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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 5


Chapter 5

AR Office 

Khushi hears the requirements of the Software that AR is looking for. Arnav Singh Raizada himself is giving her the details and she cannot take her eyes off his face. He is an Angel.. Straight from heaven. He is so passionate about his work. His seriousness in the role makes her heart flutter. He really has the ability to start something of his own is he wants. But he will never do that. He already has this empire to run. She wonders if he always desired to devote his life for his father’s Business or did he dreamed of some other profession?

“So, we need something more scalable and flexible to increase our growing demands. The access to that software will be limited to only the top management of the Company apart from the Finance department” Arnav continues.

Khushi gaze lowers to his lips. They way he licks his lower lip with tongue in between makes me stomach tickle. He has lips to die for. She wonders how many other women who knows him feel the same about them? She is never going to get enough of him. Will she? Arnav soon realizes Khushi is showing more interest in admiring him and paying less attention to whatever he is telling her.

“Are you even listening Khushi?” he scowls. She jerks. “Forget it. We are wasting time here, Aman” he adds.

Khushi swallows hard. She should have been cautious while admiring him so openly.

“Come on Arnav” Aman interrupts. “If you give her the details in so much brief, how is she supposed to understand? And we all know how fast you speak”

Khushi smiles.

“No.. That’s okay. I have got an idea of what exactly AR is looking for”
“You did?” Aman asks impressively. Khushi nods. Though her heart was busy admiring him, her brains have collected sufficient knowledge of what he wants.

“Yes. If you don’t mind, I will make a sample work on this and present to you by the end of this week. If you like it and if the model of the Software is exactly what you are looking for, then you can accept it however you like or I can modifications based on your feedback”

Arnav is unsure if she will be able to sort their problem but he still gives her one chance.

“Let’s see what you get for us then, Khushi. And I will also talk to Dad. I am sure if we really get what we want, we cannot just take that Software for free from you. We will pay you enough price for your hard work. So, when you present us the software sample this weekend, also quote your price”

Khushi frowns. She is doing this for him. Not his Company… She cannot take money for it.  But everyone will be suspicious on her intentions if she doesn’t. Arnav’s secretary, Pam, comes inside with their permission.

“Boss, I have reserved a table for 2 at the Golconda Hotel for 08:00pm tonight under your name. Anything else?”
“No, thanks Pam”
Pam smiles and leaves the cabin. Khushi’s brains start ringing. She looks at Aman who gives Arnav a teasing smile.
“You still have to inform my sister about the timing. She is not very punctual you know” Aman mutters to Arnav who smirks.
“I will message her that. Thanks for reminding”

Khushi gets a hint of what the table reservation is for. So, he and Sheetal are going for a Candle light dinner? She can clearly read he is not interested. His mind is more focused on the present issue of their company and if he is still doing this, it is only under pressure.

“Okay then.. I will leave. I still have to meet Dad for a Coffee” Khushi gets up and extends her hand formally towards Arnav.

Arnav glances at her hand and then looks back in her eyes.

“I thought this was a formal meet” she mumbles.
Arnav rolls his eyes and completes their handshake. She feels goosebumps on her skin, rising too fast at his touch.
“I won’t disappoint you Arnav” she adds.

He hopes that. Even a little step towards success of this Business will satisfy his father and thus make him happy too.

“Let me drop you to the canteen then” Aman suggests.
“Sure” she happily gets out of the cabin with Aman.
“You have a lot of work to do” Aman mutters.
“Yes I have” she agrees. But this is not just the work of the Software but also with respect to the Dinner date of Arnav and Sheetal. She cannot imagine Sheetal trying to lure him. She knows what Sheetal Mathur is capable of and considering how naïve Arnav is, she will have to protect him, at any cost.


Khushi waits for her father’s reactions over the Coffee table when she tells him about the Software.

“I cannot believe this” he exhales. “How can they take your help? You are still new and it’s not that I don’t trust your capabilities and knowledge but this is kind of off work. AR has never got into such informal deals before”

Khushi sips her coffee.

“Dad, ways of doing business is changing. Consider this as some freelance work from me. I might not be employed in AR but I can still help them and seems they are interested in paying me too if they get what they need”

Shashi’s brow furrows.

“What are you achieving out of all this?” he asks.
Khushi gulps. Is her father being suspicious of her favors for Arnav?
“Experience Dad” she replies. “I will add this work in my Resume and it will surely be of help for my job”
Shashi is not convinced.
“All this seems so fishy to me. First you came to India without even letting anyone know. Then you insisted on touring this Office and now you even bagged a freelance deal with them?”

Khushi keeps her mug away and holds his hand.

“Dad, relax. You are taking all of this coincidence to a different level.”

Before he could argue further, his phone beeps. He checks the message and hurries up.
“I have to go with Ayush Sir for another meeting. We will talk about this later”
“Sure. Good day Dad” she smiles and waves at him as Shashi leaves. She realizes how confusing all of this is for her father. But she has no choice. She has to speed up before she loses Arnav Singh Raizada forever.


Golconda Hotel 

Arnav reaches sharp at 08:00 and heads to the Private Dining Area at the Roof Top. The place is reserved only for them. He checks his watch. Sheetal should be here anytime.

“Sir” the manager comes to him. “We will play the music in the background and the Champagne is on the Table. If you need anything, just press the bell button and we will be there to serve you.”

Arnav nods. He realizes they are giving them utmost privacy. He is skeptical about this Dinner date. His mind is racing. He was introduced to Sheetal much after his family was already in her favor. Until then he always had a blur idea of what that woman is through her brother Aman, who also happens to be his buddy. Aman mentioned Arnav about his sister’s list of affairs and how she wasn’t so sure about committing to someone and get settled. So, when his parents put forward her proposal, he was shocked. And what surprised him more was that Sheetal Mathur had already agreed for the marriage.
Before he could gather his thoughts and focus on the present, he is blindfolded. He wants to struggle but she whispers a plea not to. So Sheetal has arrived and she is doing all this to him? Sheetal never gave him such surprises before neither she was a planner of such romantic moments. She only knew to expect it out of him. How did that change today?
A music plays in the background. It was one of his favorites.

"How do you know this is my favorites?" he asks being oblivious of the fact that she has more surprises for him.

She doesn't respond but entwins their fingers, dancing rhythmically with the music. He can smell her perfume, its ecstatic. Her waist where his arm slides is too petite. She has put down weight? She wasn’t so slim when they got engaged. They had danced on their ring ceremony too and she seemed nothing today like she always did. Is this woman Sheetal or someone else he is least expecting??

In a minute, he feels her arms taking his hands behind and tying them with a soft cloth.. a scarf maybe.

“What the” he growls. She silences him again placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Arnav feels his body reacting to her touch. This is not how he had expected the dinner to be.

She leaves him after tying his hands behind.

“Sheetal?” he calls her back but she doesn’t return to him. That’s exactly when he hears the Champagne bottle popped open. He is so much out of focus and control. He wants to see her because somewhere deep in his heart he knows she isn’t Sheetal. But he cannot even ask her directly. What if the woman is really his fiancée? She will have loads of questions for him if he takes that other name?

He feels her hands back on his cheeks as she holds the glass of Champagne she just poured, at his lips. He sips it.

“Untie me” he shouts because he is losing his mind. He wants to see her. She clinks their glasses and gulps her share.
“And take off the damn blindfold” he roars again but to no luck. He is getting hyper and soon loses her touch again.

After exactly one minute he hears the voice of the same Manager.

“Sir, you rang the bell?” the manager asks.
Arnav feels totally out of place.

“Untie me” he shouts.
“Yes.. yes sir” the Manager has no clue whats wrong. He unties Arnav who slides the blindfold from his eyes. He looks around. She is gone.
“where is my Fiancee?” he asks.
“Sorry Sir, we didn’t see anyone coming here”
“What do you mean? She was just here” he gets raged. “She untied me”

The manager blushes.

“Arnav” Sheetal comes inside. “What happened? I came on time, didn’t I?”

Arnav is shocked seeing her. She is wearing pants and the woman who was with him some minutes ago had wore frock. A satin frock, he had felt the satin when he gripped her waist. It cannot be Sheetal. It is impossible for her to change the outfit in 2 minutes.

“You may go” Arnav says to the Manager who promptly leaves.

“You are late Sheetal. I came here at 8:00” he stuffs the scarf which he was blindfolded with in his pockets. He doesn’t want her to know what happened in her absence.
“Late? But the reservation was for 08:30, isn’t it? I had got a call from the Hotel saying they had to postponed it by 30 minutes to accommodate some changes of plans”

Arnav frowns.
“I think they forgot to inform you, that’s why you came early. Anyways. Let’s begin the dinner? I am very hungry” she grins at him and walks to the table where the Champagne bottle is already open and half empty. “Unbelievable” she snaps and turns around. “You opened it without me?”

Arnav chokes.

“I was thirsty.” He lies. He is not in a mood to continue this dinner. But he knows its unavoidable. They take their seats. Sheetal tries to touch his arm when he backs off. “Lets just make it quick. I have some important work to finish”

Sheetal rolls her eyes in anger.

“What else is more important than us, Arnav?” she asks.
Arnav doesn’t respond. Their dinner is served and he very quietly eats it. Sheetal does all the talking. But soon she slows down sensing he is not even reacting to her words.
“Is something wrong? Are you not well?”
“I am fine.” He wipes his lips. “Or maybe not” he realizes that can only be his excuse to head back home.
She sighs in frustration.

“Fine. We will skip the desserts too” she shouts and wraps up the dinner date.
“I will drop you home” he insists.
“No.. I can manage. You get back to whatever is bothering you. We can make this better the next time”

She heads down leaving him alone at the roof top. Arnav takes a minute to calm down and then dials Shashi Gupta who answers him in the second ring itself.

“Hello Sir”
“Mr. Gupta, where is Khushi?” he asks straight to the point.
“Khushi? She is not at home. Actually she has gone to meet her friends.”

Arnav grits his teeth. She lied to her father. She had come to spoil his dinner with Sheetal here.

“I need her number. Message me”

He hangs up, settles the dinner bill and heads back to his car. Shashi Gupta promptly messages him Khushi’s number. He dials her immediately. She doesn’t answer and he decides to leave her a voicemail.

“Khushi.. Call me back. You hear that?” he groans and disconnects the call. She is really screwing his life now and he won’t let that happen.

To be Continued.


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE


  1. Madhu please disclose whether Arnav parents have any other children. Interesting make Arnav marry Khushi and then the actual story should start.

  2. Honestly I know it will be too soon to judge khushi but I have started disliking what this khushi is doing!
    For God's sake she is fully grown up and mature woman and not a mere teen age girl who is still so fascinated with her first crush and can't get over him. Arnav is a human being who have feelings and not object of obsession. Khushi seriously needs to understand this. She is behaving like a little child who is obsessed with her toy Which is Arnav.

    It's really bad!

    I know Arnav isn't interested in Sheetal and but still chose to marry her because of his parents who gave him the life which he is living today. No parents want bad for thier kids and I am sure Arnav's parents are no different! Arnav is sensible and matured to value relationships and sacrifices. Millions of couples in India get married in arranged way like Arnav and Sheetal. It's Thier choice and I don't think so khushi is right to interfere and pursue Arnav when he doesn't want it. It won't be wrong to say khushi is literally stalking him. I know khushi loves him but she needs to deal and handle this situation differently rather than acting like a love sick puppy. Because ultimately it will put her in the bad light in everyone's eyes.

    I can only say that there are more healthy ways to approach a man and show him his mistakes of not following his heart and doing something for a payback sacrificing his own happiness. She needs to trust herself and her love for him.
    I didn't like this dinner date sequence at all. The way she treated Arnav isn't fun and it was an indirect way of dominating someone who also happens to be the man you claim to love! She is also cheating her father and needs to come clear with him.

    It will be more interesting to know about her past with Arnav. Because only then we can truly judge khushi.

  3. I dont know why but I'm not liking this Khushi & whatever she is doing with Arnav in the name of her love... She is actually messing everything for him...

    I didn't get what she achieved by doing whatever she did with Arnav by blindfolding him, having champagne with him, kissing him without his knowledge & permission... This way she is only adding on to his dislike & hatred for her.. I didn't understand her intentions behind ruining his dinner date ... I won't be surprised if he blasts on her & says cutting words for this.. She has actually done worth getting earful from him...

    For me Arnav is clear in his decision for marrying Sheetal unless he himself shows any sign of liking Khushi.. Till then Khushi will be kind of forcing herself on him in the name of her love..

  4. Khushi is intelligent. I really love that. But I don't like what khushi is doing. I don't appreciate it as a girl. Because arnav likes her not he is engaged to another girl. Sheetal good or bad is another girl. I don't like when a girl destroys another girls life forgetting that the same thing can happen to her one day too. This khushi disgusts me. Honestly I never thought I will despise khushi. Our khushi NOt like this and the message she is giving also not good. This not our khushi. Our khushi can be innocent, ruthless, childish but never a breaker of a marriage. She is always kind and selfless. Even when she is selfish she won't do such silly disgusting things.

    I told this earlier too. It's OK if she is running behind arnav if he is single. Or at least if he has feelings for her. It's very clear that he doesn't have feelings for her. So it's disgusting. Sorry di. But this khushi is a shame for all the girls. I just hate this khushi character!

    1. I never thought this from Sheetal's approach. Khushi's intentions are good but her ways are wrong! She shouldn't forget that Arnav isn't her personal property! Rightfully now he belongs to Sheetal and its khushi who shouldn't mess with them!

    2. Yeah. I mean we still don't know how Sheetal is. But seems like her character is neutral. So khushi should wait. She can play it nicely. With some patience. Intruding someone else's date is not acceptable. That's rude. We know arnavs character was always like that. And it's not that I don't like khushi forcing herself on arnav. Khushi was like that in raizada god's. But there arnav was single. Here arnav isn't. At least we still didn't get to see any reaction from him other than warning khushi to stay away from him. We are readers. So we can see if he has some soft corner for khushi. But up-to this we didn't. Not even in the past. He is doing this for his adoptive family. And they are selfish too. Who wants to have deals and here they bind their adoptive son with an unwanted marriage.
      That's why I don't like this khushi. Initially I thought arnav had feelings for her. But it's clear he doesn't. So she should have made him understand instead of disrupting a date like that. It's disgusting

  5. This is the first of your ff's im not liking it...madhu im very big fan of your ffs...sorry dear

  6. Awesome.. I love khushi character because she think about good well .. arnav destinies dream because adopt parents,,.. awesome written.. love love knushi character so different.. keep up ..

  7. Awesome Update. Khushi is smitten by Arnav but is choosing the wrong way to get him. And Arnav is very much concerned about his family .Khushi thinks she is protecting Arnav but is earning negative points for herself. She likes Arnav but this liking is turning into obsession for her. Sheetal is surely not the right partner for Arnav .Is Arnav's parents aware of Sheetal or just because he is adopted they are making him settled with Sheetal. I fear Khushi will now get a dose of Arnav'should anger.Aman is going to play an important role in the love story.

  8. So cute! We have seen Arnav chasing n dominating Khushi till now.
    For a change, Khushi is doing that role now.
    Arnav is committing a very big blunder over here.
    Despite knowing Khushis intentions n Sheetals modern views abt marriage n its associated responsibilities , he is going ahead.
    He is thinking by sacrificing his desires, he would bring utmost happiness to his adopted parents.And which is going to be a disaster
    How come Arnavs parents select Sheetal as raizada bahu or Arnavs soulmate?
    Even Khushi is not playing a fair game.
    Instead of playing with Arnavs emotions unexpectedly and making him helpless, she should confront him.face to face, disclose her real intention of making him as her soulmate, and attack him openly with her intelligence n smart moves.
    Even she should give Arnavs Mom a reality check that girls from middle class families do have calibre to be a part of the elite society
    Khushi Daava bole dho And bring ur ASR or Arnav moves to counter attack Khushi.

  9. what story is some of them reading. i dont get it. if this was arnav doing things to khushi, even then we were have been patient to read and wait for how it unfolds. Just because it is a girl, everyone is jumping and disliking the story. Im liking it. Cos its different from the usual childlike or serious Khushi we are used to. Arnav reacted to the kiss. So dont tell me he is completely uninterested. He is affected by her. And Khushi is trying to lead him back to her life. But her ways are not conventional and maybe not right too. But she has little time so she is resorting to all these. Yes, Arnav will probably scold her and tell her to mind her own business. But isnt Arnav cheating his own feelings too? A good question Khushi raised. Does he even like his own profession or is it to impress his parents too? Similarly, he feels nothing for Sheetal. Sheetal even has explored relationships. But im sure Arnav hasnt. In fear of his parents most probably.

    1. I have been reading Madhuri's fiction s from since long and I don't remember anyone supported a dominant ASR ever in her fictions especially In Rabba Ishq Na Hove Season 1 and Imposed Vows as far as I remember! It's not a gender issue! I don't mind girls proposing boys first and taking lead in Thier relationship. But the way you do it matters! The only problem is with the ways khushi is trying to win Arnav as if he is a trophy! That's bad!

    2. You cannot win love by force! Hope khushi understand this!

    3. Same here. I have been a long time follower too. In stories like rabba ve ishq na hove s1, arnav characterisation remains intact till the end even though he becomes softer. Similarly, khushi here is the bold one while arnav is more docile esp towards his parents. I have enjoyed that FF too and would love to read a dominant Khushi for a change. Esp when Khushi already knows Arnav and has a past with him unlike the other FF. Lets not rush and let Madhu do her writing as she knows best and im sure she will do a great job with this too.

    4. This story is just progressing.
      Both Arnav n Khushi are playing with their emotions.
      Despite knowing the consequences of a failed marriage, Arnav is going ahead.
      And Khushi is hell bent upon showing the reality to Arnav
      Its like stretching a rubber band from both the ends.

    5. We are not being gender biased here... Atleast I have never been one... I have bashed Arnav equally where he has been dominant, wrong & forceful on Khushi, be it Madhu's completed stories or ongoing ones like Badtameez & Wedlock... Here I feel Khushi is wrong so I'm pointing out towards her... Once story clears about their past or Arnav having any positive feelings for Khushi then my views might change for her accordingly..

    6. Its work in progress! I know. This story would have taken a different turn if we got to know that in the past Arnav and khushi were in a relationship and they parted ways. But it's not the case here!

      Just for a second imagine khushi in Sheetal's place and Sheetal in khushi's place and I am sure those who are liking this khushi would have bashed Sheetal like hell for stalking Arnav. We would have said that give this arranged marriage a chance just because it was about arshi and we would have hated Arnav for ignoring khushi or showing no interest in marriage. That's what the reality is! The only thing is it's a arshi story and we justify both of them even when they are stupid or can't be justified!

    7. But Sheetal is clearly a wrong choice for Arnav. She had many affairs, had no plans to commit yet when this proposal was taken to her she immediately agreed. Isn't it too fishy? Even aman, her own brother felt she isnt a right choice. Plus arnav had tried to be romantic but it just doesn't work with her. Putting all these together, i am saying Sheetal isn't the best choice and seeing how arnav reacts to khushi, they should end up together and khushi is trying. Even if its not the best methods

  10. I completely support and agree with what Khushi is doing. If one love and want a person in his/her life then they should at least try to get him/her in life. Arnav is sensible and smart but he's emotionally weak. He will never go against his parents wish and approach another woman neither appreciate another woman's advances. He's clearly reluctant in marrying Sheetal but he's still doing it coz of his parents. He's giving up his happiness and peace for his parents. While Khushi happen to realize that. I'm sure there must be more story with Arnav before Khushi flee to London.

    Nd about Arnav disliking all these acts are absolutely normal. But deep down it's more like avoiding a strom coz he knows she is capable of doing so which is also clearly a sign of weakness. He knows that he may fall weak for her. In fact he was so mesmerized with her eyes during his engagement that he got so desperate to find the owner of those eyes instead of concentrating on his fiance. So what does that imply??

    Ultimately, Arnav is completely sidelining his happiness for the sake of his parents and Khushi happen to know that Nd also she knows in and out of him so well. So if she is taking an initiative to kill two birds with one stone as in getting her love and also making Arnav listen to his heart then what's wrong in it?? If a man would do that to a woman he would have been called her knight in a shinning armour but since It's a woman it's hard to digest and accept.

    Anyway I loved it. Awesome update

  11. Read all the parts in a go, but it is too early to judge Kushi. Definitely its a beautiful FF with a different concept but should have patience for the up coming parts. Anyway Arnav is not interested in Sheetal its just a compromise he is doing for his parents . So let's wait

  12. nice one ,What a bold movement Khushi!!she is crazy

  13. Khushi knows how to mess Arnav, but I think the real issue will be with Arnav's mom.

  14. Honestly, I don't know whether I like this khushi or not. If ASR has feelings for her and not recognizing is fine. But forcing him to love her is wrong. Many people out there had arranged marriages.

  15. Very different plot & utterly different characterization from the usual Arshi we know. Of course when you write a number of FFs on the same pair , you don't want the repetition of the story or the same characterization of the leads. Otherwise there is no point attempting to write a different story. And many fictions were written on Arshi with different plots....with them having different partners before they get together...or Arnav being very negative...more than the original we know of, or very soft & goody Arnav etc...but mostly Khushi is always portrayed as a positive, selfless character..please note MOSTLY. Ofcourse very few stories have her in a different light... selfish, stubborn or rarely negative.

    In here we are getting a positive Khushi but with a different approach than her usual...first being - she is the one pursuing Arnav , that too in an aggressive way against his consent.

    Her motive is clear to understand..that she loves him & wants to make him accept her as she knows Sheetal isn't right for him. But she is hurrying in her attempts to make Arnav fall for her as she feels time is running out before Arnav marries Sheetal . In all this, she is forgetting he might have a reason for agreeing to this marriage..whether right or wrong. She only knows that Arnav is not marrying out of love...that too her assumption observing Arnav around Sheetal.

    By hurrying & forcing herself on Arnav to gain his love, she is only jeopardising her chances with Arnav and even making him pushing her further away in repulsion. Yes Arnav feels for her in his heart...but these feelings of his can't be brought out by force.

    There might even be a danger of Arnav preponing his marriage with Sheetal simply to get rid of Khushi from his life or he might get afraid of not making his parents happy if he is unable to control his feeligs for Khushi, thus doesn't want to wait for the 6 months gap he initially thought for the marriage...just to avoid any unwanted situations to arise. Then what will she do? Has she thought of this possibility happening? Is she prepared for any scenario ?

    Instead of confronting Arnav directly to let him know that her feelings for him didn't change (as it was understood that she expressed her love before & he chose to ignore thinking it being a teenage hormonal crush) and that it's just not attraction or crush but love and try to find his reasons for his marriage, his choice of the girl .

    I highly doubt Arnav chooses to confide in her about his reasons...but she can get it by befriending Aman tactfully. Once she knows his reasons, then she can try to confront him with her feelings and show how wrong it is to compromise with something as pious as marriage for the sake of gratitude & how unfair not only for him but also for Sheetal.
    Once he is convinced , I'm sure Arnav tries to do the right thing as he also feels for Khushi secretly.

    All in all getting to see a different Khushi with her different tactics. As expressed in my previous feedback, Shahi must've known something about Khushi's feelings for Arnav for him to be so suspicious of her each & every move where Raizadas are concerned.

    Looking forward to know their past and what happens next. Cheers !

  16. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it

  17. It's very early to judge Khushi, when Arnav also has feelings for Khushi. May be he doesn't say it but his reaction to Khushi says it all. On the otherhand, Sheetal has zero effect on Arbav. Arnav is emotionally weak character. He Does not have guts to go against his adoptive parents due to his gratitude towards them. I feel thats why he is not reactive towards Khushi. Whearas, he knows that Khushi has that capability to make Arnav feel towards her. It means he also feeks something. May be that's why Khushi is behaving like that.
    However, I suggest, Khushi should come out open and declare that her crush has converted into love and challenge Arnav's feelings. She shouldn't behave like a low moral girl, destroying another girl's marriage. The onus should fall upon Arnav. Arnav should break this marriage not Khushi. She should be the catalyst though. I suggest Khushi to become rebel but in open not conspiring behind like she did on the date. She should have the courage to come face to face of Arnav, why blindfolding him?? If she believes in her love why not declare it??

  18. Can we have precap for badtameez !!!

  19. Awesome update. I know many of them are not liking Khushi's character, but I would say she is intelligent and has the never give up attitude. She may be pursuing Arnav and make him fall in love with her and she is definitely trying her all ways to make Arnav realize his mistake. And Arnav does now what he is doing and doesn't want to be selfish and hence he is willing to marry Shetal against his wishes for his family. But how long will such relationship survivie where there is no love, care and happiness and that is what Khushi is trying to make him aware of and probably there is some history between Khushi and Arnav before she went to London, and based on that she is 100% confident that he can never be happy with Shetal and make him fall in love, revive his feelings which he is hiding for her . Everything is fair in love and war. I love this Khushi!!!

  20. By awesome update. Loved it. Loved this Khushi. Her way of spoiling the date is wrong. But I appreciate her efforts to get her love when she clearly knows that he's doing this marriage without love. I'm damn sure Khushi will backoff if he's loving Sheetal wholeheartedly. She is not that kind of a woman to snach others love. Hope this incident won't create more hate towards her from his side. And waiting to know how Khushi is going to handle this situation.

  21. I take all the stories as mere fictions ....every thing is imagination ,I love to enjoy the drama ...
    I have only one request ....At end it should be only ARSHI together forever .

  22. I am not judging Khushi but it seems to be totally unfair to sheetal...

  23. Oh man I m loving this khushi … please don't separate them in any case …

  24. Omg....this part really awesome Madhu. You amazed me with your writing skills.
    I practically felt that the blindfold episode is happening around me. I am very eager to know Arshi conversation

  25. Plz disclose y arnuv hates khushi so much...... I just want to see arnuv khushi together..... if arnuv is wrong let hm suffer....... I want khushi to he happy

  26. Wow wow i really like this khushi, i dont know why some people judging khushi"s character if arnav in RINH can kidnap khushi and celebrate her birthday by blindfolding her why cant khushi, every son has right to take decision on his marraige why cant arnav, my first thought about his parents wasnt good but im waiting to story to unfold, arnav is forever great ful that they accept his as a child but they are exceping too much from him

  27. I will not judge khushi right or wrong until her POV and arshi past revealed . But sad for Arnav , He is making his life more complicated . Following his father business (without giving to his interest and likes) , Thinking about his parents wish and dreams for 24*7 and marrying sheetal .
    Everyone are using arnav according to their wish . I'm damn sure sheetal aso has her own selfish reason .
    Poor soul . Hope he decide about his life soon .

    waiting for next update dear .

  28. Superb update..loved the way khushi understand him so well..

    He us doing things or say living his life under obligation...

    Oh wow that was khushi which came... looking forward

  29. Madhu.... plz plz update the next part if this story part 6 PLZZZZZZZZZ I CANT WAIT FR THE NEXT UPDATE.....


  30. Super.. I like Khushi in this story.. waiting to see their cute fights..

  31. Wonderful update loved it too much
    Khushi know Arnav very well
    Let's see till when Arnav will able to hide his feelings for her
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  32. Awesome update..
    I like khushi in this story
    Something different..

  33. SUPERB UPDATE Madhu :) ...So Arnav didnt saw who tied him and and dance with him but he directly guess it was man...Just a KISS on cheek his body start reacting and he said he doesnt like Khushi...What a lie man...This Khushi is totally different and whatever she's doing need a lots of courage which has...But with Arnav behaviour she will get hurt badly and that will break her for sure...which will make her return back and that day MR ARNAV will realise his LOVE and FEELING for her...And it will be tough for him WIN her back...As for Shashi as a Father he definitely know his daughter in and out and that why he's little worried for her and he doesnt want her to get into something which will break or hurt her.... Great going Madhu...Waiting for next part...

  34. Awesome update.. loved this kushi ;)

  35. Firstly I felt whatever Khushi is doing it is annoying but Sheetal no better. There could some valid reasons for Khushi to behave in this manner.
    This story is really getting interesting as the updates unfolds... maybe a childhood flashback would justify Khushi's actions and Arshi's growing up days... superb update with cliffhanger 😉

  36. Awesome update. Khushi is very different here and I like her. I know the way she is approaching things towards Arnav is not correct but she is in love and everything is fair in love and war. For her to deal with akadu Arnav is not less than a war. I really wants to know what happened between them before she left the country. I think Shashi also aware of his daughter’s intentions. Waiting for Khushi’s reaction on the voice mail.

  37. omg... arnav is going to be very angry... khushi is really crossing her line...
    i really want to know the back ground story... like why is khushi soo obsesed with arnav..

  38. Do not like Khushi's ways here...this is not love but obsession...what if sheetal was in Khushi's place and vice nobody wouldve liked it.....This is on so many levels wrong...Khushi is bring selfish ...not thinking of the bigger picture
