she is safe with you and you wouldn’t have to risk thinking about her safety all the time if you both stay together.”

“We will see. Meanwhile.. Use all your contacts. I need Shyam Jha out of this case. Just transfer him, suspend him or do anything but this man has to get out of my way. Do you understand?”

“Hmm. Sounds tedious but I will try.”

“Do that Aman. I am counting on you otherwise the next time I don’t think he will be alive to put another bullet in me.”

Now that statement was enough for Aman to start working on my demand.

“Alright. Take rest. Call you later.” He says and disconnects the call. Now my next task is to check the security camera feeds of this house.


Next Morning

Next morning when Khushi comes down, she sees me enjoying my breakfast alone. My eyes bore into Khushi’s who seem to be still nervous like she was last night seeing Shyam Jha’s picture.

“Take a seat” I motion her to the chairs in front of me.

“How’s your arm now?” she asks and I give her a gentle nod.


Khushi opens the lid of the vessels and is extremely excited to see her favorite Aloo Puris. “Who made this breakfast?”

“I ordered”

She serves herself and begins to eat.

“Buaji had?”

“She had. I made her eat before us as she had to take medicines.”

Khushi is glad to hear that.

“How could you trust the outside food? What if … what if its poisoned?” Khushi queries.

“My men have tested it. Besides I have lately started trusting them than my own family.”

Now she gets confused. She shifts in her seat; her eating pace slows down.

“What do you mean?”

“You will know what I mean. First finish the breakfast. It’s going to be a long day for us.”

Once we are done, I wipe my lips and then reach her chair. She raises her head to see me and I hold her hand.

“Come on…” I drag her out of the chair towards the stairs.

“Where are you taking me Devil?”

I let my silence feed her anxiety. A minute later we are in her room, and I lock it.

“Why.. why did you get me here?”

I don’t speak. The next instant, I keep checking her room.. starting from her bed.. I push off the pillows, remove the bedsheets, throw the quilts away. NOTHING..

“Arnav, what are you doing?” she shouts but I keep looking. I kick the recliner and side table away, to see if she has hidden it there.. NOTHING..

“Arnav, stop. Have you lost your mind?”

Yes, I have lost my mind and she will soon know why? I unzip her trolley bags and start throwing out her dresses, after checking them thoroughly. NOTHING. Then I reach her closet, slide it open where she has left a few clothes hanging.. I check everything.. Khushi reaches me and pushes me off.

“Stop doing this.. I don’t even know what are you looking for?”

I push her away from my way and keep searching the drawers. I see her purse and am about to open it when she snatches it from me.

“You cannot check my purse. It’s bad manners to frisk a woman’s purse.” She scolds.

“Not when that woman is my freaking Wife.” I snatch it from her and unzip it. The contents inside slide as I turn it upside down and along with them .. the visiting card of Shyam Jha slips on the floor too.

Khushi freezes as I pick it up and show it to her.

“You met him.” I glare.

“Arnav, I can explain” A shiver moves through me knowing she even has an explanation for that.

“You didn’t go out..” I mutter striding like a predator towards her “It’s impossible that he could meet you anywhere out without my notice.”

“Will you let me speak..” She stutters as I reac closer.

“The Food Supplies truck!!” my jaw clenches recalling that was the only outside connection she had to meet this man. “He came in that, didn’t he?”


“DON’T” I growl pinning Khushi to the wall behind. “I saw the CCTV feed of that day when he was here. He dragged you in the corner and gave you this.. WHY?”

Dread gathered in her belly as I cup my jaw. “You tipped him during my consignment yesterday?”

She stares at me completely bewildered.

“No, I didn’t. I could never do that… Not to you..” Her breath caught as tears overflowed. “I.. I know I didn’t tell you he was here but that doesn’t mean I am conspiring to kill you Arnav. If I had to do that, I would never come to heal your wounds last night.”

I want to believe her. I almost do believe her. I know Khushi can never go to this extent. But she needs her freedom and a woman hungry for that, could do anything.

“I didn’t see this man until that day when he came from that food supplies truck. He told me he was a cop and I didn’t believe him until last night when you told me the same showing his picture. And this card.. yes he gave me so that I could give him the inside details of your further plans in the dark world. He wants me to help him gain proofs against you so that he could arrest you. He said if I did so, he will let me free, keep me safe and might even let Dad get away from your world if he is ready to testify against the Devil King…. Against you!!”

Damn!! That man was sharp than I thought. He chased me all the way to Shimla, found the location of my safe house.. and met my wife, giving her this bloody offer?

I pull away from Khushi, giving her space to breathe. She exhales and shuts her eyes for a second before looking back at me.

“What did you decide then?” I ask… I need to know whose side she was!! And her only reply was going to change my life forever, I know.


Khushi’s POV

There was so much pain on Devil’s face and in his eyes that it terrified me.

“I don’t know..” I give him the truth. “I don’t know whom to support Devil. My husband who is a traitor of this country or this stranger cop who is trying to kill traitors like you and clean the country’s image? I don’t know..”

I sob!! I don’t think I could ever make this decision. It should have been fairly simple but its not. my freedom has a price and that price is Devil’s death or his custody to the Police. How am I ever going to live with that fact that I had to trade him for my freedom? I could never do that.. I want to believe all that Shyam told me about Devil’s dark world functions are false. I don’t think Devil can hurt innocent people, forget human trafficking, he even cannot hurt an innocent soul because the other day when we watched a gangster movie, he couldn’t see an innocent man getting beaten up. I wanted to believe he was a nice man.. doing something good for the people but there was no solid proof to believe so!!

Devil leans forward and grabs my arms again.

“If you are given two choices – One to live with me in this dark world and see me alive beside you.. Or Two – Get your freedom by seeing me dead. Which one would you choose?”

I am speechless. How could I choose one of these? I don’t like both the options.

“Think wisely Khushi, because if you choose Option 2, I don’t think we deserve to stay together under one roof. EVER.”

My heart stops beating.

“It’s either with me… or without me Khushi. But I can never let a woman stay with me waiting for an opportunity to stab my heart.”

That’s it!! I cannot take this anymore. I grip his Shirt and pull him angrily.

“So typical of you Devil. You want to know my reply then listen. I want to live with you away from this dark world without the fear of seeing you killed in a police encounter or brutally murdered by your foes. The day you promise to give me this life, I will be yours… from mind, heart and my body.. All yours..”

His expression changes, softer this time but the darkness in his gaze doesn’t fall. His thumb strokes my cheeks and for a moment I lean on to his palm.. to his touch. Devil’s adams apple bobs up and down before he holds my jaw in his hand and kiss me tenderly, his lips coaxing and apologetic. The way he holds me is gentle and reverent unlike earlier when even his touch was rough on my body. I return his kiss, giving into the moment and when he pulls back and meets my eyes, I realize what I did. He hadn’t even assured me if he can give me that kind of life and yet here, I had kissed him like I loved him?

As if reality hits him too, Devil pulls away and turns to leave but I grab his arm again.

“You didn’t answer me yet.” I demand.

He forces me to leave him and walks out. Seriously? He has no reply? I scan my messy room which now looks like a warehouse. Who is supposed to clear this mess now?


I don’t see Devil for the whole day again and I hope he isn’t going to harm that cop because he met me here and offered freedom. I pace in the living room while Buaji watches me in surprise.

“Why are you looking at the door every five seconds?” she asks sitting on the couch, flipping the TV channels.

“I am waiting for Devil to come home.”

I don’t want to hide things from her but I don’t want to give her more details about my confused heart either. So, I twist my words.

“I mean, he has hurt his hand and that bandage needs to be changed regularly. Plus, he has medicine to take and before that he should eat. I hope he likes the food you made.”

Well! I cannot cook much, never tried my hand in cooking so I simply assisted Buaji in preparing the meals today. We plan to have dinner when Devil returns.

The door opens and Devil storms in. He looks as fresh and in control of himself like he was in the morning when he left. I wonder where he gets all this energy from. He glances at me before heading to the stairs. The touch of his lips on mine still lingers there but that won’t be repeated I promise, until I make this man choose me over his dark world. Can I do that? Drag him out of this dark hole? Shower brightness and happiness in his life, make him smile often? Is all that possible?

I block his way.

“I thought we were here on a vacation. Your work doesn’t seem to stop.” I ask.

He tries to ignore me and takes another step to the stairs when I block his way again.

“I need an answer” I demand.

“You two are on a vacation, I don’t like taking one ever.”

“Fair enough” I shrug. “There is one more reply I am waiting from you.”

He knows which one I am talking about. Morning I gave him a choice – My mind, heart and body or his dark world.. He advances towards me and I have to climb a step backwards to keep the distance between us.

“What was the question again?” He mocks.

Oh damn!! I swallow nervously climbing another step backwards. Why is he playing around? All he had to say is Yes or No. Me or his Dark World. Why play games like this?

“You know exactly what I am asking you Devil. Stop being so oblivious”

The next instant, he leans down and scoops me in his arms. How the hell! I look over his shoulder to see Buaji still busy in the TV and thank God she isn’t focusing on us.

“Put me down.” I murmur, not speaking loudly as I don’t want Buaji’s eyes on us.

He starts climbing the stairs with me in arms.

“What was your question?”

“You know the question. Only because we kissed, doesn’t mean I am letting you sleep with me. That’s not going to happen until you are on my side and not the Dark world’s.”

He keeps walking.

“So, if I quit the dark world, you will let me sleep with you??”

Eekks!! Why does that question tickle me? We are in his room now when he finally puts me down and pins me to the closed door again.

“I have killed people Khushi and there will be many more dying because of me in future. Can you live with that?”

I don’t understand his code language.

“AND I AM THE DEVIL KING.. That truth will never change even if I leave that world behind. Can you live with that too?”

Oh my God!! He is the devil king means all the chances of him being on some secret mission or something, which I hoped he was, is ruled out? Why does he talk in codes? How I wish I can open his brain and read what's going in there!!

“If you can live with that, I don’t see a harm in we sharing the same room from tonight. As is, yours is totally in a mess because of me.”

Glad he agrees he messed with my stuff and the room. But wait, sharing the same room from tonight? Is he offering me to sleep with him? Does that mean he has answered my question without answering it? Hell!! I am still so confused.

To be Continued.

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Just for a Click

A loyal, workaholic Myra needed a one-week break from her hectic office schedule and she told only one lie to her over-demanding Boss. That if she didn’t take this one-week off, her relationship with her boyfriend would end forever. Tables turned when her boss demanded Myra’s picture with her boyfriend when she goes on that vacation with him. That one lie decided the fate of her Job.

Crazy, wasn’t it? But Myra believed she could pull this off. So now, she wasn’t just spending her hard-earned savings to fake a holiday alone, but she also had to hunt down a man who would act like her boyfriend Just for a Click.

Did her mission succeed? Did she say farewell to the man who saved her Job or was there more to her one-week fairytale?

A short contemporary romance with a surprising twist.

Number of pages - 104


For those who were waiting to read the story of Ria Dewan and Uday Khanna, here it is – Enchanted (Short Story)

Ria Dewan is in Mumbai for three weeks to attend her friend’s wedding when her life collides with the ever-charming Uday Khanna. While Uday has already fallen for her talkative and extrovert nature, Ria is clueless and trying hard to impress him. Can he really be her Prince Charming? Is Uday really whom she thinks he is?

Enchanted is a Standalone Short and Sweet Romantic tale of love at first sight.

Note: Ria Dewan and Uday Khanna are the side characters of my other eBook – Marriage Jitters - Book 1 of Accidental marriage series

Number of pages - 56


  1. Why am i feeling arnav on secret mission which only shashi and aman knew ? Like arnav cop or police.
    I'm little relieved shyam secret open and arshi handle and khushi openly talked her wish openly.
    ArShi KISSED 😍😍😍 .

  2. Interesting and confused..just like khushi trying to decipher Arnav cryptic sentences

  3. Awesome Update. Along with Khushi I am also confused. Arnav is not that bad. Khushi finally tells everything to Arnav. Arnav and Khushi conversation was intense. Arshi kissed too. Loved the romantic moments between Arshi. Hope Khushi became successful in bringing Arnav out of his dark world. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  4. Unable to predict anything about Arnav... anyway it is interesting and amazing

  5. Arnav came to know about Khushi and Shyam and inform Aman. Aman is really funny. Arnav is very possesive about Khushi. Aman is romantic too. Arnav is taking care of buaji too. Arnav though was suspecting Khushi glad that there was no misunderstanding between Arshi. Khushi finally told Arnav about Shyam Khushi is in a dilemma whom to trust and believe in Arnav. Arnav gave Khushi a tough choice. Khushi wants a normal life with Arnav and her words affected him. Arshi kiss was cute. Only Khushi can change Arnav. Hope Arnav's real identity will be out soon. Like Khushi I think Arnav might be some secret agent on a mission. Waiting for the next part.😍😍

  6. Awesome update
    Interesting and confused

  7. Khushi should agree with Arnav so she can know Arnav’s life more by staying together rather then staying far away from him. Awesome update

  8. Interesting madhu😍waiting to story unfold.

  9. This story still is beyond my understanding...

  10. I literally had a sigh of relief when khushi told arnav about shayam.... Thanks heaven.... Arnav is right about hos perception of a person hungry for freedom can do anything, and her khushi is hungry for that i guess all her life so her hunger and want can't be imagined.... On the other side khushi is right too about not opening to arnav about everything as they barely know each other neither she got the chance to trust arnav or any person relating to the same world which she despise and wanted a escape from. Its hard for her but still she didand proved her loyalty untill now, and arnav now atleast should trust her, to some extend, if not fully.

  11. Superb update..
    Loved the way arshi spoke and the way arnav dig about jha meeting khushi...

    Looking forward

  12. This story supposed to be a dark one. Hence khushi will have to accept devils destiny. He may change. But for the moment he is still the devil king. Until he fulfills his target khushi has to accept his situation. I’m waiting to see their romance. They just started it. Thank you for the update sis

  13. There's more to his dad being killed. Also he's finishing off all the other groups which means there's a reason for it. Let's wait and watch.

  14. Awesome.. arnav came to know about shyam conversation between arshi is soo intense and of course the kiss ����

  15. Can't wait to get to know more about Arnav he is mysterious as always

  16. Like Khushi I am also confused of Arnav's code language and his actions.

  17. After Arnav’s conversation with Khushi in the end...I think he is on some secret mission. May be I am wrong but that’s what I want too.

  18. Awesome. I hope Arnav is on some kind of mission

  19. Glad Arnav knows about Shyam and Khushi meet.. Arshi convo was intense.. Arnav needs to open up a little to Khushi about what he actually does.. cause otherwise Khushi won't be able to understand him and he's point of view..

  20. Uffffff I didn't expect that
    Also along with khushi everyone here is confused madhu 😂
    Can't wait for the next episode
    As always loved it 💕💕💕

  21. Trust him khushi.
    Awesome update

  22. Madhu this is my current favourite story. Very interesting. thank you very much for the long update. eagerly waiting for the next update. Love from sri Lanka.

  23. Lovely... Khushi is confused... Arnav being secretive....

  24. OMG after reading this part I am totally confused . By any chance is arnab a secret agent or cop who is in a mission to destroy dark world ? Only madhu madam knows that .
