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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 20


Chapter 20

Khushi’s POV

The market is great and me and Buaji are fully making use of the time we have got to shop and sightsee. I buy some fur coats for myself and one for Buaji too even though she denies wearing such.

“Khushi, I am happy with the shawl.” She wraps the black shawl even more securely around her shoulders.

“Buaji, that shawl is hardly keeping you warm.” I snap. “We are buying this, I don’t know.”

I make the cash payment and then drag Buaji out of the store. We guards follow us everywhere and its really pissing as almost everyone is staring at us, trying to know why we are heavily guarded. Wish I could get rid of these two men whom Devil has forcefully tailed behind me.

After few minutes, we get inside a shopping complex and shop a few artifacts and handmade gift items.

“I heard you and Devil slept together last night.” Buaji mentions, almost putting me into a difficult zone. I know she is aware how much I have disliked her step son all long and now such a change from me would obviously surprise her.

“Yes” I nod.

“I hope he didn’t force you to sleep in his room.”

“No, he didn’t. It was purely my decision.”

She is about to dig more when I see the washroom.

“Buaji, I need to use the washroom. Will come back in few minutes.”

“Should I come?”

“No, just be here and find those knitted sweaters for men. I want to buy one for Dad.”

She nods and I head for the washroom as indicated by the arrows. One guard stays with Buaji and the other follows me. He is about to get inside it when I stop him.

“Are you serious? This is a ladies washroom. Stay out and guard me but you cannot come in.”

He gives me a serious stare before peeping inside to check once. I exhale and shut the door on his face. How very annoying. I use the washroom and coming out, I turn the faucet on to wash my face and hands. That’s when I see him.. Shyam Jha. I am about to shout in surprise when he shuts my mouth..

“Don’t shout. I am not here to harm you and you know that” He snaps. “I just need to talk to you.”

I push him away with all my strength. Is he serious?

“I don’t want to talk to the man who shot my husband.” I snap turning around to leave but Shyam blocks my way.

“Your husband?” He mocks. “He is also the Devil King, hope you haven’t forgotten that? Or have you compromised with the situation?”

He stares at me from head and toe, nothing irritating in that look but I can sense he is assessing my posture, gestures and expressions like a Cop would.

“You are sleeping with him too, I think.”

That’s it. I raise my arm to slap his face but he catches hold of my wrist and pins me to the pillar behind.

“Truth is always bitter Khushi and I know sleeping with your husband is legal but not supporting him for all the havoc he is creating in innocent people’s lives. There are hundreds of girls who will be shipped abroad today and your husband is a part of this human trafficking. If you don’t believe me, go to the Casino of the drug lord Jaipal where the Devil King is invited today. They are discussing this consignment over a game there. You will see the truth by your own eyes.”

My voice chokes. Is that true? Once he is sure I wouldn’t run away, he steps back.

“You are lying.” I mutter.

“Wish that was a lie. I cannot see so many innocent people getting hurt and abandoned for no reasons. But people like Devils earn by that. It’s their business.”

“You have no proof. And if you have one, why don’t you go and raid that Casino? Why are you following me everywhere to tell me all this?”

“Because only you could get me the proofs Khushi.” He replies. My guard knocks the door and Shyam instantly hides behind a pillar. When I don’t open the door myself, the guard kicks it open and storms in.

“You okay Ma’am?” He asks sternly and I put up a fake expression that I am normal.

“I am not done yet. Wait outside.” I command and he obeys but as if he senses something behind the pillar, he makes a move for it.

“What?” I block his way. “I said go out. This is a lady’s washroom. If Devil comes to know you didn’t let me be alone in the washroom to finish whatever I have to, he will not be very happy.”

His jaw tightens as if he doesn’t like my warning but thankfully, he walks out and I shut the door again. Shyam walks out from behind the pillar.

“Thanks for that” he smirks and I roll my eyes at him.

“Finding proofs is your work, not mine.” I mutter angrily.

“I would have if your Devil King hadnt got me suspended from this case.”

Devil suspended this cop? Oh my god!!

“He has high political contacts. I have seven days to pack up and leave this city which is why I need your help to expedite this matter.”

“I am not going to help you at all.” I snap. “Devil might be killing people but I believe he is doing this for a reason.”

“Reason?” He scoffs. “What’s the reason behind kidnapping these hundreds of women and planning to sell them abroad?”

I choke.

“You are woman too Khushi and for God’s sake, I need you to help those women who have no one to become their savior.”

I turn around, my hands shivering. I want to trust Devil but all these situations which Shyam is describing is making it impossible for me to do so.

“Devil king is meeting Jaipal in that club tonight to get the details of that Shipping container where these girls are locked up. I want you to find that details and give it to us so that we could save those girls. Jaipal will be completely focused on the play with Devil which means there will hardly be anyone at his little office on the top floor where he handles his business from. You need to find a red diary which is mostly in the drawer of his desk and it will have the details of that container.”

I choke.. My heart beats faster than ever as I process all of this.

“I don’t think I .. I can help you..” I murmur and try to walk away when he blocks my way again. “I am not even trained to do all this..”

“I know..” Shyam nods. “That’s why two of my men pretending as players will cover you once you are inside. They cannot get on that floor Khushi. Only a woman can because apart from Jaipal’s guards only women are allowed on that floor. Do you know what that means?”

I know but .. I don’t think I can do this..

“Okay.. Then maybe just go with the Devil there and be next to him when Jaipal gives him those details. Once you know, share it immediately with us and..”

“Enough.. I .. I can’t do this.” I shout this time and try to walk away.

“Think again Khushi. You could be saving lives and give them freedom. This is what you too wanted once, didn’t you? FREEDOM? Someone else is in dire need of that, more than you and I believe you will let them loose from your husband’s clutches.”

No! I can’t!! This is all a lie. Shyam Jha is messing with my mind, manipulating me.

“Do this for us and then I promise never to contact you again.” Shyam adds.

I pull the door open and walk out, leaving him and that conversation far off from playing with my head.


When I get back home, Devil is already there, speaking to his men. As soon as he sees me, he pauses that conversation and comes straight to me and Buaji. I look down nervously hoping he hasn’t found out Shyam had met me again today. I want to tell him this myself but just in case Shyam is right about those women who needs my help, letting Devil know I am aware of all that, can worsen the situation.

“What took you both so long?” Arnav asks angrily and then watches behind me to his guard who had been following me all the time today. “Anything suspicious?”

I instantly swallow as the guard replies.

“Ma’am took longer than expected in the washroom of a shopping complex.”

I frown at the guard for passing that information and then turn to Arnav.

“I didn’t know you had put a timer on me for even using a washroom in public place.”

Devil ignores my question. “What took you so long there?” He repeats.

“I am a woman.. I have so many things to do inside.. It could be anything. You want me to tell you everything before these guards?”

He clenches his jaws and gestures his guards to get out. Buaji interrupts us.

“You cannot be so suspicious on your wife.” She shouts at Arnav who doesn’t even flinch at her statement.

“I need to talk to my wife. Will you please excuse us?” He politely asks and Buaji walks away, throwing some angry glares at him.

“Tell me..” Arnav cross his arms at front. “What did you do in that washroom?”

“Seriously?” I groan. “You are suspicious on me despite what we shared so far?”

His nostrils flare.

“What are you hiding Khushi?” He scowls. “Did you meet that Cop again? Is that what you are hiding from me?”

He is so damn sharp! When I don’t reply, Arnav holds my jaw but his hold is gentle unlike all the other times.

“What did he ask you do this time?”

I know my plan to hide this matter from him is gone waste. It’s like Devil can read me word by word. I push his arm off and take a step back.

“He told me about the Casino you are visiting tonight… about Jaipal.. and those women who are trapped in some containers whose details you are supposed to get from Jaipal there because you are going to sell those women abroad.”

His eyes go dark by the time I complete that sentence.

“Shit” He groans… I understand he is annoyed but not on me for now. He dials someone before me and I wait to listen. “Aman.. Shyam knows about tonight’s plan. Why the hell is he still on Duty? I wanted him suspended right away.” He growls and my eyes widen in surprise.

So, this information was true. Devil had contacted his people and used his political power to suspend Shyam? Does it prove the other things Shyam told me about Devil?

“No.” he rubs his forehead, “No change of plans. Jaipal doesn’t need to know the cops are aware. Find the mole Aman. I want to know who is passing this inside info to the cops.”

Saying that he disconnects the call and turns to me.

“Go back to your room and rest.”

“Rest?” I laugh sarcastically. “While you go and hurt those women?”

He watches me in disbelief.

“Do as I say Khushi and give a break to your tiny head. I am not going to hurt those women.” He reaches me. “I never can..”

I want to believe him but..

“It’s hard to believe that unless you tell me clearly what you intend to do Devil. Are you involved in human trafficking?”

“No” He admits and I see no signs of fear or nervousness on his face. Maybe he is not lying.

“Then why do you need to go there and..”

“I cannot tell you anything beyond that.” He interrupts. “There are too many secrets in my world Khushi and not all are good. I want you to trust me, show some patience and most of all… do not hide anything from me.”

That’s not enough. I want to know all his dark secrets even if I cannot handle them. Blind trust on any man seems next to impossible for me, especially when that man is the king of the Devils. When I see him moving closer to seal this moment with a kiss, I backoff and run to the stairs.


Arnav’s POV

The Casino is fully packed with players, hookers and armed men protecting Jaipal and me respectively. Shaking hands, me and Jaipal sit across the table of Blackjack.

“It’s my honor to play with you Devil King.”

“If you like losing so much, how can I stop you from playing this game with me?”

My mock makes Jaipal laugh and his golden tooth is visible. How I wish to break that tooth if I ever see it again. After my conversation with Khushi, I didn’t see her again. Maybe she took my words seriously and is now diverting her mind from what happens here in the Casino. I don’t want Khushi to ever be a part of this world in practical sense. She might be the Devil Queen but I want her to stay out of this as much as possible and that’s one of the reasons why I will have to play my cards safe. I know how intrusive Khushi can get into a matter if she wants to find out more. Today, if I hadn’t read her eyes and expressions so well, I would never come to know she had met that cop again. One thing I had to admire in that cop!! He was hell bent to trap me using my wife but I am never going to let that happen. Luckily Aman has ensured that the team of cops who were supposed to be deployed here as players will no longer be present either. Their mission to find the details about all those women has failed miserably.

The dealer shuffles the cards and Jaipal and I place our bets. The game begins. Jaipal is good at this and so am I so the game just goes on and on until there are hardly any outsiders left in the Casino anymore except us and our handful guards. Suddenly one of Jaipal’s guard reaches us and whispers something in his ears to which he is shocked as hell and he rises to his feet.

“Get her.” He commands before turning to me.

“You cheated me.” Jaipal growls and his expression tells me he is not happy about something.

“I don’t cheat Jaipal and this game is not 
over yet.” I snap. My eyes wander towards Jaipal’s men who turn behind as if someone was brought in here.. probably dragged inside. My heart lurches the moment I see who they are dragging inside.. its.. Khushi.. my wife.. .My Devil Queen.. WHAT THE HECK!!

I throw away the cards and rise to my feet.

To be Continued.

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  1. Interesting.. waiting to see the action

  2. Good that Khushi told Arnav the truth but why the hell she went to that place!!! Oh no 🙉 hope its not going to be bad and maybe Arnav might make things in his favour.
    Fabulous update

  3. Hi Madhu! I came across your blog recently. I have no words to describe your writing style. Each each chapter of this FF is amazing - You leave us speechless.

    Regarding Arnav, I don’t know why but I have a gut feeling that he is an Undercover Cop or ACP. Arnav’s character is so mysterious to me. After reading this chapter, I’m damn sure Arnav isn’t what he’s portraying in front of Khushi.

    How come Shyam knows about the red dairy? Something is fishy here :D

    ***I would love to see Arnav as an ACP. 🥰

  4. Hi Madhu! I came across your blog recently. I have no words to describe your writing style. Each each chapter of this FF is amazing - You leave us speechless.

    Regarding Arnav, I don’t know why but I have a gut feeling that he is an Undercover Cop or ACP. Arnav’s character is so mysterious to me. After reading this chapter, I’m damn sure Arnav isn’t what he’s portraying in front of Khushi.

    How come Shyam knows about the red dairy? Something is fishy here :D

    ***I would love to see Arnav as an ACP. 🥰

  5. Is she lost her brain ,when he saying that he is not going to hurt those womens then why don't she trust him.she is ready to put her and arnav life in danger. Why the hell she came here.

  6. Awesome Update. Khushi reached the casino . Now what will Arnav do. Arnav is a good man. He is saving those girls. Shyam is manipulative seems he is putting Khushi in danger. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  7. it looks like khushi is brought as some kind of bait, as the end says she is being dragged. Waiting to see how it unfolds further, for now too much suspense.

  8. Khushi and Buaji were enjoying in the market along with guards whom Arnav allotted for them. Khushi again meet Shyam. Shyam is lieing. It's hard to believe that Arnav is involved in trafficking and all. He is probably saving those girls. Shyam is putting Khushi in danger by involving her. Khushi still trust Arnav. Shyam is manipulative. He may have some misconceptions. Why is Shyam involving Khushi and reminding her of her freedom. Khushi told Arnav everything and Arnav informed Aman. Arnav can't lie to Khushi about hurting woman. Wish he would had told everything to Khushi earlier but he always wanted her to be away from his dark world is. Now Jaipal is misunderstanding Arnav and Khushi is in danger. Hope Jaipal don't hurt Khushi and Arnav saves Khushi. Khushi has really lost her brain. Please give the next part tomorrow. 🙏🙏. Really tensed about Khushi

  9. Oh my! Im on the edge😬😬😬 khushi in the mist of a dark world😥....

    2 things, 1st, i don't think even after the conversation and confession from arnav, khushi wud come here. It just doesn't make sense.
    2nd, even if she did thn where were the bodyguards han! What were they doing! She escaping from under the nose of arnav's security means a big thing. I don't think she wud have manage to fool or bribed anyone of the loyal guards of arnav, abd if she did thn its very dangerous. It also mean that if she can come here all alone thn she can run away too! Or abducted too!.

    Well! Im too curious for the next part, i hope we wud be lucky like YOTBM3 fans who gets 2 updates back to back 🙏🏻.

  10. There is some connection between buaji and Shyam... How come he knows she was sleeping with himm... Okay he know about the jaipal from the external source... But he know where they are, where she is, what she is doing and soo much more...!!! Something is terribly not right...!

  11. Honestly, I'm not liking Khushi here. While I admire her fight for her independence, I feel she is hasty in her actions sometimes. I wonder if she really loves or falling in love with Arnav or not. It's kinda confusing and frustrating at the same time in trying to figure her out. What was she trying to do by following Arnav secretly to the Casino and now she was caught? Arnav told her to trust him and have patience, but I guess that's even too much for her. Wonder how this will turn out in the next chapter.

  12. Oh my god!! It was a mysterious one😁😁 lovely update 🙂🙂🙂 btw when you will update you ought to be mine??today or Monday??

  13. Nice Update. The most thrilling story ever written by you.

  14. Everything is fishy here..

    1. Shyam is aware about jaipal,his plans of girls captured in containers, his office, red diary and even who can go on that top floor.

    2. Even if only women can go on that floor then why shyam wants khushi to go there and get that diary he can send any other woman too as he said his men can't go there.

    3. Khushi came all the way here nobody got to know that by now even buaji?

    4. Devil king is THE KING then how his all plans are out for police to know so easily about his meet with jaipal


    Khushi wanting her freedom from her husband and dark world it cannot be predicted because she is born in the dark world so it is deemed that she is accustomed to such environment like arnav how an outsider knows that she wants to run away from her father and his world and now arnav.

    Other than this I seriously can't believe someone who is born in dark world and somewhat has an idea about what happens there can be as stupid and foolish as khushi. I mean girl do you even know what can happen to you here you want to stay away from your father to be safe and have peace and there you go to save those girls from mafia people without any safety or weapon.

    You can't even kill an insect and then you went ahead to save those girls where you can easily become one of them.

  15. Superb waiting for next part to see the action

  16. Nice update! It’s getting interesting again. Thank you!

  17. Interesting... waiting for more updates on this story...

  18. Khushi is trapped now would be good if she did not come here ..can u please update one more part today of this

  19. "Writer" if possible then please update next part of this ff again,please.

  20. You stopped in cliff hanger. Thank god khushi not try to hide about shyam. But why she came there instead of lots of body guards. Hope arshi will be safe. I hate shyam alooottt.
    Waiting for next update dear

  21. Curiosity kills the cat... Here happening the same... Khushi should have trust Arnav...

  22. Arnav is seriously going to be pissed off noww.. I wonder how did Khushi manage to escape the safe house especially when Arnav knew how Shyam was manipulating her... Hope things go okay between them now and no one is hurt..

    Khushi should have trusted Arnav.. why is she trusting a cop over her husband.. and one more thing as I mentioned in the previous chapter, Arnav needs to open up to Khushi or else he wouldn't be able to her her trust ever.

  23. Nice part ..let's see how arnav deal with khushi now

  24. Oh no they caught Khushi...I hope she has a good reason to explain Jaipal and Arnav. Waiting for the next chapter.

  25. Superb written.. thank goodness Khushi told ASR everything 👍

  26. Superb written.. thank goodness Khushi told ASR everything 👍
