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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 41


Chapter 41

Khushi doesn’t remember when he kissed her again, all she recalls was that he was stroking her lips to wipe off the coffee. The sound of something falling in Shikha’s bedroom breaks their lip lock and Khushi bites her lip in annoyance for the interruption.

“Shikha can be really messy with her things” she replies meeting her husband’s eyes still full of passion for her. He rolls his eyes and then hooks his arm around her waist and leads her out. They are already late to meet Anjali and Shyam.


Jha House

“Chotte?” Anjali jumps off the couch to greet her brother as soon as he enters in with Khushi. She runs into his arms and he hugs her back with the same warmth.
“How are you doing Di?”
“I am good… But when did you come? And why weren’t we informed?”

Nani comes out from her room and is equally surprised. What is Arnav doing in San Francisco?

“Khushi… did you know?” Anjali asks.
“No Di. He didn’t tell me either”
“Saale Sahab” Shyam heads out of the Kitchen. He was making Tea for Nani. Ever since Nani has come here, it is Shyam’s duty to make that special authentic Indian masala tea for her.
“Jeeju.” Arnav hugs Shyam who pats his back.
“This is such a pleasant surprise” Shyam mutters. “We were missing you. Why didn’t you come along with Nani?”
“I decided it all later” he replies.

Khushi keeps staring at everyone as they greet her husband. This family loves him so much and he really shares a great bond with them.

“Chotte.. If you didn’t let anyone know about your visit, how did you come with Khushi here?” Nani interrupts.
Arnav and Khushi share a quick glance.
“I met her last night and that’s how we decided to come here straight in the morning” Arnav replies.

The Jha couple understands the reason but Nani is unable to believe that he first met his wife and then decided to see them.
“Nani” Anjali interjects. “This Husband-Wife are seeing each other after 6 months. Obviously, Chotte had to meet Khushi first and then us”

Arnav smiles at his Sister’s explanation which actually matches his reasons to see Khushi first than others. But also, he cannot forget how much his wife tempted him to see her last night. And that temptation led them a lot closer than before.

The baby starts crying in the other room.

“She got to know her Uncle is here, probably” Anjali says. “Come Chotte, meet your Niece” she drags Arnav in the baby’s room. Khushi follows them inside.

Ruhi is in the cradle. She is delicate but tall for a 3 month baby. He had seen her in the video calls before with Anjali but seeing the baby face to face is so different.

“She is beautiful” Arnav murmurs closing his distance to the cradle.
Anjali proudly smiles as Arnav touches Ruhi’s nose and caresses her cheeks lovingly. Khushi is just observing her husband. Who said he hates kids around? He is so gentle around Ruhi. The moment Ruhi feels her uncle’s touch, she stops crying and pouts her lips.

“Oh God. That’s exactly what she does when Khushi touches her” Anjali says.
Arnav smirks giving a quick sneak peek to his wife.
“Will you take her in arms?” Anjali asks.
“I hope she doesn’t cry”
“She wont”

Anjali carries Ruhi out of the cradle and hands her gently to Arnav. He holds her close to his body and then kisses her forehead.

“She is the sweetest baby I have seen so far” he praises.
“But she is very naughty at night. Doesn’t sleep at all”
“Does she?” he swings her in his arms, without moving his gaze from the baby.
Ruhi puts a quick smile on her lips and keeps staring at him.
“I think she likes you already Chotte”
“I hope so” he kisses her again and this time on her soft pink cheek.

Khushi had been observing keenly all of this, and her heart fills with joy. She always wondered how Arnav-Ruhi’s first interaction will be and she finally saw it.


It’s been an hour now. Arnav denies for more Coffee as he already had one at Khushi’s place. Anjali can sense the two behaving abnormally today. While the two are sitting opposite to each other, she can see how much they want to escape for some time and be together. This is what she had always wanted to see.. the love . the passion.. the need for each other..

“You are leaving tomorrow? That’s unfair Chotte” Anjali mutters angrily. “I don’t know.. just postpone your stay. Please”

Arnav looks at Khushi who pouts, as if requesting the same.

“Di.. Its not in my hand this time. A lot of people are involved in the meeting and they have already left for Cape Town. I have to reach by tomorrow evening there”

Shyam sighs in disappointment.

“That means we should not be eating his and Khushi’s only time to be together for today Rani Saheba.. The couple needs to go out and chill, without us”

Khushi feels shy again but she maintains a cool and unaffected look on her face, just to make sure they feel she is okay with whatever they suggest. But internally, she wants that time with Arnav.. she has so much to talk.. share..

“I will take Khushi out today evening. Until then I am here with you all” Arnav replies.
“That’s a great plan” Anjali agrees.
“Saale Sahab.. You said Khushi’s father is here too”
“Yes.. He is on way.. Reaching in few minutes here”

Khushi holds her breath. She has to take her father at her place. She can show him her house and also talk to him in private.

Ruhi cries again. As usual, Khushi rushes to calm her down. Anjali notices Arnav’s need to see how Khushi manages it.

“You can go see them” she whispers in her brother’s ears.

Arnav gives her a lopsided smirk and gets up to leave to the room.

“Aww.. What happened to my angel? Saw a dream? Did you?” Khushi swings Ruhi, talking to her in a changed tone.”

Ruhi stretches herself in the cradle, trying to touch her.
“Want me to carry you? Okay.. there you go” she gently carries Ruhi in her arms. Arnav watches all of this and strides to them.
“You handle her so well” he praises.
“Learnt few techniques from Di” she grins.

Arnav slowly wraps his arms, embracing them both from behind Khushi.
“What are you doing Ruhi’s Uncle?” Khushi queries holding her blush.
“Cuddling the two angels of my life” he whispers in her ears.
She giggles at the mention of the term Angel.
“Angels don’t tempt devils for a Kiss” she teases.
“Did you just call me a Devil, Ruhi’s Aunt?” he frowns and turns her around. Ruhi is sandwiched between the two now, but she is still comfortable and yawning with her eyes wide open to see what her Uncle and Aunt are up to.
“I did.. What will you do?” she asks in a challenging tone.

Arnav holds her chin and draws it closer to his lips.
“Ruhi is watching” she murmurs.
“I don’t care” he hardly finishes that sentence, and his lips captures hers, but for a very brief period as the doorbell rings.
“Your father is here” he gets serious again and so does Khushi.


Shashi Gupta meets Khushi who hugs him tight. He gets emotional too but suppresses it because the whole Raizada family is watching them and he doesn’t want to spoil their mood.

“I am so proud of you baby” he says kissing Khushi’s head and then slides his arm around her waist, turning to Anjali and Shyam. “You both have assisted my daughter in everything. I cannot repay that ever”
“Uncle” Anjali interrupts. “Khushi is part of our family. And we always watch each other’s back in the family, don’t we?”
“That’s kind of you Anjali. But really, getting a family like yours for Khushi has been the first best decision of my life”

Nani has no grudges against Shashi Gupta but she doesn’t have much to talk to him either. She joins their discussions though and shows she is a part of it too.

“It was Arnav’s idea to get me here and I really couldn’t deny him. I wished to meet Khushi too. So we came here. But tomorrow we got to leave” he adds.
“Yes, Arnav told us that. But Uncle, why did you both stay in a hotel? Chotte and you can stay with us”
“No Di.. The Hotel is near to the Airport plus its hardly a matter of one night” Arnav replies.

Anjali frowns but then agrees to the reasons he provides.  Shashi meets Ruhi too and plays with her for some time. He even shares few of Khushi’s naughtiness when she was younger, which even Khushi didn’t knew so far. They have lunch together where Anjali once again doesn’t stop praising Khushi’s cooking skills. Though Arnav and Shashi don’t get to taste Khushi’s cooking, they are fed with enough commendations on how well she cooks.

“DI.. I will take Dad to my house for a while.”
“Sure” Anjali nods. “What about Arnav?”
“I will stay here Di” Arnav replies. He doesn’t want to interrupt the father-daughter talks. Khushi smiles back at him for understanding.

Shashi and Khushi heads back to Khushi’s house.


After showing Shashi her Company accommodation which Khushi shares with Shikha, they both settle down on the couch in living room.

“You and Arnav are getting along well with each other, aren’t you?” Shashi asks. “He was telling me how much you have changed to a better woman he didn’t knew before”

Khushi smiles. Her husband is full of praises for her.

“Dad, I didn’t get you here to talk about me and Arnav. I want you to talk about your Divorce matter”

Shashi stiffens.

“What is left to talk about it, Khushi? Didn’t we do that already?”
“We did and I feel you are taking a wrong step”
Shashi sighs.
“I don’t think so”
“Kyle alone is not at fault. And she was never at fault as your wife”
“She kept me busy for her. She knew I was ignoring my daughter but she did nothing about it. I wanted her to be your mother Khushi and she just chose to be my wife and neglect you”
“No one can take Maa’s place in my life Dad. And I expect nothing from Kyle. All I know is that she loves you and you both have shared so many years of your life together. Only because now you realize the mistakes you towards me, doesn’t mean you push her out of your life. She stood by you in times of low and high. You should not forget that”

Shashi continues to disagree.

“Khushi. I have come here see you.. to talk about you.. Let’s not discuss the Divorce” he requests.

Khushi holds his hand.

“Me and Arnav did the same mistake a year ago by not handling our marriage maturely but we learnt from our mistakes Dad. And now we realize how much lucky we are to get another chance to set this right. Just like you repented for ignoring me Dad, I don’t you to repent later on not taking the right decision at the right time. Save your marriage dad. Kyle might not be a good mother but she was a good wife to you. She loves you and I know you love her too. Don’t punish her because she doesn’t like me.”

Shashi doesn’t utter a word and continues to be adamant. Khushi realizes that he is not going to show any interest in her advices, forget changing his decision on Divorce. She has to find some other way.


Shashi heads back to Hotel after spending some more time with Khushi. Arnav as promised, picks Khushi up at evening and takes her out for Dinner. They order the food and slowly Khushi starts sharing what conversation she had with Shashi today. Arnav keeps listening. He feels sad for Khushi’s failed attempt and wants to do something to help her more. Only if there was another way.

“Kyle is my last hope now. I will talk to her tomorrow” Khushi adds.

Arnav nods, he has been quiet and she is doing all the talking. When she realizes that she feels totally guilty.

“What I am talking? You are leaving tomorrow, we met after 6 months, I should talk about us and instead I am just dumping all my family issues on you. I am so sorry” she looks down apologetically.

Arnav presses her hand and pulls her chin up, to meet his eyes again.

“You are sitting with me, I can see you, hear your voice, that’s all what matters” he replies.

Once again, he manages to steal her heart by his words.

“Where had you hidden these good husband traits in you all these years?”
Arnav smirks.
“The same place where you had hidden your real self, Khushi”

She doesn’t understand it so he explains her.

“You were always so matured and thoughtful about others, more than I am. But all this was hidden so far because you wore the mask of ignorance and carelessness only because you didn’t get enough love from the people you deserved. And see now…  cannot believe I married the same woman who is so confident, kind, selfless”

Khushi’s eyes sparkle with joy again. Last night when they kissed, she didn’t want to think anything beyond the attraction they have for each other but she has to admit one thing now. She has never met a man like Arnav Singh Raizada before. He made mistakes but when he realized them, he worked on them and made a huge difference. If their relationship today is progressing, it is only because he decided to put efforts on it. She wouldn’t have given a thought to continue their marriage otherwise. And the good thing about all of this is, he didn’t even ask her in these 6 months if she is happy to extend the relationship or not.? If she will love him some day or not? Probably that was never required. The way they communicated, their feelings, emotions were conveyed to each other through their words, their longing for each other and it all became evident when they met last night.

Neither of the two understand how long they have been gazing at each other when the Waiter comes back to their table.

“Would you like to order some more desserts Sir?” the waiter intervenes.
“Bill please” Arnav replies taking out his card. The waiter leaves.

Khushi sighs in discontent. It’s time for them to leave. It’s very late. Arnav pays the bill and then they walk out. Khushi entwines their fingers the moment they reach the car. He stops and turns back to her. She looks disappointingly at him and he knows why. It’s time he drops her back to her apartment while he drives to the Hotel again and fly to Cape Town the next morning. But he wants to ask her something.. for once. And it’s the right time.

“Will you stay with me tonight?” he whispers.

Khushi swallows hard, her gaze intact on his.

“I was waiting for you to ask me this” she replies.
Arnav’s gaze narrows. He doesn’t question her anything, neither she asks for any assurance of what the agenda of tonight will be. They both decide to wait and see what time and this night has stored for them. He opens the car door for her and she gets inside. Arnav starts the engine and drives them to Hotel Goldman.

To be Continued



  1. Amazing such an emotional update

  2. lovely
    a complete perfect family wala update

  3. Madhu ur purposely doing this u end the update in a sport that are imagination run a mile per scn my poor heart can't take this it's not going 'lub dub' its going what's Arshi's up to what's Arshi's up to evey scn

    1. Agree... Btr was not to post back to back update now how can we survive.. Hotel room n Arshi.. Want to think Romance but Ramadan Astagphirullah.. Aesa kon karta hai

  4. glad u kept ur promise intact. Was waitng for this update eagerly.. I knw its a looong one.. But still i cant get enough of this one... I was literally praying while reading to not end it sooon :(

  5. Awesome Update. Arnav took a lot of time to understand the real Khushi but better late than never. Arnav's introduction with Ruhi is so cute.Khushi maturedly made Shashi understand she is really proved to be a good daughter though Shashi Gupta failed in fulfilling his responsibility towards her. Arshi relationship has truely progressed beautifully.

  6. Awesome update. I loved Arnav's first meet with Ruhi and all the lovely Arshi moments. The distance and time has really helped them a lot and they have come a long way from where they were when they last met. Nani still seems doubtful about Khushi, hope she also changes her mind with time.
    Shashi seems quite adamant in his decision. Hope talking with Kyle will bring about a fruitful change. Kyle may not have been a good mother but she was a good wife to Shashi and now that he has suddenly realized his mistake its not fair to just dump all the blame on Kyle alone and break off ties with her. They both were equally responsible for hurting Khushi all these years and Shashi should own it up.
    The dinner date was lovely. They finally got to spend quality time with each other without any disturbances. The night is still young and Khushi has agreed to spend the nighy with Arnav.. lets see what the night holds for them.
    As always my greedy self is already waiting for it next update lol

  7. Wonderful beautiful update madhu

  8. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv

  9. Beautiful update...... loved it.... Arnav's meeting with Ruhi was adorable.... He is becoming a perfect Husband.... Shashi is making the same mistake he had done with khushi... it's not Kyle's mistake she kept him busy... he should have find out time for his daughter

  10. Amazing update dear. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  11. I hope they take the next step in their marriage soon

  12. Not fair.My heart is beating so fast wondering what would happen awesome update
    When will you update the next part eagerly waiting

  13. This is not done yar...
    After this cliffhanger how will we wait for next update?...

  14. Twist in the tale again, especially with the last part. Apart from that everything was so smooth and lovely. They are handling everything with utmost care and maturity. Superb hai. Looking forward to the night. Cheers

  15. such a beautiful chapter once again...loving the lovey dovey doos <3
    can't wait to read more of them loveys

  16. Awesome how Arnav’s first meet with the way he wants to see how Ruhi’s aunt is going to handle her. Pyaar ke kuch pal, Anjali and Shyam are understanding couple who understood their brother and sister in law’s need. Got emotional when Shashi met Khushi in Anjali’s house. Love father and daughter’s conversation and Khushi handled it maturely. Madhu you purposely stopped at the wrong time. Good that they both are spending night together.

  17. I loved the update alot 😍😘❤👌 It was sweet lovely and Perfect family time update 😍😘❤👌 ... Loved the first meet of arnav and Ruhi it was soo cute😍😘 and And also loved arnav khushi and Ruhi's part it was superb cute too see that scene 😍😘 arnav is Becoming the Dream and perfect husband day by day 😍❤ anjali amd Shyam r soo understanding 😍😘 ... Khushi and shashi meet was filled with love and soo much of emotions for eachother and how maturedly khushi talked with his father abt his divorce ... And arnav and khushi's dinner date was soo romantic ❤👌 and last part wen arnav asked khushi will she come with him to hotel that Best part of the update which khushi already want him to ask her 😍❤❤ ... Ahh !! Madhu y do u end at the main point yar 😞 plezs it asap will be waiting for it eagerly yar 😄

  18. First of all thank you for the back to back updates Madhuri. The story is progressing so beautifully with both Arnav & Khushi working towards their marriage, (Arnav be precise),learning from their mistakes. Right way to go. In this update Khushi comes across actually like a woman falling for her husband by not only accepting his invitation of staying together for the night but also admitting that she is awaiting the same. Hopefully she admits to loving him before they consummate as Arnav deserves that for all his efforts & his love for her.

    As guessed Khushi will try to speak to Kyle to reconcile with her father and my guess is Kyle not only agrees as she loves Shashi but also start developing a soft corner for Khushi for her efforts in spite of being ignored by both her father & step mother. Though she might not love khushi, she might appreciate her efforts & be cordial to her from now on at least.

    Again as guessed Nani was not happy that Arnav met Khushi before meeting the rest of the family but Anjali put her in her place. As a matured elder, the lady should be happy that her grandson's marriage is back on the track & stop hating Khushi so much. If Khushi did mistakes before , then so did her grandson. With all the good changes she is witnessing in Khushi & how it's making Arnav happy...Nani should accept & let them be.

    Looking forward to what unfolds next. Cheers !

  19. Such a romantic update ❤😍

  20. I still can't get enough of this fic it's one of my favs by far. I love that scene where arnav met ruhi for the first time it was really sweet.😍😍😍😍
    Shashi is out here making the same mistake khushi did it's not Kyle's fault that you couldn't be a good father it's all your fault bcuz khushi is YOUR daughter and YOU should've find the time to do YOUR fatherly duties.
    God that ending girl you know how to get my heart racing like what is going to happen next eagerly awaiting to know.
    All in all fantastic update ❤❤❤❤

  21. So proud of khushi … arshi romance coming next … I really like the way Arshi taking time for their expressions

  22. I just love this story....... Slowly gradually and romantically they are falling in love.... just loved it

  23. Such a beautiful update
    Loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  24. Fabulous update. Looks nice to see Arnav and Khushi together as lovely husband and wife. So Madhu are we going to expect some romantic moments of them !! 🤔😜

  25. Love how things getting sorted out in khushis life. Arnav and Anjalis love changed her for good. Specially Anjali.

  26. Awesome, you ended where we wanted more, hopefully we will get more in next update

  27. I was picturing the exact scene when Barun will hold his baby for the first time in reality .
    His wife pashmeen is pregnant with their first child ...
    The update was superb ,beautiful and emotional in a loving way .

  28. The night is young for Arshi....wish u didn't update Wedlock today and that too with a Cliffhanger Di..... Arrrghhh....can't wait for the next part....��

  29. Nice update.. eger to know what happenes next

  30. i just love this story...
    i also feel what sashi is doing is not right... what khushi told is true... kyle never loved khushi.. but she loved sashi truly...

    arnav and khushi .. i am loving this cute romance..waIting...waiting.. for next update

  31. Awesome written I loved Arnav character .. he is such awesome man.. not rushing with every things.. rushing doesn’t help relationship actually breaks up .. take time build relationships last long..

  32. Waiting updates love me love no waiting for updates love concept Ff Khushi Character is best

  33. Very nice...
    Loved the way khushi spoke to her father.. now arshi time

  34. Khushi is being overly good to her father, being elders they never tried to mend her with arnav but now she is trying to help her father to save his marriage, shashi and Kyle don't deserve khushi kindness
